• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Coming to Terms

Late that night Derpy wakes up and gasps.


Sitting up, she feels around the mattress. Finding no one she sighs.

“It… was just a dream.”

Dinky opens her eyes from the other bed and looks over.

“Mom? Are you okay?”

Derpy sighs. “Yes, sweetheart. Just a bit of a dream.”

“What about?”

“Your father. I imagined he was holding me and you close.”

“Me too, actually.”

“I’m sorry for waking you up and spoiling it for you, sweetie.”

“It’s okay, mom. We both miss dad. You really liked him, didn’t you?”

Derpy nods. “More than words can say, Dinky.”

“You wanted him to marry you?”


“How did you know he was the one?”

Derpy smiles and sighs wistfully. “I’m not a smart mare, Dinky. But I know what love is.”

She sits up and hops out of the bed.

“Go back to sleep, Dinky. I… need a drink of water.”

Dinky lays her head back down. “Okay, mom.”

Derpy leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind her. She is surprised to see Arc’s squad lying on the floor in front of the fireplace. Walking over to them she nudges Max.


Max and the others sit up slowly.

“Yes, Miss Derpy? Did you need something?”

“Not… really. Um… what are you doing here?”

Viktor looks to her sleepily. “Lieutenant Flash Sentry ordered us stay with you and Miss Dinky if we were needed. Forgive us, but we asked earlier and received your permission. However, you were quite… emotional at the time.”

Derpy bows her head. “I remember Xenos carrying me. But not much else.”

“Yeah. We took you and Miss Dinky home, toweled you two off as best we could, and put you to bed.”

Hugh purses his lips. “You two were really out of it.”

Derpy nods sadly as she looks out the window at the falling rain. “Standing in front of a loved one’s grave all day will do that.”

Max looks concerned. “Miss Derpy. If there’s ANYTHING we can do to help…”

Derpy shakes her head as she lays her chin on the windowsill. “Right now all I want is to mourn for Arc. Nothing more… nothing less.”

As the earliest rays of dawn peek through the clouds, Derpy opens her eyes. Sitting up she looks around to find herself back in the bed.

“I must’ve dozed off.”

Dinky yawns and opens her eyes.

“Hi, mom. Sleep well?”

“Not the best.”

“Me either.”

“Bad dreams?”

Dinky shakes her head. “Really good dreams actually. I was remembering all the good times dad and I had together.”

She sighs and looks out the window at the rain.

“I still feel like he’s just going to walk in the front door.”

“Me too, sweetie. But…”

Dinky sniffs the air.

“Is that…?”

She bounds out of bed and through the bedroom door. Racing into the kitchen she beams excitedly.


Max and the rest of the squad look up from their meal preparations. Xenos is the first to speak.

“Good morning, Miss Dinky.”

Max looks over from the stove. “The pancakes will be ready in a few minutes.”

Derpy walks into the room and heads for the already set table. She sighs and lays her head down. Hugh walks over to her.

“Maybe you should rest today, Miss Derpy.”

Viktor nods. “Right. This has to be very hard on you and Miss Dinky.”

Derpy shakes her head. “No, I need to go to work. If I stay home I’ll just get more depressed.”

“Me too, mom.”

Meanwhile, Arc raises his head as the skies begin to brighten. Grabbing the simple blanket covering his nakedness, Arc slowly gets to his feet and looks around to take in his new surroundings. A large pile of hay sits in the center of the cage with a large trough of water situated just through the bars. Walking over to it Arc finds his head is just small enough to fit through the bars. Taking in several large gulps, he sighs contentedly.

“That hits the spot.”

Pulling his hands inside the blanket to warm them, Arc frowns.

“Looks like that doctor even took back the hospital garb. Cheapskate.”

Listening, Arc hears only the leaves in the trees overhead rustling slightly as the rain pelts them. Putting a hand to his stomach he grunts.

“I do hope they remember to feed their prisoners… or pets.”

He walks over to the hay and lies down. Burrowing into it, he frowns.

“It’s a bit warmer in here. But being poked by straw isn’t exactly fun with all the holes I have in me.”

The sound of hoofsteps approaching causes Arc to look up. He spots a small foal walking toward him. They are covered in a black cloak which obscures their entire body. Stopping in front of the cage, the foal removes a small bowl from the confines of the robe and pour some oats into it before carefully shoving it into the cage. Arc slowly approaches the bowl and looks at it cautiously.

“E-eat up.”

“I’m not sure I can…”

The filly jumps back and falls over.

“So you CAN talk?!”

“Yeah. Same as you, I suppose.”

The filly sighs. “I just figured my dad was making that up. He likes to tell me things that aren’t true sometimes in hopes I’ll catch him. Says it makes me more perceptive, or something.”

Arc walks over to the trough and dips the bowl into it, allowing a small stream of water to fill it part way. The filly looks confused.

“What are you doing?”

“Seeing if I can soften these up a bit. They’re a bit dry for me as it is.”

“That’s kinda interesting. Where’d you learn to do that?”

Arc shrugs. “Just an idea that came to me.”

“Do you have a name?”

“Probably. But I can’t remember it.”

“Oh. Um… well… mine’s… Snowflake.”

“It’s very pretty.”

Snowflake grunts. Well, I don’t really like it too much. My dad came up with it when I was younger. Said it was because I was such a weakling.”

“You’re quite a bit… smaller than the other horses I’ve seen around here.”

“That’s because I’m a filly. But in any case, my dad just sent me here to feed you. He’s the one who brought you to the hospital.”


“Yeah. He’s… kinda abrasive sometimes.”

“I did pick up on that.”

“Yeah well, I’ll be the one bringing you food and water from now on. My dad says I need to learn to be more responsible.”

“So you’ll be taking care of me then?”

“Your kinda like my pet, or something. Anything you need I’ll try and get for you. The fact you can talk should make that a bit easier though.”

“Any chance you could get me some clothes?”

Snowflake sounds confused. “What are clothes?”

“They’re… um… things you put over your body to keep warm.”

“Like a cloak?”

“Something like that, I guess.”

“We don’t have anything like that here. Other than armor and my small cloaks, that is. But let me ask my mom. She might know what to do.”

“If you can get me another couple blankets along with some needles and thread I can probably make something myself.”

“Okay. See you at lunchtime.”

Meanwhile, Ember and Sereb appear on the ancient sigil in the Dragon Lands. Ember turns and looks out over the horizon.

“This is just wrong.”

Sereb sighs. “I know how you feel, my friend.”

Ember shakes her head. “No, you don’t.”

“Explain it to me then.”

“For quite some time I’ve dreamed of making eggs with Arc. Or bearing his child as a human woman. Either way worked for me. But… but now that won’t happen.”

“I’m sure he wanted to live out his life peacefully among his family and friends. But as you know, things don’t always go according to plan.”

Ember clenches a fist. “According to plan?! I’ve got a plan!”

“What is it?”

“Gather the other dragons, fly to Canterlot, kill Decimus, and take Celestia captive!”


Ember nods. “She killed Arc! Or at the very least did nothing to stop Decimus from doing the deed! I want her to face justice for her crimes!”

“Who would judge her?”

“My father, of course!”

“And what would he be judging her for?”

“Oh, I don’t know. How about for complicity in MURDERING AN HONORARY DRAGON?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “You evidence is hearsay and rumor. Do you really think your father would declare her guilty on your say so alone?”

“Yes! He’ll believe me!”

“A conviction on the word of an individual is hardly justice, Ember. That and if you were to take her, Equestria would certainly retaliate.”

“They would lose.”

“As would we.”

“What are you…?”

“Doing so would undermine everything Arc worked so hard to accomplish. The tentative peace currently enjoyed amongst the nations would almost certainly evaporate.”

“Why?! This is between us and Equestria!”

“And you believe the Griffon Kingdom and Abyssinia would just sit back and do nothing?”

Ember clenches a fist angrily. “They would if they know what’s good for them!”

“They might view such an act as the Dragon Lands attempting to expand its borders. It would be logical for them to band together and stop us before things got out of paw.”

“Then what do you suggest I DO?!”

“Return to your father’s side and use what Arc has taught you to become the best Dragon Lord you can.”

“But what about…?!”

Sereb interrupts her. “This is what Arc would have wanted, is it not?”

Ember is silent for a time, seething. “Fine. But if Decimus makes one wrong move…!”

“Think long and hard before you act.”

“No promises.”

Snowflake returns to the cage around noon pulling a small cart. The surrounding townsponies watch her suspiciously as they eye Arc with a mixture of horror and disgust. Stopping, she reaches into the cart and pulls out another bowl of oats which she slides carefully through the bars.

“Lunch. And I brought you a few other things.”

Arc slowly sits up from his place on the straw and hobbles over as Snowflake turns with a couple blankets and a basket of sewing supplies.

“Will this work?”

“I think so, thanks.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to seeing what clothes are.”

“They won’t be very fancy. Just enough to protect my modesty.”

“There’s one other thing.”

Returning to the cart, Snowflake pulls out a jar and slides it inside the cage.

“My mom makes this really powerful healing salve for the village. Dad wanted me to give you some.”

“Oh. That was nice of him.”

Snowflake frowns. “Not really. He says you need to hurry up and get better so he can put you to work.”



“Not sure how he’s expecting me to do that when I’m locked in here.”

“Well, the plan is for you to serve as a lookout at night. Hear or see anything, start yelling. The stallions in town will investigate.”

“And that pays?”

Snowflake shakes her head. “Nah. They still view you as an animal. That and money’s really tight around here. After you’re better, and my dad’s saved up enough to pay for your hospital bill, he’s planning to take ownership of you.”

“What for?”

“To make you a beast of burden for our trips.”


“Dad and I go into the wood and forage for supplies. Wild berries, fruits, vegetables, healing herbs for mom’s salve, small animals for their pelts… anything that would be of value to the village we sell at our store.”

“Not sure if I like this plan or not.”

“My dad’s kinda rough, but he won’t kill you or anything. You’re much too valuable.”

“I am?”

“Yes. Right now the village needs all the help it can get.”

“Why’s that?”

“We have to prepare for winter. There isn’t much food when the ground freezes over, after all. But in any case, you won’t do us any good in your condition. So eat up and use some of that salve. I’ll see you again at suppertime.”

Arc reaches into the bowl and pulls out a handful of oats. Rubbing them between his fingers he finds they have softened considerably. Eating hungrily, he sighs contentedly.

“That really hit the spot. Now then… let’s see about making something to wear.”

Picking up the scissors Arc looks at them for a long moment. A sudden pain fills his head as he drops them to the floor.

“Ack! What the…?!”

Fragments of memories of Rarity at her workbench fills Arc’s mind for a moment before fading away. Arc sits there looking down at the scissors for a long time before shaking his head and catching his breath.

“That was… a white unicorn… sewing? Can’t be right. Can it?”

Frowning, Arc lays a blanket on the floor and sits down on it. Moving it to make a rough pattern around his legs he begins to cut. A few hours later a rough pair of pants cover Arc’s backside. Standing up carefully, the pants shift considerably and threaten to fall off. Grabbing them, Arc picks up a long but thin scrap of cloth left over. Putting it around his waist he ties it into a makeshift sash. Making a few small hops to check his work Arc grins weakly.

“Well… that kinda works. At least I’m not naked anymore.”

Yawning, he looks to the hay.

“But that really took it out of me.”

The sound of hooves approaching can be heard as Snowflake walks over with her little cart.

“Look like you did half of it.”

“Kinda. Is it time to eat already?”

Snowflake shakes her head. “Nah. I was just passing by on my way back to our house for supplies and thought I’d check on you.”

“Still here.”

“Yes, well… you might want to get some rest now.”

“I was just about to do that. All that work really tired me out.”

“Remember not to push yourself too hard. You’re the night watch, after all. So no falling asleep.”

“Oh… okay. So I’m supposed to be watching for what again?”

“We call them ‘Crimsons’.”

“Right. The doctor did mention that. So all I have to do is call out if I see something?”

“That will let everypony get more sleep. Normally we have several ponies on guard duty. But that’s kinda expensive. This way we have one guard safely locked in here that all we have to do is feed.”

Arc frowns. “I’m feeling kinda used right now.”

“Yes, well… we are taking care of you.”

“Guess I can’t really complain too loudly then.”

“You could. But I don’t think it would do much good. Well, I need to get moving. Dad’s probably already wondering what’s taking so long.”

She turns and trots away. Arc grabs his original blanket and crawls into the hay pile. Sighing, he closes his eyes and falls asleep. As the sun sets Snowflake returns with her cart carrying Arc’s supper. Seeing that the hay pile is moving slightly with Arc’s breathing she calls out.


Arc does not stir. Frowning, Snowflake picks up a few pebbles and lobs them toward the hey. Opening his eyes Arc sits up suddenly, screaming. Snowflake gasps as she falls backwards.

“I-I’m sorry! A pebble must’ve hit one of your more serious wounds!”

Arc sits there breathing heavily for some time before looking over to Snowflake.

“I… I just… had a bad dream.”

“What did you see?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “It’s… hard to remember. There was a lot of fighting, screaming, and… blood.”

“You were fighting others?”


“Ponies or… animals?”

“Both. I had a spear of some kind. There was an armored stallion with his own weapon. We were fighting in some kind of stone fortress and I wounded him. He looked like he was giving up, but I… I just…”

Arc puts his face in his hands.

“…I stabbed him and threw him up into the air. Next thing I knew fire was everywhere, incinerating him.”

Snowflake takes a step back. “So you’re a killer?!”

“I don’t know! Maybe!”

“That might have just been a dream, you know. But I guess there’s no way to know. Anything else?”


Arc pulls the sewing kit over to himself and pulls out the scissors.

“Tell me, is there anything special about these?”

Snowflake shakes her head. “Nah. They’re just mom’s spare pair. Why do you ask?”

“When I picked them up I… I thought I saw a white unicorn sewing clothes. Is there anyone like that in town?”

“Just my mom, but her coat is yellow. There’s no way you and her have ever met though.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. She’s very shy, after all.”

Arc sighs. “Maybe it was just a dream then.”

“Probably, yeah. I mean, I have weird dreams all the time. Mom just says they’re my subconscious making things up because it’s bored, or something. But in any case…”

Snowflake reaches into her wagon and pulls out a bowl of oats. She slides it through the bars as Arc hobbles over.


“Just doing my job. Now, I have to get home and do my chores. You okay over here?”

“I guess.”

“Okay. See you later.”

Snowflake hurries away with the little cart as Arc again fills the bowl with water from his trough. Setting it down, he looks at the sky as the sun begins to set.


Sighing, he leans back to lie in the hay.

“So many questions. Where am I? Who am I? How did I get here?”

Arc groans and closes his eyes.

“Is this real, or am I just dreaming?”

Clenching a fist his arm muscles tighten, pulling at the stitches. Arc quickly relaxes as a sharp pain reverberates up his arm.

“Okay, not a dream. But that doesn’t answer any of my other questions.”

The sun slowly goes down, plunging the forest into relative darkness. Several ponies light torches around the village as the rest of the citizens head indoors for the night. Arc sighs as he looks around.

“Great. I’m supposed to watch for something I’ve never seen before.”

Before long the entire village is dark, save for the torches burning brightly. Arc sits in the center of his pile of hay and looks around.

“It’s going to be a long night.”

A voice rings out behind him.


Arc turns around to see a small hooded figure standing before him looking down.

“Snowflake? Is that you?”


“Is something wrong?”

“I just… wanted to make sure you were okay on your first night of guard duty. That’s all.”

“Oh. Uh… thanks. You sure you’re okay?”

“Fine. Why?”

“Well, you’re staring at the ground for starters.”

“I’m just a little nervous being out after dark like this. My parents are pretty strict about me being inside before nightfall.”

“Well, if the Crimsons are as bad as I’ve been led to believe, they’re fear is probably justified. Maybe you should go home where it’s safe.”

“I’ll be okay.”

“But won’t they worry about you?”

Snowflake shakes her head. “Nah. They’re both… in bed already. Everypony in town is I would imagine. Well, other than a few guards patrolling the streets, that is.”

“Well… I can’t really stop you from hanging out. But what if some of those Crimsons show up?”

“Running would be best for me, I suppose. Or I could always hide in your cage.”

“It looks locked to me.”

“I’m sure it is. But I can fit through the bars. Watch.”

Stepping forward, Snowflake wiggles her way into the cage before quickly turning around and squirming out again.

“See? I’ll be fine.”

“I guess you will be.”

Snowflake lies down in the dirt and rests her head on her fetlocks before calling out again.

“So did you remember your name yet?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope.”

“We’ll have to think of one for you. After all, I’m sure you don’t want to just go by ‘beast’ all the time.”

“If you come up with something, let me know.”

Snowflake nods nervously. “Okay.”

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