• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,613 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 6 - The Queen and the Corsair

Ember sighs “Are you certain you really want to do this Arc? If we fail the pirates could come after Equestria next in retaliation!

Arc sighs. “I get the feeling they'll do that even if we do nothing!”


Arc clenches his fists “We have to stop them now before they get too big to handle.”

Sereb nods. “Are you certain this is the best course of action?”

“No. But this is just part of the job! Making important decisions without all the information is not something I enjoy doing, but sometimes I have no choice. Now if you would like to stay here, I won't think less of you Ember."

She shakes her head. “No way I'm letting you go alone! We stand or fall... together!”

“Thanks Ember. But let's try to skip the ‘falling in battle’ part, okay?”


Sereb nods soberly. “I will come with you as well.”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry Sereb. But without the proper safety gear you wouldn't live too long.”

‘I am aware of that. However, if it is your desire for me to accompany you Arc, that is also my wish.”

“Your loyalty to me is admirable Sereb. But I would rather you to stay alive and look after things while I'm gone.”

“Very well.”

Ember holds up her chemical suit. “Sorry to leave you behind like this, but without one of these suits you wouldn't make it!”

Sereb sighs. “I understand. Might I at least scout ahead?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Find the pirate base and gather intel. But after that come back here. Do not needlessly engage the enemy!”


Sereb leaves the cabin as Ember turns to Arc.

“When do we leave?”

He walks over to his bed. “After a good rest and a proper lunch.”

Arc lies down on his side, a few moments later Ember curls up next to him.

“Ember. You really shouldn't...”

“This mission is going to be dangerous Arc! We... we might not come back! Just let me have this moment, okay?”

Arc sighs. “Fine. Sleep well Ember.”

The pair take a couple hours to rest. Eventually Arc raises his head.

“Ember? You awake?”


“We should get up now. It's almost noon.”

Ember buries her face in Arc's back. “Just... five more minutes.”

“Heh... now you’re starting to sound like Dinky.”

“I'll take that as a compliment.”

Arc moves to sit up.

“Enough of a good thing.”

Ember grabs his arm and looks him in the eye! “Please... stay here where it's safe! I’ll go!

“You know I can't let you do that Ember.”

She lets go and looks down. “I... I know. It's just... I don't want to lose you! Sorry about this.”

Arc takes her claw in his hand and gives it a squeeze. “It's okay. I know how you get before a mission.”


“You always get this way right before we do something dangerous.”

Ember blushes slightly. “I do not! ...do I?”

“Yup. And I do appreciate the concern. But… you know.”

Ember sits up. “Yeah... sorry.”

Arc nods and walks toward the door. “Don't be sorry. Someone has to watch my back!”

Ember gets up and walks quickly over to Arc! “What do you think I do every time you sleep?!”

The pair leave the cabin and head toward the Main Hatch. “That's not quite what I meant.”

Ember grins! “Yeah, I know!”

The pair head down the gangplank and proceed to the Mess Tent. The king and queen are sitting together eating apple pie as the pair approach them.

“Enjoying Ponyville's bounty?”

The king nods! “Indeed! We had no idea apples were so tasty until today!”

Queen Fiona laughs! “It's not something we usually have access to, mind you. Please join us!”

Ember takes a seat along with Arc. “Thanks. That pie does look good!”

Spike enters the tent and makes his way over to the group.

“Hiya, Arc! I’ve almost got the ship’s library organized! Hope you don’t mind me stepping out for a snack!”

“That’s fine! Have a seat, Spike. Pie?”

“Yes please!”

Ember serves him a plate.

“There you go Spike!”


Arc gestures to the monarchs. “Spike, I'd like you to meet King Felix and Queen Fiona, rulers of Abyssinia.”

Spike drops his fork! Standing, he quickly bows! “Y-your majesties!”

Ember flicks a bit of pie off his cheek.

“This is Spike. Equestria's only other dragon resident.”

Queen Fiona shakes Spike's claw. “Charmed!”

The king nods. “A pleasure, Spike!”

Spike turns back to Arc. “You didn't tell me you were eating lunch with royalty!”

Queen Fiona looks to Arc confused. “But Lord Arc, aren't you royalty yourself?”

Arc shakes his head. “I am not. Equestrian law states that should no princess be fit to sit on the throne, the Hero of Light is next in line to lead the nation.”

Ember nods! “Well from what I've seen, you're right up there in status Arc!”

Spike nods. “Yeah! Everypony loves and respects you! At least in Ponyville! Can't really speak for all of Equestria.”

The king nods. “If you care for your citizens as well as ours, I can see why!”

Queen Fiona suddenly looks worried. “Lord Arc, I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but are you really going after the pirates?!”


“But... you don't even know where they are!”

Arc and Ember’s lunch in brought over to them.

“Sereb's out there tracking down their base of operation. As soon as he gets back Ember and I will head out.”

The king frowns. “Isn't that rather dangerous?!”

Ember nods as she eats. “Yeah... for THEM!”

Arc chuckles. “He'll be fine. I told him to just scout it out and return. Then I can make a better plan!”

Spike nods! “I guess it does help to know what you're up against.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Welcome to my world, Spike. You have no idea how long it took Arc to learn that simple concept.”

Arc winks at her. “You miss my half-baked plans, don't you Ember!?”

Ember frowns! “Yeah! Like I miss Tartarus!”

Spike shudders at the thought! “Um, Arc? Do you do stuff like this often?”

“All the time.”

Ember nods. “Keeps things interesting.”

“I'm glad Twilight doesn't know about this! She worries about you enough already!”

“Well I worry about her as well. She doesn't exactly take the best care of herself.”

Ember turns to Spike. “You should have seen her when we got back to the castle, Spike! She was like a crazy pony!”

Spike appears surprised! “Really?! She's never been that bad before! I wonder what changed!”

Arc turns to Spike. “Maybe it was because she didn't have someone to keep an eye on her. Like an assistant?

“Yeah... I should have been there to take care of her. But she has Auriel now! She's the best assistant ever!”

King Felix turns to Spike. “You've known this Twilight for a long time?”

Spike nods! “Ever since I was born! She hatched me!”

Queen Fiona smiles at him. “One should not throw away such a deeply rooted friendship so casually!”

“Spike, I'm sure Twilight didn't mean to hurt you. She was really sorry about what happened when I spoke to her on the phone.”

Spike turns away angrily! “I'll believe that when I see it!”

He gets up from the table.

“I'm going to get back to work on the Library. Be careful out there, Arc. You too Ember.”

Spike runs up to Ember and gives her a hug.

Ember pats Spike's head. “I'll be back before you know it! How about we have some snacks together later and catch up like I promised earlier?!”

Spike blushes slightly and nods. “I'd like that!”

Ember calls after him as Spike leaves the tent! “Great! It's a date then!”

Spike quickly returns to the library and begins work anew! He mutters to himself as he works.

“A date. Maybe Auriel was right!”

Meanwhile... back at the Mess Tent, Sereb enters and quickly makes his way over to Arc and company

“Sereb! Perfect timing! Was your mission successful?”

Sereb nods. “Very. The pirates have a large base about five miles to the east.”

King Felix looks astonished! “That close?!”

“Indeed. Although most of it appears to be behind a very sturdy looking wall, there were two very large tanks. They were quite a distance apart though.”

The king looks nervous. “That must be where their storing the gas!”

“Let's not jump to conclusions, dear!”

Arc nods. “It would make sense to mix the gas as it was needed. I certainly wouldn't want such a deadly concoction sitting around!”

Ember turns to Sereb. “Any guards?”

“Plenty. I saw half a dozen around the clearing. There's no way to know how many are inside though. When they opened the main door to change the guards, I thought I smelled felines inside.”

King Felix nods. “It's probably our stolen property.”

“Yes. To the best of our knowledge they haven't taken any prisoners. Just objects of value.”

Sereb nods. “That would make sense.”

Ember sighs. “You have a plan, Arc?”

“Kinda. I need to see the layout for myself before I can really nail an idea down.”

Ember frowns. “We're not going in spears slashing, are we?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah! Trust me on this one. I'll think of something.”

He, Ember and Sereb leave the Mess Tent. Queen Fiona looks to her husband.

“Now I'm worried.”

“You and me both, dear.”

Arc and Ember head back to Arc's cabin to put on their protective suits and armor. They then hop on Sereb's back and are off. A good ride later Sereb stops. He points a large paw ahead.

“The pirate stronghold is in a clearing ahead.”

Arc nods. “Good work. Head back to the Lunar Destiny now.”

“Very well.”

Sereb quickly runs back toward Panthera as Ember and Arc quietly make their way toward the clearing on their bellies. As Sereb reported, there are half a dozen guards patrolling the grounds around the tanks and Main Entrance. The pirates are rather strange looking ape-like creatures with gray skin and white manes that cover their heads. They are wearing helmets and body armor to a degree. However, much of their body is exposed to the elements.

“Quite the setup they have here!”

Ember nods. “What ARE those things?!”

“No idea.”

“One way in, one way out. Clever. We'll never get past all those guards undetected!”

Arc nods. “Let's wait for a changing of the guard. See how the door works.”


A short while later the door opens. Fresh guards come out and the standing guards enter the base. The last one in pushes a button inside the doorway.

Arc nods! “I'm going to venture a guess that the door can only be opened from the inside.”

Ember sighs. “That doesn't really help us, now does it?”


“Now would be a good time for a plan, Arc!”

“Working on it.”

Arc lies there watching the pirate’s movement for a time.

“Are you sleeping over there?!”

“I got an idea!”

“Finally! What is it?

“We surround them!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Gee, do you think there are enough of us?”

He smiles at her. “Okay, but seriously! Here's what we're going to do.”

Arc explains his plan to Ember in great detail. She narrows her eyes.

“You’re not serious.”

“You have a better idea?

Ember sighs. “No, but I want to go on record as saying this plan is AWFUL!”

“Look on the bright side! It's most certainly not half-baked, right?”

She frowns! “No. You certainly put a lot of thought into THIS terrible idea! My part SUCKS!”

“And mine is any better?!”

“I think their equal in their terribleness! Is that a word?”

Arc shrugs as he pulls out a “Who knows? Are you ready?”

Ember stands up quietly as she pulls the chemical suit over her head “No, but here I go!”

She walks toward the entrance slowly. A rather short and stocky pirate approaches her! She cannot tell if he is more OR less intelligent than the others.

“Um... who are you supposed to be?”

Ember turns up her nose at him! “Don't you recognize the Queen of Abyssinia?! I'm here to speak to your leader!”

“Eh? But I thought... never mind. Follow me.”

The pirate touches his ear to activate his radio

“We got the queen out here! Open the gate!”

A few moments later the gate opens! The Pirate Commander leads Ember inside. The gate closes behind them. Arc watches from his hiding place.

“I can't believe that worked! Well, I guess I better get to work.”

He pulls an apple and some string out of his ring. Tying the string around the apple he looks to the rest of the pirates.

“Now then, let's see just how stupid you guys are.”

Arc tosses the apple toward a pair of pirates. They see the apple and walk toward it! As they bend down to pick it up Arc gives the string a tug! The apple bounces away from them! He repeats this process until the pirates enter the foliage. Another of the pirate guards hears the sound of a scuffle in the bushes. He looks over, confused.

“Hey! What you guys doing over there?”

Arc, having incapacitated the three pirates that approached him, does his best to respond in a deep and stupid sounding voice.

“There food over here!”


“Uh… yeah! Come 'ere! We'll show ya!”

The other three pirates rush over to their companions! Arc summarily incapacitates them.

“Sweet dreams! Idiots…”

Arc quickly pulls his Magic Cloak out of his ring and puts it on. Muttering to himself as he activates the cloak.

“Now the real objective begins...”

Meanwhile... Ember is led into the base by the Pirate Commander. They walk past several large buildings. He turns to Ember impatiently!

“Can't you walk any faster?!”

“I-I'm sorry, but this armor is very heavy!”

Ember mutters curses under her breath.

“I'm gonna get you for this, Arc! ‘Just buy me some time’, he says. ‘It will be easy’ he says.

The pair make their way to a rather large building. It appears nicer than the others.

“The boss should be happy to see you! He's always complaining about not having anyone to talk to. I keep telling him if he would just be a bit nicer, he might have some friends and all!”

Ember is led down a corridor to a large double door. The Pirate Commander opens it to reveal a large office with a rather tall creature sitting behind a desk talking to someone in a high-back chair in front of him. He is a bit taller than the other guards, but thinner, and appears much more intelligent.

“The Queen of Abyssinia is here to see you sir!”

The strange looking creature eyeballs Ember for a moment before smiling a wicked smile!

“Thank you, Grubber. Now then, go back outside and wait for her friend to arrive!

Grubber nods happily! “Friend?! Is there gonna be a party?! Should I make a pie?! Oh, I love pie!”

The leader points to the door, angrily! “GO!”

“Yes boss!”

Grubber hurries out the door and closes it behind him. The leader again eyes Ember.

“Well now... who do we have here?”

Ember clears her throat. “Um... I'm the Queen of Abyssinia. I came here to... talk to you about... your recent pillaging of our lands?”

He walks around the desk. “So… you’re the queen, eh?”


He laughs! “Well then, your majesty. Forgive me, but your claim is rather hard to swallow! Like a cat choking on a hairball!”

The leader continues to laugh as he puts a hand on the high-back chair in front of the desk.

“Especially since the Queen of Abyssinia… IS ALREADY HERE!!!”

He whirls the chair around to reveal a very frightened looking Queen Fiona! She looks at Ember sadly. “I'm sorry, but I had no choice.”

The pirate leader walks toward Ember, still chuckling! “Well I suppose introductions are in order! You can call me... The Storm King!”

A peal of what sounds like thunder can be head behind him as there is a flash of lightning! He raises a finger.

“Would you excuse me a moment please?”

He quickly walks over to the curtains and throws them back to reveal several guards. One is holding a strobe light, another a pair of cymbals!

“Good job on the thunder and lightning bit boys! Keep it up!”

The guards bow and leave the room. The Storm King turns back to Ember.

“Now then, whom might you REALLY be ‘little kitty’?”

Ember backs toward the door. “I'm... um... leaving! Bye!”

She runs to the doors but finds them locked! The Storm King smiles and folding his hands next to his cheek, in a rather high-pitched voice.

“Leaving? So soon?”

The Storm King grabs Ember and throws her into a nearby chair.

“How rude!”

Ember growls at him! “What is it you want?!”

“A bit of fun, that's all! As soon as this ‘Lord Regent’ from Equestria shows up, we can get this party STARTED!”

“You WANTED Arc to come here?!”

“Righty right!”

“But why?!”

The Storm King pats Ember on the helmet with a large hand. “Silly kitty! How else could I kill him and take over Equestria?!”

There is suddenly a frantic knocking at the office door! Earlier... outside the gates, Arc made his way to the first set of tanks stealthily. They appear to be bolted down to a large slab of concrete. He mutters to himself.

“Let's see here... might work. Only one way to find out!”

Arc uses the Matter Compacting spell to shrink the tank down. The bolts holding it to the concrete pad are soon too small to hold it down! Arc gingerly picks up the shrunken tank and puts it in his ring! He then does the same to the other tank across the clearing. As he puts the second tank in his ring, he chuckles to himself.

“Phase one complete! That was easy enough.”

He walks over to the Main Gate and leans against the wall next to it, still cloaked.

“And now... we wait.”

A short time later Grubber returns through the gate. He looks around.

“Uh... guys... where are you? Seriously! Stop playing around! The Storm King does NOT like you all playing games. If he finds out, he's going to...”

Grubber's mouth hangs open in shock as he sees both tanks of gas are missing! Panicking, he runs for the gates, pressing the radio on his ear!


The gate opens and Grubber quickly runs inside! Arc stealthily follows him, muttering to himself.

“All too easy.”

Grubber runs down the path as fast as he can to the Storm King's office! Arc follows quietly behind him! Upon reaching the office door Grubber bangs on it frantically!

“Oh good! That must mean our last guest is here!”

The Storm King walks over to the doors and swings them open wide.

“Come in! Come in Lord... Grubber?!”

“Boss, boss, it's terrible, it's awful...”

The Storm King grabs Grubber by his hair and picks him up! “IT'S YOU! What is so important that you’re interrupting me now?!”

“The gas tanks out front! They're GONE!”

He laughs! “Really?! Those tanks weight more than I can say! They can't just be MISSING!”

Grubber forces a smile. “Maybe they floated away!?”

He drops Grubber and facepalms! “Idiot! That gas is denser than air! That's why it SANK to the ground when we attacked the Abyssinian army! WHY AM I EXPLAINING THIS TO YOU?! Now get out there and find out where those tanks are! They're pivotal to my future plans! NOW GO!!!”

Grubber runs out the door! As he passes some guards outside, he motions desperately for them to follow! “Come on guys! We gotta find the boss' tanks! Let's go!”

The Storm King slams the doors behind Grubber, angrily! He frowns as he turns back toward Ember and Queen Fiona.

“And today was going so well!”

Snarling, he walks over to the pair!

“What do you two know about this?”

Neither of them speaks. The Storm King straightens up and sighs.

“I don't know why I thought you would answer me. The impostor and the traitor... you're made for each other!”

Ember’s head snaps over to the queen! “Traitor?! Queen Fiona! You weren't captured?!”

She shakes her head sadly. “No. I've been in contact with the Storm King for some time now.”

“But why?!”

“It... it was the only way to save my subjects!”

Ember frowns. “SAVE THEM?! But the Storm King took EVERYTHING from them!”

The Storm King shakes a finger at Ember. “Ah, ah, ah! Not true! They still have their lives! And it's up to queenie here just how long that remains true!’

Ember glares at the queen! “How could you turn against those who trusted you?! How could you betray Arc?! He did so much to help you and your country!”

The Storm King smiles! “Well, I can do more!”

“Yeah?! Like what?!”

“Oh… not much I suppose. Like, not making this a country of the DEAD!

Queen Fiona nods. “If I didn't cooperate, he was going to turn the gas on Panthera!”

He nods! “The gas still needs to be properly tested! I told her if she helped me with my plans, I'd test it on some other country. Equestria perhaps!”


The Storm King shrugs. “I want to see how it disperses in higher concentrations! Can it kill an entire city?! Inquiring minds want to know!”

“You're sick!”

“Nonsense! I don't even have a temperature! Now, as soon as my troops find those tanks and the errant Lord Regent of yours, the party can start!”

Ember narrows her eyes! “What kind of party?!”

The Storm King looks to her, almost giddy with excitement! “We have front row tickets to the greatest show ever! All of us will board my airship, fly over Panthera and watch as the entire city... DIES!!!”

He laughs maniacally!

“Trust me! It should be a GAS!!!”

Queen Fiona runs over to him frantically! “NO! You... you CAN'T! Please! I did what you wanted! Spare my citizens! Take me instead!”

The Storm King laughs in Queen Fiona's face. “Get with the program! I USED YOU!!!”

He shrugs.

“It's kinda what I do!”

The sound of slow-clapping can be heard. The Storm King looks around the office for the source of the noise.


“Bravo, Storm King. You've just told me everything I wanted to know!”

“What?! Who?!”

Arc decloaks in the center of the room. He removes the Magic Cloak and puts it back in his ring. The Storm King looks to him, confused.

“Who… who are you?!”

“Hero of Light Arc. Equestria's current Lord Regent.”

“What have you done with my tanks?!”

Arc shrugs. “You wanted to break everyone's toys. So, I had to take them away from you! When you learn how to play nicely, you can have them back!”


Arc narrows his eyes. “No.”

“Argh! You are just so INFURIATING! How did you even get IN here?!”

“Grubber let me in the front gate, led me here, and even opened the door to your office. One of the advantages of invisibility.”

“So you're here to stop me, huh?”

Arc shrugs. “It's kinda what I do!”

The Storm King nods. “So... you expect me to just give up and surrender?”

“That would be nice. Unless you want to do this the hard way and fight me.”

He laughs as he walks back to his desk and sits down! “Oh please! Don't you think I've heard all about you?! I know I could never defeat you on a level playing field!”

Ember looks up, hopeful! “So... you're going to surrender?”

“Hardly! I always have a card to play!”

The Storm King reaches under his desk and presses a button.

“Take a look outside boys and girls!”

Arc and the others look out a nearby window to see gas jets along the perimeter spewing noxious fumes into the base!

“This is crazy, Storm King! You're KILLING your own guards!”

The Storm King nods! “No escape for you, Lord Regent! Or your friends either!”

Ember jumps up! “Idiot! You'll die too!”

He presses another button under the desk. “Nope! Sayonara suckers!”

The desk chair drops down a chute and closes behind him! Arc lunges forward and pounds at the steel floor to no avail.

“Great! He got away! Let's get out of here!”

Arc tries to open a portal to safety but can't! Queen Fiona shakes her head.

“Everything here is made of some kind of anti-magic material! That won't work here!”

“Arc! We have to get out of here! There's still a chance we can make it out of here alive! Maybe I can fly us out!”

Arc thinks a moment before shaking his head. “Possibly. But what about the queen?! You can't carry us both! Take the queen and get her out of here!”

Ember shakes her head! “What about you! That protection might not work! You would DIE!”

Queen Fiona tears up. “You two make a run for it! I... I deserve this end! Tell my husband... that I love him very much!”

“NO! There MUST be a way out of this... for ALL of us!”

Suddenly the doors to the office burst open and a familiar face stands before them! Arc runs over to him!

“Sereb?! I thought I told you to...”

“Your friends made me a protective suit as well. Come! We must be off!”

Arc nods. “Ember! You and the queen fly to safety!”


Arc picks up the desk and throws it through the window! “I'll be right behind you! GO!”

Ember picks up the queen and flies out the smashed window as Arc jumps on Sereb’s back!

“Get us out of here!”


Sereb runs at top speed toward the Main Gate. They run past scores of dead pirates! Arc looks around, horrified!


The gates lie just before them! However, their path is blocked by a large cloud of gas! Sereb looks to Arc!

“What do we do?”

“We're going right through it! There's no other way! I hope these suits works!”

“As do I.”

Arc grabs a spear from one of the fallen guards they pass and throws it at the button to open the gate! The spear hits its mark and the gates fly open! Sereb charges through the toxic fumes to the relative safety of the clearing! He looks up at Ember and Queen Fiona flying overhead!

“Ember! Get down here! Quick!”

She lands and drops the queen in the saddle behind Arc as he opens a portal!

“Hold on, Queen Fiona! We've got to get back, and fast!”

Queen Fiona holds onto Arc as they rush through the portal and reappear in Arc's cabin! “Do you think the gas could reach Panthera?!”

Arc quickly dismounts Sereb and helps the queen down! “Not with the direction the wind is blowing! Are there any towns to the east of here?!”

“No! There's nothing for many miles!”

“Good! The gas should safely dissipate! I'm more worried about the Storm King carrying out his earlier plan to gas Panthera!”

The blood drains from the queen’s face! “Oh no!”

Arc, Ember, Sereb and Queen Fiona rush to the Bridge! Charging through the door, Arc turns to the bridge crew!

“Lemon Hearts, inform our ground forces that we are taking off at once! Recall all crew members! However, the medical staff are to remain where they are on the ground!”

“Yes sir!”

“Captain! Prepare us for immediate take off!”

Tight Ship nods! “Aye sir!”

A few minutes later Lemon Hearts turns to Arc.

“All crews reporting! We're ready to go sir!”

Tight Ship nods to his helmsman. “Thunderlane, take off!”

“Here we go!”

The Lunar Destiny quickly lifts off as Thunderlane turns to Arc!

“Heading sir?”

“Go east! Full speed ahead! Moon Dancer, watch your radar for hostiles!”

“Yes sir!”

Arc turns to Wrangler. “Prepare all weapons and countermeasures!”

“I'm on it!”

Tight Ship looks to Arc! “Sir! What is going on?! Who are we facing?!”

Arc walks quickly over to the captain. “A desperate madman who wants to commit genocide!”

King Felix runs onto the Bridge along with Spike! He turns to his wife!

“My dear! Are you alright?! What's going on?!”

Queen Fiona shakes her head! “The city is in danger! Lord Arc believes the Storm King means to wipe out Panthera!”

“Storm King?!”

Ember nods! “He's the leader of the pirates!”

Spike looks out the main window as they take off! “This is intense! I wish Twilight was here to... never-mind.”

The Lunar Destiny makes its way to the pirate stronghold in record time! Sereb scans the horizon.

“I see nothing Arc.”

Moon Dancer suddenly calls out! “Ship below! It's just taking off!”

A large ship bearing the Storm King's emblem rises from the forest floor and turns to face the Lunar Destiny! Tight Ship turns to Wrangler!

“Wrangler! Put us on Red Alert!”

“Aye sir!”

Tight Ship turns to speak into the ship’s intercom!

“All crew to battle stations! This is not a drill!”

Arc looks to the helm! “Square off, Thunderlane! Don't let him pass! I don't care if we have to ram him, he CAN'T get to Panthera!”

Lemon Hearts suddenly look over to Arc! “Sir! Incoming transmission!”

Tight Ship nods! “Open a channel.”

“Channel open sir!”

The captain stands and clears his throat! “Unidentified vessel! This is Captain Tight Ship of the Equestrian Military! I insist that you land and surrender now or be fired upon!”

The Storm King's voice suddenly comes over the intercom!

“Ha! You're NOTHING without your precious Lord Regent! Sorry, but he was killed a little while ago while storming my old base!”

Arc shakes his head. “Wrong again, Storm King!”

“WHAT?! How did you...”

“By using a simple tactic you have ignored. The power of teamwork! Together you and your pirates MAY have defeated me! But now, thanks to your willingness to throw their lives away, you now stand alone!”

The radio is silent. Spike shakes his head.

“What a nut job!”

Ember chuckles! “Give up? We escaped your trap, now we'll finish the job!”


Moon Dancer looks over to the captain! “He's moving to attack position!”

Wrangler nods! “Weapon systems ready!”

Arc hold up a hand! “Hold your fire! He wants us to attack first!”

A few moments pass. Moon Dancer calls out from her station!

“He's firing at us!”

Spike’s eyes grow wide! “SWEET CELESTIA!”

Thunderlane laughs! “This guy is a terrible shot! It's going right past us!”

Arc points to Wrangler! “Shoot that projectile down, NOW!”

“Magic Cannons firing sir!”

The cannons hit their mark! The projectile explodes in a cloud of gas! King Felix looks out the window!

“What was THAT?!”

“Dirty bombs, dear! He's trying to fire them at Panthera!”

Soarin looks over, appalled! “What?! Why?!”

Ember bares her teeth! “Because he's scum!”

Moon Dancer looks up from her monitors! “More projectiles incoming!”

Tight Ship turns to Wrangler! “Don't let even one past us, Wrangler!”

“I'm on it, sir!”

Wrangler skillfully shoots down every projectile that comes their way! Tight Ship watches the battle calmly.

“He can't have much left to fight with!”

Thunderlane nods! “Enemy ship coming around!”

Soarin looks out the main window! “Is he nuts?!”

Queen Fiona nods! “Very! And angry!”

Lemon Hearts looks to Arc. “Sire! We're being hailed!”

“Patch it through!”

A few moments later The Storm King’s voice comes over the radio.

“Very impressive Lord Regent! I'm almost out of bombs! Truth be told, I only have one left!”

Spike shakes his head, sarcastically. “What a shame!”

Ember looks at the ship before them! “My heart bleeds for you!”

Arc eyes the ship suspiciously. “Does this mean you’re giving up?”

“Hardly! This last one is for YOU!”

The Storm King's ship suddenly gains momentum as the Storm King himself steps onto the deck with a large bomb over his head! He speaks into his headset at his ship charges forward!

“I'm going to crash into you and gas your whole ship! Without all those bombs aboard, my ship's light as a feather! You can't outrun me!”

Thunderlane turns to Tight Ship! “He's right sir!”

The captain nods! “Wrangler, fire at will! Take him down!”

“Yes sir!”

Wrangler fires again and again at the ship to no avail. Queen Fiona shakes her head.

“It's no use! His ship’s made with the same anti-magic weapons as his base was!”

Moon Dancer looks up! “Impact in two minutes!”

The Storm King laughs maniacally as he sets the bomb on the deck! “I may not have been able to bomb Panthera, but I'll still go out... with a BANG!”

Arc runs over to Thunderlane! “I have a plan! It's crazy, but it just might work! Tight Ship, tell the crew to brace for impact and order the Lower Level to evacuate to the Living Quarters!”

Tight Ship nods and turns on the ship’s intercom! “All crew prepare for impact! Lower Level, evacuate to the Middle Level at once!”

Arc puts his hands on Thunderlane’s shoulders. “Full speed ahead!”

“Aye sir!”

King Felix looks to Arc! “Are you crazy?!”

The Lunar Destiny accelerates to meet the Storm King's ship head on! Ember looks to Arc!

“What are we doing?! Playing chicken?!”

“In a matter of speaking!”

Queen Fiona’s eyes are filled with fear! “But he'll never change course! He's insane!”

Arc nods, not taking his eyes off their opponent! “I'm counting on that! Everyone, strap in now!”

The king and queen sit down together and buckle themselves in next to Ember and Spike! Sereb lies down in a back corner!

Arc puts one hand on the flight stick to steady Thunderlane's shaking hooves and holds onto the back of the pilot's seat with the other!

“Steady as she goes!”

King Felix takes his wife's paw in his. “I love you, my dear!”

“And I love you as well! I'm glad we can be together like this at the end!”

Wrangler turns to Tight Ship! “Captain! It's been an honor!”

The entire bridge crew nods! “AYE!”

The Storm King's ship looms before them! Ember turns to Spike.

“Are you scared?”

Spike shakes his head and forces a smile! “Nope! I'm just happy to be here with my friends!”

Ember nods. “You're very brave, Spike!”

“I learned that from you and Arc!

Ember takes Spike's claw in hers. “We’re in this together!”

Spike nods! “Let's do this!”

Arc smiles as the ships near! “LEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY… JENKINS!!!”

Ember facepalms! “I literally have nothing to say to that.”

At the last possible moment Arc pulls the flight stick back! The Lunar Destiny shoots upward at a sickening angle!


Thunderlane does so! The ship drops as if in slow motion with its nose in the air! It smashes into the aft end of the Storm King's ship, obliterating his engines! The Storm King looks back to see his engines in flames! His ship begins to lose altitude!

“WHAT?! No... no, no, no, no, NO!!!”

Meanwhile, the Lunar Destiny noses toward the ground!


Tight Ship calls out from the command chair as the engines roar to life! “You can do this Thunderlane! Remember your training!”

“Aye Captain!”

Fighting the stick, Thunderlane manages to level off the ship only several thousand feet above the ground! Thunderlane lets out a sigh of relief with the rest of the crew at the ship levels off.

“Whew! That was close!”

The bridge crew erupts into cheers! Tight Ship looks to the helmsman.

“Set us down, Thunderlane. We need to assess the damage to the ship.”

“Yes sir!”

The ship lands a short time later in the clearing in front of the pirate base. Stellar Flare runs onto the Bridge! She glares at Tight Ship!

“What in Celestia's name are you DOING up here?!”

“Working navigational magic! Stellar Flare, I need a damage report inside and out as soon as possible!”

Stellar Flare sighs! “Yes sir…”

Arc turns! “Wait! Is the air outside safe to breathe?!”

Moon Dancer checks her instruments. “Yes sir. That strange gas appears to have dispersed on the wind.”

Arc nods. “I'll go out first and secure the area... just to be sure.”

Ember unstraps herself. “I’ll join you!”

Sereb walks over shakily. “As will I.”

“Fine. Let's go you two.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb make their way to the Main Hatch. His squad is waiting for them. Max looks to Arc as he approaches.

“Not sure if getting aboard was a good idea or not.”

Hugh laughs! “Never a dull moment with the commander around!”

Xenos appears a bit green. “Tell that to my stomach!”

Viktor nods! “The ship took it well!”

“We're going to take a look around. You boys coming?”

Max salutes! “Wouldn't miss it sir!”

They open the hatch and walk down the gangplank. Viktor looks at the ship’s hull.

“She took the blow well!”

Xenos gestures to the Storm King's burning ship a short distance away. “Better than that ship anyways!”

Arc nods. “We should investigate the wreck.”

Ember frowns. “Why? To make sure he's dead?!”

“That and to make sure there aren't any more of those dirty bombs aboard. Can't leave them lying around.”

Ember sighs. “Fine! Let's get this over with!”

The group approaches the wreck. There isn't much left. Max looks to Arc and grins!

“Wow commander! When you down a ship, you really DOWN A SHIP!”

“It had to be done.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “We are not alone here.”

As if on cue the Storm King emerges from the burning wreckage!

“Fool! Did you really think you would be rid of me so easily?!”

Ember calls forth her spear angrily! “We were hoping so, yes!”

The Storm King walks toward them with a spear in his hand!

“Let it not be said that the Storm King went down without a fight!”

Arc shakes his head. “You just don't know when to give up, do you?!”

Max turns to Arc. “Sir! Let us handle this!”

Xenos nods. “Yup! You've had quite the day already!”

Viktor plants his hooves firmly! “We can take him!”

Hugh grits his teeth! “We'll knock this joker into next week!”

Arc nods. “Go for it. Just watch yourselves!”

Ember steps in front of Arc with Sereb. “Sereb and I will guard Arc! Kick his butt!”

The foursome quickly moves to surround the Storm King! He moves to a battle stance!

“Bring it on! Before me you are little more than bugs to be stepped on!”

Max looks to the others! “He's big, but together we can take him! Omni-directional formation, go!”

Arc's squad charges at the Storm King from all sides! He swings his spear in a wide arc at them, but they nimbly drop to the ground and knock him into the air with the combined strength of their back hooves! As the Storm King falls back to the ground, they quickly form a semi-circle and together buck him toward the tree line!

Ember nods! “Woah! I don't think even you could have knocked him THAT far, Arc!”

“Agreed! Good work boys! Let's see if we can find where he landed. I'm looking forward to taking him prisoner.”

Ember looks toward the tree line. “I'll take point!”

She slowly advances past the tree line. Suddenly she disappears from view with a yelp! Xenos runs forward!


Arc grabs Xenos with his magic. “HOLD IT! Take a good look down!”

Xenos looks down to see a ravine opening up below him! Ember is flying back up toward them!

“Thank you sir!”

Arc nods! “Anytime.”

Max looks cautiously over the edge! “No one could have survived that fall”

Viktor hangs his head. “Our apologies sir! We know that isn't how you wanted the fight to end.”

“It's not your fault boys. None of us knew what was over there.”

Ember lands nearby. “The world is better off with the wacko gone for good! Good riddance I say!”

Sereb looks over the edge. “Rest in peace... Storm King.”

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