• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - First Order of Business

The next morning Arc awakens and stares up at the ceiling for a time. He looks to his right and left at Ember and Hammer snuggled up to him. Sighing, he looks out the window at the pre-dawn light. Holding out a hand he begins the sun on its daily journey just as Kibitz enters the room. The elderly stallion slowly walks over to him and bows respectfully.

“Good morning, sir. Did you sleep well?”

Arc nods. “Yeah, I did.”

Ember and Hammer slowly open their eyes as Arc continues.

“Is something wrong, Kibitz?”

“No, sir. I just… thought that you and I should wake the new princess up together.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Are you worried she’s going to blast you, or something?”

Kibitz looks away nervously. “Um… perhaps.”

Hammer grunts. “Are you telling me that you’re afraid of that cute little purple unicorn now?!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, she IS a princess.”

Ember scoffs. “She’s still Twilight though. Nothing’s really changed.”

“Agreed. Kibitz, would you please turn around?”


“That’s an order.”

Nodding, the stallion turns to face the door. Arc motions for Hammer and Ember to get up. They do so as Arc looks to the bathroom.

“Why don’t you two get dressed?”

Hammer sighs. “Fine.”

Ember winks at him as she calls out seductively. “Don’t be long though.”

Grabbing their clothes, the pair head for the bathroom and close the door behind them. Arc chuckles as he looks to Kibitz.

“You can turn around now.”

Kibitz does so as he looks Arc over.

“Um… might I suggest bathing before we head to Princess Twilight’s room, sir?”

Arc sniffs himself. “Yeah, I suppose I am a bit smelly at the moment.”

“Indeed, sir. But I would recommend washing off the smell of last night’s… activities, lest the princess…”

Arc frowns. “Woah there! We just went straight to sleep!”

“Of course, sir. But I still recommend a shower.”

Arc: sighs. “Fine. I’ll try to hurry.’”

Walking quickly toward the bathroom Arc opens the door to find Ember and Hammer in the shower together. Both are currently covered in soap and giggling. Shrugging, he closes the door behind him and walks over to them.

“Room for one more?”

Hammer grins seductively. “You looking to get in here with us?”

Ember looks down at Arc’s shorts. “About time you came around on that! But I get to go first!”

Hammer gasps. “What?! Why you?!”

“Because I’ve known him longer!”

Hammer sits down on the shower floor. “Fine! But I’m gonna watch!”

“Uh… I really need to get moving.”

Ember leans against the tile wall and looks over her shoulder as she licks her lips. “So? Be quick then!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Brazen.”

Ember laughs as she turns back around and shrugs. “Can’t blame me for trying.”

Hammer facepalms. “Darn. I thought we were finally going to get some action.”

Arc sighs as he steps under a shower head. “Kinda busy right now. Kibitz is still waiting out there to escort us back to Twilight’s room.”

Ember folds her arms across her chest. “Fine.”

A short time lather, er later… they step out of the shower together, towel off, and put on fresh clothes. Ember looks Arc over and gasps.

“Where are your raiments?!”

“I’m not the Lord Regent right now, remember?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Raiments?”

“Fancy clothes Arc wore when he led the nation.”

“But why would he put those on now?”

Ember grins. “Because they make him look sexy. Remember what he wore last night to the coronation?”

Hammer’s face lights up. “Yeah!”

“Those clothes.”

Hammer turns back to Arc. “OHHHHH! Put em on then! They made you look GOOD!”

Arc groans. “Fine.”

Reaching into a nearby closet he pulls out the outfit and quickly puts it on as the ladies dress behind him. Turning around, he calls out.


Ember nods approvingly. “Very!”

Hammer catcalls him. “Looking good, Arc!”

“Thanks. Can we go now?”

Ember motions with a wave of her hand. “Lead the way.”

Arc heads for the door. Opening it, he finds Kibitz pacing.

“Sorry for the wait.”

Ember mutters under her breath. “I’m not.”

Hammer grins. “Me either.”

Arc does his best to ignore them. “In any case, let’s go.”

Kibitz heads for the door. “Please follow me.”

The elderly personal assistant leads them down the corridor. Arc turns to him.

“So… anything happen last night?”

Kibitz shakes his head. “Not really, sir. The town was abuzz with activity, of course. But nothing like when Princess Twilight was crowned originally.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. I would have thought everyone would have been happy to be freed from that tyrant’s yoke.”

“They don’t really know what to think. After all, the new monarch is really unknown right now. But not to worry, sir. We’ll fix that.”

“You have a plan?”

Kibitz nods. “I do indeed, sir.”

Ember groans impatiently. “Well? Let’s hear it!”

“You see…”

Sometime later they arrive at Twilight’s room. Kibitz turns to Arc.

“Here we are, sir.”

“Want me to head in?”

“Please do.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “How bad could it be?”

Hammer cracks her knuckles. “Well, we got your back, Arc.”

Kibitz steps back. “Actually, I was thinking he should probably go in there alone.”

Ember groans. “Um… why?”

“I’m not sure just how well Princess Twilight would take three individuals waking her and her friends.”

Hammer scoffs. “Is everyone around here a bloody coward?!”

Kibitz shakes his head. “No, ma’am. But we’re in uncharted territory here.”

Arc chuckles. “Fine. Ember, you and Hammer wait out here. I’ll be back.”

The guards salute as he approaches the door. Sighing, Arc opens it and steps inside. Closing the door quietly behind him, he looks around. Twilight lays on the bed as the others snore softly under blankets nearby. Rose looks up from her place on a nearby coffee table as he approaches the bed. He motions for her to stay quiet as he puts a hand on Twilight’s cheek and whispers in her ear.

“Twilight? It’s time to wake up.”

The mare slowly opens her eyes.

“Where… am I…?”

“Your room in the castle.”

Twilight looks around bleary eyed. “But… this looks like Princess Celestia’s room.”

“And now it’s yours. Don’t you remember?”

Sitting up, Twilight looks around with a sigh.

“I thought it was all just a dream.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. This is real, Twilight.”

Pinkie raises her head and looks out the window. Gasping, she jumps to her feet.

“It’s MORNING!!!”

Fluttershy sits up and yawns. “Already?”

Applejack sighs as she stands. “Everypony, up and at em!”

Rarity groans and rolls over. “Just five more minutes please. I was in the middle of a very nice dream with Arc and want to see if I can get back into it.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “But he’s already here.”

Bolting upright, Rarity tosses aside the sleeping mask and gets to her hooves. She looks around for a few moments before focusing on Arc and batting her eyelashes.

“G-good morning, Arc. How are you today?”

“I’m fine. Um… how did all of you sleep?”

Fluttershy shrugs. “Okay, I guess.”

Rainbow grunts. “The floor was hard and cold!”

Applejack glares at her. “Rainbow Dash! Hush!”

Rose smiles. “I did volunteer to try and locate some more bedding.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Oh, but it was far too late by that time. Besides, it was only for one night.”

Pinkie bounces happily. “No it’s not! This is going to be for a while!”

Arc nods. “Yes, indeed.”

Twilight looks around. “True. But with the return of the servants and Hoof Maidens I’ll be sure they reorganize this room to be able to hold all of us.”

Rainbow appears hopeful. “Real beds, right?”

Arc shrugs. “I think that can be arranged, yes. That is, if Twilight doesn’t mind the furniture being moved out of here.”

“That’s fine with me, yes. But everything?”

Rose nods as she looks to Twilight. “It is likely that will be necessary to accommodate six separate beds, mother.”

Rarity gasps. “But what about other furniture? I mean, this room IS divine, but… some of us need a few other things.”

Applejack looks to Rarity and laughs. “Like a place to put a bunch of other clothes?”

Fluttershy sighs. “Well, I need someplace for my critters to live.”

Pinkie giggles. “Party planning takes a desk and a bunch of files too!”

Rainbow Dash lays back down on her bedding. “And I need some place to take naps.”

Everyone turns to her as she grins sheepishly.

“What? I have needs.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “On second thought, everyone should probably be given their own private room so they can have some alone time if needed. Even Twilight.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Me?”

Rose nods. “Yes, mother. After all, even friends sometimes need time apart.”

Arc looks around as he speaks. “I suggest this room be used for sleeping only. Twilight, your private room could be next door in Cadance’s room.”

Rainbow grins. “That’s a good idea.”

Applejack nods. “Right. She isn’t using it right now.”

Fluttershy turns to her friend. “What do you say, Twilight?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Pinkie gasps as she pulls out her party cannon. “First royal decree! This calls for a…!”

Rarity interrupts her. “This really isn’t the time for that, Pinkie Pie. Perhaps another time.”

Rainbow rolls her eyes. “Yeah. Like when this is over.”

Rose smiles. “That will be a reason to celebrate.”

Arc gestures to the bathroom. “I’ll talk to Kibitz about making all of this happen. Why don’t all of you get cleaned up for breakfast and we’ll see about…”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Why don’t you join us?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But I am.”

“No, no! I mean in the bathroom!”


Pinkie nods happily. “We’d like to shower with you too!”

Twilight hops off the bed and walks toward the bathroom. “Now, now, there’ll be time for that later. We’re all going to be very busy, so let’s just get cleaned up now.”

Arc points to the door. “Yeah. I’ll wait for everyone in the hall.”

He turns and leaves the room as the mares head for the bathroom. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“This would have been a perfect time for it too!”

Pinkie groans. “Yeah! What gives, Twilight?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Arc’s not the kind of stallion to do a lot of… group activities.

Rarity nods. “Right. Think about how long it took for one of us to get him in bed.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “He is a bit shy in that regard, yes.”

Applejack chuckles. “Right. We shouldn’t push him into something that makes him feel uncomfortable, after all.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah, I guess everypony’s right.”

Twilight turns to the pegasus. “You’re very… interested in getting closer to him, aren’t you?”


Applejack shakes her head. “But the harder you push for it the more reason he’ll have to back off.”

“So what should I do?!”

Rarity puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Be yourself. Arc loves things like that.”

“That means I should just be… awesome?”

Pinkie giggles. “Yeah! Right?!”

Fluttershy sighs. “No, it means you should just act natural.”

“Naturally awesome?”

Twilight groans. “Not really.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand what everypony’s saying then.”

Rose puts a finger to her cheek. “It is difficult to put into words.”

Rainbow Dash looks to the android. “What would you suggest then, Rose?”

Pinkie grins. “Yeah! You’ve been with him the most out of all of us!”

“My advice would be to just sit down and talk with him.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “About what?”

“Whatever comes to mind.”

Pinkie frowns. “I don’t get it.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Me either.”

“Arc appreciates simple pleasures. A nice meal with friends and good conversation.”

Rarity smiles. “Right. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. An offering from the heart is most desirable in his eyes.”

A short time later Twilight and her friends step out into the corridor. Arc waits patiently with the guards, Kibitz, Ember, and Hammer. Ember frowns.

“Took all of you long enough.”

Hammer nods soberly. “The food will be stone cold!”

Kibitz clears his throat as he looks over a clipboard suspended in front of his face by a Telekinesis Spell. “Not to worry. The staff are masters at keeping food fresh. Come along, your highness.”

Twilight sighs. “Lead the way.”

As they walk Pinkie nudges Rainbow Dash. She motions to Arc silently. The rainbow maned unicorn looks over nervously.

“Uh… Arc?”


“I… I was just wondering… if you’d like to get something to eat.”

“That I would.”

Rainbow Dash’s face lights up. “Really?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. But we’re on our way to the Dining Room now.”

“Oh… right.”

Pinkie pipes up. “She means…!”

Rainbow Dash glares at Pinkie whom quickly changes her response.

“…that she can’t wait for this meal!”

Arc chuckles. “Ah, yes. I see what you mean.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Well, we’re going to have an interesting day nonetheless.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Interesting? More like boring.”

Arc smiles. “If we’re lucky, yes.”

They arrive at the Dining Room. The guards outside the doors open them to allow the group access. Arc leads Twilight over to a chair. Sitting down, she looks around the massive table as her friends sit down as well.

“This… doesn’t feel right.”

Rose turns to her. “Mother?”

Twilight looks around the table. “We’re all so… far apart.”

Ember appears confused. “We are?”

Hammer shrugs. “I don’t think so.”

Rarity turns to her friend. “What do you mean, Twilight?”

“That this table is far too large for all of us.”

Kibitz steps forward. “Shall we move to another room then, your highness?”

“I’d like that, yes.”

Arc gestures back toward the corridor with a jerk of his thumb. “How about the Conference Room? That table’s big, but not like this one.”

“I’m familiar with it, yes. But it’s still too… impersonal.”

Hammer sighs. “So why not just get another table?”

Kibitz nods as he writes on his clipboard. “I can order another one, Princess Twilight.”

“Thank you. Nothing fancy, please. But I want it to be round.”

Kibitz looks up, confused. “Round?”


“Very well, your highness. I’ll see to it the changes are made by this evening.”

Applejack gasps. “That fast?!”

Rainbow grins. “Whatever a princess wants, a princess gets!”

Pinkie giggles. “Looking forward to it.”

Arc turns to the stallion. “We’ll need a few more things, Kibitz.”


“Every mare here will need their own private room. That and I want all the furniture removed from Celestia’s quarters to accommodate six beds.”

Twilight nods. “They don’t need to be custom made, or anything. Just enough that we can all sleep together in the same room every night.”

“I’ll see to it, your majesty.”

A short time later the food is served. Arc and the others eat hungrily. Rainbow Dash grins and calls out between bites.

“This is really good!”

Applejack grins. “Darn right!”

Pinkie finishes chewing an entire stack of pancakes. “So good!”

Rarity nods matter-of-factly as she holds up a teacup. “Only the best for royalty.”

Fluttershy smiles as she munches on a muffin. “Everything’s just perfect!”

Twilight turns to Kibitz. “Yes. My compliments to the chef.”

“I’ll pass that on, your highness.”

Ember looks to Arc. “So what’s the plan for today?”

Hammer grins. “Fortify the castle would be my vote.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s already a fortress as it stands.”

Twilight sighs. “Agreed. Right now we have bigger problems.”

Rose nods nervously. “Yes, mother. Like figuring out what our enemies will do next.”

Arc looks up. “Platinum Valve had an idea in that regard.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “The smith’s daughter?

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “How could she have possibly…?!”

Twilight frowns. “Don’t underestimate her. She’s quite gifted in the art of magic and invention.”

Ember nods. “Right. She’s helped Arc out in the past.”

Fluttershy appears surprised. “She has?”

Arc nods. “Yup.”

Applejack chuckles. “With what?”

“She’s done work on Eidolon’s Ward.”

Rainbow Dash waves a hoof dismissively. “So she helped her parents with repairs?”

“That too I would assume. But she was the one whom integrated the Hoof Cannons I took from Tempest into my gauntlets.”

Rarity gasps. “By herself?!”

“More or less. She did so with the blessing of her parents and me.”

Ember nods soberly. “Let’s give her a chance then.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Fine. What is it?”

Arc turns to Twilight. “According to the newspapers, before Decimus and Celestia left Canterlot they had ordered construction of a new monument to commemorate the princesses’ return.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “A monument?”

“Supposedly it was going to have a large crystal built into it.”

Rarity grins at the thought. “Oh! That sounds very nice!”

Hammer frowns. “Somehow I get the feeling there’s more to it than that.”

Arc nods. “Right. She brough up the fact that a stallion from a long time ago named King Sombra used such a thing in the past to control his slave army.”

Twilight gasps. “That’s right! But the methods used to cast such an enchantment on crystals were lost centuries ago!”

Arc frowns. “Our enemies are resourceful. Knowledge like that would have been recorded somewhere, right?”

Kibitz looks up. “A tome describing such a thing would most likely be found in the Royal Armory, sir.”

Hammer grins. “So, let’s go see!”

Twilight sighs. “We… can’t.”

Ember groans. “Yeah. The lock require two princesses to disable.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Could we get Princess Cadance to help Twilight open it?”

“Sadly I don’t know the unlocking spell.”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “Maybe you could learn it.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I bet you could!”

Rarity giggles. “Yes! How hard could it be?!”

Rose frowns. “Likely, very. After all, one wouldn’t want just anyone learning it.”

“So it would take a long time.”

Twilight looks out a nearby window. “Right. And we can’t be away from our respective countries for extended periods of time. Especially now.

Arc sighs. “Well, that’s out.”

Rose looks to Twilight. “If it makes you feel any better, mother, I’ve already scanned the city with The Equinox’s sensors. Such a device is not present in the city.

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Could it be below it?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s a good question. Twilight?”

“Not likely. The sheer amount of rock and distance such a thing would have to be in order to avoid detection would also render it ineffective. However, we should call for the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… why?”

Arc turns to her. “Because the security of the castle and city falls to him.”

He looks to Kibitz.

“Have him report to the Audience Chamber at once along with Platinum Valve.”

“Right away, sir.”

Applejack turns to Twilight as the stallion hurries to carry out his instructions.

“You don’t really think something like this is possible, do you Twilight?”

“It’s been done in the past. That and we can’t risk such a thing befalling Equestria. We’ll investigate this matter and go from there.”

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