• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Lost and Found

Minerva is roughly pushed into a brick wall as her purse is ripped from her shoulder by another thug as the first one holds her tightly.

“Hurry up!”

His partner goes through the purse haphazardly and hisses back. “I’m going as fast as I can!”

A few moments later he finds her billfold. Opening it he pulls out a wad of cash.

“Got it!”

His friend grins as he continues to hold Minerva against the wall. “Great! Uh… what do we do with her?”

The other thug looks up from the purse. “What do you mean?”

“Well, if I let her go she’ll run away screaming or something, right?”

The man tosses the purse aside and reaches into his jacket. “Here. Let me show you how it’s done.”

Pulling out a roll of duct tape he quickly ties Minerva’s hands behind her back before reaching down to do the same to her ankles. Ripping off a piece of tape around a foot long, he turns to his companion.

“Move your hand.”

The man does so. Minerva only has time to let out a small yelp before her mouth is covered with the tape. He roughly picks her up before tossing her behind some garbage cans at the end of the alley before the pair walk away.

“Wow, that WAS easy!”

“See? What did I tell you? And thanks to the lack of light, she never saw our faces. No witnesses, and we scored some easy cash!”

“Yeah! Now let’s see if we can find an open store that sells…”

He is cut short as a figure in a navy blue cloak and a strange looking white mask suddenly steps into the alley in front of them.

“Good evening, gentlemen.”

One of the thugs sizes him up. “Who… or what the heck are you supposed to be?!”

“A cop?!”

“You idiot! Cops down wear getups like that!”

He looks the figure up and down before pointing menacingly.

“You should probably turn around and walk away, chump.”

“Yeah, if you know what’s good for you!”

The cloaked figure chuckles. “Most amusing. I was about to say something very similar to you.”

One of the thugs pulls a switchblade. “We ain't got time for this! Get out of the way or get cut!”

“Certainly. Simply return what you stole and help that poor woman up and I’ll let you go.”

“No way! We stole this money fair and square!”

“Shut up! Now he knows what we did, you big dummy!”

“What do we do now?!”

“Take this clown out and make a run for it!”

He charges at the masked figure before him with his friend. The robed figure reaches out a hand and catches the first thugs fist, effortlessly stopping it.

“What the…?!”

Twisting his arm the figure easily brings the thief to his knees. Minerva peeks out from behind the garbage can to watch.

“Hey! Let go of my pal!”

Lunging at the robed figure the second thug quickly finds himself backhanded and knocked into the wall. The first thug looks up at him as the figure looks down. He appears terrified.

“Who ARE you?!”

“Just a bad dream.”

The figure steps back and kicks the thug in the head. He falls to the ground next to his partner in crime. Minerva fearfully leans back against the wall out of sight. The sound of heavy boots slowly walking toward her echo down the alley. A moment later the figure stops and slowly turns to her.

“Are you all right, Miss Moore?”

Minerva does not move. The figure kneels down in front of her. She tries to get away but falls on her side.

“Let me help you.”

Squeezing her eyes shut Minerva tries to squirm away, but only finds the cold wall. A moment later she feels the tape on her ankles loosening.

“I’m not going to hurt you. Just be still for a few more moments.”

Minerva fearfully nods as the figure helps her sit up. Reaching behind her, the tape around her wrists is quickly removed. She begins tugging at the tape over her mouth feebly.

“Your hands and feet might be a little numb. Those bonds were pretty tight. Shall I remove the tape from your mouth?”

Minerva nods, still looking frightened. The figure grabs the corner of the tape and gives it a quick but firm tug.


She rubs her mouth tenderly.

“That’s going to leave a mark.”

The figure stands up and extends a hand to Minerva.

“Let’s get you off that cold ground.”

Minerva looks up at him. “Who… who are you?

“I have many names. But you may just know me as Wiseman.”

Minerva cautiously takes his gloved hand. Wiseman helps her stand.

“Can you walk, Miss Moore?”

Minerva limps slightly. “I think so. How do you know who I am?”

“I’ve seen you on television numerous times.”

He turns back to the thugs and walks over to them. Minerva grimaces.

“What are you doing? Finishing them off?!”

Wiseman shakes his head as he kneels down. “No. Just checking their pockets.”

Minerva hobbles over. “For their IDs?”

Wiseman shakes his head as he turns around. “For this.”

He holds up a wad of cash.

“I do believe this belongs to you.”

Minerva nods and takes the money cautiously. “Th-thank you. Now all I have to do is find my purse.”

Wiseman looks around the dark alley for a moment.

“There it is.”

Reaching out a hand he pulls the purse to himself. As it floats into his palm he extends it to Minerva.

“There you are.”

Minerva takes it, her eyes wide. “How…? How did you DO THAT?!”

Wiseman chuckles as he turns back to the thieves. “Just a little trick I picked up many years ago. Check your purse and make sure they didn’t take anything else.”

Minerva quickly goes through her billfold as she puts away the money.

“My driver’s license is gone!”

“Let me see if he has it.”

A moment later Wiseman tosses the card to Minerva.

“There you are.”

“Thanks… uh… Wiseman was it? I wonder what they wanted with this.”

“Hopefully this man was merely a collector, as your home address is clearly printed on there.”

“That’s not reassuring!”

Wiseman holds up a stack of licenses. “Looks like I was correct.”

“Why would anyone…?”

“…steal those? Probably just as a souvenir. A very foolish move on his part.”

Wiseman stands up and looks at the IDs a moment before tossing then onto the chest of the thug whom had them and turning to Minerva.

“Why don’t we get something warm in you? There’s an all-night diner a little ways from here.”

Minerva nods as she shivers. “Sure. I could go for a coffee right now. You?”


“I’ll pay for it.”

Wiseman shakes his head as he holds up a few bills in his gloved hand and tosses the thug’s wallet. “No. He’s buying.”

A swirl of light envelopes the pair momentarily. As it clears Minerva sees they are in front of a small roadside diner. She turns to Wiseman.

“How did we…?!”

Wiseman walks toward the building. “This way, Miss Moore.”

Minerva follows Wiseman inside the empty diner. They walk over to a booth near the back and sit down. A waitress walks over to them with two menus. She looks skeptically at the pair.

“What can I get you to start?”

Minerva turns to her. “I’ll just have a coffee. Decaf please.”

Wiseman nods. “The same.”

He holds out the money to the waitress.

“Keep the change.”

The waitress nods. “Thanks.”

She walks away to get their order. Wiseman stands up.

“Please excuse me a moment.”

He steps over to the pay phone and dials a number. After speaking to someone softly on the other end he sits back down across from Minerva.

“The police will take care of those thugs.”

“You were calling them?”

Wiseman nods. “Can’t let litter like them lie around. Someone has to clean up the trash.”

“Shouldn’t we go back there? The police might think THEY were the victims!”

Wiseman shakes his head. “With that stack of IDs next to them and the duct tape in their pocket it’s pretty obvious they’re thieves.”

“How can you be so sure?!”

“Those people probably reported their own altercations with those two. The police can certainly put two and two together. However I can tell there’s something else you want to talk to me about.”

Minerva nods. “I know you!”

“Do you now?”

“You were at the apartment fire some time back, weren’t you?!”

Wiseman shrugs. “From where I stood it looked like pretty much the whole town showed up.”

“True. But you were the only one who jumped across the street to get inside.”

“Guilty as charged.”

The waitress returns with two steaming cups of coffee. She sets them down and walks back to the counter as Minerva continues.

“So you must be friends with the Hero of Light then.”

“We’ve met. But I wouldn’t call us friends.”

He picks up the coffee and looks it over as Minerva watches him intently. Putting the mug to his mask the cup phases right though.

“Okay, that’s just plain creepy!”

“You were hoping to see my face, weren’t you?”

“I was.”

“Sorry to disappoint.”

“Well then, why don’t you tell me what you were doing hanging around that alley in the wee hours of the morning?!”

Wiseman shrugs. “I couldn’t sleep and decided to go for a walk. Same as you I would imagine, Miss Moore.”

Minerva narrows her eyes. “You stalking me?”

“No. Just doing my part to keep the streets clean.”

He takes another sip of his coffee and looks again to Minerva.

“After all, someone whom takes that which does not belong to them is not something I’m willing to tolerate.”

Minerva looks away nervously. “Wha-what do you mean?”

“I believe you already know.”

“Sorry, but I don’t really understand.”

“Lying is another aspect of life which I find reprehensible.”

Minerva sighs.

“So you know about it, huh?”



“Everyone who watched your broadcast that day saw it. As did those who caught the evening news.”

“So probably the entire town.”

Wiseman nods as he takes a long sip of his coffee. “More or less.”

“More or less?”

“It also aired in Farburg and all nearby towns.”


“A fight of that magnitude is not something that is seen every day. Frankly I’m surprised no one’s come looking for you. Cherry would be quite the prize to a collector. To say nothing for…”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “Ch-Cherry?! How do you know that name?!”

“I’ve spoken to both her and the Hero in the past. They’ve been on more adventures together than you know.”

Minerva looks down at her coffee, sadly. “She told me their story. How they met, how she fell in love with him and… and how she… died.”

“You’re conflicted, yes?”

“I know her place is with the Hero. Protecting him as he fights for us all. But… but he has other allies! And I don’t have anyone else in my life! Cherry’s the first real friend I’ve ever had the pleasure of making!”

“If you truly viewed her as a friend you would do what is in HER best interest. Not your own.”

Minerva sighs as she looks out the window. “My head knows you right. But my heart still wants to keep her with me.”

Wiseman nods as he looks out the window at the moon. “I know you will do the right thing, Minerva. For her, and for yourself.”

Minerva turns to look back at Wiseman. “But how can I…?!”

She looks all around, but Wiseman is nowhere in sight.

“What the… how did he…?”

Minerva sighs and stands up. She walks over to the payphone, inserts a coin, and begins dialing. Part way though she hangs up the receiver and turns back to her table. Picking up her purse she walks out the door muttering to herself.

“I guess I still have some thinking to do.”

Walking out to the parking lot Minerva looks around in an attempt to get her bearings.

“Looks like town is a mile or so down the road. Guess I’d better start walking.”

A cold rain begins to fall as the confused young woman makes her way back toward Angel Grove. Meanwhile, Cherry looks out at the rain pelting the window and sighs.

“Minerva. Where did you go? And why did you leave so suddenly? Was it something I said?”

Cherry is silent for a time before beginning to cry.

“I… I never meant to hurt your feelings, my friend! Please come back!”

She sits on the table sadly for two more hours. Eventually she hears the sound of a key sliding into the apartment door’s lock. A moment later the front door opens and footsteps slowly walk toward the Bedroom. Minerva enters her room, soaking wet. She doesn’t appear to notice or even care about the mess she’s making on the floor.

“Minerva? Is that you?”

The young woman says nothing as she picks the helmet up and turns the faceplate towards herself.

“There you are! What happened?! Your soaking wet!”

Minerva stares at the helmet for a long time. Eventually she walks over to her bedside and kneels down.

“What… what are you doing?”

Minerva slowly opens the lower drawer she kept the helmet in originally upon finding it. She slowly lowers Cherry into it as she smiles wickedly.

“Don’t you worry, Cherry. I’ll keep you safe.”

The helmet shudders as is comes to rest on the bottom of the drawer. “I don’t like this!”

Minerva giggles manically. “No one will be able take you away from me my friend! EVER!!!”

The fear is evident in Cherry’s voice. “Minerva, please! Don’t lock me in here again!”

Minerva slowly closes the drawer and sits there unmoving. The only sounds to be heard are the raindrops hitting the window panes and Cherry’s muffled sobs. Minerva shakes as she turns to look away.

“I… it needs to be this way. It HAS to!”

Cherry’s muffled voice comes from the closed drawer, frantically. “Whatever I did to you, I’m sorry! Please let me out! PLEASE!!!”

Minerva looks back at the drawer. She appears unable to looks away even for a moment as Cherry’s cries echo through the room. Suddenly Minerva puts her face in her hands and begins to cry herself, adding her own sobs to that of Cherry’s. Without warning, she whips open the drawer and grabs the helmet. Pulling it to her chest Minerva wraps her arms around it as she cries uncontrollably.

“Oh Cherry! You haven’t done anything wrong! I… I’m the one who’s sorry!”

She falls backwards onto the floor still holding the helmet in her arms. The pair continue sobbing for some time before Minerva is finally able to speak.

“I’m sorry, Cherry! I’m so, SO SORRY!”

Cherry composes herself, but continues sniffling. “It’s okay! You haven’t done anything to apologize for, my friend!”

Minerva bursts into fresh hysterics.

“But… but I HAVE!!!”

“Whatever it was, I’m sure you’re sorry. Right?”

Minerva nods fervently. Her face flushed with emotion.

“YES! I… I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you!”

Cherry sounds confused. “What do you think you’ve done?”

“I lied to you, Cherry!”

“About what?”

“About my day! I…”

Minerva takes a few moments to compose herself before continuing.

“…I wasn’t truthful about what really happened!”

“All you did was fill out paperwork at the station, right?”

“No! I… I started to, but… something came up!”

“What was it?”

“A tip about the Shards. They were at an abandoned mine just outside town.”

“But you couldn’t have known that would happen. That and you had no way of contacting me to let me know you’d be late.”

“That’s not it! I… um… I…”


“I SAW HIM!!!”

The woman bursts into tears yet again.

“Saw the Hero?”

“YES! He was at the mine!”

“I… I don’t understand. If he knows I’m here why didn’t he come and get me?”

“He… um… he did ask about you. But I… I just…”

“Minerva? What did you tell him?”

“I told him… I told him you were taken!”


“I said the Shard Lieutenant from the hospital had run over after the broadcast and grabbed you.”

“You… you LIED TO HIM?!”


Minerva turns away, unable to look at Cherry as she cries.

“Why… why would you DO that to me, Minerva! I thought we were friends! Or was that a lie too?!”

Minerva turns her head back to the helmet. “We are! The very best I’ve ever had the pleasure of having! That’s why I did this!”

“What are you talking about?!”

“I thought that if I told the Hero the truth he’d rush right over here and take you away from me!”

“That’s what I want! To be able to be with the one I love! To go home! Don’t you want the same for me?!”

Minerva shakes her head furiously. “NO! I’ll… I’ll just be alone again!”

Cherry sighs. “Minerva, just because we’re friends doesn’t mean we have to spend every second of every day together. Both of us have our own lives to lead and other friends to spend time with.”

“Well, I don’t.”

“WELL, I DO! The Hero needs me to protect him!”

“You’re right, Cherry. I need to fix this.”

“Just tell the Hero where I am next time you see him.”

Minerva suddenly stands up. A serious look crosses her face. “I can do better than that. Come on, Cherry.”

Cherry calls out at Minerva picks her up. “Where are we going?”

“I need you to trust me, my friend. Now I know you don’t have any reason to do so, but… please.”

Cherry is silent for a time.

“I don’t really have a choice here, do I?”

“Not really. But it would make this feel a lot better if you were to come along willingly.”

“Very well, Minerva. But you should probably change out of those wet clothes before we head out.”

“I’ll do that later. We need to get moving.”

Cherry sighs. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Grabbing her purse, Minerva heads to her front door and steps outside. She turns to lock it before taking the elevator down to the parking garage and getting into her car. Setting Cherry carefully on her lap.

“I’m glad I filled up the tank the other day.”

Putting the key in the ignition Minerva pulls out of the parking garage and continues down the road. Sometime later Ember is awakened to the sound of the bedroom door opening. Sereb jumps on the bed and puts his paws on her shoulder.

“Ember, wake up!”

Ember frowns. “I AM awake, fur bucket! What is it?!”

Arc opens his eyes. “Yes, Sereb. Do tell.”

“Sereb! You woke him up!”

“My apologies, but this is urgent!”

Arc looks to the wolf. “What is it?”

“Rose told me to get you! She claims to have found Cherry!”

Arc sits up quickly. “WHAT?! Why didn’t you say so earlier?!”


Arc jumps up and runs downstairs as fast as he is able. Ember and Sereb follow as best they can. Entering the Living Room he finds Rose standing there waiting for him.

“Arc, you should be careful. You have yet to fully recover from…”

“Sereb says you know where Cherry is!”

Rose nods. “Yes. I have her signature.”

“Really?! Where is she?!”

Rose turns to the exterior door. “Walking slowly up the front steps.”

Ember shakes her head. “What?! It’s just not possible for her to…”

She is cut off as Arc runs to the front door and throws it open. He barely has time to react as a soaking wet young woman falls into his arms. She holds a familiar helmet in her arms. Arc picks her up and carries her into the house. Ember’s eyes grow wide as the illumination from the light falls on the young woman’s face.

“Minerva Moore?!”

Sereb frowns. “How did she find us?”

Arc lays her on the couch and takes the helmet from her arms.

“Cherry?! Can you hear me?!”

Cherry giggles happily. “Yes! I’m finally home!”

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