• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Therapy

Derpy and Dinky awaken. They see the dawn’s light shining through the window and bolt upright.




Derpy and Dinky look over to see Arc sitting in a chair in front of the closed door. They jump out of their respective beds and hurry over to him!

“Are you okay, Arc?!

“She didn’t hurt you, did she dad?!”

Arc stands up slowly. “No. We did have a nice long talk last night though.”

“Do you trust her?!”

“No. Which is why I slept where I did! If she wanted to hurt you two, she would have to go through me first… literally. Did you two sleep well?”

Dinky nods! “I did, surprisingly.”

“Me too somehow. But what about you Arc?!”

Arc rubs his back. “I’ve slept in comfier chairs and gotten better night’s sleeps before.”

“Should we get going now? The sun’s up and the rain’s gone!”

“Yes Dinky. Right after breakfast.”

Derpy looks confused. “Breakfast?”

“I know this may sound strange, but Tempest was kind enough to shelter us from the storm last night. It seems like the least we can do to repay her.”

Dinky frowns. “We don’t owe her ANYTHING, dad!”

“If you and your mother would like to retrace our steps and head back to the Winsome Falls, I’ll meet the two of you there in a bit.”

“No Arc! We’re not leaving you here alone with Tempest!”

“Yeah dad! What mom said!”

Arc puts his hand on the doorknob. “Alright. If that’s what you want.”

He opens the door and steps out into the living room with Derpy and Dinky behind him. Derpy sniffs the air.

“Do I smell eggs?”

“I guess Tempest beat us to it.”

Dinky nods, wide-eyed! “Wow! She must REALLY get up early!”

The three walk into the kitchen. It is empty other than the food that is laid out. There is a note in the center of the table. Arc picks it up and reads it aloud.

“Have a busy day ahead of me. Feel free to have some breakfast before you leave. Be sure and close the door behind you. Not sure when I’ll see you again Arc. Whether a few days or months, as it all depends on events beyond either of our control. Stay alive until then. Tempest”.

Derpy looks at the food suspiciously. “Do you think it’s safe to eat this?”

Dinky munches on an egg. “Sure tastes like it!”

“Dinky! Will you please stop doing that?! “

Arc nods! “It could be dangerous!”

Dinky sighs. “Well, I don’t want anything bad to happen to either of you!”

“How did you know it was safe?!”

“I didn’t, dad. Matron Tempest doesn’t want to kill us! Not like this anyways!”

Derpy sits down along with Arc. “I suppose you’re right sweetie.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Tempest wants a fight. Not an easy win.”

The trio quickly eats and does the dishes. Derpy looks to Arc as she puts away the last dish.

“Back home now?”

Arc nods as he finishes wiping down the table. “Back home now. We’re already a day late. If we don’t get back soon, Ember and Flash Sentry are bound to send out a search party!”

Dinky nods as she walks to the door with her parents. “If they haven’t already.”

Arc holds the door open for them. “Well, we should be back at the falls by mid-morning. From there I can open a portal to Light’s Hope.”

Derpy shudders as Arc closes Tempest’s door behind them. “Let’s get going then! I’m anxious to put this village behind us!”

Dinky nods! “This place is kinda creepy!”

“I agree. Without its inhabitants, this whole place seems dead.”

Derpy looks all around! “Please don’t say it like that!”

A couple hours later the trio returns to the Winsome Falls. Arc looks over and picks up a rock with his magic.

“Well, it looks like the magic is back on. Let’s get home!”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and makes a sigil. The three of them step onto it. A moment later they find themselves back at Light’s Hope. A large contingent of Royal Guards and Arc’s squad are gathered in the Main Hall with Ember, Sereb, Sandstorm Mirage and Flash Sentry. The lieutenant is addressing them.

“All of you have your orders! I want no stone left unturned… “

Sandstorm Mirage interrupts happily as Arc and his family reappear on the sigil! “Commander! You’re back!”

Ember runs up to Arc and throws her arms around him! “We were so worried about the three of you!”

Arc returns Ember’s hug. “Sorry about that. Circumstances beyond our control more or less.”

He looks around the room at all the guards.

“What’s going on here?! Are we under attack?!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No sir! I was in the middle of ordering a search and rescue operation to find you!”

Max nods. “We thought something terrible had happened to you, sir!”

Viktor frowns! “Yeah! There was that bad storm last night! We thought you three got caught in it!”

Hugh smiles. “I knew you would be okay sir. But better safe than sorry.”

Xenos turns to Ember and grins! “I win!”

“Yeah, yeah…”

Ember walks over to Xenos and begrudgingly gives his something. Derpy looks confused.


Xenos nods. “I bet her five bits you three were just fine.”

Ember blushes indignantly and turns to look away! “Can I help it if I worry constantly about you Arc?!”

Arc laughs! “Thanks for the thought everyone. But as you can see, we’re just fine.”

Sereb sniffs the air and growls.

“What is it, Sereb?!”

“Forgive me Arc, but there is a rather familiar and… unpleasant scent that lingers around you at the moment.”

Dinky sniffs herself. “Well, I suppose we could all go for a bath.”

Derpy nods. “Going a few days without one will do that to anypony, sweetie.”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “How did you manage to stay high and dry from that storm, sir?”

Hugh nods! “The commander is tough! I knew he’d be okay!”

Xenos laughs! Yeah! He probably kept the wind and rain at bay through sheer intimidation!

“Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone, but I can’t take credit for this one.”

Derpy nods, nervously. “We had quite a bit of help from a… resident of the forest.”

Ember frowns. “What are you talking about? I don’t recall seeing any towns or settlements on the map.”

“Turns out there’s an old abandoned town to the east of the Winsome Falls.”

Dinky sighs. “Well, it’s not COMEPLETELY abandoned. “

Derpy shudders! “Yes. One pony still lives there.”

Sandstorm Mirage looks confused. “All alone in the middle of nowhere?! Who?”

Arc frowns. “Tempest.”

Sereb growls. “That would explain the smell.”

Ember angrily calls forth her armor and spear and hovers a short distance above the floor! “TEMPEST?! Let me at ‘er!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Did you finally kill that banshee, sir?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. The visit was, for the most part, civil.”

Ember looks to him, wide-eyed! “Don’t tell me you two are FRIENDS now Arc?!”

“We aren’t. But somehow, I feel like her and I shouldn’t be enemies.”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Sir! How can you say that?! She’s working with Captain Decimus of all ponies!”

“Yes. That’s what’s keeping me from inviting her over for tea and cupcakes.”

Ember turns away angrily! “Well if she shows up here, I’ll introduce her to my spear!”

“Please don’t Ember. She hasn’t done anything that warrants such action. At least, not lately.”

Ember puts away her spear and armor. “Fine. But no promises!”

“Good. That’s all I can ask for. Now I have some business in town today, so I’m leaving you in charge again Flash Sentry.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc turns to Derpy and Dinky. “I’ll walk you two home.”

Ember nods. “I’m coming with you!”

Sereb grunts. “As am I.”

“That’s not really necessary you two. What could happen to me in Ponyville?”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Arc. You went on VACATION and somehow found Tempest of all ponies! Let’s not press your luck!”

Sereb growls. “Indeed. I will end this destroyer myself, or die trying!”

He sighs. “All right. Let’s go.”

Arc, Derpy, Dinky, Sereb and Ember leave the building together. Flash Sentry turns to the others.

“Alright, now that’s out of the way everyone back to work! We have to keep up appearances so as not to tarnish the Hero of Light’s name!”

The Royal Guards salute and return to their posts as Sandstorm Mirage turns to Flash Sentry.

“Well at least it wasn’t a total loss sir!”

“What do you mean?”

“The troops were ready to move out so quickly! It’s good practice for if a real emergency were to befall Ponyville!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Good point! We must always ready and vigilant! Who knows when we’ll find trouble!”

Sandstorm Mirage sighs. “Or when trouble will find US! “

Raven enters the Main Hall with a stack of papers.

“Lieutenant. I hear the commander was just here. Is he alright? “

“Yes, Miss Raven. He and his family are just fine, albeit a bit grubby! They were delayed by yesterday’s weather.”

“That’s good to hear! I suppose anypony would be a bit messy after being in the woods for a few days.”

“Yes. Well in any case, all’s well that ends well.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. "Right you are lieutenant. Well, I should make my rounds and make sure the base is secure/

“Very good, sergeant. Carry on."

Sandstorm Mirage makes his way down the corridor. Looking back, he mutters to himself…

“Could it be? Has somepony finally discovered Stableton?! And it had to be the commander of all ponies! He won’t let this mystery go! No, he won’t! Oh dear! The Dark Lady will not be pleased to hear of this breech of security! Not at all!”

Meanwhile Arc and company make their way toward town. Ember turns to him.

“Where to first, Arc?”

“Derpy’s house. All three of us need showers… badly.”

Ember wrinkles her nose. “I wondered where that stench was coming from back there!”

Sereb nods. “Yes indeed. I was not going to say anything at the time, but…”

A short time later they arrive at their destination. Derpy opens the door and allows everyone to enter.

“Please make yourselves at home.”

Ember heads for the fireplace. “I’ll get this place warmed up in no time!”

Sereb joins her. “I shall assist you.”

Derpy closes the front door. “You should take a shower first, Arc.”

“That’s okay Derpy. You and Dinky can…”

Dinky frowns and interrupts. “Please do dad! You stink!”

Arc smells himself. “I suppose I do. With Tempest around yesterday I didn’t think to take care of my personal hygiene.”

He heads toward the bathroom, closes the door, disrobes and steps into the shower.

“Ah… that does feel good!”

It takes longer than normal, but soon Arc feels cleaner.

Arc mutters to himself. “Stableton, huh? Who would kidnap an entire town and for what purpose? To say nothing for HOW?! Where could they have been taken? Why were Tempest and Cerulean Skies the only ones left behind? “

He sighs.

Arc rubs his forehead. “Nothing. None of this makes even a little sense! Questions, questions, nothing but questions! Heck, if I could answer even ONE of these, I could build on it!”

The bathroom door opens and Arc hears footsteps on the tile floor.

“Ember?! That had better not be you!”

“Tis I, Arc.”

Arc pokes his head out of the shower. “Sereb? What are you doing in here?”

“I noticed you neglected to bring clean coverings with you, so I took the initiative.”

Sereb drops off a set of clothes as Arc retreats back into the steam filled shower.

“Oh… thanks Sereb. I owe you one!”

“You owe me nothing as I am bonded to you for life.”

“Figure of speech, Sereb. I wish you had been there when we in Stableton. Maybe you could have sniffed something out.”

“Begging your pardon Arc, but how long has that town been abandoned?”

Arc sighs. “Quite a few years. Long enough for many of the buildings to be unfit to live in anyways.”

“Then it is likely all scents have long since been worn away by the winds of time and seasons.”

“You’re probably right.”

“I would certainly have tried my best however.”

Arc turns off the water. “I know you would have.”

He steps out of the shower and towels himself off as Sereb uses his magic to levitate Arc’s clean clothes over to him.

“Are you planning on investigating this strange occurrence as well?”

Arc nods as he dresses. “I am.”

Sereb levitates over a comb. “If I may be so bold, for what purpose? The chances of finding a clue after so long are quite low after all.”

Ember calls out through the door. “Yeah Arc! This is needle in a haystack stuff even for you!”

“Ember?! How long have you been listening in?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “The entire time. In fact, she almost followed me in here.”

“I was just trying to bring you some clean clothes, Arc! Didn’t want you to have to come out here bare!”

Arc mutters under his breath. “A likely story. Crazy dragon…”

Sereb smiles.

“What was that Arc? I couldn’t quite hear you.”

“It was nothing! You can come in now Ember.”

Ember quickly enters the bathroom. She appears disappointed that Arc has finished dressing.

“Something wrong, Ember?”

“It… it’s nothing! So, tell me. What do you hope to accomplish by solving this old mystery?”

Sereb nods. “Do tell. It is highly unlikely the villagers still draw breath after so long.”

Arc looks in the mirror and combs his hair. “For Cerulean Skies and Tempest to a degree. They deserve to know what happened to their family and friends.”

He sighs as he leaves the bathroom with Ember and Sereb.

“That and the villagers along with their memories deserve to be properly laid to rest.”

Derpy and Dinky approach Arc.

“Feeling better after a shower, Arc?

“You certainly smell better dad!”

Arc nods! “Much! Don’t worry. I left you two ladies plenty of hot water.”

Derpy walks into the bathroom with Dinky. “Thank you Arc.”

“Ember, Sereb and I are heading into town. I’ll be back later.”

Dinky runs over to Arc and gives him a hug! “Thanks for the vacation dad! It was loads of fun! Even when we ran into Tempest!”

Arc returns the hug. “I had a great time too sweetheart! We’ll have to do this again real soon! Now why don’t you get cleaned up? You’re all grubby!”

Dinky trots into the bathroom with her mother. “See you soon, dad!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the house and walk towards town.

“How do you know they all didn’t just relocate?”

“Ember is right. Perhaps due to a natural disaster or some other kind of danger?”

“It’s possible. That would certainly explain why they left behind all their belongings. There’s just one little hole in that theory.”

“Which is…?”

“Tempest and Cerulean Skies. What kind of parents would willingly leave their young behind?! No, I’m convinced they were taken!”

Sereb nods. “That does make sense.”

“And another thing…”

Ember sighs. “There’s MORE?!”

Sereb looks to Ember. “With Arc, there is always more.”

“The method by which they were abducted is murky as well.”

Ember shrugs. “Some kind of mass-teleportation spell?”

Arc shakes his head. “Unlikely. That whole area is… what is the term… magically sealed?”

Sereb frowns. “What does that mean?”

“It means magic doesn’t work there. Believe me, I tried. Nothing. Couldn’t even cast a simple Light Spell!”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “None at all?!”

“My Magic Ring didn’t even work there! It was a lot of fun standing in front of Tempest with no armor and no weapons other than my fists!”

“I knew I should have come with you!”

Sereb frowns. “But wasn’t it your idea to stay at Light’s Hope, Ember?”

“That was a mistake!”

Arc stops. “Come to think of it, she was able to call forth Light’s Bane.”


“So, her Dark Power works there!”

Sereb looks confused. “Is that important?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s the only clue we have!”

Ember puts a claw to her forehead. “Are you suggesting the villagers were taken by Dark Power?!”

“I know that theory is really out there, but it’s the only kernel of a clue I’ve been able come up with. I wonder if my Sigil Magic would work there if I summoned Eidolon’s Ward BEFORE I got to town…

Sereb nods. “There is only one way to find out.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Yeah, no. I don’t want you anywhere NEAR that crazy banshee unless it’s absolutely necessary!”

“At least not alone and with your armor.”

Arc smiles. “The three of us will have to test that theory one of these days.”

Ember frowns. “How about we stick with the here and now. For starters, where are we going?”

Arc lowers his voice and looks around. “To see Emerald Dream.”

Sereb nods. “The Therapist?”

“Yeah. She said I should come see her again when I got back from my family trip.”

Ember sighs. “Look Arc, Sereb and I are always here for you if you need someone to talk to.”


“Thanks, you two. I appreciate that, but right now I really need to talk with a professional.”

Ember smiles. “We’re glad to see you’re taking care of your mental health.”

“I too believe you are doing the right thing, Arc.”

Arc sighs as they continue on. “Yeah. Sometimes we just need to talk to someone. But other times we need a little more.”

The trio makes their way to Emerald Dream’s Therapy Center. They enter and approach the secretary. She sits at her desk going over some paperwork.

“Good day sir! Are you here for another session?”

Arc nods. “I am. Emerald Dream told me to come see her when I got back to town.”

“Please have a seat and I’ll let her know you’re here.”

Arc and company do so as the secretary walks to the adjoining office. Ember looks around.

“Nice place she has here. But I thought I saw her office in Canterlot before.”

“You did. But Ponyville has that effect on everyone. Once someone comes here and meets the townsfolk, they want to become part of the community!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“Were you her first client here Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. There was someone who was in much greater need of her services than I.”

“Really?! Who?”

“Someone whose been through emotional hell! I was the one who originally ordered Emerald Dream to come here to help them back when I was Lord Regent. I’m sorry Ember, but they would rather remain anonymous.”

Ember nods. “I understand.”

They are silent for a time.

“Could you give me a hint?”


“Alright, alright. Sheesh!”

The secretary returns to the waiting room and looks over to Arc.

“She’ll see you now.”

Arc stands up and walks toward the office door. “Thank you.”

Ember calls out after him. “We’ll wait for you here, Arc.”

“Thank you. I won’t be long.”

The secretary closes the door behind him and walks back to her desk. Ember stands and moves toward the door. Sereb watches her.

“Ember. What are you doing?”

“Listening in. I want to know more so I can help Arc.”

The secretary looks over to her. “Miss. That door is magically soundproofed. There’s no way you can hear what’s going on in there.”

“What?! Why?!”

“Would you like other ponies knowing your darkest secrets?”

Ember sighs. “I guess not.”

The secretary nods. “Good. Now please take your seat.”

Ember does so. Meanwhile, Emerald Dream approaches Arc as he enters.

“Welcome back! I hope your vacation was enjoyable!”

Arc shakes her hoof. “Well… yes and no.”

She gestures with a hoof toward the couch. “Shall we start there then?”

“Yes. Let’s do that.”

About an hour passes. Ember looks at the door nervously.

“I hope everything is alright. He’s been in there an awful long time!”

The secretary looks over. “Sometimes it takes a long time to dig deep enough to really get to the core of the hurting.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “In Arc’s case, I think she’ll need a backhoe!”

Sereb nods. “He carries a heavy burden.”

“Don’t we all.”

Ember nods. “You have no idea.”

A short time later Arc emerges from the office with Emerald Dream.

“Thank you, Emerald Dream.”

“You are welcome sir! I think we successfully faced several of your inner demons today!”

“Yes. I’m ready for my next big undertaking now.”

Emerald Dream smiles at him. “Good. Just remember to do your best to resolve any matters from your first task before starting another! If you don’t, the extra weight will only serve to pull you down!”

“I understand. Eventually this would have crushed even me!”

“So, what are you planning to do now?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry, but it’s a matter of greatest secrecy. Maybe I can talk about it with you one day, but today is not that day.”

She nods. “I understand.”

Arc turns back to her as he leaves the building with the others. “Believe me, even if this goes well, I’m going to need to do a LOT of talking when this one is over and done! And that’s the best-case scenario!

Emerald Dream nods! “Remember what I said earlier! Don’t bottle your feeling up inside you! Talk to friends and family! Those whom you feel can be trusted!”

Ember and Sereb nod. “We’re here for you Arc!”


"I will. Thank you."

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the office and walk back toward Derpy’s house. Ember looks to Arc as they walk.

“Did it go well?”

“Yes. We talked through everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! Sorry it took so long.”

“Like what? I mean, if you want to tell us that is!”

Arc nods. “I do. We reviewed my feelings of loss from the death of my mother and my feelings of betrayal from my father disappearing. She told me that most ponies would have dealt with that in one of two ways. One, become embittered by it and let it ruin their lives. Or two, refuse to face it, keep themselves busy with other things, and keep those feelings buried deep within. Emerald Dream said most do the second, but in the end, it eats them up inside and pushes them toward number one!”

Ember grabs his arm! “I can’t let that happen to you Arc. I won’t!”

“Don’t worry Ember. That’s why I’m in therapy. There’s too much at stake for me to suffer a nervous breakdown now!”

Sereb nods. “Is there more to it though?”

“Yeah. She reminded me that running a country, even for as short a time as I did, is very taxing on the psyche! I needed to relax.”

Ember frowns. “Hence the vacation?”

“Partially, yes.”

Sereb sighs. “And the other part?”


Ember takes Arc’s hand in her claw as they walk. “It still hurts, doesn’t it?”

Arc nods. “It does. Emerald Dream told me I needed to spend some time with my family. Partially to rest but also to give my mind some time to come to terms with her death.”

“Did it help?”

“It did. That trip gave me time to think. Not just about my past and present, but also my future.”

Ember looks confused. “Arc? What are you saying?”

Arc squeezes Ember’s claw tightly as they approach Derpy’s house. “I’m saying it’s time for me to begin planning my next mission.”

Sereb nods. “Which is…?”

“I’ll tell you in a minute. Derpy and Dinky should be there to hear this as well.”

The three enter Derpy’s small house to find the pair making lunch.

Dinky runs over to her father and jumps in his arms. “Dad! You’re back!”

“Yes sweetheart. And you’re smelling as sweet as a flower now!”

Derpy walks over. “Yes. It’s amazing what a good shower will do! How did it go?”

“My therapy session was very enlightening. In fact, I wanted to tell all of you my plans for the next big mission.”

Derpy smiles. “Oh? Why don’t we all sit down. Lunch still needs some time to cook!”

Everyone walks to the couch and sits down while Arc himself paces in front of the fireplace.

“I’ve been going over this in my head for a while now, but the time to put it into motion is nearly here!”

Dinky giggles! “More diplomacy dad?!”

Ember grins! “More head bashing, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “It’s probably going to involve a little bit of both. I’ll make all the preparations I can here in Ponyville, but the plan will conclude in Canterlot.”

Dinky smiles! “Can we come?!”

“To Canterlot? I don’t see why not. All my friends and family should be there for this after all!”

Ember looks to him, nervously. “There for what Arc?! “

Arc stops pacing and looks at everyone.

“I want everyone there when I open a portal back to Earth.”

Sereb’s eyes grow wide. “Are you saying…”

“Yes Sereb. It’s time to plan a mission to rescue Princess Celestia.”

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