• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - A Bone to Pick

Arc spends the next week teaching his squad how to drive. Evening has fallen. Xenos frowns from behind the wheel of the Jeep.

“Can someone please remind me why I have to do this?”

Arc chuckles. “Because I said so.”

Max grins. “You heard the commander!”

Viktor rolls his eyes. “Come on, Xenos! It’s not even that hard!”

Hugh nods. “Yeah! The rest of us haven’t had any trouble!”

Arc looks at Xenos. “That and I don’t want to have to chaperone you boys around everywhere! At some point we may have to split up! You all have to learn how to drive in the dark at some point!”

Ember laughs. “Don’t be such a baby, Xenos!”

Max points out the window. “It’s not even night time yet!”

Arc turns to Ember. “I could teach you as well, Ember. We could start tomorrow…”

Ember shakes her head frantically! “I’m sure!!!”

Arc chuckles. “As long as we’re all here, anything of note on the internet regarding our ‘friends’ the Shards?”

Viktor nods. “Plenty! They seem to have shifted toward more theft. Walking into stores and taking whatever they want. That sort of thing.”

Ember frowns. “They keep that up and they’ll bleed this town dry!”

Arc nods. “Then move on!”

Xenos nods angrily. “We can’t let that happen!

Max looks to Arc. “Don’t worry, sir! We’ll stop them here!”

“That we will, boys!

Ember looks out the window. “Where are we going anyways?”

“Take us to the mall, Xenos. I have an idea.”

“Yes sir!”

A short time later they arrive at their destination. Arc gets out of the Jeep.

“Everyone stay here. I won’t be long.”

True to his word Arc returns in short order with a bag. Ember eyes it suspiciously as he climbs in.

“What do you have there, Arc?”

“I’ll show everyone when we get home. Let’s go!”

Xenos shifts into drive. “Yes sir!”

They arrive home and head inside. Arc leads them toward the basement steps.

“This way.”

Following Arc downstairs, he pulls a box out of the bag and opens it. Quickly setting up the contents and plugging it in prior to standing up.

“There we go.”

Viktor looks at it, confused. “What is that thing?”

“A police scanner.”

Ember frowns. “A what?”

“It will allow us to listen in on what calls our local police department gets.”

Max steps back nervously. “Is that… legal?”

Arc nods. “It is. You see, the airwaves used to send messages are considered public. So we have every right to listen in on them. Assuming we don’t use the information to commit any crimes, that is!”

“We we’re planning on doing that, were we?”

“No Ember. One will sit down here next to the computer with Viktor.”

Viktor appears happy at the news. “Thank you, sir! More toys for me!”

Xenos rolls his eyes. “Glad you’re enjoying this.”

“And the other will go upstairs. Probably in the living room.”

Ember sighs. “Why are we doing this again?!”

“In case the police need help, for starters.”

Max nods. “From the Hero of Light?”

“Exactly. The other reason is to see if we can establish any kind of patterns. If we’re lucky, we can predict where the Shards will strike next!”

Hugh grins! “That would be fantastic!”

Arc turns on the scanner. “That it would. You boys keep listening in whenever possible. In time, I hope you can pick out something we can help with.”

Max nods. “We’ll do it, sir!”

Ember frowns. “Shouldn’t we be more focused on figuring out where Princess Celestia is?”

“There’s nothing we can do to speed that along. I brought everyone here to give you all time to assimilate into human culture. The knowledge you gain here may be of great help during our real mission.

Viktor looks confused. “How do you figure, sir?”

“Humans are rather suspicious by nature. We don’t want to raise any alarms by looking like we just fell off the turnip truck, now do we?”

Max nods. “We can blend in now!”

Hugh shrugs. “Kinda.”

Arc nods. “There’s a lot to do, so let’s get to it!”

As the others leave the room to go about their business, Ember turns to him. “Arc, what should I be doing? I mean, I could help go through paperwork with Viktor. But I just feel like should be doing more!”

He thinks for a moment. “I think you’re right. We’re going to need muscle at some point. Would you please get Xenos and meet me in the garage?”


A short time later Ember and Xenos enter the garage together. Arc is moving some boxes around.

“You wanted to see me, sir?”

“Yes, I did. Would the two of you please help me carry these into the house?”

Ember nods. “We can do that.”

They do so with Arc in the lead.

“Where to, sir?”

“I think the basement would probably be the best place to do this.”

The boxes are carefully carried to the basement. Xenos huffs and puffs as he sets the box down in a corner.

“What do you have in here, sir?! Weights?!”

Arc nods. “Pretty much.”

Ember sets her own box down. “Say what?”

He opens the boxes. “These are weights from my dad’s old gym. It was set up down here for many years. I’m not much for such things, so they’ve been in the garage until now.”

Ember helps Arc set up the weight stand. “Don’t worry. We’ll get em dusted off for you, Arc!”

Xenos flexes. “Yeah! We’ll be tougher than ever!

“Good. You two can be our powerhouses!”

Ember chuckles. “Pretty sure we already are!”

Xenos nods. “We’ll keep training though! One can never be TOO good!”

“There are a couple more boxes in the garage. I’ll go get them while you two get set up.”

Ember opens another box. “All right.”

Arc makes his way back to the garage. As he carries back the boxes there is a sudden commotion from the basement! Max rushes into the kitchen as Viktor come tearing up the basement stairs!

“Sir! There’s been a report of suspicious activity at a local warehouse!”

Viktor nods! “The police are heading over now!”

Arc frowns. “Shard activity?"

Max nods. “Sounds like it.”

Ember joins them. “We going to do something about this, Arc?!”

“That we are. Ember, you and Sereb come with me. The rest of you stay here and keep monitoring the police scanner.”

Viktor calls out after them. “We’ll call you on your earring if we hear anything!”

“Wish us luck!”

They jump in the Jeep as Viktor gives Arc the address over his earring. He quickly pulls out of the driveway.

“Thanks Viktor! We’re off!”

The trio quickly makes their way down the street toward the edge of town. Ember looks to him confused as they whiz by the freeway on ramp.

“We aren’t taking the highway?”

Arc shakes his head as he looks down onto the freeway. “Way too much traffic this time of day! There are a couple back ways I know of!

“Do you think the police know about this?”

“Not a chance!”

Arc’s earring chirps and Viktor’s voice rings in his ear.

“Sounds like the police are stuck in traffic on the highway, sir! Best to avoid it!”

“Way ahead of you! Thanks for the heads up though! Anything else come over the police band?”

“Other than the officers stuck in traffic saying the jam-up came out of nowhere, no!”

Ember frowns. “Do they think they’re connected?”

“At this time, no.”

Arc nods. “What kinda things are in that warehouse?”

Cherry sounds confused. “How is he supposed to know that?!”

Arc chuckles. “Internet.”

After a short pause Viktor speaks. “It says here it’s owned by some place called Circuit City.”

Sereb looks to him. “Does that mean anything to you, Arc?”

“Yeah! It means they’re looking to make up some lost revenue!”

Ember frown. “You think this is in response to losing yesterday’s protection money?”

Arc nods. “It’s a safe bet! That company sells a lot of small electronics!

Sereb looks confused. “I do not see the connection.”

“They’re small, easy to move and can be worth a fortune!”

Ember looks to him. “How much?!”

“Let’s just say a truckload of stolen electronics might earn them more than their extortion racket. If they know what to grab, that is!”

“Do they?”

Ember shakes her head. “Let’s not take chances!”

They arrive at the warehouse as Arc parks some distance away. They get out as Arc puts on his magic cloak and calls forth Eidolon’s Ward.

“I’ll take point! Sereb, you stay with Ember! You can be her eyes. Help her move undetected!”

Sereb nods. “Very well.”

Ember calls forth her armor and spear. “What should I do?”

“I’ll keep their focus on me. You find some way of disabling their getaway vehicle.”

She brandishes her spear. “I can do that.”


Ember puts the spear over her shoulder. “This job suddenly became much harder.”

Sereb nods. “And less fun.”

Cherry Jubilee calls out to them, quietly. “Be careful, everypony!”

Ember nods. “Watch Arc’s back, Cherry!”

Arc looks toward the warehouse doors. “I’ll give you two a couple minutes lead time to get into position. Stay out of sight unless I call for help, okay?”

Ember sighs. “Fine, fine! Let’s do this!”

They quietly make their way toward the warehouse through the open front door. Ember enters first with Sereb and makes her way around the perimeter of the building to the opposite side of the truck. Several tough looking members of the Shards are hurriedly loading a moving truck with as many boxes as they can! Sereb peeks over a box before turning to Ember.


Ember looks into the truck’s cab and spots the keys in the ignition. “What if we took those metal pieces from them! Arc always uses them to start his Jeep!”

Sereb nods. “I believe he called them ‘keys’.”

“Whatever! We get those, and they can’t get away, right?!”

“I think I can get them. Shall I?”

Ember nods. “Be my guest. Just do it quickly and quietly when Arc does his thing.”

Meanwhile, outside Arc and Cherry peek into the warehouse from the safety of their cloak. Cherry sounds nervous.

“It’s been a couple minutes. Shouldn’t you get moving?”

“I’ll give them another minute.”

“But I’m worried about them!”

“Just let me handle this, Cherry.”

“I’m sorry, Arc.”

“It’s okay. This is just your first time in the field!”

He takes a deep breath and walks toward the open warehouse door.

“Here we go…”

Arc enters the warehouse and decloaks as he slowly approaches the gang. One of the thugs looks over at Arc!

“Stingray! We got company!”

The Shards all stop working and look at Arc. Stingray looks him up and down.

“Who… or what are you supposed to be?”

“Just someone who happened to be in the neighborhood. But I suppose I could ask YOU the same question.”

Stingray rolls her eyes. “Isn’t it obvious what we’re doing?! Just stay where you are and don’t get in our way! We’ll be out of here soon enough!”

The thug turns to her. “Shouldn’t we take care of this guy, Stingray?! He’s seen too much!”

She turns to walk away. “Just make sure he doesn’t go for help or anything, Wolf! Think you can handle that?!”

Wolf nods and walks toward Arc. “Sure thing!”

He puts a hand on Arc’s shoulder.

“Okay there fella, don’t cause any trouble and you might just…”

Arc grabs Wolf by the front of his shirt and picks him up!

“Woah! What the…”

Arc narrows his eyes as he looks at him. “Do you like your teeth?”


“If you want to keep them, I suggest you leave here now!”

Arc drops Wolf and looks at the others.

“That goes for all of you! Leave now or face the consequences!”

Stingray chuckles. “I guess someone here needs to be taught a lesson. Get em, boys!”

The gang rushes at Arc as Stingray shakes her head.

“Why do they always want to do it the hard way?”

Arc takes up a defensive position. “Thinking the same thing, miss!”

Ember whispers to Sereb. “That’s our cue! Go!”

Sereb jumps into the cab and pulls the keys out of the ignition with his teeth before running back to Ember.

“Got them.”

She takes the keys end sets them down on the floor in front of her. “Good job!”

Sereb looks back to Arc as he punches a thug in the face. “Should we… help him?”

Ember peeks out from behind the crates. “Nah. Arc’s got this.”

“Are you sure?”


A thug flies toward them and crashes against the crates in front of them. Sereb turns back to Ember.

“I suppose you’re right.”

Arc makes quick work of the thugs before turning to Stingray.

“I’d rather not hit a lady, so if you could…”

He is cut off as Stingray pulls out a whip and quickly grabs his leg with it! The next thing Arc knows he is on his back!

“I really should have seen that coming.

Stingray lunges at him and punches Arc in the helmet a couple times before he throws her off. Somehow she lands upright on her feet!

“Give up yet, hero?!”

Arc lunges forward. “I was going to ask you the same!”

He tackles Stingray and the pair roll across the floor before Arc pins her down.

“Now I got…”

Cherry’s voice reverberates in his head! “Look out!”

A moment later Arc finds himself flying across the room from a well-placed kick to the chest! He crashes into a pile of empty shipping crates! They splinter under the extreme force! The sound of sirens can be heard approaching in the distance. Stingray yells to her boys.

“Cops! Get in the truck, or get left behind!”

The gang members hobble over to the truck and hop in the back as Stingray jumps into the driver’s seat!

“What the… WHERE ARE THE KEYS?!”

Ember and Sereb snicker as they look at the keys lying on the floor between them. As the sound of sirens grows louder, she jumps out of the cab.

“Everyone scatter!”

The thugs run out the warehouse door and are immediately surrounded by the police. Stingray runs toward the back of the building and climbs some nearby shelving like an acrobat before jumping out a window.

Ember runs over to him. “ARC?!”

Cherry calls out to him. “Are you okay?!”

Arc sits up, dazed. “Anyone get the license number of that bus?!”

Sereb looks over his shoulder as strobes flash all around the entrance. “I believe the guards are coming.”

“Arc! What do we do?!”

He gets up and opens his magic cloak. “Come here! Both of you!”

Ember runs to Arc as Sereb jumps into her arms. He quickly cloaks and whispers to them.

“Keep close and quiet!”

Arc leads them to the back of the warehouse. As they approach the rear wall, he Blinks them through it! The trio slowly but surely makes their way past the police and out the main gate. A short time later they climb into the Jeep and drive away.

Ember leans back in her seat. “That was TOO close!”

Sereb nods. “I thought for sure someone would spot us.”

Arc sighs as he recalls his armor. “Me too.”

Cherry gasps! “Arc! You’re in pain!”

“Cherry? How did you…?”

She interrupts frantically! “I’m inside you! Remember?!”

“They’re just bruises. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?!”

“Y-yeah. I am.”

Ember speaks to him in a concerned tone. “How sure?!”

Arc he rubs his sore ribs. “Very.”

Ember turns to look forward again. “How did that toothpick hurt YOU?!”

Sereb frowns. “She did not appear to be nearly THAT strong.”

Arc winces. “Well, her blows hurt through my armor! She hit harder than Buffalo Bull!”

A short time later they arrive back at Arc’s house. Ember insists on helping him inside. They enter through the back door and walk into the kitchen together.

“I’m telling you Ember, it’s nothing!”

“And I’m telling YOU we need to have that looked at?!”

“It’s just some bruised ribs! Nothing much to do about that!”

Hearing the commotion, Xenos and Max come running!

“Everything okay?!”

Cherry addresses the pair. “Arc got into a fight with someone!”

“Sir! Are you hurt?!”

Arc winces as he holds his ribs. “Mostly just my pride.”

Sereb frowns. “Who would have thought the Shards would have such a capable warrior.”

“Yes, well… nothing a good hot bath won’t fix.”

Arc heads up the stairs slower than usual and makes his way to his room for clean clothes.

“Are you sure you’re okay?! I’ve never seen you move like this before!”

Arc removes some clothes from his dresser. “I’ll be okay, Cherry. Really!”

Cherry continues as he heads for the bathroom. “Arc, when I’m in your head I can feel what you feel! When that mare kicked you, it REALLY hurt!”

“I didn’t think about that! Are YOU okay, Cherry?!”

“I’m fine! While I feel your pain, literally, I don’t think it can do anything worse to me!”

Arc turns on the tap and allows the tub to fill up. “That’s good to know! Think I’ll take a bath. A good soak can do wonders for aches and pains!”

“That it can! Now I know you’re modest and all, but I would feel a lot better if you would let me take a look at your chest.”

Arc turning toward the mirror and removing his shirt. “That much I can do.”

He does so, albeit slowly. Tossing his shirt into the hamper, Arc turns back toward the mirror.

“There we go. Woah!”

Looking into the mirror, Arc sees his entire ribcage is black and blue! Cherry gasps!


Arc puts a hand and his chest. “Who… or what was the girl?!”

“I don’t know. But I have to say I don’t like you doing this, Arc! You could get hurt! Or worse!”

He nods. “I promise I’ll be more careful in the future.”

“Please do! I do want us to be together again. But not like THAT!”

Arc turns off the water. “Agreed.”

Cherry sighs. “Well, you should probably let me out now. I’ll wait in Eidolon’s Ward. That is… unless you don’t mind…”

Arc smiles as her voice trails off. “I can almost hear you blushing in there.”

“It’s just… I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable!”

Arc calls forth his helmet and puts it on. “How about you just stay in my helmet then?”

Cherry Jubilee giggles as she moves into the helmet. “If that’s what you want. But now I can’t move.”

Arc sets the helmet down gently on a nearby shelf and points it away from the bathtub.

“I’m okay with this if you are, Cherry. It will give us some time to talk.”

“Sure! I promise I won’t peek!”

Arc finishes undressing and steps into the tub. Sitting down slowly, he leans back into the hot water.

“Ahhh… that does feel good!”

“I hope it helps you feel a bit better!”

“That it does! Cherry, can I ask you something?”


“Are you REALLY okay in there?”

“I am. Why?”

Arc sighs. “It can’t be the most comfortable feeling. Being inside someone else’s head or in my armor, that is.”

“If it was anypony else, I don’t think I would like it. But I’m very happy being in yours, Arc! What brought this on?”

“Well, I just don’t want to hold you back. I mean… I know you miss your mother and father. You could go to them and catch up on old times! I’ll join you eventually, and then we can be together forever!”

“That’s the thing about eternity, Arc. It’s eternal! I’ll stay with you as long as you need me!”

“I appreciate that, Cherry. But all I really want is for you to be happy.”

“And I want the same for you!”


Cherry sounds confused. “What for?”

“For… coming back. I really missed you.”

He soaks in the tub for quite some time.

“I think you should be getting to bed soon, Arc. It’s been quite the day.”

Arc stands up and grabs the towel off the hook. “Yeah. You’re right.”

He dries himself off as Cherry calls over to him from the shelf.

“Don’t worry. I’ll look away while you get dressed.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

Arc dresses, picks up his helmet and steps out of the bathroom. Looking down the stairs he notices the lights are off on the main level.

“I guess everyone went to bed.”

“Well it is quite late, Arc.”

As Arc turns to walk to his own room, he spots Ember asleep on the floor next to the bathroom door.


Cherry sighs as Arc sets the helmet down. “She really was worried about you!”

Arc picks Ember up and carries her to her room. Lying her down in her bed, he covers her with a blanket.

“Good night Ember.”

He leaves the room and quietly closes the door before leaning down to pick up his helmet. “She’s a good friend to you Arc.”

“That she is.”

The pair make the short walks to Arc’s room. He sets the helmet down on the desk to face the bed before lying down in the darkened room.

“Arc, how do you feel about Ember?”

“She’s my best friend! Why do you ask?”

“Now I might be wrong, but… I get the feeling she would like to be so much more!”

Arc nods. “I know.”

“You do?!”

“Yes. She’s never really been secretive in that regard.”

“Do you feel the same?”

“No. I like Ember and all. But I never really thought of her as anything other than a friend.”

“Why not give her a chance?! She’s really devoted to you after all.”

Arc sighs. “Well, there’s the species difference.”

“What about you and me?! That and she does make a rather pretty human mare!”

He nods. “I’ll give you that one. But we’ve already spoken to the Dragon Lord! He already gave her a big no.”

“How can he do that?! Ember is an adult and should be able to marry whomever she wants! She is an adult, right?”

“Well, yes and no. Yes, she’s old enough to be courted. But for some reason not old enough to marry. At least according to dragon law, that is.”

Arc sighs.

“That and if I were to do… anything inappropriate with her, the Dragon Lord would probably burn Equestria to the ground in retaliation!”


“This is my life, Cherry! It’s sometimes hard being the Hero of Light. My choices could have resounding results in the diplomatic department!”

“I’m sorry Arc. I just… feel so bad for Ember!”

“I do too! She will eventually have to choose a mate to rule by her side! But… I won’t live long enough to see that day, as it won’t come for centuries!”

“Can nothing be done for her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not that I can think of. She has so much to try and live up to. Being the daughter of the Dragon Lord does have its pitfalls. If you can think of any way to help her, I’m all ears.”

“I’ll try!”

Arc rolls over and closes his eyes. “That’s all we can hope for. Good night Cherry.”

“Good night, my love!”

Meanwhile, back at the Shard base, Stingray walks into Frank’s office. He greets her warmly.

“Good evening, Stingray. I trust your mission went well?

“Not exactly. We ran into some trouble. Or more accurately, trouble ran into US!”

Frank rolls his eyes. “Oh, come now! I can’t believe Raynor’s goons gave you THAT much headache!”

“They didn’t even get there before the feds did!”

Frank smiles. “I know. That staged accident on the highway backed it up for hours! What could have possibly mucked up this operation?!”

“That punk from the news the other day.”

“Oh? Did you take care of him?”

Stingray grins wickedly! “That I did. Even if a half dozen of his ribs didn’t shatter, he’ll think twice before messing with US again!”

“Good! And the truck?”

Stingray shakes her head. “The feds took it along with the boys I had with me.”

Frank turns around to look out his window. “Acceptable losses to advance the master plan.”

“Which is…”

He turns back around to face Stingray. “The creation of a place for everyone! “

“I don’t quite follow, sir.”

“Think about it! The world is so full of people who have nowhere else to go! No one to turn to. I aim to give their lives a purpose!”

Stingray looks confused. “What does that have to do with electronics?”

“Such a bold plan will take quite a few resources! That was a grocery run I sent you on. I don’t suppose you have a plan to get our merchandise back?”

“I’ll make some calls and see what I come up with. No promises, mind you.”

Frank nods. “All I ask of anyone is to give it their best. Do try, Stingray.”

She nods as she leaves the office. “Yes sir!”

Frank continues to look out the window. “We all have our role to play in this life. I only hope that stranger has learned his from this!”

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