• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,613 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Fixing What is Broken

A few minutes later Raven enters the office.

“You're working late tonight, commander.”

Arc stands. “Yeah... I just had something to talk over with the sergeant. Are you busy right now?”

Raven shakes her head. “No sir. Was there something you needed?”

He walks over to the couch and sits down. “Would you please join me?”

She walks over to the couch and sits down next to him.

“About our talk earlier today...”

Raven nods. “Y-yes. I... I don't really know what to say, commander.”

“Raven, I'm going to be Honest with you. This terrible act shouldn't have fallen upon anyone, much less you! However, it's clear that you can't deal with this alone.”

She appears confused. “What are you suggesting sir?”

Arc puts a hand on her hoof. “I want you to undergo professional therapy. Please know that I'm here for you if you need to talk But I can only do so much to help you.”

Raven looks to Arc fearfully! Tears form in her eyes and there is a pleading tone in her voice!

“Please no! Don't make me do this, sir! I'm begging you! Just give me some time to work through this myself!”

Arc shakes his head. “I'm sorry Raven. Please understand that I appreciate all your hard work for me in the past! But it's clear to me that you're just using it as a coping mechanism! A means to not have to think about it! Am I wrong?”

Raven looks down at her hooves, sadly. “N-no sir you're not, but... I would still like to try and work this out alone. Can... can we just keep this between us please?”

Arc leans back on the couch and sighs. “How about I ask you some questions. However, you must promise to answer them truthfully. Even if the words are painful to say.”

“I shall, commander.”

“Do you feel depressed?”

“...yes. I do.”

“Do you feel that this act has ‘damaged’ you, or your mind?”

“I... I suppose so, yes.”

Arc nods. “Can you picture yourself ever getting married and having a family of your own after this incident?”

“I haven't actually thought about it, sir. But I think it would be hard to be... intimate with my husband.”

“I appreciate your honesty Raven. Now for the last question. Since your attack, have you had thoughts of intentionally hurting yourself?”

Raven is silent for a time

“I... I... Lord Arc, please don't tell my grandfather about this, but...”

Arc is silent as he allows Raven time to find the right word. He takes her hoof in his hand and holds it. She squeezes his hand with her hoof as tears form in the corners of her eyes.

“...but one night a couple weeks ago I awoke from the same nightmares of Lord Goldstone! I... I'm not sure what exactly happened, but something inside me snapped! There was a letter opener on my nightstand. I... I picked it up and... and...”

The tears flow freely from her eyes. Arc gives her hoof a quick squeeze.

“Take your time.”

Raven sobs! “...and I put it to my neck! To be completely honest with you sir, I really wanted to die! To make my pain go away!”

She collapses into Arc's arms and bursts into fresh hysterics! Arc strokes the inconsolable mare in an effort to comfort her.

“I'm here Raven. Just let it all out.”

Raven cries for what seems like forever! Eventually she wears herself down. Turning to look Arc in the eye through her tears.

“I-I'm sorry sir! You must be ashamed to have such a weak-minded aide!”

Arc continues to stroke Raven's mane and shakes his head. “No Raven. You were very brave to confess this to me. But I want you to know something! A poet from my world once said ‘suicide doesn't end the pain. It just passes it on to someone else’.”

“I don't understand.”

“Those who care about you would inherit your pain in the form of grief. Think about how Kibitz would feel! How Flash Sentry would feel! How I would feel!”

Raven nods and wipes the tears from her eyes. “I... I never thought about it that way before. Commander... I... I need help!”

Arc gives Raven a hug and nods. “I'll see to it you get it. It's rather late now. Why don't you get some rest, and I'll send a therapist over in the morning?”

She nods. “Thank you, commander!”

Arc stands up and extends a hand to Raven. “Come with me. You need some rest, but I don't want you to be alone tonight.”

As she puts her hoof in Arc's hand, he raises his other hand to open a portal. She looks towards in nervously.

“Where are we going?!”

He walks toward the portal with Raven. “Somewhere you’ll be safe.”

They enter the portal together. A moment later they arrive at their destination. Raven looks around, confused.

“Where are we?”

“Ponyville. This is where I live.”

Raven looks surprised. “I didn't know you owned a house.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don't. Before I became the Hero of Light I rented a room here. Still do actually!

“Um... okay. But whose house IS this?”

The front door opens as Derpy and Dinky enter together. Dinky spots her father and runs over to him!


Derpy trots over as well! “Arc!”

Arc kneels down to embrace them!

“I missed you dad!”

Derpy nods. “We both did, Arc!”

He holds them close. “And I missed you two as well!”

Dinky looks over her father’s shoulder. “Miss Raven? What are you doing here?”

Raven looks around nervously. “I... um... sorry to intrude like this…”

Arc looks to Derpy. "Sorry for barging in like this."

Derpy leans back and shakes her head “You did no such thing Arc! This is your home too, remember! Is something wrong?”

“Yes. We... can't really go into detail, but Raven here needs a place to sleep tonight. Would it be okay if she used Ember's old bed tonight?”

“Of course! Please make yourself at home, Raven!

“Th-thank you ma'am.”

Arc smiles. “Thanks, Derpy!”

He looks out the window to see the sun is hanging just above the horizon.

“It looks like it's time to lower the sun.”

Dinky looks up at him excited! “Can we watch?!

“Sure sweetheart!”

Arc walks over to the window and looks outside. Taking a deep breath, he stretches out both hands and slowly makes a pushing gesture. The sun drops below the horizon and room is plunged into darkness.

“Okay, now for the hard part...”

Arc concentrates in an effort to ‘locate’ the moon.

“Here... we... go...”

With great effort on Arc's part, the moon slowly begins to rise. Derpy and Dinky watch, transfixed!


“Yeah dad! Even I didn't know you were THAT powerful!”

Arc puts a hand to his head. “Thanks. It... really takes a lot out of me though.”

“Commander? Are you... okay?”

“Y-yeah Raven. I'll be okay.”

Arc turns back to Derpy and Dinky.

“I... I think I need to sit down for a few minutes is all.”

They help Arc to the couch. Sitting down Arc breathes a contented sigh as Derpy and Dinky sit down on either side of him. Raven sits at the other end of the couch as Arc looks around the familiar room.

“I've missed these times you two.”

Derpy and Dinky nods nuzzle Arc's sides.

“So, how's school Dinky?”

“Really cool! Our teacher Miss Cheerilee is so nice! I did just like you told me and helped the others get to know her!”

Arc smiles! “Good girl Dinky! You know, she was just as nervous as the orphans were when she arrived the other day!”

Derpy looks surprised! “Really?! I thought she was very confident!”

“Well, she was after Coco Pommel and I introduced her to the orphans. And how are you doing Derpy? Liking your new job?”

Derpy smiles! “Very much so! The foals are all so sweet! It's hard to believe that these four walls used to be my whole world!”

Raven looks to Derpy, confused. “You're whole world?!”

Derpy nods sadly. “It was a very... dark time in my life. Not long ago I lay in front of this very fireplace, sad and alone.”

“Really?! I wouldn't have guessed it from your cheerful demeanor now! If you don't mind talking about it, what changed?”

Derpy looks to Arc fondly! “A fearsome creature came looking for a room to rent! I was scared at first and almost said no! But I'm so glad I didn't! He put wood on the fire, covered me with a blanket, fed me and even went so far as to deliver my sweet little filly for me!”

“Yeah! He took mom and I under his care! He's the best dad ever!”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence you two. I hope when this is all over, the three of us can spend more time together. You know... as a family!”

Derpy smiles! “I'd like that Arc!”

“Me too dad!”

Arc sighs. “Sorry for putting you two on the back burner, so to speak. I... really don't enjoy doing it.”

Derpy puts a hoof on Arc's hand. “We understand Arc! You have many things to do!”

“Yeah dad! It's okay! Really!”

Arc gives Dinky a hug. “Thanks for understanding sweetheart. It's just... I don't want to become like MY dad! Gone without so much as a goodbye. Never knowing what happened to him.”

“We know you'll always come home to us in the end, Arc!”

“That I will! And I'll try to call you two as often as I can too!”

Arc stands up.

“Well, I'm feeling much better after a bit of a rest. I should be getting back to the castle.”

Dinky frowns. “Awww... do you have to dad?”

“Yes sweetheart. But before I go, there is one last thing I would like to do.”

“Oh? What's that?”

Arc looks to Dinky, smiling! “Tuck my daughter in for the night! It's been far too long since I did that!”

Dinky jumps off the couch and heads for the bathroom! “Okay dad! Just let me brush my teeth first!”

Arc looks to Raven. “Are you okay? You've been so quiet.”

Raven nods. “Yes, I'm fine. You have a lovely family, commander! It... kinda makes me wish for one of my own...”

Arc puts a hand on Raven's shoulder. “Maybe someday you will. But for now, why don't you lie down. You look exhausted!”

“Thank you. I think I will.”

“Right this way!”

Arc leads Raven to his room. Opening the door, he gestures to Ember’s bed.

“It's not much, but I hope you’ll be comfortable here.”

Raven pulls back the covers and gets into bed. “It's fine, commander. Thank you for all you've done for me! But... I confess I'm a bit... scared of what the counselor will say. W-what if they think I'm crazy or something for trying to... you know...”

Arc covers Raven with the blanket. “It’ll be fine, Raven. Their entire job is to help ponies like you come to terms with their traumatic experiences.”

“I hope you're right, Commander.”

Arc nods as Dinky trots into the room and hops into her father’s bed. “Why don't you get some rest now, Raven” We can talk about this some more tomorrow.”

Raven nods sleepily and turns over to face the wall. Arc pats her gently on the back before turning to Dinky.

“Ready for bed, sweetheart?!”

Dinky nods! “Uh huh! I wish you could stay the night though dad!”

Arc covers her with a blanket and sighs. “I wish that too dear. Now you be sure and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is another day!”

Dinky yawns. “Good night dad... I love you.”

Arc pauses momentarily before leaning forward to kiss Dinky on the forehead. “I love you too sweetheart.”

As Arc turns to leave the room, he gives Raven a last pat on the back.

“Good night, Raven.”

“Good night... commander.”

Arc returns to the Living Room. Derpy is waiting for him on the couch.

“Thanks for putting Dinky to bed. It means a lot to her to have you here!”

“It was my pleasure! I've missed you both so much lately! Sorry that I have to rush off again.”

Derpy wordlessly nods.

“You okay, Derpy?”

“I am. But I do wish you could stay! I really do! But I understand why you have to go. Just... take care of yourself, will you?”

Arc nods. He steps onto the sigil wordlessly and teleports back to the Audience Chamber.

“I hope this will be over soon. I miss my home...”

Arc leaves the Audience Chamber and heads for Princess Celestia's room. On the way he sees an inordinate amount of guards!

“I guess Shining Armor was serious about keeping us safe.”

As Arc approaches the princess’ rooms, he sees Shining Armor has stationed what appears to be an entire platoon outside the room!

“I wish all of this wasn't necessary.”

Several guards stand outside Princess Celestia's room. They salute as Arc approaches.

“Good evening, sire!”

Arc nods. “Anything to report?”

“No sire. Everything has been quiet.”

“Good. See to it the guards on duty know that I’m expecting a report some time tonight from a Lunar Guard sergeant. As soon as he arrives send him in.”

“Yes sire!”

Arc enters Princess Celestia's room, or his room depending on how you look at it. There are several Royal Guards stationed around the room and on the adjoining balcony>

“Who's in charge here?”

A Royal Guard bearing a sergeant's insignia steps forward and salutes Arc.

“I am, sire!”

“Thank you for securing my room for me. I'm heading to bed now, so you and your troops can go.”

The sergeant looks to him, uncomfortable.

“Captain Shining Armor has ordered us to protect this room and you sire. Even while you sleep! He's very concerned that somepony is out to get you!”

Arc sighs. “That's very... nice of him and all. However, I really need some alone time!”

“Begging your forgiveness sire, but we agree with the captain! You shouldn't be alone and unguarded!”

“Hmmm... what to do about this...”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“Sergeant, please summon Ember and Sereb. I need to see them right away!”

“It will be done!”

The Royal Guard Sergeant nods to a nearby guard. He quickly leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with Ember and Sereb.

Sereb walks over calmly. “You wished to see us?”

“Everything okay, Arc?!”

“Kinda. I need the two of you to stay here and guard me, I guess.”

Ember raises an eyebrow, confused. “Uh... okay!”

“Very well, Arc.”

Arc turns back to the Royal Guard sergeant.

“There you are, sergeant. I'm guarded by a dragon and a giant wolf. Do you foresee anyone living long enough to hurt me?”

“N-no sire! Are you sure about this?!”

“Yes. You and your troops will bolster the ranks of those whom are guarding the princesses.”

“Yes sire!”

The Royal Guards leave the room as Ember turns to Arc.

“Care to let us in on what that was about?”

“Sorry about this you two. Shining Armor is worried about my personal safety and insists that I be guarded at all times. Somehow I think I would have trouble sleeping surrounded by guards.”

Sereb nods. “Understandable.”

Ember turns to look at the door. “Yeah! We saw all the guards out there on our way here! Has something happened?!”

“Well... yes and no. No, as in nothing has ACTUALLY happened. Yes, inasmuch as I had an early morning visitor on my balcony.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Can I assume it wasn't the paparazzi?”

Arc shakes his head. “It was Tempest.”


“Calm down Ember. I’m fine!”

Ember’s eyes dart around the room, frantically! “Calm down... CALM DOWN?! Crazy, invincible, super pony shows up and you tell me to CALM DOWN?!”

“Pretty much. Look, I'm okay! She didn’t try to hurt me or anything!”

“So, she just came to say ‘hi’ and ‘congratulations on your promotion’?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Actually, she came to ask me how Cerulean Skies was doing.”


Arc sighs. “Tempest may be cold and calculating, but she still cares for her sister! I may be wrong here but I do think, at least in HER mind, she's doing the right thing!”

Ember frowns “That doesn't really put my mind at ease, but don't worry! I'll protect you if Tempest comes back!”

Sereb nods. “As will I!”

Ember looks away, blushing slightly. “Not complaining or anything, but about what Sunburst said the other day? You know, about how it would reflect badly if you and I... you know...”

“That's why Sereb is here. He'll see to it we behave ourselves.”

Ember grins as she walks over to the bed! “Good thinking Arc!”


“Yes, Sereb?”

"I do not believe your course of action is what is best for the Lord Regent's reputation.

Ember looks confused. "Um... what?"

Arc nods. "Sereb's right Ember. You shouldn't be sleeping in my bed."

"But... fine..."

She walks over to the couch and sits down as Arc gets into bed.

“You two should get some sleep as well. I want both of you by my side from now on.”

“Expecting trouble?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, Ember. But it will help put Shining Armor's mind at ease though. That and I would appreciate the company of friends!

Sereb walks over to the balcony doors and lies down in front of them. “We will try to not disappoint you Arc.

“Thanks. I know I can count on you two.”

In a few minutes Arc and his companions are fast asleep. An undetermined amount of time later Arc sits up.

“What's that sound?!”

He looks around the room. Ember and Sereb are nowhere to be seen!

“Where did those two go?”

Arc listens intently. The air is eerily silent other than a small voice calling out.

“Is that... someone calling for help?!”

Getting up quickly, Arc leaves the room. Upon steeping out into the hall he finds it completely devoid of guards!

“What is going on here?!”

Arc walks next door to Princess Luna's room. He can hear cries for help and sobbing!

“What the...”

He slowly opens the door. Inside Arc finds Princess Luna lying on the floor looking out the balcony doors! She is crying and calling out between choked sobs!

“P-Princess Luna?!”

The princess slowly turns her head to gaze in Arc's direction. She speaks to him in a confused tone.

“Arc? Is that you?!”

“Um... I think so, yes. What's going on? Where's Princess Cadance?! And where are all your guards?!”

Princess Luna quickly gets to her hooves and runs toward Arc. There is a feral, almost desperate look in her eyes! Arc puts his hands out in front of himself as Luna lunges at him! She slams him against a nearby wall, her horn aglow! Arc grabs Luna's shoulders in an effort to hold her back!

“Woah there Princess Luna! It's me, Arc! Don't you recognize me?!”

She looks at him, angrily! “Prove it! The day I came to your base I made a phone call to Cadance! What was she doing when I called her?!”

“She was doing paperwork, and you accused her of lying about having it under control!”

Princess Luna's horn stops glowing. Her eyes again fill with tears as she wraps her front hooves around Arc and lays her head against his chest! She continues to cry, but now sounds… almost relieved!

“Thank you for coming Arc! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Arc is confused, but returns Luna's hug and strokes her mane in an effort to comfort her.

“Um... sure... no problem. Although I have no idea how I got here. Or even where ‘here’ is.”

Luna continues crying for some time. Arc make no attempt to stop her. After a while she does her best to compose herself.

“I... I'm sorry Arc. It's just... I don't know what's real and what's not here! But first, how are things in Equestria?! Is... is everything alright?! How long have I been gone?!”

“Well, I'm real! Things are... okay I guess. And you've been unconscious for about three days now.”

Luna lets go of Arc. “Unconscious?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Three days ago, I was notified that there was trouble in Canterlot. When I arrived, Sunburst informed me of you and Princess Cadance's condition. Apparently, you collapsed after raising the sun. The two of you were found in your rooms in a catatonic state.”

“So BOTH of us are in comas?!”

“You and Princess Cadance are, yes. I just went to bed a few minutes ago and found myself here.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “You… weren't sleeping in my sister's bed at the time, were you?!”

“Yes. I hope that's okay! It was in an effort to protect the two of you and myself without under-manning our guard posts. My own room and yours are fairly far apart, so the idea made sense to me.”

Luna sighs. “I suppose. Just make sure my sister doesn't find out about this when she returns, as she would NOT be happy to know she had a human in her bed!”

“Uh, okay. But how did I get here?”

“Many years ago, I enchanted my sister's bed to allow her to come to my realm when she slept. You see, a realm is a very personal place. Under normal circumstances nopony else can come here without my permission.”

Arc nods. “I see. So... anyone who sleeps in Princess Celestia's bed could come here?”

Luna shakes her head. “Not exactly. If I willed them here, yes! But for you to find your way here accidentally, as you did, is quite remarkable!”

“I... think I heard a cry for help. It's in my nature to investigate such things. That's how I found my way to your room! Or wherever this place is.”

Luna gestures with a hoof around her. “This is the Lunar Realm. It's kinda like my sister's Celestial Realm! Think of it like a personal magical retreat for us. Normally this would be fine, as I sometimes come here to rest my mind and be alone. When I found I couldn't leave, however, I changed it to look like Canterlot Castle. I had thought it would make things feel a bit more normal. However, as you witnessed when you entered, it had the opposite effect!”

Arc looks around the room. “As stressful a job as you have, I suppose it's only natural to want to get away from it all. But I agree that this place does feel very... lonely.”

“Yes, well... right now the problem is I can't seem to leave and return to the ‘real world’ as it were. Normally I can consciously come and go from my realm as easily as one steps through a doorway.”

“So, what changed?”

“This time I didn't come here willingly! Somehow I was forced here! It felt like I was shoved in a cell with the door locked behind me!”

Arc nods. “So it's like you're imprisoned in your own mind?”

“Something like that.”

“Is Princess Cadance around?”

Luna shakes her head. “Not at the moment, no. She... kinda fades in and out. Lately she's been able to stay here longer though.”

“The two of you were moved to your room to more easily be monitored. Perhaps it's a proximity thing?”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “I suppose it's possible. Even we don't fully understand Realm Magic, as it's known only to those with VERY powerful magic! In fact, I'm not even sure how exactly you're able to maintain your presence here, as you didn't even know of the existence of this schools of magic!”

“In that case I’d better ask you some questions while I'm able to! Can you tell me anything about your current condition in the real world, princess? Doctor Whooves and I are for the most part stumped!”

“For the past week or so Cadance and I have felt a bit... off. I can't really describe it other than we weren't really ourselves! Did we... did we do anything... bad?”

Arc shakes his head. “To the best of my knowledge, no. Do you remember me calling you about going to the Dragon Lands about a week ago?”

Luna sighs. “I remember you talking about... something. But I couldn't really understand what you were going on about. What did I say?”

“You were really excited that Captain Decimus was back. Other than that, you both were acting really out of the ordinary. I thought you two were drunk or on drugs! Twilight went to check on you and Princess Cadance, but she was convinced that you were just overjoyed to have your old friend back!”

Luna covers her face with her hooves, ashamed. “This is terrible! I... I can only imagine what the castle staff must have thought about our behavior!”

“I'm sure they were more worried about you than anything else!”

Arc suddenly drops to his knees and clutches his head!

“What... the... heck?!”

Luna moves quickly to Arc's side! “Arc, listen to me! Don't fight it! Just... go with it!”

Arc looks into Luna's concerned face as everything around him fades to black.

Meanwhile… Sandstorm Mirage nudges Arc with a hoof. “C-commander?”

Arc opens his eyes and bolts upright in bed, gasping! “Well, that was... unsettling.”

Ember looks over to him and speaks in a concerned voice. “Arc? Is everything alright?”

“You do not look well.”

Arc puts a hand on his forehead and mutters to himself. “Was it a dream? Felt so real...”

“S-sorry for waking you up sir! But you told me to report back when I returned.”

Arc turns back to Sandstorm Mirage. “I'm... okay. Are you alright? How did it go?”

Sandstorm Mirage nods! “I'm fine! Nopony saw me! I put the scroll on the queen's nightstand and got out of there!”

“Are you completely sure you weren't seen?”

“Yes sir! I was like a ghost!”

“Good work. Get some rest now. I'll probably have more work for you tomorrow.”

“Yes sir! Thank you.”

Sandstorm Mirage leaves the room.

“What was that all about?! What queen?!”

“I had him deliver a message to Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Empire, Ember. It was a call for peace between our nations.”

Ember shakes her head. “You're wasting your time there, Arc! That banshee is CRAZY!”

Sereb turns to Ember. “Those who do not seek a peaceful solution will never find one.”

“I get what you're saying Sereb, but that witch doesn't WANT peace!”

Arc looks to Ember, confused. “What do you mean? What DOES she want?!”

Ember shrugs. “That's just it! No one really knows what motivates her!”

“Well, I'm going to try!”

Arc looks over at the clock.

“There's still quite a bit of the night left. Let's try to get some more sleep.”

Ember turns back to the couch. “Fine with me!”

The group again takes their places and are soon fast asleep. Arc, finding himself back in the Lunar Realm, looks around the room.

“Huh... I guess it really did happen.”

He quickly makes his way back to Luna's Room and knocks lightly.

“Princess Luna? Can I come in?”

Hearing no response Arc slowly opens the door. Luna is lying on her balcony looking up at the stars. He walks over to her.

“Princess... did earlier... really happen?”

Luna nods. “It did. But unlike me, you were able to leave and return here. I just don't understand how though...”

Arc sits down next to Luna. “My sergeant woke me up to deliver a report. I thought earlier was just a dream, so I lay back down and fell asleep.”


Luna puts a hoof to her head and closes her eyes.

“We're about to have company.”

Arc stands up quickly! “What?! Who?!”

“Cadance. She'll be here in a few moments.”


As if on cue, Princess Cadance enters Luna's room. She appears downcast and without hope.

“Princess Cadance?”

“What?! Arc?! Is that really you?!”

Luna stands up slowly. “It's really him, Cadance. He's been sleeping in Celestia's bed.”

Cadance nods, wide-eyed! “Really Arc?! You're even braver than I thought!”

“It sounds bad when you say it like that, Princess Luna. This was for security I tell you!”

Cadance walks toward Arc and pokes him a couple times in the chest with her hoof.

“You're real!”

Arc nods. “I am. Do me a favor and don't tell Princess Celestia, okay?”

Cadance gives Arc a hug! “I won't. It's a promise!”

“Thanks. How are you holding up here?”

She hugs him tighter! “To be completely honest, until you showed up, I had pretty much given up hope! How long have we been here?!”

“Only a few days.”

Cadance lets go of Arc. “Really?! It feels like an eternity! I'm sure glad you're here to rescue us!”

“Um yeah... about that. Truth be told I found my way here by accident! I have no idea how to get you back!”

She looks suddenly downcast.

“Oh... I see.”

“Maybe the two of you can help me with that.”

Luna looks up. “How?”

“Let me bring you up to speed on what we know about your condition and the affairs of Equestria.”

Arc, Luna and Cadance sit down together in a circle.

“Three days ago, the two of you were found unconscious in your rooms. All attempts to wake you have met with failure. I was summoned to Canterlot Castle, and have since taken over your day to day affairs as Equestria's Lord Regent.”

Luna sighs. “I'm sorry you've had to bear the burden of ruling Equestria alone, Arc. My sister had me. I had Cadance. But you... you are without aide!”

“I may not have someone ruling by my side, but I am far from alone! Kibitz and Raven have been instrumental in keeping me on schedule. Shining Armor is in charge of security with his lieutenant, Trixie. Doctor Whooves, Twilight and her friends along with Auriel are trying to figure out what is wrong with you two. Lieutenant Flash Sentry is following up on an incident in Baltimare. Ember and Sereb are my personal bodyguards. And my squad is there for moral support.”

Cadance looks to him with a small smile. “Well then, I guess you really aren't alone.”

“Far from it!”

“Do you have any leads on where to go from here?”

“A couple. The Hammers smelled a rather interesting aroma on your breath and skin Princess Luna. Sunburst is trying to track down a zebra named Zecora who may know more about the afore mentioned aroma. They said it reminded them of something they found many years ago in the Everfree Forest. Doctor Whooves has found a rather strange substance in your blood samples. As soon as something comes up I’m planning on sending Lieutenant Flash Sentry to follow up on it.”

Cadance nods, somewhat relieved! “I'm glad something is being done! It's kinda... scary in your realm Luna.”

“I am the Princess of the Night, so naturally my realm is one of moonlight and stars.”

“Do you have a realm of your own Princess Cadance?”

She shakes her head. “I do not. It takes quite a bit of magical proficiency to make a pocket dimension like this. Maybe someday I will be powerful enough to do so.”

Arc nods. “Well, if you DID have a realm what would it be like?”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “It would be bright and cheerful. Maybe some kind of tropical island retreat with birds singing and beautiful sunrises!”

Arc puts a hand on Cadance's hoof. “Now, I want you to close your eyes and think about what you just described very hard.”

Cadance does so. A few moments later she has a small smile on her face.

Arc squeezes her hoof. “When you feel frightened, just think of the realm you're going to make for yourself one day.”

“Thanks Arc. That does help a bit!”

Cadance is suddenly serious again.

“How are things in Canterlot?!”

"Yes. Is everything all right? You said earlier that things were okay, but didn't really go into detail.”

“Alright. Here's the latest.”

He relays the details of the past few days to the princesses.

“So that's where we stand. I sent letters to each of the leaders who are mobilizing their armies. So far, the King of Abyssinia and Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan have responded and are requesting meetings.”

Luna nods. “What will you say to them?”

“That I do not want to see ponies, yaks, or cats kill each other needlessly! If at all possible I want to negotiate peace.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “Abyssinia will be fairly easy to deal with. Yakyakistan, not so much. To get Prince Rutherford to see your point of view will most likely require a modicum of violence.”

“Is there no other route to take other than this?”

Luna shakes her head. “I doubt it. We knew it would one day come to this. Lead our forces to victory Arc! You have our blessing!”

Arc sighs. “Thanks. I'll... try to find a better way though.”

Cadance puts a hoof on Arc's hand and smiles. “I know we can count on you to do the right thing for Equestria.”

“Yes. We are very proud of you for not going along with General Virtuous Lance's idea to cull the creatures of the Everfree Forest or the Bugbears.”

Arc nods. “It's not the Equestrian way... nor is it mine. I knew I couldn't face the two of you if I committed such a terrible act!”

“This is why we chose you Arc. Your sense of Loyalty, Justice, and Kindness was just what Equestria needed at the time. However, we never thought you would be needed to lead the country in our stead!”

“I guess this just goes to show that things don't always go like you plan them.”

Luna nods. “I agree.”

Arc stands up. “I'm hoping I can make my way to Yakyakistan in the next day or two. If I'm lucky, we can stop these wars before they happen!”

“Good luck Arc!”

“We're counting on you!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Before I leave I just have to know. Can either of you hear what's going on around you?”

Cadance nods. “Sometimes. To be honest with you, the boredom of constant silence was really getting to us!”

“Should I have some of the support staff, I don't know, entertain you?”

Luna appears confused. “What did you have in mind?”

“Playing records, reading to you, even just talking to you would be better than silence, right?”

Cadance nods. “Agreed! Thank you Arc! That sounds lovely!”

“I'll see to it tomorrow morning. Now... how exactly do I get out of here?”

Luna chuckles. “This is my realm, so I have to let you out.”

Her horn glows and a portal appears.

“Step through this portal to return to Equestria.”

Arc looks to Princess Luna, confused. “Can't you come with me?!”

Cadance shakes her head sadly. “Don't you think we tried?! Every time we do that we just end up back here!”

“Okay. Don't lose hope! We'll figure this mess out somehow!”

Arc steps through the portal and is gone. Cadance turns to Luna.

“Do you think Arc will be able to handle our workload in addition to trying to mitigate a war?!”

Luna sighs. “It doesn't matter what I, or anyone else thinks. Arc is currently Equestria's best hope of survival!”

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