• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Visitation

Meanwhile, Arc and his friends climb into the van together. Buckling up, Frank starts the vehicle and puts it in drive. Arc looks to him as they do so.

“So is Shelly really doing alright?”

“Lily says she is.”

“Do you believe her?”

Frank sighs. “I do not.”

Derpy gasps. “Are you saying she lied about Shelly’s condition?!”

Dinky frowns. “But why would she do that?!”

Frank shrugs. “I can only assume Shelly told her to do that.

Apple Bloom looks to Arc. “She really didn’t look too healthy to me.”

Sweetie Belle shudders. “I’ll say. It looked really uncomfortable.”

“Big Brother?”

“Yes, Scootaloo?”

“Um… I did understand some of the things on her chart.”

“Like what?”

“It’s like you said before. Her organs are shutting down. Remember all those machines around her? They’re keeping her going.”

Dinky appears relieved. “Well, at least her lungs are working.”

Frank sighs. “Somewhat.”

Derpy gasps. “Frank?”

“I saw a respirator off to one side.”

Arc frowns. “She probably has it hooked to her at night for safety.”

Apple Bloom groans. “Can’t we do anything for her?!”

Sweetie Belle smiles. “Like take her to Equestria for help!”

Arc shakes his head. “I already talked to Doctor Whooves about Shelly’s condition. He says there’s nothing he could do without years of observing her.”

Dinky grimaces. “Time she doesn’t have.”

“I did notice something else though, Big Brother.”

“What was it?”

“After I read the chart as best I could, I started watching her. Listening to her voice and mannerisms.”

Frank appears hopeful. “And what did you discover?”

“There was absolutely zero fear in her voice.”

Arc sighs. “That much I already know.”

“But I did hear something else too. Resolution.”

Dinky appears confused. “Resolution?”

“She’s accepted what’s going to happen from what I can tell.”

Apple Bloom grimaces. “So Shelly is…?”

Sweetie Belle glares at her. “Apple Bloom!”

Arc nods sadly. “Yes… Shelly is dying.”

Frank bows his head as they stop at a light. “She has been for some time now.”

Derpy looks behind her. “I’m sure you’ll want to spend more time with her in the near future, Arc.”

“Yeah. After all, I don’t really know just how much longer she has.”

Arriving back at the house Frank pulls the van into the driveway. Arc and company get out as Frank pokes his head out the window.

“I’ll head on back to the hospital and give Lily back her keys before Blinking back to the restaurant.”

“You guys need help over there?”

Frank shakes his head. “We have more than enough Shards to staff it. All I have to do is coordinate them.”

Arc turns toward the house. “Alright. Call if you need me.”



“I… I just wanted to say… that I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me too.”

“Shelly’s going to want both of us close at hand during this trying time.”

“And I’ll be here.”

“I’m sure you will. Now then, don’t be a stranger.”

“Sure. Take care, Frank.”

Nodding, Frank rolls up the window, backs out of the driveway, and slowly drives away. Arc heads for the front porch where the others are waiting for him. Unlocking the door he pushes it open and steps aside for them. As the little ones enter, Derpy takes Arc’s hand and looks him in the eye silently for a few moments. Nodding, they enter the house together as Dinky turns to her father.

“Thanks for taking us to visit Shelly, dad.”

Arc smiles sadly at her. “I’m sure she appreciated the company.”

Derpy looks to the little girl. “Dinky, why don’t you and the others watch something on the television now?”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “Tele-whatsit?”

Sweetie Belle looks around. “Is it like a telephone?”

Scootaloo groans. “Not really, no.”

Dinky motions for them to follow. “I’ll show you two.”

They head for the couch as Dinky picks up the remote. Derpy motions to Arc to follow her upstairs. Doing so she leads him into his parent’s old room and shuts the door behind them as she turns to him.

“Now we can talk privately.”

“Is something wrong, Derpy.”

Derpy nods soberly. “Yes, Arc.”

“Would you like to talk about it?”

“Would you?”


“I can tell that you’re upset.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

Derpy motions to the bed. “Why don’t we sit down?”

Arc nods and does as she suggests. Taking her place next to him, Derpy smiles sadly as she speaks.

“You’re worried about Shelly.”

“I am, yes.”

“We both know the doctors will do all they can for her.”

“But we all know the prognosis. She wasn’t expected to see another Christmas and it’s now autumn.”

“All things considered she looks to be in high spirits.”

“I still don’t understand how though. After all, Shelly knows time is running out for her.”

“Yes. But she isn’t letting that bother her.”

“Are you saying that I shouldn’t either?”

Derpy shakes her head. “No, Arc. Instead I’m suggesting that you allow yourself to enjoy the time remaining. To bond with and create memories of her along with Lily and Frank.”

She takes his hand before continuing.

“And to make her happy as well.”

“More time would make her happy.”

“Is that an option though?”

“At the moment, no.”

“Then what do you think you should do?”

“Spend my time with her, of course.”

Arc looks to Derpy with a pained expression on his face before continuing.

“But that wouldn’t be fair to you or the fillies downstairs.”


“We came here to bond and get to know one another, after all.”

“Arc… when I agreed to come here with you I did so knowing full well that Shelly might need you more than I.”

“You did?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. After all, you told us last year about how much time she had left.”

“Guess I did. And... you’re okay with me putting you and our future family on the proverbial back burner?”

“I am. After all, you and Shelly only have so much time together.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. But… there’s someone else whom should be there too.”



“They formed an attachment, did they?”

“A very deep one, yes.”

“Then why not bring him here?”

“Because she doesn’t want to see him until he’s ready to be honest about things.”

Derpy appears confused. “He lied to her about something?”

“No. He told her the truth.”

“Then why does she think he’s lying?”

“Because he told her that he’s from another world.”

Derpy gasps. “She knows about Equestria?!”

Arc shakes her head. “No. She didn’t believe him. Shelly even accused him of treating her like an idiot with his so-called tall tale.”

“But what led him to tell her that in the first place?!”



“I… thought it best that he break it off.”

“Arc… why would you do that?!”

“Because we were about to assault Damocles Base to save Celestia. I told him to break up in case we didn’t make it back.”

“Was that the only reason though?”

Arc bows his head. “No. At that time I had told him, ordered actually, not to form any attachments here. I figured it would have made things difficult for the ones left behind when we left… of got killed. But that was only half of it.”

“What was the rest?”

“Shelly was dying. I… I didn’t want him to go through what I did with Cherry. Have to feel the loss of watching a loved one die right in front of you.”

He bows his head and sighs before continuing.

“It… it messes you up inside, you know.”

“You would know better than I. After all, I didn’t even know my father was sick, much less dying back in Trottingham.”

“Would you have wanted to know?”

“Yes, I would have.”

“Sorry I couldn’t have told you.”

“It couldn’t have been helped though.”

“Derpy, I need to know something.”

“What is it?”

“Considering just how cruel he had been to you in the past, why would you have wanted to see him again?”

“At his deathbed?”


“I’d wished I could have told him a few things.”

“Like what?”

“How big Dinky is getting or me getting along well in Ponyville.”

Arc raises an eyebrow.” You wouldn’t be mad and tell him off?”

Derpy shakes her head. “Not really, no. After all, considering what he said in his letter to me, I know that he was sorry for that.”

Arc smiles. “Derpy, you’re amazing.”

“I am?”

“Yes. Someone who’s supposed to love, care for, and protect you abused you for years and you can still put that aside.”

“Couldn’t you?”

Arc frowns. “I… don’t think so. If my dad suddenly contacted me out of the blue, I think I’d have some choice words to say to him.”

“Like what?”

“How could he have left mom and I like he did, for starters. And why he didn’t come forward to take me in after she died.”

“Maybe he couldn’t though.”

Arc clenches a fist. “More than likely he started a new family and abandoned us!”

“You don’t know that though, Arc.”

“I know you’re right, of course. But considering what happened to me because of him… I can’t imagine any excuse he could give to make what he did alright.”

“Maybe he really is dead though. That would be a perfect explanation.”

“He can’t be though. I still get regular deposits in my bank account from his wages, so I know he’s out there somewhere.”

“After all these years he’s still supporting you, Arc. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

“That he doesn’t want to come forward like a man mostly.”

“I believe in giving others the benefit of the doubt. After all, you did that for me so long ago.”

“But you were innocent.”

“And he may yet be too. So please hear him out should he return someday.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Derpy smiles at him. “Please do. After all, the human I fell in love with is a kind and considerate stallion. Like Max was to Shelly.”

“Yeah, he was.”

“Do you understand, Arc?”

“Understand what?”

“Think about it. If your father came back right now you would probably react just like Shelly did.”


Derpy interrupts him. “Am I wrong?”

“No. However…!”

Derpy puts a finger to Arc’s lips. “Arc, stop. Stop and listen to your own thoughts and words.”

He opens his mouth to speak, but Derpy puts a hand over it.


They sit there for a time motionless. Eventually Derpy removes her hand as Arc sighs.

“You’re right, Derpy. I’d probably have a hard time listening to his explanation. At least with an open mind, that is.”

Derpy nods. “Right. Just like Shelly didn’t listen to Max when he told her the truth.”

“And I still regret that.”

“I’m sure you do. But at the same time you really need to do something to make it right.”

“I know. It’s just…”

He is interrupted as a chirp rings out from his earring. Groaning, he rolls his eyes.

“Of all the times…”

Touching his earring, Arc calls out.

“Arc here.”

“Hey, this is Ember. I’m sorry to interrupt your, uh… date time, or whatever it is. But this is kinda important.”

“Decimus causing trouble, or something?”

“Nothing quite that… uh… urgent, I guess. But Brightwing says they’re getting some really weird… feelings from your area on Earth.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Brightwing is also the same one whom went after a kidney stone inside a monster if you recall.”

Derpy frowns. “Please, Arc. Hear her out.”

Ember gasps. “Derpy? You’re there too?!”

Arc chuckles. “Well, we ARE here to date.”

Ember groans. “Right. But in any case I felt it important to pass on to you.”

“Alright. Brightwing has indigestion, or something. Anything else?”

“I know you’re skeptical about this, but I already verified it.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “You did?”


“By running it by Sunburst.”

“What did he find?”

“That there’s definitely SOMETHING going on over there.”

“Could he narrow it down a bit further?”

Ember sighs. “That’s the best he could do.”

Arc frowns. “He and the other sages scoured the entire planet looking for Celestia, but can’t figure THIS out?”

“I said as much when he came back with that. His explanation was that they didn’t actually know what to search for. Sorta like looking for a needle in a haystack when you don’t actually know what the needle looks like.”

“So… what should I do about it?”

“Not really sure. But I still wanted you to know about it.”

“Well, thanks for telling me about… whatever this thing is.”

“No problem. I’ll let you know if I find out anything… oh wait.”


“Brightwing just Blinked over to me. Looks like they have something really important to say.”

Ember looks to Brightwing before continuing.

“What’s up?”

“Brightwing have idea!”


“Brightwing show friend!”

Landing, Brightwing plants her claws firmly in the carpet below her before grunting. Ember raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Um… you okay?”

Arc calls out. “Something happening over there, Ember?”

Ember turns back to the microphone. “Brightwing’s doing… something.”

Derpy speaks up. “Can you describe it?”

Ember shrugs. “It looks kinda like they’re constipated.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “…what?”

She hears Brightwing grunting intensify. Turning back to her, Ember speaks.

“Go outside if you need to…!”

She stops talking as her eyes fall on Brightwing, who’s wings have begun to glow strangely. Arc calls out to her.

“Ember? Everything okay over there?”

“Arc, I…!”

She is cut off as a bright flash emits from Brightwing’s body. Instinctively shutting her eyes to protect them, Ember turns away and flails at the desk next to her in an attempt to find the radio. Tripping, she falls over. Feeling two hands steadying her, Ember rubs her eyes as she speaks.

“Thanks for the save, Hammer.”

However a deeper voice responds.

“Glad to be of service.”

Her eyes flying open, she turns to see Arc and Derpy standing before her.

“What the…? Arc?! When did you get back?!”

“I didn’t.”

Derpy giggles. “Right. You’re on Earth.”

“I… I am?!”

Brightwing flutters over to her and grins.

“Yes, yes, YES!!! Brightwing did it!”

Arc frowns. “Did what exactly?”

“Brightwing come here to face danger!”

Derpy gasps. “Danger?!”

Ember looks to Brightwing. “How the heck did you bring us here anyways?!”

Brightwing shrinks back nervously. “Dragon Lord mad?”

“Not exactly. I just want an explanation.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, do tell.”

“Brightwing reach out with magic! Focus on finding weak point in transdimensional barrier! Thought Dragon Lord would be happy for Brightwing!”

Ember groans. “I’m not happy about this.”


“No, it’s just…”

She sighs before turning to Arc and Derpy.

“Sorry about this, you two.”

Derpy shrugs. “It’s okay.”

Arc grins. “Yeah. I mean, it’s not like you planned to come here.”

Ember bows her head. “Think you could send Brightwing and I back, Arc?”

“Sure. Just give me a second to…”

Brightwing gasps. “No! Have to stay!”

Derpy appears confused. “Oh?”

Arc frowns. “But why?”

“Have to find danger!”

Ember growls. “This again?! Sunburst is working on it already!”

Brightwing stomps her feet. “But we here now!”

Derpy looks to Arc. “She does have a point.”

“But we don’t even know what we’re supposed to be looking for right now.”

“Brightwing knows!”

Ember groans. “Then tell us what it is.”

“Scary, scary!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “That doesn’t really narrow it down though.”

“Brightwing help you find it! But we going to need help!”

Derpy smiles. “What do we need to do?”

“Not from Brightwing! From pretty girl!”

Ember frowns. “You’d better start making sense here quick, Brightwing!”

“We need pretty girl with red skin and wings!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Auriel?”

“Yes, yes! She can feel it too! Brightwing sure of it!”

Derpy turns to Arc. “It might be worth a shot.”

Arc sighs as he touches his earring. “Fine. I’ll make the call.”

Brightwing takes flight and does a backflip. “Hooray!”

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