• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,616 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Helping the Healing

The next morning Arc rises in the wee hours of the morning. As he leaves his room… and Ember, Arc approaches Derpy on her mat in front of the fireplace. He strokes her mane gently and speak to her softly.


Derpy slowly opens her eyes. “Arc?”

He smiles down at her. “How do you feel?”

“Okay, I guess.”

She looks around the room.

“Where is Dinky?”

“She decided to sleep in the Barracks with the orphans. They really seem to look up to her!”

Derpy closes her eyes and smiles. “Our little hero... by the way, what are you doing up so early? It's not even dawn yet!”

“I have a lot to do today.”

She giggles! “How is that different from any other day?”

“I guess you got me there! Well, I'll see you at breakfast later!”

Derpy lays her head back down on the mat. “Bye.”

Arc leaves his quarters and meets Flash Sentry and a few Royal Guards in the Main Hall. The new lieutenant salutes him.

“Good morning sir... or is it still good evening... I've lost track!”

Arc chuckles. “Ha.”

“So, what is the mission today sir?”

“We’re heading back to Vanhoover and the New Beginnings Orphanage.”

Flash Sentry appears confused. “At this hour?”

Arc nods. “I don't want the orphans to see what we are bringing back! Now let's get this show on the road!”

He calls forth Eidolon’s Ward and steps onto the sigil.

“Come on, boys. Time’s a wasting!”

Flash Sentry and the Royal Guards step onto the sigil. Arc powers it up and teleports the party to the New Beginnings Orphanage.

Arc looks around. “Here we are. Let’s get this over with!”

Flash Sentry looks around. “This place is trashed! What happened here?!

“A battle. Come to the meeting with Derpy and my other friends after breakfast today and I'll bring you up to speed!”

“Thank you sir! I look forward to it!”

They approach the front door and find it locked.

“Shall I “persuade” it, sir?”

“While I appreciate your enthusiasm, lieutenant, that will not be necessary. Follow me. I'll show you another way in.”

Arc leads the party to the back of the orphanage to the large hole Tempest's body made. The troops are speechless! Flash Sentry looks around the yard! In the moonlight he sees a large hole in the orphanage wall, a smashed window, a bloody tree, a fallen tree, the fence in ruins and two large craters in the center of the yard.

Arc leads them though the hole in the building as he casts a Light Spell. “This is what happens when someone loses an argument with my fist! Let's head in.”

“Sir, if I may... what are we here for?”


The group heads upstairs to Matron Tempest’s office. As they enter Arc turns to the Royal Guards.

“I want every scrap of paper in this room brought to my office back at Light's Hope. Start with the filing cabinets. Get them back to the sigil.”

They salute and carry out their task as Arc looks through the matron’s desk.

“There has to be something here that can help answer a few questions! Pass me that empty box over there.”

Flash Sentry does so and Arc begins filling it with the contents of the desk. He looks up at the lieutenant.

“Start gathering. I want to get out of this place as soon as possible!”

Flash Sentry grins as he does so. “What's the matter sir? Scared Tempest's ghost still haunts this place?”

“Worse... much worse! I haven't had breakfast yet! So get to work, and help me here!”

He facehoofs. “Very well, sir.”

“By the way... we’re going to need someone to replace you as Sergeant of the Guard. Any suggestions?”

Flash Sentry looks up! “You’re asking me?!”

“Yes, I am! You're an officer now, so you should get used to others looking to you for instructions and advice.”

He rubs his chin with a hoof as he thinks. “Well... I guess the best pony for the job would have to be Sandstorm Mirage.”

“What can you tell me about this stallion?”

“The two of us grew up together here at this very orphanage. He always had my back, and I his. Loyal and trustworthy... two traits required in all sergeants!”

Arc nods. “Very well put. We’ll speak more of this after we return to base. Now... let's finish this task so we can get home!”

They pack up all of Tempest's files and take them to the sigil. Arc and the Royal Guards step onto the sigil and are teleported back to Light's Hope. Several more guards are waiting for them as they reappear. They carry everything safely back to Arc's office. Arc oversees the transport of files with his lieutenant by his side.

“Flash Sentry, which one is Sandstorm Mirage?”

“He is.”

Arc looks at the Private and narrows his eyes. “I want to see you both in my office when this task he is done!”

“It will be done, sir!”

Arc returns to his office and waits for the Royal Guards to finish their assignment. They do and report back to Flash Sentry.

“Very good! Head to the Cafeteria and get yourselves some breakfast. You've earned it! Sandstorm Mirage, the Commander wants to speak to us first.”

The black Earth Pony stallion salutes! “Y-yes sir!”

Sandstorm Mirage approaches Arc's desk and nervously salutes after removing his helmet. “Y-you wanted to see me, sir? D-did I do something wrong?”

Arc leans forward in his chair and looks at the Private for a long moment. “Lieutenant Flash Sentry has recommended you for promotion. He says you should replace him as Sergeant of the Guard.”

Sandstorm Mirage is stunned! “What?! But sir! There must certainly be others much more qualified than I for such an honor! Why me?”

“I would be interested in hearing Flash Sentry's reasoning behind his choice as well. Do tell, lieutenant.”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “Well sir, as I said already Sandstorm Mirage is loyal and trustworthy. He also did very well in our training exercises organizing and executing defense strategies. Should Light's Hope ever need to repeal an attack, I am confident he could pull it off!”

Are removes his own helmet and sets it on the desk as he walks over to Sandstorm Mirage. “Very well. Sandstorm Mirage, you are now my Sergeant of the Guard. It now falls to you to keep this base secure! I'm counting on you...”

The stallion salutes! “Yes sir! I won’t let you down!”

“Congratulations! Now both of you go join the others for a well-deserved breakfast. I'll be along shortly.”

Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage leave the office as Arc recalls his armor to the ring. He sits down on the couch and stares into the fireplace for a few minutes, thinking.

“Sandstorm Mirage... I wonder if anyone else knows what you’re hiding...”

Arc picks up a small parcel from his desk and walks to the Cafeteria. He spots Max, Hugh, and Viktor having their morning meal. As he approaches, they snap to attention!

“Good morning sir!”

Arc sets the parcel on the table. “At ease. I have an important mission for the three of you.”

They nod.

“You will deliver this parcel to Canterlot as soon as you are finished eating. It must be delivered directly into the hooves of either Princess Luna or Princess Cadance! Do not open the package or allow anyone else to do so! Inform the guard at the Audience Chamber that you are on a mission for the Hero of Light and he should allow you near-immediate access. Do you understand?”

Max looks at the parcel nervously. “Yes sir, but what may I ask are we carrying?”

“A private report concerning... criminal activities occurring in Canterlot Castle. Trust me... you don't want to know any more than that!”

Hugh nods. “Don't worry, Commander! We got this!”

“I know you do. If you need to spend the night in Canterlot, you have permission to use my room. It's going to be a busy day... for all of us.”

Arc sits down to enjoy breakfast and a cup of tea. Dinky and the orphans run into the Cafeteria and line up to eat! They are looking much healthier and more energetic than before. He looks over to them and smiles.

“Good morning little ones! Did you sleep well?”

The orphans all looks to Arc and salute with their little hooves while smiling! “YES SIR!”

Arc laughs! “Good. Now be sure to eat a good breakfast so you can grow up big and strong now!”


Arc turns back to his breakfast. Looking into his tea he smiles slightly. “Who would have thought that just a couple days ago these foals had no hope…”

Derpy and Ember enter the Cafeteria and sit down at Arc's table.

“You’re up early!”

Derpy munches on a muffin. “Did you get done what you wanted to, Arc?”

The first part, yes. But it was merely the tip of the iceberg if you will. Lots of paperwork to go through.”

He lowers his voice and leans in close to the pair.

“I took everything from Tempest's office back at the Orphanage this morning. Hopefully her files will give us some clues on where we go from here.”

Ember looks over to him. “Need a hand with that?”

Arc nods. “I was hoping you would offer!”

Derpy finishes her muffin. “I’ll help too!”

“Thanks, Derpy. Just don't overdo it, alright?”

“Don't worry! I'm feeling much better today!”

“Well, let's hurry up and finish eating. Twilight and her friends will be here soon for our meeting. Will you join us Derpy?”

Derpy nods. “Of course! I still haven't heard how you beat the Matron! I'm sure I missed quite a bit of that fight!”

Raven and Flash Sentry enter the Cafeteria together. Derpy looks over to Arc and lowers her voice.

“Arc? Did you talk to Flash Sentry about... you know what yet?”

“Yes. It’s all taken care of.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Did I miss something here?”

“A deeply personal matter between those two. I called them in my office and we got to the bottom of it. There's no reason to go into specifics, but let's just say that Flash Sentry is a bona fide hero... and my new Lieutenant!”

Derpy grins! “Wow! Whatever he did, it must have been quite the feat to impress you Arc!”

“He did. Sandstorm Mirage has also been appointed as the new Sergeant of the Guard on Flash Sentry's recommendation.”

Ember looks over at Arc, playfully. “Do you ever take a break?”

“Does Equestria ever stop being in danger?”


A Royal Guard approaches Arc and salutes. “Sir! Six mares are in the Main Hall asking to see you. They claim to be here for a meeting.”

“Excellent! Bring them here.

A few minutes later the Mane Six enter the cafeteria escorted by guards. They approach Arc’s table.

Rarity looks all around the room with Rainbow Dash. “My word, darling! This place is positively jumping with activity!”

“Yeah! I've never seen so many foals in one place before! How are they doing, by the way?”

Arc turns to face them. “Look around and tell me what you see?”

Rainbow Dash does so. “I see foals! What else is there to see?”

“Hope filled fillies and colts. Little ones that, before a day or so ago, had no chance at a future other than that which had been preordained for them. I wish you could have been there to see the looks on their faces a week ago. They were heartbreaking!”

Arc sighs.

“In any case, if any of you are hungry please help yourselves to breakfast! My chef Saffron puts on quite the spread!”

Pinkie looks over at the food! “Ooh!!! You mean you eat like this every day?!”

“Pretty much! Let's just say if my job wasn't so... physically demanding and stressful, I would be 30 pounds heavier!”

The Mane Six each grab a plate and pull up chairs at the table.

Rarity levitates a teacup to her mouth. “The tea is divine!”

Rainbow Dash eats hungrily! “This food is awesome!”

Pinkie drools over her own food! “Ahhh! Powdered sugar!

Twilight looks up from her plate. “That reminds me, Arc. How about we have some tea later today! I would love to catch up on your adventures!

“I’d like that Twilight. How about after the meeting we do just that?”

Arc looks around the table.

“All of you are invited of course!”

Rarity claps her hooved together. “That sounds wonderful, darling!”

Applejack tips her hat. “Sounds good to me!

Pinkie hops around. “Oh! Will there be snacks?! If so, I’m in!”

Fluttershy looks over nervously. “Um… okay.”

Rainbow Dash looks over as she finishes chewing and swallows. “I'm not much for tea parties, but I'm sure Arc's stories will make up for it!”

Twilight smiles and nods. “Looks like we're all in agreement!”

“Good! Derpy... Ember... will you join us as well?”

Derpy smiles. “Yes! Thank you Arc!

“I'm not much for tea parties, but I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Ember stands up from the table.

“I'll let Saffron know to have some tea and snacks ready. Give me a shout after your meeting is over.”

Twilight looks over to the dragon, confused. “Won’t you be joining us, Ember?”

Ember looks away sadly. “I… already know what happened back then… and... I don't really want to see that again...”

She walks into the kitchen as the Mane Six looks after her.

“What the hay was that all about?”

“You’ll see, Applejack. Now if we have all had our fill, shall we adjourn to the Meeting Room?”

They nod. Arc turns to Flash Sentry’s table.

“Lieutenant, it’s time!”

Arc leads the party to the Meeting Room. They enter and he closes the doors behind them.

Pinkie Pie spots the projector on the table. “Arc! Nopony said ANYTHING about watching MOVIES!!!”

She reaches behind her and pulls out a large tub of popcorn and 3-D glasses seemingly out of nowhere. Twilight eyes the device curiously.

“Arc? What is this thing? I've never seen anything like it!”

“The big brains in Canterlot recently came up with this little invention.”

He walks over to the projector and inserts the crystal he made with the princesses the other day.

“I'm not sure how it works, but, if you sync a crystal to the projector and then hold it, your thoughts and memories will be projected on to the screen for all to see! The crystal you hold will also record your thoughts for later viewing.”

Rarity looks at the device herself! “Amazing! Does it work?!”

“Yes, very well actually! This model is a prototype, but I can see it has great potential!”

He points to the crystal in the machine.

“When I reported the events in Vanhoover to the princesses I used this very machine to do so! After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. My experiences back then were recorded in this crystal.”

Arc starts the machine as Pinkie Pie munches popcorn happily! The "movie" starts as Flash Sentry turns off the lights. The Mane Six watch the past events at the New Beginnings Orphanage unfold on the screen. The presentation ends and Arc switches the lights back on.

“So, what do you... oh dear!”

The Mane Six continue to stare at the now-blank screen, wide eyed and clearly traumatized! Pinkie Pie's tub of popcorn lies on the floor and her 3-D glasses hang from her face crookedly! Derpy herself seems quite shaken but is still able to function! Flash Sentry seems visibly moved as well! Derpy is the first to be able to speak.

“Arc... Dinky, she... what happened?!”

“: I can only imagine it was a manifestation of the power that resides deep inside her. It seemed to cut Tempest off from the Dark One's power. Only then did she become vulnerable!”

The Mane Six slowly come around. Rainbow Dash looks to Arc!

“What... in Celestia's name... DID WE JUST SEE?!?!?!”

Applejack shakes her head. “Arc… what the hay WAS that thing?!”

Arc sighs. “The former Matron Tempest. Champion of The Dark One and Equestria's Angel of Darkness! That is all that is certain.”

Fluttershy hides under the table. “At least she's gone...”

Twilight looks over to Arc. “Arc. She IS gone... isn't she?”

“I certainly hope so, but I also have a hard time imagining The Dark One letting his finest warrior fall so easily.”

Rainbow Dash’s gaze snaps to Arc! “Easy?! You call that easy?!”

“Until I see Tempest's dead corpse for myself, I’m operating under the assumption she somehow survived.”

Rarity shudders at the thought of what transpired. “Arc, how did you stand before such a frightful creature as you did?! I think I would have fainted dead away!”

“Had I not done so, Tempest would have been victorious. That is something that I will NOT allow to come to pass!”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “Arc... why would you show us such things?”

“Believe me, I didn't want to. The princesses too were against it, but... you six are the Element Bearers and should know of this new evil in the world that you may one day have to face. I'm sorry if it frightens you...”

“Don't worry about it sugarcube! We're mighty glad you believe we can handle such a threat!”

Fluttershy continues to hide! “Although here’s to hoping we don’t have to!”

Twilight considers the footage. “Arc. About that power you demonstrated. What was that?”

“I believe it was the power I received from the Spear of Righteousness. While I could feel it deep inside me, until that moment I couldn't find a way to bring it forth. It wasn't until I saw Dinky fall that something inside me snapped and I was able to release what I call Righteous Fury upon Tempest!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “Sir... do you fight creatures like this... often?”

“I admit, facing creatures much stronger than I has become the norm for me. However, NOTHING could have prepared me for THAT battle!”

Derpy looks around the table. “What… do we do now?”

“I wish I knew…”

Rainbow Dash hovers above them! “Come on! There's no way she could have walked away from that last attack!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not to try and put a damper on your enthusiasm Rainbow Dash, but as you saw from earlier Derpy and I nearly cut Tempest in half with our combined attack and she came back like nothing had happened. Although I do hope you're right, I can't believe it.”

“Commander. What did the princesses say when you reported this menace?”

“They never heard of anything like it, or The Dark One for that matter. The Canterlot historians are looking into if such a creature has ever been seen before. Right now I’m waiting for their response.”

Twilight rubs her chin thoughtfully. “If only we could contact that strange creature from before. Kronos, was it? Perhaps it could tell us more.”

Arc shakes his head. “While I don't disagree with that statement, Twilight, I've had quite enough of shadowy creatures and their "help" for one lifetime!”

Derpy looks over to Twilight. “If you recall, The Dark One also offered Arc his "help" just as he did to Tempest. The only difference is Arc had the foresight not to accept it!”

Arc nods. “I prefer not to be indebted to incorporeal beings of pure evil.

Flash Sentry nods. “Sound advice.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “I'm almost afraid to ask, but what do you think happened to Tempest?”

“Assuming she isn't dead and rotting in hell, I would venture a guess that The Dark One recalled her to unleash on us another day. We should be ready for her counterattack, but...”

Arc closes his eyes and seems to be deep in contemplation.

“Okay this is going to sound weird, but…”

Rainbow Dash interrupts. “After what we just saw, very little would sound weird right now.”

Arc stands up. “I need a cupcake and a cup of tea.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “I stand corrected.”

“Look, there's nothing left to discuss and I missed Second Breakfast!”

Derpy giggles. “Equestria's greatest defender sitting around drinking tea and eating cupcakes. Oh, if the princesses only knew...”

Arc smiles as he remembers Cadance watching the Hoofball game. “You laugh, but they have their own secret pleasures.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“They're called secrets for a reason! Sorry, but I'm sworn to secrecy. That and they would... hurt me...”

Rarity nod. “Fair enough! I could go for a spot of tea right now as well!”

Pinkie drools. “Cupcakes…”

“To the rear patio then! Why don't you join us Flash Sentry! It will give you a chance to learn.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Certainly sir, but what would I be learning?”

“I don't know. That's your job to figure out!”

Flash Sentry facehoofs. “Sir, you sometimes say things that I just don't understand.”

Derpy puts a hoof on Flash Sentry’s shoulder. “You'll get used to it. Just remember, Arc has the full confidence of the princesses... strange as it may seem at times.”

“Thanks Derpy… I think.”

Arc leads the party to the rear patio just off the Cafeteria. Saffron has set out several teapots that are keeping warm on hotplates. A few covered dishes containing cupcakes, muffins and other snacks dot the table! Ember sits in a chair watching the orphans play in the field behind the base as she waits. Arc looks over the table approvingly.

“Saffron never does anything half way!”

The group sits down and speaks of happier events! Nearby the orphans play a game of tag as Arc watches them.

“Ahhh... I'm glad we have this field behind the base.”

Arc goes back to drinking his tea.

Ember looks over at Arc. “Arc... you're thinking something. What is it?”

“Is it that obvious?”

Derpy nods. “Actually yes! Something bothering you Arc?”

“Well, it's just... it feels like something’s missing here.”

He turns to the Mane Six.

“Would you be interested in meeting another friend of mine?”

Twilight nods. “Sure! Any friend of yours is a friend of ours, Arc!”

The other nod in agreement.

Arc picks up his teacup and stands. “Great! I should ask if they ever heard of The Dark One as well.”

He turns and walks toward the orphans playing.

“My turn to use the field little ones!”

Pipsqueak nods. “Okay! What for?”

Arc walks past them. “I need to call a friend. Go stand with Derpy and the others.”

The orphans look confused but quickly obey. Arc walks a short distance away as Aquamarine turns to Derpy.

“What is the Hero of Light doing?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs as the rest of the Mane Six appear equally confused. “Yeah! What gives?!”

Ember smiles. “You'll see. Just watch.”

She puts a claw on a nearby teapot.

“Better hold everything down everyone. This could get... rough.”

They appear confused, but listen. Arc calls forth his armor and takes another sip of tea. He places his gauntlet on the ground and creates a strange sigil. Still standing in the center of the sigil he then touches a strange looking scale on his shoulder. The ground begins to shake violently! A moment later the Marquis bursts through the sigil and roars loudly with Arc on his head! He extends a tendril and Arc jumps onto it as the orphans all hide behind the table!


Arc, still holding the teacup shakes his head. “Not today Marquis. I just though you would like to join us for tea! It's been too long between visits!”


Arc nods. “I understand.”

The Marquis lowers Arc to the ground. Arc casts the Matter Compacting spell on the Marquis. He shrinks from the size of a building to about Arc's height.

“Ah! Much better, thank you Arc!”

Arc puts away his armor and motions to the table. “Shall we?”

“Yes indeed!”

The orphans peek out from their hiding spot as Arc and the Marquis approaches.

“Little ones, this is the Marquis. He's a good friend of mine! There's no reason to be afraid of him.”

Pipsqueak looks over at the pair. “THIS is your friend, sir?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I haven't had time to invite him over since our last adventure together! Good times! In any case, you can go back to your game now. I'm done with the field for a while!”

The orphans smile and nod as Aquamarine slowly approaches the Marquis and looks up at him. “It was very nice meeting you, Marquis!”

He nods. “Likewise, small pony! Perhaps later I can tell you and your friends a story.”

She nods. “I’d like that!”

The foals run back to the field and resume playing. The Mane Six are stunned! Arc looks over his shoulder at the upturned earth from the Marquis’ entrance. “The gardener is going to kill me for this.”

Ember raises and eyebrow. “We have a gardener?”

Arc shrugs. “I'm assuming we do. Someone must be mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges!”

“Fair enough.”

Flash Sentry looks over to Arc, wide-eyed. “Is there any creature you can't befriend, sir?!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well... I don't have any demon friends. Oh, wait. Ester and her child Rebme back in Vengeance.”

Ember sighs. "I wonder how they're doing."

"Judging from what we know about them and the city, probably just fine. I mean... they have all the basics in there. Not a bad place considering it's Tartarus."

Ember rolls her eyes. "Oh yes. Lots of eating, drinking, and making merry."

Arc smirks at Ember. "And leashes."

"Let's talk about something else now."

Arc pours a cup of tea for the Marquis and hands him a cupcake. "Fair enough."

Taking it with tendrils, the elderly hydra nods politely. “Thank you Arc.”

“Please make yourself comfortable. My home is your home.”

Arc quickly introduces everyone ending with Flash Sentry.

“And lastly, this is Flash Sentry. He's my new lieutenant.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Hello. It is an honor to meet you, sir.”

“Likewise. Tell me, Arc, what does your lieutenant do exactly?”

“Well, he acts as my assistant and will be accompanying me on my future adventures. We will be solving many of Equestria's problems as they arise... and probably causing a few in the process.”

The Marquis laughs! “I see you haven’t slowed down, Arc!”

“Quite the opposite! I've been busier than ever since my last mission in Vanhoover!”

“I’d be glad to!”

Arc recalls the horror of New Beginnings Orphanage and the events leading up to the foals coming to stay at his base.

“That is quite the tale you tell, Arc! It is most fortunate that you have such a facility at your disposal in times of trouble! Does it have a name?”

“Yes. We call it ‘Light’s Hope’.”

“A powerful name! It suits you well!”

The Marquis picks up the cupcake with a tendril and studies it.

“What are these?”

Derpy looks over to him. “They’re called cupcakes. Try one!”

The Marquis eats the cupcake in one bite! He stops moving completely!

Twilight looks over to his concerned. “Are you okay?!”

He turns his head slowly to look at the group. With tears in his eyes as he takes another, he whispers…

“They’re wonderful…”

The Marquis turns back to Arc. “Arc, you must come visit me one day soon in my new home! I have told the other hydra of your exploits and they wish to meet the great Hero of Light! Our leader, Hydra Prime Ikis, somehow survived the pony invasion so long ago and led the survivors to the Dragon Lands! He would like to see you when you have time. Please do not bring any ponies with you however! The scars of the past have yet to heal.”

“I would be honored to meet with your leader, my friend. Any idea what he wants?”

“Not a clue. However, word of your adventures and great deeds has reached us even in the Dragon Lands.”

Ember chuckles. “That must be quite the feat! Getting news in a secret village!”

The Marquis chuckles. “Just because we are reclusive does not mean we are ignorant of the comings and goings of the world, Lady Ember.”

Twilight smiles at him. “How are you liking your new home, Marquis?”

He picks up his teacup with a tendril and looks over to her. “It is everything I had hoped it would be, and more! I can't begin to tell you how good it feels to be with my own kind again after so many years!"

Ember looks a bit sad as Flash Sentry looks over to the Marquis. “How many years were you away, sir?”

“I'm... not exactly sure. You tend to lose track after a century. After two, you stop caring.”

Applejack looks over. “So, what did you do all those years in Tartarus, Marquis?”

“Sleep, eat, feel sorry for myself, repeat. Sorry it didn't make for a more colorful answer, but... it's over now.”

The Marquis looks down at his tea.

“You know... it's rather nice to sit here, surrounded by friends and just talk. I never dreamed I would have such good friends! Pony friends even! I um... I killed so many of your kind in my rage back then! Up until recently I was proud of that fact! But now... I can't help but feel a deep regret.”

Fluttershy walks over to the Marquis and puts a hoof on his tendril as she smiles up at him. “Don't you worry about it! Let the past stay in the past! There’s hydra blood on our hooves as well.”

Arc nods! “Agreed! Speaking of blood Marquis, have the hydra ever heard of a shadowy creature known only as The Dark One?”

“Not to my knowledge, no. However, that is a question best asked of Hydra Prime Ikis. He is much older and wiser than I.”

“I'll be sure and ask him when I visit. It may not be for a while though. Lots of files to go through and leads to track down. These orphans deserve better than I can offer here as well.”

The Marquis nods. “I understand. Don't worry about it. Hydras are very patient creatures!”

Rarity puts down her teacup. “About the orphans... how is Miss Pommel doing?”

“She's still in Vanhoover Hospital. The doctor told me it would be some time before they expected to see any improvement. I'm planning on heading up there later today after our little get-together.”

Twilight looks up! “Want some company?”

Arc shakes his head. “Normally I would jump at the chance, but the doctors warned that she is not to have any visitors until further notice. They don't even like me being there, but I don't like the idea of Coco Pommel being there without word of her wards. She must feel so lonely and worried about the orphans.”

Rarity looks down sadly. “That brave mare! She gave so much... and received nothing in return but pain and suffering.”

Arc leans forward. “We're going to change all that! Listen to me, all of you. This is top secret but...”

He lowers his voice.

“I've been in contact with Hard Hat. He's the stallion who built Light's Hope. I've ordered him to build a new Orphanage right here in Ponyville just down the path from where we sit. They should start work on it tomorrow morning. We have already drawn up the plans and supplies are being gathered as we speak.”

Derpy smiles! “That's great news!”

Pinkies stands on her chair and looks over at Arc excitedly! “Cool! How long until it's complete?!”

“I told Hard Hat he didn't need to break any speed records, but he estimates it’s going to take a couple weeks.

Twilight smiles. “That should make the orphans very happy!”

“Indeed. But keep this to yourselves. I want it to be a surprise!”

All assembled nod their head. Suddenly a cry from one of the orphans rings out!


A ball comes whizzing toward the table! The Marquis catches it with a tendril before it can hit Rarity in the face! The orphans run up!

Pipsqueak looks at them, embarrassed. “Sorry about that! I guess Aquamarine doesn't know her own strength!”

Aquamarine looks at the Marquis. “Nice catch though, sir!”

“Thank you small one! Now, would you care to hear a story?”

The brown filly looks over at him happily! “What about?!”

He thinks for a moment.

“How about I tell you about how I met Arc! That's a rather colorful story!”

Flash Sentry looks over at Arc. “I wouldn't mind hearing that one myself! Sir, may I?”

Arc nods. “Go right ahead.”

The Marquis leads the foals toward the field along with Flash Sentry. Twilight turns to Arc.

“So, tell me Arc. How are you getting along these days?”

“Alright, I guess. Why?”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Well, with all the hard work you've been doing lately, I'm just worried you will burn yourself out. Maybe you need to take some time off? We could go to Las Pegasus and...”

Arc shakes his head. “As tempting as that may be, I have a base full of orphans, a dying Coco Pommel and potentially a power-hungry megalomaniac on the loose! While I appreciate the thought, now is certainly not the time for sitting next to the pool drinking from a pineapple!”

Twilight looks disappointed.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but there’s just too much going on right now!”

She looks down sadly. “I… understand.”

Arc walks over to Twilight and gives her a hug. “Thanks for caring though. It means a lot to me!”

Twilight returns the hug. “I just worry about your mental state. We all need a break sometime!”

Pinkie hops up on the table to look Arc in the eye. “Stop by Sugar Cube Corner when you have time Arc! We just came out with a Chocolate Chip Caramel Cupcake with vanilla frosting! You’ll love it!”

Arc’s pupils shrink! He waves furiously at a passing patrol!


The patrol rushes over and salutes! “Sir?!”

“Go at ONCE to Sugar Cube Corner and procure three dozen Chocolate Chip Caramel Cupcakes with vanilla frosting and put them on my tab!”

The guards salute and rush off! Arc turns back to the others who are all face hoofing! Applejack is the first to speak.

“You have a TAB at Sugar Cube Corner?!”

Arc shrugs. “Why not? The Cakes know I’m good for every bit!”

Ember shakes her head. “Arc... sometimes... you just do things I don't understand. Is this another human thing?”

He grins! “Nope! It’s a ‘me’ thing!”

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