• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Sad News

Later that night, Arc sits at the kitchen table and explains to Dinky what Frank said regarding his friends. Dinky looks to her father nervously.

“You don’t suppose something’s wrong with Miss Shelly, do you dad?”

Arc sighs. “Sadly, I think so.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Shelly?”

“She’s an old friend of mine. You’d like her.”

Sereb frowns. “Frank was quite vague about it though.”

Arc nods. “That worries me too.”

Hearing their voices, Derpy enters the kitchen.

“Is everything alright?”

“We’re not sure, mom.”

“Frank asked if I’d seen Shelly since coming back to town. But he wouldn’t say what happened.”

Sereb nods. “We drove by the restaurant. However the lights were all out by that time.”

“Right. And I didn’t want to wake them. After all, if Shelly really is doing poorly she needs her rest.”

Derpy gasps. “Oh my! We should go check on her tomorrow morning!”


Sereb looks up. “Might I suggest getting some sleep now, Arc?”

“That’s probably a good idea.”

They head upstairs together. Derpy walks to the guest room with Dinky as Scootaloo makes her way to Arc’s old room. Arc calls out to everyone.

“Good night.”

Derpy smiles. “Pleasant dreams.”

“See you in the morning, dad.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Night.”

Closing the door behind him, Arc flops down on his parent’s bed and stares up at the ceiling. Cherry calls out to him.

“I’m sure Shelly’s all right, Arc.”


“After all, Frank would’ve said something had there been some kind of imminent threat to her life.”

Arc sighs. “I’m a terrible friend.”


“You heard me.”

“How could you of all humans be a bad friend, Arc?”

“I just left her and Lily.”

“You had to.”

“But I did so without telling them the truth.”

“That wouldn’t have been good for either of them and you know it. After all, they’d have just worried about you. Especially when that news story of Minerva’s hit.”

Arc groans. “I have to tell them.”


“No idea.”

“When it’s the right time, you’ll know it.”

Arc rolls over and closes his eyes.

“Hopefully soon.”

An hour later there is a slight knock at the door. Arc raises his head slightly as he calls out.

“Come in.”

The door opens as Dinky and Scootaloo poke their heads inside.

“Dad? Can we talk to you?”

“Sure. Come and sit down.”

They walk over to the bed and take their places in front of Arc.

“Now then, what’s on your minds?”

Scootaloo looks away. “I… don’t really understand something.”


Dinky sighs. “Scootaloo’s having trouble with the whole idea of being part of a family.”

“What do you mean?”

“When we first arrived, she wouldn’t let mom or I help her get dressed. That and she’d only let you practice walking with her.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I don’t get what the problem is.”

“Dinky means that being part of a family is partially about supporting each other.”

Dinky nods. “Right!”

“But you need to understand something too, Dinky.”

“What’s that?”

“How Scootaloo was brought up.”

“By her parents, right?”

“Kinda. Her dad was always… abusing her mom.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I was always expected to pull my own weight around the cottage and the family business. Everyone in Knothole Village lived that way.”

Dinky frowns. “Didn’t they care about one another?”

Arc shakes his head. “From what I saw it was more along the lines of mutual survival.”

“Right. We worked together, or we’d die out there.”

Dinky appears confused. “I don’t understand that.”

“It was a different culture, Dinky.”

He turns to Scootaloo.

“You’re going to see some things that make you happy here, as well as that which reminds you of Knothole Village.”

“Like when you were chased out of Equestria versus the mayor telling you to get me out of there?”

Arc sighs. “Kinda. But I did both willingly. It just wasn’t safe to stay there.”

“What about here?”

Dinky appears confused. “Huh?”

“You and Big Brother have been telling me that I have to act a certain way… talk a certain way… think a certain way! Why can’t we just stay the way we are?! Be accepted somewhere?!”

She bows her head as a tear rolls down her cheek.

“I just wanna live someplace where I can be myself and not have to worry about being something I’m not!”

Dinky puts a hand on her shoulder.

“I… kinda felt the same way when I followed my dad here the first time. His reasoning for me acting like a human didn’t make much sense. But I’ve come to realize that humans and ponies really aren’t much different when you get right down to it.”

Scootaloo looks up. “They’re not?”

Dinky shakes her head. “There’s some humans who would probably love to get their hands on a unicorn like me and a pegasus like you. We’d be sold like vegetables and never see our loved ones again.”

She smiles up at her father before continuing.

“But there’s others here like my dad whom are different. He doesn’t care that we’re different species or how we’re not related by blood. We’re important to him.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I still don’t get that part. How I came to care about Big Brother even though I didn’t really know him all that well back then.”

Arc smiles at her. “It was because you were willing to open your mind and heart to new ideas. Some people, or ponies, won’t do that. The people I’ve fought here on Earth would use you to get rich. While others, like Shelly and Lily, would still like you two if they knew what you really are.”

“They sound really nice, Big Brother.”

“That they are. You’ll meet them tomorrow at their restaurant.”

Scootaloo appears nervous. “Do I have to?”


“More along the lines of overwhelmed. But at the same time, I can’t tell you ‘no’ when you give me an order.”

“I won’t force you to come, Scootaloo. But I would ask you to trust me on this.”

Scootaloo nods soberly. “Okay.”

Dinky yawns. “We should get some sleep, dad.”

“Right. I’m pretty tired too. But… do you think I could sleep here with you, Big Brother?”

“Me too, dad!”

Arc chuckles. “Sure.”

Lying back, Arc reaches out with his magic and turns off the lights. Dinky and Scootaloo snuggle up to him as he puts his arms around them.

“Sleep well.”

Waking early, Arc sits up to the sound of rain hitting the windows. Looking out, he sees lightning flash and a low rumble follows. Dinky raises her head as she and Scootaloo awaken.

“Dad? What is it?”

“Just a storm, sweetheart.”

Scootaloo groans. “Is it morning already?”

“Yes, Scootaloo. Are you ready to get up?”

“I guess.”

“Can we still go to Shelly’s Kitchen for breakfast, dad?”

Arc nods. “Yes, sweetheart.”

Scootaloo grunts. “What’s that?”

“A restaurant my dad’s friends own. They have REALLY good food there!”

“Agreed. Now then, I want you two to get cleaned up before we all go out. I’ll go wake your mother, Dinky.”

“Okay, dad.”

She bounds out of bed as Arc puts a hand on Scootaloo’s shoulder.

“Do you want to come with us?”

“I… think it would be best, yes.”


“It’ll give me a chance to see more of your world, Big Brother.”

“Alright. Go join Dinky in getting cleaned up.”


Standing, she walks through the door. Arc gets up and stretches before heading out into the hallway himself. Sereb is sitting down on the steps with Derpy. Looking down at the pair, he sighs.

“Trouble sleeping?”

Derpy nods. “A bit, yes. Remember, I’m used to rising very early to cook breakfast for the orphans back in Equestria.”

Nodding, Arc turns to Sereb.

“You know, you could just sleep at the foot of my bed like any other dog, Sereb.”

“I did not want to interrupt your family time.”


“Spending time with Dinky and Scootaloo. They see you as their father, you know.”

“Dinky does, yes.”

Derpy smiles up at him. “As does Scootaloo, to a degree.”

Arc chuckles. “I’m her ‘big brother’, after all.”

Sereb nods. “A father figure is what she requires. You fit the bill nicely, my friend.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

Derpy appears confused. “Does that bother you?”

“No, no! But I can’t help but wonder what would have become of her had I not been there.”

Cherry calls out to them. “I have a theory, Arc.”

“Do you Cherry?”

“Lacking guidance, it is likely she would have wandered until something ate her.”

Sereb nods. “Most likely, yes.”

Derpy sighs as she looks down. “Or found somepony to latch onto for… physical and emotional support.”

“Either scenario is less than ideal. But there was a third potential negative outcome. At least in my mind, that is.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Oh?”

“She could have been found by someone like Decimus and raised to be a living weapon.”

Sereb shudders. “A sobering thought.”

Derpy frowns. “Agreed. I’d hate to think of that sweet little filly growing up to be like Tempest.”

Cherry sighs. “Perhaps that potential lies in everypony.”

Sereb nods. “We are all creations of our circumstances, I suppose.”

“Yeah. But everything worked out for us. No reason we can’t help Dinky and Scootaloo turn out the same.”

Derpy giggles. “With the proper role models, yes.”

“We’ll do it together. But in any case, do you two want to go to Shelly’s Kitchen for breakfast?”

Derpy grins. “That sounds wonderful, Arc!”

Sereb nods. “I will come as well.”

“Good. The little ones are getting cleaned up in the main bathroom.”

Sereb pricks up his ears. “They are finishing.”

“Okay. When they’re done Derpy and I will brush our teeth and comb our hair before setting out.”

A short time later they pile into Arc’s Jeep and make the short drive to the restaurant. Arriving, they find the parking lot empty. Dinky looks to her father.

“This doesn’t look good, dad!”

Arc looks through the window. “The sign says they’re open though.”

Derpy squints. “But there aren’t any other customers in there that I can see.”

Sereb frowns. “Perhaps due to the weather?”

Scootaloo nods as she looks out the window. “It is pretty nasty out there.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Shall we wait for a lull in the rain?”

Cherry calls out to them. “Arc could drive up to the door.”

Arc grins. “Where’s the fun in that? Let’s just go for it.”

Parking, Arc throws open his door and grabs Scootaloo.

“What are we…?”

“You’re a bit new to that body to be running.”

Carrying the little girl under his arm, Arc leads them in charging toward the building. Arriving at the awning over the main entrance they stop to catch their breaths before walking into the building. Looking around they see no one.

“Where do you suppose Miss Lily and Miss Shelly are, dad?”

Sereb pricks up his ears. “There is the sound of movement in the back room.”

“They must be getting everything ready for today.”

Derpy turns to him. “Why don’t we all sit down while you say ‘hello’, Arc?”

“Good idea.”

Dinky leads the group toward their regular table as Arc heads for the back room. A sign off to one side reads ‘please ring bell for service’. He pauses momentarily in front of it before turning and heading for the swinging doors leading to the kitchen. Entering, he stops and looks around as the door closes behind him. A moment later the sound of Lily’s footsteps coming out of the pantry can be heard. As she turns toward the kitchen, she spots Arc. Standing there for a few moments, Lily eventually drops her load and runs to him. Jumping into his arms she squeezes him tightly.


“Good to see you too, Lily.”

They embrace for a long moment before Lily pulls back and grins hugely.

“It’s so good to see you again!”

“You too. Um… Frank said something was wrong though.”

Lily sighs and looks down at the floor before speaking.

“It’s Shelly.”

“Bad news?”

Lily nods. “Very. But I’m sure Shelly would want to tell you herself.”

“Alright. Um… I brought Dawn, Daisy, Sereb, and a new little friend with me though. How up to company is she right now, or should this just be a one-on-one conversation?”

“I’m sure she’d love to see you and those with you, Arc. Shelly talks about them often, you know.”

“Yes, well… we’ll go see her in a few minutes.”


Arc gestures to the packages lying on the floor. “Right after I help you pick up this mess.”

A few minutes later he leaves the kitchen with a tall glass of orange juice. Heading over to the table with Lily at his side, he looks to Scootaloo.

“Lily, this is Scarlet. She’s from Dawn and Daisy’s hometown.”


Arc nods. “That’s the one. Scarlet, this is my longtime friend, Lily.”


Lily puts out her hand. Scootaloo appears confused as Arc turns to the little girl.

“You’re supposed to shake it.”

“Like this?”

Scootaloo takes Lily’s hand and quickly moves it side to side. Arc chuckles and shakes his head.

“No, no. Like this.”

He takes Lily’s hand and demonstrates before looking apologetically at his friend.

“Sorry. She’s new to our land and hasn’t learned the customs yet.”

“It’s fine. She’ll learn from you, I’m sure. But let’s head upstairs now. Shelly needs that juice to take her medicine, after all.”

Derpy looks around. “What about the business?”

“No one’s usually here this early. That and the storm will keep even the early risers safe at home.”

Dinky giggles. “Other than my dad, you mean!”

Arc grins. “You know it!”

Heading for the stairs, they slowly walk up them single file. Entering the apartment together, Lily heads for the kitchen for the familiar pills as Arc motions for the others to wait for him in the living room. Knocking on the bedroom door, he waits patiently for Shelly to call out.

“I’m dressed, Lily. You can come in now.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc opens the door. Shelly sits on her bed, breathing heavily.

“Good morning, Shelly.”

Smiling widely, the young woman turns to face him.


She moves to stand but only falls back to the bed. Arc hurries to her side.


“I’m… I’m alright. Just a bit… weak.”

“Are you sure?! You don’t sound well. Can I listen to your breathing please?”


Arc leans down and puts his head on Shelly’s chest.

“You sound awfully rattly. I’ll get your inhaler.”

“It’s on the desk.”

Picking up the medicine, Arc puts it in Shelly’s hand and watches as she inhales two puffs. Breathing in and out, her breathing slowly returns to normal.

“Thank you. That feels much better.”

“That’s good. If you’re up to it, Daisy, Dawn, and Sereb are waiting in the living room with a new friend whom wants to meet you.”

Shelly nods happily. “Yes! I’d love to!”

Arc helps Shelly stand up. She takes a few steps before stumbling. Putting a hand behind her back, Arc picks her up and carries his friend to the living room. Setting her gently down in her chair, he steps back to sit with the others as Sereb hops into Shelly’s lap.

“How are you feeling now, Shelly.”

Shelly smiles as she pets Sereb. “Okay, I suppose.”

She turns to Scootaloo.

“Who’s your new friend?”

“This is Scarlet. I took her in after her parents died.”


“Scarlet, this is Shelly. She, Lily, and I have been friends since we were little.”

Shelly nods. “You can count on Arc to take very good care of you.”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah! He’s always been there for mom and I.”

Derpy smiles. “That he has.”

“Now then, Frank said you weren’t doing well when I saw him yesterday.”

Lily sighs. “No, she’s not.”

“That may be. But at least we were able to get some answers as to what exactly is wrong with me.”

Arc frowns. “A lot if the past diagnoses are to be believed.”

Shelly nods soberly. “Right. But recently they found out that everything is connected.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So they can help you?!”

Lily shakes her head. “Sadly, no.”

“All the pain and infirmities are being caused by abnormalities in my cell’s DNA.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Which cells?”

Shelly sighs. “Apparently… all of them. Or at least every sample they took.”

Derpy gasps. “How did they just now find this?!”

Arc nods. “Right. This isn’t exactly new science. I mean, we learned about stuff like this in high school biology class.”

Lily frowns. “Well, this IS new.”

“My results have been sent to every major research facility in the nation for analysis. As of a few days ago, I’m officially patient zero for this.”

“What’s ‘patient zero’, dad?”

“It means she’s the first recorded case.”

Scootaloo gasps. “So, the doctors can’t do ANYTHING?!”

Shelly shakes her head. “Not at this time, no. They’re doing experiments on my samples in an effort to attempt to reverse this.”

Arc groans. “But that will take time.”

Derpy looks to Lily, nervously. “How long?”

“Years, probably.”

Shelly nods. “Time I don’t have.”

Dinky grimaces. “There has to be SOMETHING that can be done!”

Shelly nods. “Yes there is, Daisy.”

“What is it?! We’ll help! Right mom?!”

“Of course!”

“Use the time I have left as best I’m able.”

Arc looks to his friend. “How long do they say you have?”

“It’s just an estimate, of course. But…”

Shelly sighs.

“The doctors believe this will probably be my last Christmas.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Shelly, I… I don’t know what to say.”

“We all knew this was coming.”

Lily sighs as she puts a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Yes, but… it always seemed so far away!”

Arc looks to Shelly. “Is there ANYTHING we can do?!”

Shelly smiles at him. “You already have, Arc. Lily and you have been the best friends to me ever since we were little. Let’s just spend this time together and be happy, okay?”

“If that’s what you want.”

Shelly turns to Lily.

“Any customers?”

“Not in this weather, no.”

Derpy looks to Lily. “Do you need help down there later?”

“I don’t think so. After all, we’ve been able to hire on a few part time employees since…”

Her voice trails off. Scootaloo appears confused.

“Since what?”

Shelly sighs. “I haven’t been able to help in the restaurant for… some time now.”

Arc nods soberly. “The sign by the register?”

Lily nods. “I work both the kitchen and the front most days.”

Shelly sadly looks to Arc. “While I wish I could at least run the register I haven’t had the strength to even go downstairs lately.”

“How about today?”

Shelly shakes her head. “This is the strongest I’ve been in weeks.”

She smiles at Arc before continuing.

“Probably because I’m so happy you’re back.”

Lily nods happily. “Yes, what brings you home, Arc? Not that you need a reason, of course.”

Derpy grimaces. “There’s been some… trouble back home in Ponyville.”

Arc sighs. “Right. A lot of… political upheaval.”

Dinky shudders. “It was too dangerous for us to stay there any longer.”

“Right. So Big Brother brought us here.”

Lily appears confused. “Big brother?”

“That’s just what she’s always called me. But I had to get them out of there when the country’s leadership changed.”

Dinky sighs. “The new ruler isn’t exactly a nice… person.”

Shelly gasps. “What about Rarity, Arc?”

Lily nods. “Yes, did she leave with you?”

Arc sighs and shakes his head. “Sadly, no. She… has a life there. Her and her daughter, that is.”

Shelly appears concerned. “Will they be okay?!”

“Oh yes. The new guy in charge just really doesn’t like foreigners. I’m sure the natives will be fine though.”

Lily looks hopeful. “So… you’re planning to stay awhile?”

“Yes, Lily. I don’t see being able to go back anytime soon.”

There is a knock at the door. Lily stands to answer it as Scootaloo turns Shelly.


“Our employees most likely.”

The sound of the apartment door opening can be heard. A few moments later Lily returns with Snake, Jackal, and Wolf. Arc appears surprised.

“You three… work here?”

Wolf rolls his eyes. “Uh… yeah.”

Snake nods soberly. “What about it?!”

Lily giggles. “For the past month or so, yes. Frankly I’m happy to have some help around here.”

Arc frowns. “Then what’s with the sign by the register?”

“They’re only part-time.”

Wolf shrugs. “We got other things to do, after all.”

Jackal grins. “Yeah! Like learn all abouts our powers!”

Snake jerks a thumb toward the large man behind him. “What he said.”

Arc groans. “Oh boy…”

“Frank sent them over when he learned I couldn’t hardly move most days. It was so hard lying here knowing Lily was running the whole place by herself.”

“We made it work somehow.”

She turns to Jackal.

“Can you get things going downstairs? When the storm clears up, we’re going to be swamped.”

“Ya! Me do it!”

Jackal hurries down the stairs as Arc turns to Shelly.

“Uh… are you sure it’s a good idea to have him in the kitchen alone?”

Lily nods. “Oh, yes. He’s quite competent in there.”


“Strange powers or no. He’s actually quite the chef.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Powers?”

Wolf levitates a hair net out of his pocket. “Yeah. What of it?”

Snake grins. “Ever since the town’s hero busted us out, we’ve been able to do a lot of cool stuff!”

Wolf chuckles. “Jackal even figured out that magical fire can cook food faster than the stove.”

Derpy gasps. “It can?”

Shell nods. “He figured that out when the gas went down.”

Lily sighs. “It took me ten minutes to notice he was cooking with no gas.”

Scootaloo giggles. “You’ll save money by using it instead of gas, right?”

Snake shakes his head. “Nah. It takes too much energy to keep a flame going.”

Wolf shrugs. “Other than for the big guy, that is.”

Lily looks to the others. “Would you and the others like to have breakfast?”

Dinky nods happily. “I would!”

Derpy smiles. “Me too.”

Arc looks to his friends. “Sure, sounds great. Uh… can the rest of you head down please? I want to talk to Shelly alone for a minute.”

Derpy stands. “Of course. Come along, you two.”

“Okay mom.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

They make their way down the stairs, closing the door behind them. Arc turns back to Shelly.

“Are you really okay?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I’m not talking about your health.”

Shelly sighs and looks down at her hands.

“To be honest with you, I’m still a bit upset with Max. I mean… what did he take me for? An idiot?”

“I… uh… don’t know.”

“Is he back in town as well?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. He and the others are working at the orphanage Dawn had to leave behind.”

“Good. I don’t know what I would do or say if I saw his face again.”

“You still like him, don’t you?”

Shelly nods sadly. “He’s a wonderful man, yes. But when he dumped me and made up that ridiculous story about being from another world, well… you know I can’t abide a liar.”

Arc nods sadly. “You two always looked so happy together.”

“We were. And even though he broke my heart, I don’t regret the time I spent with him in the least.”

“So you think maybe you and he might someday…?”

Shelly shakes her head. “You and I both know that I don’t have the time.”

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