• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 11 - Crystal Confessions

Two days later Arc, Ember, Sereb, and Scootaloo step off the train. Arc remains cloaked as he calls out to them.

“Finally here.”

Ember stretches her wings. “That was the longest train ride of my life!”

Sereb sighs. “I suppose we’re all used to flying in the comforts of The Equinox.”

Arc frowns. “Yeah. What happened to that thing?”

Ember grins. “Princess Cadance flew it here after your funeral.”

Sereb nods. “That means it’s probably still here.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “What’s that?”

“My personal airship. The princesses gave it to me when I became more… internationally known.”

Ember sighs. “It flew like a dream too.”

Sereb nods. “Much faster than walking.”

Arc chuckles. “Or in this case, taking the train.”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “Do you think she’ll give it back?”

“If we need it, yes.”

Ember grins. “Will we?”

Arc nods. “Most definitely.”

A familiar voice rings out behind them.

“Darn right you will!”

They turn to see Rainbow Dash’s head sticking out of one of the train’s windows. Arc frowns.

“Rainbow Dash?! What are you…?”

Pinkie squeezes through next to Rainbow Dash.

“We’re here for you, silly!”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Right! We need everypony to follow us now!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… okay.”

Pinkie grins. “One sec!”

Squeezing the rest of her body through the window, Pinkie beckons them to follow her as Rainbow Dash hurries through a nearby train door. Leading the group inside one of the station’s outbuildings, they close the door behind them and turn on the lights. Arc decloaks and looks around to the familiar faces before him.

“What’s… all this?!”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Like Pinkie said… we’re here for you, Arc!”

Applejack grins. “That we are!”

Fluttershy smiles sheepishly. “We couldn’t let you come here alone, Arc.”

The sound of hoofsteps approaching from behind some crates is heard. Turning, Arc and his friends see Derpy, Dinky, and Rarity approaching.

“Dinky and I couldn’t have just sat at home waiting for you, Arc.”

Dinky runs over to her father to give him a hug. “Yeah, dad! We’re a family! And families stick together!”

Rarity smiles. “And I needed to make sure you would be okay here, my love.”

Cherry giggles. “It’s great that everypony cares about you so much as to just hop on a train at a moment’s notice, Arc.”

“Yeah. Uh… what happened to Scootaloo?”

Derpy points a hoof at the door. “She’s on guard duty.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You left a foal to guard the door?”

Applejack shrugs. “Everypony knows the Scarlet Filly, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash trots in place happily. “Yeah! Nopony would dare cross HER!”

She squeals happily.

“She’s so COOL!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Glad you’re starstruck.”

“What about my squad? Did they come too?”

Derpy shakes her head. “They’re working at the orphanage for the time being.”

Dinky gasps. “But Decimus might find them, and…!”

Derpy giggles. “Not a chance. He’d never think to look for them in the kitchen. Miss Pommel said she’d see to it they always have a job there.”

“Good. Hopefully we can head back there soon and get them though.”

Ember nods. “Yeah, yeah. But we really need to focus on the task at hand.”

Derpy sighs. “Getting Arc to the castle?”

Sereb nods. “Partially, yes. Additionally, he needs a way inside.”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “There isn’t a front door?!”

Applejack bows her head. “Not one we can just walk through, that is.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “They don’t have audiences here?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Not daily, no.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Rarity called to try and get one before we left.”

“All I got was a recording that all audiences were suspended until further notice.”

Sereb growls. “That… isn’t good.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “There has to be a way.”

Rainbow Dash spreads her blue wings proudly. “When in doubt, there’s always an aerial infiltration!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “That’d be a sure fire one way ticket to the dungeon!”

“Maybe! But it’d also get me in to see the princess at my trial.”

Sereb sighs. “If audiences are on hold, it’s safe to say that trails may be as well.”

Fluttershy appears suddenly nervous. “You don’t suppose Princess Cadance is sick, do you?!”

Rarity frowns. “Not likely. I’ve never heard of a princess taking ill before. Arc?”

“They’re supposed to be immune to pretty much everything. But it’s not like Cadance to not see her subjects.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Something’s up. Let’s get to the bottom of it.”

Sereb growls. “Agreed. But we need a plan.”

Arc nods as he looks at Ember. “That we do. And I think I have one.”

A short time later they approach the Crystal Castle. At the main entrance stand innumerable Crystal Defenders. Dinky looks to her mother.

“Dad and the others can’t take on that many!”

“Hush, Dinky. If your father’s plan works, they won’t have to.”

“Trust Big Brother on this one.”

The commanding officer steps forward and holds up a hoof as his troops take up defensive positions behind him.


He looks over the group, clearly confused.

“The castle is closed to visitors! If you don’t have a royal decree or other similar order all of you must leave at once!”

Rainbow Dash hurries forward.

“Idiot! Don’t you know who these are?!”

“Do they have prior authorization to enter?!”

“Well, no. But…!”

Rarity steps forward. “Let me handle this.”

She looks to the commander and clears her throat.

“May I present to you Dragon Lord Ember of the Dragon Lands, Warchief Sereb of the Forsaken Tribe, and their escort… the Scarlet Filly. They are here to see Princess Cadance.”

“On what business?”

“They claim there was recently an attack by several citizens of the Crystal Empire on the shores of the Dragon Lands.”

“I’ve heard nothing of this!”

Rarity frowns. “Of course you haven’t! It’s being kept quiet for diplomatic reasons. They come now to settle this matter with Princess Cadance herself.”

“I’m sorry. But without prior approval, I can’t allow…”

“Don’t you understand?! If this isn’t resolved immediately, they’ll declare war on the empire!”

The commander looks to the armored pair. Ember calls forth her spear and points it wordlessly at him while Sereb bears his teeth and growls menacingly. Scootaloo taps her hoof impatiently as the commander gulps.

“I will… send somepony to fetch my commanding officer. You can take it up with them.”

Rarity smiles smugly. “Better tell them to hurry. Neither of these dignitaries is known for their patience.”

The commander motions for a subordinate behind him. They hurry into the castle as Rarity returns to her group.

“And that’s how you do it.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Impressive.”

Applejack sighs. “Now all we have to do is convince whoever’s in charge to let us in.”

Derpy appears nervous. “And if that doesn’t work?”

Scootaloo grins under her cowl. “Then we bust in!”

Ember bares her claws. “That we will!”

Rainbow Dash gushes happily. “I’ll have your back, Scarlet Filly!”

“Thanks. But let’s hope for these soldier’s sake that it doesn’t come to that.”

A short time later the soldier returns with a heavily armored pony. They look over Arc’s group for a few moments before motioning for the commander to approach them. The pair speak for a time before they walk back inside the castle for a few moments. Eventually the pony in charge approaches Ember and Sereb.

“My commanding officer has ordered you brought to their office. Please follow me.”

Leading the way, the Crystal Defenders part to allow them entrance. Walking through the corridors for some time they eventually come to a fancy wooden door. Opening it, the commander steps aside.

“Please have a seat. My superior will be with you momentarily.”

Bowing at the waist, he steps back and closes the door behind him. Arc calls out to them as he decloaks.

“That was easy enough.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Easy? You call THAT easy?!”

Sereb shrugs. “They did let us in.”

Derpy sighs. “I don’t like this.”

Pinkie groans. “Well, what would you like?! A party parade?!”

Applejack frowns. “Let’s keep a lid on the party until we know what’s going on first.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yeah. We’re not out of the woods on this yet.”

Fluttershy shrinks back. “You think they’re planning something sinister?!”

Dinky shakes her head. “Probably not. Right, dad?”

“I doubt it. As long as Cadance is still in charge here, that is.”

Rarity gasps. “You think she might have been ousted?!”

Scootaloo shrugs. “It’s a possibility.”

Sereb frowns. “And if she has been?”

Ember clenches a fist. “We find her and put her back on the throne!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s not make any rash decisions here.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah. After all, you’re on thin ice right now, dad.”

“With any luck that will change soon.”

A few minutes later the sound of hoofsteps approaching can be heard. Arc cloaks as the door opens. The heavily armored officer enters the room and walks over to the desk. Removing their helmet they set it down on the desk before turning to face the group.

“Hello again, everypony.”

Applejack gasps. “Trixie?!”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof. “YOU’RE in charge of castle security?!”

“That Trixie is!”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “What happened to Shining Armor?!”

“It’s… complicated. Trixie thinks you shouldn’t hear it from her though.”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “Can we see him then?”

Derpy nods. “Or Princess Cadance?”

“Yes, of course! I can announce you, but first Trixie needs to know what your business entails.”

She looks to Ember and Sereb.

“Trixie was told this had to do with a crime involving out citizens on your soil?”

Ember smiles innocently. “We… uh…”

Rarity sighs. “Forgive us, but that was my idea.”

“Trixie does not understand.”

Applejack sighs. “Rarity just said that so they’d let us in. We’re really sorry about that.”

“So that story was a fabrication?”

Pinkie nods. “Yup!”

“Trixie is kind of glad about that. At least we won’t be going to war now.”

She looks to Ember and Sereb again.

“We aren’t, right?”


Sereb nods. “Agreed. However, we must speak to Princess Cadance at once regarding… the investigation behind Arc’s disappearance.”

“Oh, that IS important! Let’s go see them at once!”

Getting up, she grabs her helmet and puts it on before opening the door. Gesturing for the others to follow her, they make their way down the corridor. Numerous patrols pass them on their way. Rarity frowns.

“This place is busier than Manehattan!”

Derpy turns to Trixie. “Did something happen?”

“Not yet, no. And I intend to keep it that way!”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “From what?”

“Trixie does not know. But she only wishes to carry her sworn duty to protect those she cares about.”

Scootaloo purses her lips. “That I can understand.”

“Thank you. Um… who said that?”

Scootaloo steps forward and raises a hoof.

“I did.”

Trixie gasps. “Oh my! Trixie welcomes the Scarlet Filly to our kingdom! What brings you here?!”

“I… can’t really say.”

Trixie nods as they come to the Audience Chamber doors. “Trixie understands. Everypony can discuss that with Princess Cadance. Please wait here while I announce you.”

Stepping through the doors she vanishes from sight. Scootaloo calls out to Arc.

“Is this normal, Big Brother?”

“Not exactly. But I’m sure there’s a perfectly good reason for her actions.”

A few moments later Trixie returns. Holding the door open she motions for them to enter.

“Princess Cadance will see you now.”

Walking into the Audience Chamber, they see innumerable Crystal Defenders lining the red carpet leading up to the throne. Shining Armor stands at the head of the group next to Cadance. He looks them over before turning to Trixie.

“Dismiss the guards. We will speak in private.”

“Yes, sir.”

She turns to the guards.

“Follow Trixie!”

Leading the group to the door, she opens it to allow them to leave before closing it behind them and returning to stand with Shining Armor. Cadance forces a small smiles and nods.

“Welcome to the Crystal Castle, everypony.”

Trixie clears her throat. “Presenting Dragon Lord Ember and Warchief Sereb, your highness. They are traveling with the Scarlet Filly.”

Scootaloo bows respectfully “Hello.”

Cadance sighs. “I’m sorry we’re not more hospitable these days. But we are living in difficult times.”

Shining Armor nods. “That we are.”

Sereb stands. “What is happening, your highness?”

“All of you know what happened in Canterlot to Arc. We’re trying to avoid something like that happening here.”

Shining Armor looks to his charge. “Should something befall Princess Cadance, Equestria might not be able to take it.”

Trixie nods. “For that reason she’s been sequestered.”

Derpy gasps. “Oh my!”

“It is rather… tiring to always be inside. However I am still able to serve Equestria and its inhabitants. Now then, what can I do for you?”

Rarity steps forward. “We bring word of Arc.”

Cadance bows her head. “A terrible tragedy, to be sure. Tell me, has his body been located?”

Derpy sighs. “Not… exactly.”

Pinkie giggles. “Of course not!”


“He’s still alive!”

Cadance gasps. “WHAT?! Are you certain?!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! Completely!”

Fluttershy smiles. “He’s doing alright.”

Shining Armor appears relieved. “Where is he?! We have to speak to him at once.”

“Right here.”

Decloaking, Arc tosses back his hood to reveal his face. Cadance gasps as she stands and slowly steps forward.

“H-how did you…? Is it really…?”

Arc nods. “I’m here. Really.”

Breaking into a sprint, Cadance lunges into Arc’s arms as tears of joy flow down her cheeks. They embrace heartily

“You… you’re here! You’re really here!”

“Somehow, yes.”


Ember shrugs. “He just kinda showed up in the Dragon Lands.”

Scootaloo sighs. “It was quite a journey finding a way to restore his memories, yes.”

Cadance gasps. “Amnesia?!”

“Yeah. A lot has happened since then. But it sounds like more went on while I was out of the loop.”

“Yes, indeed. Shining Armor, can you elaborate for us?”

“We’ve been receiving strange reports regarding Equestria’s actions. Princess Celestia proclaimed my sister a princess then they both seemed to go silent.”

Cadance shudders. “We fear that they may have been kidnapped, but have no proof of this.”

Rarity clears her throat. “I can assure you that they haven’t, Princess Cadance.”


“Twilight has been calling me every night.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Are you certain it’s her?!”

“Oh, yes. We sometimes talk about the past. Things only she would know about.”

Applejack nods. “It was part of an agreement we made with her prior to leaving Canterlot Castle.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “All of us were worried something would happen to her. So Rarity agreed to be near her telephone in the evening.”

“Trixie believes that was a good idea, yes.”

Cadance breathes a sigh of relief. “Indeed. It is good to know Twilight is well. But with all of you here, who will answer her calls?”

Rarity smiles. “Auriel agreed to do that.”

Pinkie nods. “She promised to wait for the call every evening!”

Trixie sighs. “Good. That only leaves the problem of what to do now?”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “What to… do?”

“Can my dad go to Canterlot and… I don’t know… dethrone Princess Celestia?”

Shining Armor’s ears droop. “I’m sure that he could, yes. After all, it’s in the Hero of Light’s charter.”

Arc frowns. “There’s a charter?”

Cadance nods. “Oh, yes. Luna and I just gave you the short version when you accepted the position. Back then it was mostly stealth and indirect action.”

“The Hero of Light doesn’t typically do what I did, huh?”

Rarity smiles proudly. “But you did it very well.”

Pinkie grins hugely. “Agreed!”

“Cadance, should I remove you aunt from her position?”

Cadance sighs and sits back on her haunches.

“Even after all that’s happened, I don’t believe that course of action would be prudent.”

Ember explodes. “WHAT?!”

Sereb growls savagely. “She certainly is unfit to rule as it stands!”

Shining Armor looks around. “Please, everypony. Let’s hear Cadance out on this one.”

“Aunt Celestia is a powerful figurehead in Equestria. Her mere presence on the throne kept this land safe for centuries.”

Trixie nods. “If she were to be removed, it would only serve to weaken our position internationally.”

“Like when I first took the throne as Lord Regent?”

Shining Armor nods. “Exactly. It really shook up the power structure of the world. But we were lucky you were a human.”

Dinky frowns. “What does that matter?”

Rarity sighs. “I believe I understand. The popular theory at the time was the humans were power hungry war mongers. The rulers of the other nations may not have wanted to attack for fear of incurring your wrath, Arc.”

“That’s good, I suppose.”

Cherry calls out. “But if we can’t remove the princess, what should be done?”

Derpy groans. “That’s the ten thousand bit question right there.”

Cadance bows her head. “I believe that she is still suffering the after effects of her time as a prisoner on Earth. It is my opinion that, with therapy, she can be returned to her original state.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “Then what?”

Shining Armor nods. “We can return to Equestria with evidence against Captain Decimus and make a motion to remove him from his position.”

Trixie gasps. “Can that really be done?! Impeaching a Hero of Light has never been done before… has it?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No, never. But we all know of his past actions. If Luna and I return together, we can force a vote on the matter.”

Shining Armor nods. “If a majority of the princesses agree to remove him, it will be so. He’ll be stripped of his Crest of Light and imprisoned for crimes against the kingdom.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Can’t Arc just take him out?!”

Cadance nods. “Technically, yes. But that would only serve to cement in Aunt Celestia’s mind that Arc is nothing more than everything she thinks a human is.”

Sereb growls. “Where are we supposed to go from here then?”

Shining Armor sighs. “For anything to happen we need Princess Celestia back in her former mindset.”

Trixie nods. “Emerald Dream is working on that.”

Cadance grimaces. “Sadly, there isn’t really anything we CAN do right now.”

Shining Armor turns to the princess. “Other than survive until then.”

Cadance moves to stand with Shining Armor. “That we are doing… very well.”

“More so soon, Cadance.”

He whispers something in her ear. Nodding, Cadance turns to the group.

“What I’m about to tell everypony is top secret. Please don’t let it leave this room.”

They nod as she takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Shining Armor and I are… engaged.”

Applejack gasps. “What?!”

Rainbow Dash turns her head to one side, confused. “Can… can a princess really get… married?!”

Rarity shrugs. “I don’t see why not. But it’s never been done before.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Best wishes, you two.”

Arc smiles. “Congratulations. Um… what did Twilight have to say about this?”

Cadance bows her head. “We… haven’t actually told her yet.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Lack of communication between our two countries mostly.”

“We’d love her to know, but…”

She frowns as Shining Armor puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“…there’s no way for us to get ahold of her.”

Arc sighs. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Pinkie bounces in place happily. “When’s the ceremony?!”

Shining Armor chuckles. “Not until Princess Celestia is better.”

Cherry calls out. “That makes sense.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah. After all, I’d want my family there if I was getting married.”

Cadance blushes slightly. “Truth be told, we’d like her to officiate.”

Derpy clops her hooves together happily. “That would be lovely!”

Arc turns to Shining Armor. “So is that why Trixie appears to have taken over as Captain of the Guard here?”

“Yes. I’m officially Cadance’s personal bodyguard right now.”

Trixie nods. “It’s a transitionary time for all of us.”

Cadance smiles. “That it is. But I’d like to get back to the matter at hoof.”

She looks to Arc.

“Right now you’re public enemy number one in Equestria.”

“Yes, I’ve seen the posters.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Cadance held out hope that you were still alive. So she’s made arrangements to get you to safety.”

Ember chuckles. “Where to? A safehouse?”

Sereb frowns. “The Dragon Lands would be far more secure.”

Rarity appears nervous. “Wherever it is, I hope I can go too.”

Arc nods as he turns to Cadance. “Tell me, where did you have in mind?”

“The one place Aunt Celestia couldn’t and wouldn’t follow you. Earth.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “I’m sorry, what?!”

Shining Armor sighs. “Equestria is far too dangerous for Arc right now. It’s be much safer for him back on Earth.”

Applejack grits her teeth. “But we’d never see him again?!”

Pinkie’s hair deflates. “That’d just be too SAD!!!”


“Yes Derpy?”

“I agree with the princess.”


“Arc’s safety should come before our own feelings.”

Trixie nods soberly. “Please understand that we aren’t making this suggestion lightly, Arc. A lot of time and thought has gone into it.”

Fluttershy shudders. “But how would we even get him home?”

Rarity gasps. “Right. Sunburst dismantled the machine.”

Applejack frowns. “And Decimus stole our Elements.”

Shining Armor smiles slyly. “That last part isn’t exactly true.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wait, what?!”

Cadance smiles. “I instructed Sunburst to send me the Elements of Harmony. He only reported them taken by Decimus as a cover story. In reality, they’re right here.”

Using her magic, Cadance pushes aside her throne and accompanying rug. Underneath they spot a small safe. Opening it, she pulls out a small but durable looking case. Walking over to Arc she gives it to him.

“Here you are.”

Arc opens it to see the Elements of Harmony safely nestled around the perimeter. A strange looking device sits in the middle.

“What is this?”

Shining Armor grins. “The culmination of Sunburst’s research from your trips between dimensions, Arc.”

Trixie nods. “According to the Lead Sage, it is a compact version of the S.P.E.A.R. that he created back in Canterlot.”

Cadance smiles. “All we have to do is place the Elements in the proper slots and the machine will automatically power up.”

Scootaloo frowns. “And then what?”

Shining Armor motions with a hoof. “It will open a portal back to Earth.”

Cadance nods. “The coordinates are hard coded to your house there, Arc. You should be able to travel there easily.”

Derpy gasps. “But what about coming back?!”

Arc looks to Shining Armor. “Right. Does this device connect with the recall unit I have back at my house?”

“No. It’s a one way trip.”

Cadance turns to Arc. “We could use the Crystal Mirror to bring you back, Arc. When the time is right I will contact you on your earring.”

“Thanks. But… I don’t really want to go.”

He looks to the others.

“After all, I have a life here now.”

Applejack sadly steps forward. “Arc… I don’t like the idea either. But the princess makes a good point. Here you’ll be hunted down.”

Pinkie nods. “Right! On Earth you’ll just be another face in the crowd!”

Fluttershy smiles weakly. “And it won’t be permanent either.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! You’ll be back in a… what? Few weeks?”

Trixie shakes her head. “Emerald Dream believes it could be as long as a year.”

Rarity gasps. “A YEAR?!”

Ember seethes. “We’d miss him too much! Right Dinky?!”

“Yeah. But… I already lost my dad once. It’d be too much to lose him a second time.”

Derpy’s ears droop. “Dinky’s right, Arc. You really should go.”

Ember frowns. “The Dragon Lands is still an option, Arc.”

Sereb growls. “Indeed. But it is still within Decimus’ reach.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “He wouldn’t DARE!”

“Would you risk Arc’s life to prove that?”

Ember is silent for a time before speaking again.

“No. I… I can wait a year for him. Or longer if necessary.”


“Yes, Arc?”

“I… what do you think?”


Scootaloo nods. “You’re the closest to Big Brother, after all. Other than me, that is.”

Arc sighs. “Then what do you think?”

“That he should do what is best. Nothing more… nothing less.”

Rarity sighs as she turns to Arc.

“I’d like… I’d like you to stay safe, Arc.”

“You could come with me.”


“Sure! You said you wanted to visit Earth and be a human, after all.”

Cadance shakes her head. “That is unwise, Arc.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Agreed. Rarity is the Element of Generosity. She may be needed here to wield her Element.”

Trixie tears up. “But that’s just so… so… sad!”

Arc bows his head. “Cadance is right.”

Rarity sighs. “I suppose so.”

Arc turns to Cadance.

“When do I leave?”

“As soon as possible. The fact that you are alive must be kept secret, after all, if future plans are necessary.”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “What about Twilight? Can she know?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Nopony outside of this room can know.”

Arc sighs. “I… understand.”

Applejack bows her head. “She won’t like that when she finds out.”

Fluttershy nods sadly. “It’ll be hard for Applejack not to tell her the truth as well. Being the Element of Honesty, that is.”

Rarity looks to her friend. “If it would help, I’ll make sure she always calls me instead of Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Thanks. That would help.”

Derpy steps forward. “Arc?”

“You want to come too?”

“Of course!”

“Me too, dad!”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “What about me?”

Arc smiles at her. “I wouldn’t think of leaving you behind.”

“That’s a relief.”

Shining Armor looks to Arc. “Shall we set up the device now?”

“Yeah. Get it ready. I… need to say a few things before I go.”

Turning to the others, he sighs.

“Thanks for coming everyone. I… don’t think I’d be able to leave without saying goodbye properly.”

Applejack forces a smile. “You take care of yourself, Arc.”

“I will. And you take good care of Apple Bloom and Babs Seed too.”

Rainbow Dash winks hugely at him. “And you take care of yourself. Stay handsome, will ya!”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll try.”

Pinkie grins. “While you’re gone I’ll come up with something extra tasty for when you get back!”

“A party?”


“I’ll leave that to you.”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. Please stay as Kind as you are now, Arc. I… REALLY find it attractive.”


Turning to Rarity, he looks at her for a long time.

“I… guess this is it for a while.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Rarity, I… I just wanted to say… that the other night at your place was… magical.”

Rarity smiles sadly. “I’m looking forward to doing it again.”

“Me too.”



“I… I love you!”

Arc kneels down and puts his hands on her shoulders. “And I love you too, Rarity. Never forget that.”

Holding back tears, Rarity falls into Arc’s arms. They hold each other for a long time before leaning back.

“I’ll wait for you!”

“Thanks. But… you don’t have to.”


“If you meet someone else… don’t hold back on my account.”


Arc turns to the others. “That goes for everyone here. After all, I just want all of you to be happy.”

They nod sadly as Shining Armor calls out.

“Last Element, Arc.”

Nodding, Arc turns back to the machine.

“Let me do it.”

Nodding, Trixie gives him the Element of Magic.

“Trixie will miss you too, Arc.”

Shining Armor nods. “As will I. This land won’t be the same without you.”

Cadance bows her head. “Agreed. You’ve become part of our way of life. Please take care of yourself, Arc.”

Shining Armor looks to him. “Sir, I… I have a request.”


“Yes. At the wedding, would you be willing to be my ‘best stallion’?”

“Sure. I’d be honored.”

Trixie giggles sadly. “Now you have to come back sometime.”

“Guess I do.”

Ember groans. “Yeah, yeah. Come on and fire that thing up! We have to get moving!”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You’re going too?”

“Uh… yeah!”

Arc frowns. “But you’re the Dragon Lord now.”


Shining Armor looks to Ember. “Don’t you have responsibilities to your land?”

“My father will handle things while I’m…”

Cadance clears her throat. “Ember?”


“From one monarch to another. Personal feelings are normal and natural for everypony. However, often times we cannot act on them. Much as it pains us, we often live solitary lives even when surrounded by others. You are no exception.”

Arc nods. “She’s right, Ember. The Dragon Lands needs you to stay in this world.”

“But… but this isn’t FAIR! I just got you back!”

Sereb sighs. “It also isn’t fair that he is forced to self-exile, Ember.”

Shining Armor looks to the princess. “Nor is it fair that Cadance had to leave Canterlot behind.”

“Or that Trixie was sent to Tartarus for a crime she didn’t remember committing.”

Ember is silent for a time before walking over to Arc and nodding soberly.

“I… understand. Take care over there. And say ‘hi’ to Shelly and Lily for me.”

“I will.”

Sereb gestures with a wave of his paw. “Shall we be off?”

Ember frowns. “Hey! What was all that about my country needing me, Mister Warchief!”

“My Life Pact requires me to stay by Arc’s side no matter what. And there is still my mother to lead my tribe.”

“It still doesn’t seem fair to me.”

Applejack groans. “That’s what they were trying to tell you before.”


Rainbow Dash bow her head. “Life itself sometimes just isn’t fair. Sucks, but what can you do?”

Arc nods. “Right. Now then… let’s get moving.”

Putting the Element of Magic in its place, the device begins to hum. Setting it in the middle of the floor, Arc steps back as a wormhole forms. As it stabilizes he looks to Derpy and Dinky.

“Head on through with Sereb. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Nodding, they do as he says. Sereb follows closely as Arc turns to Rarity.

“I’ll be back before you know it.”

Rarity nods as Arc kneels down.

“We’ll be together again someday. I promise.”

“I know we will, Arc. But before you go, I have one thing to say to you.”

“What is…?”

He is cut off as Rarity’s lips lock onto his. They share a passionate kiss for several moments before Arc pulls back and runs toward the portal.

“I’ll miss everyone! Take care!”

He turns and grabs Scootaloo before leaping through the portal just before it closes. Everyone turns to Cadance. Ember is the first to speak.

“What… do we do now?”

Cadance sighs. “Live. Live and protect this land as best we can in preparation for Arc’s return.”

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