• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Coming Clean

Everyone meets back in the relative safety of the room. Luna looks around.

“It would appear all of you are accounted for. Does anypony suspect you?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Not likely. Fluttershy and I were a pretty good distance down the corridor before Derpy and Rainbow Dash jumped the guards.”

Applejack facehoofs. “And the guards were too busy ogling my flank to notice Pinkie sneaking up on them.”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes. “I gave the guards from the Archives an out to save them from punishment. They took it, of course.”

“Very good everypony. Tell me, did you find what you were looking for?”

Rose nods. “Some, yes. However many files were indeed missing.”

Pinkie frowns. “Yeah! Somepony should take away their library card!”

Fluttershy turns to Luna. “Did somepony maybe request those documents before we did, your highness?”

“Unlikely. As I said before, they would have requested copies. Not the originals.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Then what did WE get?!”

Rose points to her head. “Digital copies.”

Derpy grins. “Great! Now nopony will know we have them!”

Rarity turns to Twilight. “What should we do now then?”

“We need to return to the library and print these up. Then we can read over the reports and see what’s being hidden from the general public.”

Luna nods approvingly. “And then what?”

“I… um…”

“Do you not have a plan of some kind?”


Rainbow Dash shrugs. “We’re making it up based on what we find, right?”

Pinkie giggles. “Pretty much.”

Applejack sighs. “Not the best idea, I know.”

Rose nods soberly. “But sometimes that’s all one can do.”

Luna frowns. “You must do your best to think as far ahead as possible. It will make the job that much easier.”

Derpy gasps. “But that’s not always possible!”

“I know that, my little ponies. However, my sister taught me that lesson long ago.”

Rarity appears genuinely interested. “Really? What happened?”

“She blasted me with the Elements of Harmony. Truthfully, I had forgotten they even existed.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Wait! You knew about them beforehoof?!”

Rose tilts her head to one side, confused. “But the history books say you knew nothing of them and their power.”

“That is simply not true. Celestia and I wielded their power together on several occasions. The last time being against a draconequus named Discord. The self-proclaimed ‘Lord of Chaos’.”

Rarity gasps. “But those things are supposed to be just a myth!”

Sandstorm Mirage shrugs. “One would think so, yes. But every myth has a bit of truth to it.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Like humans?”

Luna sighs. “Sometime more than a bit, I suppose. However, the Elements are useless to Celestia and I now.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “They are?”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “But you said you used them in the past!”

“That I did. However now they are bound to you six.”

Twilight turns to Luna, nervously. “I’m glad you brought that up, Princess Luna. As you know, we lent our Elements to Sunburst to power his transdimensional device. Now, he’s certainly welcome to use them if they’re needed, of course. But since Princess Celestia has returned, we should probably have them back.”

Luna nods. “I will talk to him about that tomorrow morning. Forgive me, but I just assumed he returned them. After all, you had them at the peace summit.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “We had to get them back for that.”

Fluttershy sheepishly nods. “Arc wasn’t going back there during that time, so there wasn’t any reason for him hold onto them.”

Applejack shakes. “Considering what happened it was a good thing we retrieved them when we did.”

Rarity sighs. “Indeed. I shudder to think how those event would have ended without them.”

“They’ll be returned via special courier as soon as I can retrieve them.”

Pinkie giggles. “Goody! Now all we need to do is get home to Ponyville!”

Derpy shakes her head. “But the train doesn’t run this late.”

Luna clears her throat. “I can open a portal back to Ponyville for you if you’d like. That is if you don’t mind a bit of Dark Magic.”

Fluttershy takes a step back, nervously. “Is it… safe?”

“Oh yes. If everypony is ready we can begin.”

They nod. Luna’s horn glows as a dark portal forms in front of her. She steps aside to allow them to pass. Everyone looks around as Rarity speaks.

“Now the only question is who’s going first.”

Pinkie bounces past and through the portal. The others shrug and follow her lead. As Twilight moves to join them Luna puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“Twilight. As I said, Cadance and I have been writing letters to each other daily in code. But there was another reason.”


“We both agreed that if the letters ever stopped, something had happened to me and to send help.”

“Help?! But you’re safe here in Canterlot Castle!”

Luna sighs. “Remember, ‘safe’ is a relative term, Twilight. After all, look at what happened to my sister.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Cadance is worried that something similar to what befell Celestia may happen to me.”

“Come back to Ponyville with us then. You can stay…”

Luna shakes her head. “No, my place is here. I just needed to tell somepony else… just in case.”

“I don’t understand. Why are you telling me this, Princess Luna?”

“Because of something Cadance wrote in her letters. That you and I should… become better acquainted. After all, you are my sister’s faithful student. I’d simply like to learn why Celestia thinks so highly of you. And allow you to get to know me as well.”

Twilight smiles. “I’d like that.”

“Remember this though, Twilight. Just because we’re surrounded by thick walls and guards does not make us safe. Should something happen to me, you and Cadance need to watch over Celestia.”

“We will, Princess Luna. I promise.”

Luna smiles. “Thank you. Now go. Your friends are probably wondering what happened to you.”

Pinkie pokes her head back through the portal.

“That we are! Come on, Twilight!”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “How did she do that? It’s a one-way portal.”

Twilight giggles as she walks toward the swirling energies. “It’s Pinkie Pie. She’s always doing the impossible. Take care.”

Luna waves a hoof as Twilight vanishes. Closing the portal she turns back the Sandstorm Mirage.

“I’m going back to my room now and rest.”

“Good night, your highness.”

Luna opens a portal, but looks back at the sergeant.

“Oh. Excellent work tonight. I’m glad I can count on you.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna.”

Stepping through her portal, Luna vanishes. Sandstorm Mirage sighs as it closes behind her.

“You really shouldn’t, your highness.”

Meanwhile, Twilight reappears in a large, dark room. The only source of light coming from the moon through the windows and Rarity’s horn.

“Light’s Hope?”

Rose nods. “Yes, mother.”

Applejack shrugs. “It makes sense. After all, Princess Luna has been here numerous times in the past.”

Rarity nods. “Probably more than any other place in Ponyville.”

Fluttershy calls out from hiding behind her tail. “Can… can we please leave now?!”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden, Fluttershy?”

She points a shaky hoof at the window. Everyone sighs as Derpy looks to Pinkie, confused.

“I don’t get it.”

“Fluttershy’s afraid of the moon!”

“She is? But why?”

Fluttershy shudders. “I just am, okay!”

Rose walks over to Fluttershy and kneels down to her level. “Why don’t I carry you home then? After all, I can see in the dark.”

“Oh would you?! That would be wonderful!”

Rose picks up Fluttershy as she continues to cover her face and turns to Twilight.

“I’ll be home soon, mother.”

Twilight smiles. “Don’t stay out too late.”

They leave Light’s Hope together. The tall doors click shut behind them, locking securely. Rarity leads the way as she channels a Light Spell. Twilight grins.

“I can’t wait to start reading over these reports!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Well, you should probably get some rest first.”

Rainbow Dash yawns. “Yeah. It is pretty late.”

Pinkie looks back as she bounces around. “There’s always tomorrow, you know!”

Rarity smiles at Twilight. “And we’ll come by first thing to help you.”

“Thanks everypony. I guess I kinda have to wait though.”

Derpy nods. “Glad to see you’re listening to reason, Twilight.”

“Not so much reason, but logic. After all, Rose has to come home first.”

Pinkie grins. “That’s right! Those papers are in her head! Well, not literally IN her head but the memories of them are!”


They reach town and go their separate ways. Derpy arrives at her small house and puts a hoof on the doorknob. Slowly, she opens the door and steps inside. Walking toward her mat she looks down at it before turning and walking toward Arc’s room. Opening the door she steps inside and walks over to the beds. Looking Arc’s over for some time she jumps up on the bedspread, lays down, and buries her face in the pillow before inhaling deeply.

“I can still smell him a little. Dinky too.”

She lays there for some time before standing up and leaving the room. Walking over to her mat, Derpy lies down on it and closes her eyes. As an hour ticks by she sighs and stands.

“Need some air.”

Walking to the front door, Derpy heads outside to a warm summer night. Making her way down the path through town she looks around. Every building is dark and silent. The only sounds to be heard are the crickets and the wind blowing lazily through the trees. Continuing on she spots a single light in a window. Walking up to the building she comes to the front door and knocks lightly. A minute later it opens and Rarity peeks out.

“Derpy? Is… something wrong?”

“Can I come in please?”

“Oh, why yes, of course!”

Rarity steps aside, allowing the pegasus to enter. Closing the door behind her, she turns to Derpy.

“What are you doing up so late?! You should be in bed!”

Derpy sighs. “I tried to sleep. But… I couldn’t.”

Rarity nods understandingly. “Worried about Dinky?”

“Yes. I know she’ll be fine. Especially with Sereb watching over her and the other two. But… I think I’m not the only one who’s worried.”


“Your light is the only one on in town.”

Rarity sighs. “I… suppose you caught me. When you knocked I was lying on Sweetie Belle’s bed.”

“That’s understandable. I was doing something like that earlier too.”

Rarity gestures to the stairs. “Why don’t we sit down? It’s been a long day for both of us.”

“Thank you. I’d like that.”

They walk up the stairs together. Rarity leads Derpy to her room and switches on the bedside lamp. It’s warm glow gives the room a nice homey atmosphere. Hopping up on the bed together they sit down.

“So… how are you holding up?”

Derpy looks away. “Okay, I guess.”


Derpy shakes her head. “No. First I lost Arc. Then Dinky left. I always knew she would grow up and leave home someday, but…!”

Rarity sighs. “That day came a lot sooner than you thought.”

“Right. And now I’m all alone again. Just like before I met Arc.”

“But you’re not alone.”


Rarity smiles as she puts a hoof on Derpy’s shoulder. “You’ve made so many friends since coming to Ponyville. We’re here for you in this time of need.”

“Thank you. I do appreciate that, but… right now I just feel like I’m just so… empty.”

“Ever since the funeral?”

Derpy nods sadly. “Yes. Until that point I hadn’t accepted the finality of this. In my mind Arc was going to come back and things would be normal again. Then… then Dinky left.”

“And you felt as if your last lifeline had been cut.”

“I did. How did you…?”

“You forget, I loved him as well. That and with Sweetie Belle gone, I too feel alone and adrift.”

“It’s a hard thing to handle. But you really do know what I’m going through.”

Rarity nods as she gazes around the room, wistfully. “I do. This place is just so empty right now. Just like your house is too I would imagine.”

Derpy looks down sadly. “Right.”

“How about you stay here for a time?”

“You mean for the night?”

“Until our daughters come home. You shouldn’t be alone right now.”

“Thank you, but I wouldn’t want to be a burden to…”


Derpy looks up to see Rarity forcing a smile. Tears hover in the corners of her eyes.

“Thank you, Rarity. I will.”

“Good! Well, we should get some rest. My bed may not be the best, but it’s large enough to hold us both. If you’re okay with that.”

“Yes, its fine.”

Rarity stands up and pulls back the covers. The pair lay down together as she uses her magic to pull the covers over them and turn off the light. In a few minutes their eyes adjust to the dark. Moonlight spills across the floor filling the room with a soft glow. Rarity turns to Derpy.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Were you in love with Arc?”

Derpy nods. “Yes, very much so.”

“But you never said anything.”


Rarity looks nervous. “Not even when I confessed my feelings to him.”

“You were just being honest with yourself back then.”

“And you weren’t mad that I might… steal him away from you.”

Derpy smiles. “Not in the least.”


“Because it would only make Arc unhappy. All I really want is for him and Dinky to be loved and protected.”

“That’s what I want for Arc and Sweetie Belle too.”

“We’re the same, you and I. Bad pasts… same friends… young daughters… no husbands… loved Arc… and now empty nests.”

“I… never really thought about it. Well, lately I haven’t really been able to think about anything other than Arc’s death and Sweetie Belle’s safety.”

Rarity sighs before continuing.

“Right now she’s so far away and I don’t know where she is! All the time I just want to burst into tears and scream! Tell me, Derpy. How are you keeping it together?”

Derpy smiles. “Our daughters are closer than you think.”

“They are?”

“Yes. Look out the window.”

Rarity turns her head and does so.

“What am I supposed to be looking at?”

“Do you see the moon, Rarity?”


“Right now our daughters are out there somewhere, yes. But they’re looking up at the same moon. That’s one of the few things keeping me going. Well, that and knowing Dinky will come home when she finishes what she set out to do.”

Rarity sighs. “I wonder how Applejack is taking this.”

“She’s suffering too. Apple Bloom isn’t her daughter, of course. But she cares deeply for her little sister, after all.”

“That and she still has the rest of her family. They can lean on one another for support. We don’t have that luxury.”

Derpy shakes her head. “But we do.”

Rarity appears surprised. “Oh?”

Derpy opens her hooves wide and smiles at Rarity.

“We have each other. Our common bond makes us special.”

Rarity gives Derpy a small smile as she leans into her fetlocks. The pair embrace for what seems like forever as they stare up at the moon together. Eventually their eyelids grow heavy, and they fall asleep holding one another. Meanwhile, Arc lies on Snowflake’s floor as the filly tries to sleep through the commotion from downstairs. He pokes his head up and looks across the bedspread.

“What is he DOING down there?!”

Snowflake groans. “He’s ‘celebrating’ again. Remember, we had a pretty good haul today foraging.”

“I know you two are the experts, but was it really THAT good?”

“No. But like I told you before, the bar for what calls for a celebration is really low with him.”

The sound of glass breaking rings out. Snowflake groans.

“Sounds like he just finished another bottle.”

“Um… is your mother okay down there?”

“Usually, yes. Some mornings she still has glass and alcohol in her mane though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So she’s partying with him?”

“No. Mostly trying to keep my dad from hurting himself. Or, like I said before, breaking anything important. He should pass out sooner or later. Hopefully on the floor.”

“What? Doesn’t he have a bed?”

“Yeah, but… never mind.”

Arc looks out the window. “Well, this has been going on for hours.”

“I admit, he’s usually calmed down by now. That means he and my mom are… um… doing… special things.”

“What does that mean?”

Snowflake looks away. “All I know for sure is that dad told me that’s how I was made. Probably in one of mom’s cauldrons, or something.”

“Should we stop them?”

Snowflake shakes her head vehemently. “No way! Last time I went down there my dad got REALLY mad. Said it wasn’t something a filly should be seeing, or something.”

“We’ll it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be done anytime soon. But we both need our sleep for foraging tomorrow.”

“Usually I just bury my head under my pillow. Like this.”

Snowflake demonstrates as another round of crashing and banging is heard downstairs. She groans and pokes her head out.

“Not working tonight though.”

“I have an idea. Let’s sleep in the barn where it’s quiet.”

Snowflake gasps. “But my dad would see us come downstairs!”

“Then we won’t go downstairs.”


Arc stands up. “I’ll show you.”

Walking over to the window Arc opens it and crawls out to sit on the window sill. Looking down a few moments, he leans forward and drops to the ground. Snowflake gasps and runs over. Looking down she spots Arc standing up.

“You okay, Big Brother?!”

“Just fine. Now it’s your turn.”

“What?! But I’ll get hurt!”

“No you won’t. I’ll catch you.”

“Are you sure?!”


Taking a deep breath, the little filly hops up onto the window sill and looks down.

“Okay… here I come.”

Jumping, Arc catches her and carefully sets the filly down.

“See? That wasn’t so bad.”

Snowflake sighs. “I guess not.”

“Come on. Let’s get some rest.”

Grabbing the lantern on the porch, Snowflake lights it and leads Arc to the barn. Opening the door, he allows the filly to enter first before he follows. Turning to the makeshift bed in the corner the pair walk over to it and lay down as Arc sighs contentedly.

“Much quieter.”

“Right. Good idea, Big Brother.”

The muffled sound of breaking glass is heard through the still air. Arc sighs.

“Well… it’s not perfect. But still a welcome improvement.”

“I’ll say. Now let’s get some sleep.”

“Yeah. But would you leave the lantern on?”

Snowflake appears confused. “Why?”

“In case your mother notices us gone from your room. If she starts looking, she’ll spot the light in here and know where we are.”


She hangs the lantern on a hook near the door before returning to the makeshift bed and lying back down.

“Good night, Big Brother.”

“Good night.”

They are silent for a time as the muffled sounds from the cottage continue. Snowflake begins to sniffle.

“I think my mom’s going to be walking funny tomorrow.”

Arc sighs. “You’d know better than I.”

“My dad’s been hurting her sometimes.”

“Want me to go over there and check on her?”

Snowflake shakes her head. “No. That would just make my dad angry. She says she’s okay after a couple hours anyways.”

“You sure?”


Another crash rings out as Snowflake shivers. Arc turns to her.

“You cold or scared?”

“Kinda both.”

She turns to him.

“Can I… sleep with you?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But you are.”

“No, no. I mean… when I was younger, my mom would sleep next to me whenever I was scared.”

Snowflake looks toward the door as yet another crash rings out.

“But she hasn’t been able to do that for a while now.”

Arc nods. “I guess so. That is, if you really want to.”

Snowflake nods and stands up. Taking the few steps toward Arc, she lays down and presses her back against Arc’s chest. He carefully puts an arm around the filly. An especially loud crash rings out, causing Snowflake to yelp in fear. She rolls over and buries her face in Arc’s chest as he wraps his arms around her.

“It’s okay. You’re safe with me.”

Suddenly, Arc gasps and clutches his forehead. Snowflake looks to him, concerned.

“What is it?! Another memory?!”

Arc nods, straining with the pain in his head.

“Y-yes. I… I remembered holding a… a unicorn filly. Just like I’m doing to you now. She was light purple with a blonde mane and… and she was smiling happily and laughing.”

“I think we really need to start trying to figure out who you are and where you came from.”

“Admittedly I’d like to know that myself.”

“Let’s see… you’re really strong, good at fighting, pretty smart, not easily frightened, know a filly…”

“…have killed someone.”

Snowflake sighs. “You don’t know that for certain.”

“It was too detailed to be anything other than a memory.”

“I suppose. But maybe he was a bad stallion, and you were defending that fort… or something.”

“Hopefully. But it’s equally likely I was the invader.”

“You’ve gotta have more faith in yourself, Big Brother. After all, have you done anything bad since you got here?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Doesn’t that tell you something?”

“That maybe I’ve just forgotten how to be bad?”

“I meant that you’re a good beast. Not a cold-blooded killer.”

Arc sighs as another crash rings out from the cottage. “I sure hope you’re right.”

Snowflake instinctively presses her face against Arc’s chest again and puts her hooves on her ears.


“Shhh… just try to get some sleep now.”

“Okay. We can talk more in the morning.”


A short time later Snowflake's breathing slows. Arc feels the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest as he holds her close. Frowning, he looks up at the ceiling before closing his own eyes.

“I sure hope you’re right, Snowflake. But either way, I still have blood on my hands.”

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