• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Arc and Celestia step out of the portal into his quarters within Light’s Hope. She looks around, clearly confused before looking to Arc.

“Where... exactly have you taken us?”

Arc turns to her as the portal closes behind them. “My quarters in Light’s Hope. It’s a military base Luna and Cadance ordered built for me just outside of Ponyville.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “Really?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh... yes. Something wrong with it?”

“Not inherently, no. However, I believe your security could use a bit of work.”


Celestia points a hoof. “Somepony jumped over the sofa as I entered.”

Arc facepalms. “Is that you, Hammer?”

Silence reigns over the room for a few moments. Shaking her head, Celestia’s horn glows as she picks up the couch to reveal Hammer hiding behind it wrapped up in a towel... and apparently nothing else. She turns to them nervously and makes a small wave.

“Uh... hi.”

Arc groans. “Hammer, of all the times.”

Celestia frowns. “And what might I ask are you doing here, lieutenant?”

“I was just... um...”

She looks around before continuing.

“This ain’t my room! How the heck did I get here?!”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “It’s quite the mystery.”

Hammer backs towards the bathroom door as she looks at Arc. “Very sorry for the intrusion, sir! It won’t happen again!”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well... dismissed, lieutenant.”

The young woman hurries into the bathroom and quickly closes the door behind her. Sliding down it, Hammer sits on the floor and groans.

“Of all the times to bring someone back with him! And HER of all...!”

Hammer gasps as a thought hits her. Jumping up, she grabs her uniform and quickly begins dressing.

“I gotta go after them! Arc may need me!”

Meanwhile, Celestia turns to Arc with a withering look on her face.

“Your subordinate, I believe.”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, she is. You see, Hammer likes to…”

Celestia interrupts him and holds up a hoof. “I don’t really want to hear it. Let’s just get moving.”

“Very well. The orphanage is just down the road.”

“Lead the way.”

They leave his room and begin walking down the corridor. Arc sighs and turns to Celestia.


Celestia feigns confusion. “Whatever for?”

“Hammer. When Twilight and I parted ways with her down the road this morning I told her I’d meet her at Light’s Hope later. She knows I have a sigil in my quarters and would have returned that way. Hammer’s always doing things like that whenever she’s going to be alone with me.”

“A military base is not the place for such a thing, Hero of Light! Especially not between a superior and his subordinate!”

Arc sighs. “You’re right.”

Celestia appears surprised. “What?”

“I’m agreeing with you. She really shouldn’t be doing things like that, and I haven’t really done anything to try and stop her in the past. You have my word that I’ll have a talk with her about procedure when next we meet.”

Celestia appears surprised. “I, ah… very good then.”

“That just leaves me with one question.”

“You’re wondering if I’m going to be telling Twilight about what your lieutenant did back there?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, she already knows about that.”

“Then what...?”

“Why did you volunteer to come with me? I mean... this is probably just going to be me talking on the phone with a griffon official of some kind, or something.”

“I just wanted to see for myself how you would handle it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

Celestia shakes her head. “No. You see, Twilight, and pretty much everypony else whom I’ve spoken to, has lauded you with the highest of praises. Everything from defending the realm to ruling over fairly and justly it to diplomacy. According to them, everything just seems to fall into place when you’re around.”

“It’s not quite that simple.”

Celestia nods soberly. “I know. It never is. However, such things seem to always work out for you. And I want to witness it for myself.”

Arc shrugs as he stops and turns to Celestia. “Fine then. See for yourself. But I do ask one thing in return.”

“And what is that?”

“Observe if you want. Advise me if you have a suggestion. But please don’t otherwise interfere.”

Celestia nods. “Fair enough. But I would like something as well.”


“Your word that you will be honest with me regarding your role here in Equestria.”

Arc frowns. “Are you saying that you think I haven’t been already?”

“I may not legally be a ruling princess at the moment, but I would still like to know what you’ve been doing and are currently doing as pertains to Equestria.”

“Even if you were, as per the Hero of Light charter, I don’t actually answer to you or any other princess.”

Celestia smirks. “That is true, yes. Remember, it was I whom originally drafted that particular piece of legislation, after all. However, if we are going to be able to work with one another I have to be able to trust you.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Trust is a two way street though.”

“I suppose it is. But what would you propose that I do to earn such a thing from you?”

“This may sound a bit hollow, but I believe that you and I need to get to know one another better.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “For what purpose?”

“I know that Twilight cares for you very deeply. That much anyone can tell at just a glance. As you know, she and I are engaged to be married at some point in the future. So I figure that you and I should at least be able to tolerate each other.”

Celestia sighs. “Yes, I suppose there is wisdom in your words. Very well. I shall do my best to... get to know you better as well as educate you regarding myself.”

“Strange way of putting it, but alright.”

The stop and turn to one another. Celestia extends a hoof to him and Arc shakes it firmly. Looking toward the Main Hall at the end of the corridor, he gestures to the front doors with a wave of his hand.

“Shall we...?”

A voice suddenly rings out from the opposite direction.


Turning, Arc and Celestia see Hammer running toward them. As she reaches the pair she hurriedly finishes tucking her uniform in with one hand while saluting respectfully with the other.

“Sir, are you leaving the base?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I’ve been asked by Matron Coco Pommel to come to the Little Hooves Orphanage. Something about a legal matter between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Might I be allowed to accompany you, sir?”

“That isn’t really necessary, lieutenant. After all, we’re only going down the path to the orphanage.”

“But you and Princess Celestia are both VIPs, sir!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I suppose that’s true. But...”

Hammer continues. “And you’ve both been the victims of kidnapping in the past!”

Arc sighs. “While that is correct...”

Celestia cuts Arc off as she turns to him. “Why not allow her to join us, Hero of Light?”

“You too?”

Celestia nods. “I see no harm in a bit of... additional protection for us. And your lieutenant is correct in her analysis of the situation.”

Arc groans. “Fine. You can come, Hammer.”

Hammer grins as she salutes. “All right! I mean, yeah sir!”

Motioning for the two to follow him, Arc begins walking toward the doors. Leaving the building they walk down the road together. Hammer looks up at the trees overhead as she speaks.

“Looks like buds are forming.”

Arc inhales deeply. “Yes, spring is definitely here.”

Celestia smiles as she looks around. “I’ve always liked this time of year. It’s as if the land is beginning its life anew.”

Hammer shrugs. “To me it’s more like it’s waking up from a long nap.”

Celestia turns to Arc. “And you, Hero of Light? What are your feelings on this time of year?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well... I suppose to me it’s like any other season really. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.”


“Spring is nice because it’s warm again. But it also means catching up on a lot of outdoor work that has piled up over the winter.”

Hammer nods. “Guess that’s true.”

“Summer means that the days are a lot longer. But they’re also much hotter. Sometimes too much so. Autumn is cooler than summer with shorter days. However, the leaves turning colors makes for quite the colorful display.”

Hammer kicks a pile of wet branches. “To say nothing for the smell of the leaves.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Celestia looks to a dwindling pile of snow nearby. “And winter?”

“Very cold with very short days by comparison to the rest of the year. But the snowfall makes the land feel that much more festive. And it covers up the brown and ugly ground too.”

Celestia sighs. “A very... interesting way of looking at the seasons admittedly.”

Arc turns to her. “And you, princess?”

“You’re asking about my feelings regarding the question?”


Celestia looks away. “In all honesty, when you’ve seen them change literally hundreds of times, it always feels more or less blasé.”

Hammer shrugs. “Probably more so when you’re so busy ruling over a nation.”

Arc nods. “And, like you said, over an extended period of time.”

Celestia nods as they walk. “That it is.”

Arriving at the orphanage a short time later, Arc pushes the doors open to allow the pair to enter ahead of him. Heading upstairs to the matron’s office he knocks lightly. A moment later Coco Pommel’s melodic voice rings out.

“Come in.”

Arc enters first with Celestia and Hammer behind him. Upon seeing Celestia however, Coco Pommel instantly bows at her desk.

“Good morning, your highness.”

Celestia smiles at her. “And good morning to you too, matron.”

Hammer frowns as she looks to Coco Pommel. “Uh... you don’t actually have to do that, you know. She’s not a princess right now.”

“Maybe not. But it is still my place as a civil servant to display proper respect to a member of the royal family.”

Celestia smiles warmly. “Rise, matron, and tell us what is on your mind.”

Coco Pommel nods as she does so. “Yes, your highness.”

Turning to Arc, she speaks.

“Early this morning a letter was delivered to the orphanage addressed to Natalya. Thinking it looked rather important, I decided to walk it over to the classroom where she was helping Miss Peachbottom teach the younglings. However, when she opened it, Natalya immediately excused herself from the room.”

Celestia frowns. “Troubling news?”

“I’m actually not quite sure, Princess Celestia. I found her out back pacing, so it certainly wasn’t good. She would only say that it was a legal matter from back home.”

Arc appears confused. “While I’m certainly sorry to hear that she’s upset over this, why send for me?”

“She asked for you by name, Arc. Said that you would know what to do. Shall I... call for her?”

Arc nods. “Yes please.”

Coco Pommel picks up her phone as Hammer whispers in Arc’s ear.

“What do you suppose this is all about?”

Arc gestures to Coco Pommel on the phone as he speaks. “Give it a few minutes and we’ll know for sure.”

Hanging up the receiver a few moments later, Coco Pommel turns to Arc.

“Natalya will be here in a few minutes.”

Hammer looks to the door. “Should the princess and I step outside?”

Coco Pommel shrugs. “That would be up to Natalya, not I.”

A few minutes later the young griffon enters the office slowly. She walks over to Arc and sits down on her haunches respectfully.

“Th-thank you for coming, sir.”

Arc smiles at her. “It’s no problem. Now then, what can I help you with?”

Natalya holds out the envelope to him as she slowly begins to speak.

“It... might be quicker for you to simply read what it says here, sir.”

Taking the letter from her, Arc opens the flap and pulls out the papers. Quickly looking the cover sheet over, he hands the rest back to Natalya as he scans the summary before frowning and turning to her quizzically.

“This appears to be a court order stating that all of your father’s assets are now yours to be claimed.”

Natalya bows her head. “Not mine, sir. Yours.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How’s that?”

Natalya sighs. “As my owner, he is free to take any and all property and possessions that I have.”

Celestia nods and frowns. “Yes, Twilight told me of the... unique arrangements that you underwent to come to Equestria.”

Arc looks to Hammer. “I took her as my slave to save her life after a certain... misunderstanding.”

Coco Pommel gasps. “Oh my!”

Arc turns his attention back to Natalya. “As I told you when you first came here, you’re a slave only on paper. You’re free to do whatever you’d like with your inheritance.”

“I think you should have it, sir.”

Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “All the stuff your father had?!”

Natalya nods. “Yes.”

Celestia appears confused. “Might I ask as to why you think that, miss?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’d like to know that as well. After all, you don’t owe me anything, Natalya.”

“My father... Lord Goldstone was never much for parenting. Or being any kind of a father for that matter. His property and possessions... they shouldn’t go to me. After all, an individual can’t take credit just for being born. And you deserve them more than he or I ever could.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Natalya. This is your family’s wealth. It should stay with you and your siblings.”

Celestia looks to Natalya. “Speaking of which, how are they doing here in Equestria?”

“Gallus has been here for some time, your highness, and has accustomed himself to this land well.”

Natalya sighs before continuing.

“However, Gabby isn’t doing as well.”

Arc frowns. “In what way?”

“She still talks as though our father is still alive in the Griffon Kingdom. And that we should go back there together and see him.”

Coco Pommel chimes in. “I’ve had Emerald Dream come to see her regarding this matter.”

Celestia appears hopeful. “And did it help?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not at all, Princess Celestia. If anything, I believe that the therapist’s words just made her more sure of her feelings. But that’s to be expected from her.”

Hammer taps the side of her head. “Is she, uh... alright upstairs?”

“More or less. Gabby is very... how do I put this... ah... heavily opinionated.”

Celestia nods knowingly. “So what you are saying is that once she gets an idea in her head, nothing will change her mind?”

“Pretty much. Gallus and I are just kinda hoping she can at some point put down roots here and move past what happened.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Which I believe she will in time. However, I don’t agree with your earlier statement, Natalya.”


“The one regarding Gabby simply moving past the events of the past on her own. She needs to know, understand, and accept the truth in its entirety to be able to move forward.”

Celestia nods. “Agreed. Holding onto a lie will only skew her view of the matter at hoof.”

Hammer groans. “So what is she supposed to do?! Try to force this youngling to agree with her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Hammer. That would be rather counterproductive.”

He looks at the rest of the letter before continuing.

“Might I see that, Natalya?”

“Yes, sir.”

She hands it over and Arc begins reading. A short time later he looks up.

“So according to this you are being made aware of your stake in your father’s estate. But I don’t see Gallus or Gabby’s name on here anywhere.”

Celestia shakes her head. “That is normal for the Griffon Kingdom.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Princess Celestia is right, sir. Upon the death of a griffon, his closest living relative inherits everything. Since my mother is no longer with us, that falls to me as the oldest sibling.”

Hammer grins. “So go back home and get what’s coming to you then!”

Natalya sighs. “It’s not quite that simple.”

Coco Pommel appears confused. “Natalya?”

“I don’t... really want to take the risk.”

Arc frowns. “Are you saying that someone might try to hurt you?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, sir. What I meant was that I didn’t want to risk becoming like... him.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Your old man?”

Arc turns to Natalya. “She means your father.”

Natalya groans. “Those back there whom have lots of money just use it to make more at any cost. That and no one there really seems truly happy either. That’s not something I want to become.”

Celestia smiles at her. “There is wisdom in your words, Natalya. However, one might also look at it this way. You could be the first to use your wealth for good.”

“How though?”

Celestia points toward the window with a hoof. “Not every business owner here in Equestria is wealthy, of course. But you’ll notice if you look hard enough that they generally appear very passionate about their work. Earning enough to cover costs for their businesses as well as a bit of profit for themselves. I recommend finding something that you’re interested in and pursing it.”

“I... don’t really have such a thing though.”

Hammer grins. “Not yet, you mean.”


Arc chimes in. “Hammer’s saying that having money can give you the option to do that. Allow you to finance whatever projects you want to pursue.”

He gestures to the letter before continuing.

“And it says here that you have only a week in which to file a claim for your inheritance.”

Hammer looks to Celestia. “What happens if she doesn’t?”

“They would continue down the bloodline to the next closest living relative as per griffon law.”

Natalya nods. “If I were to not come forward Gallus would get a similar letter in the mail. Although I know he wouldn’t want our father’s wealth either. Then Gabby would come next.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “She would probably be willing to take it.”

Natalya groans. “And that has me worried.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That she’ll get into trouble with it?”

“Yes sir. My younger sister isn’t really focused on anything. I believe Gabby would use it to buy whatever she wanted and more.”

Hammer shrugs. “Is that really so bad though? I mean... it’s not like she’d be hurting anyone, right?”

“Not really. However, considering the amount of wealth our father had, I’m afraid that she would very quickly find herself beset upon by any number of suitors wanting to take her talon in marriage in order to get it for themselves.”

Coco Pommel raises an eyebrow. “But that wouldn’t happen for a number of years though, right? I mean... she’s still a youngling, after all.”

Celestia frowns. “Unfortunately not. Griffon law doesn’t actually state that one has to be fully grown in order to wed.”

Arc grimaces. “A child bride.”

Natalya nods soberly. “She’d be manipulated into marrying the first smooth talking griffon that came along. He’d then take her for everything she had and leave her without so much as a ‘farewell’.”

Celestia bows her head. “Quite the conundrum we have here.”

Natalya turns to Arc. “Which is why I think you should have the estate, sir. And not just because you’re my owner.”

“Natalya, I...”

“Please, sir. You’re so good at doing what’s right for everyone. I believe that you could do a lot of good with that money. Moreso than I or Gallus ever could.”

Celestia looks to Arc. “I’m not an expert on griffon law, but I do believe that, at least from a tentative legal standpoint, you do have the right to take her up on that.”

Hammer grins slyly. “Strong, sexy, and now rich!”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t really want that kind of responsibility either though.”

Natalya groans. “What should I do then, sir?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well... what if we could convince Gabby not to take the money for herself, Natalya? Where would it go after her?”

“The law says that the next heir in line would have to be located. In the past I thought the three of us were my father’s only younglings. However, after listening to the trial on the radio, I’m certain any number of others exist back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Coco Pommel shudders. “That would lead to any number of heated disputes over whom was next in line, I would imagine.”

Hammer shrugs. “So what? It’s just a DNA test, right?”

Celestia shakes her head. “We have a similar situation come about in Canterlot a few hundred years ago. There was a noble whom had vast wealth that he had inherited as a young stallion and grown tenfold over the course of his life.”

She looks to Natalya as she continues.

“Like your situation, he too had a number of offspring. However, upon his death, a very large number of mares came forward with their foals to claim that he had fathered them.”

Arc frowns. “Were any of them really his?”

Celestia nods. “Quite a few, yes. It led to innumerable shouting matches both in the streets and the courtroom. This was complicated further regarding the dispute over whom would get what, as there were numerous older illegitimate foals whom were all grown up by that point.”

Natalya bows her head. “The Griffon Kingdom is in enough turmoil right now as it is, what with the power vacuum caused by my father’s death. A scandal like this could cause literal rioting in the streets.”

Coco Pommel looks to the griffon evenly. “It would appear that you have a very important choice to make, Natalya.”

“But what should I do, Miss Pommel?!”

“I can’t answer that. But please know that we will accept and respect whatever choice you decide to make.”

Hammer snaps her fingers. “How about talking it over with your siblings? Get their take on it.”

Natalya nods. “That would probably be for the best, yes.”

Coco Pommel picks up her phone. “I’ll page them to my office.”

A few minutes later Gallus and Gabby walk into the room. Seeing Arc and Celestia standing there, Gabby runs toward them angrily.

“You murderers!”

Gallus groans as he pulls Gabby back. “We already explained this. Dad challenged THEM to the Battle of Truth. They were defending themselves.”

“But dad always said that killing others was a bad thing!”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “He said ‘potential future customers’, not ‘others’.”

“That’s the same thing!”

Natalya sighs as she holds up the letter. “We’ll... talk about that later. But right now we have a bigger problem.”

Gabby appears hopeful. “Did dad write that?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “No, Gabby. It’s a message regarding our father’s estate.”

Gallus chuckles. “Guess you’re rich now, big sis.”

Gabby appears confused. “Rich?”

“It means that she’s getting all of our dad’s money and property.”


Natalya shrugs. “Not exactly. I’m still trying to figure out what to do about it.”

Gallus scoffs. “What’s there to think about?! Go and get what’s yours, Natalya!”

Gabby hops up and down happily. “And buy me a plushie while you’re there please!”

Natalya frowns. “But I don’t want all that money!”

Gallus groans. “Why not?!”

“Because it’ll change things for me!”

Gabby smiles nervously. “Two plushies?!”

Gallus glares at his sister. “No it won’t! You’ll still be you!”

Natalya shakes her head vehemently. “I have a life here though, Gallus! With you and Gabby! All that gold would just be something else I had to take care of!”

Gabby steps between them. “How about just one really big one then?!”

Gallus groans as he pushes Gabby aside. “Fine! Whatever, Natalya! Just let me handle it then!”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Handle it?”

Gallus shrugs. “I’ll head back to Griffonstone with you and tell the powers that be that you won’t be accepting your inheritance. Then I’ll come forward and take it.”

Gabby looks to her brother. “Gallus, can I have my own estate when you’re rich?!”

“No, Gabby.”

“But you’ll have so much money! You could buy me a hundred houses! I just want one! Right now, at least!”

Natalya points to Gabby. “This right here! This is why I don’t want the headache of all that money!”

Gallus gasps. “What do you mean ‘headache’?!

“Look at us, Gallus! We’re already obsessing over finances and we don’t even have the money yet!”

Gallus groans. “Just like dad always did.”

There is a long silence as the pair consider the matter. Eventually Gallus speaks again.

“I guess I don’t really want it after all.”

Gabby grins as she puffs out her chest. “Guess that means I’m next in line!”

Natalya frowns. “You’re not ready for it though!”

“Am too!”

Gallus shakes his head. “Natalya’s right, Gabby. You’d just spend it all on weird stuff.”

“So what?! There’s plenty of money to go around, right?!”

Celestia nods. “Upon his death it was estimated that Lord Goldstone’s holdings were around two percent of the Griffon Kingdom’s total wealth.”

Hammer gasps. “Talk about having serious cash!”

Arc whistles, clearly impressed. “I’ll say. More than anyone could spend in their lifetime.”

Celestia sighs. “Several lifetimes, I would imagine.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Right.”

Gabby turns to her sister. “Can I bring it all here?!”

“To Equestria?”

Gabby nods happily. “Yeah! The food here is amazing!”

Arc turns to Celestia. “What would that do to the economy?”

“Ours or theirs?”


Celestia puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Equestria would probably enter into a state of hyperinflation, what with such a large influx of new gold all at once. Assuming we even had facilities to hold such wealth, that is.”

Gabby raises a talon. “I’d build them!”

Coco Pommel looks to the princess. “What about the Griffon Kingdom?”

“Such a thing would probably push them toward a major recession. Moreso even than that which they experienced before our peace treaty was signed.”

Gallus shudders. “A lot more orphans would be coming over too.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Both nations would be in for a world of hurt.”

Natalya sighs. “So we can’t take my father’s money here or it would destroy both nations.”

Gallus grunts. “And we can’t leave it there, or else whomever accepts it would have to stay and look after it.”

Gabby appears confused. “Wait! Why would we have to stay?!”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Yes, couldn’t you just accept your inheritance and leave it in the care of a bank?”

Celestia sighs. “Here in Equestria such a thing would work. However, the Griffon Kingdom has strict abandonment laws that would prevent such a thing. Assets left within their borders must be represented by either the one whom owns them or a licensed trustee.”

Hammer appear confused. “A trustee?”

Arc turns to her. “Someone to act on their behalf.”

Gabby grins. “Is that second thing an option?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “We don’t know anyone whom is both qualified and trustworthy enough to do such a job.”

Gallus groans. “We’d get totally taken advantage of.”

Hammer shrugs. “But even if someone did try something funny with the money they couldn’t take all of it though, right?”

Celestia steps forward. “Theoretically, no due to the sheer size of the estate in question. However, whomever accepted the inheritance originally could be seen as being complicit in the matter. With them having more or less fled the nation, that is.”

Arc facepalms. “Is there a good way out of this?”

Natalya bows her head. “Not that I can see, sir. Save for one.”

She turns to Celestia before continuing.

“Your highness, I would like to go back to the Griffon Kingdom and take possession of my father’s estate.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Very well. We shall arrange transport for you back there aboard an airship.”

Gallus frowns. “Uh... what’s your plan after that, Natalya?”

Natalya sighs. “Stay there and see about learning how to manage it.”

Gabby’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

Gallus gasps. “You can’t do that!”

“One of us has to, Gallus.”

“But why you?!”

Natalya smiles sadly at her brother. “Do you want to?”

“No, but...!”

Natalya interrupts him. “And Gabby can’t. So that just leaves me.”

Arc groans. “How about this then? I’ll take you three back to Griffonstone aboard The Equinox and try to help figure this mess out with Lord Gestal’s help.”

Celestia steps forward. “And I will come as well to help provide insight.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Princess?”

“As this matter will most likely affect both Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom, somepony with legal experience regarding both nations should come along and try to help advise you.”

Arc shrugs. “Very well. Shall we go?”

Natalya looks to Coco Pommel. “First Gallus and I would need the matron’s permission to take some time off.”

Coco Pommel nods fervently. “By all means, yes. Take all the time you need to settle your father’s estate.”

Gallus smiles. “Thanks, Miss Pommel.”

Coco Pommel looks to the letter in Arc’s hand. “However, you should probably leave as soon as possible. Remember, that letter said you had just a week to state your intent.”

Hammer frowns. “And it probably took a few days for it to even get here in the first place.”

Celestia nods. “Four, actually.”

Arc looks to her. “Huh?”

“Since the signing of the treaty, mail takes four days to get from one country to the other.”

Gabby gasps. “We’d better get moving then!”

Natalya nods. “Right!”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Then let’s get to The Equinox and start this trip.”

He turns to Coco Pommel as the others file through.

“I’ll bring them back as soon as I can.”

Coco Pommel looks to Arc soberly. “Please do. And keep them safe above all.”

Following the others through his own portal, Arc steps out into his quarters aboard The Equinox. Heading for the door, he calls out to Hammer.

“See about getting everyone situated in private rooms.”

Hammer salutes. “Yes sir.”

Leaving the room, the group splits up. Hammer moves to carry out her orders as Arc heads for the Bridge. Arriving, he finds the crew going over their consoles. Seeing him, they quickly stand to attention. Soarin is the first to speak.

“Good day, commander. What can we do for you?”

“We need to return to the Griffon Kingdom at once to deal with an important legal matter. How much prep time do we need?”

Thunderlane looks over from the helm. “Just clearance from command, sir.”

Arc nods. “Get started on a flight path then.”

He turns to Lemon Hearts.

“Send for Ambassador Ashe. Tell her that this will be an emergency trip and that her skills may be needed.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc turns his head. “Moon Dancer, what do you know about griffon law and economic policy?”

“Not much on the law part. Quite a bit in regards to the second.”

“I need information on those topics. Can you recommend some sources?”

“The onboard library has some books on economics. That and Princess Twilight ordered some law books be sent aboard a short time ago.”

Arc appears surprised. “She did?”

Moon Dancer nods. “Probably to be proactive.”

Wrangler sighs. “We are dealing with their nation more often lately, sir.”

Arc heads for the door. “Take any appropriate books on the subject to my quarters then. It looks like I have some reading to do. Let me know when Ashe is aboard and we’re ready to take off.”

Soarin nods. “Yes sir.”

As he leaves the Bridge the crew look to one another, confused. Wrangler frowns.

“What the hay do you suppose all of this is about?”

Moon Dancer frowns. “Most likely a matter of state pertaining to the treaty.”

Lemon Hearts turns to Soarin. “Well, the ambassador is on her way.”

Soarin appears surprised. “That was quick.”

“She didn’t ask any questions after I told her whom was calling for her.”

Thunderlane grins. “Sounds like somepony new has a crush on the commander.”

Wrangler scoffs. “That ain’t none of our business though.”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “Agreed. But the commander sure does have a lot of mares visit his quarters. Both aboard ship and elsewhere I hear.”

Lemon Hearts giggles. “Including Princess Twilight.”

Thunderlane puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “I wonder if she knows about the commander and ambassador though.”

Soarin sits down in his chair. “No idea. But we’re not going to be the ones to ask her.”

Meanwhile, Arc enters his office and picks up the phone. Pressing a few buttons, he is connected to the castle switchboard.

“How may I direct your call?”

“This is Hero of Light Arc. I need to speak to Princess Twilight at once.”

“Yes sir. However, she is currently giving audiences so it might take a few minutes to get a message through.”

“That is fine. Just have her call me aboard The Equinox when she has time.”

“I’ll see to it, sir. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that will do it.”

“The message is on its way.”

“Thank you.”

Hanging up the receiver, Arc leans back in his chair and swivels it to look out the window. A few moments later there is a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

Hammer enters and closes the door behind her before slowly approaching the desk, saluting, and speaking.

“Reporting that the guests have been assigned quarters as you ordered, sir.”

Arc turns in his chair. “Very good. Hammer, I...”

He stops talking as he spies Hammer standing before him, saluting respectfully, but with her uniform shirt completely unbuttoned and her skirt mostly unzipped. Sighing, he shakes his head.

“Hammer, what are you doing?”

“Reporting to a superior officer, sir.”

Arc gestures to her chest and exposed leg. “And that?”

Hammer grins as she continues saluting. “You know you like what you see.”

“I suppose that’s true, yes. But I’m expecting...”

The door suddenly bursts open as Ashe runs inside breathlessly.

“Sorry for making you wait, Lord...!”

She stops talking as she sees Hammer standing before her half naked. As the young woman quickly begins composing herself, Ashe looks to Arc and slowly backs toward the doorway.

“I, uh... see that this is a bad time.”

Arc stands and shakes his head. “No, no, Ashe. Hammer was just having a bit of a... a wardrobe malfunction. How’s fixing it coming along, lieutenant?”

Hammer blushes furiously as she hurriedly buttons her shirt. “Just fine! Be done in a second!”

Arc turns back to Ashe as he casts a spell to shut the door. “Good. Now then, why don’t you have a seat?”

“Alright. Um... if you’re sure.”

Ashe sits down as Hammer heads for the door.

“I’ll leave you two to talk now.”

Quickly leaving the office, Hammer shuts the door behind her and leans heavily against the wall as she groans.

“Of all the times to forget to lock the door...”

Meanwhile, Arc explains the situation to Ashe. As he finishes, she puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully.

“This really is quite the predicament, Lord Arc.”

“And ideas on what we should be doing?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Sadly, no. Normally such a thing doesn’t ever come up, as the inheritor has been raised to take their place as the head of the household for years prior to this. That and they don’t ever leave the country, as everything they could ever want is brought to them.”

Arc groans as he leans back in his office chair. “If she takes the money Natalya becomes a literal slave to her father’s estate though.”

Ashe nods soberly. “And if she or her siblings don’t accept the estate then the matter would tear the Griffon Kingdom apart with any number of potential heirs coming forward.”

“Let’s say that it was done in a responsible way. Could they estate be split up between all the illegitimate younglings and their families?”

“That would take years, as pretty much everyone would bring their younglings forward in an attempt to get a slice of the proverbial pie. To say nothing to what it would do to their marriages.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Marriages?”

Ashe nods. “Imagine that you had a wife and a biological youngling, Lord Arc. One day she announces that she’s getting a paternity test done on them. For some, that might be the straw the breaks the cart.”

“At worst. Best case scenario it would cause a lot of trust issues.”

“And that’s just the start of the bad news. Going back to your question regarding this being done responsibly. In addition to the a fore mentioned example coming about, let’s say that each family was given a lump sum disbursement as their share of the wealth. If preliminary numbers of potential illegitimate younglings are to be believed, that could lead to inflated prices for necessary goods as so many families now have a large amount of disposable income. Those whom don’t have a share in it would literally starve.”

Arc bows his head. “Could this get any worse?”

“It may, yes. To have such a large chunk of wealth suddenly dispersed to the masses, in addition to everything I’ve said before coming to be, would lead to a weakening of the economy as a whole due to a massive decrease in market stability.”

“So Natalya taking the money means that she’d have to leave her new life in Equestria behind. And her not taking it crashes the entire country.”

Ashe sighs. “I do wish I had better news for you. But that’s how it is.”

“Maybe your father could come up with a solution to this problem.”

“Yes, I’ll speak to him about it the moment we land.”

Arc gestures to the desk phone. “Why not just call him though? I could have Lemon Hearts patch you through to him.”

Ashe shakes her head. “This situation is already precariously positioned. We can’t risk information leaks at this point. That’s why I’m going to talk to him about it privately and face to face.”

“Alright. And thanks for coming with me, Ashe.”

“Just doing my job. Um... that and I do apologize for... earlier.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’re apologizing?”

“For barging in, yes. Next time I’ll be sure to knock before entering.”

“It’s fine, Ashe. You didn’t do anything wrong, after all.”

Ashe looks away nervously. “After all, your... personal life is certainly none of my business. But I must caution you against such things with a subordinate. At least from the point of view of the public.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. But do you think you could do something for me?”

“What is it?”

“Princess Celestia is aboard too. Could you and her go over the legal books that were sent to my quarters and see if you can find anything?”

Ashe nods. “Of course. That and I’d enjoy working with such a legendary figure on this.”

“I’ll come by to help when I have time.”

Ashe smiles nervously as she stands. “That’s not really necessary. After are, I know you’re a very... busy individual. Lots of things to do and, um... others to see.”

Arc stands and walks Ashe to the door. “I just need to make some calls to my family and friends. We left in a pretty big hurry, after all.”

Ashe puts a talon on the doorknob. “Then I’ll let you get to that.”

Opening the door, she sees Hammer waiting across the corridor. Nervously, Ashe edges away as she speaks.

“I, uh... we’re done.”

Hammer nods shyly. “Alright. Hopefully you can help us through this.”

Ashe grimaces. “That’s... going to be a bit...”

Looking all around for some kind of excuse, Ashe continues quickly.

“I have to go!”

Nearly running down the corridor, Ashe heads for the stairs. Sighing, Hammer pushes Arc’s office door open and enters with her head bowed.

“Hey, uh... can we talk?”

Arc nods as he closes the door behind her. “Sure.”

Sitting back down in his office chair, Arc looks across his desk at Hammer as she shifts uneasily on her feet. Waiting a few moments in silence, Arc eventually chuckles and breaks it.

“You know, Hammer... when you asked to talk to me, I imaged you’d say something.”

“I, uh... just wanted to... apologize.”


“What I did earlier... there wasn’t any excuse for it.”

“Which part?”

“The whole coming onto you when Ashe walked in. It’s not right what I did.”

“And what did you do?”

Hammer sighs. “Made you look bad in front of one of our nation’s allies. She’ll probably put it in some kind of report now and send it back to the Griffon Kingdom. Then they’ll think that you make me do stuff like that, or something.”

Arc shrugs as he stands. “Probably not.”

“If I had just locked that dumb door, this wouldn’t have happened. But that’s no excuse. I mean, I really shouldn’t be doing it on duty anyways. After all, something like that is unbecoming of your command. It’s not professional. It’s not proper. It’s not...”

She is cut off as Arc quickly reaches across the desk and roughly grabs Hammer by the front of her uniform. Before she can do or say anything, he pulls her up on top of the desk and plants a passionate kiss squarely on her lips. Pulling back nervously, he looks her in the eyes as he speaks.

“I, uh... didn’t hurt you there, did I?”

Hammer shakes her head, still dazed. “Heck no. That’s the most forceful you’ve ever been with me though.”

“That’s what you like though, isn’t it?”

“Oh yes!”

Grabbing him by the front of his shirt, Hammer pulls Arc down on top of the desk to continue making out with him. As they kiss, the pair hear the sound of the door opening again. Looking up they see Ashe looking in on them, her beak agape. Wordlessly, she steps back and closes the door again. Hammer groans as she does so.

“Can’t believe I did it AGAIN!”

Arc sighs. “Hammer?”

“I’m really sorry for...!”

She is cut off as Arc plants another passionate kiss on her lips. Without looking away, he raises a hand and casts a Telekinesis Spell, locking the door. Meanwhile, Ashe walks down the corridor away from the office. Shaking her head, she muses to herself.

“Wow. Just... wow.”

Sometime later that day the group comes together in the cafeteria for supper. Celestia looks to Ashe and smiles.

“Thank you for your help with those books, ambassador.”

Ashe smiles. “It was my pleasure, Princess Celestia.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I didn’t realize just how complicated griffon law was.”

Celestia frowns. “That’s one way of putting it.”

Ashe appears confused. “Princess Celestia?”

“Forgive me. I spoke in haste.”

Ashe sighs. “No, no. It’s fine. But do you have an issue with our nation’s methods?”

Celestia nods soberly. “Actually, I do. You see, I’ve had to navigate your country’s laws on several occasions over the years. I’ve always found them to be extremely one sided and archaic in nature.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “That doesn’t surprise me. Everything is skewered to favor those whom have wealth or power.”

Gabby gasps. “No, it’s not! Everything back home is totally fair! Do something bad and you go to jail! Dad said so!”

Natalya sighs. “Only if charges are pressed. However, that generally only happens to the lower class citizens.”

Hammer looks to Arc. “Kinda similar back on Earth too. You got money, you can make your legal problems go away. Most of the time anyways.”

Arc frowns. “Like Lord Goldstone did for many years.”

Celestia grunts. “So it would seem.”

Hammer looks to Natalya. “Perhaps we should move onto brighter matters though.”

“Good idea.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Were you able to make all your calls, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I started with the orphanage to tell Derpy and Dinky that I was heading out on another mission.”

Natalya bows her head. “Sorry, sir.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “Sis?”

“It’s our fault that he’s here instead of with his family.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “This is important though.”

Celestia nods. “Indeed it is.”

Gabby scoffs. “I still don’t get why though! I mean... it’s just going to be a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo!

Arc turns to her. “We’re trying to prevent one or both of our nations suffering from this matter though.”

Gabby shrugs. “Everything would work out okay in the end though!”

Gallus scoffs. “Not likely, Gabby.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “We’ll think of something though.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Will we?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes. After all, we have to.”

Natalya bows her head. “It looks like I’ve steered the conversation down another dark path.”

Gallus turns to her. “Things really do look bad though, sis.”

Ashe attempts to change the subject. “Why don’t you tell us about your past interactions with the Griffon Kingdom, Princess Celestia?”

“The most recent issue was several hundred years ago in regards to an ancient griffon artifact known as the ‘Idol of Boreas’.”

Natalya appears suddenly interested. “How so, your highness?”

“It was thought that the one whom took it was sent from Equestria.”

Hammer frowns. “Um... was it?”

Celestia shakes her head. “No, lieutenant.”

Gallus puts a talon to his cheek thoughtfully. “I remember learning about that in history class. The instructor told us that it was never discovered whom actually took it though, or why.”

Celestia nods. “That is correct. But we were accused nonetheless.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “So what happened?”

“I had to fly to Griffonstone and testify before King Grover and the Council of Lords. It took some doing, but I was able to convince them that Equestria was blameless in this matter by signing an affidavit stating that my testimony was true.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “And they accepted that?”

Celestia nods. “They did, yes.”

Natalya appears surprised. “Such a simple thing though.”

“You have to understand that the Griffon Kingdom of old was a very different place at the time this happened. They were a very proud nation whom valued personal standing above all else. I was willing to put my own reputation, as well as that of Equestria’s, on the proverbial table as proof of our innocence in the matter.”

Arc sighs. “And then diplomatic relations suffered?”

“Not immediately, no. However, over time ties weakened between our two nations. Not so much due to the a fore mentioned loss of the Idol of Boreas. But because the Griffon Kingdom voluntarily pulled itself inward both diplomatically and economically. They basically folded inward and didn’t really participate on the international stage for several centuries.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “All that because of a glorified statue.”

Gabby scoffs. “Sounds silly to me too!”

Natalya sighs wistfully. “Well, I kinda wish I knew what things were like back then. How the country did things.”

Celestia nods. “It was certainly much better for the commoners if that’s what you mean, Natalya.”

Gallus looks to the princess. “So what changed?”

Celestia sighs. “It’s... complicated. No single answer to that question, I’m afraid.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “The Idol of Boreas and the pride it brought.”

Hammer turns to him. “Arc?”

“Subconsciously everyone wants to be proud of their nation. Where they came from. With the loss of the idol they believe their pride lost as well.”

Hammer scoffs. “Pride! Ha! All it does is make ya do dumb stuff!”

Ashe nods. “Too much of it can lead to that, yes. However, everyone needs something to look up to. Something to point to and say ‘that’s what it’s all about’.”

Arc chimes in. “I suppose there is some truth to that. But back on Earth at least, people would often use such things to rationalize their terrible actions. The ends justifying the means. That sort of thing.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “So what are you saying, Lord Arc? That no one should be proud of anything?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. What Ashe said a few moments ago about needing something to look up to was indeed true. But when such a thing is the only thing keeping you going, well... that’s when the trouble starts.”

Natalya looks out the window as she speaks. “I do see your point, sir. The Griffon Kingdom put all its hopes and dreams in the Idol of Boreas. So when it was stolen, they lost their way.”

Gallus sighs. “Like a ship who’s anchor breaks off in a storm, they were at the mercy of whatever came their way.”

Celestia nods. “A sobering thought.”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah. But who’s to say that they’re the only country that does it.”

Gabby gasps. “There are other lands with idols?!”

Hammer shakes her head. “Not like what you all were talking about, no. I’m talking about Equestria’s reliance on the princesses.”

Celestia frowns. “Are you suggesting that it’s a bad idea for us to be in charge?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Not inherently, no. I’m just saying that putting faith in an individual, or in this case four of them, could potentially lead to disaster one day.”

Arc nods. “But that’s why we have multiple princesses. In case something happens to one of them, the others can hold the nation together.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “It does seem to work, yes. But the lieutenant does raise a valid point.”

Gabby points to Celestia. “Right! Who’s to say that someone might steal away all the princesses on day?!”

Gallus shrugs. “I see that they have ample protection from guards in the castle.”

Hammer sighs. “So did that idol thingamabob back in the day I would imagine.”

Celestia nods. “All of you are indeed correct.”

Arc appears surprised. “We are?”

“Yes. Such a thing did cross my mind after my sister was banished to the moon. As the only remaining princess, I knew that Equestria was only one plot or accident away from catastrophe.”

Natalya gasps. “So what did you do?”

“Equestria’s problem was solved along with the potential future threat of an out of control alicorn princess.”

Arc nods soberly. “The position of ‘Hero of Light’, yes.”

Celestia taps the table with a hoof. “And the added amendment a number of years later to insert their position into the Order of Secession.”

Natalya grimaces. “It still seems like quite the gamble to me, Princess Celestia.”

“No plan is ever completely without risk, my dear. I was certain to always nominate candidates whom I could trust to see Equestria through such a dark time if the need ever arose. And to find a suitable replacement for me if it came to that.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Replacement?”

“For us. Assuming that an alicorn at some point did need to be taken down, their position would have to be filled, and quickly. Especially if they were the last of us.”

Gallus shrugs. “The longer the land is without proper leadership the more it would flounder.”

Ashe sighs. “And maybe sink.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I’m starting to see the wisdom in this position’s creation.”

Natalya turns to him. “Sir?”

“It makes for an individual, whom is outside the normal royal and political channels, to be the voice of reason in troubled times.”

Hammer puts a hand on Arc’s shoulder. “And I know you’d do your very best if something like that came up.”

“It kinda already has.”

Natalya nods. “The whole Lord Regent matter?”

“Right. I stepped in, took decisive command of the nation, saw to it Cadance and Luna were cared for, and even found a way to cure them. Just like anyone else would have in my position.”

Ashe frowns. “I can definitively disagree with that statement, Lord Arc.

Gallus scoffs. “Right. Most griffons whom find themselves in positions of power very quickly forget that they’re supposed to be civil servants. They end up just doing what’s best for themselves, their families, and those whom helped them get where they are.”

Natalya smiles at Arc. “But you’ve always done right by Equestria as long as I’ve known you, sir. Very admirable.”

Hammer grins. “You risked everything to help me out more than once too.”

Ashe looks away nervously. “And I’m certainly no stranger to your mercy, Lord Arc.”

Celestia smiles. “It would appear that you have quite the fan club here, Hero of Light.”

“Friends, not fans.”

Gabby appears confused. “What’s the difference?!”

Arc looks to the youngling. “A fan is generally someone whom loves you for superficial reasons. Your voice, talent in acting, or whatnot.”

Natalya chimes in. “However, a friend is someone whom likes you just because you’re you.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Kinda like a big shot actor on television. Everywhere they go folks cry out to them and get all gushy just because that person was in a movie, or something.”

Arc sighs. “True. But they don’t actually care about the person so much as they love their work.”

Natalya bows her head. “Like King Guto.”

Gallus scoffs. “The public does seem to like him a lot.”

Gabby nods happily. “He was waving to all of us back at the Gladiator’s Arena!”

Celestia looks around the table as she speaks. “One could say that he has a lot of fans, yes. However, how many of them could be considered true friends?”

Hammer shrugs. “Maybe his closest advisors and highest ranked military officials.”

Natalya shakes her head. “King Guto only gives written orders to his military officers. The face to face orders are typically handled by the Council of Lords.”

Arc frowns. “How about the nobility? Surely he has friends amongst them.”

Gallus shrugs. “I don’t know for sure, of course. But from what I’ve seen in the past, none of them are very close to one another. Except for business ties, that is.”

Gabby grins wickedly. “And they’ll break them if the other isn’t useful to them anymore! Except for my dad, that is!”

Celestia shakes her head. “So the king most likely doesn’t have any real friends. Just servants, subordinates, and advisors.”

Arc sighs. “Sounds lonely to me.”

Celestia leans back in her chair. “Agreed. Nopony to talk to when things are going badly. Nopony to share the good times with as well as the bad. And nopony to care about them, for them.”

Natalya appears hopeful. “While I’m sure it’s quite... lonely, there must be advantages to it.”

Hammer scoffs. “Like what?”

Gallus shrugs. “The power to make the nation into whatever you want it to be, for starters.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not even that. The king needs to stay in the good graces of the nobility in order to maintain his control over the nation. Without them, it is likely a coup would be in order to replace him.”

Ashe nods nervously. “That it would.”

Arc looks to Ashe. “So he’s a prisoner to his power and position.”

Gallus sighs. “King Guto has the power to do whatever he wants. But at the same time, were he to actually use the a fore mentioned power to better the citizens as a whole, the nobles would probably overthrow him.”

Ashe looks away nervously. “Before we had this conversation, I was sometimes jealous of the king and his position over the nation. But now after hearing all that has been put forward... now I actually kinda pity him.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Heavy is the crown, ambassador. Yet so many crave its weight.”

Sometime later the group adjourns for the evening. Arc and Ashe sit on the Observation Deck together looking out at the setting sun. Ashe is the first to speak.

“We should arrive in the Griffon Kingdom by first light tomorrow morning I’m told.”

“Good. After all, we want to resolve this matter quickly and decisively.”

Ashe sighs. “But can we is the real question.”

“We have to. After all, both nation’s futures hang in the balance.”

“Mostly just mine, admittedly.”

“I spoke to Princess Celestia privately after supper. She said that the potential economic doom to Equestria could possibly be prevented if the money was sent there little by little over the course of many years.”

“That would soften the blow to the Griffon Kingdom as well. However, it would still hurt us in the long run.”

Arc sighs. “To say nothing about Natalya and her siblings’ fate in this.”

“Not much that could be done about that though. All three of them could choose to stay in the Griffon Kingdom, of course. But in all honesty, only one of them needs to do so in order to satisfy the conditions of the law as it stands.”

“Not looking forward to watching them try to figure that out amongst themselves.”

“Nevertheless, it needs to be done.”

“I suppose so. But that doesn’t make it any easier on them.”

“With any luck, my father will be able to think of something to do regarding this matter.”

“That would be nice, yes.”

Ashe looks around nervously as she lowers her voice. “Um... might I discuss another pressing matter with you though?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“It’s about... that matter I witnessed in your office earlier today.”

Arc bows his head. “Hammer and I talked it over already. We both agreed that we need to be more careful about where we do things like that. In addition to taking the proper precautions such as locking doors and such.”

“It’s just... I never really considered what a relationship entailed before then.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “Didn’t you have a pretty serious relationship going with your commander in the past though?”

Ashe sighs. “Yes. Or at the very least, I thought I did.”

“He’s bad news, you know.”

“I do now. Ever since you told me about your meeting with him prior to the Battle of Truth, I’ve been thinking about everything he and I have been through.”

“It must be a lot.”

“Moreso than I care to remember at the moment. But it’s more than that though.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everything he said in the past, it... just makes me nervous.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“He’s always been very... passionate about our mission to free the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc shrugs. “Nothing inherently wrong with wanting to help his fellow griffons. But I get the feeling that there’s more to it than that.”

“Mostly that he wouldn’t rest until the land was free from the oppressive nobles. And how he was willing to do whatever it took to see that done.”

“How far do you think he’d really go though?”

Ashe sighs. “Before I would have said that he had restraint. Now I’m not so sure.”

“Maybe you should tell your father about...”

Ashe cuts him off as she hisses angrily. “He can’t ever know about this!”

“I understand your desire to protect the rebels as well as your... special friend. However, if something isn’t done soon, more innocents are going to be hurt.”

He gestures to the light scars on Ashe’s back before continuing.

“Or have you forgotten just how many, including yourself, have already suffered from their antics?”

Ashe groans. “That was a foolish move on their part, yes. But I’m certain that he wouldn’t have done such a thing if he knew I was going to be anywhere near the carriage when it exploded.”

“But if that was the case, why would he have even chanced it?”

“He knows that I never get out of my carriage until the destination has been reached. Every noble youngling is taught that from a young age.”

“Then why did you that day?”

“I saw a youngling steal something from a nearby shop and wanted to talk to him about it.”

Arc sighs. “While admirable, I do worry about your safety.”

Ashe appears surprised. “You... you do?”

“Yes, Ashe. After all, you’ve come a long way from the spoiled brat I first met at that party.”

Ashe sighs. “I suppose I can’t get too upset about the truth.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Look, all I’m saying is that your commander is more concerned with the mission’s success than he is about other’s safety. Yours included.”

“He’ll come around though. Now that the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria have been able to fully test the strength of their respective ties, even he can’t ignore the fact that justice was done.”

Arc frowns. “I hope you’re right, Ashe. But I’m still not convinced that he’s going to just suddenly stop his antics.”

“The next time he contacts me I’ll tell him to tone it down. But I don’t think that will be necessary. After all, he knows what happened to me the last time.”

“As I said, I do hope you’re right. However, you have to understand that if you’re not able to blunt his rage then a lot more innocents are going to be harmed.”

“Believe me when I say that I will personally handle this situation.”

“And whatever comes of it?”

“Of course.”

“Very well. Not that there’s much I can do to stop you, I mean.”

“My father would certainly believe me over you at the very best. And at worst, it would hamper your relationship with him.”

“And that of Equestria’s as well.”

Ashe nods. “Right. Now then, please have faith in my abilities to deal with the rebels.”


They go back to looking at the sunset for a time. Eventually Ashe speaks.

“Um... can I talk to you about a deeply... personal matter?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“First off, I’d like to say that this matter is one that I would appreciate you keeping to yourself.”

“Of course.”

“It’s about... what I saw in your office earlier.”

Arc sighs. “What about it?”

“Your lieutenant is very... smitten with you.”

“I can’t deny that.”

“And you with her, I would imagine.”

Arc nods. “Very much so, yes.”

“And Princess Twilight, I’m told.”

“Now it’s my turn to ask you to keep something to yourself, Ashe. At least for the moment.”


“Twilight and I are actually engaged.”

Ashe gasps. “You are?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. She asked me, and I said ‘yes’.”

“I’ve heard whispers among the castle staff regarding you forming what is known in Equestria as a ‘herd’. Multiple wives married to one husband.”

“Something like that, yes.”

“Princess Twilight and your lieutenant sharing a relationship with you.”

“There are three others as well.”


“Not sure if you’ve met them before, but... a Pegasus named ‘Derpy’, a Unicorn named ‘Rarity’, and an Earth Pony named ‘Applejack’. They’re all friends of Twilight and I.”

“The names have come up in conversations I’ve had with the princess. And she’s alright with you... uh... sharing them?”

Arc nods. “Yes. In fact, I believe the ‘herd’ idea was actually hers. But it’s something that was discontinued in Equestria many years ago.”

“It’s very outside the norm in the Griffon Kingdom as well. Illegal actually. However, I’m told that those whom wish to participate in polyamorous relationships simply cohabitate rather than legally wed.”

“So you don’t approve of our plan?”

Ashe shrugs. “Such things aren’t really any of my concern. What others choose to do is their decision to make. The only thing I don’t understand is how such a thing would work.”

“Which part?”

“How one could be dedicated fully to more than one spouse.”

“We’re taking this whole thing slowly to try and figure things out as we go.”

“And you believe that you and your wives can make this work?”

“With patience and determination, yes.”

Ashe smiles. “That’s good to hear.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“My apologies if I came off as being skeptical of your choices, Lord Arc.”

“No offense taken.”

“It’s just that I’ve never really thought about such things at any great length. After all, I’ve only ever had the one lover.”

“What if you met a second though?”

Ashe appears confused. “A second griffon?”

“Yes. Would you choose between them or try cohabitation?”

“As the daughter of a powerful lord, I would be forced to either chose one or the other.”

“And if you were just a commoner?”

“I... don’t know what I could do other than to choose the one whom I loved the most.”

“What if you loved them equally though?”

Ashe sighs. “If I truly did love two griffons, and was a commoner too, I think I would consider exploring the whole ‘herd’ idea. Assuming they were both open to the idea, that is.”

“I suppose there really is no right or wrong answer here. After all, it’s purely a mental exercise.”

“But an interesting one nonetheless.”

She puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully before continuing.

“However, it would appear that I’m getting too far away from my original topic.”

Arc nods. “What you saw in my office earlier, yes.”

“Having your lieutenant stand at attention before you with her uniform open was a very... interesting choice.”

“I didn’t ask her to do that, you know.”

“Such was my thought, yes. But in the brief moment I saw her in such a state I could tell that she was doing her very best to please you.”

“While I do appreciate that, she goes a bit overboard with it sometimes.”

“I do hope you won’t discipline her for such a thing on my account.”

“Truth be told, she was very remorseful for what she had allowed someone else to see.”


“So much so that she apologized profusely after you left.”

“And your response was what I saw upon reentering the office a few moments later?”

Arc blushes slightly. “Yes.”

“Again I ask your forgiveness. Not sure what I was thinking. Especially after what I had just seen moments ago.”

“It’s fine. We should have locked the door, after all.”

“But, ah...”

She wrings her talons for a few moments before continuing.

“Being completely honest with you, I... was a bit jealous of her.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You were jealous of Hammer?”

Ashe nods. “She has a very caring lover in you. My commander and I used to be that way. Acting very... lovey-dovey, if you’ll pardon the expression.”

“So you two kinda drifted apart?”

“Literally speaking, yes. After all, it’s very difficult to maintain a relationship when we both live in different countries.”

“That’s understandable.”

“But before then it wasn’t uncommon for us to spend all night with one another, just cuddling.”

“And seeing Hammer and I doing... what we were doing reminded you of that time in your life?”

Ashe nods as she smiles and blushes. “Yes. After all, we often did much more than just cuddling.”

“I won’t inquire further then.”

“But I assume that you and your lieutenant are very much the same. Forced to act one way when the eyes of society are upon you. But once you two are alone, the facade comes down and anything goes.”

Arc blushes slightly. “It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

Ashe giggles. “Believe me when I say that while I may be a part of griffon high society circles, at heart I still just want what everyone else does in terms of love and affection.”

“That I do understand, yes.”

“But is that so wrong? I mean... it’s only natural.”

“Agreed. However, like Hammer found out earlier, there is a time and a place for it.”

“At night in the privacy of my locked bedroom.”

“Same here. Twilight, Hammer, Derpy, Rarity, and Applejack... they all want to ‘cuddle’ as you called it.”

“No shame in that.”

“But they can’t make such advances when the little ones are around. Or in the middle of the street for that matter. However, when we’re alone in a private place, we all like to loosen up and make out.”

Standing, Arc looks down at Ashe before continuing.

“But we should probably retire for the evening. Early morning tomorrow.”

Ashe smiles warmly as she too stands. “Agreed. And thank you very much for the talk. It was most enlightening.”

Arc nods as they head for the corridor. “You’re welcome, Ashe.”

“As you know, I don’t really have anyone I can talk about such things with.”

“What about back in the Griffon Kingdom?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Such things are considered ‘gutter trash talk’ in the circles I used to frequent.”

“All prim and proper.”

“Which is quite ironic, because I know for a fact that even they do what their heart wants when the sun goes down.”

Arc shrugs. “As you said, it’s only natural.”

“My issue with their way of thinking is that they claim to hold themselves up to a higher standard with their thoughts and opinions.”

Arc chuckles. “All the while doing the very same things they claim to be against.”

“Exactly! It’s just so hypocritical!”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t worry too much about things I can’t control. Like others opinions of me, for starters.”

Ashe sighs. “Something I wish I had done long ago. I didn’t realize it at the time, but looking back at that point in my life, it sorta feels like I was living in a theater act. Just saying my lines and playing my part. And very conscious of how I was thought of and perceived.”

“And now?”

“Much less so. The only thing I worry about is properly representing my country and its citizens in Equestrian matters. I’m much happier that way.”

Arc smiles as they approach Ashe’s suite. “That’s good to hear. But it appears that this is where we part ways.”

“Yes, it is. And thank you again for the talk.”

“My pleasure, Ashe.”

Turning around, Arc continues on his way down the corridor as Ashe enters her room. Closing the door behind her, she sighs and lays down on her bed.

“Lord Arc is a very interesting individual. And so open about his thoughts and feelings. Perhaps one day I can be as happy and free-spirited as he appears to be.”

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