• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - A Filly's Hope

The next day Arc and Dinky walk down a corridor of Canterlot Castle.

“I’m sorry, Dinky.”

“What for, dad?”

“You wanted me to spend more time with you on Earth. And all I did was work.”

“That’s not true, dad! We went camping!”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. But I was gone most of the time.”

Dinky grins at him. “We’re together now though.”

“And I’m still working.”

He stops and kneels down in front of Dinky.

“Sweetheart, I’m going to make more time for you. And soon.”

Dinky jumps up on her hind legs to give him a hug. “Thanks, dad. But you still have a job to do.”

“Not for much longer.”

The pair continue on. Soon they approach Arc’s quarters and enter.

“I need to speak to the princesses before we head back to Ponyville. Not sure how long it will take though.”

Dinky smiles at him. “It’s okay. I’ll wait for you here.”

Arc points to the balcony doors. “Take a look out there. The view is breathtaking.”

“I think I’ll do that.”

Patting her head Arc leaves the room. Dinky walks over to the doors and steps out onto the balcony. A warm early summer wind whistles past her as she puts her small hooves on the guardrail and sighs.

“Mom misses you too, dad. She really likes you, after all.”

Looking out over the city below Dinky smiles.

“You’re doing everything possible to keep everypony safe. Just one more mission and you’ll be home again. Eating supper with mom and I every night. Playing with me. Putting mom and I to bed…”

Dinky closes her eyes and lays back on the stone balcony face up. She allows the warm sun to wash over her as she lets out a contented sigh.

“It’ll be perfect. Everything will be… perfect.”

A voice calls out.

“Will it?”

Dinky sits up.


Looking around Dinky finds that time has stopped. The light slowly fades until only the ground around her is illuminated. She looks around.

“Where are you?”


Doing as she’s told Dinky sees a large glowing light just inside her father’s room. Slowly walking through the door, she stands before Kronos.

“What did you mean by that?”

“Your assumption that one event will make everything better is shortsighted at best, Dinky.”

“I… I know that.”

“Then why do you feel this way?”

Dinky smiles. “Because it’s what I want to happen. My dad has always been Honest with me. If he says things will be different, I believe him.”

Kronos sighs. “While I too wish for your permanent happiness, we both know that is not usually in the cards.”



“But things weren’t always that way, right?”


Dinky appears hopeful. “So there’s a chance?”

“That there is, yes.”

“And you know what’s going to happen?”

“As I’ve said before, I know what the most likely outcome is to most any situation. However, even my ability in that is not infallible. There have been times where what I expected to happen did not come to pass. Similarly, I have seen unlikely outcomes suddenly force themselves to the forefront of the present for what would appear to be no rhyme or reason.”

“So… what are the chances things go well in my dad’s immediate future?”

“I’d rather not say.”

Dinky’s eyes grow wide. “Please! I… I can handle it!”

Kronos is silent for a time before answering. “The road before him will most likely be long, winding, fraught with peril, and rather dark.”

“Is there any chance for something different?”

“As you know, nothing is ever set in stone, Dinky.”

Dinky sighs. “I understand. But will he survive?”

“To that I can give you a solid ‘yes’.”

“Good. If there’s a way for my dad to pull this off, he will.”

“You are confident.”

Dinky smiles nervously. “It’s all I can be at this point.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way toward the Audience Chambers. He finds the outer chambers empty with the exception of a lone guard on duty. The stallion salutes as Arc approaches.


“Are the princesses ready to see me?”

“Yes sir. I’ve been ordered to admit you immediately upon your arrival. The princesses are waiting for you in their office.”

He opens the door and stands aside as Arc passes. Entering the Audience Chamber Arc heads for the familiar door. Looking around he notices the guards normally present are nowhere to be found. He mutters to himself.

“I guess Luna really didn’t want anyone overhearing this conversation. Can’t say as I blame her though.”

Arc enters to office. Luna and Cadance rise from their places on the couch as Shining Armor approaches with Sunburst. Shining Armor is the first to speak.

“Good morning, sir.”

Sunburst smiles. “We do hope your trip over was pleasant.”

“Yes. You’ve really nailed down the transdimensional wormhole technology. I can’t remember the last time I flew out the other side like a rocket.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “A rocket?”

Arc sighs. “Think of the Equestrian equivalent as being shot out of a cannon.”

Cadance shudders. “A frightening thought!”

“In any case, we should get to it.”

Shining Armor nods soberly. “Yes. This plan needs to go smoothly.”

“As complicated as this matter will certainly be, I can assure you that it probably won’t. Everyone will need to be ready and able to adapt to an ever-changing situation though.”

Luna appears nervous. “Arc?”

“What is it, Luna?”

“In your opinion… what are the chances of success?”

“Success as planned or success in general?”

Luna looks at him evenly. “Yes.”

“Okay, um… I’d say our chances are pretty good with all the prep work and planning we’ve done.”

Cadance frowns. “But…?”

“I’m assuming our adversary, a man named General Mustang, has more than one trump card to play. As strange as it feels to say this, I’m attempting to expect the unexpected.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes sir. That’s why everything needs to be ready before you begin your assault.”

“I guess ’assault’ isn’t how I would describe it. Think of this more like… extremely aggressive subterfuge.”

Luna sighs. “So everything is ready on your end?”

“Almost. There’s one last thing I want to do.”

Sunburst nods soberly. “Last minute mechanical changes?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. One last visit to the facility before we do this.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “For gathering more intel?”

“Potentially giving it actually.”

Shining Armor gasps. “You’re doing what?!”

“Three of the sergeants there are… unique individuals.”

Luna sighs. “The ‘Hammer” individual you mentioned before?”

“She’s one of them, yes. I told you how she hired me to spy on her sisters. Before we do this, it would be very useful to have their help.”

Sunburst grins. “So you’re looking to turn at least one of them to our side?”

“In a matter of speaking. If I can somehow gather concrete and irrefutable evidence that Mustang is controlling her sisters Hammer might be willing to take me directly to Princess Celestia.”

Shining Armor frowns. “That’s quite a stretch, Arc.”

Cadance nods. “I agree. You’d also have to tell her why you wanted such a thing.”

Luna sighs. “Should she refuse you’d be setting up your mission for failure.”

“I’ll do my best to read her mood before I make such a demand. Failing that, providing Hammer with the evidence she asked for might be just enough for them turn on Mustang and help me escape the facility when the time comes.”

Shining Armor smiles. “That would be a more sensible plan. Even if they refused to cooperate it would still be too late for them to warn their commander about you, Arc.”


Cadance bows her head. “All of this is quite risky.”

Luna nods. “Yes. And not strictly necessary.”

Sunburst turns to him. “I agree with the princesses, sir. Attempting to gain allies from the ranks of our enemies at this point may not be the best course of action.”

“I’ll… keep that in mind.”

Sometime later Arc returns to his room. Dinky trots in from the balcony.

“How did it go, dad?”

“Okay, I guess. I briefed Sunburst and Shining Armor on their tentative roles in my plan, as well as informed the princesses of my mission’s status.”

“And they agreed with you?”

“On most things, yes.”


Arc sighs. “None of them was too keen on my idea to turn Hammer and her sisters to Equestria’s side.”

Dinky smiles. “I’m sure if she knew what was going on, Miss Hammer would certainly do the right thing! She’s a really nice human!”

“I hope she would. But… I don’t really know for sure.”

Dinky puts a small hoof on his knee and smiles up at him.

“I believe in you, dad. You’ll always do your best to make the best choices with the information at hoof.”

“Thanks, Dinky. I’ll certainly give it my best shot. But I wish I had your confidence.”

Dinky giggles. “You do!”

“How so?”

“Think about it. You always see the best in ponies and people alike. I’m sure Miss Hammer has done terrible things in the past. But you were able to look over that to see her for the human she might be on the inside.”

Arc shrugs. “I really do think Hammer and Mio have good in them. Stingray… not so much.”

“Are you sure?”

“No. But if I can make friends with one of them, the other two might be persuaded to follow suit.”

Sighing, Arc stands up.

“In any case, lets head back to Ponyville.”

Dinky hops off the couch. “Yeah! I’m sure mom misses us!”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal to Derpy’s small house. Stepping through the pair head for the orphanage. Arriving, they enter and look around the Main Hall.

“It feels like forever since I was here.”

Arc chuckles. “I know what you mean. Lately I’ve been on Earth more than Equestria.”

Dinky trots toward the cafeteria. “Come on, dad! Mom’s probably cooking lunch!”

“Shouldn’t you get to class then?”

Dinky laughs. “Dad, it’s summer vacation!”

“Is it?”

“Yup! Look!”

Dinky points to her classroom, which is dark inside. Arc frowns.

“I… knew it was getting warmer, but I figured…”

A voice rings out behind them.

“That there was plenty of time left?”

The pair turn to see Frank slowly descending the stairs.

“Oh, hey Frank.”

Dinky grins. “How are things here?”

Frank chuckles as he walks over. “Just fine. A very simple life caring for mostly content orphans.”

He gestures with a wave of his hand.

“However, with facilities like these I’m certain they know just how much they mean to the leaders of this land.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. This place is leagues better than the Farburg Orphanage.”

“Better staff too.”

Dinky looks around. “Where is everypony, Mister Frank?”

“Miss Pommel thought that since it was such a nice day now would be a good time for a trip to the park.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Just her?”

“Oh no. Miss Cheerilee and Miss Peachbottom accompanied her. I think they’re looking to make it a bit of a learning experience.”

Dinky smiles. “That’s a good idea.”

“I stayed behind to help Miss Derpy with lunch preparations.”

Arc turns to the cafeteria. “Let’s see if we can help.”

Dinky runs into the kitchen ahead of them.

“Mom! We’re back!”

Derpy trots over to her daughter as Arc and Frank walk into the room. She and Dinky embrace.

“I missed you, sweetie!”

“Me too, mom.”

Dinky leads her mother over to Arc.

“Dad and I have been really busy!”


“Yeah! We went camping!”

Frank chuckles. “Did you now?”

Arc nods. “Scouting out that base from afar.”

Frank is suddenly serious. “How much longer until you go inside?”

“Already been there more than once.”

Derpy gasps. “That sounds dangerous!”

“Kinda was. Sorta. At least the first time. But that’s part of the reason I’m here, Frank.”

Frank appears confused. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”

“There’s a few things I need to know.”

“We can talk about it as we cook.”

Arc shrugs. “Fine with me.”

Derpy points a hoof to the counter. “Those potatoes need peeling.”

“And me, mom?”

“Can you get the condiment bottles filled, sweetie?”


Arc and Frank walk to the counter as Dinky heads for the extra-large refrigerator. As they get to work Arc is the first to speak.

“What can you tell me about Hammer?”

“My former lieutenant?”


“Like Stingray and Mio, she was very dedicated to the mission. Or so I thought.”

“She’s a sergeant in the military. As are Stingray and Mio.”

Frank frowns. “I did think they were a bit too disciplined to be just normal women.”

Derpy looks over. “Isn’t that good? I mean, that they’re focused.”

Arc sighs. “Normally, yes. But they aren’t exactly the best example of humanity.”

He turns back to Frank.

“I was able to get into the facility the second time with her help.”


“She gave me an ID badge.”

Frank grimaces. “Watch yourself! She and the others are playing you for a fool, my friend!”

“I kinda thought that too. At least until I heard her side of things.”

“Her side?”

“She and I met at the mall when I was there with Dinky and Auriel.”

Frank gasps. “Did she recognize you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We were both sitting there waiting for someone and struck up a conversation.”

Cherry groans. “It was a rather nerve wracking experience.”

“Agreed. Then I remembered that she’s only seen the Hero of Light. Not regular Arc.”

Frank grins. “Used that to your advantage, eh?”

“Yeah. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, she was giving me her phone number.”

Frank stops working and turns to Arc as he narrows his eyes.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

“Somehow I get the feeling you called it too.”


Frank facepalms. “And here I thought you were the smart one between us.”

Arc shrugs. “Guess not.”

“So what happened?”

“I took her out for pizza.”

“As in a date?”


Frank frowns. “That was unwise.”

“I kinda thought so too. That is until I told her I was a Private Investigator.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Why did you do that, Arc?”

“She asked what I did for a living. I couldn’t really say I was the Hero of Light.”

Dinky giggles. “Why not just call yourself a ‘Problem Solver’, dad?”

“That would have raised more questions. The investigator thing really seemed to register with her though.”

Frank sighs. “Let me guess. She needed you to spy on someone for her?”

“Actually, yes.”

“She’s a sneaky one, I’ll give Hammer that. Who was your target?”

“Her sisters.”

Frank appears surprised. “Stingray and Mio?”

“The very same.”


“Hammer believed they were up to something. And they kinda were.”

Derpy gasps. “Something bad?”

“Not exactly. They were learning new skills to impress their commanding officer, General Mustang. Does that name mean anything to you, Frank?”

Frank shakes his head. “Never heard of him. But let’s stick to Hammer’s request.”

“She was very impressed with how fast I got back to her. After giving her the evidence she wanted, I was paid for my time and offered a new task.”

Derpy giggles. “More investigating?”

“Yes. This time she wanted proof that General Mustang was manipulating her sisters.”

Frank rolls his eyes. “Let me guess. She’s just being paranoid?”

Arc shakes his head. “Surprisingly, no.”


“I did find some evidence that Mustang is indeed manipulating those around him through some kind of strange science or magic.”

Dinky shrugs. “Maybe both.”

Frank sighs as he continues working. “Had you told me this a few months ago, I would have had you sent to the funny farm, my friend.”

“This goes well beyond simple charisma though. I had Auriel dressed up as Diva so she could come with me.”

Derpy smiles. “That was brave of her.”

“I thought so too. Anyways, Hammer gave me a keycard for Mustang’s office. We were searching it when the general walked in.”

Frank chuckles. “Busted.”

“I thought so too. But she was able to convince him she really was Diva. Even going so far as to kiss him.”

Dinky sticks out her tongue, clearly disgusted. “Miss Auriel really did her best there.”

“Agreed. But she told me later that it felt… strange.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Like her mind was muddled. That coupled with the research notes we found from Doctor Rieper…”

Frank gasps. “Wait! That was the name of the doctor whom treated me in the hospital!”

Arc nods. “The very same. He’s not on their payroll though.”

“How could you possibly know that?!”

“I had someone hack their network. No one named ‘Rieper’ works there. He and Mustang are definitely in cohorts though. The only problem is I have no idea what the doctor is after.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “Maybe he’s just a bad man.”

Frank grimaces. “He may simply be seeing how far one can go. Ideals can be a powerful tool for self-motivation.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. But we seem to be drifting off course. Frank, what can you tell me about Hammer on a personal level?”

“She’s the most visibly driven of the three. To be completely honest, I always viewed her as the big, dumb muscle of their group.”

Dinky glares at him. “HEY!”

“It’s the truth. She’s quite loyal to her sisters though. You were wise to target her, Arc. If she’s convinced someone has hurt the other two, nothing will prevent her from getting revenge.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that. As long as we’re on the subject, what about the other two?”

“Stingray is the leader. Headstrong and cunning, she’s not as strong as Hammer. However what she lacks in physical power she makes up for in planning and insight.”

Arc frowns. “Weaknesses?”

“Tell her she’s cute.”

Derpy gasps. “What?”

“Any personal compliment would work. If you sound sincere it’ll throw her off balance for a moment. You’ll only get one shot though. Make it count.”

Arc grins. “I’ll remember that. What about Mio?”

“Ah, the magic user. She’s smart like Stingray. But more facts and figures over insight and planning.”

Arc chuckles. “But she’s not strong, right?”

Frank shakes his head. “Not at all. I was stronger in middle school than she is now. Just bear in mind that she more than makes up for that with her powers.”

Arc snaps his finger. “But if I destroy her staff…”

Frank smiles and nods. “She’ll be cut off from her magic. That’s her Achilles Heel. If you’re going to try and outthink her, you’d best have a pretty good plan.”

“Thanks for the advice.”

“Tell me, do you think you’ll see them anytime soon?”

“Probably, yes. Why?”

Frank smiles wickedly. “Give them each a punch in the mouth for me.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

The sound of foals and younglings entering the building can be heard. Dinky turns to her mother.

“Sounds like everypony’s back.”

Derpy looks at the clock. “There’s still quite a bit of time until lunch.”

Frank nods. “Agreed. Let’s not squander it though.”

Arc sets down his potato peeler and turns to Derpy.

“I… um… need to go talk to Coco Pommel about something. You okay without me for a bit?”

Derpy nods. “Of course, Arc. We’ll be here when you get back.”

“Thanks. I’ll try to make it quick.”

He heads out the door. Dinky looks to her mother.

“That was sudden.”

Frank chuckles. “Your father’s a busy man. I’m sure he had his reasons.”

“Not to worry, sweetie. He’ll be back before you know it. And then we can finish making lunch together.”

Dinky turns toward the doorway. “Yeah, I know. But I’m just worried about him. Dad’s been going almost non-stop for as long as I can remember.”

Derpy appears confused. “I thought you two went camping.”

“We did, yes. But he was still working then too.”

Frank sighs. “Arc’s still trying to fix everything. That much about him hasn’t changed.”

Derpy walks over and puts a hoof around Dinky’s shoulders. “Are you upset that he didn’t have time for you?”

“No, mom. I mean… it was great just being on Earth with him. But I’m more upset that he doesn’t make time for himself. After all, if nothing changes… what will happen to him?”

“Don’t worry about that, sweetie. Remember, your father’s retiring after this last mission. Then he’ll have lots of time to rest.”

Dinky’s ears droop as she slowly walks out of the room.

“I… need to go to the bathroom.”

Derpy looks to Frank who shrugs. She moves to go after Dinky, but Frank holds out an arm to stop her.

“Let her have some alone time for now.”

“But she looked so sad!”

“I agree. But sometimes we all just have to work things through in our minds alone.”

Derpy nods and turns back to her task as does Frank.

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