• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 14 - Justice be Done

Arc looks over the scene before him. He stares at Goldstone lying on the ground under the statue, dead. Looking to Celestia he nods silently. She turns to Ghaleon and holds out the Spear of Justice.

“I believe this belongs to you, arbiter.”

Ghaleon accepts the weapon soberly.

“Thank you, your highness.”

Celestia gestures with a hoof to Goldstone’s corpse. “I’m... not sure how close you two were, but...”

Ghaleon shoulders his weapon as he cuts in. “Goldstone and I have known each other since we were younglings. We grew up together... went to school together... served in the military together. However... after what he confessed to doing... you did what you had to do.”

Celestia looks to Arc. “We should probably get back to Twilight now.”

“And Gabby too. She’s not going to be too happy about this.”

“It had to be done though.”

Arc motions with a thumb behind him as he turns and begins walking. “So... should we do something about... that?”

Celestia shakes her head as they make their way toward the gate. “Let the griffons take care of their fallen lord. For now, we need to get cleaned up.”

Arc and Ghaleon follow her inside the tunnels and back to the changing room. They enter together as the others continue on. Recalling his armor, Arc sits down heavily on a nearby bench. Ghaleon looks over, confused.

“You appear rather upset for someone whom just won.”

Arc sighs. “It’s... complicated.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“We had a choice to make back there. And we made it.”

Ghaleon nods soberly. “All of us did, Lord Arc.”

Celestia scoffs. “You don’t regret doing what we did, now do you?”

“It’s not that simple. I understand that Goldstone had to go down. He had to pay for his crimes against Raven, Galena, and the other griffons he raped. But... but now his accomplice will most likely face a similar fate.”

Celestia frowns. “What do you mean?”

“A young griffon named Galena helped Goldstone set up females to be raped.”

Ghaleon folds his talons over his chestplate. “Then she too must face justice.”

“She herself was a regular victim too though.”

Celestia turns to Ghaleon. “Would you excuse us please?”

“Very well, princess.”

He leaves the room as Celestia looks back to Arc. Sighing, she continues.

“Tell me, what would you do if this young griffon’s fate was in your hands?”

Arc looks down at the floor. “I... I don’t know.”

“Well, I think you do.”

“On the one hand, she was a victim just trying to survive his wrath.”


“The other side of the matter is that she knowingly led other griffons to share her fate and be victimized.”

Celestia nods soberly. “There isn’t always a cut and dry verdict for every trial.”

“I know.”

“Would you have felt the same way if somepony you cared for deeply had been a victim? Perhaps Twilight?”

Arc groans. “No. I’d probably have wanted to gut him myself.”

“As would the other victims and their families regarding Galena, I would assume.”

“I’m sure they want vengeance, yes. And admittedly they really should get it.”

“So your opinion of a suitable punishment is what? A lifetime of prison?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. According to Ashe, that would be far worse for her.”

“Then what should be done?”

“I honestly have no idea.”

“Yes, you do.”

Arc looks up, confused. “Huh?”

“You said it yourself a few moments ago. Were someone close to you a victim of such things, you would have liked to kill their rapist yourself.”

Arc is silent for a time. Eventually Celestia continues.

“You already know what should be done in this case. Now it’s just a matter of letting the courts here do what they will with her. It is the only way for the victims to begin to heal. To have... cloture and begin to try and move on with their lives.”

Nodding, Arc stands and heads for the door.

“I really can’t disagree with you.”

Celestia smirks. “Because you know I’m right?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. It’s only because I don’t have any better ideas.”

He leaves the room and heads through the throngs of griffons still giddy from the excitement of witnessing such a thing. They part and bow respectfully to allow him to pass as they cheer and wave. Arc continues on until he reaches the VIP room. Shining Armor is standing guard outside dutifully. He salutes and waits for Arc to speak.

“Is Twilight still in there?”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes sir. She said you would be along to collect her eventually.”

“Is she... upset?”

“A bit, yes. I think you should go talk to her.”

“Y-yeah. I... I think I’ll take her back to the ship via portal though.”

Shining Armor groans. “That’s probably for the best.”

“See to it that the others are safely returned to The Equinox as well.”

“It’ll probably take some time though, sir. I just heard on the radio that the entire city is out in the streets celebrating this historic event.”

Arc sighs. “Even more reason to get Twilight back to the ship.”

Shining Armor salutes and allows Arc to pass. Entering, he spies Twilight sitting in her seat still looking out over the arena floor. Sitting down next to her, Arc speaks.

“What are you looking at?”

Twilight points a hoof. “The soldiers trying to get the statue off of Lord Goldstone’s body.”

Arc gazes out at the sight some distance away. “Looks like they’re having some trouble.”

“Did we... did we do the right thing, Arc?”

“In regards to Goldstone, yes.”

Twilight bows her head. “But we both know what this most likely means for Galena.”

“Yes. It... was a hard choice to make. Even though she wanted to see him go down as well, I too had my moments of doubt. Still do, actually.”

“How do I tell her though?!”

A voice rings out behind them.

“I don’t think you’ll have to.”

They turn around to see Celestia walking toward them. Twilight looks away nervously.

“I’m sorry, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia appears confused. “What for, Twilight?”

“Not finding a better way to resolve this matter.”

“Such as...?”

“An outcome where Lord Goldstone was removed from the Council of Lords, tried for his crimes, and sent to the dungeon for them. One where only he was punished for his crimes and the victims could seek justice.”

Celestia walks over and sits down on the other side of Twilight before looking out over the arena with her.

“I suppose that would have been for the betterment of all concerned, yes. However, you have to understand that I did hear the court case over the airwaves along with most of Equestria. While you honorably tried to convict him on the merits of your case alone, remember that it was he whom insisted on taking things this route, Twilight.”

“And Galena? What could have been done to save her?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Very little, I’m afraid. After all, she did stand before the king and confess to aiding another griffon in raping innumerable others. So she herself was not blameless in this matter.”

“Tell me then, Princess Celestia. How would you have seen Lord Goldstone punished? While at the same time preventing anypony else from going down with him, of course.”

“You think that I could have done something?”

“Of course. After all, you’ve always told me that there are more options than we know of.”

“That is true, Twilight. However you have to understand that they’re not always pleasant. Or legal.”

Twilight appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“He could have been simply taken out.”


Arc chimes in. “I think she means assassinated.”

Twilight gasps. “But that would have caused an international incident!”

Celestia smiles wickedly. “Yes, it would have... had anypony found out.”

“What... are you saying?”

“That if legal or traditional methods fail, there is always the option of resorting to underhooved actions.”

Arc frowns. “Can you give us an example?”

Celestia nods. “Of course. Let’s say that, hypothetically, the Griffon Kingdom had completely stonewalled Equestria regarding this matter indefinitely. They had made clear that our complaint would not be heard no matter how many requests were made. We could have then turned our energy toward infiltrating this country’s underworld. Somewhere in this land there is somepony whom could be paid to do great harm to our target.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide at this. “But that wouldn’t be right!”

Celestia smiles at her student warmly. “I agree, Twilight. However as rulers we sometimes have to get our hooves dirty in order to safeguard our citizens.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And how long would you have waited before doing such a thing?”

“You have to remember that I am old and VERY patient. However, even I have my limits. From what Luna told me regarding the length of time this entire ordeal has taken, I believe that I would have been ready to take matters into my own hooves in another few months.”

Twilight looks away nervously. “While I understand what you’re saying, I don’t think I could have done it that way, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia puts a hoof under Twilight’s chin and raises it to look her in the eye. “And I don’t blame you for that. However, you would do well to remember that sometimes you may be faced with situations which leave you no choice.”

Arc sighs. “That much I can understand.”

Twilight turns to her friend. “Arc?”

“Back during the peace summit at Light’s Hope, someone poisoned Luna and Cadance. All the evidence at the time pointed to Goldstone being the culprit. Even physical evidence found in his room backed up my suspicions and the previously gathered testimony from the other delegates. However, a short time later I found that he was set up by the true culprit... Sunset Shimmer.”

Twilight nods soberly. “I recall that, yes. How did you convince him to speak in your defense though?”

“By using one of those crystals to show him a very particular memory of mine in which the Queen of Abyssinia told me that Goldstone tried to convince her to sleep with him.”

Celestia smirks. “Blackmail.”

“More or less.”

Twilight frowns. “I remember you telling me about that. But I still didn’t like it.”

Celestia turns to Arc. “And what do you think would have happened had you not employed such methods?”

“That Goldstone would have riled everyone up as he painted himself as the victim of a false arrest.”

“Agreed. What was done certainly wasn’t on the up and up. However, it needed to be done to salvage what was left of the summit.”

Arc looks out at the griffon soldiers as the pull Goldstone’s mangled body from under King Grover’s statue. “Admittedly, had it been anyone else other that Goldstone, I don’t think I could have done it to them. But he was a special kind of slime.”

Twilight sighs. “I believe I have a lot to think about.”

Celestia smiles at her friend. “Perhaps you should return with me to Canterlot, Twilight.”

Arc holds up a gauntlet. “I could give you two a portal.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, my work here isn’t done yet.”

Celestia sighs. “You’re still thinking about the female griffon, aren’t you?”

“I am, yes. And I’m not going to give up trying to figure out a way to make things right for her.”

“While I do admire your attitude, Twilight, please remember that there may not be an officially sanctioned way to help her.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Now then, shall I escort you back to the Aviary to see Galena?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I’d like that.”

She turns to her mentor before continuing.

“Would you like to meet her, Princess Celestia? I’m sure she’d enjoy the visit.”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, I need to return to Canterlot for a therapy session later this afternoon.”

“Oh, well... hopefully it’ll be of benefit to you.”

“They are, yes. However, I still have a long way to go. Or so I’m told.”

Arc steps forward. “We won’t keep you any longer then. I’ll remain here in the Griffon Kingdom with Twilight and make sure she’s safe as long as she stays.”

Celestia grimaces. “Very good. “

She turns and opens a portal. Walking towards it, Celestia stops but does not turn around as she speaks.

“I... hope I can trust you in this regard.”

Without another word, Celestia steps through her portal and is gone. Twilight looks to Arc and smiles.

“It looks like we’re making progress.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Princess Celestia trusts you regarding my care. That’s certainly not something she does lightly.”

“Considering your past with her, I can see that.”

“Maybe one day the two of you will actually be friends.”

Arc frowns. “Let’s not jump to conclusions now, Twilight. Remember, her and I have our own past to overcome, after all. And it’s not something either of us will move past quickly. Or soon, I would imagine.”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose that’s true. But let’s get back to the Aviary for now and see Galena.”


Holding out his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Stepping through, the pair arrive in the outer dungeon. Walking up to the officer on duty Twilight speaks.

“I’m here to see Galena again.”

The officer stands with his keys. “Right this way, your highness.”

Several guards join them as Twilight and Arc are brought to the now familiar interview room. The officer looks to Arc as Twilight enter the room ahead of him.

“I will bring the prisoner here at once.”

“Thank you.”

As Arc closes the door behind them, Twilight sits down and opens a large book. She scans pages quickly as Arc approaches.

“What are you reading?”

Twilight does not look up as she talks. “Ancient griffon law.”

“How old does something have to be to get that classification?”

“There’s no firm rule on that sadly. But personally I see anything more than five hundred years as ‘ancient’.”

“That is pretty old, yes.”

“Right now I’m reading through the section regarding the Battle of Truth to see if there’s anything I can do to help Galena.”

“Um... that book looks kinda familiar.”

Twilight sighs. “I’ve actually already read it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You mean...?”

“I’m just making sure I didn’t miss anything.”

A few minutes later the officer returns with Galena in her shackles. His guards unchain the griffon as he looks to Arc.

“Here you are, sir. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I think we’re okay.”

He pulls a package from his ring and hands it to the officer before continuing.

“Thank you for all the hard work you and your guards do.”

The officer grins as he accepts the parcel. “Thank you, sir!”

Turning, he and his guards hurry out of the room. Arc closes the door with a Telekinesis Spell as Twilight looks over Galena’s bandages.

“It looks like your wings are healing well.”

Galena nods. “Yes, the pain is a lot more manageable today, Lady Twilight.”

Arc joins them. “That’s probably due to us asking the guards to give you regular painkillers. They have been delivering them, I hope.”

“Oh, yes sir. But might I ask how you convinced them to do so?”

Twilight giggles. “Actually Arc was responsible for that.”

Arc shrugs. “Just a few well-placed bribes. That box I gave your jailer just now was my latest payment.”

Galena eyes grow wide. “Sir, the Griffon Kingdom’s laws are very strict regarding such things!”

Twilight smiles. “Not to worry, Galena. I’ve read over the law and it appears that both Lord Arc and I have diplomatic immunity.”

Arc shrugs. “That and even if someone did find out, I don’t think they could do a whole lot. After all, the bribes were just pastries.”

Galena appears confused. “Pastries, sir?”

Twilight nods. “Cupcakes, to be precise.”

Arc pulls one from his ring and holds it out to Galena. “I buy them in bulk from a shop in Ponyville.”

Galena smiles as she accepts the cupcake. “These really are tasty. However I never thought they could be used to bribe anyone.”

“I’ve been calling them ‘gifts’. So far no one has questioned it.”

“Well, I thank you just the same, sir.”

She turns to Twilight whom has pulled another book to herself with a spell.

“Um... what are you doing, Lady Twilight?”

“Looking over a few things before I tell you the news.”

“Is it about the Battle of Truth?”

Twilight nods nervously. “Yes. You see... Arc and Princess Celestia were victorious.”

Galena appears hopeful. “Does that mean...?!”

Arc smirks. “Yes. Lord Goldstone is dead.”

“Are you certain, sir?!”

“Very. A statue fell on him at the end.”

Twilight shudders. “I stuck around after a lot of the audience had already left... just to make sure. Even though it wasn’t really necessary. I mean... his innards were literally strewn on the ground around him.”

“Last we saw, the guards were having quite a hard time moving the statue to get to his body out.”

Galena smiles widely. “Then everyone is safe from his foul talons!”

Twilight looks away nervously. “Yes, well... that still leaves the matter of what will happen to you now.”

She gestures to the book before continuing.

“I still can’t find anything regarding accomplices though.”

Galena sighs. “Then there isn’t a legal precedence. At least not one that is available to me, that is.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So then the king could decide to show you leniency?”

“Legally, yes. However, I don’t think he will.”

Twilight nods soberly. “The public was very upset after they learned that Goldstone had somepony helping him set up other griffons.”

Galena bows her head. “I don’t blame them for hating me. After all, I do deserve whatever is coming.”

“Well, at least you’ll get a chance to plead your case at trial, right?”

There is a knock at the door. Arc turns and pulls it open with a spell. The officer from before steps in with a few papers in his talons. Approaching Arc, he speaks.

“I’ve just received word from King Guto on this prisoner, sir.”

“In regards to her case?”

“Yes sir. King Guto has declared that, for the crimes of aiding and abetting a now-convicted rapist innumerable times, she is to be summarily executed.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?!”

Arc frowns. “No trial?!”

The officer shakes his head. “No, sir. His official ruling states that her fate was tied to the outcome of the Battle of Truth. Since Lord Goldstone fell, all those connected to the crime are deemed ‘guilty’ as well.”

Twilight slams her front hooves down on the table angrily. “But that’s not...!”

Galena interrupts her. Please, Lady Twilight. Remember, I am guilty of this crime and must be punished accordingly.”

Arc looks to the officer. “When will the execution take place?”

“Today at sunset, as per tradition.”

Galena sighs and nods. “That soon?”

“So has been ordered by the king, yes.”

Twilight frowns. “Can’t we talk to him about it?!”

“I’m sorry, Princess Twilight, but the king’s orders on this matter are final. As per our laws, once a case is officially ruled upon, the matter is closed.”

Arc sighs. “So there’s nothing further to be done?”

“Nothing, sir. However there is one last bit of business to be completed by the accused.”

Galena appears confused. “I have to do something?”

“Yes. As per our laws, a condemned prisoner is granted one final request. It is traditionally used to ask for a specific last meal. However, the choice is up to you.”

“I... actually do have a request.”

The officer pulls out a pen and paper. “Very well. What is it?”

“Recently I turned over my egg to Equestrian custody. As per our nation’s treaty with them, Lord Arc took it from me and brought it to an orphanage in their country. My final request is to be allowed to see where my egg will be raised when it hatches with my own eyes.”

Frowning, the officer shakes his head. “That isn’t possible, as your execution is in only a few hours. Nowhere near long enough for a flight across the ocean. And that’s if such a thing were even allowed due to security concerns, miss.”

Galena looks down sadly. “I figured as much.”

Twilight frowns. “No, that is indeed possible.”

The officer turns to her. “Your highness?”

Twilight points to Arc’s gauntlet. “Lord Arc is capable of opening a portal across the ocean to allow for instantaneous travel.”

Arc nods. “It’s true. I can come and go as I please.”

Galena smiles. “So I could see my eggs future home?!”

The officer groans. “While I do believe Lord Arc’s claim to be true, there is still no way that my commanding officer will sign off on the authorization allowing a condemned criminal out of the dungeon for such a trip. Much less leaving the country.”

Arc smirks. “I may know a way to decide this.”

Twilight grins. “Great! What is it?!”

“One moment.”

He touches his earring and calls out.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here, sir.”

“Does Ambassador Ashe still have her radio?”

“Yes sir. Shall I connect you?”

“Please do.”

“One moment, sir.”

Frowning, the officer calls out. “Sir, the Ambassador to Equestria does not have the proper authority to order such a thing.”

“We’ll see.”

A few moments later Ashe’s voice rings out.

“This is Ambassador Ashe. What can I do for you, Lord Arc?”

“I have a bit of a problem here in the dungeon, Ashe. Galena, the griffon whom came forward at the trial, has been sentenced to death.”

Ashe sighs. “Then that’s the verdict. Nothing can be changed about it at this point, sir.”

“We understand that. However the matter at hand is her last request.”

“What seems to be the problem?”

“The request is to be allowed to see the Little Hooves Orphanage. Galena wants to be shown that her egg with be well cared for.”

Twilight chimes in. “Arc can take her there via portal, fulfil the request, and have her back before sunset today.”

Ashe calls out. “Let me guess. No one will sign off on it?”

Arc nods. “Understandably, no.”

“One moment.”

The officer looks to Arc as the line goes dead. “I’m sorry to have to do this, sir. However, as I said before, no one is going to put their signature on such an order.”

“No harm in asking though, right?”

Twilight giggles. “I think I see what you’re planning here, Arc.”

Galena appears confused. “Planning?”

A familiar voice rings out, interrupting their conversation.

“Lord Arc, this is Lord Gestal.”

“Hello again, sir.”

“My daughter has just informed me that you’re having a bit of trouble securing permission to carry out a final request. Is that the case?”

“Yes, sir. You see, the officer on duty here in the dungeon says that he can’t release Galena into my custody to fulfil her desire to see the orphanage back in Equestria.”

The officer nods as he calls out. “That is true, sir. At this point she’s a flight risk.”

“I see. Well, the argument against the request is sound. After all, there’s no reason for her not to try and escape, what with being condemned.”

Arc sighs. “Sir, I would take full responsibility for Galena during that time.”

“Let me run this by the Aviary, Lord Arc. One moment.”

The line goes dead as Arc turns to Galena and sighs.

“Well, I did my best.”

“And I thank you for it, sir.”

Twilight looks to Arc’s earring. “Now all that’s left to do is wait to hear back from him.”

A few minutes later Arc’s earring chirps again. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts again. I have the Aviary holding. They’re asking to talk to you.”

“Good. Patch them through.”

“Right away, sir.”

The officer appears impressed. “That was fast.”

Twilight grins. “Good. Maybe they’ll connect us with somepony who can make that decision.”

A few moments later a voice rings out.

“Lord Arc?”

“Yes, I’m here.”

“This is King Guto. I’m told you wish to take a prisoner to Equestria.”

The officer’s eyes grow wide as Arc responds.

“Yes sir. Galena’s last request.”

“That’s quite the risk. After all, there’s no reason for her to not try and escape execution at this point.”

“As I told Lord Gestal, I would be fully responsible for her during her visit to Equestria, sir.”

“While I am certain you are a capable individual, you must understand that the public would be furious if she were to get away though. After all, they’re calling for her blood over her crimes.”

Twilight steps forward. “King Guto, this is Princess Twilight. I’d like to make a proposition.”

“Go ahead.”

“I’d be willing to stay here in the dungeon while Galena is gone.”

Guto sounds confused. “For what purpose?”

“As a bit of living collateral.”

“You’d be willing to be a prisoner, princess?!”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes sir, I would.”

“Just to make sure that I understand this correctly, you’d be willing to take Galena’s place in her cell until she is returned?”

“That is correct.”

“And if she escapes while abroad?”

“Then you may keep me until she is found and returned.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “We would of course turn the country upside-down to find her as quickly as possible should that happen.”

Guto sounds pleased. “And Princess Twilight will continue to be our prisoner until she is returned?”

Twilight nods. “Right. “

Arc looks to Galena as he speaks. “Please, your highness. The prisoner only wishes to see that her egg with be safe in Equestria.”

There is a long pause before the king speaks again.

“Very well. I accept the terms of the agreement as it has been laid out. Princess Twilight is to be held in a secure location within the dungeon until I personally give the order for her release. Is there an officer present to carry out this order, Lord Arc.”

“Yes sir. The officer on duty is right here.”

The officer salutes nervously. “Yes sire! I shall sequester Princess Twilight in the Interrogation Room she is currently occupying!”

“And you accept that, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, King Guto.”

“Very well. Officer, the prisoner will be released to fulfil her final wish. Princess Twilight will take her place until her return.”

“It shall be done, your majesty.”

“I will fill out the forms making this official at once, Lord Arc. You are free to take the prisoner at any time.”

Arc grins. “Perfect. We shall leave momentarily.”

“Very well. I’m glad we could come to an agreement.”

“As am I, sir. But I won’t take up any more of your time with this matter.”

“Thank you. I would also like to extend an invitation to you and Princess Twilight for tonight’s execution as well.”

Twilight grimaces. “We will... consider attending.”

“Understood, princess. Send word to me via Ambassador Ashe when you come to a decision.”

“Yes sir, I will.”

“I look forward to seeing you again.”

The line goes dead as Arc turns to Galena.

“Are you ready to go?”

Galena nods. “I am, yes.”

Opening a portal, Arc turns to Twilight.

“You really going to be okay staying here alone?”

Twilight gestures to the table and the books on it. “Yes. I’ll keep going over these books to try and find something we can use while you take care of Galena’s request.”

Stepping toward the portal, he looks to Galena.

“Shall we?”

Nodding, Galena steps forward. She holds out her wrists to Arc who raises an eyebrow.

“Um... what are you doing?”

“Preparing to be shackled, sir.”

“That won’t be necessary. Let’s go.”

Confused, Galena follows Arc through the portal. They pair reappear in the corner of Derpy’s small house. She looks around, confused.

“Sir, where are we?”

“Equestria. Ponyville to be exact. This is where I stay when I’m not out on a mission, or something.”

Galena gasps. “Your home is very... spartan!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s not actually mine. I just rent a room here.”

“Really? I would have thought that you would have been given a luxurious home by the capital.”

“Well, I do have a room in Canterlot Castle. But I prefer this place over that. In any case, we can talk more on the way. This way.”

Leading Galena toward the door, Arc grabs his coat off the peg. Opening it, the pair step out into the cold, snowy landscape. Arc turns and gestures to the town before them as ponies walk around in boots, hats, and scarves.

“I give you... Ponyville.”

“It’s very nice. Tell me, is this where the lesser nobles live?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Everyone here is a commoner.”

Galena appears confused. “Then how do they afford such wonderful looking homes?”

“Jobs here pay substantially more than back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Galena turns back to look at Derpy’s house as they begin walking. “And the one whom owns this one. What do they do for a living?”

“Cook meals at the orphanage.”

“Forgive me, sir. I’m just in awe that someone could live so well doing such a lowly job! Can you tell me more about those whom populate the town?!”

“They’re mostly shopkeepers, laborers, farmers, and whatnot. No one in Ponyville is really wealthy here. Well... except the stallion whom owns the general store. He’s got a much larger house than everyone else.”

“Is he nice?”

“Admittedly, no. Filthy Rich is very similar to the nobles you’re familiar with in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Galena sighs. “I suppose some things are universal.”

“Yes, well... we should probable get to the orphanage.”

Walking on, they hear a voice ring out behind them.

“Hello again, sir!”

Turning, the pair see a griffon hurrying toward them with full to bursting saddlebags. Arc chuckles as he approaches.

“It’s good to see you again, mister... um... I just realized that I never actually asked your name.”

“Gunther, sir!”

“I’ll try to remember that. Did you take my advice?”

Gunther nods. “Yes sir! I went straight to the Inn and got a room as instructed! However, when I arrived the innkeeper got a phone call from their hired help saying that they were sick in bed! So I volunteered to take over their duties until they’re better!”

Galena smiles. “Sounds like you’re doing well here. Tell me, how long have you been in Equestria?”

“A couple hours.”


Arc chimes in. “Goldstone was giving him problems when I was preparing to enter the arena.”

Gunther nods. “So Lord Arc arranged for me to be discharged and sent here to Ponyville! I’m going to learn to read and have a place of my own someday!”

“Learning to read will be the first step, so be sure to focus on that first.”

“Yes sir. I’m planning to do that in the evenings after work.”

“Good. I’m guessing you picked up a reading book already.”

Gunther pulls a book from one of his saddlebags. “Miss Peachbottom gave me one straight away, yes. She event taught me a few words!”

Arc grins. “You’re well on your way then. But we won’t keep you from your duties any longer.”

“Thanks again, sir!”

He hurries off down the road. Galena looks to Arc.

“I don’t understand. How can someone come here and immediately find such opportunities, sir?”

“There’s always a need for more workers. Especially for simple tasks that don’t require much if any training.”

“And he’s attending school?”

Arc shakes his head. “That was just a book to teach himself. But I’m sure Miss Peachbottom would help him out if he had questions. Obtaining reading skills will open more doors for him to advance himself in Equestria. A better job, more pay, and the ability to provide for himself.”

Galena looks at Gunther as he enters the Inn. “Here in Equestria for a few hours and he’s already leagues and bounds ahead of most commoners in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Probably. But let’s continue on.”

Walking down the path, they come to the edge of town. Arc points a finger at a large building up ahead.

“There it is.”

Galena smiles. “It’s very large!”

“Such is needed to properly house the foals and younglings. That and it’s also the town’s school.”

“Town’s school?”

Arc nods. “Equestria educates every one of its citizens, free of charge. The old schoolhouse was small and rather run down, I’m told. So when this building was built, it was decided to combine the orphanage and school into one.”

Entering the Main Hall, Galena marvels at the sight before her.

“This is a government run establishment?!”

“Yes, it is.”

“It’s so clean! And warm too!”

“Griffon Kingdom buildings are a bit cooler than the ones here, yes.”

“That’s often due to budget constraints. They cut corners, starting with heat and general maintenance.”

Arc motions for her to follow. “Let’s head upstairs to the Matron’s office and announce ourselves though.”

Walking up the stairs, they make their way to the familiar office. Arc knocks lightly and waits patiently. A few moments later Coco Pommel’s voice rings out on the other side.

“Come in!”

Entering, he looks to the desk as Coco Pommel smiles at him. Standing, she walks over to greet the pair properly.

“Welcome back, Arc! To what do we owe this visit?!”

Arc motions to his companion. “Coco Pommel, this is Galena. She’s the mother of the egg I brought you recently. Galena, this is Coco Pommel. The Matron of the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Galena smiles. “A pleasure, miss.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Nice to meet you.”

Arc continues. “As you know, Galena surrendered her egg to the state recently. She’s asked to see how it will be cared for.”

Coco Pommel motions to a nearby corner table with a hoof. “It’s right over here.”

She walks them over to the table as she continues.

“As you can see, we have an egg warmer from the Griffon Kingdom for just this purpose.”

Galena puts a talon on the clear cover. “It’s so warm!”

Arc chuckles. “As it should be, I would imagine.”

“Yes, well... they are usually set much lower back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Coco Pommel quickly reaches for a book under the table. “Are you certain, miss? I thought I set it to the temperature set forth in this book from your land.”

“The book is probably correct. Setting it lower is traditionally done to save money on electricity.”

Arc frowns. “That seems like a bad place to cut corners.”

“Oh, it is. Many eggs hatch sick for just that reason.”

Coco Pommel puts the book back as she speaks. “Well, rest assured that we don’t fret over a bit more electricity here, miss. The safety and well-being of our orphans are of paramount concern.”

“Might I know where my egg will be transferred when it hatches, Matron?”

“Of course. Please follow me.”

Leading them out of the office, Coco Pommel walks the pair down the corridor to another room. Opening it, she turns on the lights to reveal a vividly decorated room as she speaks.

“This is our newly built nursery. Here we can care for both newborn foals and younglings alike.”

Galena looks to the rows of cribs. “You must have quite a few then to warrant such a large room for them.”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “Just one filly actually. I ordered this room built for future younglings and foals. After all, once they get here they will need to be sequestered away from the older orphans for a time.”

Arc nods. “As you can see, the room is properly heated, supplied, and ready to fulfil its purpose.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Yes, Gallus and Natalya have both volunteered to take turns watching the little ones when they return.”

Galena grimaces. “And if too many are sent here?”

“Then I can call Canterlot and ask them to send over additional temporary employees as needed.”

Arc chimes in. “They can be quickly flown over to help out as needed.”

“However it’s not likely it will come to that. After all, Arc’s base down the road is full of guards that are willing to volunteer here on their days off.”

Galena appears confused. “Soldiers?”

Arc chuckles. “I had a sign-up sheet posted some time back. They were literally climbing over each other to get to it.”

Coco Pommel smiles at Galena as she explains. “Many of them are orphans themselves whom I helped raise.”

“So you’ve been the matron for a long time?”

“No, I was only appointed a couple years ago. However, I was raised in the previous orphanage in northern Equestria for my entire foalhood.”

“Were you an orphan as well?”

“That I was. I’ve since made it my life’s work to do my very best to protect, educate, and provide for the orphans of Equestria. And now the Griffon Kingdom as well.”

She motions toward the door before continuing.

“But why don’t I show you our educational facilities?”

Galena smiles. “Thank you, I’d like that.”

Heading out of the room, they walk downstairs to the Main Hall. Coco Pommel gestures to a classroom as she looks to Galena.

“Have a look at our pre-school classes for the orphans and townsfoals as well.”

Peeking through the window in the door, Galena sees desks filled with very young foals as well as younglings sitting down and writing. Miss Peachbottom stands at the front of the room with a yardstick pointing at words on the blackboard. The class reads them aloud as she does so.


Peachbottom picks up a piece of chalk. “Alright, here’s a few harder ones.”

The continues reading aloud. “SCHOOL! PAPER! PENCIL!”

Last one!”


Peachbottom claps her hooves as she smiles at her class. “Very good! You’re all learning so fast! Now then, let’s move on to reading!”

The class opens their desks and pull out books. Peachbottom does the same as she reads from her teacher’s edition.

“Who would like to start us off?”

Geoffrey raises a talon. “I would!”

Peachbottom nods at him. “Go ahead.”

“The cat sat on the mat.”

“Very good. Who’s next?”

Gigi cries out. “Me, me!”


“My dog pat the mat.”

Peachbottom points with a hoof. “Let’s go down this row. Glynda?”

“Our cat ate the rat.”

Ginny continues where she left off. “He spat the rat in the vat.”

Galena turns to Arc as she steps back.

“It’s amazing! I’ve never seen such young griffons reading so well before!”

Arc sighs. “They didn’t start out so well though. Miss Peachbottom had her work cut out for herself when she started. Pretty much none of them knew anything when they arrived, so she really was beginning at the bottom.”

Galena glances inside the room again. “And they appear happy and willing to learn.”


Arc gestures to the other classroom before continuing.

“And when they learn enough, the little ones graduate to this class.”

They walk over to the other classroom. Galena looks through the door’s window at Cheerilee pointing a hoof at a large map at the head of the room as she gives her lesson to the class.

“This is a map of our world. On one side you’ll see Equestria, where we call home. To the north is the Crystal Empire which is inhabited by the Crystal Ponies.”

A youngling raises her hand. Cheerilee calls on him.

“Yes, Greta?”

“Are they different than the three pony races here in Equestria?”

Cheerilee shakes her head. “No, no. All three pony races are present there. However, over the generations their bodies have changed to resonate with the crystals that make up the mountains which surround the empire. When a very special gem is activated, known as the Crystal Heart, their bodies shine as if they were crystals themselves.”

The class gasps in amazement as a foal raises their hoof. Cheerilee looks to them

“Yes, Dinky?”

“What would happen if we were to go there when the Crystal Heart was activated?”

“Our bodies would also shine. However, the effect would be less pronounced and not be as long lasting. Hours instead of days.”

Galena steps back and nods approvingly as she turns to Coco Pommel.

“It looks like they’re very advanced.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Our students here meet or exceed the educational standards set forth by the Equestrian Education Association. They’re the governing body that oversees curriculum approval and facilities which are responsible for future generations.”

Arc chimes in. “But you have quite a bit of leeway on what else is taught I hear.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Yes. They only stipulate the minimum requirements. Our teachers are free to expand past that as they see fit.”

Galena grins. “With your approval, I assume.”

“No. After all, I am not a teacher.

She gestures to the classrooms before continuing.

“They are the ones trained to educate. I’m just the administrator of the facility and caretaker of the orphans.”

Arc nods. “An important job, to be sure.”

“That it is, yes. However, why don’t we move on to the Dormitory?”

Galena appears confused. “The what?”

“I’ll show you.”

Walking back upstairs, they come to a large room lined with bunk beds and small desks. Coco Pommel turns to Galena as she speaks.

“This is the Dormitory. It is here that the younger orphans sleep at night as well as do their homework.”

Arc chuckles. “I’m guessing you went over to bunk beds after word of the younglings coming reached you.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Yes. While we did expand the facility, I realized that we would have to make use of what we had as well as plan for the future. The orphans in Miss Peachbottom’s class and many of the ones from Miss Cheerilee’s stay here.”

“All ages sleep together?”

“No, the older ones are sent to semi-private rooms down the corridor. This way please.”

Coming to one of the rooms, Coco Pommel knocks lightly before removing a set of keys from her pocket and unlocking the door. Opening it, she steps inside with them and speaks.

“As you can see, there are bunks for four foals or younglings. Usually two of each species though.”

“And do you mix the two sexes?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “We do not. It’s either all males or all females in a room.”

“I noticed the doors have locks on them. Why is that?”

“To give them a sense of responsibility. Each orphan has a key to their respective room which they are required to have on them at all times when outside their room. The older orphans sometimes have part time jobs outside of the building with which to earn some bits. We allow them to buy anything they want, within reason, and keep it in their room. Hence the need for locks.”

Arc nods. “It’s also to help them transition out of the orphanage as they grow up.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Right. When a foal reaches a certain height they are considered adults and must leave the orphanage. Many of them stay at the inn in Ponyville while they figure out what to do with themselves. They then either move to other cities or take up permanent residence here in Ponyville.”

Galena grimaces. “Can they come back?”

“For advice, guidance, or to volunteer, yes. However, regulations state that no adults may spend the night here unless they are registered staff of the facility or a preapproved guest. The latter would generally only apply to temporary workers that would be called in to fill a need though.”

Arc shrugs. “It does make sense. After all, security of the orphans needs to come first.”

Galena smiles. “I understand and am very impressed with what I’ve seen here today, Matron Pommel.”

“Thank you. Hopefully I’ve been able to alleviate your concerns over leaving your egg in our care.”

“That you have. However, I do have one last request of you, ma’am.”


“Might I be allowed to hold my egg one last time before I go?”

Coco Pommel nods and gestures with a hoof. “Certainly. Let’s return to my office.”

Leading the way down the corridor, Coco Pommel escorts Arc and Galena back to her office. She walks over to the egg warmer and presses a button to stop the turntable. Wrapping a small blanket around the egg, she picks it up and carefully gives it to Galena. The young griffon sits down in a chair nearby and smiles as she speaks softly.

“Hello again, little one. Your mother has come back to visit you. The matron just showed me around the orphanage where you’ll grow up. I’m sure you’ll be well-fed, educated, and protected here.”

She pauses before continuing.

“Be sure to do your best to learn all you can here. It’s free, after all. And an opportunity like this shouldn’t be squandered. Eat all your food so you can grow up big and strong too.”

Galena pets the egg and smiles sadly.

“I’m... sorry that I won’t be around to raise you myself. But Matron Coco Pommel and the teachers here will do their very best to help you become the griffon you were meant to be. Study hard, work hard, and be sure to always do what’s right.”

Standing, she walks slowly over to the incubator and stares at the egg for a long time. Eventually Galena continues.

“And no matter what happens, always remember... that your mother loves you very much.”

She licks the egg and carefully puts it back in the incubator. Closing the door again, the turntable automatically starts moving again. Putting a talon on the plastic shell for a moment, Galena turns to Coco Pommel and smiles.

“Thank you for showing me your facility, ma’am.”

Coco Pommel nods happily. “It was my pleasure.”

“I now have no reservations or worries regarding my egg’s future here in Equestria.”

Galena looks to Arc and sighs.

“Might you return me to the Griffon Kingdom now?”

Arc looks at the clock on the wall. “We still have a couple hours before you need to be back. Is there anything you’d like to do or see first?”

Galena shakes her head. “No, sir. I’ve now seen everything my heart wants to in this world.”

Arc nods as he opens a portal. “Very well.”

As Galena walks through he turns to Coco Pommel.

“Take really good care of that egg.”

Coco Pommel nods soberly. “I will, Arc. That’s a promise.”

Walking through the portal, it closes behind him. Coco Pommel walks over to the incubator and watches the egg turn slowly in its cradle. Sighing, she shakes her head.

“While I do wish that she would have decided to raise you herself, I understand that your mother only wanted what was best for you, little one. Don’t worry... I’ll always be here to watch over you.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Galena reappear on the sigil in the outer dungeon. They walk over to the officer on duty as he stands. Arc speaks.

“I am returning the prisoner to your care, sir.”

The officer nods soberly. “And you’ve fulfilled her final wish?”


Galena bows her head. “I am ready to return to my cell.”

“You may remain in the Interrogation Room until this evening at Princess Twilight’s... request.”

Nodding, she follows him and the guards toward the door. Walking back to the room, the officer unlocks the door and opens it. Twilight looks up from her book and stands as they enter.

“Hello again, Galena. I hope you were satisfied by our nation’s facility.”

Galena smiles. “Very, Lady Twilight. I’m sure that my egg will be properly raised and cared for by Matron Coco Pommel.”

Twilight gestures to the books with a wave of her hoof. “That’s good to hear. I’ve kept at it in an attempt to find something we can use to help get you out of this, but so far no luck. But rest assured...”

Galena interrupts her. “Please... don’t.”

Twilight appears confused. “Galena?”

“There’s nothing for you to find. I was found guilty and must pay for my crimes.”

“But there must be SOMETHING I can do for you!”

“Yes. I’d like some time alone.”

“You shouldn’t give up hope that...!”

Arc interrupts. “Very well. Come along, Twilight.”

“We can’t just...!”

Galena smiles sadly. “I’m fine, Lady Twilight. Really. But right now I just want to be alone to think for a bit. But I do have one last thing I’d like from you.

Twilight nods fervently. “Name it!”

A couple hours later, as the sun sinks in the sky, Galena is shackled and led from the dungeon by a contingent of soldiers. They transport her under heavy guard to the Gladiator’s Arena. Walking down innumerable darkened corridors, the only sounds are the clanking of the soldier’s armor and her own chains. Coming to a light at the end of the tunnel, she shuffles slowly onto the floor of the arena. Approaching a stage, Galena carefully climbs the stairs with her head down. However, as Galena reaches the top she spies two familiar figures waiting for her.

“Lady Twilight? Lord Arc?”

Twilight nods sadly. “We came to be with you now.”

“Twilight spoke to the king like you asked her to and...”

The crowd cheers as King Guto appears overhead and moves to stand in front of the ancient stone throne above the arena. He waves to the crowd for a time before calling for silence and beginning his speech.

“Citizens of the Griffon Kingdom! Today you witnessed history in the making! The final Battle of Truth saw justice done to Lord Goldstone for the crime or raping innumerable female griffons! However, as was made clear during his trial, he did not act alone!”

Pointing a talon at the podium, the king continues.

“His secretary stepped forward to confess to her role in the rapes of so many griffons! As per our laws, with the death of Lord Goldstone during the Battle of Truth, she too has been found guilty of his crimes!”

Motioning with a talon, the king gestures for numerous griffons to enter the arena. They approach with several crates.

“And now, as per our laws, the accused will be given a chance to say their peace as the executions are setting up their equipment if they so choose!”

The officer from the dungeon looks to Galena. She nods. Leading her up to a microphone he steps back to allow her to speak.

“My name... is Galena, and I am guilty of all that the king has said.”

Angrily, the crowd boos her loudly as she continues.

“For longer than I care to remember, I was used by Lord Goldstone to sate his carnal desires. And when my body was no longer enough to satisfy him, I was ordered to find what he called... ‘fresh meat’.”

The jeers from the crowd intensify, eventually drowning out what Galena is saying. Arc moves to step forward but Twilight beats him to it. Taking the microphone in a hoof she cries out.


The crowd immediately ceases its taunts. Arc puts a hand on Galena’s shoulder and pulls her back. She follows his prompt to allow Twilight access to the microphone. She calms herself and looks around before continuing.

“Everypony... please listen to me. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. Ruler of Equestria. While our nations may be connected via treaties, we are still two very different entities. Different countries with different pasts and different ways of doing things. This matter... this matter is reprehensible on every level. No amount of words from Lord Goldstone, or anypony else for that matter, could have soothed the pain caused by what he did. What he forced HER to do.”

She gestures with a hoof at Galena before continuing.

“This griffon did terrible things, yes. I will not deny that. Nopony can. She made a choice to help lure other griffons into situations where they could be taken aside and raped at Lord Goldstone’s whim. But I want all of you to look at it this way. In addition to what Galena told the nation at the trial, she also made another choice. She decided to come forward and confess to the court all that she had done in Goldstone’s name in an effort to do what she could to help seal his fate. And inadvertently... cause many others to step forward and bring forth their own accusations. Galena could have run and hid... stayed quiet about everything and let us try to convict Lord Goldstone with the evidence we already had. But she didn’t. She chose to do the right thing and confess. And now... now she comes forward to pay for her crimes... willingly.

Twilight steps back as Galena again approaches the microphone.

“I will not stand before all of you and try to justify what I did in the past. There was no excuse then and there is no excuse now. Our laws state the justice must be done. That the victims must have cloture. And I’ve come here willingly to give that to all of you. Hopefully, with my death, the victims can begin to heal. While it isn’t likely I will be believed, I am truly... TRULY sorry for all the pain and misery I had a talon in causing.”

An officer steps forward and puts a talon on her shoulder.

“It’s time.”

Nodding, Galena steps back and turns to look up at the king as he addresses her.

“As per Princess Twilight’s personal request, the method of execution will be lethal injection.”

Galena turns to Twilight, confused. “But... but I can’t afford that, Lady Twilight.”

“The other options were beheading, firing squad, or hanging. I ordered a shot brought from Equestria for just this purpose.”

“Why though? I mean... the Griffon Kingdom does have such things.”

Arc grimaces. “It’s not instant here. Equestria’s perfected shot is quick so you can go painlessly and with dignity.”

Smiling, Galena turns to Twilight and mouths the words ‘thank you’ as she is lead to a nearby table. The guards unshackle her and help her climb up onto it. She is strapped down with all limbs tightly restrained. A griffon in a lab coat approaches with a small box. Opening it, he removes a syringe, purges it, and looks to the king to wait for the final approval. Rechecking the straps one last time, the guards step back and motion to their commanding officer. He looks to the king and calls out.

“The prisoner is restrained and ready, sire!”

Guto nods soberly. “Administration may commence when ready.”

The griffon with the needle slowly steps forward. Galena’s breath quickens as she instinctively pulls at her restraints in an effort to put distance between herself and her executioner. Twilight steps forward and takes one of Galena’s talons in her hoof. Smiling, she gives it a squeeze as tears flow from Galena’s eyes.

“Thank you, Lady Twilight... for standing by my side.”

Twilight sadly smiles. “I’m here for you, Galena.”


“Look at my face! Don’t take your eyes off of it!”

Galena does so as she speaks. Choaking up as she shakes in fear. “ I’m glad... that the last thing I see... will be the face of a friend.”

A small prick is felt as the needle breaks through Galena’s skin. She tightens her grip on Twilight’s hoof as the plunger is depressed. Galena’s eyes begin to close as Twilight whispers.

“You’re not alone. I’m here for you.”

With the last of her strength, Galena smiles. The talon in Twilight’s hoof goes limp as the griffon lets out her last breath. Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder as she stands next to her friend’s motionless body. Bowing her head, she begins to weep softly at first, then growing steadily louder. Eventually Twilight’s cries fill the otherwise silent air, as no one makes any attempt to either boo nor cheer the actions that took place moments ago.

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