• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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REMASTERED - Chapter 3 - Medic!

Rainbow Dash and Applejack burst into Ponyville Hospital with the failing creature on their backs. They lay him on a nearby gurney as Nurse Redheart rushes over. Rainbow Dash turns to her.

“Nurse! We have an emergency!”

As she sees the creature for the first time Nurse Redheart pauses momentarily. “What in the world is…?!”

Applejack frowns. “No time fer that now, nurse! What do we do?!”

Nurse Redheart looks him over momentarily before pointing a hoof at an orderly. “Get him to the Operating Room, stat!”

Another nurse quickly pages Doctor Horse to report for emergency surgery as he is wheeled away. The Mane 6 stand in the Waiting Room, seemingly unsure of what to do for a few moments before sitting down and to talk amongst themselves. Rainbow Dash turns to Twilight and frowns.

“Okay, what the heck was that thing?!”

Twilight sighs. “An Ursa Minor. They don’t usually leave the Everfree Forest, but…”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Not the monster! The other one that came to help!”

“Oh. Um… this is kinda embarrassing, but…”

Twilight brings the others up to speed on the events of the past hour or so regarding her accidently bringing through the Crystal Mirror more than just plants for her experiments. Rarity frowns.

“It sounds like you’ve been quite busy Twilight. But I must voice my concerns about you taking other creatures from their natural habitats.”

Fluttershy nods. “She’s right. It’s cruel to take an animal from its home and family.”

Pinkie nods. “Yeah! No matter how weird looking it is!”

Applejack turns to Pinkie. “Weird or not, it was willing to stand up to that beast for us.”

Fluttershy frowns. “I believe our brave friend is more than just a wild beast. After all, he did speak back there.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah! He would have to have at least SOME brains to be able to do that, right?”

Twilight sadly nods. It’s clearly sentient, I agree. But that won’t mean a thing if he dies. Hopefully the hospital staff can do something for him.”

A few hours later Doctor Horse comes down the hall toward them. Twilight jumps up and runs over to him.

“Doctor! How is he?!”

The doctor sighs. “To be quite honest, I'm not sure. Truth be told I was hoping you could fill me in on a few things, miss. For one, we aren’t even sure WHAT the patient is. Unfortunately, that makes treating him quite difficult. For starters, what kind of animal is he?”

The Mane Six look to one another before fixing their eyes on Twilight. She appears uneasy in her response.

“I… I’m afraid I don't really know? After all I’ve never seen anything like him in any of my books.”

Doctor Horse frowns as he looks over the chart in his hooves. “Hmmm... well, without any basis for treatment I'm afraid we’re going into this blind. Right now we’re treating his wounds using general medical knowledge. But I don't think he’ll last the night with such an extreme loss of blood.”

He glances at Rainbow Dash and Applejack who are still covered in blood from the rush to the hospital. Rarity appears on the edge of hysterics.

“Isn't there ANYTHING that can be done for it?!Without his aid I fear the monsters would have overrun the town!”

Rainbow Dash paces back and forth. “That's right! He saved us all, and now we need to save him!”

A pony with a green coat, light green and white mane, yellow eyes, and a harp on her flank enters the hospital. She looks around a few moments before hurrying over to Twilight and the others.

“Twilight! How is the human doing?!

“Lyra! Well he's... wait... what did you call him?”

“A human.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! But those are just myths!”

Lyra pulls a book out of her saddlebags and opens it to an earmarked page. She points to a picture with a hoof.

“Well this says otherwise. I've always believed they were real. From my research he matches the description of a Homo Sapiens, or in layponies terms, a human.”

Doctor Horse quickly approaches Lyra. “Miss, if you are sure of what he is, you may be his only hope of survival! I’ll need to see you for an immediate consultation!”

“Of course, doctor. I’ll help in any way that I can.”

Lyra and the doctor head for the patient's room. She advises him on human anatomy and proper vital signs as per his species. Together they are able to stabilize the failing human. Late that night he is transferred to a private room in the Recovery Ward as Lyra watches over him. Early the next morning Twilight and her friends meet at the hospital. They quickly approach the front desk and Nurse Redheart. Twilight is the first to speak.

“How is he, nurse?”

Redheart sighs. “The doctor has done all he can. The rest is up to the patient.”

Pinkie bounces around happily with a cake that she appears to have materialized out of thin air.

“Oh, oh! Can he have visitors?!”

The nurse motions for them to follow her. “Well, I suppose so. But please keep the noise to a minimum.”

Nurse Redheart leads the Twilight and her friends to a private room. They quietly enter and behold a terrible sight. Numerous machines including a heart monitor, breathing tube and feeding tube surround the patient. A series of IV bags are hung up on both sides of him containing substances ranging from medicine to simple saline. As she leads them into the room Nurse Redheart speak quietly.

“The wounds were quite deep. So much so that it actually pierced one of his lungs. That coupled with the extreme blood loss made breathing on his own impossible. Had you not gotten him here when you did... well... let's not think about that. In any case I have other patients to see. You can stay here for a bit as long as you keep your voices down.”

The Mane Six nod soberly. Nurse Redheart leaves the room as Twilight and her friends slowly approach the bed. Twilight stands next to the human and bows her head sadly.

“This is all my fault.”

Rainbow Dash frowns as she turns to Twilight. “YOUR fault? How?! For all we know, he could be a spy!”

Applejack glares at her. “Keep yer voice down, sugarcube. He needs his rest.”

Twilight sighs. “You don't understand! He wouldn't even be in our world if I hadn't brought him through the portal.”

Fluttershy looks over Twilight’s shoulder at the human. “You mean the portal you were bringing plant samples through? How did you mistake him for a plant?”

Applejack frowns. “Now hold on just a second there, sugarcube! How could you have brought anything through yesterday? Close as I can recall you were pretty well buzzed up then. You could hardly walk in a straight line, much less cast magic.”

“But I did! And now an innocent… human has paid the price for my mistake!”

Twilight tears up and her friends move forward to console her. Rarity is the first to speak.

“We all know you would never intentionally put anypony in harm's way darling.”

Twilight begins to cry softly. “He probably hates me now. Even if he makes it through this, there's no way he would ever forgive me!”

She feels a soft, warm feeling on her fetlock. Twilight looks up, surprised.


The human puts his hand on her hoof and offers her a weak smile. Twilight takes his hand in her hooves and continues crying.

“I'm sorry... I am... so... sorry!”

Lyra quietly enters the room and walks over to Twilight. Putting a hoof on her shoulder she begins to speak.

“Sh… you need to stay quiet, Twilight. He’s still very weak.”

Twilight looks at the human. “If you can understand me, please know that I’m sorry and will find a way to make this right!”

Lyra nods. “He completely understands you, Twilight.”

“Does he?! Then why doesn’t he…?!”

Applejack puts a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and pulls her away gently.

“Come on, sugarcube. We can talk about this somewhere else.”

Fluttershy nods. “Yes. Let him get some rest.”

Twilight nods and looks over her shoulder at the creature. She notices that he has since closed his eyes again. Leading the group out into the corridor, Lyra points a hoof.

“We can talk more about this in one of the consultation rooms.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “But aren’t those for staff only?”

“Normally, yes. However Doctor Horse told me I could use them to appraise you all of the situation.”

Lyra leads them down the corridor and into a small room with couches and snacks on a table in the corner. Pinkie hops over to the table and begins munching away happily. Rarity sigh and shakes her head.

“Pinkie, is now really the best time for that?”

“It’s always time for snacks!”

Applejack facepalms. “Classic Pinkie Pie.”

Rainbow Dash joins the pink mare. “Let me in on some of that action!”

Rarity shakes her head at the pair as she heads for a couch and sits down. “Shall we begin?”

Twilight nods as she joins Rarity. “Yes, of course.”

Fluttershy sits down next to Lyra as she turns to her. “What can you tell us about this creature that helped us?”

“As I said the other day, he’s a Homo Sapiens. Otherwise known as a human. They’re physical structure is actually very similar to ours at its core.”

Rainbow Dash looks over as she sits down with a hooffull of cookies. “How?! He looks totally different from a pony!”

Pinkie bounces onto the couch with the rest of the goodies. “Yeah! And he has strange looking tentacles on his front hooves!”

Lyra shakes her head. “They don’t have hooves, but instead have hands. And those tentacles are called ‘fingers’. Supposedly they work independently, but this is hearsay and rumor.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “What about his insides? Are they anything like ours?”

Lyra nods. “Oh yes. Human’s organs are though to be laid out similarly to a pony. Well, assuming a pony walked on their hind legs that is.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Thought to be?”

“We don’t know much for certain, as they’ve always been regarded as mythical creatures by ponies.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Not so much now though.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Can’t really say something doesn’t exist when it’s right in front of you, I suppose.”

Applejack sighs. “What’s the prognosis though? Doctor Horse said he’d probably pull through.”

“Assuming we can ward away infection, yes. He, and yes I am sure it’s a he, is responding to treatment nicely.”

Rarity looks to Lyra, confused. “How do you know it’s a male?”

“The medical staff removed his outer coverings to treat him. It was a simple matter to look between his legs to see the phallus.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “His what now?”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. “Penis.”

Twilight clears her throat loudly in an effort to change the subject. “This doesn’t really tell us much, Lyra.”

“As I said, we don’t know much for certain. Most of what I told the doctor was theory, naturally.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Did he know that?”

“Of course. I made very certain to inform him of that before he proceeded. Most of what I was able to say with certainty had to do with his vitals. They’re quite a bit different from an equine.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “A what?”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Pony, sugarcube. Honestly, didn’t you pay attention at ALL in school?”

“Nah. I was too busy being AWESOME!”

Twilight shakes her head. “And that’s not helping you right now.”

“I get by.”

Lyra turn to Twilight. “In any case, I’m glad you’re here.


“Yes. Doctor Horse says that the human will be on the ventilator for three days as his lungs heal. After that the tube will be removed to allow him to breathe on his own.”

Twilight nods. “That does make sense. But what does it have to do with me?”

“Can I assume you’re the only one to have spoken to him?”

Fluttershy raises a hoof. “I said something to him earlier. But it was just for him to lie still and let me treat him.”

Twilight sighs. “We had a short conversation at the library before the monster attack, yes. But he didn’t say anything back.”

Applejack frowns. “But he can talk.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. We heard him do so when he arrived. Very loudly I might add.”

Lyra continues as she looks to Twilight. “Doctor Horse and I believe that once the breathing tube is removed that he will have many questions.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Are you certain? He didn’t ask any before the attack.”

“Very. Humans are extremely inquisitive creatures. That much is agreed upon.”

Fluttershy sighs. “It’s possible that he was just too afraid or surprised to say anything before.”

Applejack nods. “But if was show him that we mean him no harm, maybe he’ll open up to us and talk.”

Pinkie grins. “I could throw him a ‘welcome to Ponyville but sorry you’re in the hospital now’ party!”

Rarity sighs. “Somehow I don’t think the party idea would go over well.”

“Why not?!”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Because it’s not the right time.”

“It’s ALWAYS the right time to party!”

Applejack turn to Twilight. “Don’t worry, sugarcube. We’ll help you make first contact.”

Lyra frowns. “That probably isn’t a good idea.”

Rarity appears confused. “Why not?”

“Because he’s the only human here and he probably knows it. It would be quite the shock to his system to be surrounded by ponies.”

Fluttershy nods. “Again, I might add.”

Applejack turns to Fluttershy. “How did he handle you taking care of him earlier?”

“He seemed very nervous. But that might have also been him going into shock from the loss of blood.”

Lyra nods. “Yes, well… we’re getting a bit off topic here. As I was saying, I’ve already spoken to Doctor Horse about this, and he agrees that you should be the one to speak to him when he can talk again, Twilight.”

“But why me?”

“Because you’re the most familiar face to him.”

“I guess I am. But you’re the human expert. Shouldn’t you be there too?”

“The less ponies in the room the better. I’ll be outside with a few others just in case though.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “In case what?!”

Lyra frowns. “The rest of what is believed about humans is true.”

Applejack nods soberly. “The violence part?”

“Right. Doctor Horse will make sure he’s properly restrained at first, again just in case. The only question now is… will you do it, Twilight?”

Everyone looks to her. Twilight sighs and nods.

“I will. After all, it’s my fault he’s here, after all. When does the tube come out.

Lyra smiles. “Three days from now. Meet the doctor and I at the front desk at this time and we’ll walk you over there.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “We’ll be here too!”

Rarity nods. “That we will be.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “So will I. If he gets upset I may be able to reason with him.”

Applejack grits her teeth. “And if not I’ll hogtie him!”

Pinkie giggles. “But that won’t happen! I’ll make sure it doesn’t with my Party Cannon!”

Twilight facehoofs. “Great.”

Twilight returns to Ponyville Hospital a few days later as instructed by Lyra. She and Doctor Horse enter the human’s room while the others wait outside. The doctor turns to her as they walk over to the bed.

“I removed the breathing tube a few hours ago. We're not sure how long before he’ll be able to speak again though, as the tube was between his vocal cords. While I’m sure you have many questions for our patient here, as all of us do, please try not to tire him out too much. He still has much healing to do.”

“Thank you, doctor. I’ll sit with him here until he awakens.”

The doctor leaves the room and closes the door behind him. A few moments pass. The human speaks in a raspy voice.

“…I’m not asleep”

Twilight jumps slightly at the sudden break in silence.


The human smiles over at her weakly as he opens his eyes part way. “Sorry about that. I couldn't resist.”

“So how are you feeling?”

The human clears his throat a few times before responding. “Well considering I still have several rather large holes in me, not too bad. Look, Twilight was it? I'm sure you have many more pressing questions for me. Feel free to ask away.”

Twilight smiles in anticipation. “Well okay, but how about we start with your name. What should I call you?”

“My name is… Arc.”

“Arc? That’s a rather strange name.”

“No stranger than the name ‘Twilight Sparkle’ is to me.”

Twilight giggles nervously. “Fair enough. Is it true? Are you a... human?”

“I am. Is that a problem?”

“Oh no! It's just that here in Equestria humans are mythical creatures.”

Arc chuckles weakly. “Ironically in my world unicorns, pegasus, and dragons are also mythical creatures. How much is known about humans in this world”?

“Mostly just hearsay and rumor. Such as they don't have magic of any kind.”

Arc nods. “That is correct”.

“And that parenting can take an entire lifetime.”

With a faraway look in his eyes. “Only partially true. When a child is grown up they leave their parents and find their own way in life. However, they often times stay emotionally close to their parents.”

Twilight appears uneasy. “And we also hear that they eat… animal flesh.”

“Yes. Our bodies require certain nutrients that can be quite difficult to acquire from an all plant diet. But don't worry. We don't eat ponies.”

“Thank Celestia!”

Arc appears confused. “Who?”

Twilight sits back as she realizes her poor choice of words. “Oh, sorry! Princess Celestia has ruled over this land for thousands of years. She's also my teacher and friend. Right now she’s busy with some kind of diplomatic mission in another land. But when she returns I’ll introduce you to her. Assuming I haven't found a way to send you home by then, that is.”

Arc nods. “Thank you, I appreciate that. In any case the doctor says I should be getting out of here in a few days.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, he did mention that to me. You’ll be bedridden for several weeks, of course though.”

“Oh, um… I don’t really have anywhere to…”

Twilight looks over to him expectantly. “You’re welcome to stay with me for as long as you need. After all, there isn’t really anypony to take you in right now.”

“Thank you. I guess I don’t really have a choice though.”

“It’s the least I can do considering…”

Her voice trails off as she looks away.

Arc nods. “…considering you brought me here?”

“Yes. And I’m very sorry about that.”

“What exactly happened?”

Twilight bows her head. “I… may have had a bit too much to drink while pulling plants from your world to ours.”

“I don’t get it.”

“You see, I’ve been tasked by Princess Celestia to study plants from another world and catalogue my findings. While I was only supposed to bring over plants, in my inebriated state I mistook you for a small tree.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How?!”

Twilight sighs. “I was pretty out of it at the time so I don’t really know. While I know that just sounds like I’m trying to make an excuse, it’s the honest truth.”

“But you’re going to find a way for me to go home, right?”

Twilight nods fervently. “Yes. I owe you that much.”

“Good. I… I don’t belong here.”

“Yes, I… I think it’s for the best that you return to your own land as soon as possible. I mean, not that it’s your fault for being here, or anything, but…”

Her voice trails off as Arc looks at her evenly. Eventually Twilight bows her head and sighs.

“Sorry. That sounded better in my head.”

“No need to apologize. I mean… I agree with you.”

“You do?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Were the tables turned and I found you in my home… I think my first thought would be of ways to get you back home.”

“That shouldn’t take too long. After all, I’m pretty good at figuring out magical spells and whatnot.”

“Thanks miss. Um… could I get some time alone though.”

Twilight smiles and nods. “Of course. I’m sure you’re pretty tired, what with trying to recover and all.”

“Not… exactly.”


Arc sighs and looks away. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

Twilight gasps. “Oh… OH! Sorry! I’ll go fetch the nurse!”

She hops off the bed and hurries out the door. The others looks concerned as she does so. Lyra is the first to speak.

“Everything go alright in there?”

Twilight nods. “Y-yes, it did. Um… he said he had to go to the bathroom though, doctor.”

Doctor Horse motions to a nurse. “Get a couple orderlies to help.”

Applejack appears confused. “Uh… what for?”

Rarity rolls her eyes. “Well, it’s not like he can just get up and walk to the toilet.”

Lyra turns to Twilight again. “While they help relieve the human, might you tell me more about him?”

“Well… for starters his name is ‘Arc’.”

Pinkie giggles. “Funny name you gave him, Twilight!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Well, you have to call him something.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “Maybe we can build on that and come up with something a bit better though.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, that’s what he said it was.”

Lyra grins. “Yes, humans rely on much simpler names to maintain their individuality.”

Doctor Horse frowns as the orderlies and nurse enter the room. “One would think that would lead to confusion.”

Applejack nods. “Yeah. After all, if we did that we’d have ponies sharing names.”

Lyra smiles. “Perhaps they have a way to make it work.”

Rarity sighs. “I don’t see how. But in any case, what else was said, Twilight?”

“He doesn’t appear to be upset that I brought him here. However the human does appear to want to return home.”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “I can understand that.”

Pinkie appears confused. “Oh?!”

“Think about it. He’s the only one of his kind here in a land of strangers. I wouldn’t want to stay either.”

Twilight grimaces. “I told him I’d find a way to send him back.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Good. Animals belong in their natural habitat if at all possible.”

Lyra gasps. “Don’t be too quick to do that though! After all, this may be our only chance to study a real human!”

Doctor Horse looks over Arc’s clipboard. “Well, we can’t exactly send him back in such a condition.”

Applejack nods fervently. “Darn right we can’t!”

Rarity appears surprised. “Applejack?”

“He got hurt helping us, so we need to make that right by nursing this creature back to health.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “I can probably help with that.”

Pinkie giggles. “We all will!”

Twilight appears relieved as the nurse and orderlies leave the room together. “Thanks everypony. Right now I don’t think I can do this alone.”

She turns to the doctor before continuing.

“How long will he be in the hospital?”

“At least another week. We’ll keep him here for observation before allowing you to take him in, Miss Twilight.”

Lyra turns to Twilight. “Might I help you in caring for him? My knowledge of humans might be helpful.”

“Sure, Lyra. But I’d also like to observe him and include my findings in my report.”

Applejack frowns. “Report?”

“The one I’m making on the plants from his world. I was planning on writing a short book about each sample, after all.”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “But now you want to write about him?”

Pinkie giggles. “Might as well! After all, why let a good catastrophe go to waste?! Amiright?!”

Rarity sighs. “Somehow I don’t think that’s what Twilight had in mind.”

Twilight nods as she looks back toward the door. “Right. But now that he’s here we need to make the most of the situation at hoof.”

Applejack sighs. “He’s not one of Fluttershy’s critters, you know.”

Lyra turns to her. “That’s true, of course. However he’ll be fed and housed by Twilight, so it’s only fair that she gets something in return.”

“But Fluttershy doesn’t do all that expecting something!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Oh, but I do.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised. “You do?”

“Yes. I get love and affection in return.”

Rarity giggles. “That sounds about right.”

Twilight turns to Applejack before speaking. “How about this. I’ll explain to him that Lyra and I want to learn more about his species to better understand humans.”

Pinkie nods. “That sounds fair to me!”

Doctor Horse nods. “A fair trade. He is cared for and you two get to record valuable data.”

Applejack sighs. “Fine, fine. Just remember that he’s a living, breathing creature. Not a tool or toy.”

Lyra nods soberly. “You have my word that we’ll treat him with respect and dignity.”

Twilight smiles. “Right.”

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