• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 27 - Investigations and Infiltrations

In our previous volume, Arc returns to Equestria to bring the others up to speed on the progress being made on their new equipment. Ember questions Arc as to if he had spoken to him. Hearing he has not, Ember becomes irritated. Learning that Cybil will be moving out soon, Arc and Frank explain the process she will have to go through to regain custody of her daughter Angel. Rose puts forward her evidence for transdimensional energies at certain locations and how they might be used to their advantage. Under orders, Max informs everyone that it was Wiseman who gave him the coordinates of potential portal locations. Rose heads to Equestria to run her theories by Sunburst while Max heads to the store to buy ingredients for Bacon Lasagna (seriously, it’s good). Over a snack of sandwiches and milk, they brainstorm ideas on how to get Arc into the base to scout it out. Ember volunteers to assault it with the full might of the Dragon Lands, but is talked out of it.

Arc, Ember, and Rose head to the beach overlooking the base. Ember flies Arc high above the clouds before dropping him. Casting a Telekinesis Spell, Arc slows his fall to land safely on the roof of what is large enough to hold several large aircraft. Waiting, Arc follows a patrol as they enter the building and descend a massive elevator built into the floor. Reaching the bottom Arc begins his task of exploring the base. Meanwhile, General Mustang calls Diva to his office to inform her that Arc has entered the base. She attempts to call out the guards, but is overruled by the general. Ordering her to return to her quarters, and ignore Arc should she see him, Diva leave the office. As Arc walks the corridors Diva does indeed find him. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists she obeys the general and completely ignores him. Continuing on their way, Arc and Cherry find a massive steel door guarded by innumerable guards. Assuming Celestia lies within, but lacking security cards or sufficient forces to charge the door, they are forced to leave it behind. Taking another corridor Arc looks through a wall of windows to see the captured Shard members in individual glass tubes filled with a strange green liquid.

Forced to leave the Shards behind, Arc finishes exploring the base before returning to the surface with the help of a patrol. Rejoining Ember in the skies, she flies him back to the beach to where Rose is waiting. Returning home they watch the footage taken by Arc’s armor. Ember forcefully takes Arc to his room for a well-earned night’s sleep. As she joins him in bed, Ember sheepishly raises the question of his current relationship status with Rarity. Reiterating her earlier offer to share, she then requests the honor of being allowed to be the first to bear him children.

Sometime later, Viktor enters the room to find Arc and Ember lying on the bed nearly naked. Nervously informing them of word from Canterlot, he leaves the room to allow the pair to compose themselves. Sunburst speaks to them via a hologram generator. Revealing that the green substance Arc brought back is a powerful nutrient solution, they come to the conclusion that the captured Shards are alive and safe, albeit tentatively. Deciding to scout the base out for more information Rose volunteers to come with Arc. Deciding to ask Auriel for her mother’s badge (as she appears similar to Rose), Arc, Rose, and Frank return to Canterlot. Finding Auriel in the workshop ironing out some problems with several designs, Arc asks to speak to her privately. Taking her back to his quarters in the castle, the pair make small talk regarding her treatment. Asking to borrow the security badge once belonging to her mother, Auriel insists on coming along to see the base for herself.

Arc, Ember, Sereb and Frank leave the workshop and head for the castle gardens. Telling Frank story of the Grand Galloping Gala, Arc leads them into the ballroom. Sitting down, he recalls the night Cherry died. Revealing her presence to Frank, Cherry explains the events leading up to her residing in Arc’s armor. Returning to Derpy’s house, they find the pair sitting at the table. Telling Dinky he’ll be home for an undetermined length of time, Frank asks to speak to him outside. Convincing his friend to allow Dinky to return to Earth with them they return inside to find Derpy sitting on the couch sadly. Hearing that Dinky had run off unexpectedly, Arc heads to the bedroom to speak to her. Dinky tells her father of her fears that he won’t come back one day, but then learns he wishes to take her with them back to Earth.

Arc and his daughter along with Ember and Sereb head to Celestia’s room. After being changed back into humans they dress and return to Arc’s side. Seeing Auriel there they attempt to help her change, but sadly lack extra clothes. Offering her the navy blue cloak Arc took from Stingray, she puts it on and everyone enters the portal. Dinky enters the house quickly and runs upstairs to use the bathroom. Auriel does the same as she heads for the basement. Arc and Ember ascend the stairs to get Auriel some clothes before hearing her scream. Running to the basement they find Xenos and Viktor holding the naked young woman down. Ordering them to stand down, he carries Auriel upstairs to his parents room. Ember and Dinky help her dress before allowing Arc to reenter the room and look her over. Returning to the living room, they sit down as Xenos and Viktor apologize for the misunderstanding. Arc askes Auriel to put the magic cloak back on. Admitting that she really does look like Diva, he asks her to complete the look by making a cruel face. Arc nods as she completes the look.

Arc orders Viktor to drive Dinky, Auriel, and himself to the mall. Arriving, they head for the clothing store to purchase garments for everyone. As Auriel and Dinky try on various outfits, Arc is surprised to hear Stingray, Hammer, and Mio approaching. Grabbing a nearby newspaper, he does his best to look inconspicuous. As Stingray and Mio enter a dressing room together, Hammer sits down next to Arc on the bench. Striking up a conversation, she confides to him that her sisters are in love with the same man. After Auriel and Dinky emerge from the dressing room they head off to find undergarments and anything else the young woman may need. Writing down her phone number, Hammer gives it to Arc with a wink. The other women emerge from the dressing room still arguing as they approach Hammer. Telling them of the nice man she just met, both sisters meet her confession with skepticism and snark.

Returning home, Arc enters the house with the others to Ember and Sereb waiting on the couch. As they go to make supper Arc takes Auriel upstairs to his old room. Confiding in him her feelings of inadequacy Auriel listens as Arc tries to reassure her that she is more than just a ‘half-breed’ as she calls herself. Heading back downstairs Arc finds the others cooking pancakes. Sitting down to supper he informs them of his conversation with Hammer and how he was given her phone number. Announcing his intention to ask her out, Ember and Sereb voice their concerns together with Viktor. Cherry does her best to soothe them as Arc lays out his reason for such a decision. Heading to bed sometime later Arc dreams of Rarity and himself lying in a sunny field. Waking, he at first believes the shaking of the bed to be Ember, or Dinky coming to him for comfort from a bad dream. Reaching down though we feels a woman’s curves and a lack of clothing. Casting a Light Spell he spots Auriel in bed with him, crying. Telling him of her nightmare, she sobs as Arc attempts to comfort her.

A few nights later Arc leaves the house to Hammer out on a date. Driving to her apartment, he is surprised to find the address is the same as the building he, Ember, and Sereb had infiltrated not too long ago. Heading up the stairs, he waits for Hammer to finish dressing before taking her to his Jeep. They drive to Roberto’s Pizza where Arc is able to introduce his date to Italian cooking. Talking over dinner, she confesses that her sisters are both after the base commander. Telling Hammer of his exploits as a ‘Private Detective’, Arc give no names, but tells the story of finding Cybil to make Angel happy in time for Christmas. Leaving the restaurant, Arc drives Hammer back to her apartment. She heads inside to check out the footage of The Riders getting their butts kicked by the Hero of Light.

Meanwhile, Arc drives home. Heading up to bed, he finds Auriel thrashing on her bed frantically. Waking the young woman up he helps her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Waiting for her as she showers, Auriel’s slight clumsiness gets the best of her. Falling, Arc carries her to his room and wraps her up in a sheet before going to sleep himself. The next morning Arc presides over his debriefing. He and the others speak of the previous night’s activities, and speculate on Hammer’s very strange actions. Coming to the conclusion that more information is needed, Arc announces his intention to continue dating her. Wanting to spend more time with Dinky, Arc decides to take her on an camping trip. Ember volunteers Auriel to join the pair as she stays with Viktor at the house.

Arriving at the campsite, Arc takes Dinky and Auriel on a short hike. After pitching their tent he leads them along with his squad to the beach. After setting up a volleyball net and showing them how to play, the game begins. As they play Rose and Sereb watch from the bushes nearby. Sereb senses something is amiss, and runs toward the water barking. After jumping in, he emerges a few moments later on the back of a large tank. Opening the hatch, he is thrown backwards into the water. Grinning, Hammer waves from the cockpit.

However, many questions still remain. Why did Max withhold his source regarding the coordinates? Are the Shards really okay in their tubes? Will Ember ever get what she wants (not likely)? Will Auriel be able to handle Earth’s customs? How the heck has Hammer never had decent Italian food?! I mean, come ON! It’s incredible! I mean… uh… in any case. What the heck was Hammer doing in the middle of the lake? And in a TANK, no less!

Time will tell. Sooner or later… time will tell.

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