• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Sources

Arc and Frank walk down the stairs to the basement. His squad, Ember, Rose, and Sereb are waiting for him. Ember is the first to speak.

“How are things back in Equestria?”

“Fine. Sunburst is busy working on our special gear along with Hard Hat, Stellar Flare, and now Auriel.”

Max grins. “Sounds like you have quite the dream team at work there, sir.”

Frank sighs. “I admit I have my reservations about equines building machines that will be safeguarding your life, Arc. However, it doesn’t appear I have any right to complain.”

Ember nods as she turns to him. “Right. By the way Arc. Did you bump into Spike in the castle?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Did he say anything?”

“No, I just saw him in passing. Why?”

Ember frowns. “He… wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Was it important?”

“Apparently not to him.”

Arc appears confused. “Oh. Well, I’ll see him next time I’m there. In any case, did I miss anything on this end?”

Rose nods. “A bit, yes.”

She gestures to a large map on the wall.

“We’ve been quite busy here following up on an interesting lead.”

Frank gasps. “On where my boys are?!

Viktor shakes his head. “No. We’re assuming they’re being held in the facility we scouted a few days ago.”

Hugh points to several pins. “These indicate places outside of town where transdimensional energies are flowing.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t understand. Is that bad?”

Rose shakes her head. “Not really, as it poses no imminent threat to the inhabitants of this land. However, we could theoretically open portals back to Equestria from these places.”

Arc walks over to the map. “Interesting! I should be able to work this into my plan nicely. Assuming your theories are correct, that is. Good work, Rose.”

Xenos clears his throat. “Um… sir? That isn’t exactly the case.”

Ember appears confused. “It’s not?”

Hugh shakes his head. “No. Max was the one who figured it out.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You did? Well then, well done!”

Sereb frowns. “Indeed. However he has yet to tell us where this information came from.”

Viktor turns to his friend. “I’m curious about that myself. How about it?”

Max looks away. “I’d… rather not say.”

Frank frowns. “That’s a bit suspicious, Arc.”

“Yes, I know.”

He turns to Rose.

“Tell me more about these places.”


She walks over with several pages of printouts.

“As you can see, these spots are all uninhabited wilderness or farmland quite a ways outside of town.”

Frank raises an eyebrow, skeptically. “And your… instruments have that kind of range?”

“Sadly, no. When Max asked me to investigate these spots I didn’t find anything interesting about them on the map nor via the Internet.”

Arc nods. “But you didn’t dismiss it?”

“No. Max seemed so sure of himself I had to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

Frank turns to her. “How DID you verify it then?”

Rose smiles sheepishly. “I borrowed Arc’s keys and drove out there.”

Xenos appears surprised. “You did?”

Hugh gasps. “When?”

“While everyone was sleeping. I didn’t want to wake all of you for something I figured to be little more than a wild goose chase. However, when I arrived at the closest site, I detected readings identical to those behind this house, Arc.”

“So you believe we really could use those spots to travel between dimensions?”

Rose nods. “I do. However, I’d like to run this by Sunburst. Just to make sure, of course.”

“Good idea. Take a portal there and have him verify it at once.”

Rose playfully salutes him. “Yes sir, Arc!”

Sereb pulls the recall device from its place in the corner and boops the button with his nose. A portal forms and Rose steps through. Arc turns back to Max as Sereb disables the machine and moves to put it away.

“Now then, my friend. I’d really like to know how you discovered this.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah! You got a crystal ball, or something?”

Hugh chuckles. “Come on, Max. You can’t refuse the commander’s request.”

“Just… think of it as a… professional secret then.”

Arc sighs. “Fine, Max. It’s no longer a request though, but an order. Now how did you figure this out?”

“I… um…”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “Come on! Out with it!”

Arc nods. “I’m not mad or anything. But I do insist you tell me the truth here.”

Max bows his head. “Wiseman told me, sir.”

Ember groans. “That fruitcake again?!”

Arc looks at Max soberly. “When?”

“The night I took Shelly out, sir.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “He was at the pizzeria?”

“No sir. Remember when I told you I got lost in thought and just kept driving?”

“What about it?”

“I stopped to try and get my bearings. Then he showed up, gave me this paper along with directions on how to get to the highway.”

Hugh gasps. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I thought… I mean…”

Max sighs.

“Truth be told, I don’t really know, sir.”

Frank turns to Arc. “Perhaps he was concerned no one would listen if the man in question’s identity was connected to the information.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “…what?”

Xenos turns to her. “He means we might not have believed him.”

“Oh. Then why didn’t Frank just come out and say that?!”

Frank smiles. “I did. But more eloquently.”

Arc frowns. “Max, you can’t keep things like that from us.”

Viktor sighs. “Agreed. The commander needs all the information he can get to keep everyone safe.”

Xenos grits his teeth. “Yeah. He’s always trusted us too. You should do the same.”

Max bows his head. “Yes sir. I respectfully submit myself for punishment.”

“You can do the dishes and clean the kitchen from top to bottom after supper tonight.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “That seems a bit lenient, Arc.”

Arc grins. “Not when you hear what we’re having.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What would that have to do with it?”

Arc turns to Xenos. “I want you to make Bacon Lasagna tonight.”

Hugh grimaces. “That might not be a good idea, sir.”

Viktor nods. “Yes, it tasted great, of course. But it made a huge mess of the oven along with filling the house with smoke.”

Arc rubs his hands together and smiles wickedly. “I know. Also Xenos, make sure you fill the pan with lots of cheese and sauce.”

“But sir, you told me not to do that again after last time.”

“That is true, yes. But how else are we going to punish Max?”

Ember grins. “That’s diabolical! I love it!”

Max sighs. “Yes sir. Can’t say I don’t deserve it.”

Ember frowns. “You’re darn right!”

Frank chuckles. “Very inventive.”

Xenos grins as he grabs his jacket. “I’ll head to the market to purchase the ingredients for tonight, sir.”

“Oh no you don’t. Max is fully capable of doing that himself.”

“Yes sir. I’ll get right on it.”

Max takes his own jacket off the peg at the bottom of the steps and hurries upstairs. Sereb walks over to Arc.

“There was one other thing you should know, Arc.”

“About those sites?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. About Cybil.”

Hugh turns to Arc. “She told us yesterday that she’s going to be moving to an apartment in a few days.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, that is the next logical step to recovery, I suppose. Nothing happened though, right?”

Xenos shakes his head. “Like an incident of some kind? Not that I know of.”

Hugh nods. “We try to keep to ourselves down here.”

Viktor shrugs. “It’s not like she comes downstairs too often anyways.”

Ember sighs. “Right. We talked about it at supper one night. She said something about a Permanency Planning Hearing in the near future.”

“Ah yes. I was wondering when that was going to come up.”

Xenos appears confused. “What is it, sir?”

Frank speaks first. “It’s a hearing to determine if someone has made enough progress to warrant their child being returned to their care.”

Hugh turns to Arc. “Well, she’s certainly a different person then when you carried her in here, sir.”

Frank raises an eyebrow, confused. “Carried?”

Arc frowns. “She was an alcoholic.”

“I see. And you let her stay?”


“That’s quite a surprise. I would have thought you’d have been on the phone with Marshal Raynor in a heartbeat to get her out of here.”

Arc sighs. “It was to get her sober enough to fulfil a little girl’s Christmas wish, Frank.”

Frank gasps. “That little girl you sat with at the orphanage?!”

Ember turns to him. “You remember that?”

Frank nods soberly. “Orphans never forget the face of another child who’s been through hell, Ember. Although she seemed much happier when I saw her here for Christmas dinner.”

Arc smiles. “Yeah, she was.”

“Well in any case, Headmistress Kulara will have to inspect her domicile and have several interviews with her before such a hearing can take place.”

Hugh turns to Arc. “So someone’s coming here to look the place over?”

Frank shakes his head. “I doubt it. Cybil knows that they would never approve Angel’s return to a mother who just has a single room.”

Ember steps forward. “Angel could sleep in my bed.”

Frank chuckles. “That’s a nice gesture. However, it looks better to the court if she has an apartment of her own over renting a room.”

Arc nods. “Right. That proves she’s able to hold down a regular job, cook, clean, and pay bills on time.”

Xenos turns to Frank. “So what happens after the inspection?”

“A report will be filed containing the findings along with the opinion of Headmistress Kulara.”

Arc picks up for Frank. “Then a court date will be set for Cybil to appear before the judge. She’ll be able to plead her case along with answering any questions the judge has.”

Viktor looks hopeful. “And if it goes well?”

Frank continues. “If impressed, the judge could sign papers allowing the mother to pick up her daughter immediately.”

Hugh appears nervous. “And if not?”

Arc sighs. “Then Cybil would have to wait for another hearing in three months. There would be another home inspection and report.”

Frank nods. “Basically the process would start over.”

Ember grins as she turns to Xenos. “I hope she does well.”

“So do I.”

Hugh frowns. “Cybil’s come a long way. It’d be a shame for her to be turned down.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Well, we can ask her about it during supper.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Sir? She usually doesn’t join us for that, as she gets up so late.”

Xenos points toward the stairs. “Yeah. We just leave her a plate in the fridge to heat up before she goes to work.”

“We’ll have a late supper then.”

Ember chuckles. “Think you can wait until then, Arc?”

Arc chuckles. “Probably not. So let’s have a snack.”

Frank facepalms. “I see nothing’s changed in that regard.”

Arc turns to them as he heads for the stairs. “Rose will be back soon. Let’s fix a little something in the meantime.”

Half an hour later they sit down at the kitchen table over sandwiches and milk. Arc turns to Rose.

“Wiseman was right, huh?”

Rose nods. “Yes. Sunburst confirmed my suspicions regarding those coordinates. He says they open up new possibilities in transdimensional travel.”

Ember grins. “Options are good!”

Arc chuckles as he turns to the others. “That it does. So, did any of you find out anything else about that base?”

Rose sighs. “Very little from information gathered from the Internet and that day we all went out there.”

Xenos frowns. “That place is a fortress!”

Ember sighs. “I did a flyover one moonless night with recording gear and instruments Rose gave me.”

Rose nods. “Leftovers from surveillance of Frank at that old farmhouse.”

Frank frowns. “You were watching me?!”

Arc turns to Frank. “Think of it more like scanning.”

Rose clears her throat. “Right. Back then your powers were still maturing.”

Ember attempts to return to the subject at hand. “In any case, there appeared to be a large courtyard with a single white building in the center.”

“Any defenses?”

“Just the towers that we already saw from the beach and a couple mounted turrets.”

Rose sighs. “Yes. However, the building itself was quite strange in its layout.”

Arc appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“If it truly is where our target is being housed, it’s certainly not the best place for it.”

Frank chuckles. “Three foot thick walls, turrets, and an easily defensible bridge isn’t enough?”

Sereb growls. “Nothing is ever truly impregnable.”

Viktor shakes his head. “It’s not that. The building in question is just… really small considering what it’s supposed to contain.”

Arc frowns. “Define ‘small’.”

Hugh nods. “Considering its supposed to be holding our target, you’d think they would have a full facility. Not just a single, albeit large, building.”

Xenos shrugs. “It just doesn’t make sense to us that they’d risk leaving such a valuable target in a place relatively unguarded.”

Rose puts a hand to her chin. “Other than the guards at the base of the bridge I didn’t detect anyone else in the courtyard.”

Frank turns to his friend. “Arc, what is this about? You seem bound and determined to pull off what amounts to little more than an elaborate breaking and entering.”

Ember glares at him. “It’s more than that, you thief! We’re trying to…!”

Xenos gasps. “Ember!”

Arc sighs. “No, no. Frank should probably be told.”

Hugh shakes his head. “But sir! This is top secret!”

“I know. But who’s he going to tell? Everyone’s already after him for one reason or another.”

Viktor grimaces. “That kinda makes sense.”

Arc puts down his sandwich and looks Frank in the eye soberly.

“Do you remember the two princesses in Canterlot?”

Frank nods. “Yes, of course. Charming young ladies presiding over the land as a competent dualocracy.”

“Well, truth be told, there’s actually a third princess.”

“Oh? I don’t believe I met her.”

“Neither have I.”



Ember nods soberly. “We believe her to be a captive of the military.”

Frank’s eyes grow wide. “What?! But that would be monstrous!”

Rose frowns. “It certainly might be. But we have to find out for ourselves.”

Arc looks Frank in the eye. “All we know is that Princess Celestia disappeared without a trace. How the people here on Earth managed such a feat is unknown. However, thanks to Aurora, Sunburst was given a huge boost to his scrying abilities which allowed him to pinpoint her location.”

“Which is somewhere in that building?”

Ember sighs. “Looks like it.”

“Arc, listen to me. I’m sure you mean well, but this isn’t like breaking into a bank. You won’t be dealing with elderly security guards or Raynor’s little band. Instead you’ll be facing off against soldiers. REAL soldiers!”

Xenos socks a clenched fist into his palm. “Not alone he won’t be.”

Hugh nods soberly. “We’re with you to the end, sir.”

Viktor grins. “Agreed.”

“Thanks guys. But I’m going to do my best to formulate an airtight plan that minimizes risk while maximizing effectiveness.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “That’s… really impressive, Arc.”

“Is it? Good. Because I was actually trying to convince myself there.”

Sereb sighs. “You must stay confident in your team and oneself, Arc.”

“I know, Sereb. But this is going to be the biggest job we’ve ever done.”

Ember grins. “Right. But I’ll be there to watch your back.”

“That really is reassuring. Tell me, were you able to scan the inside of the building, Rose?”

Rose shakes her head. “Sadly, no. There’s some kind of dampening field around the interior that clouds my sensors.”

Sereb growls. “So we have zero intel on what to expect?”


Ember frowns. “So how is Arc supposed to plan this out?!”

“There’s only one way.”

“We are NOT going in with another one of your half-baked plans, Arc!”

“I agree.”

Frank breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s reassuring.”

“Just I’m going.”

Everyone collectively cries out. “WHAT?!”

Arc holds up his hands for silence. “It minimizes the danger to the team.”

Ember seethes. “Yeah! And MAXIMIZES the risk to YOU!”

“Calculated risks.”

Frank frowns. “I would like to check your math there, my friend.”

Sereb sighs. “At the very least I would like to accompany you.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Sereb. Like I said, just I’m going.”

Xenos turns to Arc. “We’d still like to help, sir.”

Viktor appears hopeful. “Can we start by talking you out of this?”

Hugh nods fervently. “Right! This is suicide!”

“If you guys want to help, look for a way to get me inside without raising the alarm.”

Rose frowns. “But we won’t be able to monitor your progress once you enter.”

“Set up my armor’s cameras to record everything then.”

Viktor frowns. “That we can easily do, sir. But… this is just so extreme!”

“There’s no other way. Someone has to do it.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Why not me then?!”

“You’re not too good with stealth, Ember.”

Xenos nods soberly. “We are, sir!”

Viktor grins. “Right! The three of us could…!”

“…be easily taken captive. Then I’d be without reinforcements for the final infiltration later. That and I have the best chance of fighting off trouble should it find me.”

Rose sighs. “From a tactical standpoint, that only half makes sense.”

Ember glares at Rose. “Half?! More like negative whole!”

Viktor sighs. “That isn’t actually how math works, Ember.”

“It does if I say so!”

She turns her gaze back to Arc.

“You can go… with me tagging along!”


“Or I can head back to Equestria, fly to the Dragon Lands, gather EVERY dragon there before coming back and LEVELING that base!”

Frank winces. “That might be a bit… extreme.”

Ember scowls. “So is him going in alone!”

Sereb growls. “Be wary, Arc. Ember would certainly carry through on her threat.”

Xenos shudders. “Yeah.”

Frank narrows his eyes. “That would be most unwise, Ember.”

“Oh?! And why’s that?! Dragons are MUCH stronger than your average human!”

“Because of the political position it would put your land in.”

Viktor nods. He’s right, Ember. A full-scale frontal attack would certainly be seen as an act of war by the governing authority of this land.

Hugh sighs. “They’d retaliate against Equestria for sure!”

“You mean the Dragon Lands!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, they’d go after all the countries. Probably starting with Equestria though.”

Ember grits her teeth. “We’d take care of them!”

Sereb growls. “As would the Forsaken Tribe!”

Arc frowns. “Not likely. I’d imagine they’d kill everything that moved.”

Frank turns to Ember. “Think of all the citizens that would be slaughtered or made homeless by the resulting war.”


Frank sighs. “Ember, if you really care about the safety of the other world then DON’T start a war!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Everyone would lose.”

Ember weighs her options inwardly before continuing.

“Fine. We’ll do it your way. But I want to be on standby near the base if you need to make a fast escape via the air.”

Rose turns to Arc. “I’d also like to provide support for this endeavor.”

“Very well you two.”

Xenos purses his lips. “Now all you need is a way in, sir.”

“My magic cloak will take care of that.”

Rose shakes her head. “I don’t think that’s an option. My sensors show there to be motion trackers and thermal sensors at the gate and around the perimeter.”

Sereb sighs. “You wouldn’t even get close, Arc. That is, unless you have another plan.”

“Yes, I do.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Ember scoffs. “I suppose you plan on tunneling past the outer defenses?”

Arc chuckles. “Truth be told, you’re closer than you think, Ember.”

Sereb puts a paw over his face. “And now I am worried.”

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