• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,614 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - From the Heart

Twilight continues to cry for some time. Arc does his best to console her as he gently strokes her mane.

“There, there Twilight. Please stop crying. I'm okay! Really! This little cut should be healed up in a few days!”

Twilight looks up at Arc with tears in her eyes “That's just it! This NEVER should have happened in the first place!”

“Well, accidents do happen once in a while.”

“You're just going to write this off as an ACCIDENT?!”

Arc shrugs. “Pretty much! I mean, did you PLAN to hurt me?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No! Of course not! It just... kinda happened.”

“I'd call that an accident then. Now I would appreciate it if you could try not to hurt me in the future. After all, your hooves are significantly harder than my face is.”


After a few more minutes of petting her, Arc is finally able to calm Twilight down to the point that they can continue their conversation.

“Feeling better, Twilight?”

“A little. It's going to be a while before I can put this act of violence behind me!”

Arc nods! “Well, I already have. And don't worry. I won't tell anyone about what you did.”

“Thank you. It's more than I deserve.”

He sighs. “In any case... I believe we were having a rather... difficult conversation earlier.”

Twilight does her best to calm herself. “Yes, we were. Sorry about my earlier outburst. So if Princess Celestia isn't on a diplomatic mission, where IS she exactly?!”

“Well, the sages have completed their scrying of Equestria and all the surrounding countries. She is most certainly not anywhere in this land!”

“I'm confused. Where else could she be?!”

Arc turns to look Twilight in the eye. “Earth.”

“WHAT?! How did she get THERE?!”

“No one has any idea the hows or whys right now. The only thing the sages are certain of right now is that she is definitely there!”

Twilight’s face brightens! “Great! How long did they say it would take to locate her?”

“Originally Lead Sage Sunburst told me it would take a decade or two but...”

The unicorn before him suddenly appears as if she will have a panic attack!


“Twilight, calm down! I helped them narrow it down to a handful of countries. As it stands, he should have her located in, at most, a year.”

“That's... better and all. But... can't he do it any faster?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry Twilight. That was the best he could do.”

She sighs heavily. “I wish I could help them. Sadly, scrying is a VERY rare skill in Equestria! And it is one I was never gifted in.”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight's shoulder and looks her in the eye. “Don't worry. As soon as we figure out where she is and how to open a portal back to Earth, I’ll personally lead a rescue team and bring her back to you!”

“Any luck with the inter-dimensional portal issue?”

Arc stands. “I don't know. Things have been a bit... busy around here. I'll have to touch base with Sunburst about that. Now I'm sorry to cut this short, but if you don't have any other questions, I have many other things to do right now.”

Twilight nods and rises. “I do trust you Arc. But what could be more important than locating Princess Celestia right now?!”

He walks toward the door. “Making sure Equestria is still in once piece when she returns! I know this is a lot to take in, so if you need to rest for a bit feel free to use my bed.”

“Yes... thanks. I suddenly feel very... drained.”

“Lie down. You just need a bit of time to process all of this.”


Arc turns back to Twilight. “Yes?”

“Thank you... for telling me the truth.”

Arc nods and leaves the room

Twilight walks over to the bed and closes her eyes. “Hold on Princess Celestia! We'll save you as soon as we can!”

Meanwhile, Arc leaves his quarters and spots a Royal Guard patrol.

“Where is Kibitz's office?”

They bow. “Shall we escort you there, sire?”

Arc nods. “Please do.”

The Royal Guards escort Arc to the small office.

“Thank you. You may go.”

The guards bow and return to their duties as Arc enters the office. Kibitz is pacing the floor nearly frantic! Sunburst and Raven are doing their best to calm him! He is a pale-yellow elderly unicorn with a large drooping mustache and small spectacles. They do not notice Arc as he enters.

“This... this is inconceivable! All three princesses out of commission!? What shall become of Equestria?! When word of this gets out, the land will most certainly be invaded post-haste!”

Sunburst looks to the pacing unicorn. “Calm yourself old friend! You know Princess Celestia established the Order of Secession for just such an emergency!”

Raven nods and speaks with conviction! “Indeed! Lord Arc will do just fine, grandfather! Believe me when I tell you he won't allow this land to fall!”

Arc nods. “You can count on that!”

Kibitz, seeing Arc for the first time, is quite startled at his appearance!

“Good heavens! A talking monster!”

He grabs the nearest ‘weapon’ and runs forward to meet his foe. Kibitz hits Arc over and over again with his pocket watch!

“Have at thee, fiend!”

Arc looks down at the confused stallion. “Um... Kibitz I presume?”

Raven steps forward! “Grandfather stop! This ‘monster’ is Lord Arc!”

“Goodness gracious! Apologies, my lord! I was not informed you were... not like other ponies!”

Sunburst sighs. “Sorry Kibitz, but that was the furthest thought from my mind at the time!”

“All is forgiven. Now, I need your help!”

Kibitz looks to him, confused. “Sire?”

“I'm told you worked for the princesses. You kept them on schedule as it were, correct?”

“Yes. I have served as Princess Celestia's Personal Assistant since I was a young stallion!”

Arc nods! “You're just the one to help me organize my tasks as Lord Regent! Will you and Raven please help me stay organized?”

Raven smiles and nods! “Of course, Lord Arc! You were there for me... back then. I will do my very best to continue to serve you!”

“If my granddaughter puts so much faith in you, then I too with lend a hoof to your cause! As frightful as you may appear...”

Sunburst looks to him, aghast! “Kibitz!”

“It's the truth!”

Arc sighs. “In any case, what would the princesses do right now?”

Kibitz thinks for a moment. “They always brought matters of such importance before the citizenry. That may not be the best course of action this time though... Lord Arc.”


Raven sighs and nods. “The citizens of Equestria will most like panic upon learning that the princesses are no longer able to protect them!”

Arc nods. “Very true. However, they will find out sooner or later. I want to start off showing that I'm an Honest ruler. If I lose the faith of the citizenry, things will become that much more difficult!”

Sunburst looks to Arc, soberly. “Are you certain that's what you would like to do, sire?”

“Completely. Kibitz, I want you to set up a public appearance. How soon can you get things ready?”

“I can have everything ready in a couple hours. What shall I say is the reason for this?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Just say... the Hero of Light has an important announcement to make.”

Sunburst nods. “That would certainly draw quite the crowd. I imagine quite a few would show up, as for you to do such a thing would be interpreted as going over the princess’ heads!”

“Good. Call me when everything is ready. After my speech I need to speak with the head of the military, whomever that is.”

Raven looks to him. A concerned look on her face. “You're not thinking of imposing martial law are you, sire?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Certainly not! Doing so would only make a bad situation worse! I am, however, concerned that the neighboring lands may invade upon learning there is no longer a princess on the throne! The best defense is a good offense, as it were.”

Kibitz looks confused. “I'm not quite sure I follow your logic, sire.”

“Think about it. Equestria is probably the weakest it's been in quite some time! Any nearby ruler would be a fool to pass up such an opportunity! We need to be ready, and at the very least, APPEAR to be ready for anything!”

Sunburst nods. “Do you think it will work?”

Arc sighs. “It has to. After all, I don't want Equestria's stallions and mares to die in a senseless war!”

Kibitz smiles! “Bravo sire! Well said! I think you may be just what this land needs right now!”

“I agree. Now, in any case, the castle's tailor should be almost ready with your new outfit, sire.”

Arc looks to him, confused. “Outfit, Sunburst?”

Sunburst nods. “Forgive me if I overstepped my bounds sire, but I believe if you are going to be Equestria's Lord Regent you really should look the part! While your current attire is adequate for day to day affairs, a Lord must LOOK like a Lord!”

Raven looks Arc up and down. “He does raise a valid point.”

“Uh thanks... I think. I'll head over there after I grab a bite to eat from the dining room.”

Arc turns to leave the room.

Kibitz looks over his clipboard. “Sire, the princesses DID have a rather full agenda for today. And it is already far behind!”

Arc stops at the door and turns his head. “Well, I haven't had anything to eat yet today! Trust me... you wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.”

Arc leaves the room.

Kibitz breathes a sigh of relief. “I don't know about this new Lord, Sunburst.”

“He really is quite a hard worker Grandfather. Trust me... he'll get the job done!”

Sunburst nods in agreement. “Princess Luna and Princess Cadance have spoken quite highly of him in the past. I trust their judgment!”

Arc makes his way to the Dining Room, using his nose to guide him! Upon entering he sees the Mane Six minus Twilight, Flash Sentry, Sereb, Ember, Auriel, Derpy, Dinky, and his squad. They have almost finished their meal.

“Dad! The food here is even better than back at your base!”

Derpy pulls back the chair next to her. “Arc, please sit down! You look really hungry now!”

He sits down with the group. “Thanks. I actually didn't notice with all that's happened today until just a few minutes ago.”

A unicorn chef emerges from the Kitchen with a covered plate. He makes his way over to Arc quickly!

“Good day, sire! I have prepared a wonderful meal for you. Enjoy!”

The chef removes the cover to reveal a hayseed omelet, eggs, whole-oat hash browns, and a side of orange juice. Arc looks at his meal with a pained look on his face.

“Um... thanks. I'm sure you worked very hard on this, but... human stomachs work a bit differently.”

The chef appears confused. “Sire?”

“Is Saffron in the Kitchen?”

“Yes, she's been assigned a workstation. However, the Canterlot Castle Kitchen Staff is capable of cooking for most any diet!”

Arc nods. “Have a consultation with her on what humans eat. I think you may find yourself a bit... squeamish when cooking my supper.”

The chef bows. “Very well sire! I will speak to her at once!”

The chef leaves the room and heads back to the Kitchen. Arc begins to eat what he can from his plate.

“Hey Arc! Where's Twilight?”

“She's probably still in my room, Rainbow Dash. I told her she could rest there. The strain of knowing the truth was too much for her it seems.”

Rarity appears nervous about her friend’s mental wellbeing. “Oh dear! Will she be alright?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Twilight just needs some alone time right now. I'll go check on her after breakfast.”

Fluttershy shyly looks to Arc. “Um... but it's almost lunchtime.”


Arc looks out the window to see the sun high overhead.

“Huh! Where has the day gone? I expect to have a busy afternoon then! In any case, as long as I have you here, Rarity, how did you like Sassy Saddles work?”

“I must admit, for somepony who's spent her entire career making costumes, she pretty good at making real clothes! I've taken her on as my Apprentice!”

Arc nods! “Good. After what happened in Dodge Junction, she needed a helping hand!”

Rarity looks to Arc, nervously. “I haven't had time to ask her about that yet. What DID happen?!”

“Well... that's something she needs to tell you herself. Just let it go for now, okay?”

“I suppose I can do that. It is nice knowing the past of somepony who's working for me though!”

Arc nods. “I understand that, Rarity. However, she'll open up about it when the time is right, I'm sure.”

Applejack attempts to change the subject. “So, what's next Lord Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “You don't need to call me that. None of you do! We're all friends here. In any case, Kibitz should be done making the necessary preparations for addressing the population very soon.”

Pinkie looks over to Arc, a bit nervous. “You don't think everypony will freak out, do you?! Nopony alive remembers the days before the princesses ruled the land!”

“They might. I need to do things that will help maintain a sense of normalcy.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Like what sir?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, for one thing, audiences should resume as soon as possible! The citizens need to know that they are being watched over by an accessible ruler!”

Max nods. “Good idea sir! Anything else?”

“Nothing else comes readily to mind. If anyone else can think of anything let me know. Right now ‘normalcy’ is the word of the day!”

Ember turns to Arc. “How about having more patrols around the city? It might make the citizens feel more secure.”

Arc shakes his head. “It could also have the opposite effect. Such action could make them feel like prisoners living under a tyrant!”

Hugh nods! “The commander is right! I certainly wouldn't want guards everywhere I looked! And I'm a GUARD!”

Xenos turns to Arc. “Have you given any thought to the sun and moon, commander?”

Arc looks to Xenos, confused. “The what?”

Viktor looks to him with evident concern. “With Princess Luna and Princess Cadance both in comas, who will raise the sun and the moon every day?”

Derpy looks up at him. “Arc? Didn't anypony tell you? The princesses are the ones who cause the sun to rise and the moon to set.”

Arc drops his silverware! “WHAT?! I heard something about that a while ago, but I just thought it was symbolism or something! I had no idea they LITERALLY had control over the heavens! I'll have to speak to Sunburst about this! Hopefully Princess Celestia had some kind of backup plan for that as well!”

Sunburst quickly enters the Dining Room and approaches Arc.

“Sire! Doctor Whooves is requesting your immediate presence in Princess Luna's bedchambers. He believes he may have found something!”

Arc quickly stands as the chef returns with the meal's dessert course. “Good! Flash Sentry, come with me! Rainbow Dash, go to my quarters and have Twilight meet me there. Everyone else, enjoy your dessert!”

Rainbow Dash quickly flies out of the room! “On it!”

Arc, Sunburst, and Flash Sentry quickly make their way to Princess Luna's room.

“Sunburst, about the sun and moon…”

Sunburst nods. “Don’t worry about that, sire. Princess Celestia left me detailed instructions on what to do if such an event came to pass!

Arc breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! We’ll have to talk on that in more detail after this!”

“Yes sire!”

They enter the bedchambers. Doctor Whooves is waiting for them inside.

“Ah, thank you for coming so quickly sire! The lab results may have yielded a clue!”

Suddenly the door to the bedchambers bursts open! Rainbow Dash flies in at top speed and drops Twilight into Arc's arms! She flies out of the room back toward the dining room!

“Good luck! Now for dessert!”

The door slams behind her. Arc looks down at the winded mare in his arms.

“Feeling better Twilight?”

Twilight blushes as she sheepishly responds. “Kinda. I tried to tell Rainbow Dash that I could walk, but she didn't really give me a choice! Sorry about this.”

Arc sets her down on all fours. “It's okay. Your timing is impeccable though! The doctor here may have found something!”

“That's a relief! I'm really worried about my friend here! Luna too, of course! It's just that I've known Cadance my whole life!”

Arc turns to Doctor Whooves. “So, what did the lab report have to say?”

“Everything came back completely normal. Other than a small abnormality in their blood-work.”

Twilight looks to the doctor, frantically! “Abnormality?! Are they sick?! Are they DYING?! What's going on?!”

“Please calm yourself miss! Working yourself up into a frenzy won't help them!”

Twilight nods apologetically. “I'm sorry. Please continue doctor.”

“In any case, there appears to be some kind on unknown chemical in their blood. I've analyzed it, but can't seem to find a match in any of my medical books.”

Flash Sentry thinks for a moment. “Perhaps a silly question doctor, but are you certain this mystery substance is not just something an alicorn's body produces naturally?”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Yes. I have gone over their medical history and have confirmed not only that this substance is not naturally occurring in their bodies, but also that up to this point they were immune to pretty much everything! Records go back centuries for Luna! Since becoming an alicorn, she has never been sick before.”

Twilight nods soberly. “And Cadance? Is she immune as well?”

“According to her records, yes.”

“How much is known about alicorn physiology, doctor? I mean… there’s only three in existence, right?”

“Truthfully sire, they really aren't that different from normal ponies. Other than their extreme longevity and immunity to diseases, that is.”

“Any idea what the substance is? Even just a guess!”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head. “I’m afraid not. It's like nothing I've ever seen before! Their kidneys don't appear to be making any headway in filtering it out either!”

Arc looks at Princess Luna a moment before turning back to the doctor. “What about dialysis?”

“It would prove ineffective in filtering out this particular substance. The molecular size of the chemical in question is far too small to be caught in the filter.”

Twilight sighs. “If we only knew what was in them, we might be able to do something!”

Arc snaps his fingers! “Crazy idea here. What if the substance in their blood isn't the same as what was introduced?”

Doctor Whooves looks over to Arc. “I'm confused."

“Okay, think about it this way. What happens when you mix water and sand?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “You get... sandy water?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Or watery sand.”

“Right. You get a physical change. Easily identified, and reversible with proper filtering.”

“Okay, but how does that help?”

“I'm coming to that, Twilight. Now what if you combined hydrogen and oxygen?”

Doctor Whooves looks to Arc. “That would make water.”

“Exactly! The oxygen and hydrogen are still there, but have undergone a synthesis reaction to become water!”

Twilight appears hopeful! “Assuming this is the case, if we could break this substance down into its original base form, we might be able to deal with it!”

Flash Sentry glances at the sleeping princess. “But wouldn't that be dangerous to the princesses?!”

Doctor Whooves turns to Flash Sentry. “Don't worry lieutenant. We’ll run tests on their blood in the lab to attempt to achieve the desired results before trying anything on the princesses themselves.”


“Anything I can do to help? I do have my own lab back in Ponyville and plenty of experience in chemistry.”

Doctor Whooves looks to Arc. He nods.

“Well... I can send some samples of their blood home with you if you would like. At this point, I'll take all the help I can get.”

“Thanks! I can't just sit around doing nothing while the princesses waste away! I only wish there was a way for me to get home and back faster!”

Sunburst steps forward. “There is. Princess Celestia has an airship that she used in the past for pleasure trips. If she were here now, I am certain she would approve of us lending it to you, given the circumstances. Assuming it's okay with Lord Arc, that is!”

“Of course. The ship is yours as long as you need it Twilight!”

“Thank you! I'll take good care of it! But what if you need it later Arc?”

“Not to worry miss! Although it hasn't been used yet, the princesses do have a much larger military grade airship that was designed for long range travel!”

Twilight nobs! “That was smart of them! But what were they planning to do with it?!”

Sunburst shrugs. “I asked the same of them when they showed me the plans. Princess Celestia simply answered ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst’!”

Arc nods. “Is it big?”

“It could probably carry every citizen of Canterlot, if the need ever arose that is!”

“Maybe that was her plan. An escape vessel for everyone in the event of invasion!”

"It’s possible. I’ll have to ask her when she returns."

Arc turns to Flash Sentry.

“Curing the princesses is of course our primary concern right now. However, our secondary objective is to find out who’s behind this, how they did it, and what they hoped to accomplish! That's where you come in, lieutenant. I want you, Twilight, and Doctor Whooves here to keep in touch with each other and coordinate your findings. What may be nothing to one group could be a big piece of the other's puzzle! Until they come up with something for you to follow up on, I'll keep you here in Canterlot.”

Flash Sentry salutes! “I won't let you down, commander!”

Twilight nods soberly! “You can count on me to do my part!”

Doctor Whooves nods happily! “Three heads are better than one, I suppose!”

“Good. Well, I'm off to change and address the public. Wish me luck!”

Sunburst calls out after Arc as he heads for the door. “Your new outfit should have been delivered to your room by now. Kibitz and I will meet you there shortly to brief you on the details of public speaking.”

Arc nods and leaves Princess Luna's chambers. He proceeds back to his room to find a more regal looking outfit is neatly laid out on the bed. It is a simple yet stylish royal purple tunic with a pair of simple brown trousers! The tunic and pants don't really seem to work until Arc puts on the sash, which brings the whole outfit together with a matching red headband and loose-fitting red cloth choker. However, the matching shoes don't fit very well. He looks at his reflection in the large mirror before him and sighs.

“Well, I can't really go out there barefoot. What to do about this...”

Arc thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers! He touches his ring and calls forth Eidolon's Ward's boots! Tucking in the pantlegs into his greaves, as they extend to just above the knee.

“That actually looks pretty good! Now... what else...”

After thinking a few moments Arc calls forth his gauntlets and pauldrons. He tucks his sleeves into the gauntlets and adjusts the cloth choker to partially cover the pauldrons. Lastly putting on the royal cloak he received at his coronation.

“That actually looks more regal than I thought it would!”

There is a knock at the door.


The door opens. Flash Sentry, Sunburst and Twilight enter the room. Twilight trots over to him and looks him over!

“Wow! That looks really good on you Arc!”

“Thanks, Twilight! It's amazing that this was made on such short notice! Although I doubt they intended for me to include armor in this outfit.”

Sunburst approaches him. “Lord Arc? Kibitz has made all the necessary preparations and has notified the press and citizens of your speech in the Canterlot Town Square. We should leave as soon as possible.”

Arc nods. “Good! Where is everyone else?”

Flash Sentry salutes! “They've already headed over to the Town Square to join the citizens.”

“Lord Arc? There is one more addition I would like to make to your attire.”

Sunburst pulls out a strange looking medallion out of his saddlebag and levitates it toward Arc. He fastens the gold chain around Arc's neck and straightens it.

“There! Many years ago, Princess Celestia gave me this medallion and told me to keep it secret and keep it safe!”

Twilight admires the pendant! “It is quite lovely, and adds a bit more distinction to your attire Arc!”

“It’s more than just mere jewelry, miss! Lord Arc, this medallion will significantly increase your Gravity Magic, which hopefully should allow you to raise and lower the sun and moon. I only hope your magic is up to the task!”

Flash Sentry nods! “Don't worry about that, Sunburst!”

Twilight giggles happily! “Yes! Arc's magic is actually stronger than my own now! And I must admit, that does make me a bit jealous.”

Arc sighs nervously. “Thank you for the vote of confidence you two. I guess we'll find out for sure later. Well then... let's get this over with.”

The group leaves Arc's quarters and heads down the hall. Seeing Sunburst heading away from the Castle Gate Arc speaks up!

“Um... aren't we going out the front door?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Princess Celestia always takes her chariot to public appearances. It would be wise for you to do the same! It will help put the public's minds at ease.”

Arc sighs. “Fine…”

The group proceeds to a large garage-like area with many vehicles parked and waiting. They approach what Arc can only assume it is the chariot Sunburst spoke of earlier! It is really more of a large ornate platform with a throne in the middle. Hitched to it are Arc's squad!

“Here we are sire! Canterlot Castle's Hanger!”

Max nods respectfully. “Looking sharp, commander!”

Hugh smiles. “Yeah, snazzy!”

Viktor chuckles! “Good luck with your speech, sir!”

Xenos gestures to the chariot! “Don't worry sir! We'll get you there in no time!”

“Thank you all, but... isn't pulling this for me kinda like drudge work?”

Max shakes his head. “No sir! We would be honored to bring you to the Town Square!”

The rest of Arc's squad smiles and nods!

“Thanks! I'll do my best not to let you down.”

Arc’s group boards the chariot as he sits down on the throne in the center.

“I have to say, this ride is actually smoother than I thought it would be.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “This is my first time on Princess Celestia's chariot as well! I always dreamed of standing by her side as the two of us made our way through the skies in this very machine!”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "You will one day. I guarantee it!”

Twilight sighs. “Thanks Arc.”

Kibitz levitates a few cards over to Arc. “I’ve taken the liberty of writing a simple speech for you, sire. I hope it will be of some help to you! My apologies if it is a bit... boring. If I had more time I could have written something a bit more riveting!”

Arc accepts the speech notes. “Thanks. I know you did your best with what you had to work with.”

They arrive at the Town Square and disembark. Arc heads over to the stage to stand before the visibly confused citizens. He stands at the podium and looks out at the sea of faces and spots Dinky, Derpy, Ember, Sereb in his cub form and Auriel standing with the Mane Six in the crowd. They all smile and wave to him. He smiles and nods before looking down at the cards in front of him and speaking.

“Mares and gentleponies! Good afternoon! Many of you know me as Hero of Light Arc, the one who defeated the rogue unicorn bent on killing Princess Luna recently! I have been on several adventures since my installation as Equestria's greatest defender, and while many of those escapades ended in a happy settlement, some are still ongoing!"

He pauses to read ahead. Sighing, he looks over to Flash Sentry, motioning for him to approach. The lieutenant does so wordlessly. Arc hands him the speech notes and motions for him to return to Sunburst. Arc turns back to the assembled ponies.

“I'm sorry everyone. I… uh… had a speech written up with everything I needed to tell all of you. But... I realize that isn't what I wanted to say. So, if it's okay with all of you, I'm going to lose the script and just... talk to you. Think of it kinda like having a chat with some friends.”

The assembly murmurs in a confused tone. Arc clears his throat and again begins to speak.

“Princess Luna and Princess Cadance have done their best to protect and lead Equestria since Princess Celestia left to represent all of us abroad. They have been working tirelessly in their duties as long as I have borne witness.”

He sighs and braces himself.

“It is my sad duty to inform all of you that both Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are currently... very ill and confined to their beds until further notice.”

Upon hearing this the citizens talk in frightened tones to one another!

“Doctor Whooves has reported to me that they are stable and resting peacefully for the moment. Have no fear! I am confident they will soon make full recoveries.”

This does not seem to alleviate the citizen's fears!

“Now, it has been brought to my attention that Princess Celestia has made preparations in the event something like this happened. She has put into place an Order of Secession to aid in the transfer of leadership. This was only brought to my attention this morning. The unfortunate condition my two friends were in, and how I needed to... temporarily take over their duties.”

Arc pauses and looks around the assembled group.

“I will do my very best to protect all of you from any threat that may befall this land! Whether that threat comes from within or abroad, I will stand and face it on your behalf, as I have done ever since taking up the mantle of your Hero of Light! This I promise you!”

The assembled ponies clap their hooves together nervously.

“Now, I am sure there are many who seek an audience. I will address your concerns starting tomorrow morning, which is when audiences will resume! Please, I want everyone to do their best to go about their business as usual. It's what the princesses would want you to do, is it not?”

Arc looks around at the assembled onlookers. They appear to be weighing his words carefully.

“Well, if everyone will excuse me, I have quite a few things to do, and not much time to do them! I won't take up any more of your time. Thank you.”

Arc steps down from the podium as the onlookers disperse. Derpy, Dinky, the Mane Six, Auriel, Sereb and Ember walk toward Arc. Derpy hurries over to him!

“Dinky and I are so proud of you Arc! That was wonderful!”

Dinky runs toward her father to give him a hug! “I think everypony liked it, dad!”

Arc kneels down to give her a hug! “Thanks sweetheart! I was hoping it would be enough.”

Ember nods! “Gotta agree! Nice speech Arc!’

Sereb turns to Arc. “There was wisdom in your words.”

Rainbow Dash forces a smile! “Yeah! Although it probably could have been a bit... cooler.”

Applejack looks crossly at her friend! “Rainbow Dash!”

She looks back to Arc and smiles.

“You did just fine, sugarcube! Better then anypony else could have!”

Rarity smiles at him. “Yes darling! I think you covered everything, AND did so without causing a stir!”

Pinkie hops around! “We even had a backup plan to get you out of there if things got ugly!”

“You did?!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “It... wasn't much of a plan. Just smoke bombs and teleporting.”

Twilight nods! “I'm just glad it didn't come to that!”

“While I appreciate the thought, as Lord Regent I can't just run away if things go badly!”

Auriel smiles at him! “Very commendable! But as my father always said ‘there's no shame in running away, so long as you live to fight another day’!”

“My dad would never run!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Sometimes a tactical retreat is the best course of action.”

“While not... completely terrible advice, what would happen to the innocents left behind?”

Sunburst nods approvingly! “I'm glad you feel that way, Lord Arc!”

Kibitz walks over to Arc holding up a rather long schedule! “Indeed sire! Now we must move on to the next item on the princesses... on your agenda.”

Arc sighs. “Very well. What is it?”

“You need to head over to Ponyville and speak at the opening of the new school there. Afterwards you will stay and have refreshments with the matron and the new teacher. Now, I have prepared a short speech for you. However after your earlier speaking engagement, perhaps you would prefer to ‘speak from the heart’ as it were?”

Arc accepts the speech notes. “Yes, I'll do that. But I would still like to know what you wrote to try and keep me from making a fool of myself.”

“I will do my best not to disappoint you, sire!”

He looks over the notes. “While I appreciate you going to all the trouble to write me something, I feel the citizenry would appreciate less canned speeches and more fresh content.”

Sunburst nods. “Princess Celestia liked to do that when she could. However sometimes she just didn't have the energy to come up with original content. I am glad to see you feel this way Lord Arc.”

Derpy looks to the chariot. “Shouldn't you get going Arc? I wouldn't want you to be late for your public appearance.”

Kibitz nods! “Indeed sire! We should be off as soon as possible!”


He turns to the Mane Six.

“Would all of you please stay with Twilight until Doctor Whooves can give her some instructions? I believe she needs all of you now more than ever!”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby. “Sure! Twilight's our best friend! We'd never leave her hanging!”

“Darn tootin'! Don't worry about a thing Arc! We'll take good care of her!”

Auriel approaches Arc, nervously. “If it's all the same to you, would you mind if I went back to Ponyville with Twilight and her friends? I think I can be of some help to them!”

Arc nods. “It's fine with me. Twilight can bring you all up to speed on what needs to be done on the trip home.”

Twilight nods! “Thank you, Auriel. I have quite a bit of work to do when we get back. It would be a big help if a scientist like you would help me with it!”

“I will do my best, Twilight.”

“Good luck, all of you. I hope to see you again soon!”

Arc opens a portal back to Light's Hope. Sunburst looks to him strangely.

“Sire? What are you doing?!”

“I was going to travel back to Light's Hope. The new school is in the orphanage just down the way from my base.”

Kibitz points to the vehicle. “Have you forgotten sire? The chariot!”

Sunburst nods! “You must keep up appearances, sire!”

Arc closes the portal and sighs. “Fine...”

“Very good sire! Now I shall head back to the castle. There are many duties as Lead Sage that I must attend to. If I have anything to report I will contact you via your chariot's communication device.”

Kibitz turns to Arc. “That's a fancy way of saying he'll call you, sire.”

“Okay, off we go then! Derpy, you and Dinky can ride with me back to Ponyville.”

Derpy’s face lights up! “Thanks Arc! It's been too long since we had time to talk!”

Dinky grins from ear to ear! “This is gonna be AWESOME!!!”

As mother and daughter climb aboard the chariot Arc looks over to Flash Sentry.

“Lieutenant, see to it Twilight gets what she needs from Doctor Whooves. After that I want you to check on the castle's security. Make sure there aren't any gaping holes to fill!”

“Yes sir! I won't let you down!”

Arc looks back at Ember and Sereb. “You two are with me. Hop on!”


Sereb nods, still in his cub form. “Very well. I shall accompany you.”

Ember and Sereb join the others on the chariot. They take-off for Ponyville. Fluttershy turns to the others.

“Um... do you girls think Arc is up to the task?”

Applejack watches the chariot as it flies away. “If anypony can do this, he can!”

Auriel nods. “Agreed! He's both wise and strong. Two traits necessary to lead!”

Pinkie hops around happily! “Arc's got this! Equestria will be fine!”

Rainbow Dash hovers above the others. “I sure hope so. What do you think Twilight?”

“I think... that Arc is Equestria's best hope right now! We should support him as best we can!”

Meanwhile, aboard the chariot Arc looks to his squad as they fly through the air.

“Is this too heavy for you guys?”

Max shakes his head. “No sir! But...”

Xenos laughs! “Let's just say this is pretty much the chariot's maximum capacity!”

Hugh breathes heavily! “Perhaps you could lay off the cupcakes, sir?”

Viktor nods! “I hope we don't have to do this every day!”

Arc sits back down on his throne. “Don't worry. The load will be lighter on the way back.”

He turns to Derpy and Dinky.

“How are you two holding up?”

Derpy smiles at him! “Just fine, Arc! You forget, I'm a pegasus! We're used to flying! I do find it a bit... unsettling to be doing so without flapping my wings though!”

Ember nods. “Same here! This just feels... unnatural!”

Dinky stands at the front of the chariot, her small hooves outstretched, smiling and laughing! “I'm queen of the world!!! WOOOOO!!!”

Arc laughs! “Well, at least someone is enjoying this!”

Kibitz looks over to Arc. “Perhaps you should rest now, sire. Princess Celestia would often use this time to nap if she had the chance.”

”Thank you Kibitz, but I’d rather use this time to catch up with my friends here. Who knows when we'll have time to do so again?”

“Very well, sire.”

Kibitz walks to the other side of the chariot to give Arc and his friends some privacy. Derpy, Dinky, and Ember sit down on the floor around him.

Derpy smiles up at him. “It feels like forever since we last spoke, Arc!”

“Yeah dad! I mean... Lord Dad?! King Dad?! Lord Regent King Dad?!”

Arc spread his arms and smiles. “Come here Dinky!”

Dinky jumps in Arc's lap and sits down. She looks up at him with her little eyes, happily!

“Listen Dinky. No matter what title I may have at the time... Hero of Light... Lord Regent... Janitor... I'll always be just ‘dad’ to you, okay sweetheart?”

“Thanks dad! I love you!”

“And I love you too Dinky! Now there's something I need to talk to you about.”

Dinky looks confused. “Oh? What is it?”

“This is kinda hard to say, but... as the Lord Regent of Equestria, I won't be as... accessible to you as I would like. It's not that I don't care about you or Derpy. I just... have a lot to take care of. Please forgive me."

Derpy smiles and nods. “We understand Arc. I wish we could stay in Canterlot with you, but we would just be in the way.”

“Yeah dad! I know you’re going to be REALLY busy from now on! Even more so than when you were the Hero of Light! It's okay! Really!”

Arc smiles at his little family. “Thanks sweetheart! I'll do my best to call you and your mother when I can.”

Ember frowns at Arc. “HEY! What about me?!”

“Uh... you and Sereb are staying with me in Canterlot, remember? You two are going to be my personal bodyguards! I mean... if you want to, that is."

Ember’s face lights up. “Awesome! I'll guard your body like never before, Arc!"

Sereb puts a paw on his forehead and shakes his head. “That... sounded wrong on so many levels, Ember."

Ember laughs. “Sorry! But I'm sure Arc knows what I mean!”

“Yeah. Well, just see to it no one tries to assassinate me or something. Does that happen in Equestria?”

Kibitz walks over. “Not usually sire. In my tenure as Princess Celestia's Personal Assistant there has been only one attempt on the life of a princess.”

Arc nods soberly. “The conspiracy against Princess Luna?”

Kibitz appears surprised. “Oh? You know about that?”

“Yes. Princess Luna herself told me about it.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Don't worry Arc! We'll see to it no one has the chance to take you out!”


Arc nods. “Thanks you two. It's not the dying part that worries me though.”

Derpy appears surprised! “Really Arc? That's very brave of you!”

“Dad's not afraid of anything!”

“No Dinky. There is one thing that scares me.”

“What's that dad?”

“If I were to be assassinated now, Captain Decimus would be next in line to take the throne!”

Ember shudders. “Now THAT'S a scary thought!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Kibitz, how are we looking for our scheduled time of arrival?”

Kibitz consults his pocket watch. “We should arrive precisely on schedule, sire.”

Arc looks at the orphanage in the distance as he leans back in his throne. “Good. I wouldn't want to be late for this.”

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