• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,613 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 5 - Grocery Run

Arc awakens early the next morning. He stands up and stretches!

“Good as new after a good night's sleep!”

A voice rings out behind him.

“Glad to hear it.”

Arc turns around to see Ember lying on the bed smiling at him!

“You were really out of it last night.”

“Was I?”

Ember sits up and nods! “Yes, you were. Do you remember me waking you up last night to lower the sun?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Actually, no.”

“I thought so! You literally lowered the sun and raised the moon in your sleep!”

Sereb opens his eyes and stretches. “Yes. It was most impressive.”

Arc looks toward the window to raise the sun. “So tell me. Did the transports I ordered arrive safely?”

Ember smiles. “Yes. Don't worry about that. I went down there and had them set up right away!”

Sereb nods. “Not a moment too soon I might add. Redheart was nearly asleep on her hooves by the end.”

“Is she alright?!”

“She is. Sereb and I helped her get to bed early this morning. Although she's probably already up and back down there! It was a mess!”

Sereb sighs. “Indeed. I've never seen such thin creatures before. These pirates must indeed be most foul to commit such atrocities.”

Arc nods. “Agreed Sereb.”

Ember stands up from her place on the bed and walks over to Arc. “We have to do something about the! If we don't, nothing will change here!”

Arc nods soberly. “We’ll deal with them in due time, Ember. Right now, our primary concern is to return the citizens of this land to health."

Ember looks out the window at the tents. The citizenry is already lining up for breakfast! ”Well we're certainly on the right track there!”

Arc heads for the bathroom. “Let me get a quick shower and a change of raiments. Then we can head out and see what needs doing.”

“What about breakfast?!”

“We'll grab a quick bite on the way.”

Arc closes the bathroom door behind him. Ember turns to Sereb.

“Arc is really taking this seriously!”

“Indeed. Turning down breakfast is certainly out of character for him.”

Meanwhile, Arc steps into the shower and allows the hot water to wash over him for several minutes.

“This band of pirates... what could they possibly be after?! This feels like so much more than petty larceny! They must have SOME kind of end-game! I'll have to discuss this with the monarchs of this land.”

A short time later Arc finishes his shower and, after dressing, returns to Ember and Sereb. There are three plates of food on the table.

“What's this?”

Ember turns to him. “Our supper from last night! I went to the kitchen and reheated it. The kitchen staff was none too thrilled to cook fish once! I wanted to spare them the discomfort of heating them up a second time!”

Arc sits down. “Thanks Ember. I'm starving!”

Sereb nods. “Not surprising considering yesterday's activities.”

Arc eats hungrily! “Yeah. That really took a lot out of me!”

Ember sits down and begins to eat as well. “Please do try to watch yourself today Arc. You can't make this a habit!”

Sereb nods. “It's bad for our forces to see you so weakened.”

“No promises, but I'll try.”

A short time later Arc finishes his food and stands up.

“Ready to go you two?”


Sereb nods. “Let us depart.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the cabin and head toward the Main Hatch.

“So, who commanded the transport fleet, Ember?”

“Lieutenant Spitfire. General Virtuous Lance sent her to Canterlot with additional aid. The two convoys rendezvoused at Canterlot and made their way here in record time! I sent her to relieve Captain Tight Ship for some much-needed rest when she got here!”

Arc nods. “It seems you've led our forces well while I slept, Ember. I'm impressed!”

She blushes slightly. "It... it was nothing!"

Sereb nods. “A simple task for the future Dragon Lord I would think.”

“We all have to start somewhere. Although I am glad I can entrust such responsibility to you if the need arises.”

Ember clears her throat in an attempt to change the subject. “Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer came on the transports as well.”

“Oh? What for?”

Sereb shrugs. “They felt their skills would be needed here. What they meant by that I do not know.”

Ember nods. “A blacksmith is always a valuable asset in times of trouble!”

“Yeah, I can understand that.”

“In any case, I've already briefed them on the pirates and their toxic gas. They said they would get to work on a countermeasure of some kind!”

Arc nods! “I'm sure they'll figure something out in no time.”

The group makes their way down the gangplank. They quickly spot Lieutenant Spitfire coordinating relief efforts and make their way over to her.


Arc looks around. “It appears you have everything under control here, lieutenant.”

Spitfire nods and salutes. “Yes sir! We got here late last night and got to work setting up a proper medical tent along with the extra medical staff we brought along.”

Ember looks around. “Where are the king and queen?”

“They went back to the Palace late last night. However, they should be back soon! It's rather surprising!”

Arc looks at the lieutenant, confused. “What do you mean?”

Spitfire gestures to the city. “From what I heard about this place, I expected a lot of trouble! But the populace, along with their rulers, appear to genuinely care for on another.”

Arc nods! “Hard times can bring out the best in everyone.”

“I just have one question, sir. Where are all their guards?”

Arc sighs. “Most of their military was killed in a chemical attack by some pirates.”


Ember nods. “By the same pirates that brought this land to this sorry state.”

“The Lunar Destiny's bridge crew are keeping they eyes open so the same doesn't happen to us.”

“Sir, we have to do something about this!”

“I'm working on a plan as we speak lieutenant. Don't worry. I won't leave this land undefended.”

Spitfire nods! “That's good to hear, sir!”

“Ember, would you please tell the king and queen I need to speak with them when they arrive?

Spitfire looks around the crowd. “They’re probably here already.”

Ember flies away. “I’ll see if I can find them!”

A few minutes later Ember returns with the monarchs.

“You wanted to see us Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes. How are things in Panthera now?”

Queen Fiona sighs. “We have enough food to feed our city for some time now. However, there are quite a few other towns throughout Abyssinia that are in similar situations. While we hate to ask you for more, as you've already done so much, but…”

“Hmmm... how do we feed everyone in Abyssinia?”

Sereb steps forward. “It is worth pointing out that any solution you could come up with would be temporary at best.”

Spitfire nods! “He's right sir! At some point we'll need a long-term solution!”

“I agree, but we can't do that until the more pressing matters are dealt with!”

Ember frowns. “Like the pirates?”

“Yes. Now I have an idea where I can get some more food for the rest of the country. Ember, you and Sereb stay here and help safeguard this land until I return. Should the pirates show up Captain Tight Ship has my permission to blast them to kingdom come!”

“Wait! Where are YOU going?!

Arc reaches into his pocket and pulls out the pocket watch. Opening it to look at a smiling Cherry Jubilee, he walks toward the sigil.

“Asking a dear friend for help. Wish me luck.”

Arc uses the power of his crystal and powers up the sigil. In a moment he is gone. King Felix turns to Ember.

“He's going alone?!”

Ember nods. “Yeah... this friend of his... they were very close until a short time ago.”

“What changed?”

“She did.”

Sereb shakes his head. “It's like Arc said before, Ember. Things don't always work out the way you plan them.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. I understand that all too well.”

Meanwhile... Arc reappears on the sigil in Cherry Jubilee's basement. He can hear hoofsteps upstairs in the kitchen along with the clattering of pots and pans. He takes a deep breath and mutters to himself.

“Here goes nothing.”

Arc slowly makes his way over to the basement steps and looks up them.

“Hello? Cherry? Ruby? Are you there?”

A few moments later Cherry and Ruby look down the steps at Arc.

“Lord Arc? How did you get down there?!”

Ruby looks down the stairs at him angrily!

“What are you doing here?! I thought I told you to...”

“Sister! That's no way to speak to the Lord Regent!”

Cherry looks back down the stairs

“Please forgive my sister, sire!”

Arc sighs. “She's right Cherry. I really shouldn't be here right now. But I needed to speak to you two about a matter of great importance!”

Cherry motions for him to come upstairs. “Nonsense sire! As Lord Regent you are free to go wherever you wish! But please, come upstairs! My basement is not fit for a stallion such as yourself!”

“I… um… thank you.”

Ruby Jubilee taps her hoof angrily as he does so. “Can we hurry this along?! We have a lot of work to do today!”

“Sister! Hush!”

Cherry Jubilee looks back at Arc with a pained expression on her face!

“Again, I apologize sire! Now what is it we can do for you?”

“Now I know that two of you aren't exactly happy with me right now. However Cherry, I'm not here today as your fiancé, but as a customer. I'm here to buy your cherry reserves.”

Ruby Jubilee rolls her eyes. “Fine. How much do you need?”

“All of it.”

Cherry Jubilee blinks repeatedly. “I'm sorry, what?”

“I need every cherry you can spare!”

Ruby Jubilee frowns! “See here, Lord Arc! I know you're desperate to see my sister and all, but this is going too far! You're wasting taxpayer bits!”

“I legitimately need the food to feed a country across the sea! Please! You'll be paid for every cherry I take! That I promise you!”

Cherry Jubilee looks away, a pained expression on her face. “I... I don't know. Our parents didn't exactly look well on outsiders enjoying our cherries. They started this ranch to feed ponies! Not... other creatures. Please don't be angry with me sire, but those were my parent’s wishes!”

Ruby Jubilee nods! “And we should respect them, Cherry!”

She turns back to Arc. “I'm sorry sire, but can you please get food for these outsiders somewhere else?”

“Where were they years ago when Equestria needed help?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest “You know, I could just order you to sell me what I need! But perhaps you don't understand the gravity of the situation! They're literally STARVING over there! Their military is all but destroyed, and they've been beset on by a band of viscous opportunists! Now, I need to go after the pirates, but I can't do that until they are fed!”

Cherry Jubilee looks to Arc, nervously. “Are… are you going to take our cherries by royal decree?!”

Arc sighs. “I... I would rather just buy them like a normal customer. But I guess that's up to you two.”

Ruby looks to her sister. “We would like to help, but shouldn't they take care of their own problems? I mean, I know it sound cruel and all but Equestria has its own issues that need addressing.”

Cherry Jubilee nods! “Agreed sister. We need to hold onto our reserves in case the ponies of Equestria need them!”

“The Cherry Jubilee I feel in love with would never turn away someone in need!”

“I understand that sire, but...”

Arc steps forward, angrily! “Their citizens are DYING!”

There is a tense silence.

“Will you please sell them to me?”

Ruby shakes her head, angrily! “I don't think so! What do you say, Cherry?”

Cherry Jubilee bows her head and sighs. “Very well Lord Arc. We'll sell you three quarters of our reserves.”

“But sister, that's quite a sizable amount! How about ten percent?!”

“No Ruby. I know mother and father wouldn't be too happy about this, but we can't just ignore an entire country that's starving! We'll rebuild our reserves over the next couple of harvests!”

“I suppose we could. But what about Equestria?!”

“I understand what you're saying sister. But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't help those who were hungry! Ponies or otherwise.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Cherry.”

Ruby Jubilee rolls her eyes. “Fine... follow me... ‘sire’.”

She leads Arc and Cherry out the front door and over to the warehouse. Ruby Jubilee gestures top the crates with a hoof, angrily!

“There they are, Lord Arc. Take what you want! Although you should have brought help!”

“Thank you.”

Arc picks up a small cardboard box.

“Might I have this?”

Cherry Jubilee looks at the small box, confused. “Forgive me sire, but that box won't hold much. Besides, the jars are already crated up for easy transport.”

“Trust me Cherry.”

Arc uses his magic to line the crates up in front of himself. Cherry whispers to her sister.

“What do you suppose he's doing?”

Ruby Jubilee shakes her head and frowns! “Probably wasting time.”

Arc stacks all the boxes in front of himself until he is satisfied. He then turns back to the sisters.

“Is that about three quarters worth?”

Ruby Jubilee picks up a clipboard and looks it over.

“Three crates over.”

Arc sadly turns back toward the crates. “Very well.”

Using his magic, Arc puts three crates back on the racks as Ruby writes out an invoice.

“I'll send the bill to Canterlot. See to it that it's paid promptly, would you kindly?”

Arc takes the paper from Ruby. “I will. Thank you.”

Cherry Jubilee looks at the paper as Arc takes it. “Wait! Lord Arc, may I see that for a moment please?”


Cherry takes the invoice along with the clipboard from her sister and looks it over before writing something on it. Ruby looks to Cherry!

“Sister? What are you doing?”

“Giving Lord Arc a wholesale discount.”

“What?! Why?!”

Cherry Jubilee looks at the crates. “This certainly qualifies for wholesale pricing, does it not?”

“Yes, but... it's going overseas!”

“I don't mind. Besides... Lord Arc was very Kind not to just take our supplies! He certainly has the authority to do so!”

Ruby nods. “True, but...”

Cherry holds up a hoof for silence. “That and he... he didn't take my hoof in marriage forcefully, or try to guilt me into willingly doing so.”

She walks over to Arc with the clipboard and gives him the amended invoice.

“Sire, I... I have to know! Why? Why don't you just order me to become your bride?! I mean... I get the feeling you really want me by your side! Don't you love me?!”

Arc kneels down to look Cherry in the eye. “I... I do, Cherry. But that wouldn't make YOU happy! I can only hope and pray that someday, hopefully soon, your memories return and we can be together again!”

She nods! “I'd like that too, sire! I mean... I'd like to have my memories back! Sorry, but... I just don't love you! Please forgive me!”

Arc sighs. “I don't hold your feelings for me, or lack thereof, against you Cherry. This isn't your fault!”

“Thank you sire.”

Cherry extends a hoof to Arc.

“I know Ruby is still angry with you, but can we at least be friends?”

Arc takes Cherry’s hoof in his hand and shakes it.

“Cherry... I never stopped being your friend. Even when you forgot me! I will always be there for you if you need me!”

The two look at each other wordless for a long time.

Ruby Jubilee clears her throat loudly! “Shouldn't you be getting back… sire?”

Arc stands. “Yes... you're right Ruby.”

He turns back to the crates of cherry preserves. Arc raises his hands and uses the Matter Compacting spell to shrink them down to a more manageable size before using his magic to carefully place them in the cardboard box. Picking up the filled box, he turns back to the sisters.

“Thank you. Ruby Jubilee?”


Arc sighs. “Take care of your sister for me. If either of you ever need anything at all give me a call.”

Cherry nods. “Thank you sire.”

Arc looks at the contents of the box for a long moment as a single tear rolls down his face. “I need to go now. Goodbye… Cherry.”

He uses his crystals to open a portal and is gone. Cherry Jubilee does not move.

“S-sister? Are you alright?”

Cherry does not look back at her sister as she looks around the warehouse and all the bare racks!

“I've never seen the Warehouse this empty before.”

“Indeed sister. Don't you worry though. We'll fill it up again together!”

Cherry Jubilee suddenly falls to her knees and bows her head! Ruby runs over to her!

“Sister! What's wrong?!”

Cherry raises her head to look at the empty racks again! “Everything! This room... these racks... they... they remind me of myself!”

“What do you mean?”

“My memories of Lord Arc are like these racks... EMPTY! Like... like my heart!”

Cherry Jubilee begins to cry. Ruby lies down on the floor next to her sister and puts a hoof around her.

“There, there Cherry. It's going to be alright. This isn't your fault! If Arc had just...”

“Just stop it, Ruby!”

Cherry Jubilee puts her head against her sister. “I... I don't remember him and what happened is kinda fuzzy too! But after today I do remember one thing!”

Ruby looks to her hopeful! “That's wonderful Cherry! What is it?!”

The mare only cries harder! “That... that Lord Arc truly loves me and wants what's best for me! I just wish I felt the same toward him!”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears on the sigil in his cabin. He looks in the box.

“It was nice seeing you again, Cherry. I hope we can be together again soon.”

Arc takes a few more moments to contemplate this and compose himself before bringing the box outside to the others. Ember walks over with Sereb, King Felix and Queen Fiona.

“That took a while!”

“Y-yeah. I'm sorry for making all of you wait.”

Queen Fiona nods understandingly. “We understand, Lord Arc.”

Arc looks down at the box. “This should help feed everyone else.”

King Felix looks at the contents of the box. “I'm sorry Lord Arc, but I don't quite follow your logic.”

“Let me show you then.”

Arc sets the box down on the ground. He uses his magic to line up all the miniature crates before casting the Matter Compacting counter spell. In a few moments the crates are returned to their original size!

Queen Fiona’s eyes grow wide! “Incredible!”

Her husband nods! “Extraordinary! I don't know how you did that Lord Arc, but we are again in your debt!”

The queen nods! “Indeed. And that debt appears to be growing!”

The king turns back to Arc. “I don't know how yet, but we'll find a way to repay you someday!”

“I'm sure you will. But right now, let's see about saving lives!”

Queen Fiona turns away sadly. “Thank you, Lord Arc. We… we don't deserve such Kindness from you.”

“I'm just doing this to help your citizens.”

King Felix nods! “And we thank you for it! Hopefully this can be a new beginning for both our countries!”

Arc nods! “Yes, we can talk about that later. Right now we have bigger problems. Would the two of you please walk with me?”

The king and queen follow Arc back to the Lunar Destiny. They are followed by Ember and Sereb. As they walk the ship’s halls, Arc turns to them.

“What can you tell me about these pirates?”

King Felix thinks for a moment. “Well, they always come from the east. Although the neighboring towns have all told different stories, we've been able to nail down a general area where the pirates must have some kind of base!”

Queen Fiona nods! “That is correct. However, this information is of little use to us, as we no longer have a standing army to speak of!”

“What exactly are the pirates? I'm assuming they are not equine or feline.”

King Felix shrugs. “We're not actually sure. No one in Panthera has ever seen creatures like them!”

Queen Felix sighs. “They are quite large though. About as big as you are Lord Arc! And they walk on their hind legs!”

Ember looks to the monarchs “Are they armed?”

“Very much so! They wear anti-magic armor and carry wicked looking spears!”

“I believe their armaments may be more for intimidation than anything else. They're certainly strong enough without them!”

Sereb growls. “Any known weaknesses?”

“Well, they're not terribly bright. I know it's not much, but it's a start.”

Arc nods thoughtfully. “You said they have a ship. What can you tell us about them?”

“They appear to be made out of the same material as their armor. Almost impenetrable!”

Ember raises an eyebrow, hopeful! “Almost?”

“My husband only says that because, as we all know, nothing is truly unbreachable.”

“Right. Sadly, we don't know any more about their ship other than it’s fitted with gas launchers at the very least.”

Queen Fiona nods, sadly. “Yes. Our military found that out the hard way.”

“Lord Arc, you're not considering going after them, are you?!”

Arc nods! “Yes I am! If these pirates are as well-equipped as you say they are, it's only a matter of time before they move on to pillage other countries!”

Ember turns to Arc. “Who knows what their true objectives are!”

Sereb ponders this for a moment. “Perhaps they wish to conquer the world.”

The king shakes his head. “Possible, but unlikely. This band doesn't seem to have such grand designs.”

“They, for all intents and purposes, conquered our land dear! Simple pirates don't do things like that!”

“Yes, well… in any case Lord Arc, if you were to attack them all they would have to do is open fire on your forces with their gas! I doubt your troops would fare any better than ours did!”

“What if our opponents couldn't use their gas on us?”

Queen Fiona nods soberly. “They would still be a fearsome opponent, but they would lose much of their immediate advantage.”

“You got a plan, Arc?”

“I will as soon as I talk to Steel Hammer and his wife, Ember. They're pretty good at coming up with mechanical based ideas.”

Ember smiles! “Better than you Arc?”

“Maybe. In any case, here we are!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “You planned this, didn't you?”

Arc nods as he opens the doors to the armory! “Yup.”

Inside the group finds Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer hard at work on something.

“Glad you two could make it!”

Steel Hammer nods and salutes! “Hope you don't mind us coming over here Arc.”

Silver Hammer smiles. “But I suppose it's a good thing we did. Ember tells us you need to counter some kind of toxic gas!”

“I do. Any ideas?”

“Yes. We've been working on a little something since we took off yesterday. I think it should fit the bill!”

Silver Hammer nods! “Our prototype is in the back room. Steel Hammer, why don't you take Arc back there and give him a hoof putting it on.”

“Right this way!”

Arc and Steel Hammer head to the back room together. Ember turns to Silver Hammer.

“So, what is it? Some new kind of armor?”

King Felix shudders. “I hope not. Our troop's armor was heavily corroded by the gas!”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “Not exactly. We mean to use what Arc already has while adding a few new tricks to his repertoire!”

About ten minutes later the pair emerge from the back room. Arc is clad in Eidolon's Ward. Queen Fiona looks confused.

“Isn't that the armor you were wearing when we met, Lord Arc? While it may withstand the toxic fumes, I doubt you will!”

Sereb looks Arc over carefully. “It is not what is on the outside that matters. But what is underneath.”

Arc replies in a rather strange voice. “Right you are, Sereb!”

He removes his gauntlets to reveal a thin mesh clothing.

Steel Hammer walks over. “Waterproof and heavily resistant to corrosion! The gas can't dissolve what it can't get to!”

Ember grins! “Nice! But what if he breathes it in?! I doubt Arc can hold his breath for that long!”

Arc removes his helmet. “Don't worry about that Ember. They've thought of everything.”

His head is wrapped in the same black material as his hands, over his mouth is a mask of some sort with built in goggles and rebreather.

Silver Hammer nods! “The black suit Arc is wearing is a one-piece construction. Thankfully it will be covered by his armor. A seamstress I am not.”

Steel Hammer sighs. “This SHOULD do the trick. The only down side is without a sample of the gas we have no way of actually testing it before use!”

“It will do.”

Ember frowns. “How can you be so sure Arc?!”

“It has to. But, if you all don't mind, I think I need to take this thing off! I'm roasting!”

Silver Hammer looks to him, apologetically! “Sorry, but the airtight aspect of it works both ways. You're going to sweat like a pig in the sun and there's nowhere for it to go!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Sadly, it interferes with the thermal regulators. I might be able to find a way around that, but it will take time!”

Arc shakes his head. “Time is something we don't have. I'll take it out as-is.”

Silver Hammer nods, understanding. “Do be careful Arc. Even you aren't invincible! Oh yes! I was able to make a suit for you as well Ember!”

Steel Hammer picks up a suit up off a nearby table. “It proved to be harder than we originally thought. Especially the claws. Do try not to rip it miss.”

Ember takes the suit from Steel Hammer. “No promises!”

King Felix looks back to Arc. “I still must caution against such action Lord Arc! The two of you can't hope to take on all the pirates!”

“How many of them are there.”

“At least a hundred!”

Arc shrugs. “I'll take fifty, and Ember takes fifty. Easy.”

She nods. “Yeah. We got this!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Confidence comes before a fall.”

Arc sighs. “Okay Sereb. I know you're right. We'll do it carefully.”

Spitfire rushes in the door and salutes Arc!

“Sir, we've just captured a pirate spy!”

“What? Where?!”

“We're not sure how, but he somehow got aboard the Lunar Destiny! They’re being searched and questioned as we speak!”

Queen Fiona looks to the lieutenant nervously! “Are you sure they’re with the pirates?!”

Spitfire shrugs. “I don't know. He seems pretty small and unintimidating. We're not taking any chances though!”

Arc nods. “Good work! I'd like to interrogate him myself. Bring them to my cabin when you're done lieutenant!”

“Yes sir!”

Spitfire rushes out the door!

Queen Fiona frowns. “How could anyone have gotten in here?!”

Arc shrugs. “With all the commotion around here lately it's no surprise someone was able to get aboard! Well it looks like we're going to have to cut this conversation short you two.”

He turns to Sereb and Ember.

“Let's get to my cabin. I want to get out of this thing before we meet this intruder.”

King Felix nods. “We'll head back to the medical tent. There's still so much to be done!”

Arc nods! “Alright. See you later.”

Everyone leaves the Armory. The Hammers return to their work.

“Silver Hammer, I just had a rather interesting idea!

Silver Hammer sighs. “I think I know what you mean. Well, let's get to it!”

Meanwhile, Arc, Sereb and Ember make their way back to his cabin. Arc retreats to the bathroom and carefully removes the body suit. He emerges in his royal raiments.

“Much better.”

Ember nods to him! “What do you suppose the infiltrator's mission was?”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps he was going to assassinate you, Arc.”

Arc walks over to the window and looks out! “As soon as Lieutenant Spitfire gets here, we can get to the bottom of this.”

A few minutes later there is a knock at the cabin door.


Lieutenant Spitfire enters the cabin and salutes.

“We're about to bring him in here under heavy guard sir! He looks harmless enough, but were not going to risk it after the trouble he gave us!”

Ember steps in front of Arc along with Sereb! “Neither are we.”


Spitfire nods. “For such a small creature he sure gave us a run for our money! He's a slippery one!”

“Bring him in.”

Spitfire looks behind her and calls to her guards.

“Bring in the prisoner!”

The captive is brought in with two guards in front and two behind! Each guard holds a chain that is attached to the prisoner's shackles! Ember stares at the prisoner.

“No way...! It... it can't be...”

Arc pushes past Sereb and Ember and stares at the prisoner, wide-eyed!

“Um... hi. L-long time no see?”

He turns to Spitfire.

“Lieutenant, THIS is the one who gave you so much trouble?!”

She nods! “Please be careful sir! He's more dangerous than he looks!”

Arc takes a good long look at the captive before him. Ember and Arc then proceeds to fall to the floor clutching their sides and laughing! The prisoner appears insulted.

“Hmph! It's not all THAT funny...”

Ember lies on the floor, nearly crying from holding her sides! “Arc! This is just too good!”

Arc clutches his sides as he laughs hysterically! “I know, right!”

He looks up at the prisoner before doubling over with laughter yet again!

“I... I'm sorry! It's just so unbelievable!”

Ember slowly stands up, still chuckling! “If you could see it from our point of view, you'd understand!”

Arc takes Ember’s claw as she helps him stand up. “Okay, now that we have that out of the way, lieutenant release him.”

Spitfire’s eyes grow wide! “What?! But he's dangerous!”

Ember nods! “I'm sure he is, but we both know him!”

Arc smiles! “Yeah. How's it going Spike?”

Spike frowns as his shackles are removed. “Well, to tell you the truth, not so good.”

“Thanks for taking care of my friend Spike here lieutenant.”

Spitfire bows. “My apologies sir! I thought he was a stowaway!”

Ember nods. “He is. But we'll take it from here.”

“Yeah. Glad to see you and the other guards on your toes. All of you are dismissed.”

Spitfire and the guards leave the room in confusion. Arc gestures to the bowl of fruit on the table.

“Hungry Spike?”

The baby dragon rushes over to the bowl and grabs some fruit! “Boy am I ever!”

Spike eats hungrily!

“You're not going to believe this Arc, but there's no food ANYWERE aboard your ship!”

Ember rolls her eyes! “Really Spike? THAT’S the biggest concern you have right now?!”

Spike shrugs. “Hey, a growing dragon's gotta eat!”

“All the food was brought outside by my order.”


“To feed the starving population out there.”

Spike stops chewing. “Come again?”

Ember shakes her head. “Do you have any idea where we are?!”

“I dunno. We were heading east. Baltimare?”

Arc shakes his head. “Panthera.”

“Where's that?”

“It's the capital of Abyssinia. A land across the Celestial Sea.”

“Past the Dragon Lands?!”

Ember sighs. “Yes, Spike!”

Arc chuckles. “You're a long way from home my friend. Tell me, what are you doing here?!”

“Well... Twilight and I had a bit of a fight. She told me I was just another experiment to her!”

Arc frowns. “Well that doesn't sound like her.”

“I heard it clear as day! It was then that I decided it was time for me to find my own way in the world!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “By climbing aboard the Lunar Destiny?”

“It seemed like the quickest way out of town. And the safest.”

Arc sighs. “We're about to go against a band of pirates who stole EVERYTHING from this country!”

Spike hold up an apple. “Even the food?”

Ember nods. “Even the food.”

“Don't they have warriors or something?”

Arc shakes his head. “They're pretty much all dead.”

“Isn't there anything nice about this place?!”

Ember nods. “Yes. It's full of innocents who need our help. Arc, do you think you can open a portal back to Ponyville?”

Arc steps on the sigil. “Sure. Come on Spike! I'll take you back to Twilight.”

“NO! Please! Can't I stay with you?!”

Ember frowns! “This isn't a game Spike! We could get hurt... or worse!”

“Wait a minute! Spike, did you tell Twilight you were leaving?!”

“No, why?”

Arc quickly walks over to the phone! “She's probably worried sick!”

Spike folds his claws over his chest and frowns. “Hmph! I doubt it!”

“You wait and see! She's probably pacing the floor with worry, Spike!”

Arc puts the receiver to his ear as Lemon Hearts comes on the line!

“Yes, Lord Regent?”

“I need to be connected to the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville.”

“Right away sir!”

A few moments later they are connected. Meanwhile at the Golden Oaks Library the phone rings! Twilight raises her head!

“Spike! Can you get that please? Spike?”

She walks upstairs to answer the phone herself.

“Where is that dragon? Hello? Golden Oaks Library.”

“Hi Twilight, this is Arc!”

“Hi Arc! How are things... wherever you went?”

Arc pauses for a moment, confused. “We're in Panthera at the moment. Um... how are things over there?”

Twilight laughs! “Just fine! I felt a lot better after a good rest! By the way, thanks for bringing me home!”

“Um… anything you want to tell me?”

“Yes! We're getting close to finding a cure! Auriel's been running tests on our prototype samples for the past couple days! Things are finally looking up! If all goes well, we should have a cure before the end of the week!”

Arc looks to Spike and sighs. “That's great Twilight.”

“Arc? Is everything alright? You don't sound like yourself?”

“Twilight… is Spike there?”

“I don't think so. He didn't answer the phone after all!”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“Right after you brought me home. Why?”

“Where is he now?”

Twilight looks around the room. “I'm not really sure. We had a fight about something or other and he stormed out! I'm sure he's around here somewhere, but I've just been too busy to notice.”

“Twilight... Spike's here with me.”

“But I thought you were in Panthera.”

“I am.”

There is a long pause.

“Arc? Are you saying Spike is in… Panthera?!”

“Yes Twilight.”


“He hitched a ride on my airship. We just found him.”

“Oh Celestia! Is he okay?!”

“A little hungry, but otherwise fine. He... he doesn't want me to take him home.”

Twilight sounds confused! “But... but this is where he lives! How can he not want to come back here?!”

Arc bites his lip. “He says you told him he was just another experiment.”

“WHAT?! I never said that?!”

“Well, he's convinced you did.”

“Let me talk to him. We'll straighten this out!”

Arc looks at Spike.

“She wants to talk to you.”

Spike takes the phone and yells into it!


He then drops the receiver and runs out of the room crying! Ember follows him!

“Spike! Wait!”

Arc picks up the receiver. “He's not very happy right now.”

“I think I remember our last conversation. We were in my lab and he was asking me a bunch of questions. I wasn't really paying attention to him, but instead just agreed with whatever he said!”

“Uh oh... that would certainly explain it.”

Twilight begins to cry! “Oh Arc... what have I done?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No parent is perfect Twilight.”

“But I said terrible things to him!”

“Look Twilight, I think the two of you have just been working too hard lately. Being together all the time is hard on the nerves, I'm sure.”

“But how do I fix this?!”

“How about you have Spike stay with Ember and I for a while? When I get back to Canterlot in a day or two I'll find him something to do around the castle.”

“Do you really think that's a good idea?”

“Yes. Before too long he'll get homesick and I'll bring him back to you.”

Sereb nods. “All children leave home eventually.”

Twilight sighs. “Well okay. If you're sure.”

“Yes, well… I just don't know what else to do. If I sent him home now, he and you would just end up fighting.”

“You're right, Arc. I'll let Spike stay with you for as long as he needs. Would you just tell him something for me?”

“Name it.”

“Just... just tell him that I... I'm sorry.”

Arc nods. “I will.”

“Well I'm sure your busy with a million things over there so I'll let you get back to it. Take good care of my number one assistant, would you please?”

“He'll be fine with me.”

“Thank you Arc... for everything.”

“You're welcome Twilight. Goodbye.”

Arc hangs up the receiver as Ember drags Spike into the room, literally by his tail!

“Come on Spike! Say hello to Twilight properly!”

“NO! I never want hear from her again!”

Arc sighs. “Let him go Ember.”

Ember does so.

Spike frowns. “So, what did SHE have to say?!”

“We agreed that you two need some time apart. You'll be staying with me until we get back to Canterlot.”

Spike nods! “Okay! What then?!”

“I'll find you something to do in the castle. You're pretty good at keeping Twilight organized, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I can give you a job organizing things.”

Spike smiles at the idea! “Sounds great! What about now?!”

Ember speaks up! “There's a small library aboard the ship. He could start there.”

Arc nods. “Okay. Have at it Spike! Just one thing... don't leave the ship without my permission, okay? This land is rather dangerous."

“I understand! Thanks Arc! You're a lifesaver!”

“Before you get started, Twilight wanted me to tell you something Spike.”

He frowns. “What is it?”

“She just wanted you to know that she's sorry for what happened.”

Spike walks toward the door. “Hmph! Yeah right! I'm like one of her books! She takes care of them, but doesn't really care FOR them!”

Spike leaves the room as Ember turns to Arc.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Arc shrugs. “It was the best I could come up with on such short notice. I'm sure Twilight is hard to live with right now, considering her workload!”

Sereb nods. “What of Twilight herself?”

“She has Auriel there to at least make sure she eats and sleeps somewhat regularly. They'll be fine!”

Meanwhile back at the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight is passed out on one of her books while Auriel is face down on her lab bench.

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