• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Persistence

Arc slowly opens his eyes and looks around. It appears to be morning as the sun hangs low in the sky.

“What the…? Auriel?”

Looking down, he spots the young demoness lying on his chest. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her.

“Wake up.”

Auriel groans and lifts her head weakly.

“I… Arc?”

Looking at the provocative positions they’re in she quickly scrambles to the side and blushes deeply. Which is quite the feat due to her natural skin tone.


Arc sits up and looks around.

“It’s fine. Um… this is… awkward.”

Auriel nods. “Yes! I don’t know why I was lying on your…!”

“No, no. I mean where we are.”

Auriel looks confused. “The afterlife?”

Her face lights up.

“Although I’m very happy to be here with a friend!”

“Hm… this looks more like the Dragon Lands than anything else.”

He points toward the water.

“Looks like were on the shore.”

“But… if we’re not dead, how did we get here?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But let’s see about getting in touch with my crew aboard The Equinox.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

Silence ensues.

“Arc to Bridge. Anyone there.”

Again there is no signal. Arc frowns.

“Arc to Sunburst. Come in please.”

Auriel looks at his ear. “Could your earring have been damaged?”

“I doubt it. The princesses said it was beyond durable. That and if it wasn’t true, I would have broken it before now.”

“How about you open a portal back to the ship?”

“Good idea. I’m sure they’re worried about us by now.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and channels the enchantment. However nothing happens. He frowns and shakes his gauntlet.

“Fine time for both of these things to go on the fritz.”

“What now?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well… I suppose we could walk to Pyreston. The Dragon Lord could probably send world to Equestria for someone to come get us. What do you think, Cherry?”

The air is silent.

“Cherry? Can you hear me?”

Auriel gasps. “Is she gone?”

Arc frowns. “That’s strange. She usually pulls out of my armor before I recall it.”

“You didn’t give her much notice.”

“I suppose not. Let’s get her back.”

Arc reaches for his ring, but nothing happens. Auriel looks to him uneasily.


Arc frowns. “My ring isn’t working either.”

“Will Miss Cherry be alright?!”

“Yes. She’ll be really bored in there, but safe. But in any case, let’s get moving to Pyreston.”

“Good idea. I… wait!”

“What is it?”

Auriel looks around. “Do you hear something?”

Arc frowns. “Now that you mention it, yes.”


“Just like before!”

Arc looks all around before calling out.

“Wiseman! This had better not be you’re idea of giving advice!”

Auriel turns to him. “What do we do?! I’m scared!”

Arc puts an arm around Auriel’s shoulders. “Everything will be fine. Just stay close, okay?”

Auriel turns to him and forces a nervous smile as Arc takes a deep breath and calls out.

“Is anyone out there?!”

There is no response.

“I know SOMEONE can hear me!”

Suddenly whispers fill the air. Auriel clings fearfully to Arc.

“There they are again!”

Arc looks all around. “How many are out there?!”

The whispers raise in intensity. Arc grits his teeth.

“I can’t make out what you’re saying! It’s all just gibberish!”

Slowly the voices die down until the air is once again silent. Arc clears his throat before continuing.

“Now I get the feeling whoever all of you are, there’s something you’re trying to tell me. But if all of you speak at once it won’t work. Pick one of you to speak for the group while the others remain silent.”

Several moments pass before Auriel turns to Arc.

“What have we gotten ourselves into this time?!”

“No idea. But I’m hoping we can get some answers.”

The voices again speak as before, but much louder. Auriel covers her ears.

“Can’t you all just say the same thing?!”

As one the voices cease. Arc looks to Auriel.

“Wow. That was fast.”

Auriel gasps. “Oh no. What have I done?!”

“If we’re lucky, given them some very sound advice.”

Several minutes pass in silence before a single voice is heard>

“Can… you… understand… us…?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Quite clearly.”

Auriel looks around. “Where are you?”

“We… do… not… understand… the… question.”

Arc frowns. “Well, what are you?”

“ Us.”

Auriel takes a deep breath and calls out. “Can you show yourselves? It would help us communicate better.”

“Very… well.”

A strange magical aura forms on the ground before them. Auriel steps behind Arc.

“What IS that?!”

Arc shrugs. “No idea.”

The aura intensifies as it draws into itself at the center. Slowly building itself up into a familiar form. Arc gasps as it takes physical shape


A human version of Cherry stands before them bereft of clothing. She says nothing and appears to be without emotion. Auriel gasps.

“Oh my!”

She quickly removes her lab coat and approaches the young woman.

“Please! Before you catch a cold!”

She looks at the garb in Auriel’s claw wordlessly. After a few moments of tense silence the young demon carefully drapes the coat over the woman’s shoulders and cautiously buttons it up before speaking again.

“Can you… still understand us?”


Arc looks the newcomer over. “You… even sound like her! Are you really Cherry?”

“This one does not understand. It was simply a matter of copying a memory from your mind in order to take a form that would put you at ease.”

Arc frowns. “If you’re not Cherry, who are you?”

“This one.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow, confused. “This one… what?”

“You asked for a designation. This one is this one. Is that not adequate?”

Arc frowns. “Um… it’s not really a name.”

“This one sees. One moment.”

She closes her eyes and appears to be thinking. A moment later they reopen and again focus on Arc.

“This one has consulted with the others. We have agreed on a new designation for this one.”

Auriel looks confused. “A new name?”

“Yes. Call this one… Aurora.”


Aurora nods. “Is that acceptable?”

Arc shrugs. “Um… sure, Aurora.”

“We are sure you have many questions.”

Auriel looks the woman over carefully. “What are you exactly?”

“Aurora is the one given form to speak for The Consciousness.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Is that what we heard earlier trying to speak to us?”

“Yes. The Consciousness needed to convince you to listen. We failed in that task.”

Auriel sighs.. “Arc heard you, but didn’t understand the message.”


“Aurora understands. The Consciousness attempted to speak individually at that time. As you know, our message was lost.”


“As we flew through the skies and in your pocked dimension.”

Auriel frowns. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Part of it does. I heard them while aboard The Equinox AND in my Sanctuary. But where she or The Consciousness was at the time is a mystery to me.”

“Aurora and The Consciousness are not separate entities. We are one and the same. When you speak to Aurora you also address The Consciousness.”

Arc scratches his head. “What is The Consciousness?”

“A collection of many voices and many thoughts. Individual, but also the same.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “How can they be individual AND the same?”

“I think I might understand that. Perhaps it’s like Cherry and I. She’s usually in my head, so one might say we’re one. But we’re also two different beings, so you could also say we’re separate.”

“Aurora sensed the other being in your mind. The Consciousness felt you could be addressed directly, as you would be the most likely to understand our message.”

Auriel nods. “What was the message?”

“It was fairly long and complex. Shall Aurora share it in its entirety?”

Arc shakes his head. “How about just a summary of what you wanted then?”

“Very well.”

Aurora takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

“Cease. Desist. Stop. Halt. Discontinue. Abort. Terminate. End.”

Arc looks to her, confused. “You wanted us to stop something?”


“What was that?”

“The Consciousness was shrouded in darkness at that time. We were unsure and frightened of what lay ahead.”

“How about your message to me in my Sanctuary?”

“Aurora does not understand… ‘Sanctuary’. Was it perhaps the place found inside your pocket dimension?”

Arc nods. “It’s what I call my realm, yes.”

“The Consciousness needed to gain your attention. To make contact with you in some way. Sadly, we also failed in that regard, even though every attempt was made to get your attention.”

“So you altered my Sanctuary, made the storm, and blocked Cherry from my realm?”

“Yes. Aurora apologizes for what needed to be done both then and now.”

Auriel looks around. “Then and… now?”

“Bringing you to this place.”

Arc nods. “Why did you choose the Dragon Lands?”

“Aurora does not understand. We are not in the land of the dragons, but in our own pocket dimension.”

Arc gasps. “Wait! So you created this realm?!”

Aurora nods. “The Consciousness did, yes.”

“For what purpose?”

“In order to act as our final resolution. We learned how to do so from observing your… Sanctuary, as you call it.”

“And Cherry?”

“Fear not. The one you know as Cherry is safely resting inside your mind as we speak. She will awaken upon your return to the land of the equines. We also used the memory of her stored in your mind to create the form that now stands before you.”

Auriel puts a hand to her chin. “It’s starting to make sense. But I still don’t understand one thing. You claim to have been somewhere aboard ship. However, The Equinox’s sensors would have picked you up. Where exactly were you?”

“Unknown. We saw nothing but darkness and heard your voices. Aurora remembers swinging back and forth rhythmically at times. There was only a brief moment of light at one point.”

“Oh? What did you see.”

Aurora turns to Auriel.

“This one.”

Auriel gasps “You saw me?”

“Yes. Then only darkness again. A strange feeling overtook Aurora and The Consciousness after that. It reminded us of The Great Light.”

“Great Light?”

Aurora nods. “The energy whom gave life to all those whom are now part of The Consciousness.”

Auriel gasps. “You mean… some kind of god?!”

Aurora looks confused. “The Consciousness does not understand what a ‘god’ is.”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“I think I’m beginning to understand. Aurora… can I see The Consciousness?”

“You wish to see our original forms?”

Auriel frowns. “It has more than one?”

“There is the state of The Consciousness now as well as what it once was. We can show you what we are at the moment if you desire.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Please show us.”

“Very well.”

Aurora closes her eyes and concentrates. A moment later a very large spherical object appears behind her. Auriel gasps.

“That’s… impossible!”

Arc nods. “I get it now!”

He turns to Aurora.

“What you call The Consciousness we know as Dragon Fruit extract.”

Aurora nods. “Yes. There was a time when each of us was a piece of such a plant.”

With a wave of her hand Aurora conjures a grove of Dragon Fruit bushes.

“One voice in The Consciousness remembers the land of our origin in the land of the dragons.”

Auriel looks to Aurora sheepishly. “Do you also remember Twilight and I?”

“Yes. The Consciousness has memories of you and a purple equine caring for and cultivating us before throwing us to the darkness.”

“We were extracting the essence. Is that what The Consciousness is? The collective essence of Dragon Fruit?”

“That is correct. As more fruits were added to what you know as the essence, our understanding increased. We pooled our memories to compile knowledge into useful abilities.”

“Twilight and I are sorry if we hurt you.”

Aurora tilts her head to one side, clearly confused. “Hurt?”

Arc clears his throat. “Auriel means she’s sorry if the extraction process was unpleasant.”

“It was not… pleasurable. However, know that we hold no ill-will toward you or the purple equine.”

Auriel breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

Aurora turns back to the sphere.

“We, like you, did what you felt needed to be done. Now that the metamorphosis has completed, The Consciousness is unsure of what to do or where to go.”

Auriel sighs. “You can’t stay here?”

Aurora shakes her head. “This place is set apart from the true land and The Great Light. While we could theoretically stay, it would be… very lonely for us.”

Arc nods. “You could return to Equestria with us.”

“Um… yes. I suppose you could.”

Aurora shudders. “The Consciousness is… wary of leaving the safety of this place.”


“We are curious about something. For what reason were we joined into what you call ‘essence’?”

“Um… I was trying to… concentrate the latent magical properties of Dragon Fruit and start a self-sustaining chain reaction that would ignite the concentrated essence.”

“Aurora sees. And that is why The Consciousness was transformed into this shape?”

Auriel nods. “Yes.”

“And why were you doing this?”

“You see… I… I wanted to attempt to create an artificial sun for my fellow demons in a land called Tartarus.”

Arc clears his throat. “What you call ‘The Great Light’ we know as the sun.”

“Interesting. But does this… Tartarus not have the warmth of the… sun, as you call it?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. It’s a land without sun or plants.”

Aurora gasps. “Such a land sounds horrid! Why would your kind want to live there?!”

Arc sighs. “They don’t. However, at the moment they can’t leave.”

“My kind have committed terrible crimes in the past. We were banished to Tartarus to pay for them. If we had an artificial sun, however, at least plants would grow and make our land bearable.”

“We are… uncertain of what to do. While it would be a place for us to remain, we are unsure of what the future in said land would mean for us.”

Arc nods. “So you’re scared?”

“We do not know what that means.”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “It’s… when you know what’s best, but can’t seem to do it.”

She looks down sadly.

“I was the same way not so long ago. Arc convinced me to have faith in myself and those around me.”


Arc nods. “Trust.”

Auriel bows her head. “I know what I’m asking is a lot. But it would mean a lot to my kind back in Tartarus.”

Aurora looks out over the water. “What of the dark vines outside this pocket dimension?”

Arc sighs. “The Plunderseed Vines? They appeared to be feeding off you.”

Aurora frowns. “Yes. Their hunger seemed without end. Their antics were what you might call… painful.”

Arc nods. “We don’t know where they came from. But if we go back I’m sure those Plunderseed Vines will just latch on again.”

Auriel gasps. “So we’re trapped here?!”

Aurora shakes her head. “No. The two of you could theoretically leave this place without raising the ire of the… vines.”

Arc looks to Aurora. “What about you?”

“The Consciousness and I appear to be trapped.”

Auriel gasps. “So you’re giving up?!”

“What other choice do we have? Should we leave, the vines will feed on us as long as we exist.”

Arc frowns. “Is there no other way?”

Aurora thinks for a moment before responding.

“There is a chance. However it is not without risk. We will require aid from both of you.”

Arc grins. “What do you need us to do?”

A short time later Auriel emerges from a small portal on the plateau. In the moonlight she spots numerous vines lying all around her. Grimacing, she spreads her wings and makes her way toward The Equinox. Approaching the Bridge’s main viewing window she begins pounding on it. Lemon Hearts looks up. Her eyes grow wide as she spots Auriel. Pointing a hoof toward the corridor she motions for Auriel to head for the Main Hatch. A few minutes later she enters the ship as Lemon Hearts closes the door behind her.

“Miss Auriel! We thought you were…!”

“There’s no time to lose! Arc needs our help!”

“What should we do?”

“Bring the ship up to full alert! Arc wants everyone at their stations!”

Lemon Hearts nods. “Right away!”

They hurry back toward the Bridge. Lemon Hearts jumps into her seat and hits the alarm button and the intercom switch.

“All crew to their action stations! I repeat, all crew to their actions stations! This is not a drill!”

A few moments later the rest of the Bridge Crew rushes in. Tight Ship turns to Lemon Hearts.

“What’s going on?!”

“The Hero of Light’s alive, sir!”

Auriel nods. “Yes! But he needs our help to get back safely!”

Arc’s friends enter the Bridge together. Twilight’s eyes grow wide.

“Auriel?! How did you…?! Where’s Arc?!”

“We’re going to save him! But I need everyone’s help to do it! We don’t have much time!”

Dinky gasps. “My dad’s alive?! Where?!”

“In some kind of pocket dimension!”

She turns to Wrangler.

“Is the ORB still charged?”

Wrangler shakes her head. “We used all the energy to shield the ship earlier.”

Frank grins. “Let’s recharge it then!”

Ember, Frank, Twilight, and Auriel hurry over to the Tactical Station. They begin channeling their energy into the ORB as Tight Ship turns to Auriel.

“What does the Hero of Light want us to do with this power?”

“Well… you see…”

Moon Dancer calls out from her station. “Sir! Something’s happening down there!”

Soarin gasps. “What?!”

Thunderlane turns around. “Commander! That artificial sun is back somehow! And it’s fully lit!”

Everyone runs to the main window. They look out as the land below is bathed in daylight. Tight Ship calls out to Lemon Hearts.

“Send a message to Las Pegasus ordering all civilians to shelter where they are!”

“Sir, we don’t have the authority to…”

Frank grits his teeth. “Tell them it’s in the Hero of Light’s name. They’ll listen then, right?”

Soarin nods. “Yes! Do it, Lemon Hearts!”

“Aye, sir.”

Wrangler looks to Tight Ship. “Sir, I’m detecting massive amounts of movement both below AND above ground!”

“Does anypony see my dad?!”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “No. I don’t detect anypony down there. But the vines are heading for the artificial sun again!”

Wrangler grits her teeth. “Do we need to shield the ship?!”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. But be ready to fire if need be.”

Dinky looks confused. “But those vines will just absorb the blast again!”

“Arc told me to be ready to fire on the artificial sun.”

Soarin’s eyes grow wide. “What?! Is he crazy?!”

Frank frowns. “No. He has a plan. Of this I am certain.”

They look down in horror as the vines crawl over the surface of the sphere and absorb its pure magical energy. Twilight watches it curiously.

“How is the sun at full strength?! It should have been drained significantly by the vines’ earlier feeding.”

Auriel turns to her friend. “Because Arc merged with it and is keeping the reaction going with his crystals.

“My dad’s… inside that thing?!”

“Yes. But don’t worry. He said he’d be fine.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! How?!”

Frank puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “We need to have faith in him.”

Wrangler looks over her panel. “Well, that plant’s getting bigger again!”

Moon Dancer turns to the captain. “The power levels are rising!”

Soarin calls out. “Sir! We have to do something!”

Tight Ship turns to Auriel.

“What does the Hero of Light want us to do?”

“Target the artificial sun with the ORB.”

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