• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - An Invitation

Two days later, Arc stands in front of a full length mirror in his finest raiments examining his appearance. Evening has fallen as Natalya enters the room and walks over to him.

“How’s this look?”

“Very nice, sir! It’s not as formal as the outfit you wore to the party the other night. But this is a semiformal event!”

Arc nods. “I guess I must have really made an impression the other night.”

“Yes, you did! To receive an invitation to dinner from the king’s Chief Advisor is no small feat!”

“Why do you suppose he wants to see me?”

Natalya shrugs. “Who knows. Maybe he’s looking you over to see if you’re worth bringing before King Guto!”

“Anything I should know about dinner mannerisms?”

“Just what I told you before the party.”

She looks around.

“Where are your Honor Guards?”

Arc points. “On the balcony shining their armor. They should be ready to go anytime now.”

A short time later the three enter. They appear ready for the night’s festivities!

“Shall we be off?”

Ember nods. “I’m ready!”

“As am I, sir!”

Arc mounts Sereb and they walk out the door and toward the Grand Aviary’s main entrance. As they walk the now deserted streets, he turns to Natalya.

“Is Chief Advisor Gunter’s house far?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No sir. In fact, it’s not far from Lord Gestal’s estate.”

Flash Sentry turns his head. “It’s still in the high rent part of town though, right?”

Natalya nods. “Most definitely!”

A short time later they arrive at a large walled estate. As they approach, a griffon butler of some kind meets them at the door, bowing.

“Welcome, Lord Arc. We’ve been expecting you.”

Arc nods and dismounts Sereb. “Are the other guests already here?”

“Yes sir. You are the last to arrive.”

He walks quickly up the steps with the others! “Let’s not waste any time then. Lead the way!”

The butler turns and leads the group into the manor. As they approach a large double door Arc sees several other guards mingling around the exterior of the room. The butler stops outside the closed doors and turns to him.

“Lord Gunter has asked that all Honor Guards remain outside the Dining Hall.”

Arc frowns. “Oh? Did he say why?”

“No sir.”

“Very well.”

He turns to the others.

“We should respect our host’s wishes.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “I don’t like leaving you unguarded!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Nor do I, sir!”

The butler nods. “Put your minds at ease! The Dining Hall is most secure!”

“I’ll be fine. You three guard the entrance with the other Honor Guards and see to it we’re kept safe.”

Ember sighs. “Fine…”

Arc enters the Dining Hall. He spots Lord Gestal and his daughter Lady Ashe along with General Blackbeak and their host Lord Gunter. In the corner of the room he sees a rather large griffon who seems to be surveying the entire room. Lord Gunter walks forward to greet him with an outstretched claw.

“Ah, good of you to make it, Lord Arc!”

Arc nods as he returns the handshake. “Thank you for having me, Lord Gunter.”

“After the mishap at the party I thought we should get better acquainted.”

General Blackbeak walks over to join them.

“Indeed! It’s not every day that we get to dine with such a brave warrior!”

“It’s good to see you again, general. I trust you’re unharmed from the other night’s skirmish.”

Blackbeak holds a clenched claw to his chest. “It will take more than a group of traitors to take ME down!”

“Glad to hear it! Now if you will excuse me, I should greet Lord Gestal and Lady Ashe before we sit down.”

Gunter gestures with a friendly wave of his claws. “By all means!”

Arc walks toward the pair near the fireplace. Lord Gestal looks to him.

“Good evening, Lord Arc.”

“Hello again, Lord Gestal. Lady Ashe.”

He bows at the waist to the pair.

“Thank you again for protecting my daughter the other day.”

Lady Ashe nods. She looks rather tired. “Yes. Thank you.”

She turns to her father.

“Excuse me, but I’d like to wash up before supper.”

“Very well, my dear.”

Lady Ashe leaves the room as Lord Gestal looks back at Arc with a pained look on his face.

“Please forgive my daughter’s behavior. She hasn’t been the same since the attempted kidnapping.”

Arc nods. “I completely understand, sir! It must have been a terrible ordeal for her!”

“For all of us, really! She hasn’t so much as left the safety of her room since that night! I’m hoping tonight’s diversion will help bring her out of her shell.”

Arc looks over to the doors as the servants enter the Dining Hall carrying large platters of delicious smelling covered dishes. “It certainly couldn’t hurt!”

They sit down to eat as Lady Ashe rejoins them. The servants quickly get to work serving the food. However, the large griffon in the corner does not move. Gunter looks over to Lady Ashe.

“I hope you feel better after a good meal, my dear!”

She nods, picking at her food. “As do I.”

Gunter turns to Blackbeak. “General. Any leads on the assailants from the other night?”

“Very little, I’m afraid.”

Lord Gestal frowns. “For such a ragtag group, they certainly are slippery.”

Ashe sighs and nods. “That they are. I don’t know if we’ll ever catch those responsible!”

The general frowns. “We will, Lady Ashe! Someone will slip up eventually. When they do, I’ll be there with a contingent of my guards!”

Arc notices that the griffon in the corner scoffs at the general’s words.

“Do be careful, general! I want those traitors caught as much as anyone, but not at the risk of you and your troops!”

“We will take whatever steps are necessary, ma’am! Have no fear!”

Gunter chuckles. I’m sure you will, general. But on to brighter things! Lord Arc, why don’t you tell us more about Equestria?”

“I’d be glad to. What would you like to hear about?”

Lord Gestal looks over to him. “How about Canterlot? I’m told it’s quite a sight to behold.”

“Indeed, it is! Canterlot is Equestria’s seat of power, and home of the princesses.”

Ashe’s eyes light up. “Is it big?”

Arc nods. “Very! The castle takes up a large chunk of the city. However, it still has plenty of room for its citizens.”

Her father nods. “The nobility?”

“Among others, yes. It also has a very exclusive shopping district and many five-star restaurants.”

Ashe turns to her father. “We should go there sometime! You could use the rest and a change of scenery!”

Arc nods. “I’m sure the princesses would love to meet you, Lord Gestal. Canterlot Castle does have ample luxurious guest rooms for you and your entourage.”

He smiles at his daughter. “Perhaps another time, dear. Right now, we are far too busy dealing with these rebels!”

Ashe sighs. “I understand.”

Arc nods. “Perhaps another time.”

Gunter turns to him. “Is that where you live, Lord Arc?”

“I have a room in the castle, yes. However, my base is just outside a small town called Ponyville.”

Blackbeak nods. “And your manor? I’m sure a noble of your stature must have quite the estate!”

Arc shakes his head. “Most of the time I’m traveling around the country doing whatever needs to be done. Although I do try to find time to return to my base and visit my friends who live in the nearby town.”

Ashe nods. “What do you call this base of yours, Lord Arc?”

“Light’s Hope, ma’am.”

“A powerful name! Do you live there on a permanent basis or do you return to your manor at night?”

“I actually don’t have a manor. As busy as I find myself, I wouldn’t have the time to enjoy a home.”

She looks confused. “Then where do you live?”

“I rent a room from one of the townsponies.”

Lord Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Is it spacious?”

“It is not. Pony houses are a bit smaller than what I’ve seen in your kingdom. My room is only large enough for two beds, a dresser and a woodstove.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Two beds?”

“One of my Honor Guards stays with me quite often.”

Gunter muses to himself for at time before responding. “Lord Arc, I am quite confused. You once sat on the Equestrian throne unchallenged! Why did you not take the time to build yourself a home worthy of your station back then?”

“My days were busy tending to the needs of the country and its citizens. Audiences, Town Hall meetings, paperwork, diplomatic missions and public appearances kept me quite busy!”

The griffon in the corner smirks ever so slightly as Ashe smiles at him.

“You must be quite a hard worker, sir! In this land, the king has great amounts of free time on his claws!”

Gunter nods. “The Council of Lords takes care of many of the day to day needs of the country. Perhaps Equestria could use such a governing body to take some of the weight of its leader’s shoulders.”

Arc nods. “Canterlot does have such a group known as the Town Council. They represent the various groups in Canterlot and advise the princesses on their concerns and desires.”

Lord Gestal looks up. “Groups?”

“There are four councilponies. The head of the Town Council represents the aristocracy. The three others represent the culinary masters, fashion and theatrical artisans and lastly the common ponies.”

Ashe nods, clearly impressed. “The last representative is… quite surprising!”

Gunter nods. “That it is! Why do the princesses waste time with such a representative?!”

Arc looks up to their host. “Lord Gunter, would you not agree that any society has its rich and powerful in addition to its… poorer residents?”

“That I would!”

“The common citizens far outnumber the aristocracy though, don’t they?”

Ashe nods. “A thousand to one, one might say.”

Gunter frowns. “That they do. But they need us to keep the peace and lead the nation!”

Arc chuckles. “No arguments there! However, do you not also need them?”

Gunter frowns. “Not really.”

“Oh? Who would care for your manor’s grounds? Who would clean this beautiful home?”

Arc picks up a chunk of meat.

“Who would cook this wonderful food?”

“What are you getting at, Lord Arc?!”

“The princesses believe that happy citizens make for an efficient workforce.”

Ashe nods. “Agreed! They stay happy, they make our lives easier!”

Blackbeak frowns. “One might also look at it the other way! We stay happy, we make their lives safe!”

Arc nods. “I completely agree with you, general. But you cannot have one without the other.”

Lord Gestal considers Arc’s words carefully. “No, I suppose you can’t. You have a very… interesting way of looking at things, Lord Arc.”

Ashe looks over to him. “If I may be so bold, Lord Arc, where did you learn such ideals? Perhaps from your parent’s upbringing?”

“No, Lady Ashe. Sadly, I’m an orphan.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Arc smiles. “My teacher was life. I walked among the commoners and saw the world through their eyes as one of them.”

Blackbeak looks to him, surprised! “How does one rise from such depths to such rank in Equestria?!”

“I’m not truly sure. I only did my best to do what was right for everyone. Next thing I knew the princesses were asking me to be Equestria’s Hero of Light!”

Ashe muses to herself. “A hero and lord not of noble birth… interesting.”

Lord Gestal nods stoically. “Equestria must be a rather… interesting place to allow such things! Perhaps someday I can see it for myself.”

Gunter frowns. “It sounds like a ticking time bomb to me! Commoners being allowed to lead?!”

He looks over to Arc apologetically.

“No offense to you, Lord Arc!”

Arc smiles as he raises his glass to the host. “None taken!”

Gunter rising from his seat, glass in claw. “A wonderful meal with such grand conversation requires a toast! Would you lead us in one, Lord Arc?”

Arc stands, his own glass in hand. “I would be glad to!”

He looks over those assembled.

“To our host, this wonderful meal and to future peaceful relations between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom!”

Everyone nods, raises their glasses and drinks.

Ashe thinks to herself as she drinks. “Such a powerful warrior making a toast to peace. What an odd individual.”

Sometime later the meal concludes. Everyone rises and walks toward the doors. Gunter follows Arc.

“Thank you for coming, Lord Arc!”

“I appreciate the invitation. It’s nice to be able to learn more about your land and citizens.”

Lord Gestal approaches their host. “Might I have a few words with you before we leave, Lord Gunter?”

“Of course!”

Ashe sighs. “Please father! You always get so long winded!”

Arc looks over to her. “Shall my Honor Guards escort you home, Lady Ashe? It’s not too far out of our way.”

“Thank you! I accept!”

Lord Gestal nods. “Please look after Ashe for me, Lord Arc. I shouldn’t be too long.”

“I will, sir.”

Arc and Lady Ashe leave the Dining Hall together behind General Blackbeak. Lord Gestal turns and lowers his voice.

“What do you think, Lord Gunter?”

“I’m ashamed to admit I don’t really know. Lord Arc strikes me as… a rather odd individual. Do you think he’s involved?”

“With the rebels? No.”

Gunter nods. “I guessed as much when you allowed him to escort Lady Ashe home. But how can you be so sure?”

The griffon in the corner slowly walks toward the pair

“Because if he had been, he would have HELPED them take Lady Ashe!”

Gunter sighs. “I suppose you’re right.”

Meanwhile, Arc rejoins his Honor Guards. They make their way out to the street. As they step outside the gates, Arc gestures to Sereb.

“May I offer you a ride, Lady Ashe?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No thank you, Lord Arc. I’d rather walk.”

Arc turns to Natalya. “We’re escorting Lady Ashe home. Lead the way.”

“Yes sir!”

She takes the lead with Sereb, Ember and Flash Sentry bring up the rear.

“Are you enjoying your visit to our land, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes indeed. I’ve learned quite a bit about how your society works.”

Ashe frowns. “Or doesn’t work in some cases!”

“No land is perfect.”

She sighs. “I suppose not.”

They walk on in silence.

“If I may ask, who was that fellow in the corner this evening, Lady Ashe?”

“That was Arbiter Ghaleon. Lord Gunter asked him to attend tonight’s gathering to dissuade any rebels from attacking.”

Arc nods. “So that was your country’s Arbiter, huh? Why didn’t he join us for supper?”

“He’s a very… dedicated soldier. For him to do anything but his duty while on the job, to him at least, would only serve to distract him from his mission.”

“Such focus in the presence of such delicious food! I’m impressed!”

“We’ve all heard about your own exploits, Lord Arc. You and he have much in common.”

Arc smiles. “I wouldn’t mind having a chat with him at some point.”

“He’s… not much for conversation.”

“Strong silent type, huh?”

“Something like that.”

A short time later they arrive at Lord Gestal’s manor. The grounds are abuzz with guards aplenty! Arc walks Lady Ashe to her front door while the others wait at the gate.

“Thank you for walking me home.”

“It was my pleasure, Lady Ashe. Please take care of yourself in the future, as I may not be here next time to protect you.”

Ashe smiles as a guard opens the front door for her. “I will, thank you. Good night!”

Lady Ashe makes her way to her room past numerous guards and defenses. She sighs as she closes her bedroom door.

“It’s like being in prison.”

Ashe lies down on her bed and looks out the window at the moon. Blushing ever so slightly, she sighs happily.

“Lord Arc… I’m not sure what to make of you and your opinions. But I do hope we can talk again… very soon.”

Meanwhile, Arc and his companions make their way back toward the Grand Aviary. Cherry speaks to him telepathically.

“She was nice!”

“Yes, she was. A bit of a change from the other griffons I’ve met thus far.”

“She acted more like a pony than a griffon!”

“I thought so too! Maybe there’s hope for this land yet, Cherry!”

“Who knows! But I couldn’t get over the feeling that something was bothering her!”

“Almost being kidnapped can do that to anyone.”

“Maybe I’m looking too deeply into this, Arc.”

“Or I’m not looking deep enough.”

They arrive back at the Grand Aviary. Natalya escorts them to their room and opens the door for them.

“I hope dinner went well.”

Arc nods. “It did. I learned a bit more about griffon culture!”

Ember grins. “And you got to eat!”

“That too!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I hope the heightened security can keep Lady Ashe safe.”

Natalya nods. “As do I!”

Arc glances out the window at the rising moon. “All things considered, I don’t think there’s much else they could do that isn’t already being done.

He looks up at the wall clock.

“It’s getting late. We should all get some rest soon.”

Ember nods and looks soberly at Natalya. “Big day tomorrow.”

She nods confidently. “I’ll be okay.”

Flash Sentry looks over to her. “Is it permissible for others outside the military to attend the ceremony?”

Natalya nods. “Yes. It’s our biggest spectator sport after all!”

She looks over to Arc, hopefully.

“Will you be attending, Lord Arc?”

“I wouldn’t miss it!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Nor would I!”

Ember grins! “We’ll be there to cheer for you!”

“Thank you. Goodnight everyone!”

She leaves the room and walks down the corridor, muttering to herself.

“I just don’t get it! Lord Arc is so keen on helping me rise in power. Why? Could it be he wants a puppet in the Griffon Empire? Although he doesn’t really seem the type to manipulate and use others, what else could possibly be motivating him?!

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember, Flash Sentry and Sereb get ready for bed. The lieutenant looks to Ember.

“How do you think she’ll do?”

“She’ll be fine! You’ll see!”

Sereb nods. “Of that I am certain.”

Arc calls forth his helmet and puts it on. “What was your take on tonight, Cherry?”

Cherry’s voice calls forth from his helmet as she enters it. “I… I don’t want to worry you Arc, but I got the feeling everyone around that table was conspiring against you!”

Ember frowns. “What makes you say that?”

“Nothing I can put into words. It’s just a feeling I had! Like everyone there was hiding something!”

Flash Sentry rolls his eyes. “Well, they WERE politicians.”


“My apologies, sir.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s all right. While it IS their job to know what’s going on in this land, I too felt they were not being totally forthcoming.”

Sereb turns to him. “Even Lady Ashe?”

“I don’t know. She seemed like a really nice griffon.”

“That and she doesn’t have any real authority to speak of. What could she possibly be hiding?”

Cherry again speaks to them. “To say nothing of that individual in the corner! I have to admit, he really gave me the chills!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Who?”

“Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Ember nods. “Natalya told us about him the other day! Was he really that scary?!”

Arc shrugs. “I got the feeling he’s seen quite a bit in his time! Other than that, who knows.”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “What kind of griffon is he?”

“A very quiet one.”

“Arc’s right! He just sat in the corner all evening watching everypony!”

Ember looks confused. “He didn’t eat?!”

Cherry sighs. “I get the feeling that wasn’t on his mind!”

Flash Sentry thinks for a moment. “Maybe he was just there for security?”

Arc shakes his head. “Anyone could have done that. To say nothing about the extra guards around Lord Gunter’s manor! No, I believe he was there to watch… me.”

Ember frowns. “Why?!”

“Maybe because I’m an abnormality?”

“Or perhaps you’re a suspect in the attempted kidnapping!”

Ember frowns. “Your reputation is rather well known! It could also be that he wanted to size you up himself!”

Cherry sighs. “It really could be any or all of these theories! Please be careful, Arc! This mission is becoming more dangerous by the day!”

“I will, Cherry.”

Arc sighs.

“There’s nothing more to do tonight. We should all get some rest now.”

Arc sets his helmet down on the nightstand and points it toward the bed. They each lie down in their designated spots and are soon asleep. All except Arc. He lies awake staring at the ceiling. Cherry calls out to him softly as he sits up.

“Arc? Is something wrong? It’s past midnight!”

“I think I’m going to take a walk.”

“Can I come?”

Arc nods as he picks up the helmet. “Always.”

He quietly stands and calls forth the rest of his armor before quietly exiting the room. As he makes his way toward the castle gates Arc takes a moment to admire the stillness of things.

“It’s a peaceful night.”

Cherry giggles. “That it is.”

“Kinda reminds me of Ponyville. “

“Most places are like this at nighttime, Arc. Something about the night air.”

Arc leaves the Grand Aviary and walks the streets with no clear destination in mind. He sighs.

“I wish I had taken the time to go on a moonlit walk with you, Cherry.

“Don’t think too hard on what you might have done, my love! But rather be happy with what time we had together!”

“I know you’re right, but…”

“No buts! We’ve been given a unique opportunity to stay together! Please don’t taint it with ‘what ifs’!”

“I’ll try.”

They walk on in silence.

“Arc? Do you hear something?”

He nods. “I do. Like a low moan.”

“I think it’s coming from over there!”


“Sorry! Still getting used to not having hooves! Ahead and to your left!”

Arc quickly approaches a nearby building. Whether it is abandoned or just very run down is anyone’s guess! Behind a couple large crates, he finds a griffon wearing a large black cloak lying on the ground. He kneels down to help!

“Hey! Are you okay?!”

The griffon looks up at him and smiles.


Arc stands up quickly! “What?!”

In a flash, a dozen griffons in battle armor and similar black cloaks rush out of the shadows and surround Arc! The griffon that had been lying on the ground moaning stands up and faces him! Arc looks around angrily!

“What is this?!”

Cherry calls out to him. “This is bad, Arc! Nopony knows where we are!”

Arc nods inwardly. “I know. These look like the same guys from the party! Let’s just play this one by ear!”

“Do be careful!”

The failed commander approaches him. “I thought it was time all of us met, Hero of Light.”

Arc frowns at him. “You could have just come to my room in the Grand Aviary, you know!”

“No, we couldn’t have! The eyes of the Lords are everywhere!”

“Eyes, huh? What do you suppose they’re looking for, party crasher?”

“Anyone who doesn’t agree with them and their opinions! Our plan to take Lady Ashe the other night would have worked if YOU hadn’t shown up!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I suppose you didn’t come here just to chat with me.”

“We did not. Truth be told, if it were up to me, I would order my fellow rebels to tear you apart!”

He calls forth his spear! “Bring it on!”

A female voice from behind him rings out in the cool night air.

“Fortunately for Lord Arc, it isn’t up to you.”

The Rebel Commander steps aside, huffily.

“Our leader wanted to speak with you.”

Their leader stands next to their commander and looks Arc up and down.

“You’re every bit as imposing as I was led to believe!”

Arc scowls. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. What do you want?!”

“Your help.”

He chuckles to himself. “You want an invitation to Lord Gestal’s next party? Sorry, but we’re not that close!”

The leader laughs. “Charming! Perhaps you’d like to help me with a little problem I have.”

“Rather unlikely, seeing as I’m an emissary of peace at the moment.”

“As am I, Hero of Light.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Explain.”

They pace in front of Arc as they speak. “I wanted to extend a personal invitation for you to join our little group.”

“Not interested.”

“Oh really? Me and my fellow freedom fighters only want to see the Griffon Kingdom rise up and again become something great!”

“By any means?”

“We’re not cold-blooded killers if that’s what you’re getting at!”

The commander looks up. “So far no one has been injured!”

Their leader nods. “And we intend to keep it that way if at all possible!”

Arc growls. “And if push comes to shove?”

“Then we’ll shove back!”

“That’s what has me worried. Violence is a slippery slope! Once you start down it, turning back is next to impossible!”

The leader looks to him. “I’m fully aware of that! Recruiting only members or great moral character is of great importance to me! That is why I chose to begin this meeting as I did.”

“By surrounding me in a dark and secluded alley?”

“No. By luring you back here with the sound of one who is suffering! Had you simply walked on and ignored what you heard, I would have known you were not the kind and compassionate ruler we had heard so much about… Lord Arc.”

“You know who I am. Yet are unwilling to show your face. Why should I trust you?”

“For our own protection. We had no assurance that you would not turn us in to the authorities should you learn our identities!”

Arc sighs. “Fair enough. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to hurry this along. Busy day tomorrow.”

“Very well. We’re looking for help installing more… tolerant leaders in positions of power.”

“A coup?”

“If necessary. As Equestria’s emissary, you could request military intervention from your land! Please help us!”

“What about casualties?!”

“We have plenty of weapons and armor to keep your soldiers safe. What we lack is sufficient numbers to carry out our plans!”

Arc frowns. “I wasn’t referring to military casualties.”

The Rebel Leader looks at him. “Oh?”

“A battle like would be fierce! Many civilians would certainly be hurt!”

“Such things would be kept to an absolute minimum! However, for such gains, one must accept a few losses!”

“All well and good for you! But for those who would lose family members needlessly, it would be EVERYTHING!”

The leader chuckles. “Interesting! I didn’t think you would be so caring of our citizens!”

Arc points an accusatory finger at the group! “And I didn’t think you would be so willing the let them die in a needless conflict! Tell me! Why shouldn’t I march right back to the Grand Aviary right now and expose your plan to the authorities?!”

“Look at our armor and weapons! We have powerful friends in high places! How do you know you wouldn’t be speaking to one of our members?! It would also do irreparable damage to the diplomatic relationship of our two countries if it became known that you were consorting with known enemies of the state! Chose you actions carefully… Hero of Light.

Arc chuckles. “Violence and now blackmail?! Sorry, but as ‘noble’ as your goals may be, you’re not the type I work with!”

The leader and their rebels close in around Arc and draw their weapons. “Please reconsider.”

Cherry Jubilee cries out in his head! “Now would be a VERY good time to leave!”

“Agreed, Cherry.”

Arc Blinks up to the rooftop of the building behind him. The rebels look around, confused.

“Where did he…?”

He looks down at the rebels below, pointing his spear at them. “I suggest YOU choose your actions carefully! Keep down this path, and we may very well meet on the battlefield! On opposite sides!”

Arc opens a portal behind himself and hops through it. The commander flies up to the roof and looks around.

“He’s gone!”

The leader joins him on the rooftop with the others. “No matter.”

“How can you be so calm about this?! Lord Arc refused to listen to you!”

The leader chuckles. “He’s conflicted! I know he wants to do what is right for the population. But at the same time, he cannot act for or against us directly.”

The commander frowns. “Then why did we…”

“To make ourselves known to him! I’ve planted the seeds of suspicion and distrust of this land’s administration in his mind. Now all we have to do is wait and see if they sprout!”

“I hope you’re right!”

As the commander and the others turn to fly away, the leader pauses and mutters to themselves.

“I am. His kind are… well known to me.”

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