• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Around Town

Arc, Ember and Sereb walk down the road together toward Ponyville. Ember turns to him.

“I don’t suppose you’d care to tell me what that was all about?”

Arc does not look over as he speaks. “Let’s just say those involved in Derpy’s childhood were very… unkind to her.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. What does that mean?

“That she was treated badly by quite a few individuals. Sorry, but if you want to know more than that you’ll have to get it from Derpy herself.”

Ember shakes her head. “Maybe another time.”

Sereb sighs. “Yes. At the moment, we should see how Rose and Twilight are doing.”

Ember turns to Arc. “You really think she can be upgraded?”

“Probably. She’s a machine after all.”

Sereb nods. “It’s probably just a matter of getting the correct parts and installing them.”


They continue on their way. As they approach the Golden Oaks Library Auriel steps outside. She sees them and waves.

“Welcome back, everyone.”

“Hi Auriel. How are things going?”

“Very well, Arc! According to my calculations, Twilight and I have nearly enough extract to produce our artificial sun!”

Ember smiles at her. “That’s wonderful!”

Sereb puts a paw to his chin thoughtfully. “Tartarus is that much closer to having plants then?”

“Yes! We’ve started planning what exactly we’re bringing in there!”

“What about the Zap Apple seeds?”

Auriel shakes her head. “I gave them back to Granny Smith. Twilight and I were concerned about the amount of water full-grown trees would require.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

“We already have. The new plan is to start small. Just potted plants at first.”

Sereb looks confused. “Oh?”

“That and the other demons might have trouble adjusting to both a forest of apple trees and a magical sun that appears out of nowhere overnight. Well, I need to get over to the Train Station now. Twilight’s expecting a package.”

Arc nods. “We won’t keep you any longer then. I’ll come back soon to hear more about your project, Auriel.”

Auriel smiles as she hurries down the path. “Twilight’s in the basement at the moment. Just let yourselves in.”

They wave after her and enter the Library together. Ember turns to Arc.

“Do you really think those two can figure this out?”

“Probably. Working together makes every job easier.”

Sereb chuckles. “That it does.”

Arc and company proceed down the stairs to the basement. Rose is stretched out on her customary lab table staring up at the ceiling. She is covered by a white sheet as her clothes lie draped over a nearby chair.

“Mother, Arc and the others are here.”

Twilight trots over. “Welcome back everypony. I hope your trip to Earth was successful.”


Ember shrugs. “It could’ve gone better.”

Sereb looks to the table. “How are you feeling, Rose?”

“Mother says I need quite a bit of maintenance.”

Twilight leads the group over to the table. “That she does! What in Celestia’s name were you fighting over there?!”

Arc sighs. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

Sereb frowns. “A human whom transformed into a wolf-like creature.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “That cleared it up.”

Arc sighs. “Nevertheless, that is roughly what Bloodletter became.”

Rose nods. “I was attempting to end the battle quickly before Arc or the others were injured. Sadly, I was not successful.”

Twilight frowns as she walks over to a nearby table. “That much I gathered from your damaged internal parts.”

Sereb turns to Twilight. “I was under the impression Rose could regenerate.”

“She can. But it leaves magical scaring on whatever she repairs.”

Arc walks over to Rose’ side. “Kinda like us, huh?”

“Something like that. Everything works correctly after regenerating. But the signs of the injury are still there.”

Ember frowns. “So, what would happen if she just kept regenerating?”

“Eventually the parts being repaired would just fail completely.”

Twilight picks up a few servos with her magic and holds them up for all to see.

“I pulled these out of her left arm.”

Sereb shudders. “Her internal workings?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Studying them, it would appear something attempted to rip her arm off. Not only that, but it was nearly successful!”

“I will be more careful in the future, mother.”

“Please do. I really don’t mind doing maintenance on you, but I’d rather you not get hurt in the first place.”

Arc sighs. “Twilight, there is another reason I sent Rose over here.”

Twilight appears confused. “What could be more important than this?”

Ember shrugs. “She needs an upgrade, or something.”

“Right. To her sensors and processor I would imagine.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Well, the parts needed would depend on what exactly you want her to do. Can you be a bit more descriptive?”

“Well… we’re supposed to host a diplomatic summit at Light’s Hope sometime in the near future.”

Ember nods. “All the leaders of the surrounding nations will be there.”

“As will my tribe’s Matriarch.”

“Right. I need her to be able to scan for unauthorized personnel.”

Twilight looks confused. “Are the princesses organizing this? I mean, Canterlot Castle would be a much more logical place for…”

“That has already been discussed, mother. No one seems to want to attend a meeting there.”

Arc sighs. “Yes. Light’s Hope is a bit more neutral than the capital. Can it be done, Twilight?”

“Well… I would need some time to order the parts. But the problem is they’re REALLY expensive!”

“Make a list and give it to Raven at my base. She’ll put in the order and take care of the bill.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… can you do that Arc?”

“I guess. I mean, this is for security after all. If Canterlot won’t cover the cost I’ll pay for it from my base’s fund allotment. That I KNOW I can do.”

Rose sits up as she holds the sheet to her chest modestly. “Mother, I don’t want to be a financial burden to anyone!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “It’s no trouble, Rose. After all, you’re the one doing me a favor here.”

Ember nods. “This just seems like the least we could do in return.”

Sereb puts his paws on the side of the table. “If you save lives, all the better.”

Arc gently pushes Rose back down on the table. “You just rest and let Twilight patch you back up.”

“She should be good to go in a few hours.”

“Good. Will you be joining us for supper, Rose?”

“I… I’m not sure.”

Ember looks worried. “Something wrong?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. It’s just… I have some things to think about. Alone, that is.”

“We are here to talk to if you need us.”

Twilight puts her hooves up on the table and looks at Rose. “Me too.”

Arc smiles at her. “If you want some company, I’ll be around town for a while.”

Rose smiles sheepishly. “Okay.”

He turns back to Ember. “We should be going. I’m sure Twilight has a lot to do.”

Sereb nods. “As do we, I suppose.”

Ember raises an eyebrow as Arc heads for the basement steps. “Uh… okay.”

“Keep up the good work, Twilight.”

Twilight waves a hoof happily. “Take care, Arc.”

Arc and company walk upstairs and leave the library. Twilight looks back down to Rose and pulls back the sheet as she picks up a scalpel.

“Are you sure you’re alright? You haven’t been yourself since you got here.”

“I’ll be okay, mother.”

Twilight sighs. “If you say so. In any case, I need to replace a few gaskets in your left leg. Are you ready?”

Rose nods. “Yes. I’ve shut down energy to it and drained the fluids.”

Twilight continues talking as she makes a small incision.

“You know, Arc’s always been pretty good at solving problems. If something’s bothering you, he probably knows how to fix it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Meanwhile, Arc and his friends walk down the path together. Ember turns to Arc suspiciously.

“What do you suppose that was all about?”

“No idea. But Rose will tell us if she needs help.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Are you certain?”

“If she’s anything like Twilight, yes.”

Ember looks down the path. “Good. Now where are we off to?”

“I should probably check with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom’s families about them spending the night. Then I want to drop by the Hammer’s shop.”

“Are you looking to upgrade too?”

“Something like that, Sereb. I just want to talk to them about a few things.”

“Should Sereb and I meet you back at the base tomorrow?”

“Probably. This isn’t really going to be overly interesting after all.”

Sereb turns to Ember. “Very well. You and I can get some training done then.”

Ember grins. “You ready to lose?”

“I was about to ask you the same.”

The pair walk toward Light’s Hope as Arc heads for Sweet Apple Acres.

“Let’s see how the Apple family is doing.”

A short time later the apple trees come into view. Arc walks toward the house. A familiar voice rings out nearby

“Hey there, sugarcube.”

Arc turns to see Applejack walking around the side of the house.

“Hi Applejack. I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

“Not at all. I was just heading to the barn to do some chores. Was there something you needed?”

“Just to talk.”

Applejack motions for Arc to follow her. “Come on. We can head to the barn then.”

Arc follows her.

“How’s the weather been?”

She look up at the sky. “It’s been warming up lately. Soon we’ll have apple blossoms everywhere.”

“It’ll be nice to smell that on the wind.”

Applejack nods as she holds open the barn door for him. “You know it! This is my favorite time of year after all.”

“Why’s that?”

She closes the door and walks over to him. “It’s warm, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I have time to enjoy it.”

Arc sits down on a bale of hay. “Makes sense.”

Applejack sits down next to him.

“So what can I do for you?”

“A couple things. First of all, Apple Bloom was wondering if she could spend the weekend at Derpy’s house with Dinky and Sweetie Belle.”

“Sure! She’s been a bit down lately. This might cheer her up.”

“Something wrong?”

Applejack sighs. “Her new friend has been sick all week.”

“Which one was that?”

“The blacksmith’s new clerk’s daughter. I believe her name was Cozy Glow.”

“Oh? What’s wrong with her?”

“Just a bad cold. She should be back in school Monday morning though.”

“Glad to hear that. Um… how are you doing these days?”

Applejack blushes slightly “M-me?”

“Filthy Rich give you any more trouble?”

Applejack sighs. “No more than normal, I guess. We don’t do a lot of business during the winter months, as nothing’s growing.”

“But you still have bills to pay.”

“Right. He doesn’t seem to understand that, for us at least, money doesn’t grow on trees.”

Arc grimaces. “Yeah. I don’t think he’s ever had to worry about bills.”

“Lately he’s been asking for inventory in return for payment extensions.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Inventory?”

“Apple Preserves. It’s all we sell this time of year.”

“For free?”

“Kinda. He’s looking for a few crates a week. If we agree, he won’t charge us penalties for not being able to pay these last few months.”

Cherry gasps. “NO!”

Arc and Applejack fall backwards, surprised at the sudden outburst.

“What in tarnation was that?!”

“It was Cherry! What’s gotten into you?!”

“That’s how it started for Ruby and I, Applejack! A crate here or there in return for penalty forgiveness! Next he’ll ask for whole shipments!”

Arc sighs as he helps Applejack up. “Then he can undercut you in the wholesale market.”

“Yes! Next thing you know all your other customers will be going to HIM for apples!”

Applejack flops back down on the hay bales. “Just perfect. This here is all my fault. If I hadn’t wanted that stupid equipment…”

Arc interrupts her. “Now, now Applejack. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

Cherry sighs. “Right. You didn’t know this would happen.”

Applejack lays her head down on the hay as her voice saddens. “I… I just don’t want my family’s foals and grandfoals stuck with this debt like you were, Cherry! They don’t deserve that!”

Cherry sighs. “I hate to suggest this, but couldn’t you just turn over the equipment to Filthy Rich?”

Applejack looks up. “You mean default on the loan?”

“Yes, Applejack. Now I’m not one for going back on a deal, but Filthy Rich is a low down scoundrel!”

Arc nods. “She’s right, Applejack. I don’t think anyone would hold it against you if you chose to…”

“I can’t do that. What kind of an example would that set for Apple Bloom and Babs Seed?”

“Applejack, I understand you’re the Element of Honesty, but this problem is just going to get bigger and bigger.”

Cherry sighs. “Right. Don’t wait until he comes by looking to renegotiate! My parents fell for that one years ago!”

Arc nods soberly. “Just give him the collateral and move on. You can still make cider without it, right?”

Applejack sighs. “Yeah. But that’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?”

“The equipment wasn’t the collateral.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “You mean…?”

Applejack nods sadly. “Yeah. Sweet Apple Acres was. We didn’t have anything else of any real value to sign over.”

Cherry gasps. “Oh no! Filthy Rich will end up owning everything your family worked so hard to build!”

Applejack is suddenly frantic. Tears form in the corners of her eyes as she buries her face in the hay and begins to shake with emotion.

“That he will! So… what am I supposed to do now?!”

Arc gently strokes Applejack’s back in an effort to comfort her.

“I… um…”

Cherry speaks to Arc telepathically. “You know what to do! Just do it!”

Arc sighs inwardly. “I know. But last time I brought this up, she didn’t like the idea.”

“Well, she doesn’t really have much of a choice right now! I’m begging you! Don’t let this happen to Applejack! Please!”

“Agreed. That and I think I know how to make it happen.”

Arc looks down at Applejack who has begun openly sobbing into the hay.

“I know how to solve this Applejack.”

She looks up at him. A glint of hope in her eyes.

“You… you do?! How?! What do I have to do?!”

Arc wipes the tears from her face. “First of all, do you trust me?”

“Of course! You just tell me what needs to be done and I’ll do it! Promise!”

“First, how much debt do you have?”

Applejack looks around nervously. “I… don’t really like to say it.”

“Come on now, Applejack. Arc can’t help you if you don’t tell him.”

“Fine. But can I just whisper it in your ear?”

“Uh… okay. If that makes you feel better, sure.”

Arc leans down as Applejack sits up and whispers something. He raises an eyebrow, surprised.

“Really? How much equipment did you buy?!”

Cherry calls out. “Farming machinery is pretty expensive, as it has generally has to be custom built, Arc.”

Applejack nods sheepishly. “Right. The Hammers did a great job on it too.”

“They do good work, I’ll give you that.”

“So what’s your idea?”

“One sec.”

Arc pulls a pen and paper out of his ring and writes something down before giving the paper to Applejack.

“There you go.”

Applejack takes it, confused. “What’s this?”

“A note to the bank. Bring this down there and they’ll transfer it to your account.”

Applejack reads the note. Her pupils shrink, but do not leave the paper as she speaks.

“A-Arc?! This… this is a LOT of bits!”

Cherry smiles inwardly. “It’s your entire debt.”

Applejack shakes her head. “You can’t just give me state funds like this, Arc! I appreciate the offer, but…”

“Don’t worry. That’s not government money.”

“It’s not?”

“Nope. That would most certainly be illegal, I’m sure.”


Cherry giggles. “That’s from Arc’s personal savings.”


Arc nods. “That it is. Canterlot brings my pay to Light’s Hope every month. They’ve just been stockpiling it in my vault for the time being. I’ll have some guards run this money over to the bank so you can pay off your debt tomorrow morning.”

Applejack shakes her head. “Arc, I… I can’t take this much from you. I felt bad enough when you bought me a doughnut that day I forgot my bits at home! This is… it’s just on another level entirely!”

“I suppose it is. But I want you to take this and get out of your deal with Filthy Rich.”

“I’d just be trading one debt for another! That wouldn’t be fair to you!”

“I know you’ll pay it back. Just when you can, and without interest.”

Cherry calls out to Applejack. “True. That and I don’t think Arc will be banging on your door once a week.”

Arc nods. “Yeah.


“Applejack. You and Rainbow Dash carried me to the hospital when the Ursa Minor nearly cut me in half. If it wasn’t for you and the other’s help I wouldn’t have survived.”

“That’s true. That and you did promise to do what Arc said.”

“So take this and trust me. Or do I have to order you to take it?”

Applejack removes her hat respectfully and holds the paper to her heart. “Th-thank you, sugarcube! Thanks so, SO much! If there’s anything you ever need from us you just ask! I promise I’ll pay you back just as soon as I can!”

“No rush there. I don’t really have much in the way of living expenses after all.”

Applejack closes her eyes and tears up again. “This really means a lot to us! Me especially!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles. “Now then, no one needs to know about this.”

“They don’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t want to rob you of your pride, Applejack. Your feelings are important to me, after all.”

Applejack turns away and blushes slightly. “I… I just… um… thanks, Arc. Thanks for being such a Generous stallion.”

He stands up. “You’re welcome, Applejack. Well, I’ve taken up too much of your time already.”


“Your chores won’t do themselves.”

“Oh! Right!”

Arc heads for the door. “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll stop by and get Apple Bloom Sunday afternoon.”

He nods and turns back to her as he opens the barn door. “Sure thing. See you then.”

Arc steps through and closes the door behind him. Applejack reads the paper in her hooves a dozen more times to herself. She shakes her head and sighs.

“Some Element of Honesty I am. I didn’t have nothing to do out here.”

Applejack sighs yet again as she lies down on the haybale and stares at the paper. She begins to tear up again.

“Arc… why? Why do you pay so much attention to a dirty farm pony like me? I’m… I’m pathetic, I’m weak-minded, I’m stupid and I… I…”

She looks around before continuing.

“…I still wasn’t able to say anything to you. Anypony else would have been able to do that! Alone together in the barn with no distractions! But not me!”

Applejack looks at the paper again before carefully putting it inside her hat and leaving the barn. On her way back to the house she mutters to herself.

“You deserve better than me, Arc. A penniless bumpkin who can’t even work up the courage to tell you the truth.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way back toward town. Cherry calls out to him.

“That was a nice thing you did, Arc.”

“Yeah. I don’t like seeing anyone taken advantage of like that. Especially by Filthy Rich.”

“I know all too well what that’s like.”

“Sorry, Cherry.”

“Whatever for, Arc?”

“You know what I was saving that money for.”

Cherry sighs. “That I do. You wanted to do just that for Cherry Hill Ranch.”

“Yeah. But that debt is WAY more than I have.”

“I still think it was very sweet of you to try.”

“There was something else, Cherry.”


“If I couldn’t pay off that debt, I was going to see if I could buy the farmhouse. Then at least Ruby would have a roof over her head that wasn’t in Filthy Rich’s grasp. Or if that didn’t work out, I planned to try buying the land when it went up for auction. Sorry for keeping that from you, Cherry.”

“It’s alright. Just because I’m in your head doesn’t mean you have to let me know everything. But why was it such a big secret?”

“Because I didn’t want to get your hopes up in case I… well…”

“In case you what?”


“Listen to me, Arc. The stallion I fell in love with has never once failed anypony.”

“How can you say that?”

“My father used to have an old saying. Whenever Ruby or I messed something up he would tell us ‘you can’t truly fail if you try your hardest’.”

“That’s a real nice saying, Cherry. But that won’t free Ruby from the debt.”

“Maybe not. But I know you won’t fail her.”

Arc nods soberly. “I’ll build her a house with my bare hands if I have to.”

Cherry giggles. “I know you would, Arc. I know you would.”

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