• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - A Generous Invitation

Later that week Arc stands in front of the mirror in Derpy’s small house.

“How do I look, Cherry?”

“Most dapper! And I’m sure Rarity will agree.”

Arc chuckles. “Of course she will. This suit was custom made by her after all.”

“Yes, indeed. And it looks like she put quite a bit of work into it.”

“She’s a good friend.”

“Perhaps more after tonight.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

“Come now, Arc. Haven’t you seen the way she looks at you?”

“Um… very friendly like?”

“More like how a puppy smiles up at the one who feeds them. Remember, she was the one who asked you out on this date.”

“It’s not a date, Cherry. Rarity just wants to cook me dinner to try and make up for what happened a while back.”

“Oh really? Since when do a mare and stallion need to put on their finest clothes to eat a meal together?”

“Well, you know how Rarity is. She’s big into looking her best. And it would be kinda silly if she came in a dress and I was just wearing my everyday tunic.”

“I suppose it would. But believe me when I say she’s a wonderful mare with a bright future ahead of her.”

“That I can agree with. She’s quite the hard worker. But I suppose one has to be if they have a business to run.”

“You both understand the importance of hard work and need some way to unwind.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe this is just her idea of unwinding. She is the Element of Generosity, after all.”

“That may be. But I didn’t hear her say anything about any other guests tonight.”

Arc heads for the door. “Either way, it should be a nice change of pace for both of us.”

He steps out of the Bathroom. Derpy and Dinky are sitting on the couch waiting for him. Dinky jumps up and runs over to him.

“You look really nice, dad!”

Derpy nods and walks toward Arc to look him over. “Dinky’s right. You look especially handsome tonight.”

“Thanks you two. Knowing Rarity like I do, I can only assume she’s going to dress up especially nice for this meal as well.”

“Why’s that, dad?”

“Well, she’s what you would call a ‘high society mare’.”

Dinky looks to her mother. “What does that mean?”

Derpy shrugs. “I’m not sure sweetie.”

“It means she likes the finer things in life. Like nice clothes, big houses, and fine dining.”

“So she gets dressed up for every meal?”

“No. Just special ones like tonight.”

Derpy smiles. “Well, we hope you have fun, Arc.”


He turns to Dinky.

“Why don’t I tuck you in before I leave, sweetheart?”


Dinky hurries to the bedroom and jumps into her father’s bed. Arc covers her up and gives his daughter a kiss on the forehead.

“Good night sweetheart. Pleasant dreams.”

Dinky yawns. “Have fun tonight, dad.”

Arc nods and returns to the Living Room, closing the door behind him. Derpy smiles up at him as he does so.

“I know you’ll have a great time!”

Arc grins. “At the very least I’ll get to eat some of Rarity’s cooking.”

“That too. But shouldn’t you get going?”

Arc pulls his pocket watch out of his suit coat and looks at it. “I probably should. After all, I don’t like showing up late.”

“Have a nice time.”

“I will.”

Arc heads for the door. Cherry calls out to him.

“Arc, would you mind if I stayed here with Derpy?”

“Uh, sure. If you want to.”

Derpy walks over. “I’ll take good care of Cherry for you, Arc.”


Arc calls forth his armor. The front of it melts away to let him out. Eidolon’s Ward turns and waves with Derpy.

“Have a nice date, Arc.”

“Don’t wait up for me you two.”

Arc steps out into the cool evening air. He takes a few steps before stopping and thinking.

“Did Cherry just call this a date again? Huh… I guess she did. But that’s silly. Rarity and I are just friends.”

Shrugging, Arc continues walking. A short time later he arrives at Rarity’s shop and knocks on the door. About thirty seconds later his hostess answers. She is wearing a pink dress with yellow hems. Real gemstones adorn the exquisite outfit. A gold tiara and several earrings adorn her head. A pair of crystal clear slippers on her hooves bring the outfit together.

“Good evening.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Hello again, Rarity. You’re looking very nice.”

Rarity smiles happily. “Thank you. And you look positively radiant in that suit yourself. Won’t you come in?”

She steps aside and allows him to enter the dimly lit shop.

“Right this way.”

Rarity leads Arc to her back room. Entering he finds his hostess has completely rearranged the furniture to accommodate their meal. A record player sits on a nearby table playing classical music. The clothing racks have been pushed to the sides of the room and hidden behind screens. A very comfortable looking couch sits in front of coffee table with a tray of snacks and a single table now rests in the room’s center. He notices a single lit candle stands in front of silverware and two empty glasses.

“You’ve certainly gone to a lot of trouble for this evening.”

Rarity leads him over to the couch. “Oh, it was no trouble. No trouble at all.”

She gestures for him to sit. Arc does so as Rarity slowly and carefully sits down next to him. She picks up the tray with her magic and levitates it over to Arc. He takes a small sandwich before speaking.

“So, ah… how have things been going at Light’s Hope?”

“Splendidly! Everything is as it should be as of this afternoon. I’m happy to report we’re ready to host this event.”

“Thank you for all your hard work. I knew I was asking a lot of you, but you rose to the challenge wonderfully.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Well, I can’t take all the credit. Our friends supported me in this, after all.”

“Yes. I’ll be sure to thank them each individually when this is over.”

“Tell me, Arc. Do you really believe the princesses can make this idea work?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s not really up to them.”

“It’s not?”

“No. Our guests being able to get along will be the true deciding factor in this.”

“Will they?”

Arc sighs. “That part I’m skeptical about.”

“The girls and I believe the princesses will do their very best.”

“I agree.”

“However, we’re unsure how effective they’ll be in keeping the tentative peace during this summit.”

Arc nods. “You mean, if the countries as a whole haven’t been able to work together up to this point why would their leaders?”

Rarity smiles nervously. “To put it bluntly, yes.”

“Truth be told, I agree with you.”

“You do?”

“Yes. But if there’s a chance to open a dialogue with everyone all at once we have to try. For the sake of future generations.”

“I do wish I had your confidence, Arc. But I’ll help in any way I can.”

“Thank you. In any case, I’m glad you brought that up. Princess Cadance wanted me to pass on a request.”

“Of me?!”

“Yes. She was hoping you would be able to be on hand during the day’s activities.”

“During the summit you mean?”

Arc nods. “Right. In case something needs to be fixed or altered at a moment’s notice.”

“I can be if it would help.”

“Thank you. You’ll be compensated for your time and expertise, of course.”

“It isn’t that. But I am grateful for the opportunity. It’s fortunate that you brought Sassy Saddles to me when you did. I’ve had plenty of time to train her in how to run my shop.”

“That’s a relief. Truth be told I was really worried about asking this of you. I’m sure you have quite a bit of work of your own to do.”

“I do. However Sassy Saddles did very well this past week. I feel comfortable leaving her in charge of my business as long as you need me.”

“The summit is only scheduled to last three days. But if things go well we might extend it a bit.”

Rarity stands from her place on the couch. “I’ll let Sassy Saddles know tomorrow. But for right now let me check on our meal.”

Arc moves to join her. “Can I help you in the Kitchen?”

Rarity shakes her head and pushes him back down gently with her magic. “Oh no, no, no! You’re my guest tonight! After all, you’ve always taken care of everything for us. Tonight I’ll take care of you.”

She walks slowly toward the doorway. As she steps through she turns back and smiles.

“I won’t be but a moment. Please help yourself to some more snacks if you’re feeling a bit peckish.”

Rarity leaves, closing the door behind her. Arc sighs.

“I do wish Rarity hadn’t gone to all this trouble. She must’ve really worked hard to make over this room. And that’s in addition to getting Light’s Hope ready.”

Meanwhile, Rarity quickly makes her way to the Kitchen. She opens the door to see Sassy Saddles pulling a pan out of the oven.

“So, how’s it going in there, Rarity?”

“Just fine. We were just discussing the job I did at his base. I think I really impressed him!”

“That’s good. But you really need to find another topic.”

“I do?”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Yes. Remember, you invited him here for dinner and pleasant company. I’m sure he doesn’t want to talk about work right now.”

“You might be right. Arc does seem a little tense right now.”

“Probably from all the additional responsibility. You really need to help him loosen up.”

Sassy Saddles pulls a freshly chilled bottle out of the refrigerator.

“I suggest a nice glass of wine with supper for each of you. With all the work you two have done, you deserve this bottle.”

Rarity shakes her head nervously. “That’s not a good idea. Arc doesn’t like alcohol in any amount.”


“Let’s just say it’s something from his past and leave it at that.”

Sassy Saddles sighs and puts away the bottle. “Very well. What does he like?”

“Sweets mostly.”

“Then he’ll especially like dessert. Chocolate Lava Cake freshly purchased from Sugar Cube Corner this very afternoon. But I meant to drink.”

“There’s a bottle of grape juice in the pantry.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “Yes. I found it and chilled it for you. Just in case.”

Rarity trots in place happily. “You’re a gem, my friend! Thanks for helping me prepare this meal.”

“It’s no problem. After all, you helped me when I came to town. Now I have the chance to return the favor.”

Rarity looks over as she removes two plates from a nearby cupboard. “And I thank you for it! It looks like you’re a better cook than I am.”

Sassy Saddles sighs as she turns off the stove. “My last job didn’t pay well enough to afford much in the way of entertainment. Cooking frugally was my other creative outlet back then. But I found that stretching the food I had on hoof made me a pretty good chef when I was given everything I needed.”

Rarity uses her magic to levitate a portion of seasoned vegetables onto each plate. “You did very well.”

Sassy Saddles brings the saucepan over and drizzles a bit of seasoned broth over the dish. “It really isn’t high dining. I’m not much for presentation in that regard.”

“Maybe not. But I know for a fact that Arc prefers how food tastes over everything else.”

“Speaking of taste, how did he like the dress?”

Rarity sighs. “His reaction wasn’t exactly what I had been hoping for.”


“He appeared more surprised than impressed. But I’ll show him the real me tonight!”

Sassy Saddles claps her hooves together. “I know you’ll do just fine, Rarity. You’re the most beautiful mare in town, after all!”

Rarity giggles. “Oh, I’m not. But thank you for saying so.”

She does a small twirl.

“Now then, do I look okay?”

“You look amazing. There’s nothing else that could make you look better right now other than surgery.”

Rarity picks up the dishes with her magic. “Thank you again. Well, wish me luck!”

Sassy Saddles nods and smiles as Rarity heads for the door. She stops and turns around.

“Oh yes, as long as you’re here, Arc said the princesses have requested that I remain at Light’s Hope in case there’s an emergency change needed. Can you handle the shop until I get back?”

“Of course! I’ll do my very best for you.”

“Thank you again for all your hard work. I know you’ll do just fine. Now why don’t you go home and get some sleep? You’ve more than earned it.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “I will in a few minutes. Just let me slice the cake for you and I’ll be off.”

Rarity leaves the Kitchen as Sassy Saddles pulls a knife from a drawer.

“You both deserve the very best. Come on, Rarity! You can do this!”

Meanwhile, Rarity returns with the plates and bottle. Arc stands and walks over to the table as she sets the plates down and pulls the cork from the juice. She looks up at him with a smile.

“Don’t worry. It’s just grape juice.”

“Thank you, Rarity.”

“I understand your reasoning behind that.”

Arc looks to her as they sit down. “You do?”

“Yes. Applejack explained it to us when we visited you before the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“Oh… right.”

“I hope that was alright.”

“Yes. Truth be told I’m glad she shared that.”

Rarity smiles as she pours the juice. “Well, I’m here to make you feel at home tonight. You just relax and enjoy the meal.”

“Thank you, Rarity. This does smell good.”

She gestures with a hoof to the plate. “You deserve this. Now please enjoy the food before it gets cold.”

The pair begin to eat.

“This is very good, Rarity. I didn’t know you were such an accomplished chef.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Well… I guess I’m just full of surprises.”

“So where’s Sweetie Belle? Playing in her room?”

“Oh no. She’s sleeping over at Sweet Apple Acres this weekend.”

“Is she?”

“I want her to have a proper fillyhood, after all.”

Rarity shakes her head, sadly.

“I’ve… already done too much to endanger that as it is.”

Arc reaches across the table and pats her hoof. “You did the right thing, Rarity. She deserved to know that truth.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling myself ever since last weekend. But it hasn’t quite taken hold yet. At least in my mind, that is.”

“And Sweetie Belle?”

“We’ve… had a few tense moments. She still sees me as her sister. But of course that’s my doing.”

“Maybe that wasn’t the greatest idea. But what’s done is done. Right now you have to do what’s best for her.”

“I know, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy.”

“That I do understand. Very well actually.”

Rarity smiles. “Yes. I’m very happy that Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are so close. She needs good friends right now.”

“So she told them?”

“Yes. Monday before school actually.”

“Sounds like she didn’t want to waste any time.”

“I told her she was free to tell anypony, nopony, or any number in between.”

They are silent for a time before continuing.

“Tell me, Arc. How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Raise such a special little filly?”

“Derpy’s doing most of the work. I’m… not really around much these days.”

Rarity sighs. “Like me.”

“Well, for you at least, it will be different when this summit is over.”

“Somewhat, yes. But my business keeps me ever so busy. So many times I’ve had to put her second to complete an order on time.”

Arc looks away. “Me too.”

“You, Arc? But you can go anywhere at any time.”

“True. However I’m always off somewhere doing something dangerous. On Earth or here in Equestria. At least you’re physically present.”

Rarity sighs. “Somehow I get the feeling neither of us is doing this quite right.”

“I agree. But things will be different when we find Princess Celestia.”

“How so?”

“I’m planning to resign.”

Rarity gasps. “WHAT?!”

“If she’s as competent a ruler as everyone’s told me, she’ll be able to keep the peace without my intervention.”

Arc chuckles.

“After all… what use is a shepherd when the wolves are all gone?”

“What will you do?”

“My old job taking care of the writ board probably. Maybe work part time over at Sweet Apple Acres and the orphanage. I’m sure Applejack could use some help.”

“That she could. But would you be happy with that life?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, it will certainly be much less exciting.”

“And less dangerous.”

Rarity sighs. “I just worry you won’t be able to feel… fulfilled going back to the old way of doing things.”

“Maybe not. But I look forward to tucking Dinky in every night.”

“Tucking… in?”

“Putting her to bed.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “She doesn’t do that herself?”

“Dinky can, of course. But I enjoy putting the covers over her and giving her a good night kiss.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin. “That’s a rather interesting concept.”

“It is?”

“Tell me, do all human parents do that?”

“Many of them do, yes. Ponies don’t?”

Rarity shakes her head. “No. Foals are much more… independent than human foals from what I’ve gathered. But I must admit what you describe does sound nice.”

“Give it a try.”

“I believe I will. Thank you for the advice, Arc.”

“No problem.”

Sometime later they finish eating. Rarity stands to clear the table.

“Can I help you with that?”

“No, please! You are my guest!”

“Well, okay.”

“Would you like some tea?”

Arc grins sheepishly. “As long as you didn’t get any additives from Twilight, yes please.”

“Don’t worry. It’s my own special blend. And I have chocolate cake too.”

“Now you’re talking my language!”

Rarity nods and turns to walk toward the door. Her hoof slips and she falls to one knee. The tray of dishes clatters to the floor as Arc hurries over to her.

“Are you okay?!”

Rarity nods as Arc helps her up. “Oh, yes. I’m fine. These crystal slippers might not have been the best idea. Although they do really pull the outfit together.”

Arc kneels down to help pick up the dishes. “Well, I’d rather you not hurt yourself. Maybe you should take those off.”

Rarity shakes her head as she places the silverware on the tray. “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. Now, you go sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back.”


Rarity leaves the room and heads for the Kitchen. She levitates the tray over to the counter and checks the teapot on the stove.

“Looks like Sassy Saddles made it just the way I like it. Hopefully Arc’s sweet tooth will be pleased. And if not, this cake looks positively divine!”

She clears off the tray and places the cake along with two pre-cut slices onto it before turning her attention back to the teapot. Rarity puts a small bit into a cup and takes a sip.

“OH! That’s hot!”

She blows on it before taking another small sip.


Picking up the teapot Rarity levitates it onto the tray with two teacups before slowly making her way back to the room. As requested Arc is sitting on the couch waiting patiently. She walks toward him slowly.

“I hope you’ll like the cake. Pinkie Pie said it would go perfectly with the…”

Suddenly Rarity’s hoof slips. She crashes to the floor and quickly rolls onto her back as the tray careens downward.


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