• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - En Route

As the sun sinks below the horizon, Arc and his companions board the Lunar Destiny. Ember points a claw over her shoulder at Flash Sentry, whose coat has been dyed white like the other Royal Guards.

“Who’s the new soldier, Arc?”

“That’s Flash Sentry.”

She looks the lieutenant up and down. “…are you sure?”

“It’s me, ma’am!”

Ember frowns. “Why did you…?”

Raven interrupts. “It’s important to the mission.”

Arc nods. “I’ll explain everything during the briefing tomorrow morning, Ember.”

“Alright. I suppose I can wait that long.”

Dinky looks up to her father, happily. “That was a fun afternoon, dad!”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “While I’m glad you enjoyed it, I think your father liked it more!”

Arc burps. “That I did!”

As they enter the massive airship, Captain Tight Ship greets them. He salutes Arc as he enters.

“Sir! It’s good to see you again!”

“Likewise, captain. Are we ready to get underway?”

Tight Ship nods. “Chief Engineer Stellar Flare is just doing some last-minute checks to make sure we’re fully prepared for such a long trip.”

“Good. My friends and I will be on the Observation Deck.”

“Very well, sir.”

As Tight Ship makes his way back to the Bridge, Arc turns to the others. “Please follow me.”

They nod and do so.

Ember shudders. “I gotta say, Arc, I don’t really care for this contraption!”

Derpy smiles. “Why’s that? To me, it’s amazing!”

Sereb sighs. “She has… painful memories here.”

“That we do. But thanks to Dinky and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, I’m just fine!”

Dinky grins. “We were just glad you were okay, dad!”

Raven looks around in awe! “So this is the Lunar Destiny.”

Flash Sentry nods. “It’s quite the ship! The other nations will think twice about attacking Equestria with this on our side!”

Arc nods. “I’m guessing that was Princess Celestia’s plan when she ordered its construction. With luck, we might be able to intimidate ourselves out of a conflict!”

Sereb grunts. “Indeed. But at the moment, it also makes for a very safe way to travel overseas.”

Ember looks out the window at one of the engines. “Faster too!”

They make their way to a teleporter pad and step on. Arc clears his throat.

“Observation Deck.”

A moment later they arrive at their destination.

Raven grabs Flash Sentry, clearly surprised! “WOAH!”

“Sir?! What just happened?!”

“The Lunar Destiny is equipped with teleportation pads to get from point A to B quickly.”

Sereb nods. “For such a large ship, they are quite helpful.”

Derpy holds her stomach. “Does it also have stairs?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

Dinky helps her mother off the pad. “I think we’ll take those next time.”

He leads them to the center of the Observation Deck. From there they can see all of Ponyville in the beauty of the sunset. Dinky runs over to a window.

“This is so cool!”

Derpy joins her daughter. “Ponyville looks so small from up here!”

Ember laughs. “It’ll look even smaller when we take off!”

Arc nods. “That it will!”

A short time later the mammoth ship slowly takes off. Dinky looks outside, excitedly!


Derpy nervously grabs at Arc. “We’re moving!”

Raven clings to Flash Sentry. “Ah!”

“The first time can be a bit of a surprise. Everyone going to be okay?”

Derpy blushes slightly with embarrassment as she draws back. “I… think I’ve got it.”

Arc puts his arm around Derpy’s shoulders. “It’s okay, Derpy. I know it can be a little nerve-wracking at first. But you’ll get used to it.”

Ember nods. “I’ve never actually sat up here before! Look at that sunset!”

Sereb looks out the window and smiles. “It’s prettier up here then on the ground.”

Before too long the sun finishes setting and the moon rises. Flash Sentry steals a glance at Raven.

“Princess Luna’s moon is especially beautiful tonight.”

Raven smiles and nods. “As are the stars!”

Arc looks out the windows with his arms around Derpy and Dinky. “That they are! We don’t get a lot of time to appreciate the simple things in life.”

Ember looks over at Arc. “Always busy with something else.”

Arc laughs. “Guilty as charged.”

Sereb nods. “Sometimes you have to stop and smell the wind.”

Dinky giggles. “You say some funny things, Sereb!”

“Humans have a similar saying. It’s ‘stop and smell the roses’ though.”

Ember frowns. “What does that mean?”

“It means you have to take time out to enjoy the simple things in life.”

Derpy looks confused. "Like what?"

“Well… like spending time with loved ones. We don’t necessarily have to go do something lavish and exotic. Just a good sit-down conversation will do!”

Commander Soarin walks in. He spots Arc and quickly makes his way over to him

“Sir! The captain wanted me to give you these.”

Soarin hands Arc a number of keys.

“These are for the VIP suites. Your guests are certainly welcome to them.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. Tell me, are we on schedule?”

“Yes sir! The captain is confident we will arrive at our destination tomorrow morning shortly after breakfast.”

“Good. “

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you Arc?”

Arc acts all innocent. “Maybe…”

The group enjoys the beauty of the sky for a time before Derpy turns to her daughter.

“Okay sweetie. We should probably get you to bed now.”

Dinky yawns. “But I’m not tired at all!”

Arc nods. “Your mother is right, Dinky. You need your rest after all. In fact, we should all be getting to bed now.

Ember nods. “Not a bad idea. Sereb and I can bunk together.”

Sereb looks to her, confused. “We will?”

“Is that a problem?”


Ember takes a key from Arc and head for the exit. “Come on then!”

The pair leave the room and walk down the corridor together. She unlocks the door and steps inside with her roommate.

“What the heck, Sereb?! I thought we were friends!”

Sereb nods as Ember closes the door. “My apologies. I simply assumed you would be sleeping with Arc.”

Ember looks embarrassed. “Oh… um… not tonight.”

“Is something wrong?”

“N-no! What makes you think that?!”


Ember sighs. “Okay. It just… doesn’t feel right at the moment!”

Sereb nods. “Because of Miss Cherry. Or miss Derpy?”

“I… don’t want to come between them!”

“Between whom?”

Ember sits down on the bed, looking guilty. “Derpy and Dinky right now. Arc… he wanted some family time when we got back here! Now this mission throws a wrench into that plan!”

Sereb nobs. “I’m sure his family understands.

“Yes. But… Derpy and Dinky deserves some alone time with him right now.”

Meanwhile, Arc escorts Derpy, Dinky, Raven and Flash Sentry down the hall toward their rooms. He looks at them as they stop in front of his quarters.

“Would you excuse me a moment?”

Derpy nods. “Sure Arc! We’ll wait!”

Dinky yawns. “Just don’t take too long, dad.”

Arc motions for Raven and Flash Sentry to follow him. “I’ll be quick!”

He leads the pair to their rooms a few doors down and hands each of them a key.

“I think both of you will be quite comfortable in these rooms.”

Raven whispers to Arc in an embarrassed tone. “C-commander? Would it be all right if… um… Flash Sentry and I… you know…”

Arc nods. “I understand. If you want Flash Sentry to keep you company tonight, that’s fine with me. This must be very hard on you, Raven.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Thank you, sir. We’ll wait until you and your family go into your room.”

“Good night you two. Get some rest, lieutenant! We have a long day ahead of us!”

“Yes sir!”

Arc makes his way back to Derpy and Dinky. They both appear to be asleep on their hooves!

“Sorry about that. You two can stay with me in my room. I think you’ll like it!”

He opens the door for them and they slowly walk inside. Derpy’s eyes grow wide!

“Arc! You… you stay HERE?!”

Dinky’s jaw drops! “It’s the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen!”

Derpy looks over at Arc. “Is… is it okay for us to be in here?!”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Isn’t this room for… I don’t know… the princesses or somepony?!”

Arc nods. “That it is! But they told me any time I was aboard, this room was mine. And I want to share it with you two!”

Dinky smiles sleepily. “Th-thanks… dad…”

Arc picks his daughter up and carries her to the bed. “You’ve had a busy day, sweetheart. Rest now.”

He covers Dinky up. After giving her father a small smile, she falls asleep almost immediately. Arc turns to Derpy.

"You should probably get some rest too. I know you had just as busy a day as our daughter did.”

Dinky looks toward the bed. “Well, I am a bit tired.”

Arc walks over to the very posh sofa in front of the main window. “I’ll just stretch out on the couch here.”

Derpy looks to Arc with a concerned look on her face! “What?! But… but this is YOUR room! You should sleep in the bed with Dinky!”

“It’s okay! Really!”

“But you need your rest for tomorrows mission!”

“I’ll be fine. Please! I insist!”

Derpy turns toward the bed and Dinky. “Well… okay. But only if you’re sure!”

“I am. Goodnight, Derpy!”


She takes a few steps toward the bed before turning back to Arc.


He turns to her as he sits down on the couch. “Yes?”

“I know you’re tired, but… can we talk?”

Arc gestures to the seat next to him. “Sure!”

Derpy climbs up on the couch next to him and sits down. They both look at the moon and stars.

“So what’s on your mind?”

“I’m a… a bit worried about you.”


She sighs. “Aren’t you working too hard? There’s so much for you to do in Equestria and on Earth already! Now you’re heading off to the Griffon Kingdom for… an unknown amount of time!”

Arc nods. “I’m sorry, but this mission was… very last minute.”

“You need to remember to make time for yourself too! Rest is an important part of any job!”

“Believe me, I was looking forward to spending some time with you and Dinky when I got back this morning. But as you know, things don’t always go the way you want them to.”

Derpy puts a hoof on his knee. “Couldn’t somepony else have gone on this mission then?”

Arc shakes his head. “I wish that was possible. But… this is something only I can do! Princess Luna has been working on this since… since the night Shining Armor broke into Light’s Hope!”


“No connection! That’s just kinda the way it worked out.”

Derpy looks to him confused. “But… why?! Why are you so dead-set on going there?! Even now when you’re so busy!”

Arc lowers his voice. “I… I’ll tell you. But you must never repeat it to anyone!”

She nods soberly. “I won’t. Promise!”

Arc leans in close to Derpy. “Shortly before I became the Hero of Light, a Griffon Lord visited Canterlot Castle as some kind of diplomatic envoy.”

Derpy nods. “Okay. But what does that have to do with you?”

He looks over at Dinky to be sure she is still asleep before turning back to Derpy. “While he was there, he… he forced a certain mare to do… inappropriate things against her will.”

Derpy brings her hooves to her face, blushing! “What?! How… how could he?! Do the princesses know this?!”

Arc nods. “They do. I’m told they reported the incident to the proper authorities within the kingdom. But his being a Lord makes prosecuting him impossible!”

“So, what are you supposed to do about this?!”

“I’m going to learn how their culture works so I expose him for the lecherous scum he really is!”

“But… what about the mare?! I’m sure she would rather forget what happened to her!”

He shakes his head. “She wants him stopped, even if that means testifying against him publicly! If we don’t do anything, he’ll just keep doing this! Who knows how many others he’s done these things to! It has to stop! And I intend to see it to that end!”

Derpy shakes her head sadly.

“What Moonlit Dusk did to me will live in my memory forever! Although he didn’t do anything to me that I didn’t consent to, it hurt more than you know when he abandoned me! I can’t imagine what that mare went through! To be forcefully violated like that…!”

Derpy suddenly looks over at him with a terrified look in her eyes!

“He didn’t get her pregnant, did he?!”

“No. A very brave guard rushed in and stopped him before he could get her to the bed.”

Derpy breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I’m glad somepony stopped him before he could do those things to Raven! She doesn’t deserve that!”

“Wait! How did you know…”

She looks down at her hooves, sadly. “I… I could tell from the look of guilt and shame in her eyes. That look greeted me every day from the time I was impregnated to the day you delivered our daughter.”

Arc puts a hand on Derpy’s shoulders. “You don’t have anything to feel guilty or ashamed of, Derpy!”

“I know that now! But… at the time, I felt so dirty! So… used!”

She smiles albeit slightly.

“I noticed that Flash Sentry hasn’t left her side since we boarded the Lunar Destiny. He’s the guard who saved her?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

“He’s a good friend to her. I can tell!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Again… how?!”

“That look in her eyes. It goes away when they’re together. You and I… Flash Sentry and Raven… we need each other!”

Arc nods. “That we do.”

“I promise I won’t tell anypony about this!”

“Thank you. Raven deserves that much!”

“So, is that why Flash Sentry dyed his coat?”

“Yes. I don’t want him recognized.”

Derpy nods. “And Raven?”

“She’s going back to Ponyville with you and Dinky tomorrow.”

“Oh? Why is she here then?”

“Emotional support mostly.”

Derpy sighs. “I assume Dinky and I can’t come.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. The griffons are only allowing me two Honor Guards on this trip.”

“But you brought three!”

“I’m going to pass Sereb off as my mount. Hopefully they’ll go for that. If things go badly, he can be my ace in the hole.”

“Your what?”

“It means he can surprise them.”

Derpy looks suddenly worried. “Oh…”

There is a tense silence between them.

“Please be careful! Dinky and I need you to come home safely!”

Arc gives Derpy a hug. “I will.”

Derpy smiles and squeezes him tightly. “Promise?!”

Arc nods and strokes her mane. “Yes.”

She lays her head on his shoulder and yawns.

“You should probably join Dinky now, Derpy.”

Derpy sighs and looks out the window at the night sky. “Just a little bit longer.”

Arc continues to stroke her mane. “Okay.”

A short time later he hears Derpy’s breathing become slower as she drops off to sleep. He gently picks her up and walks slowly toward the bed.

“You’re a good friend, Derpy.”

He lays her down next to Dinky and covers them up. Derpy smiles and twitches in her sleep. Arc steps back to admire the pair.

“Sweet dreams you two.”

Cherry’s voice reverberates in his head.

“You want to join them, don’t you?”


“Why don’t you?”

Arc sighs. “I thought it would make you feel… uncomfortable. How did you know though?”

Cherry laughs! “You keep forgetting, I feel what you do. Mind and body. It’s okay! Really! Besides, you need a good night’s rest if you want to be ready for tomorrow, right? Just put me on the nightstand so I can see you, okay?”

Arc calls forth his helmet. A moment later Cherry speaks to him again.

“Okay. I’m ready.”

He removes the helmet and puts it on the nightstand next to the bed facing Derpy and Dinky before picking up his daughter and sliding into bed between them. They snuggle up to him instinctively as he covers the three of them up.

“Sweet dreams you two.”

As he himself drift off to sleep, Cherry watches over the happy little family.

“Arc… the three of you make quite the picture. I just wish I could still be a part of it…”

Arc and his family sleep peacefully through the night. Shortly before dawn there is a small knock on the cabin door. Tight Ship quietly enters the cabin and walks over to the bed as Arc sits up.

“Sir. I just wanted to let you know we’ll be arriving in about an hour. The kitchen staff have prepared a hearty breakfast for you and your guests. Shall I rouse the others for you?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Thank you, captain. We’ll be along shortly.”

Tight Ship salutes and leaves the cabin to wake the others. Arc looks at his little family and smiles.

“How did I ever get so lucky.”

He holds Derpy and Dinky both for a few more moments before gently shaking them.

“Time to wake up you two.”

They slowly open their eyes and yawn.

“Is it morning already?”

Dinky looks out the window. “It’s still dark outside though.”

“Yes, well… we need to have an early breakfast, as we’re less than an hour away from the Griffon Kingdom.”

The three get up slowly. Arc grabs his helmet as they leave the cabin together. The others meet them in the corridor. Flash Sentry salutes him respectfully.

“Good morning, sir!”

Ember looks tired. “Did we HAVE to get up this early?!”

Sereb grins. “One must rise early if they are to catch their prey.”

Arc holds his helmet under his arm. “Well said, Sereb. Now then… on to the cafeteria!”

Derpy muses to herself as they make their way down the corridor together. “I wonder what griffons eat.”

Dinky frowns. “You think they like cupcakes?”

“I sure hope so. For your father’s sake!”

They enter the cafeteria. Plates of delicious looking food are already set out for them. Raven smiles.

“This smells very nice!”

Flash Sentry nods and sits down next to Raven. “I’ll say! They certainly didn’t spare any expense on food around here!”

Dinky giggles. “With my dad on board, I would hope not!”

Derpy looks to Arc. “So tell me, Arc. How long do you think this trip will take?”

“Hopefully not more than a week. But I’m not leaving until either this is done, or the griffons toss me out!”

Dinky looks nervous. “Expecting trouble, dad?”

“I’m hoping not. But I’d rather hope for the best and prepare for the worst, sweetheart. We’re on a diplomatic mission, so I think not.”

Ember looks over to the concerned filly. “Don’t worry, Dinky. We’ll take good care of your dad for you!”

Sereb nods. “That we will.”

“Do be careful though, Arc! Dinky and I need you!”

“I will.”

The group finishes their meal just as the sun peeks over the horizon. Arc sighs and stands up.

“That was a fine meal! Now I think was have around fifteen minutes or so until we land, so we should probably say our goodbyes now.”

Arc kneels down as Derpy and Dinky come forward. Dinky gives her father a hug.

“Be careful, dad!”

Derpy nuzzles his side. “Come home soon!”

He puts his arm around Derpy and Dinky. “I will. You two take care of yourselves until I get back, okay?”

They smile and nod as Arc stands back up. Raven slowly approaches him.

“Commander? I… I just wanted to say, thank you for doing this. It means a lot to me!”

Arc nods. “I’ll take care of it, Raven. Count on it!”

He sighs and calls forth his gauntlet.

“I’ll open a portal back to Light’s Hope now. We’ll talk when this is over, Raven.”

Raven nods as Arc powers up the crystal in his forehead. As before, he levitates a short distance off the floor. A moment later a portal opens. The three walk through it and find themselves back at Light’s Hope. Raven steps off the sigil with Derpy and Dinky, astonished!

“I had no idea the commander had such power!”

Dinky nods. “He told us all about it quite some time ago. But this is our first time seeing it first-hoof!”

Derpy sighs happily. “That he did. But, for all his magical prowess, authority and clout… he still does his best to find time for Dinky and I!”

Meanwhile, back on the Lunar Destiny, Arc allows the portal to collapse in on itself as he turns to the other.

“Let’s go back to my quarters now.”

They nod and make their way down the corridor with Arc. Ember looks to Arc.

“Time for a mission briefing?”

Arc nods as he clutches his helmet. “Yes. I want everyone on the same page before we get underway.”

Flash Sentry shudders as they enter Arc’s quarters. Sereb enters last and lies down in front of the closed door. Arc gestures to the couches.

“Everyone take a seat.”

They do so as Arc slowly paces in front of them. Ember sits down next to Flash Sentry.

“Finally we can hear what this is all about!”

“As you all know, we’re on a diplomatic mission to the Griffon Kingdom. This is in response to a visit to Canterlot by Griffon Lord Goldstone some time back.”

Sereb frowns. “While I do not wish to complain, is this not something more suited to a less busy individual?”

Ember nods! “Sereb’s right! I think the princesses have a lot of nerve asking you to do this! Especially on such short notice!”

“Normally I would agree with you two. We have a lot to do without flying across the ocean! However, the diplomacy part of the mission is secondary.”

Sereb looks confused. “It is?”

Ember raises and eyebrow. “What else is there to do?!”

“Our primary mission is actually to find a way to take down that Griffon Lord!”

Ember shakes her head in disbelief. “I’m sorry, what?”

Arc nods. “You heard right, Ember.”

“This is very unlike you, Arc! But why?!”

He looks to them soberly. “What I am about to say does not leave this room. Understood?”

“Um… okay.”

Sereb nods. “You have my word.”

Arc takes a deep breath. “While Lord Goldstone was staying in Canterlot Castle, he… tried to ravish a certain mare messenger.”

Ember explodes angrily! “WHAT?! WHO?!”

He sighs. "Raven Inkwell.”

Sereb stands up and growls fiercely. “Such vile actions against so gentle a mare?! Unthinkable!”

Ember nods in agreement. “How could he?! Raven’s as timid as a bunny and twice as innocent!”

“I know. Fortunately for her, a very brave Royal Guard heard what was happening and took action.”

“Very commendable.”

Ember nods. “I’d sure like to shake his hoof! Where is he?!”

“Sitting next to you.”

She looks at Flash Sentry. “You?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes. Truth be told, at the time I thought that was the end of my career. But I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I had just walked away.”

Ember smiles and puts a claw on Flash Sentry’s shoulder. “You just went up a couple notches in my book!”

Sereb nods. “Aye.”

“Captain Decimus sent him and Raven to Light’s Hope to get rid of them. I guess he figured they would be out of his way stationed in what was supposed to be a backwater post!”

Ember grins! “Guess he didn’t count on you doing so much, huh Arc?”

Arc nods. “That was the first of many miscalculations on his part. Now, maintaining relations with the Griffon Kingdom is important. However, the end result of getting justice for Raven is our main goal here!”

Sereb bares his teeth! “Shall I rip out his lungs for you, Arc?”

“That’s very tempting, Sereb. But I don’t think Raven would be happy to hear we simply killed him.”

Flash Sentry nods. “That and we could kiss any hope of keeping the peace with that nation goodbye forever.”

Ember frowns. “Why can’t we just go to the authorities on this?!”

“The princesses already did that. Nothing happened. He’s too far up the political food chain to feel any kind of repercussions!”

Sereb growls. “So that’s where we come in?”

“Right! We need to observe and learn how their society works. Find a crack in his defenses and exploit it!“

Ember brandishes her claws! “Right! After what he did, simply ending his life would be too lenient!”

Arc nods. “That and we’re not executioners! If we try to take their law into our own hands, we’re not much better than he is!”

Sereb sits down again. “I will try to… restrain myself.”

“Good. Now I’m permitted two Honor Guards for this mission. That will be Ember and Flash Sentry.”

Sereb frowns. “What about me?”

“You’re going to pretend to be my noble steed.”

“I thought I already was.”

“That you are! But that means no talking or showing signs of intelligence. They probably don’t know of Forsaken Village, and won’t recognize your species.”

Sereb nods. “I understand.”

“Sorry for making you dumb yourself down yet again, my friend.”

“We all must do our part.”

Ember nods and looks to Arc. “Anything special I need to do?”

“Stay in your armor at all times when we’re in public. You and Flash Sentry are to be seen simply as my subordinates.”

“Does that mean I need to follow you around and watch your back?”

“Something like that, Ember. Just like when I was the Lord Regent, you’ll be my personal bodyguard. Just do me one favor.”

“Name it.”

Arc grimaces. “Don’t tell your father about this!”

“No problem there.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Will we use aliases?”

“I don’t think we need them. Lord Goldstone probably never bothered to learn your name in the first place.“

He nods, angrily! “Or Raven’s for that matter!”

Ember frowns. “If he’s anything like I imagine, I don’t think he’ll even care who we are!”

“Right! Everyone’s attention will be on me, hopefully! For now we’ll observe, learn and adapt!”

Sereb sighs. “What should we do it something goes wrong?”

“I really wish you hadn’t brought that up!”

Ember frowns. “Someone had to!”

“Since I don’t know what we’re dealing with, I can’t really answer that. While I hate to say it, we would have to come up with something on the fly.”

Ember shudders! “You mean…”

Arc nods. “Right. It would be up to a half-baked plan.”

Sereb sighs. “Let us hope it does not come to that.”


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