• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Agressive Wildcrafting

As the sun rises, Arc and Scootaloo walk down the street together. Scootaloo looks around as those whom see them whisper to each other.

“Everyone is staring at me, Big Brother!”

“From what I’ve overheard it sounds like a few of them have heard of the Scarlett Filly.”

“Yeah. It’s kinda nice. Sort of.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re not immediately judging me poorly.”

Coming to the town square they look around. A map on another billboard points them to the apothecary’s shop. Entering, they see an elderly stallion behind a counter mixing herbs. He looks to Scootaloo as she walks up to the counter.

“Sorry, but we don’t have the cure yet.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “What cure?”

“The one that’s affecting the town’s fillies, of course! Say… shouldn’t you be in bed?!”

“Um… I feel fine.”

“Oh. Sorry. I just thought… what can I get for you?”

Scootaloo lays the writ on the counter.

“I’m here about this.”

“My writ?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes. I want to take the job.”

“You know about herbs?”

“More than most ponies, yes.”

The stallion sets several jars in front of her. “Think you can name these?”

Scootaloo points with a hoof as she talks. “Astralagus, Thuja, Sambucus,
Umcka, Sage, and Cardamom.”

“That’s… pretty good.”

“So can I help?”

The stallion sighs. “I suppose. Nopony else has volunteered thus far.”

He walks over to a nearby table and picks up a paper. Returning to the counter he gives it to Scootaloo.

“I need a hooffull of each of these plants.”

“To make something for fillies?”

“Yes. You see, about a week ago at the local school there was an outbreak of some kind of strange illness. It seems like every one of them has the same symptoms.”

“What is it?”

“Something new as far as I can tell. It’s like influenza, but doesn’t respond to normal treatments. The herbs on that list are ones that I think could be used to whip up a cure.”

Scootaloo heads for the door. “I’ll see about getting this done quickly then.”

“Thanks. By the way, I don’t think I caught your name, little one.”

Scootaloo turns back as she puts a hoof on the doorknob. “I’m the Scarlet Filly.”


Scootaloo smiles as she opens the door. “You’ll find out.”

As she leaves the shop, the stallion shakes his head.

“I’m glad she’s not sick like her schoolmates. But I do think that oversized mask is a bit much.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Scootaloo head for the southern edge of town together.

“I’m pretty sure I saw most of the stuff on this list when we were walking here.”

“You sure?”

Scootaloo giggles. “Trust me. I know my plants.”

As they walk Scootaloo points out numerous flora to Arc whom carefully picks them before stowing them in his bag. As the sun begins to set, Scootaloo grins and points once more.

“That’s the last of them.”

“Are you sure we got the right ones? I mean, you did have me pick quite a few more than was on the list.”

“Extras for that stallion to experiment with.”

“Good idea.”

“I wish he’d told me more about that sickness. Maybe I’ve seen it before.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “That’s right. Your mother was the town apothecary back in Knothole Village.”

“Yeah. She taught me a lot about herbs and how to mix up tinctures. Now I kinda wish I’d saved some of her books from our cottage.”

“Probably for the best we didn’t, as I don’t think either of us want to lug big, heavy books across the country.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I suppose you’re right, Big Brother. But we should head back now.”

“Okay. Follow me.”

Arc leads the way back toward Vanhoover. They arrive back at the shop just as the sun slips beneath the horizon. The stallion from before is just locking up for the night as Scootaloo runs over to him.

“I have your herbs!”

“Oh! Hello again. Let’s take a look at what you have.”

Unlocking his shop, he opens the door and let’s Scootaloo inside. Walking over to a table he sits down.

“I’ll read off the list and you give me what I ask for.”


Giving the stallion the herbs as he calls them out, the list is soon complete.

“Here’s a few more that I think will help you.”

“Thank you. I have to admit, when you first came here I didn’t really think you could do this. No offense, of course.”

“None taken.”

The stallion steps behind the counter and pulls out a bag of bits. Giving them to Scootaloo, he nods happily.

“Thank you for your help… what was it you were called again?”

“The Scarlet Filly.”

“Ah, yes. Hopefully I can devise a cure with these reagents.”

“About that. Can you tell me anything about this sickness?”

“They symptoms are similar to influenza. Coughs, sore throat, runny nose, aches, fatigue, etcetera. However as I said earlier, it doesn’t respond to our normal treatments. The only other thing we know is that it only seems to affect foals for some reason.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “No adults at all?”

“None whatsoever.”

“Where are the sick foals now?”

“The hospital ward is full of them at the moment. So far they’ve remained somewhat stable. However, they’re certainly not getting any better.”

“I’d like to see them for myself.”

The stallion frowns. “As capable as you appear to be I don’t recommend that. You’ll most likely fall ill yourself.”

“My immune system is, shall we say… above average. But I thank you for your concern. In any case, I should let you get going. It looked like you were leaving for the evening when I walked up.”

“Yes. But now that I have these reagents I want to get to work on potential cures.”

“You look pretty tired, mister. Maybe you should rest now and get to work tomorrow morning.”

“Maybe you’re right. I’ll head home and get a few hours rest before returning to start experimenting.”

“Rest well.”

She leaves the shop. Arc falls into step behind her as she passes him. They converse telepathically.

“A sickness that only affects foals.”

Scootaloo nods. “There are some that would make the rounds during the colder months back in Knothole.”

“Just foals though?”

“Usually, yes. You see, foals have weaker immune systems than adult mares and stallions. As we grow and mature physically, our bodies build up immunity to a host of different illnesses. So by the time we’re grown up, the ailments of our youth no longer affect us.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“My mom told me that one time when the village was going through a wave of sickness.”

“But you were immune?”

“I’m guessing my Crimson blood is to thank for that.”

“So I’m immune to sickness too?”


“Good. I have a bit of an idea.”

“What is it, Big Brother?”

“How about you and I see those sick foals for ourselves?”

“You don’t believe the apothecary?”

“It isn’t that. But he might have accidently overlooked something.”

“Unlikely. If he’s anywhere near as good as my mom was… well… they’re trained to take everything in.”

“No one’s perfect.”

“You want to head over there in the morning?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Right now.”

“What? Why? It’s already late enough.”

“That’s the reason. The hospital will be quiet and run by a skeleton crew. I can slip in there, take a look around, and get out without being seen.”

“What about me?!”

“Sorry, but you should stay in our room at the Inn. I don’t want to risk you catching whatever’s over there.”

“But I’m immune to…!”

“I know. But just chalk it up to an overabundance of caution and do as I say.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Okay. But can I at least watch?”

“Through my eyes? Sure.”

“Thanks. I’ll do my best to help.”

“I’m sure you will. Head back to the Inn while I check the map for the hospital location.”

The pair part ways. Arc returns to the Town Square and looks over the map. Finding the hospital on it, he makes his way there. As he approaches, a mare walks through the front door. Arc slips in as the door closes behind her. Looking over the directory on the wall he heads for the foal’s ward. Scootaloo calls out to him.

“Those double doors should be it.”

“Right. So you can see everything I do?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes. But only because you’re letting me. You can always cut me off, but I can’t do the same to you.”

“Because you’re a thrall?”

“Yup. Your mind’s more powerful, so that’s why you can force me to do things.”

Arc sighs. “I wish you wouldn’t put it that way.”

“Well, I’m okay with it.”

“Glad one of us is. But let’s get this over with.”

Pushing on the double doors before him Arc quietly enters the darkened ward. Looking around he sees two rows of beds filled with foals, sleeping.

“They don’t look too bad.”

“Don’t be fooled. If they’re in the hospital something is very wrong with them. Feel their foreheads.”

Arc turns to the nearest foal and carefully does so.


Scootaloo frowns. “Sweaty?”


“Listen to their breathing.”


“Just put your ear to their chest. That’s what my mom always did for others.”

“What should I be listening for?”

“Not actually sure. But she could tell what was wrong by doing just that. Sometimes anyways.”

Arc slowly pulls back the covers and puts his head against the foal’s hospital gown.

“It sounds kinda… rattly.”

“I hear it too.”

“What does that mean?”

“That there’s trouble in their lungs.”

“I know that much.”

“Trouble breathing and feverish is a bad combination. Their bodily systems are really out of balance.”

“But if the doctors here can’t figure this out…”

“The apothecary’s working with them, I’m sure. Together he and the doctors will come up with something.”

“Are you sure?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah. My mom used to talk to the doctor back in Knothole Village regularly to come up with treatment plans for things they couldn’t do anything about separately. It’s probably the same way here.”

“Anything else we need to know?”

“Can you check the chart at the end of the bed?”

“What for?”

“See if they have any preexisting conditions.”


Arc looks over the clipboard.

“Nothing of note here.”

“Check the others while you’re there.”

Doing as Scootaloo asks, Arc examines every chart one by one.

“Only two have any past issues.”

Scootaloo sighs. “And they’re both infirmities from birth so nothing helpful there.”

“I’m going to head back to the inn. We’ve learned all we can from this.”

“Okay. But before you do, can you check one more thing?”

“What is it?”

“Feel the lymph nodes in their neck.”

“The what?”

“Hold on a second. I’ll show you.”

Scootaloo runs into the bathroom and stands in front of the mirror.

“Look through my eyes.”


Scootaloo points with her hoof. “Feel them here and here.”

“What should I feel?”

“Hopefully nothing. But give it a try.”

Arc reaches forward and gently rubs his fingers along the foal’s neck. Suddenly their eyes fly open as they make a sound partially between a gurgle and a scream. He instinctively pulls his hand back inside the magic cloak and steps back. Several other foals awaken and cry out as a doctor and several nurses rush into the ward and over to one of the foals.

“What’s going on?!”

“Something… was on my neck! It felt like small tentacles!”

“It was just a bad dream, little one. You’re safe here.”

“But… but I SAW them!”

A nurse turns to the doctor. “Maybe it’s the fever.”

“Agreed. Double his medication and check again in the morning.”

“Yes, doctor.”

Arc slips out the door as he follows a nurse. Making his way out of the hospital he quickly heads for the inn.

“That was close!”

“I’ll say.”

Arc grimaces. “Turn on the shower for me.”

“Okay. But why?”

“I need to get cleaned up. Don’t want to be spreading whatever they have to you now.”

“Pretty sure I’m immune to whatever it is they have. But I’ll do as you say, Big Brother.”

“And open a window. I don’t want to go through the lobby.”

Arc reaches the Inn and spots the open window. Nimbly jumping, he grabs onto the windowsill and pulls himself in.

“You okay, Big Brother?”

“Yeah, I think so. Let me get cleaned up now.”

Scootaloo nods as she closes the window. Arc heads for the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Removing his clothes, he lathers up and sighs as a voice rings out.

“What’s wrong?”

Arc gasps. “Scootaloo?!”

“Just talking to you telepathically. Remember, you didn’t close the link from earlier.”

“Oh… right. But you’re not watching though… right?”

“No. I knew that would make you uncomfortable.”

“So… any ideas?”

“This reminds me of a few things my mom treated in the past.”

“Like what?”

“The common cold for starters.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But every foal in town?”

“It can move fast, yes. But shouldn’t put every foal in the hospital, that’s for sure.”

“What else?”

“While unlikely, there are a number of poisons that would produce the symptoms we’ve seen.”

“Are you saying someone did this on purpose?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “Possible, but extremely unlikely. After all, who would want to poison foals?”

“Hopefully no one. Any other ideas?”

“Judging from the sound that one foal’s lungs were making, it could also have been an airborne pathogen. Naturally occurring, of course.”

“Yeah, I’m hoping this is just a really bad case of sickness making the rounds. We’ll get some sleep and see if the apothecary can come up with anything.”

“He might need more time than that. After all, herbalism isn’t something that you get right on the first try. Not usually anyways.”

“I suppose you’re right. After all, you know more about such things than I do.”

Stepping out of the tub, Arc puts on clean clothes and leaves the bathroom. Scootaloo looks to him.


“Yeah. It’s really late.”

Arc lies down on the massive (by pony standards) bed. Scootaloo hops up next to him and lays down.


Scootaloo nods. “I am, yes. But at the same time I’m worried about those foals. They looked really upset when you woke that one up.”


“By the way, how did their neck’s feel?”

“There were two swollen spots on either side.”

Scootaloo frowns. “That’s not good.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a sign of infection.”

“Any idea what kind?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “It could be any number of things. The only thing I know for sure is they’re really sick.”

“Well, we can’t do any more to help them tonight. The rest is up to the hospital staff and apothecary.”

Scootaloo nods soberly. “Yeah.”

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