• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,616 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 7 - Surveying the Damage

Arc carries an unconscious Trixie to Canterlot Castle's Infirmary, followed by Shining Armor. Upon entering the Infirmary, they find it deserted.

Arc looks around. ”Um... hello? Anyone here?”

A doctor and several medics peek out from behind the front desk.

“Is... is it safe to come out?”

Arc nods. “Yes. The renegade unicorn has been captured and the princess is safe. Can you please take a look at my friend here though? She took quite a large jolt of electricity!

The doctor nods. “We'll take good care of her, sir!”

Arc lays Trixie on a gurney. “Thanks.”

He looks down at the unconscious mare.

“Trixie... I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you're at the hospital. They're going to make you as good as new! Now, I have a million other things to do right now, but I'll come back and see you as soon as I can!”

Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Would you mind staying with Trixie? I need to survey the damage to the castle and see if I can find Captain Decimus.”

“Yes sir! You can count on me!”

Arc nods. “I know I can.”

He turns to leave, but looks back at Trixie being wheeled away.

“Take care, Trixie.”

Arc quickly heads to Canterlot Castle's Main Entrance! The soldiers there are desperately digging through the rubble of the entryway. Spotting the sergeant from earlies, Arc approaches him.

“Sergeant! Do we have troops under there?!”

“Yes sir! Captain Decimus himself is the only one not accounted for! He HAS to be under here somewhere!

Arc turn to the soldiers and shouts! “EVERYONE OFF THE ROCKS!”

Using has magic, Arc quickly picks up the larger chunks of wall and throws them to the side.

“Alright, back to digging troops! Just be mindful of what you’re doing!”

A short time later a cry rings out from one of the guards!

“I found something!”

Everyone rushes over to the spot! Arc himself begins removing the debris as quickly as he dares! The captain's body comes into view along with a considerable amount of blood!

Arc leans down and checks for a pulse and respiration. “...nothing...”

He removes his cape and uses it to cover Captain Decimus' mangled body. After standing there a few moments, he turns to a Royal Guards.

“You. Go to the Infirmary and tell them we need a body bag at the gate.”

The assembled Royal Guards remove their helmets respectfully as the sergeant approaches Arc.

“Sir? Is Captain Decimus really gone?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Nevertheless, we still have a job to do. Take command of the rest of your squad and go to the Gates of Canterlot. I want you to check on the Town Guard who defended it. Let's save some lives!”

Arc turns to two guards next to him.

“You two, stay with Captain Decimus' body until the medics arrive. Escort his remains to the Infirmary and then join the others at the Gates of Canterlot.”

“Yes sir!”

The sergeant and the other Royal Guards move to carry out Arc's orders!

“I sure hope everyone at Light's Hope is okay.”

Arc proceeds to open a portal to Light's Hope's Main Hall and steps through. He looks at the carnage around him a moment. Two Royal Guards are standing at attention where the front doors used to be. Others are cleaning up the rubble in an effort to make the base presentable.

He turns to a Royal Guard on cleanup detail. “Guard! Where is Flash Sentry?!”

“He’s in the Cafeteria with Princess Luna and the others, sir!”

“Thank you. Carry on!”

Arc rushes to the Cafeteria, fearful at what he might, or might not, find! Entering the Cafeteria, he spots Coco Pommel sitting near the door!

“Coco Pommel! Everyone here okay?!”

Coco Pommel nods! “Yes! The orphans and I are all unharmed! Flash Sentry sent several of the Royal Guards to Ponyville Hospital for their injuries!”

Flash Sentry runs over to Arc along with Princess Luna and salutes. His armor shows the scars of a recent battle! “Commander! Glad to see you're still in one piece!”

Luna looks to Arc, concerned! “Is Cadance all right?!”

Arc nods. “Yes! Princess Cadance is fine! However, a lot has happened since I left this morning!”

Arc looks around the room at the assembled guards and orphans resting around the room.

“So... what happened here?”

“Several guards were taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. I took the liberty of disabling the base's lockdown protocol so we could get them some help! I... hope that was all right.”

“Was the danger past?”

“Yes sir!”

Arc nods. “Then it was the right call to make. Good work!”

He looks over at Princess Luna.

“Princess, you and I are needed in Canterlot.”

“Of course!”

Arc looks back at Flash Sentry. “I'll be back as soon as I can. Then I’ll hear your full report.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc looks over to the orphans. “Were you scared?”

Pipsqueak shakes his head. “Nah! We had Dinky and Miss Pommel looking after us!”

Aquamarine laughs happily! “That and Miss Derpy and Miss Saffron fought too! We knew they would keep us safe!”

“Glad to hear it! I'll see you all later! Ready Princess Luna?”

“Yes. Let us be off!”

Arc opens a portal to Canterlot Castle. He and Luna step through and head toward the Audience Chamber!

“Princess Luna? Would you mind if we swung by the Infirmary? I need to check in with the doctor there.”

Luna looks to Arc, concerned! “Were you injured Arc?!”

“No, nothing like that. I just need to see how many of our troops were injured in the battle. I'm sure Princess Cadance would like details.”

“Good thinking Arc!”

The pair head to the Infirmary. It is quite a busy place to be at the moment!

“I guess the Town Guard was hit harder than I originally thought!”

Luna nods. “I will wait out here Arc. I'd just be in the way in there.”

“Suit yourself. I won't be long.”

Arc enters the Infirmary. He spots the doctor tending to the injured Town Guard Commander.

“Sorry to bother you right now doctor, but...”

The doctor continues working, not noticing who is speaking to him. “Just give me a moment... and... done. Now that leg's going to be a bit tender for a while but you're going to survive. Oh, and if the ringing in your head doesn't stop in a day or so, come back and see me.”

“Thank you doctor. I will.”

The Town Guard Commander and the doctor turn around to see Arc waiting patiently.

“Hero of Light! I'm so sorry the Town Guard was unable to stop that unicorn! Please forgive us!”

“Don't worry about it. The important thing is that you lived to fight another day.”

“Thank you sir! If you will excuse me, I must rally the Town Guard! We still have a city to protect!”

The Town Guard Commander walks slowly away. Arc turns to the doctor.

“Now I know your busy doctor. But I need some information for my report to the princesses.”

“I… think we should step into the back room to discuss this.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Lead the way.”

The doctor leads the way to the morgue, closing the door behind Arc.

“We can talk in here.”

“Tell me doctor... how many troops did we lose in the attack?”

The doctor hangs his head. “Only one. Captain Decimus was dead on arrival. There was nothing I could do. Fortunately, the Town Guard had no serious injuries. A few of them will be here for a few days, but they will all make full recoveries.”

“And what of the Royal Guards? Any losses there?”

The doctor shakes his head. “Mostly just bumps and bruises. To tell you the truth, from what I’ve heard of this battle from my patients, I’m surprised we didn't have significantly more losses!”

“The mare I brought in here earlier. What of her condition?”

“She’s sleeping soundly at the moment. There shouldn't be any lasting effects to her heart or other major organ systems. Give her a day or so of rest and she should be just fine!”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief! “Thank you doctor. I will report this to the princesses at once.”

“Sir, would you do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Tell the princesses I'm... sorry, for not being able to save Captain Decimus.”

Arc puts a hand on the doctor’s shoulder. “This isn't your fault. I'm sure you would have done something if you could.”

The doctor nods and leaves the room. Arc walks over to a nearby table to pick up his cape and Captain Decimus' smashed helmet. He covers the helmet in his cape and leaves the room. Returning to the corridor, he rejoins Luna.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“It's fine Arc. Shall we?”

He sighs “Yes. Let's go see Princess Cadance.”

Arc and Luna proceed to the Audience Chamber.

Luna looks around. “This place is a mess!”

“Tell me about it!”

The pair arrive at the Audience Chamber. Some of the castle support staff are busy cleaning up the broken glass. Cadance runs up to Luna!

“Luna! Sorry about the mess here!”

“Forget the mess! Are YOU all right?!”

Cadance nods! “Yes, I'm fine. At least thanks to Arc and Shining Armor.”

Luna looks puzzled. “Who?”

“He's that stallion that broke into Light's Hope early this morning. During the attack he shielded Princess Cadance from one of Trixie's more flamboyant attacks.”

Feeling a sudden draft Luna looks up at the broken skylight. Looking back at Arc, she sighs. “You had something to do with this, didn't you?”

Arc nods. “Sadly, yes. I had to make a ‘door’ for the Royal Guards to reinforce the Gates of Canterlot.”

“While I am less than pleased with your methods, I do appreciate your Honesty.”

“Sorry. Desperate times call for desperate measures though.”

Cadance nods! “Please don't blame Arc for the damage to the castle, Luna! Without his aid, I fear Trixie would have leveled all of Canterlot!”

Luna again turns to face Arc. “It would appear we are again in your debt, Arc.”

“Just doing my best to protect the innocent! But I should probably report that this victory was not without cost. The doctor in the infirmary has confirmed casualties.”

Cadance looks startled! “Oh dear! I hope nopony was too badly hurt!”

“Nothing that some medical attention won't take care of. A few guards have been admitted with more serious injuries. However, the doctor assures me that they will make full recoveries!”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “That's good to hear!”

“Yes... well... I'm sorry to say we did sustain one fatality.”

Cadance looks down, genuinely sad. “That's terrible! What was the soldier's name?!”

Arc slowly steps toward Princess Luna and allows the cape in his hand to fall, revealing Captain Decimus' smashed helmet. He respectfully hands it to her.

“I'm sorry. The doctor said he never stood a chance. He wanted me to pass on his apology for not being able to do anything for the captain.”

Luna looks down at the helmet in her hooves, dumbfounded! “This... this cannot be! Captain Decimus has been through countless skirmishes and has even fought side by side with the previous Heroes of Light! How could he fall to a single unicorn?!”

“With all due respect, this was no ordinary unicorn. Captain Decimus did his best to protect this castle and everyone in it! I ordered his body to be taken to the infirmary morgue until preparations can be made for his...”

Luna interrupts! “...don't say it!”

She appears visibly shaken at the loss of Captain Decimus!

“...what happened?”

“He was buried by several tons of the castle. I know it's not much, but from the condition of his body, I would say he didn't suffer.”

Luna is moved almost to tears. “It's... just so hard to accept that he's gone!”

“I’m sorry for your loss, Princess Luna. Believe me... I know how you feel right now.”

Luna tries to compose herself, but fails. She looks at Arc, tears of rage in her eyes.

“My sister has known him since he was a colt! And his father! And his grandfather! As violent and destructive as your kind are... what do humans know about ‘loss’ anyways?!”

Cadance is taken aback at the sudden hostility. “Luna?!”

“Princess Luna, I...”

“You wield a spear and powerful magic, Arc! Do you REALLY think that's all it takes to be a hero like Captain Decimus was?!”

Cadance looks to Luna, crossly. “Luna, that is quite enough! Arc refused to let Trixie take her vengeance out on me earlier! I would certainly call that very heroic!”

“It's all right Princess Cadance. Let Princess Luna think what she will of me.”

Arc turns to leave the Audience Chamber.

Luna stares after him, angrily. “Where are you going?! I'm not done!”

He does not look back. “I'm going to make sure the threat in town has passed. The citizens of Canterlot must be protected.”

Cadance calls out after him. “Your friends are already hunting down the last of the invading creatures. Why don't you join them?”

“Thank you Princess Cadance. I will.”

Luna continues her rant. “Good idea! Leave us behind like you did earlier! You should have been fighting at Captain Decimus' side! Then maybe he wouldn't have... have… Some ‘hero’ you are!”

Arc does not turn back, but continues on his way toward the door as Luna persists in her verbal tirade.


She hears Cadance's hoofsteps approaching her quickly. The elder alicorn turns to face her.

“Cadance, I don't want to hear...!”

As Luna turns her head to face her companion, the Princess of Love slaps her across the face, hard. Luna staggers back, dazed!

“Cadance?! Have you lost your mind?!”

Luna looks to Cadance. Her face red with fury as she trembles with emotion.

"Listen to me, Luna! Captain Decimus TOLD Arc to stay here with ME! He INSISTED on defending the front gate himself! I'm sure he wanted to join the captain in battle, but... well, if Arc hadn't been here... who knows what might have happened!”

Luna steps back, surprised. “What?! But… why didn't he SAY something?!”

Cadance continues, still clearly furious. “He tried to, but you didn't give him a chance! Luna, I know you’re upset about losing a friend! But it doesn't do any good to take it out on Arc! Especially after all he’s done for Equestria... and us personally! And that racist comment about humans in generally was COMPLETELY UNCALLED FOR! Seriously! I don't know how he restrained himself from beating the living daylights out of you!”

Luna looks down at the floor. “I... I just...”

“What does Arc have to do before you will trust him?! Protect the innocent?! Oh wait! He does that damn near every day! Save Equestria from a demonic invasion?! Oh wait! He's already done that too! Rescue Aunt Celestia?! I'm sure if we knew where she was, he would be the first in line to lead a rescue mission! Stand up for what is right?! Be imprisoned for crimes he didn't commit?! Leave behind everyone he's ever known or cared about?! Defend the weak?! Make Equestria his permanent home?! Dedicate his life to defending this land?! Liberate an orphanage of chronically abused foals AND their caretaker?! Establish diplomatic ties with the Dragon Lands... a tribe of ogres... maybe even the HYDRA for Celestia's sake?!

Luna can only stare at the floor guiltily as Cadance screams! Her face inches from Luna's.


Luna sighs. Unable to look Cadance in the eye. “I'm sorry. I really messed up this time, didn't I?”

Cadance walks past Luna toward the doorway, angrily! “Don't tell me... tell Arc!”

Meanwhile, Arc heads toward town and quickly finds Derpy, Ember, Moonlit Dusk and the Mane 6. They are talking with the Town Guard Commander.

“Is everything all right now?”

“Yes sir! With the help of these volunteers, Canterlot is now completely secure again!”

Arc nods. “Any civilians hurt?”

Derpy shakes her head. “It doesn't appear so, no. Captain Decimus had the right idea ordering the streets to be cleared.”

“Good. Commander, does the Town Guard have the numbers to continue their duties?”

The commander nods. “We do, sir. Most of our guards were largely unharmed, thanks to Miss Ember here!”

Ember nods. “Think nothing of it. I was glad to help!”

The commander looks to Arc.

“If you will excuse me sir, I must get back to my duties.”

Arc nods. “Very well. And good job out there today.”

He salutes and walks away. Arc looks to the hooded figure standing before him.

“And who might you be? Another brave volunteer perhaps?”

Derpy looks to Arc, nervously. “This is my... uh... friend… Moonlit Dusk.”

Arc's appears flabbergasted. "WHAT?!"

Moonlit Dusk pushes back his hood and looks at Arc. “Hello sir! It is quite a pleasure to meet you!”

Moonlit Dusk extends a hoof. Arc looks at if a moment before shaking it. Arc clutches Moonlit Dusk's hoof much tighter than he expects.

“Nice to... finally meet you.”

Moonlit Dusk grimaces in pain. “The... pleasure is all mine!”

Rainbow Dash flies over. “Woah, Arc! Ease up on the poor guy!”

Arc releases Moonlit Dusk's hoof. “Sorry about that. I guess I don't know my own strength.”

Twilight looks to him, concerned. “Arc, is something wrong? You don't seem like yourself.”

Pinkie bounces around, happily. “I'm sure he's just hungry! I'm the same way when I miss a meal!”

Derpy smiles up at Arc. “Why don't we head back to the castle for breakfast then, Arc?”

He sighs. “We should probably go back to Light's Hope for that, Derpy. Princess Luna is... let's just say, less than pleased with me at the moment.”

Rarity appears horrified! “What?! After all you did to protect Princess Cadance, I would think she would want to pin a medal on your lapel!”

“She… blames me for the death of Captain Decimus.”

Applejack frowns! “How the hay does she figure that?!”

“I think she’s just in mourning. However, she made it very clear that she doesn't want me around at the moment.”

Twilight walks over to Arc and looks up to him apologetically. “I'm sorry about Princess Luna's behavior. There really is no excuse for it, especially after all you've been through!”

Fluttershy’s eyes are wide with concern! “You don't think she would... um... fire you, do you Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “She was certainly upset enough to when I left her.”

Derpy appears nervous. “Doesn't that worry you, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not in the least. While I won't have Light's Hope or my squad, that doesn't mean I'm just going to stop doing my part!”

Ember nods. “What would you do for a job then?!”

Arc shrugs. “Oh, I’d most likely go back to my old job of being a Problem Solver, or a Bounty Hunter as Cherry put it.”

“Equestria could always use another mercenary! You're definitely strong enough to qualify!

“And whom do these ‘mercenaries’ answer to?”

“Usually to the prin... uh... on second thought, scratch that idea!”

Moonlit Dusk turns to walks away. “Well, I should probably get back to the Nightborn Citadel. The daylight doesn't really suit me anyways. It was good to see you again Derpy!”

Arc steps forward! “Oh no you don't! You and I still have quite a bit to talk about!”

“Thank you for the offer, but I really have quite a few things to take care of back at...”

Arc narrows his eyes and responds in a very serious tone! “It wasn't a request!”

Rarity steps back! “Oh my!”

Fluttershy hides behind Rainbow Dash! “EEP!!!”

Even Pinkie is caught off guard! “You're... kinda scary when you make that voice Arc!”

Derpy runs to stand between the pair! “Arc, please! Don't be mad at Moonlit Dusk for attacking Light's Hope! It was all just a big misunderstanding!”

Arc’s eyes grow wide! “Moonlit Dusk ATTACKED Light's Hope?! Like it or not... you're coming with me!”

Derpy looks away. “Oops…”

Ember shakes her head as she looks at Derpy. “You've REALLY done it now!”

She looks to Arc with a pleading look in her eyes! “He thought Princess Luna was being imprisoned there! Please don't hurt him!”

Arc nods and looks at Moonlit Dusk, angrily! “For Derpy's sake, I'll do my best to listen to your explanation with an open mind.”

Ember puts a claw on Arc’s shoulder. “Don't overreact now Arc... that's my job!”

Arc turns away from Moonlit Dusk. “We will discuss this further after a good meal.”

He looks to the others.

“Although it may not be the most joyous of meals, all of you are welcome to join us.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Thank you, but I think we need to go have a talk with the princesses about a few things.”

The rest of the Mane 6 nod in agreement.

“Suit yourselves. Just don't get in trouble for my sake.”

Moonlit Dusk turns to his acolytes.

“Return to the Nightborn Citadel and report on what has happened. I will rejoin you as soon as I can.”

The acolytes nod silently as they open a portal and are gone. Arc opens a portal to Light's Hope, Moonlit Dusk, Ember, Derpy, and Arc enter the portal. The Mane 6 turn and walk down a side street. As they vacate the spot, a figure runs toward them from a distance! However, no one notices.

Luna pants as she reaches the spot. “I... just missed them! Oh Arc! How could I have said such terrible things to you?!

She concentrates all her magical energy! The world around her fades away to nothingness as Luna is surrounded by darkness on all sides. She lies down on the ‘ground' and sadly buries her head in her hooves!

“This is where monsters like me belong anyway! Alone…”

Meanwhile… Arc, Derpy, Ember, and Moonlit Dusk appear on the sigil in Light's Hope's Main Hall. Arc looks at the ruined front doors then back to Moonlit Dusk.

“I suppose I have you to thank for this!?”

Moonlit Dusk nods. “Yes. You see...”

Arc interrupts! “I don't want to hear it! You owe me a new door!”

The party walks down the corridor toward the cafeteria. As they pass the barracks, Arc sees the doors have been all but destroyed!

“Make that two doors!”

The group arrives at the Cafeteria. It is deserted! Ember looks out a window at the foals playing in the field behind the base.

“Looks like the orphans are taking the attack well.”

Derpy nods. “Yes. They were very brave!”

All assembled take a plate of food and sit down at a large table together.

Arc begins to eat. He looks over to Moonlit Dusk. “Alright. Improve my mood!”


Ember shakes her head. “Arc wants you to explain yourself.”

Moonlit Dusk nods. “Alright. Where should I begin?”

“At the beginning.”

“Yes, well... the powers that be at the Nightborn Citadel received word that Princess Luna had been kidnapped and was a being held hostage here at your base. My acolytes and I were immediately dispatched to investigate these claims.”

Ember looks at Moonlit Dusk, angrily! “Who told them that?!”

“I'm not sure. My superiors did not elaborate on the source of their information. In any case, upon our arrival, we found the base under a high security alert! I thought the reasoning was to inhibit a rescue attempt from Canterlot!”

Derpy nods. “I can understand that.”

“I immediately ordered my acolytes to begin summoning shadow creatures to bring down the base and its defenders! On a bit of a personal note, your guards put up significantly more resistance than we thought they would!”

Ember clenches her fists, angrily! “Try attacking next time Arc and I are here! We'll show you ‘resistance’!”

“Yes, well... my apologies for the... misunderstanding.”

Ember stands up, suddenly furious! “MISUNDERSTANDING?! You terrorized a room full of innocent foals, and you say it was a ‘misunderstanding’?!”

Ember turns to Arc.

“I say we let him rot in a cell back at Canterlot Castle!”

Derpy shakes her head, frightened at the idea! “Please Arc! Be merciful!”

Ember looks to Derpy. “Look Derpy. I like you and all, but sometimes you are just TOO nice! Attacking a military base has GOT to be a pretty serious offense!”

Arc sighs. “Moonlit Dusk... I don't think you realize just how lucky you are.”

“I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow.”

“Part of me believes your story. The more rational part of me thinks the first part is an idiot!

Ember folds her arms over her chest, angrily! “Well, both parts of me think he's full of it!”

Derpy looks to Arc uneasily! “What... what are you going to do, Arc?”

“I think I’ll side with Derpy and extend mercy for what was most likely a glitch in communication... or something...”

Derpy’s face lights up! “Thank you, Arc!”

Arc looks over at Moonlit Dusk. “Don't make me regret this.”

“I won't! Thank you!”

The cafeteria side door opens and Dinky runs inside for a snack! She spots her mother at the table and trots over!

“Mom! Dad! You're back!”

Derpy smiles at her daughter. “Yes dear. But right now, there’s somepony I want you to meet.”

She walks over to Moonlit Dusk with Dinky.

“Dinky, I would like you to meet Moonlit Dusk. Your biological father.”

Dinky looks over at him, nervous and confused. “Um... hi?”

Derpy turns back to Moonlit Dusk. “This is Dinky... our daughter.”

Moonlit Dusk appears quite shaken!

“I... she...”

Derpy looks confused. “Moonlit Dusk? Is something wrong? I thought you would be happy to finally meet your...”

He interrupts, mumbling. “She... she...”

“What was that? I couldn't quite hear you.”

Moonlit Dusk looks straight at Derpy! “She isn't my daughter!”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide, astonished at what she has heard! “WHAT?! She most certainly is! The resemblance is uncanny!”

Moonlit Dusk shakes his head, coldly. “No Derpy. She's YOUR daughter, not mine!”

He looks over to the shaken Dinky.

“Trust me kid, you’re not mine! Besides... you're better off without me around anyways.”

Dinky hangs her head and begins to cry softly.

Derpy puts her hooves around Dinky as she looks up at Moonlit Dusk, angrily! “How could you say such things to our little filly?!”

Arc rises from his chair so fast he knocks it over! “I've heard just about enough from you for one lifetime, Moonlit Dusk! Be a real stallion and take responsibility for your actions!”

Dinky lets go of her mother and walks over to Arc, sadly. “It... It's okay. Moonlit Dusk isn't really my father.”

Moonlit Dusk smiles! “Glad you at least see reason.”

Dinky tugs at her father’s pant leg. He kneels down as she throws her hooves around his neck! “My REAL dad is right here!”

Arc closes his eyes and smiles as the pair embrace! “And I will always be here for you, sweetheart!”

He looks over to Moonlit Dusk. A boundless and terrible rage fills his eyes as he stands and looks to the stallion before him!

“Now then, Moonlit Dusk... I'm going to give you to the count of ten… to get your worthless carcass out of my base before I do something that YOU will regret!!!”

Moonlit Dusk backs slowly towards the door as Arc begins to count!

“1...2... 10!”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and opens a portal! He then uses his magic to grab Moonlit Dusk by the front of his robe and pull him to within only a few inches of his face!

“I hope we NEVER meet again... scum.”

He then throws Moonlit Dusk through the portal before closing it!

Arc recalls his armor before turning to face his daughter. “Dinky, I'm sorry you had to go through that!”

Dinky smiles up at him! “It's okay. I don't really know who that was, but he's no father of mine! You are, dad!”

Arc nods and smiles before turning to Derpy. “Derpy, I...”

Derpy just lies on the floor facing away from the others quietly crying. Arc walks over to Derpy and sits next to her on the floor. He gently strokes her mane.

“Derpy. I'm right here.”

Derpy does not look up as she talks through her tears! “Arc, I... I really did love Moonlit Dusk! At least I thought I did! And I thought he loved me too! How could he say such terrible things to our daughter like that though?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Because he didn't really love either of you. All he wanted was a bed warmer! Someone who would share their life with him... be with him... love him even! But he didn't understand that love is a two-way street. For that reason, he will be eternally alone. It's really quite pathetic.”

Derpy looks up at him as the tears continue to flow! “But, what do I do now?! The only thing that kept me going was the knowledge that he was still out there somewhere! I had hoped he would want to be a part of Dinky's life when he met her! I don't understand why you waste your time and energy on me! I'm just a weak and naive little FOOL!”

“Derpy, I'm here with you and Dinky because I love you both very much! The time I have spent in Equestria with you, Dinky, Twilight, Ember, all the ponies really... it's been the best time of my life! Don't say such horrible things about yourself like that! I didn't father Dinky with you, but I'm willing to pick up where Moonlit Dusk left off and be her daddy! I too was hoping he would stick around and get to know his daughter but... I think it's probably in Dinky's best interest that he didn’t.

Dinky walks over to Derpy and puts a hoof on her mother's head.

“It's okay mom. I'm fine with things just the way they are! You've always been there for me, just like a mother should be!”

Dinky turns to Arc and smiles!

“And you’ve always looked out for me since… before I was even born! You're the best dad ever!

The three embrace as a family. Derpy seems to be perking up. She looks up at them with tears of joy in her eyes!

“Thank you... both of you. I love the two of you oh so much!”

Ember looks down sadly. “I wish I had a family like this...”

Arc reaches out a hand toward her. “Ember... join ours.”

Ember walks forward and joins the little family in a group hug on the floor. They sit there hugging for what seems like forever! Eventually Derpy looks up.

“Wait! What exactly happened to Moonlit Dusk?”

Arc smiles wickedly! “Oh, I just sent him somewhere he could meet others with... similar personalities.”

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot Castle, Twilight and her friends arrive at the princess' Audience Chamber. Cadance is sitting in her normal place, alone.

“Cadance, the threat to Canterlot has been dealt with!”

Cadance nods at her friend, sadly. “Thank you, Twilight.”

“We... we heard what happened between Arc and Luna. I don't understand! How could she treat him that way after all he's done?!”

Cadance sighs. “She was so upset by the news of Captain Decimus' passing that she just lashed out at the closest individual at hoof. Sadly, that was Arc at the time...”

Applejack frowns! “Well that don't make it right!”

Rainbow Dash nods angrily! “I agree with Applejack! Arc deserves a medal for all his hard work! Not abuse!”

Rarity turns up her nose. “Agreed! Such behavior is very unladylike. Especially for a princess!”

Fluttershy looks around shyly. “Um... I think Arc deserves better than that as well.”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “It sounds to me like she was just being a big meanie!”

Twilight looks around the Audience Chamber. “Where is Princess Luna anyways? Shouldn't she be here right now?”

Cadance looking down at her hooves. “To tell you the truth, I don't really know. It's okay though. In her current mental state, she wouldn't be able to carry out her royal duties anyway. I can only hope that wherever she went, she will use this time to clear her mind and think about what she has done!”

Twilight nods. “Would you like some help? I can stay here and lend a hoof. At least until Princess Luna returns.”

Cadance sighs. “You mean IF she returns. I said quite a few terrible things to her myself. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if neither her nor Arc ever returned!”

Applejack stomps her hoof! “Balderdash! I know Arc! He wouldn't abandon Equestria just because of something Princess Luna said to him!”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently! Yeah! I bet he's hard at work right now thinking of new ways to protect everypony!”

“That's right! If Arc could forgive me for banishing him to Tartarus, he can surely find it in his heart to forgive words spoken out of anger!”

Twilight walks up to Cadance and hugs her.

“You should have more faith in Equestria's Hero of Light, as well as Princess Celestia's little sister.”

Cadance hugs Twilight back. She closes her eyes happily! “Thank you, all of you! I know I should have faith, but...”

She pulls back and looks afraid.

“…but what if Luna DOESN'T come back! I can't run Equestria by myself!”

Twilight smiles! “Then I’ll stay by your side until she does!”

Applejack nods! “We'll all lend a hoof! Won't we girls!”

Rainbow Dash flies around the room happily! “Yeah! We're here for you princess!”

Meanwhile, Moonlit Dusk flies out the other side of the portal and land on the floor, face first! He rises and dusts himself off.

“Crazy human... I wonder where I am.”

He looks around, seeing a small, well-kept house.

“Hello? Is anypony here?”

There is no response to his call.

“Nopony here? Well, I guess I had best go outside and see where I am.”

Moonlit Dusk walks to the front door and slowly opens it. Peeking outside, he sees dragons walking up and down the street! He quickly closes the door! Breathing heavily, his back to the door, he mutters to himself!

“The... the Dragon Lands?! Damn you Arc!!!”

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