• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,614 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Talks Between the Bedsheets

Sometime later Rainbow Dash opens her eyes. Looking around she sees the now familiar guest room walls. Rain pelts the window as a dim natural light allows just enough illumination for her to be able to see. The door opens and Arc enters with a glass of something in his hand. Smiling at her, he sits down on the side of the bed as he speaks.

“How do you feel?”

Rainbow Dash groans as she rubs her eyes. “Really tired. What happened?”

Arc sighs. “You were in the sauna too long.”

“Nah, that can’t be it. Back in Equestria I’ve been in saunas a lot longer than that before without a problem.”

“As a pony though.”

“What’s that have to do with it?”

“My guess is that humans are less able to deal with extreme temperatures.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve seen you and the others go out into the snow with nothing to keep you warm but a scarf around your necks before.”

Rainbow Dash smiles sheepishly. “I... guess I must’ve looked pretty silly back there.”

“How so?”

“Passing out.”

“No idea. I was more concerned with getting you out of the sauna and back to my place over anything else.”

“So what happened after I blacked out?”

“Well... I took you back home via portal and put you in a cool shower to get your temperature down. When you started moving around I dried you off and brought you in here. But I didn’t want you waking up naked, so I put some shorts and a t-shirt on you.”

“How long was I unconscious?”

“Several hours.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Really?!”

Arc nods. “After I dressed you, I briefly considered taking you to the local hospital. But when I took your temperature I found it was back to normal.”

“Guess that shower really did the trick. But why was I out for so long then?”

“No idea. All I can figure is that it was your body’s way to catching up on some rest, or something. However, just before you came around I went downstairs to get you this.”

He holds out the glass to her. Taking a sip, Rainbow Dash looks at it confused.


“Room temperature tap water to be exact. Just trying to rehydrate you, after all.”

Rainbow Dash smiles weakly as she takes another sip. “I thought you’d have some kind of special human’s drink for this.”

“I was going to give you Gatorade at first. But then I remembered what I learned in health class. No sugary beverages for those trying to recover from heatstroke.”

“Why not?! “

“It interferes with your body trying to normalize its internal temperature. Which was well over one hundred degrees when I took your temperature in the shower.”

“Is that bad?”

Arc sighs. “It isn’t good. Normal for a human is ninety-eight point six, after all.”

Rainbow Dash gasps as he eyes grow wide. “Am I going to be okay?!”

“I think so. After all, you seem to be perking up.”

“Yeah, well... I do still feel really tired.”

“Maybe you should make it an early night.”

“But we didn’t even have supper yet!”

“Are you hungry?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand on her belly. “Well... not really, no. I don’t think my stomach could handle anything in it right now.”

“Then we should probably wait for breakfast.”

“You’re not hungry either?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. I was too preoccupied with taking care of you to be worried about that.”

Rainbow Dash looks him over. “Yes, I can see that.”


“You’re still wearing your swimsuit, Arc.”

Arc groans. “Oh... right. After I laid you down and dressed you I just kinda sat here in this chair to keep an eye on you. Kept taking your temperature and listening to your breathing for anything out of the ordinary.”

“Thanks. I do appreciate the extra care and all, but you should probably get a shower and put on something a bit warmer.”

Arc nods as he puts his arms around himself. “Yeah, I didn’t really notice before but it is pretty chilly in here.”

“Don’t tell me the heat is broken now!

“I turned down the thermostat before we left since I figured we’d be out pretty much all day. Never got around to turning it back up though.”

Rainbow Dash shivers slightly. “Now that you mention it, this room is a bit cool for my tastes too.”

Arc pulls the blanket from the end of the bed up to Rainbow Dash’s chin. “This should help.”


“I’ll turn the heat up, take a shower, and hit the hay as well.”

Rainbow Dash looks at him quizzically. “You okay?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead and nods. “Just a bit... tired from all the excitement earlier, I think.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Sorry about that.”

Arc smiles as he heads for the door. “Don’t worry about it.”

Leaving the bedroom, Arc heads downstairs just long enough to turn the heat back up before returning to his parent’s room for fresh clothes. Showering quickly, he dresses and makes his own way to bed. The sun is setting as he lays down and closes his eyes. Musing to himself, Arc sighs.

“I should have paid more attention.”

Falling asleep to the drumming of the rain the roof overhead and windows around him, Arc drifts off. Sometime later that night Rainbow Dash opens her eyes. Looking to her right she sees nothing in the darkened room, but hears raindrops hitting the window heavily. Putting a hand to her forehead she sits up groggily and groans. Slowly getting to her feet, Rainbow Dash walks to the door and heads down the hallway to the bathroom in order to answer the call of nature. After finishing and stepping out, however, she hears the door at the other end of the hallway opening. Arc walks over as she calls to him.

“Uh... hey.”

Arc groans groggily. “Couldn’t sleep?”

Rainbow Dash jerks a thumb toward the bathroom “Just had to pee.”




“You okay?”

Arc leans against the open bathroom door. “I... I don’t know.”

Stepping forward, Rainbow Dash puts a hand on his forehead.

“You feel really warm. How do you feel?”

“Kinda... um...”

Putting a hand to his gut, Arc runs past Rainbow Dash and toward the toilet. Dropping to his knees, he unceremoniously heaves up the contents of his stomach which, while not much, still makes for quite the biological spectacle. Rainbow Dash hurries over to Arc and helps hold his head out of the toilet as she calls out to him.

“Arc! What’s wrong?!”

Arc spits into the toilet. “I... don’t feel so good.”

“That’s obvious! Why though?!”

“Just a... bug probably.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “A bug?!”

“It means I think I’ve got a cold.”

“Oh. So... no literal bugs?

Arc shakes his head. “No. Just... germs.”

“What do I do?!”

“Just... help me back to bed, will you?”

Kneeling down next to him, Rainbow Dash allows Arc to put his arm around her shoulders. Standing, the pair walk slowly back to his parent’s room. Helping him lay down on the bed, she covers the young man with a sheet. Grabbing the blanket, Rainbow Dash looks to him before speaking.

“Not really sure you should have this.”

Arc shivers. “I’m feeling really cold right now.”

“But you’re sweating. Maybe you have a fever?”

“The thermometer is in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Can you get it for me please?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Sure thing!”

Hurrying out the door, she returns a few moments later with the device. Arc takes it and puts it to his forehead before pushing the button. Holding it there for a few moments he pulls it back to read the results. Rainbow Dash looks over his shoulder as he does so.

“Normal for a human is ninety-eight something or other, right?”

Arc sighs. “Yes.”

“So you’re REALLY sick!”

“Guess so.”

“How can I help?!”

Arc grunts as he puts a hand over his face. “Need to take care of the fever. But I don’t think I can keep any medicine down.”

Suddenly heaving, Arc quickly points to a nearby waste basket. Rainbow Dash grabs it and hurries to put it in his lap. She makes it just in time to catch another volley of stomach juices as Arc hugs it tightly. Waiting for him to finish, Rainbow Dash frowns as she folds her arms over her chest.

“Okay, we HAVE to do something about this, Arc!”

“I... I need to shower.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “But I thought you took one earlier.”

“For my fever.”

“Oh... right.”

Arc slowly sits up with Rainbow Dash’s help. Escorting him to the bathroom, she helps him sit down on the toilet seat. Walking over to the tub, the young woman gets the water going and sets the temperature before looking over her shoulder.

“Need help getting in, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head as he shivers. “No, I think I can manage.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Alright.”

She stands and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Arc slowly removes his clothes and gets into the shower. Sitting down in the tub, he allows the warm water to flow over him for quite some time. Once or twice he throws up a bit of stomach acid, but little else remains inside him by this point. Closing his eyes, Arc allows his mind to wander as he muses to himself.

“What a thing to happen on an extended date. Not making myself look too good here.”

Sighing, he continues.

“A sick boyfriend has to be about the least cool thing out there. Something that’s very important to Rainbow Dash. While I’m sure it’s not a dealbreaker for her, it’s still not good.”

Putting an arm over his eyes to drown out the light, he sits there quietly for a long moment. Eventually, Arc peeks through the shower curtain at the closed bathroom door as he continues his musings.

“Rainbow Dash didn’t make any kind of a fuss or jokes about me not needing help to get into the tub. That and she allowed me to be left alone in here without putting up any kind of a fight.”

A knock rings out before the door opens a few inches. Rainbow Dash calls out to Arc loudly over the din of the shower.

“Uh... just checking to make sure you’re doing okay in there.”

Arc nods as he calls back. “Yeah, I’m... I’m okay.”

“Any more... uh... incidents?”

“A couple, yeah. Hopefully I’ve got that out of my system now though.”

“Anything I can do for you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. I think I’ll be getting out of here in a few minutes though. Starting to get kinda pruney in here.”


“Human thing. Our fingers and toes start to get wrinkled if we’re in water for too long.”

“Oh... I, uh... brought you some clean clothes. Can I come in?”


Opening the door, Rainbow Dash steps inside the extremely humid room. Setting the clothes on the counter, her eyes drift toward the shower curtain for a moment before she turns and quickly leaves the room. Arc stands, turns off the water, and cautiously steps out of the shower. Toweling himself off, he picks up the clothes and looks them over.

“She even remembered fresh undergarments.”

Dressing, Arc tosses the towel into the hamper as he opens the door. Finding Rainbow Dash waiting for him outside, he offers her a weak smile.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“It’s cool. After all, you’ve got your reasons. But I think we need to get you back to bed right away.”

Arc sighs. “No arguments here.”

Taking his arm, Rainbow Dash leads Arc back to his parent’s room. Helping him sit down on the bed, she looks him over as he lies down and pulls the covers over himself.

“You feel less warm now. Can I take your temperature just to be sure though?”

Arc nods. “Sure Go ahead.”

Picking up the thermometer from its place on the nightstand, Rainbow Dash puts it to Arc’s forehead and presses the button. Pulling it away, she examines the readout before speaking.

“Down to a hundred degrees now.”

“Quite an improvement.”

Rainbow Dash turns to him. “Think you could keep some medicine down?”

Arc shrugs. “One way to find out.”

“Where is it?”

“I have a bottle of dark green medicine on a shelf in the kitchen. Right cupboard, right side, top shelf.”

“Got it!”

She leans down and picks up the waste basket from earlier. Handing it to him she continues.

“You might want to hold onto this. Don’t worry, I did clean it out while you were in the shower.”


Leaving the room, Rainbow Dash heads downstairs. Returning a few minutes later with the bottle she walks over to Arc and holds it out to him.

“This it?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Thanks.”

Opening the cap, Arc puts the bottle to his lips and takes a sip. Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, confused.

“Um... don’t you have to measure that out?”

Arc smiles weakly as he puts the cap back on. “Yeah, there is a proper dose. But I’ve always just taken a small mouthful. I know, I know... I’m dumb.”

Rainbow Dash sighs as she takes the bottle from Arc. “What is that stuff supposed to do anyways?”

“It helps alleviate the various symptoms of colds. Sore throat, coughing, headache, runny nose, and fever. That and it helps put you to sleep.”

Rainbow Dash looks at the clock. “You should probably try to get some more rest then, Arc. After all, it’s still a few hours until dawn.”

Arc rubs his eyes. “I think you’re right. Even without that medicine doing its thing, I’m still pretty tired.”

“That should help. Sleeping, I mean.”

“Thanks for the support. Why don’t you get some more sleep too?”

“I... uh... I will.”

She pulls the covers up to Arc’s shoulders as he rolls over and closes his eyes. Moments later he falls asleep. An indeterminate amount of time later he opens them to the murky morning light shining weakly through the bedroom windows. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, Arc spots something out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head, he sees Rainbow Dash asleep in a chair next to the bed. Leaning over he gently shakes her.


She opens her eyes and looks up at him sheepishly.

“Hey. I, uh... guess I fell asleep watching you.”

“It looks like it, yes.”

“How do you feel?”

Arc sighs. “Really achy.”

Rainbow Dash stands and puts a hand on his forehead. Frowning, she sighs.

“You feel really warm. Just like you did last night. Well... early this morning, I guess.”

Arc picks up the thermometer from the nightstand. “Let’s see.”

Putting it to his forehead, Arc presses the button. Looking at the readout a few moments later he groans.

“Well over a hundred degrees again.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Back to the shower?”

“Yeah, I think I should.”

Helping him up, Rainbow Dash slowly walks with Arc out the door and down the hall. As he opens the bathroom door she speaks.

“Want me to help?”

Arc shakes his head. “Thanks, but I think I can manage.”

“You hungry?”

“I am, yes. But I don’t think I could keep anything down right now.”

Rainbow Dash nods as she steps back. “Alright. Have a... nice shower.”

Nodding, Arc enters the bathroom. Closing the door behind him he sighs and disrobes. Getting the water going, he steps into the shower and lays down. Resting his head on the back of the tub, he sighs contentedly. Shutting his eyes to rest them, Arc is startled as he feels a hand on his shoulder shaking him. His eyes flying open he turns his head to see Rainbow Dash on her knees looking through the shower curtain in on him. Blushing, he stammers.


“You okay in here?!”

“Y-yeah. Why?”

“Because you weren’t answering my calls!”

Arc appears confused. “What are you talking about? I just got in here.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “That was over an hour ago!”

“It was?”

“Yeah! I tried knocking a few times earlier before sticking my head in here and calling out! And you STILL didn’t say anything! That’s when I started really getting worried!”

“So you came in?”

“I thought you were in trouble!”

Arc smiles, still slightly embarrassed. “Thanks. But I must’ve just been really out of it and not...”

Pausing, Arc thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Wait a second! Did you say that I’ve been in here for over an hour?!”


Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I must be sicker than I thought.”

“How about you get out of there and back in bed then?!”

“Think you’re right.”

“You gonna be okay getting dried off and dressed?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You sure?”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

Rainbow Dash stands up as she frowns. “I’ll be just outside then. Fresh clothes are next to the sink. Don’t dawdle.”

She leaves the room as Arc sighs and rises. Turning off the water, he steps out of the shower and grabs a nearby towel. Drying himself, Arc puts his clothes on and heads for the door. Opening it, he finds Rainbow Dash leaning against the opposite wall waiting for him. Approaching, she takes his arm.

“Come on. Back to bed with you.”

Lacking the strength to argue, Arc does as he is told. Rainbow Dash helps him lay down on the bed and covers him up before picking up the bottle of medicine left on the nightstand.

“How about some more of this?”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s nighttime medicine. I have some different stuff for use during the day.”

“What’s it treat?”

“Pretty much the same stuff this bottle does.”

“Then why not take this?”

“The day medicine won’t make me sleepy.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Uh, sleeping is a good thing for you right now.”

“I guess so. But I’d still rather take the other stuff.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Fine. Where is it?”

“In the same cupboard this medicine was in. Should be right next to where you picked this up.”

Nodding, Rainbow Dash leaves the room. Returning a few minutes later with the bottle in question she gives it to Arc. As before, he uncaps it and takes a swig. Making a face, he shudders.

“You okay, Arc?”

Arc smacks his lips and makes a face. “Yeah. It just tastes terrible.”

“What’s it like?”

Arc holds the bottle out to her. “About what it smells like.”

Taking the bottle, Rainbow Dash opens it and sniffs. Making a face, she quickly puts the cap back on and turns to him.

“You put this stuff inside of you?!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I do want to feel better.”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand to her forehead as she sits in the chair next to the bed. “Think I could have some of that then?”


“I’ve got a killer headache!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You do?”


“When did it start?”

“Woke up with it. But now it’s getting worse!”

Arc leans over and puts a hand on her forehead. Feeling it for a few moments, he frowns.

“You feel kinda warm. Any other symptoms?”

“Well... I didn’t want to mention it before, but... I’m kinda sore.”

“Define ‘sore’.”

“It’s just a dull sensation in my limbs.”

“Why didn’t you say anything before?!”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “I just figured it was muscle fatigue from all the stuff we did the past couple of days catching up to us!”

Arc sighs and grabs the thermometer off the nightstand. “Let’s check this while we’re at it.”

Putting the device to Rainbow Dash’s forehead, Arc presses the button. After it beeps he looks at the readout.

“Slightly feverish.”

“So I picked up on whatever it is you have?”

Arc nods sadly. “So it would seem. Sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Arc. But I should probably get a shower now.”

Arc groans as he puts the thermometer down. “Yeah. See if you can get that fever down before it gets out of hand like mine did.”

“Okay. You going to be alright while I do that?”

“Sure. By the way though.”


“How’s your stomach?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand to her belly. “It’s a bit... off. But okay, I guess.”

“Hopefully it stays that way.”

Standing, Rainbow Dash leaves the room and heads for the bathroom. Arc hears the door close and the sound of the water turning on. That coupled with the sound of the falling rain outside lulls him to sleep in a matter of minutes. Sometime later though Arc is awakened by movement near him. Opening his eyes, he looks over to see Rainbow Dash crawling under the covers next to him.

“What are you doing, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash grunts as she covers herself up. “That... didn’t really help all that much. And it’s ‘Raine’, remember?”


“The shower and my name.”

“Still feeling sick?”

Rainbow Dash nods weakly as she lays her head on a pillow next to his. “Yeah. That and I puked a few times in there. Luckily I was in the shower when it happened, so there’s nothing to clean up.”

“That’s good.”

“The last time was a close call though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he turns to her. “Oh?”

“You see, I had already gotten out and toweled off. So when I felt things... moving in reverse, I just kinda aimed for the tub.”

“But you did make it.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yes and no. Yes, I did puke in the tub. No, as I kinda miscalculated and fell in as I was throwing up.”

Arc chuckles. “You mean...?”

Rainbow Dash groans as she puts an arm over her face. “Covered in my own nastiness, yeah. It was on the shower walls, the soap, and even in my mane! So I had to turn the water back on and get everything cleaned up... again.”

“Didn’t get hurt though, did you?”

“Nah. I’m good at crashing into things.”

Arc puts a hand to her forehead. “You still feel warm.”

Rainbow Dash does the same to Arc. “And so do you.”

“I think we’re going to need some help.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces warily. “What kind of help?”

“Doctor Whooves.”

“I’d argue, but I’m too tired.”

Arc smiles weakly. “Glad you’re seeing it my way, Rainbow... Raine.”

Rainbow Dash smirks sleepily. “You could at least get the name right.”

“I’ll try to do better.”

Touching his earring, Arc makes the call. A short time later he opens a portal with the Rainbow of Light. Doctor Whooves steps through with a little black bag and heads for Arc’s side of the bed.

“Hello, sir. What seems to be the problem?”

“We’re not feeling too well.”

“Let’s take a look at you then.”

Arc motions to Rainbow Dash. “Start with her.”

“Very well, sir.”

The doctor walks around the bed to Rainbow Dash’s side. He gives her a standard examination as he takes notes on a clipboard. Repeating the process for Arc, the doctor looks over his notes again before speaking.

“It would appear you both have a bad bacterial infection.”

Rainbow Dash gasps, wide-eyed. “Will we recover?!”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Oh, yes! It’s perfectly treatable with some simple medication.”

Reaching into his bag, the doctor pulls out a small bottle of pills. Giving them to Arc, he continues.

“Each of you should take one of these every four hours for the next three days.”

Arc accepts the bottle and nods. “I’ll see to it.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces as she looks to the doctor. “How long until we’re better though?”

“By tomorrow morning you’ll both be feeling much stronger.”

Arc chuckles. “That fast?”

“Yes sir. Please contact me if you don’t see any improvement or either of you worsens.”

“I will.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Any other measures we should take?”

“Just drink plenty of fluids and rest today. If you two feel better in the morning you can get up and move around at that point. However, I would still recommend staying inside for another day to prevent a relapse.”

Arc smiles. “Thank you, doctor.”

“You’re welcome, sir. But if I may, what shall I tell Princess Twilight about the reason for my sudden and unexplained sojourn to Earth?”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Probably nothing. After all, we don’t want her worrying about us and coming out here.”

Arc shakes his head. “Twilight should probably know though. After all, we don’t want her to think that we’re trying to cover something up.”

He turn to the doctor before continuing.

“Tell Twilight the truth. That I called you out here because Rainbow Dash and I were feeling sick. If she wants details, inform her of your prognosis but be sure to tell her that we are both doing well and are undergoing treatment via medication.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Yes sir, I’ll do just that.”

Arc reaches for the Rainbow of Light on the bedside table. “We appreciate it. Now then, are you ready to head back to the castle?”

“I am, sir.”


Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Doctor Whooves picks up his bag, steps through it, and is gone. Rainbow Dash turns to Arc as it closes.

“So... I guess we’ll be staying here for a while?”

Arc shrugs. “As long as we’re sick, at least. Wouldn’t want to go spreading this to the others. But for now let’s take some of that medicine.”

Opening the bottle, he shakes two pills out into his hand. Giving one to Rainbow Dash, he pops the other into his mouth and pulls a different bottle from his ring. Uncapping it, he takes a swig before passing it to the young woman next to him. Taking a sip, she grins and takes a much deeper drink. Turning to him, Rainbow Dash holds it up.

“What IS this stuff?!”

Arc chuckles. “Fruit Punch Gatorade. It’s a popular sports drink brand here on Earth.”

“Tastes good too!”

“At the moment we need it to help rehydrate after all that vomiting.”

“I guess that’s true.”

Arc sighs. “But we probably shouldn’t have shared the bottle though.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, confused. “Why not?”

“Spreading germs.”

“Uh... have you forgotten that we’re both already sick?”

Arc smiles weakly. “I guess that’s true. You can keep that bottle though.”

“Thanks! What about you though?!”

Pulling another from his ring, Arc holds it up before speaking.

“Don’t worry about me. I have plenty.”


“But for now, why don’t we just lay back and get some rest.”

Rainbow Dash groans as she puts her bottle on the nightstand. “I’m tired, of course. But... I don’t think I can sleep right now.”

“Me either admittedly.”

“So... what should we do then?”

“How about we just lie back and rest for a bit?”


They do so. For a long time the only noise in the room is the sound of rain drumming against the roof and windows. Eventually, Arc breaks the silence.



“I’m sorry.”

Rainbow Dash turns to him, confused. “For what?”

“Getting you sick.”

“I don’t really see how that could be your fault though.”

“Kinda was. After all, you were in close proximity while trying to help care for me.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Well, I don’t hold it against you.”

Smirking, she continues.

“Can I confess something to you though?”

“What is it?”

“For the longest time I’ve had a certain dream.”


“Well... it’s more like a fantasy.”

“Tell me about it.”

“I used to lie awake in my bed back home and... um...”

“And what?”

Rainbow Das looks to him sheepishly. “Promise you won’t get mad?”

Arc smiles. “Sure.”

“I, uh... usually lie next to an... ah... extra-large pillow at night.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Rainbow Dash blushes slightly as she turns away. “Pressing my body against it, I would imagine it was you I was snuggling up to.”

Arc chuckles. “Nice fantasy.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised. “You’re not upset about that?”

Ac raises an eyebrow. “Not at all. Why would I be?”

“It kinda makes me seem like an overly obsesses marefriend. Uh... not that I’m your marefriend. Officially, I guess.”

“Kinda are.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Nah. I haven’t really been able to open up with you yet.”

“Open up?”

“About... stuff.”

“Like what?”

“Anything really. I’m always scared that it’ll make you mad, or think I’m dumb, or... something.”

“Have I ever though?”

“Well... no. But...!”

Arc interrupts her. “Then please, if something’s on your mind feel free to tell me.”


“Yes. After all, that’s what a good friend is supposed to be there for.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Alright. Uh... but how do you feel about the whole pillow thing I just brought up?”

Arc shrugs. “No complaints here.”

“Something like that’s not, of, I don’t know... weird to you?”

“Nah. Whatever helps you feel better.”

“But isn’t fantasizing about you wrong though?”

“I don’t think so. At least as long as you understand that it’s just a fantasy.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What else would it be though?”

Arc sighs. “Some people, and probably ponies too I would imagine, can take things too far. Thinking about me, or anyone for that matter, is all well and good assuming that it’s not all-encompassing.

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “All... what?”

“All-encompassing. It means that you’re doing nothing but fantasizing about me all the time. To such an extreme that you start having trouble telling reality from fiction.”

“I don’t get it.”

“How about this then? Let’s use that pillow you brought up earlier as an example. Suppose that you started talking to it as if it were me, like taking it out of bed for mealtimes and setting out a plate for it as if it actually needed to eat. That and taking it with you when you left the house to run errands or whatnot.”

“Gotta admit, that does sound pretty messed up, Arc. Do humans really do that?”

Arc shrugs. “I’ve heard stories about people doing exactly what I listed, but with their imaginary girlfriends. Never actually met someone whom did it though.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces as she looks away, clearly embarrassed. “Honestly, I... I may have been talking to my pillow lately.”

“As if it were me?”


“What about?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Just small talk mostly. I ask how your day was before telling you about anything notable in my own. Admittedly that does sound pretty bad when I say it aloud.”

“While I’m sure I already know the answer to this, you do still understand that it’s just a pillow and can’t talk back, right?

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “Totally! To be completely truthful here, I actually got the idea from Twilight.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Not the exact idea though. She told me about a way to practice speaking by talking to your reflection in the mirror. I had told her that I was having trouble knowing what to say when you were around. So she suggested practicing before the real thing.

“And you chose the pillow?”

“Yeah. But that was also because I had wanted to try and get used to lying next to somepony at night before actually doing it with you.”

Arc chuckles. “Two birds, one stone.”


“It means you were doing two things at once.”

“But now that I’ve said it aloud I just seem really weird.”

“I don’t see it that way. To me, you were just trying to better yourself.”

“Thanks for understanding, Arc. I don’t really get why I was so worried before. After all, you’ve always been very... I don’t know... easy to talk to.”

“Mostly I just try to listen.”

“It’s really helpful, yes. But there is a bit more to the whole ‘pillow thing’.”


“Like I said, I talk to it about my day and anything interesting that happened. Well, my days aren’t usually steeped in excitement, of course. So I’ve taken to... ah... making things up.”

“What kind of things?”

“Just some light role play. I pick a specific topic and see just how long I can keep it going. For example, one time I told the pillow about how I found a kitten on my way home earlier that day.”

“A kitten?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “It was just a spur of the moment idea. So, in this scenario, I brought the kitten home with me and fed it before making a blanket filled basket for it to sleep in next to a cupboard in my kitchen. You had come home late from taking care of something for the princesses and hadn’t noticed the new arrival, as you came straight to bed.”

“Was the other me on board with the cat idea?”

“Sorta. You... kinda warmed up to the idea when I told you just how cute it was, how it had nowhere to go, and how happy the kitten made me feel.”

“And were you going to keep it?”

“I wanted to, yes. But you weren’t so sure I would take care of it.”

“Would you?”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Admittedly, I don’t think so.”

Arc smiles at her. “Sounds like your pillow has quite a bit of foresight. Or, more accurately... you.”


“Knowing what you can do and what you aren’t ready for.”

“But was just a bit of role playing. I mean, none of it was real.”

“Well, you were treating it like it was though.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised. “I was?”

Arc nods. “Sure. You recognized that you weren’t ready for a cat. That and you also felt that it was wrong to fantasize about me.”

“Just saying what I felt.”

“Like you do in real life.”

“It sorta makes sense when you put it that way. But I still feel kinda weird admitting this stuff.”

“This puts you outside your comfort zone.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I’m... not like the other girls.”

“How so?”

“They’re all so good at talking about their feelings. And I’m just not.”

“You aren’t?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “It’s just not something I can put into words.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“Well... a while back Applejack brought up the idea of how to properly raise the foals you and her are going to have. She asked the others their thoughts on exclusive parenting rights. Meaning that the foals would be reared by you and whomever gave birth to them. Not the herd as a ‘collective unit’, as Twilight put it.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Interesting idea. I hadn’t thought of that. What was the general consensus?”

“Applejack felt that the foal’s birthmother and you should raise them as they saw fit. While Rarity suggested something more like a communal family system in which everypony involved would be considered their ‘mothers’.”

“And the others?”

“Fluttershy, Pinkie, Derpy, and Twilight sided with Rarity. That left Ember, Hammer, and Auriel siding with Applejack.”

“And you?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I couldn’t really bring myself to comment on that topic, as I didn’t think it was fair of me to ‘vote’ either for or against something that I don’t want either way. Foals, I mean.”

“What was Applejack’s group’s rational?”

“That only the birthparents should be making important decisions for the foal’s future and rearing. Ember said that only a dragon could understand what a whelpling really needed. Auriel said about the same regarding demon... uh... offspring. And cupcake said she didn’t want her foals to be confused by all the different mother’s opinions.”

“How did that go over?”

“Really well, actually. Rarity’s side agreed that the opposing side’s argument actually had a lot of merit. Especially Auriel and Hammer’s.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why them?”

“Because they’re the only two that you’re ‘for sure’ going to be able to have foals with. Auriel’s research pending and biologically speaking, of course. Meaning that they’re ready to be impregnated without any kind of workarounds.”

“So what did the others come up with as a solution?”

“That the matter as a whole should be tabled until you were able to weigh in on it. To be completely honest with you, none of us were trying to have such a serious conversation without you, of course. It just kinda turned into an impromptu herd meeting.”

“So what’s your opinion on it?”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “I already told you that I don’t want to have foals, Arc.”

“Let’s say that later on you changed your mind and that I did get you pregnant. What would you say about the matter of raising them?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand to her chin as she thinks aloud. “Well... um... I guess it would be kinda confusing for a little foal to be calling out for ‘mama’ and half a dozen mares walking over. We should probably just leave the birthmother to hold the title of ‘mom’ for the sake of simplicity.”

Arc nods. “I agree.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Yeah. It seems pretty open and shut to me.”

“Then why didn’t you bring it up with the others?”

“Like I said, it doesn’t apply to me so I shouldn’t voice my opinion.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Raine... just because you don’t view yourself as a future mother doesn’t mean that you can’t bring your thoughts and opinions forward on anything to the group.”

“But that just seems like me trying to control the others. How would I have even worded my response?”

“How about this? You could have phrased it something like... ‘while I don’t really want to have foals, if I did, I think it would be in their best interest for me to be the only one called their mother’.”

“That does sound pretty nonconfrontational, yeah.”

“Remember, as a member of the herd you have the right to have your opinion heard. Even if it’s not something that directly applies to you.”

“It’s hard to get a word in sometimes though, what with so many mares involved.”

“Then I think that such a conversation should start with everyone present going around in a circle and giving a general synopsis of their feelings on the matter at hand. After that, everyone can go into more detail on their opinions.”

“Sorta like a diplomatic meeting?”

“You’re not far off.”

“I think I’d like that. The others probably would too.”

Arc chuckles. “Then bring it up when we get back to Equestria.”

“Better start with Twilight though. See what she thinks.”

“Good. And I think congratulations are in order.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Congratulations?”

Arc nods. “For learning how to talk about your feelings.”

“But I... I guess I do feel a bit more confident bringing my opinions forward after this conversation.”

“It was in you all along.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Maybe. But you’re pretty good at pulling it out of me.”

Arc smiles at her. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

The pair are silent for a time. Eventually, Rainbow Dash breaks it.

“Can I ask you something, Arc?”


“How do you feel about... me?”

“Anything in particular?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Just... generally.”

“Well... I do think you’re very nice. Pretty too.”

“Am I?”

“Of course. Don’t you think so?”

Rainbow Dash sighs and looks away. “Not... really, no.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’m not... girly, like the others are.”

Arc shrugs. “I think Rarity and Fluttershy are the only two whom could be called ‘girly’ though.”

“Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best way to put it. But I don’t really fit into any of the traditional molds that mares traditionally fall into.”

“Can you elaborate on that?”

“I’m loud, have a scratchy voice, easily angered, and fully willing and able to defend myself! Heck, in the past when I’ve made scenes over something, I’ve overheard others referring to me as ‘that stallion over there’ for crying out loud!”

“And you don’t like that about yourself?”

“Nah, I’m cool with who I am.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I just... want to be somepony you can be proud of. But... I just don’t know how to.”

“I have some advice for you on that.”


“Just be yourself.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “But that’s just a mare that sounds and acts like a stallion most of the time!”


“You deserve better than that, Arc!”

“All I want is what you are though. No filters.”

“But you’re perfect, Arc! You deserve...!”

Arc interrupts her. “Hold on now. I’m certainly not perfect.”

“Well, I think you are!”

“Believe me, the more we get to know each other the less you’ll think that.”


Arc shrugs. “Then just watch and see for yourself.”

“I will. But I think I need to get some sleep now.”

Arc yawns. “Me too. This talk really took a lot out of me.”

“Thanks for having it with me though.”

She looks away nervously before continuing.

“Um... feel free to say ‘no’ to this, but... would you mind if I... stayed here?”

“In this bed?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “I’m honestly kinda having trouble staying warm. So, if it wouldn’t make you uncomfortable, would you mind... letting me snuggle up to you?”

“That’s quite the jump relationship-wise.”

“I swear it won’t be sexual, or anything! I mean... we’re both still clothed, after all!”

Arc smiles. “Alright then. As long as sleep and keeping warm are all that we’re going to do, that is.”

Moving closer to him, Rainbow Dash lays her head on Arc’s pillow. Looking up at the ceiling she sighs contentedly.

“This feels nice.”

“Warm enough?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. Thanks.”

“Now I’d like to ask you for something.”

“What is it?”

“Could I put my arm around you while we sleep?”

Rainbow Dash blushes. “A-around me?!”

“Just in the name of keeping you warm, I mean.”

“I... I’d like that, yeah.”

Scootching down, Rainbow Dash lays her head on Arc’s chest as he puts an arm around her. Patting her head, he smiles as he speaks.

“Is this okay?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “More than okay, Arc. It’s awesome.”

“Can I make my own confession?”


Arc whispers in her ear. “I really do think you’re cute.”

Smiling, she looks up at him sleepily and whispers.

“So are you.”

Closing her eyes, Rainbow Dash falls asleep. Listening to the rain falling outside, Arc soon follows suit.

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