• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Talking in the Sheets

Arc and Applejack walk down the corridors of Canterlot Castle together. As they round a corner the pair nearly bump into Ember. She looks away nervously.

“Oh! Um… s-sorry. I was just… uh… on my way to the Kitchen for a… a snack.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong, Ember?”

“Kinda. Did I break the mood?”

Applejack appears confused. “Mood?”

Ember sighs. “I’m guessing you two were on your way to Arc’s room.”

Applejack chuckles “Well, yeah.”

Arc shrugs. “It is pretty late, after all.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Couldn’t you sleep?”

“I… was kinda curious how you two were doing.”

“Just fine, thanks. But that isn’t what you meant, is it?”

Ember groans. “Alright, alright! I wanted to know how your date went!”

Arc grins. “What’s that have to do with your walking the hallways?”

“I was heading to your room to wait for you two to get back from… wherever it was you went.”

“Because you were worried I’d take Arc for myself.”

“What?! NO! Of course not!”

Applejack looks Ember in the eye for a long, silent moment. Eventually the young dragon bows her head and sighs.

“Are you mad?”

“I’m not. Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. In fact, it’s actually kinda flattering.”

Ember looks to him, confused. “Huh?”

“That you care enough to worry about our relationship.”

Applejack puts a hand on Ember’s shoulder. “Listen. Arc and I have something to tell everyone in the morning. But I want you to know that nothing’s going to change between him, you, and the others.”

“Are… are you sure?”

Arc nods. “We are.”

“What exactly are you two going to…?”

Applejack giggles. “Now, now… we can’t say.”

“After all, the others need to know too.”

“Well… I guess I can trust you and Arc to do what’s best.”

Applejack smiles. “Thanks, Ember. I promise that everything will be made clear at that time. To everyone.”

Arc looks around and lowers her voice. “Right. But… uh… do you think you could do us a favor, Ember?”

“What did you have in mind?”

Sometime later Arc and Applejack arrive at his room. Closing the door behind them, Arc turns to his friend.

“That really was a date and a half.”

Applejack nods nervously. “Y-yes, it was.”


“Sorry, but I just don’t understand why you wanted Ember to do… this?”

She motions to herself with a wave of her hoof. Arc smiles and walks over to her. Kneeling down to her level, he speaks.

“I asked Ember to turn you back into a pony because it’s who you are.”

“I don’t understand.”

“While I have to admit you were very beautiful as a human woman, the real Applejack is the one standing before me.”

“But if you like the woman me more I could just stay like that.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think you’d be happy that way though.”

“I’d get used to it! And I’m willing to do whatever you want me to…!”

Arc puts a finger to Applejack’s mouth as he interrupts her.

“This is who you are, Applejack. Remember… I’m the one whom fell in love with seven mares, a dragon, and a demoness.”

“But there’s also Hammer too.”

“Right. And I love her just the way she is.”

“All I want is to be in a form that is most pleasing to you though.”

Arc smiles as he puts a hand on her furry cheek. “And that’s the one which makes you the most comfortable.”

Taking Arc’s hand in her front hooves Applejack stands there smiling at him wordlessly for a time. Eventually she nods and speaks.

“Thank you.”

Giving his hand a quick tug, she pulls him in and nuzzles noses with Arc. Chuckling, he grins.


Applejack appears confused. “What for?”



“Your fur is a bit… ticklish on my nose.”

Applejack smiles and narrows her eyes seductively. “Then let me try something else.”

Leaning forward, she gives him several small kisses and licks on his cheek before whispering in his ear.

“How was that?”

“Nice. But now it’s my turn.”

Putting his hands on either side of Applejack’s face, he pulls her in and kisses her lips tenderly. She leans in instinctively and wraps her hooves around his neck. Moaning slightly, Applejack wraps both her hind legs around Arc’s midsection as if trying to get even closer to him. Eventually Arc breaks the kiss and pulls back. However the mare does not move.


“Arc, I… I think we should go to the bed.”

“Oh… alright.”

Moving to stand, Arc finds Applejack still unmoving. Putting one hand on her back and the other under her rump he carefully picks her up. Walking to his bed he sits down with her on his lap. Slowly but firmly he pulls Applejack off and lays her on the sheets before standing up and removing his suit coat.

“Give me just a minute.”

Applejack smiles as she lays down, her head on one of the pillows. “Take your time, sugarcube.”

Arc undresses as Applejack watches his every move. Eventually reaching his undershirt and shorts Arc lays down on the bed next to her. She immediately presses her body against his as Arc pulls the covers over them. Turning to her, he smiles.


Applejack nods. “You have no idea.”

Kissing her tenderly on top of her head, Arc rolls over to lay on his back. Staring up at the ceiling he hears a sigh. Turning, Arc spies Applejack on her side looking at him with a strange expression on her face.

“Everything okay, Applejack?”


She moves closer and presses her body against his side before continuing.

“Laying here with you just feel so perfect, so… right, Arc.”

Arc nods as he smiles. “I agree.”

“But something’s still a bit off.”


Applejack stands and steps over him. Laying down on his belly, she looks into his eyes.

“I need to say something.”

“What is it?”

“Arc… I… I’m just a simple Earth Pony. Simple thoughts… simple job… and simple pleasures. A nice dinner or a nap under an apple tree are usually plenty to fulfil my desire for rest and relaxation.”

She nuzzles his chest affectionately before continuing.

“But now… now I’ve found something else.”

“Being with me?”

Applejack nods. “Yes, Arc. Being close to you is nothing short of amazing. Feeling your body against mine earlier was just… just so soothing to me.”

“Glad I could help.”

“It felt like you and I were melting together. Becoming one.”

“So did I.”

“Was it good?”


“I’m happy you feel that way. It’ll make this a lot easier.”


“There’s something I need to say, if that’s alright.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Applejack takes a deep breath before speaking.

“Like I said… last night, I think. In the Celestial Realm, that is.”

“Let’s just call it last night for simplicity’s sake.”

“Okay. Well… back there, I… I really liked you holding me.”

“And I liked holding you too, Applejack.”

“But, I… I wanted more. More than just being held.”

“You wanted… intimacy, right?”

Applejack nods. “I did, yes.”

“How… how long have you felt this way, Applejack?”

“I’ve wanted more for quite some time, Arc. But since that night it’s become... much more pronounced. Before we went on our date I did like you, of course. Even more so when I was able to spend time with you as a human woman. However… that day you took care of me when I was sick, I… um… I felt something… new. Well, new to me, that is.”


“It happened when I was lying there. We were watching television and you were massaging my feet. Not sure if you remember, but I started making some really odd sounds.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I do remember that.”

“My body started feeling really warm. But not because of the sickness, mind you. To be completely honest with you, I… I was getting… aroused.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured. That’s why I offered to stop.”

“Now I don’t know if you think it’s weird, Arc. But I really, REALLY liked what you did to me there.”

“It’s not weird at all, Applejack.”


“Really. Humans call it a ‘foot fetish’.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “A… what now?”

“Fetishes are what you call something an individual really likes. Something that turns them on sexually.”

Applejack smiles slyly. “So you knew that would happen to me then?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Every person is different in that regard. While you might like your feet being played with, another woman might find it to be a turn-off.”

“Just like food?”


“I love apples. But someone else might find them not so tasty.”

Arc chuckles. “Right.”

“What’s so funny?”

“You said ‘someone’ just now.”

“Guess I just got used to speaking like a human. In fact, it opened my eyes to so many new things.”

“Like what?”

Applejack licks her lips seductively. “My own sexuality.”

“Me too.”


“Yeah. Before I hadn’t really given much thought about intimacy with you and the others. All I did was look into how to safely do it.”

“I don’t get how that’s much different.”

“Back then I was looking at sex as just something couples did together. I hadn’t yet thought about how to properly… um… pleasure any of you.”

“Me either. I mean, I knew I wanted to sleep with you and hopefully get pregnant someday. But that was more for the purpose of carrying on my own family name than for actual enjoyment.”

“Can I asked what changed?”

“My perception of love as a whole.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a whole lot more to it than I originally thought. When I was lying on your chest last night, so many new and strange thoughts were going through my head. How I wanted… certain things.”

“You wanted me to have sex with you back there, didn’t you?”

Applejack smiles sheepishly. “Truthfully, I still do.”


“Yup. That was another thing that I wasn’t able to clear from my mind since then. The thought of you… um… for lack of a better term… plowing me.”

Arc sighs. “I… know how you feel.”

“You want to do it too?”

“I’d like to… explore such things with you, yes.”

Applejack puts a hoof on her flank as she grins. “Then let’s do it!”

Arc shakes his head. “We can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because it isn’t the right time, Applejack. That and all of you agreed that Rarity should be the first one.”

Applejack sighs and nods. “You’re right. After all, she was the first one of us you fell for.”


“No need to apologize. I mean, Rarity and you were engaged long before you and I were.”

Arc looks at her nervously. “Um… Applejack?”

“Yes, Arc?”

“I… that’s not actually true.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Rarity… I… never actually asked her to marry me.”

Applejack gasps. “You… are you saying…?!”

Arc nods and looks away. “Yes. You’re the first and only mare I’ve asked.”

“But… but WHY?! I mean… aren’t you in love with Rarity?!”

“I am, yes. However before you and I went out together I… I didn’t… I mean, I hadn’t fully committed to marriage yet.”

“You did say you wanted to go on dates to get to know everyone. But I just assumed that was to make sure we were compatible.”

“It was, yes. But that meant me too.”


Arc sighs. “I… didn’t actually know if I myself truly wanted, or was ready, for marriage.”

Applejack bows her head. “And we just kinda railroaded you into it.”

“Not… exactly. I mean, I could have just said ‘no’ at any time, after all.”

“But we were pretty pushy about it.”

“Sort of.”

“Then why didn’t you tell us about this?! If you felt that way we needed to know about it!”

“I guess… I was hoping my mind and emotions would eventually catch up with this whole thing.”

Applejack takes Arc’s face in her hooves as she looks him straight in the eye and speaks.

“Arc, I have to know. Do you… or do you not… love me?”

“I do, Applejack. But I do still need time to be ready to marry you. That is, if you still want to by that time.”

“Trust me, I will. After all, feelings like this aren’t something I could just forget about. Or move past.”

Arc chuckles. “We really did grow a lot in the Celestial Realm.”

“Emotionally, yes.”

“Still not too happy with Celestia doing that to us though.”

“I’m grateful she did. After all, thanks to that ‘week’ you and I discovered our own feelings for one another and were able to confess our love. That might not have happened if she hadn’t tricked us into thinking we were back on Earth.”

“That may be true. But I’m of the opinion that we would have figured it out eventually.”

“Maybe. However that does give me an idea.”

“What is it?”

“You suggested going on dates to figure out if our feelings are real, right?”

“Yes. But what does that have to do with…?”

“I think you and the others need more than just an evening together.”


“We need to recreate what happened back on Earth.”

“You mean cohabitate with the others one by one?”

Applejack nods happily. “Right. But that means no distractions if at all possible. No jobs should interfere with it, and no one else should be around to potentially come between you and whomever you’re with.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “That’s actually a pretty good idea, Applejack.”

“Thanks. After all, look how good things worked out for us.”

“Maybe it’ll go just as well with the others.”

“It’s what I’m hoping. But it also works the other way too.”


“If it isn’t meant to be, you and they will be able to figure it out together. That way you two won’t keep trying to make something happen that isn’t meant to work.”

“Do you think they’ll go for it?”

Applejack nods fervently. “Sure, I’m sure! After all, they want to know how compatible you are with them just as much!”

“Then I’m all for it. That is, if they agree individually.”

“Good. We can talk about it with them temorrow morning.”

Arc looks to the clock on the wall nearby. “You mean later today.”

Applejack chuckles. “I suppose so, yes.”

“Then we’d better get some sleep.”

“Right. Um… but…”

She looks away nervously before continuing.

“I don’t… really know how to feel right now.”


Applejack sighs as she turns away and sits down. “My upbringing was very... traditional. This whole herd thing is really outside the norm for me.”

“Is that going to be a problem?”

“I don’t know. After all, I do love you and want to be with you forever. But it’s the other thing that’s kinda got me a bit… scared.”

Arc leans over and puts a hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “What ‘other thing’?”

“My feelings of… sexual desire.”

“It’s only natural to want…”

Applejack shakes her head as she cuts him off. “No, you don’t understand! I’ve never felt this sort of thing before!”

“And you don’t know what to do about it.”

“Right. Last night in the Celestial Realm… every cell in my body was screaming at me to… to get you inside of me. To have you ravish me and… and fill me with your seed.”

“And now?”

“I still want that, yes. However… it’s much more tempered. Manageable.”

Arc frowns. “I wonder if Celestia had anything to do with that.”

“How would she have…?”

“Think about it. She had full control over her realm, right. Makings things happen the way she wanted. Causing you to feel sick. Taking our orders at the restaurant.”

Applejack turns around to face him. “That was kinda obvious after you pointed it out.”

“You couldn’t tell at the time? After all, she had the exact same voice and was named ‘Tia’. It’s just a shortened version of Celestia.”

“No, I didn’t see that. Until you pointed it out, of course. What do you think she was doing there?”

“Like she said, Celestia probably just wanted to get up close and personal.”

“To sabotage us?”

Arc shrugs. “Who knows. But you remember her rules, right?”

“That the date wasn’t over until we returned to the castle gardens?”

“The other part. She told me I was free to do whatever I wanted to before adding that I needed consent from you.”

Applejack gasps. “You mean…?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. She was talking about sex.”

Applejack seethes. “What the hay?! Princess Celestia’s actions could have gotten me pregnant!”

“I’m going to assume she had control over that too. As much as I don’t trust Celestia, I also can’t imagine her allowing you to potentially get pregnant while she was mentally urged you to have sex.”

Applejack sighs. “Hopefully not. I mean, I do want to bear your foals, Arc. But not like that. Not being manipulated into doing it, I mean.”

“Back then I had my suspicions that she was involved with your mood, yes. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t do anything.”

“The other being Rarity?”

“Yeah. However that’s not going to be for quite some time.”

“We can wait. After all, you’re worth it.”

Arc puts a hand on Applejack’s cheek and smiles at her.

“That’s something we share in common.”

“It is?”

Arc nods. “Yes. You’re worth the wait too.”

Smiling, Applejack leans forward and plants her lips on Arc’s. The pair fall backwards onto the sheets where they continue kissing.

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