• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 19 - Relationship Talks

Ember frowns. “Tonight?! But we just got back from a mission!”

Max salutes. “We don’t mind going out again, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! If you believe it’s that important, we’re with you.”

Hugh smiles. “Right!”

Viktor looks over from his computer. “I can pull up some maps of the surrounding land. Maybe find us the best direction to approach from.”

“Good idea.”

Sereb walks over to Arc. “May I accompany you?”

“Sure. I’ll need your nose on this one, Sereb.”

Ember frowns. “This is a dumb idea, Arc! Going in blind like this!”

“I know, Ember. If you don’t want to come, I understand.”

“Are you nuts?! Of course I’m coming! Someone has to watch out for you!”

Xenos nods. “If you need more backup, we’re here sir!”

Max grins. “Right!”

“Thanks, but I want this group to be small.”

Hugh sighs. “We understand, sir.”

Viktor nods. “The four of us will watch things from here.”

Ember shakes her head. “If we’re going to do this, we should probably rest for the day.”

Sereb heads for the stairs. “Agreed.”

Arc turns to his squad. “You boys rest too. I get the feeling it’s going to be a LONG night.”

Max nods. “Yes sir.”

Xenos chuckles. “Good night, sir.”

Arc, Ember, and Sereb head upstairs. Arc stops in front of the kitchen sink as Ember turns to him.

“What are you doing?”

“Just the dishes real quick.”

Sereb sighs. “You need to rest up for tonight.”

Ember nods as she takes Arc’s arm. “Sereb’s right. Come on.”

Sereb hops up on the counter and turns off the water with a swipe of his paw before following the pair upstairs. As Arc turns to walk toward his parent’s room Ember pulls him toward her own.

“Ember? What…?”

“Just come here!”

Sereb stops in the doorway as Ember leads Arc to her bedside.

“Shall I give you two some privacy?”

Ember nods. “That would be nice.”

Sereb nobs and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. He lies down on the floor and smiles to himself.

“Arc… you are very fortunate to have so many whom care for you.”

Meanwhile, Ember removes her jacket and tosses it onto a nearby chair as she steps into the nearby closet to change.

“You feeling okay, Ember?”

Ember calls out from the closet. “Fine. Why?”

“You don’t usually act this calm before a mission.”

Ember sighs as she quickly puts on a t-shirt and shorts. “I… I know that. But, I’m trying to… be a better dragon. A better potential mate.”

She steps out of the closet and walks over to Arc.

“Ember, I…”

Ember puts her index finger to his lips. “Shhh… just lie back and get some rest.”

She gently pushes Arc back onto the pillows before lying down next to him and covering them both up.



They are silent for a time as Ember presses her face against his chest.

“I’ve gone many places and seen many things in my time with you, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “It has been a wild ride.”

“But I want you to know that out of everything, this right here is my favorite spot.”

“My house?”

“Lying next to you, silly!”

“Oh! I… um… is this about what your father said, Ember?”

“Yes. But it’s from a conversation I had with him many years before I met you.”

“Good! I thought…”

Ember interrupts him. “I asked what it meant to be Dragon Lord.”

“What did he say?”

“That before I could understand that, first I had to know what it meant to be a dragon.”

“And do you?”

“I… I didn’t understand what he meant then, no. But I think I do now.”


“Dragons may seem selfish and brash to others. And I suppose we are.”

“No argument there.”

“But we do adhere to a very strict set of guidelines.”

“Your Dragon’s Code?”

Ember nods. “Right. To be honest, I… I kinda thought it was dumb. That creatures as powerful and majestic as us should have to bound by such things.”

“Bound to your code?

“Bound in ANY way!”

“Like being tied to your future as Dragon Lord, huh?

“Right! When I took the Bloodstone Scepter, at first I thought Spike was a fool for giving up something so valuable and coveted. But I quickly saw that I was the one who was foolish. It wasn’t HE that gave something up. It was me!

“Freedom to choose?”

“Freedom to not have to take a mate I didn’t like for starters! The Dragon Lord is the only dragon who HAS to have a mate!”

“Why’s that?”

Ember blushes slightly. “To birth the next Dragon Lord.”

Arc looks down to her, confused. “Wait, what? Then why the Gauntlet?”

Ember sighs. “I found out later my father came up with that crazy idea to FREE me of my responsibility. That’s why he was so angry when I not only entered it, but won.”

“What he did back then… he did because he cared about you, Ember.”

“I get that now. And I also understand why in the past he was so insistent that I take a mate. The Dragon Lands need a future heir. My eggs will one day be the next generation. It’s my lot in life now. What I’m destined to do.”

“I disagree, Ember. “


Arc puts a finger under Ember’s chin and raises it to look her in the eye.

“When I look at you, I don’t see an egg maker. I see a very special young lady who deserves the best mate. Not the strongest. Not the smartest. The one whom loves you for YOU!”

Ember smiles up at him and whispers. “That’s why I want you, Arc. I’m not property or a conquest to in your eyes.”

“That’s right.”

Ember looks up at him. A hopeful look on her face.

“Make me yours then.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry, Ember. We’ve been over this.”

Ember smiles as she presses her body against his. “I know. But understand that I’m not going to give up on this. That’s the other part of being a dragon.”

“What is?”


Ember reaches up and traces his face with a finger as she smiles at him.

“I feel so very… safe around you. You’re strong, brave, Honest, Loyal, Kind, intelligent and so very loving. All the characteristics I’d like to have in a mate. Should you one day change your mind, I’d bear your whelplings without a second thought!”

She looks him in the eye for a long moment soberly

“I know you can hear me, Cherry. But I want to tell you something. I don’t really care what you think! I love Arc, and want to make him mine!”

“That’s fine.”

“It is?”

“Yes. That is, if that’s what Arc wants.”

Ember appears confused. “How can you let him go so easily?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… I’m right here.”

“Because I love him too, and want what’s best for him.”

Ember smiles. “So do I. But this is bigger than just me! It’s the fate of a nation if I don’t bear eggs!”

Arc sighs. “Should I go?”

“Arc has feelings too, Ember. You don’t want to be known as just an egg maker. That much I can see.”

Ember shakes her head. “But that HAS to happen!”

Arc sighs. “Really wish I could excuse myself right now.”

“I understand that. However Arc isn’t a machine either. You BOTH deserve a choice on whom to sleep with and when.”

Ember looks away sadly. “I… I wish I did, but I don’t.”

Arc frowns. “Sure wish I could just sleep through this.”

Cherry continues. “Ember. You once entertained the idea of staying here on Earth. Starting a new life here.”

“Yes. But I now know that isn’t my path.”

“Oh? And what is then?”

“To lead my nation in my father’s place! What else?!”

“Is that what you want?”

“It is!”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I… um…”

Ember sighs.

“Nothing, I suppose.”

Arc looks to her confused. “Nothing?”

“Well… yes. I still want to be there for my nation. But I want to do it with you by my side, Arc. As my friend, my mate, or even my lover if that’s what you want.”


“Sorry for bringing this up again. I know it bothers you.”

“It’s no bother.”

“Then why…?”

“Because you’re my friend, Ember, and I care for you deeply. I understand the pressure on you to find a mate and one day make eggs. But as it stands, I can’t do that.”

Ember smiles up at him. “Could you impregnate me as a human girl then?”

Cherry screeches. “Ember!”

“I know the answer already. Thanks for listening to me, Arc… again.”

“It’s fine. Now why don’t we get some sleep? Tonight will be here before we know it.”

Ember presses her body against Arc. “Yes. But I wish you and I could stay like this forever.”

A few minutes later Arc hears Ember’s breathing become slower as she drifts off to sleep. He looks down to see her face pressed against his chest.

“I wish things could stay like this forever too, Ember.”

He leans down and kisses her gently on the top of her head.

“Pleasant dreams.”

Arc falls asleep. He opens his eyes to see Cherry Hill Ranch. The sun is setting over the trees as he and Cherry look out over the ranch grounds from the porch.

“She really does care for you.”

“I know.”

“This isn’t about power or influence with her. She genuinely wants to marry you.”

“What are you talking about, Cherry?”

“I saw in your memories you fighting on her behalf in the Dragon Lands.”

Arc turns away slightly embarrassed. “Oh… that.”

“Those three only wanted Ember for her position in their society.”

“Yeah. That’s one of the reasons I stepped in.”

“Her particular situation. The same could be true for you.”


“Don’t you think the former Lord Regent of Equestria would make a fitting husband for any number of nobles?”

“I… guess? But that’s not who I am.”

“Buffalo Bull wanted my hoof in marriage because of my looks.”

“Cherry, what are you getting at?”

“I’m saying that there are many whom would take advantage of you or Ember just to ride on your prestige and clout.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m not marrying some noble, Cherry. Not unless I really loved them, that is.”

“Ember believes the same. She wants to marry for love, not position.”

“Is she wrong to want that?”

“No. But you and I both know that she doesn’t care that you’re the Hero of Light. Or that you once sat on the Equestrian throne unchallenged. Or that you’re our nation’s greatest warrior. She loves you for YOU!”

“What is this all of a sudden, Cherry?”

Cherry sighs as she puts a hoof on his knee. “I’m sorry. It’s just… I’ve seen several mares looking at you.”

“You’re not jealous, are you?”

“Quite the opposite actually. I do want you to take one of them up on their offer.”

“I will someday. It’s just… it’s just too soon.”

Cherry turns to look him in the eye. “Arc, I’m dead. Nothing will ever change that. You have to move on.”

Arc sighs. “How? I held you as you died.”

“I don’t know.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Arc turns to Cherry.

“So who?”


Arc nods. “Who would you say is best for me?”

Cherry thinks for a moment before responding.

“Well… Ember is loyal, strong and determined. Twilight is smart and pretty. Pinkie is happy and carefree. Derpy is devoted and kind. Applejack is honest and hardworking, just like you. Natalya is…”

“Wait a minute! Natalya?!”

“She thinks the world of you, Arc.”

“Since when?!”

“Her opinion of you has been rising since you brought her to Equestria for the first time. But the tipping point was probably when you didn’t violate her aboard the Lunar Destiny.”

Arc blushes slightly. “That wouldn’t be very heroic of me.”

Cherry smiles at him. “Mares are attracted to stallions that don’t come onto them, Arc.”

“It’s not who I am.”

“That’s why I love you! But any one of them would make a wonderful wife for you.”

“I’m still young. There’s no rush after all.”

“Yes, I suppose not. But you should at least consider DATING somepony!”

“I went on a date. Remember?”

Cherry sighs. “Your so-called ‘date’ with Princess Luna was more of a business meeting than anything romantic.”

“I thought she enjoyed it.”

“That she did.”

“Wait, how do you know?! You weren’t there!”

Cherry giggles. “I saw it in your memories, silly!”

“Oh… right.”

“And you’re correct. She did enjoy herself. But she’s not looking for somepony. You are! Or should be anyways.”

Arc looks at the sunset. He sighs and responds in a wistful tone.

“I… would like to have someone special in my life.”

“I know. But if that’s what you truly want, you need to be a bit more social.”

“Kinda busy these days, Cherry.”

“You’re thinking about Dinky, aren’t you?”

Arc nods. “I am. As it stands, I don’t have much time for her. If I start dating someone they’ll be even less.”

“What are you planning to do about that?”

“I’ve considered just foregoing love and dating until she’s grown up.”

“That won’t be for quite some time, Arc.”

“I know.”

“Are you really willing to make such a sacrifice?”

Arc nods with conviction. “For Dinky’s happiness… yes.”

Everyone sleeps peacefully through the afternoon. As the sun begins to set Arc and Ember awaken.



“It’s time to get up”.

Ember opens one eye. “Let’s just stay here.”

“You can if you want to. I have work to do.”


Arc stands up slowly. “That farmhouse won’t explore itself. We should probably…”

Ember grabs his hand. Arc turns to see her looking up at him from the bed.

“Arc? Um… I was just wondering. Do you think someday… just maybe… you might think of me as more than a friend?”

“I don’t know, Ember.”

She gives him a small smile. “It’s just… I know you care for me, and I for you. Hopefully one day we can be together.”

Arc helps her up. “One never knows what the future holds, Ember. Only time will tell.”

Ember nods. “Sooner or later anyways. I’m not going to give up on you.”

“Um… thanks. I guess.”

Arc and Ember open the door. Sereb dutifully stands to allow them to pass.

“Sleep well?”

Arc sighs. “Um… kinda.”

Ember looks to Arc fondly as they descend the stairs. “I slept like a rock. But that’s how it goes when I’m in Arc’s arms.”

Sereb frowns. “Something wrong, Arc?”

“He’s probably just a bit sleepy. We did just wake up.”


They proceed to the Kitchen. Arc’s squad is cooking supper. Max salutes as they enter the room.

“Good evening, sir.”

Hugh looks up from setting the table. “I hope you two are well rested.”

Viktor shudders. “Right. This mission isn’t exactly predictable.”

Xenos laughs. “How many are?”

Sereb sighs. “I too am concerned for your safety, Arc.”

“I’ll be counting on your nose to keep us safe then, big guy.”

“While I am happy you think so highly of my skills, please don’t put all your faith in my sense of smell.”

Ember turns to Sereb. “Don’t worry. The three of us together are quite the force to be reckoned with!”

Cherry sighs. “Overconfidence will get you hurt, Ember.”

Arc nods as he sits down at the table. “She’s right. Let’s just take this one slow.”

Max looks over from the stove. “Supper should be ready in a few minutes, sir.”

Xenos nods. “It’s not much. But we didn’t like the idea of you three heading out without something to eat.”

“Thanks guys. But you four need to eat too. Can’t watch my back if you’re hungry after all.”

The phone rings in the next room. Ember looks confused.

“Who could that be?”

Arc stands up. “I’ll get it.”

He walks into living room and picks up the receiver.


“Hey, listen up! We got trouble?”

“Who is this?!”

“Snake, you moron!”


“Look, all the Shard members have been recalled to the base.”


“How should I know?!”

“Think maybe someone found Frank?”

“I doubt it. Hammer gave the order. If it’d been the boss he would have sent it out with Stingray.”

“So what do you want me to do about this?”

“I don’t know! But we’ve never been recalled like this! Something’s up. Something BIG! You found out anything about the boss’ location?”

“A lead. I was about to head out to check into it.”

“Good! We need the boss back here pronto! Stingray, Hammer, and Mio seem on edge lately. Ever since some deal went bad for them the other night.”

“You know anything about that?”

“I might. Make you a deal! You find the boss, and I’ll let you know what I know.”

“I’ll hold you to that. Don’t make me come looking for you.”

“Yeah, whatever chump. Anyways, I need to get back to base. Find the boss, and I mean NOW!”

They are disconnected without another word. Arc sets down the receiver and returns to the kitchen as Viktor and Hugh set the food on the table. Ember looks to him.

“Was that Shelly or Lily by any chance? They were telling me about a really awesome sounding book series about a young human who goes to a special school to learn magic. Said they’d call to…”

“It was Snake.”

Xenos frowns. “Something wrong, sir?”

Ember frowns. “What did HE want?!”

“The Shard members have been recalled to their hideout.”

Sereb appears confused. “Is that important?”

“I’m not sure, Sereb. The only reason I can think of is they’re needed to protect something.”

Max turns to Arc. “Like what, sir?”

Ember chuckles. “What’s left of their plan maybe?”

“Probably the last piece of this mystery.”

Hugh sighs. “Which is what, sir?”

“I wish I knew.”

Sereb’s ears stand up straight. “Could it be Frank?”

“Probably not. If Stingray and her friends are smart they’ll keep him far away from there.”

”Why, sir?”

Ember turns to Viktor. “Because it could lead to a civil war!”

Arc nods. “Right. Those loyal to Frank would try to bust him out. The others would try to stop them. Either way, nothing productive comes from an internal struggle.”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps there are deeper divisions.”

“What do you mean, Sereb?”

“Who’s to say the lieutenants themselves are getting along? Perhaps they’re recalling the members to settle a dispute.”

Max shudders. “Sounds like a pretty violent way to hash something out.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. But without Frank to keep them in line this was bound to happen. That’s why we have to find him.”

Max nods soberly. “So you still think he’s at that farmhouse?

“One way to find out.”

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