• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,614 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - A Date With Destiny

That night Arc wakes Dinky and the two go to the rally point to see the others. They gather around the fire as Arc speaks.

“I think I may have a plan to help the orphans.”

Derpy nods soberly. “What can we do?”

“Throw as many apples as you can in the courtyard tomorrow morning. Dinky will signal you when the time is right. I need to pop back to Light's Hope for something though. Be back in a few minutes.”

Arc steps onto a sigil and teleports back to Light's Hope. A few minutes later he returns with a basket of apples. Setting it down next to the tent as he heads back over to the others. He hands Dinky a package.

“We can head back now, Dinky. Hold onto this for me, will you?”

“Okay. What is it?”

Arc kneels down to pick up Dinky. “A gift for Coco Pommel. Let's go give it to her!”

As Arc picks up his daughter, he turns to Dinky and his squad. “Stay on your toes. This should all be over very soon.”

Derpy nods, still a bit worried. “Alright. Just watch yourselves in there!”

The pair return to the back of the orphanage. Arc shrinks back down and takes his spot in Dinky’s mane.

“I see Coco Pommel over by her flower garden. Give her that package, sweetheart.”

Dinky quietly makes her way over to Coco Pommel.

“Miss Pommel?”

Coco Pommel jumps a bit, startled. “Dinky! You really can't keep sneaking out here at night! What if the Matron catches you?!”

“I'm sorry, but my dad told me to give this to you.”

She opens the package to reveal a military rations kit. “What?! But... this is... Dinky... where are you getting these things?!”

Arc whispers in Dinky’s ear. “From your dad.”

“From my dad!”

Coco Pommel slowly walks toward Dinky and smiles at her. “Dinky... thank you very much for wanting to help me but... I really need you to tell me the truth. Now... where did you get this?”

Arc speaks up. “She got it from me.”

Coco Pommel looks around nervously. “Who said that?!”

“I did! Don't be afraid, I'm a friend!”

Dinky smiles. “That’s my dad!”

Coco Pommel shakes her head in disbelief! “Wait! You're REAL?! I thought it was just something Dinky dreamed up to keep herself company! Who... are you?”

“Just an individual who wishes to see justice done. Xenos asked me to help you and the orphans here.”

“Xenos?! Is he alright?!”

“Yes, but he’s quite worried about you. Fear not, I will take care of Tempest... personally. One way or another.”

She shakes her head nervously! “Please don't... the Matron is probably the best Special Forces Agent that has ever lived! She may very well be unbeatable!”

“That may be... however... I will NOT be stopped! Never underestimate to resolve of a loving parent!”

“Alright. Thank you... whoever you are...”

“Back to bed, Dinky. I have work to do…”

“Okay dad! Good night Miss Pommel!”

As Dinky heads back inside, Coco Pommel stares after her.

“I wish you success, unknown hero.”

The next morning the matron heads to the courtyard for the morning race. All the orphans are waiting for her at the starting line. They are all looking up at something, confused!

Tempest walks over to them. “What’s going on here?!”

All assembled silently point their hooves to the flagpole. The Equestrian Flag that normally flies there has been replaced with one containing the Insignia of the Hero of Light.

The matron glares at the orphans! “Who did that?!”

No one speaks.

Tempest turns to walk inside. “No breakfast for anypony!”

She storms back into the orphanage leaving the hungry foals to stand there sadly. Dinky looks over to the woods and nods. Suddenly the air is filled with falling apples!

Pipsqueak look all around as food falls to the ground! “Where are they coming from?!”

Dinky smiles. “From my dad!”

Pipsqueak looks over at her, confused. “But I thought you dad was... well... you're an orphan too aren't you?”

Aquamarine and the other foals eat hungrily. “Three cheers for Dinky’s dad!”

All the orphans cheer!

Meanwhile, Tempest storms to her office. Coming to her door she finds a note pinned to the wood with a knife! The hilt bears the Insignia of the Hero of Light. She takes it down and reads it…

Matron Tempest Shadow,

You have been entrusted with a great and noble task. The honor and privilege of being responsible for the next generation. It is with great sadness... and ANGER, that I see you have not done so with love and kindness, but with fear and tyranny. Not with an Open Palm, but a Closed Fist! I am sworn to protect and defend this land and those who dwell within it from whatever threat I must. Confess your crimes against the orphans and turn yourself in to the authorities! If you refuse to do so by tomorrow morning, the next time you lift a hoof against an innocent I will deal with you... personally. Ignore my warning and you WILL know fear!!!

-Arc, Hero of Light

Tempest walks into her office and tosses the note in the trash before sitting down. “They certainly went all out with this stunt. Well then... I think I will have to call their bluff! Hero of Light, indeed!”

Early the next morning the orphans line up as they normally do. The sky is cloudy and appears about to rain. However, this morning is a bit out of the ordinary, as Tempest is waiting for them. She is dressed in her old Special Forces armor and hoof cannons. To say she is an even more imposing figure than before would be an understatement! The orphans are visibly fearful of whatever will come next!

“Listen up you runts! I got your little message yesterday from the "so-called Hero of Light". Does any of you want to confess?”

Silence ensues.

Tempest looks up and down the row of foals and smiles a wicked smile! “Very well, I guess I will have to call the "Hero of Light's" bluff! Pipsqueak, come here!”


Coco Pommel steps forward. “Please Matron! Don't hurt him!”

“Shut it, Coco Pommel! An example must be made! I didn't get where I am by being SOFT, like you!”

Pipsqueak stands nervously before Tempest. She looks down at him and shouts in a patronizing voice. “Oh, Hero of Light! If you're out there, I'm about to hurt somepony! You better come and stop me!”

The morning air is silent, save for the wind rustling through the trees. Tempest turns back to Pipsqueak! “Like I tried to tell you the other day... nopony is coming to save you!”

She raises a hoof to strike the visibly shaking foal! As she brings it down, she suddenly stops!


Tempest raises it again and again, but is unable to strike Pipsqueak with any real force.


Arc, still in Dinky’s mane, holds a hand out toward Tempest. “I am. You shall not harm anyone else!”

The orphans all looks around confused. Dinky steps out of the line to stand before Tempest. Dinky looks at the matron fearlessly! “Matron Tempest! You just made my dad angry!”

Tempest looks at her and replies snidely laughing at the brave little filly standing before her. “Well then, why don't you tell your daddy to come out here and face me like a real stallion?!”

Arc whispers in Dinky’s ear one last time. “Dinky! Charge!”

She runs at the matron with all her strength! “Oh, so you think you can take me on?! Fine! Your little hooves won't even scratch my armor's polish!”

About ten meters away Arc jumps on Dinky’s head. “Fast stop!”

Dinky locks up her hooves and screeches to a stop! Arc goes flying through the air toward Tempest, returns to normal size and decloaks!

“What the hel-“

Tempest is unable to finish her sentence as Arc’s fist connects with her face! She is knocked back into the orphanage wall, caving it in!

Arc throws off the cloak completely. He points a gauntlet and the fallen Tempest! “STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!”

Aquamarine looks over, astonished! “Dinky! Your dad really is…”

Dinky reaches into her saddlebag and pulls out the flare gun! “Dad… catch!”

Arc aims the gun into the air and fires! “This is over, matron!”

In mere seconds his squad and Templar Derpy are there! Derpy throws Arc his spear! Coco Pommel looks at the scene before her in disbelief!

“I can't believe it... Dinky... Hero of Light Arc really is…”

Xenos lands in front of her. “We're here to help you, Miss Pommel!”

“Xenos! What are you doing here?!”

“Helping the commander save you!”

Max and the others land nearby. “Sir! Your orders?”

Arc raises his spear to a battle-ready position. “Troops, get the orphans and Coco Pommel to a safe distance! My fist would like to continue its earlier conversation with the Matron!”

Tempest emerges from the rubble unharmed. The flare has brought most of the town of Vanhoover to the orphanage! Coco Pommel helps Arc’s squad lead the orphans toward the townsponies!

“This way little ones! Hurry!”

The citizenry looks on in disbelief!

“Is that the Hero of Light?! What's he doing here?!”

“It looks like the Matron is finally going to get what's coming to her!”

Arc looks to Tempest as she squares off against him! “Come quietly Matron, and no one gets hurt!”

“NEVER! My mission isn't over yet! YOU'RE THE ONE ABOUT TO BE HURT!”

She fires her hoof cannons at Arc. He blocks it with a Magic Barrier spell. “If that's the best you've got, you should probably quit now before my patience runs out.”

Tempest sneers! “Oh, I have not yet begun to fight!”

Arc readies his spear. “Have it your way.”

Tempest charges her Hoof Cannons and lets loose a power shot! Arc holds his spear like a baseball bat. “Batter up!”

The Spear of Righteousness reflects the shot back at Tempest! She takes the hit, but appears to take no damage!

“I think maybe it is YOU who should give up! There's no way those ancient toys you call armaments could win against the latest in military technology!”

Arc nods. “We’ll see about that!”

Coco Pommel shouts to him! “Hero of Light! Tempest is no ordinary enemy! Be careful!”

Tempest adjusts her hoof cannons for melee combat. Two Magic Blades materialize! The pair run at each other and meet head to head, spear to blade!

She looks Arc in the eye as she holds him back with her blades. “Why do you fight against me? We're on the same side, you and I! We both just want to protect Equestria! Join me Hero of Light, and together we can train these orphans to become the next generation of Super Soldiers! Equestria will soon need every hero it can get!”

Tempest overpowers Arc and pushes him back into and through a tree! It splinters and collapses! Arc counters with a telekinetic blow, throwing the matron through one of the orphanage’s windows! He stands up as Tempest jumps back through the window to face him!

“Last chance Matron! As the Hero of Light, I hereby order you to stand down!”

Tempest sneers at him! “Who do you think you are, telling ME what to do?!”

Arc points his spear at her. “It doesn’t really matter who I am. But I know who you are! You’re not a soldier! You’re a bully! A coward messing with foals who have already lost EVERYTHING! Special Agent Tempest… you sicken me!”

“Heh! Such idealistic nonsense! Perhaps you should demonstrate the power that gives you such confidence! Then we will see who is fit to protect Equestria. And who... IS DEAD!”

Arc nods at her. “Those who underestimate the might of their opponent are destined to fail! And that means YOU, Tempest!”


She charges at Arc again, with her blades ready! It begins to rain. Arc evades her attack and uppercuts Tempest into the air! He then Blinks next to her and hits her again, knocking her across the sky, Blinking once again he proceeds to knock her across the sky several times before charging up to blast her with a large fireball into the ground! Tempest gets up slowly. Her armor only showing minor wear!

“Is that all you have?!”

Tempest pulls what appears to be a grenade off her armor!


Arc again raises his Magic Barrier! The grenade explodes, shattering it and knocking him back into the orphanage’s fence, smashing a large hole in it. His helmet is knocked off in the process!


He attempts to Blink behind Tempest and surprise her. But nothing happens.

“What?! HOW?!”

Tempest laughs! “Anti-Magic grenades! Let’s see how well you do without your magic!

Coco Pommel calls out! “Hero of Light, run! Tempest is unbeatable!”

Arc prepares to fight once again! “No! My enemy may be strong, but I will not back down!”

Templar Derpy flies over to Arc and raises her own spear. “Let's do it together, Arc! You can't beat her alone!”

Arc nods. “Agreed! You see, Matron! Others fight by my side WILLINGLY! Who do you have with you?! NO ONE!”

Tempest chuckles. “Oh, believe me! I am not alone!”

Dinky shouts to her father! “Dad! There's something not quite right here! I feel something... dark, and it's coming from Tempest!”

The matron drops her guard stance and retracts her Magic Blades. “I'm wide open! COME AND GET ME!!!”

Arc and Templar Derpy charge Tempest together! Arc grabs Tempest's throat and slams her against a tree with this left hand! With his right, he buries his spear in her stomach! A moment later Derpy impales her through the heart! They both remove their spears and Tempest falls to the ground motionless.

Templar Derpy looks at their fallen adversary, confused at her actions. “Why did she...”

“Stay sharp! Something tells me this isn't over.”

Tempest rises to her hooves, a wicked look on her face! The fatal wounds close before their very eyes! She keeps her head lowered. “Very perceptive for one who cannot see what is right in front of them. That spear you wield Arc. You don't even understand the power within it! Fool...”

There is a flash of lightning as the rain intensifies!

“How on earth did you survive that?! We almost cut you in half!”

Templar Derpy look at the matron, horrified! “What… are you?!”

Tempest slowly looks up. Her eyes are black as night as she smiles a wicked smile! Black wings sprout from her back as she speaks with an evil undertone! “I sacrificed EVERYTHING to get where I am today! Even going so far as to trade my soul for power! And I will use that power to protect Equestria... as its Guardian Angel of Darkness!”

Templar Derpy looks to Arc! “This is bad! Arc, what do we do?!”

He turns to his squad! “Get everyone out of here! We’ll cover your escape! RUN!”

His squad rushes to evacuate Vanhoover's citizens and the orphans! Coco Pommel runs to her garden and begins to rip the flowers out and dig! A few moments later she is joined by Aquamarine and Pipsqueak! She looks at them, not ceasing her task!

“Both of you get to safety now! Follow the others!”

Pipsqueak digs with his little hooves with all his might! “No! Not without you!”

Aquamarine does her best to help! “You've been like a mother to us! We won't abandon you now!”

She smiles at them. “Thank you, my little ponies. Now, help me dig!”

Arc turns to Derpy. “I'll hold her back to give the others time to flee! Once everyone is safe, I want you to find Dinky and run as fast and as far away as you can!”

“But... what about you?!”

Arc looks over at Tempest who is awaiting his challenge. “I'm going to protect Equestria to the end! If I don't make it, tell the princesses what happened here today! Protect the others! Protect Dinky! GO!!!”

Templar Derpy hesitantly flees! The Angel of Darkness watches as she flies away. “Very touching, Hero of Light. But you don't stand a chance against me!”

Arc levels his spear. “Maybe not... but I won't give up! Tempest, you once took an oath to protect Equestria! Don't you see?! Is this what a Protector does?”

“Arc, listen to me! There is a powerful evil coming! I... did what I had to do to! My reasons are too complex for you to understand. But believe me when I say... I still fight for Equestria!”

He lowers his spear slightly. “What is this evil you speak of? If you truly fight for Equestria, join me and we’ll fight it together!”

“Shortly after joining the military, I was approached by a creature known only as The Dark One. He showed me a future in which all was bleak, dark, barren... empty! I gave my soul to him in exchange for great power! And he gave me...THIS!”

A dark portal opens up at her hooves and a spear of darkness comes forth from the ground.

The Angel of Darkness picks up her weapon and rubs it gently with her hoof. “I call it ‘Light’s Bane’. As I felled others in service to Equestria, it quickly became apparent that the more souls this weapon consumes, the more power it grants me! With this weapon in hoof I will protect Equestria! Nothing will be able to stand against me! Whatever sacrifices need to be made, I will make them! I WILL PROTECT EQUESTRIA FROM EVIL!”

Arc nods. “Wonderful. Just one question.”


“Who is going to protect Equestria... from you?”

The Angel of Darkness is silent for a time, considering Arc’s words.

“I don't expect you to understand, Arc. If I have to destroy you to protect all that I hold dear, I will!”

She looks at her spear, then hungrily at Arc.

“Besides... YOUR soul would be a smorgasbord for "Light's Bane".

Her horn aglow, she calls forth dark tendrils from the ground at Arc’s feet! They latch onto him, forcing him to drop his spear and kneel!

“What the…?”

She looks down at Arc as he struggles to free himself. “Don't worry, Hero of Light! Your sacrifice will not be in vain! Just think... if only you had left these little ones and Coco Pommel behind you could have remained alive! Do you have any last words, Arc?”

Arc looks his opponent directly in the eye defiantly and completely without fear. “I would rather die myself, than forsake anyone!”

The Angel of Darkness laughs as she lunges at a defenseless Arc. Light’s Bane aimed at his chest! Just before Arc is skewered there is a light gasp directly in front of him. His assailant stops and stares!

“What?! Why…?”

Templar Derpy kneels on the ground in front of Arc. Her front hooves wrapped around his neck in a loving embrace! Light’s Bane sticks out of her back sickeningly. She leans back and gives Arc a small smile before falling to the ground.

“Arc… I’m… sorry…”

Horrified, Arc calls upon every ounce of strength within to free himself!


As he breaks free of the dark tendrils, he stoops down to hold the dying mare in his arms. Tears stream down his face!

“D-damn it, Derpy! I told you to run!”

Derpy shakily raises a hoof and touches Arc’s cheek. “I... couldn't stand... the thought... of life... without... you...”

Dinky runs up!


Derpy smiles weakly up at her daughter. “I'm sorry... sweetie... but I think... this is the end... for me. Be… go… od……………………..”

The light fades from Derpy’s eyes. They close and her body goes limp as she passes away.

“NO!!! MOM!!!”

“Do not be sad, little one! I will use your mother’s soul to protect everypony!”

Enraged, Dinky stands and turns to face the Angel of Darkness! Her eyes are squeezed tightly shut as the tears find a way out! The air around her is suddenly filled with power!

“Who… who do you think you are that you can go around hurting anypony you want?!?!”

As Dinky opens her eyes, Dinky has a blank look on her face. Her eyes glow white and a bright light shines from her forehead. She screams out in rage as her voice seems to echo through the entire town! The filly’s whole body shines with a white light as she levitates a foot or so off the ground! A large sigil stretches forth from her and spreads over the entire orphanage grounds as strange runes cover her own body! Dinky stretches out her hooves toward her opponent as pure light blazes forth! Tempest’s body glows white! Dinky collapses to the ground next to her mother.

Tempest rises and shakes her head. Her eyes and body have returned to normal! “I... I feel... cut off from the Dark One's power! How?! Argh! We will finish this later!”

The matron switches her Hoof Cannons to flight mode in order to escape! Arc carefully lays Derpy’s body down. Having reached his limit, he stands and uses his magic to pull his spear into his hands. He looks at Tempest as she flees, in an eerily calm tone…

“You’re going nowhere…”

Holding up his spear, a column of light surrounds him and is absorbed into the tip of his spear! Arc jumps into the air just as two wings of pure light spring forth from his back! He flies at Tempest at incredible speed and proceeds to rain blow upon blow upon her! Each hit causes a blast of light to burst forth, as each blow seems to tear through reality itself! Tempest plummets to the ground and lands hard! Arc hovers high overhead, his spear raised, absorbing the power of the light into it! Finally ready, he careens down at Tempest! As the spear hits her, the energy that had been absorbed explodes outward sending forth a shock-wave for untold distance! Arc then falls to his knees too weak to stand.

Tempest staggers to her hooves. Her armor hanging from her body in tatters, bloody and broken. “How... how can this be... possible?! I haven't felt pain like this... ever!”

Coco Pommel and the two foals have not stopped digging through the mud! Her hoof hits something hard. “I found it! Both of you hide in the bushes! Now!”

The pair wordlessly do as they are told as Coco Pommel pulls a large muddy stick out of the ground. She turns to face Tempest! “Matron!”

Tempest turns to face Coco Pommel. She chuckles weakly. “Are you planning to beat me with a stick? What are you thinking?!

Coco Pommel looks to Tempest with a look of determination! “This is something I should have done long ago, but was always too afraid! The Hero of Light and his daughter has shown us all that you are not indestructible! It's time to end this!!!

She raises the stick to the sky and shouts! “OH POWERS OF LIGHT, COME UNTO ME!”

The tip of the stick suddenly glows with an intense light which spreads down its shaft and into Coco Pommel herself! Soon she is completely aglow! Starting again from the tip, the light begins to recede! Revealing a spearhead, it continues to course down the shaft and into Coco Pommel's body, which is now covered in a gold colored paladin’s armor!

Tempest looks at Coco Pommel, astonished! “Coco Pommel… what ARE you?!”

Paladin Coco Pommel looks Tempest in the eye. “Your doom! HOLY LIGHT!”

Pure light shines down on Tempest’s body. She melts into the ground until there is nothing left of her! Arc struggles to stand.

“Rot in hell, Tempest.”

Coco Pommel recalls her armor and falls to her knees. “It’s over… it’s finally over. I hope you can find peace, matron.”

Pipsqueak and Aquamarine jump out of their hiding place and run to Coco Pommel! The embrace her warmly!

“Thank you, Miss Pommel!”

“She’s gone forever!”

Coco Pommel returns their hugs! “Thank you, both of you for your help. I couldn't have done this without you!”

Arc slowly stands and walks towards ‘Light’s Bane’. He raises his spear and prepares to bring it down to shatter the weapon of evil! “This accursed weapon... will never hurt anyone ever again!”


He looks around. “Who said that?!”

“Arc… can you hear me?”

“Derpy! Is that you?!”

Derpy’s voice emanates from Light’s Bane! “Arc, Light's Bane is indestructible! Though Tempest has been defeated, I am sure in the hooves of another, Light's Bane will continue to consume other souls. Please! You must take Light's Bane and hide it away somewhere nopony will ever find it! Do not touch the weapon directly though! I don't want you to be corrupted by it!”

Arc nods! “I can do that! But first, let's get you out of there!”

“No Arc! If I use my powers as a Templar, I can help seal the power of this terrible weapon! But... only if my soul remains within it! I'm a prisoner, Arc.”


“I'm sorry Arc! I must stay here... for Equestria! Please… take care of Dinky for me!”

Arc shakes his head angrily! “Argh! I won't give you up like this! You mustn't give up either, Derpy! No matter how hopeless things may seem! I believe each of us has a destiny to realize... and this is NOT yours!”

The pair are silent for a time. Arc looks to the spear and smiles.

“If we work together, I'm sure we'll find a way!”

Arc looks at the spear sticking out of the ground. He takes slow but deliberate steps toward it, his hand outstretched toward it.

“Arc! You mustn't try it! It's too dangerous! ARC, NO!!!”

His hand takes hold of Light’s Bane. “Derpy…”

Arc collapses next to Derpy and Dinky as Light’s Bane towers over them all! Arc regains consciousness in what appears to be a bleak and unforgiving landscape. There is no light, plants or living creatures in sight! Only the slight blowing of the wind let’s Arc know they are outside. Everything is dark except for a small circle of light around him. He hears something approaching him from behind.


Turning around he sees Derpy walking toward him. She wears a sad face.


Derpy looks at Arc with tears in her eyes. “Arc... although it makes me happy to no longer be alone in this place, I did not wish the same fate to befall you. What did you hope to accomplish?”

“I wanted… to save you.”

A shadow materializes a short distance away. “Aww... how very sweet of you Arc!”

“Who’s there?!”

The black cloaked creature’s eyes appear to glow with an otherworldly green glow. “I am a shadow of the one who gave this weapon... this... Light's Bane if you will, to Tempest. You may refer to me simply as The Dark One. I must say, you and Tempest have much in common!”

Arc’s eyes narrow. “How so?”

“Both of you wish to protect this land, correct? I can help you with that!”

Derpy snorts. “Equestria ill needs a 'savior' such as you!"

Arc nods. “Somehow I doubt you would do so out of simple kindness.”

The Dark One nods and grins a wicked, toothy smile. “Straight to the point... I like that. Here is my offer. You may claim Light's Bane as your own and use its considerable power as you see fit. However! Upon your death, your soul with become mine for eternity! I would have made this offer to your friend behind you, but it appears I already have HER soul!”

He laughs at Derpy’s predicament.

“About Derpy's soul... what will happen to her?”

“If you accept my offer, I will give you this mare's soul to do with as you wish. Think of it as a bonus! You know... this conversation is very similar to the one Tempest and I had years ago! She too doubted the power of Darkness, but was convinced to see the truth!”

Derpy looks at Arc pleadingly! “Don't listen to it, Arc! I'm not worth it!”

“And what “truth” would that be, Dark One?”

“Look around you! This is Equestria, many years in the future! A future you can help change! How you do so is up to you.”

Light’s Bane rises up from a portal between them.

“All you must do to accept my offer is to take up Light's Bane for the contract to be forged. Now... what do you say... Hero?”

Arc silently considers what to do.

“ARC! Don't do this! I know you will find a different way... a BETTER way, to save Equestria! Forget about me! Do what is right!”

He looks to the Dark One and nods slightly. “Alright. I have come to a decision.”


“I have heard your offer. Now here is my counter-offer.”

The Dark One appears confused. “Counter… offer?”

“I will leave this place, along with Derpy's soul and will take Light's Bane to a place where it will be safely hidden away from those who would seek to claim its power for their own ends!”

The shadow laughs! “What could you possibly offer me in return?!”

“In return, I promise never again to intentionally enter your "realm" unprovoked.”

“Human! Are you mad?! Why would I agree to such a one-sided agreement?!”

“I'm glad you asked! You will agree, if for no other reason than to get me to leave. I'm sure you like this place just as it is now. Dark. How about this?”

Arc uses his power to create a small area of light around himself. The Dark One shakes his head and scowls!

“You're wasting your time, Arc! I am not afraid of a little light!”

He increases the intensity of the light. The Dark One backs away from it as it slowly advances.

“If you are trying to intimidate me, you will have to do much better.”

Arc nods as he uses his magic to hold the Dark One in place. “Very well!”

He sighs. “Arc, I still fail to see what you hope to accomplish in doing this.”

“Patience! All will become clear shortly! Derpy, would you kindly stand next to me?”

Derpy nods. “All right. If you say so Arc.”

Together they walk toward the Dark One slowly. The light slowly following them as they walk. “Do you accept my offer, Dark One?


Arc continues walking with Derpy by his side.

“Do you accept?”


As the edge of the light reaches the Dark One, the pair stops walking.

“How about now?”

“N-no! I do not accept!”

Arc nods. “Have it your way. Derpy?”

Arc kneels down and spreads his arms wide. Derpy leans into them and the pair embrace warmly. Again the light grows in size and intensity! It begins to crawl across the Dark One!

“What are you vile creatures DOING?!”

Derpy turns to the Dark One. “I'm glad you like it, because I could hug Arc forever!”

Arc looks at Derpy. “And I’m looking forward to spending all of eternity here with you, Derpy!”

She smiles! “You know Arc, I've always hoped I could be with you forever. And now, thanks to The Dark One, I can be!”

The Dark One appears nauseous!

Arc nods. “Maybe the Dark One isn't so bad. After all, if the three of us are going to be together forever, we might as well get along. Right?”


“I have an idea, Derpy! How about the two of us SHARE some of this love with our new friend here?”

Derpy motions toward the Dark One. “What a wonderful idea, Arc! Shall we?!”


Arc stands up with Derpy in his arms. The two continue to hug as they approach the immobilized Dark One.

“No! Get away from me!”

As the pair get within arm’s reach of their dark companion, Arc turns to Derpy. “I think this calls for a Group Hug! Let's show The Dark One the power of friendship!”

Both Derpy and Arc hold out a hoof/hand to the Dark One.


“Thank you for being so generous. I will hold up my end of the bargain. Farewell, Dark One.”

The Dark One seethes! “Just… get out…”

“Very well.”

Arc and Derpy step through the portal together as the Dark One chuckles.

“You may have won this battle, Arc. But you forget, I am but a shadow of the true Dark One! He will not be stopped so easily!”

Meanwhile Dinky stands over her father, her front hooves on his chest plate! “DAD! SAY SOMETHING! I CAN'T LOSE BOTH OF YOU!!!”

Arc slowly opens his eyes and sits up. Dinky jumps into his arms and holds him as tight as she can! The tears from her small eyes run down her face! Arc holds her close and looks around. His squad has returned along with the citizens of Vanhoover. They stand in the rain silently in honor of their fallen heroes.

Max walks over and hangs his head. “Commander... I... I'm sorry. We weren't strong enough to...”

Pipsqueak and Aquamarine approach Dinky and embrace her as well.

“We... know what you're going through right now…”

“Thank you for being there for us Dinky. We’ll do the same for you.”

Dinky looks up into her father’s eyes. The tears do not slow. “Oh dad... I thought you were... but... mom... Is she really... gone forever?”

Arc looks over to Light’s Bane. A marble sized sphere of light hovers over it.

“Dinky, I need to help your mother now.”

She sniffles. “…what? How?”

“Trust me.”

Arc slowly gets up and walks over to Light’s Bane. He carefully picks up the sphere hovering over the dark spear. Just holding it fills him with a sense of warmth and hope! Carrying it carefully in both hands, he slowly walks back to Derpy and kneels down to her. Placing the sphere on her chest he gently pushes it into her. A sharp intake of breath follows and Derpy’s eyes slowly open.

Dinky looks over at her mother, overjoyed! MOM!!! YOU’RE OKAY!!!

Derpy smiles up at the pair weakly. “Dinky… Arc…”

The townsponies all gasp in amazement!

“Bu-but! That's pony was dead?! How did he...”

“Amazing! He truly is the Hero of Light!”

Dinky wraps her small hooves around her mother and continues to cry. “Mom… is it finally over?”

Derpy looks up at Arc who shakes his head as he places a hand on Dinky’s back. “No Dinky. In truth, it has only just begun.”

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