• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Unplanned Envoy

Xenos nods and salutes before rushing off to carry out his orders. Gaston looks to Arc, nervously.

“Are we under arrest, sir?”

Arc shakes his head as they enter the Lunar Destiny. “No, admiral. However I’d like to take your crew back to Light’s Hope for a bit of lunch.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Oh really?”

Ember shrugs. “The crew could probably use a good meal after that mess.”

Arc nods. “Right. Why don’t you and Sereb join them, Ember?”


Gaston turns to him as Ember and Sereb walk away. “Sir, might we be allowed to contact the Griffon Kingdom? I’m sure Lord Gestal will want to thank you for rescuing his daughter… again.”

“That’s probably a good idea. Let’s head to my office.”

Arc leads the way. Entering the room he gestures to the two chairs in front of the desk. Gaston hurries forward and pulls out a chair for Ashe. She sits down as Arc picks up the telephone. Lemon Heart’s voice comes forth from the receiver.

“This is the Bridge.”

“I need to speak with Lord Gestal in the Griffon Kingdom at once.”

“What should I say is the reason for the call, sire?”

“Tell them it’s in regards to Admiral Gaston and Lady Ashe. Oh, and when you have a moment, contact Light’s Hope and tell Lieutenant Flash Sentry we’ll be needing food for quite a few more mouths at lunchtime.”

“Begging your pardon, sire, but didn’t you order all your troops and support staff to Canterlot?”

Arc sighs. “Oh… right. Um… tell the kitchen staff to report to my quarters immediately. I’ll pick them up shortly.”

“Yes sir. Anything else?”

“That should do it, thank you.”

He hangs up the phone as Ashe frowns.

“Very cordial with your servants, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you. They’re very efficient.”

“She has a lovely voice, that one.”

Gaston appears confused. “Lady Ashe?”

Ashe smiles at him wickedly. “Tell me, is she one of your… bed warmers?”

Arc frowns. “No. My Communications Officer.”

“Come now, Lord Arc. You don’t have to pretend she’s not…”

Arc interrupts her. “Not everyone is taking advantage of others here!”

“Please, Lady Ashe. Every culture has their own way of doing things.”

The phone rings. Sighing, Arc picks it up.

“That was fast, Lemon Hearts.”

“Thank you, sir. I have Lord Gestal holding on the line.”

“Put him through.”

“Yes sir.”

There is a slight pause before they are connected.

“Lord Arc, I’m told you have information regarding my daughter!”

“Yes, sir. But not to worry. Lady Ashe, Admiral Gaston, and your ship along with its crew are all fine. However, there’s been a bit of an incident.”

Activating the speakerphone Arc relays the morning’s activities in great detail as Gestal listens intently.

“It appears I am once again in your debt, Lord Arc. Thank you very much for rescuing my daughter and the others with her.”

“It was no trouble, sir. But might I ask you to send a military ship to come get her and the griffon crew? I’d bring them back myself, but I’m needed in Equestria these days for… political reasons.”

“Yes, that I do understand. I’ll see to it a ship is dispatched right away.”

Ashe leans forward. “Father, might I offer an alternative?”

“What is it, Ashe?”

“As you know, I’ve been very interested in visiting Equestria for some time now. That and you’ve been saying that we should send a representative to inspect the facility our orphans are being sent to.”

“Well, I suppose that’s true. But it’s really up to Lord Arc, my dear.”

Arc frowns. “I’m rather busy these days…”

Ashe reaches over and presses the ‘Mute’ button before turning to Arc.

“It’s either me or Lord Goldstone. Take your pick.”

Frowning, Arc nods as Ashe releases the button.

“…but I think she’ll be fine here with her guards.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc. I know my daughter will be safe in your care.”

Gaston clears his throat. “I’ll see to it she’s properly guarded at all times, Lord Gestal.”

“See to it that you do, admiral. Ashe, I’m looking forward to reading your first official report as our unofficial representative to Equestria.”

“I’ll do my best, father.”

“Yes, I’m sure you will. Give me a call when your visit is complete and I’ll send a convoy to escort you safely home, my dear.”

“Thank you, father.”

“Take care, Ashe. Goodbye.”

Ashe presses a button to end the call as she turns to Arc.

“I look forward to sampling your nation’s hospitality, Lord Arc.”

“Yes, well… we’re not heading back to the capital.”

Gaston appears confused. “We’re not?”

Arc shakes his head. No. I’ve ordered the ship to return to my base just outside of Ponyville.

“Is that… safe, sir?”

“This was before Lady Ashe invited herself to an impromptu inspection tour. But this kinda works out better.”

Ashe scoffs. “Oh? How so?”

“The orphanage is just down the road from my base.”

Gaston nods soberly. “Is it secure?”

“In what way?”

“Remember, I’m in charge of Lady Ashe’s safety during her stay in your land, sir. Any harm that befalls her would negatively affect me.”

“Let me put it this way. We don’t have a rebel faction that will be looking to kidnap her here.”

“I believe I’ll be fine, admiral.”

“The crew and I will still guard you with our lives, Lady Ashe.”

Ashe waves a talon dismissively. “Yes, I’m sure you will. However, I’d like some time away from the hustle and bustle of servants and guards.”

“But, Lady Ashe…!”

“That is all, admiral! Dismissed!”

“I’ll… check on my crew.”

Arc nods. “Down the hall and to the left.”

Nodding, Gaston leaves the room. Ashe turns to Arc.

“I’m looking forward to this little endeavor.”


“To see if your land really is as special as you claim it to be.”

“What about your guards?”

“I can handle myself. Besides, you said Equestria was safe.”

“It is generally speaking. But I get the feeling there’s more to your sudden request than you’ve let on, Ashe.”

Ashe smiles wickedly. “There is.”

She stands and walks over to a large window. Looking out, she sighs.

“My whole life has been one of luxury and privilege. I’ve had little contact with the peasantry over the years and wish to change that.”

Arc nods as he joins her. “This is… encouraging.”

“Well, if I’m going to rule over my country someday I need to broaden my horizons. And that means seeing the land from other perspectives.


“I want to see what it’s like to live as a commoner for a few days.”

Arc frowns. “Uh… are you sure you can handle that?”

Ashe nods. “I’ve been leading the Griffon Liberation Army for quite some time now, and let me tell you THAT is some loose rabble! I don’t see roughing it for a bit to be too much trouble.”

“Methinks you’re a bit… ignorant of the facts of life.”

“Educate me then. That is, if you want me to become the best queen I can one day.”

Arc sighs. “I get the feeling I’m going to regret this.”

Sometime later the ship lands on its pad in front of Light’s Hope. Arc disembarks with Dinky at his side along with Ashe, Gaston, and the rest of the griffon crew. Ashe turns to them.

“I’ll be staying here a few days for an inspection tour. All of you will have liberty until then.”

Arc points down the path. “There’s a small town down the road where you can spend your time. For anyone who wants to make some extra spending money, look for the Writ Board outside of a store called Barnyard Bargains. You may return to the ship at meal times if you choose, and in the evening for a proper bunkhouse on the Mid Deck.”

Gaston steps forward. “Remember, all of us are guests in this land. Do not do anything that would hurt the relationship between our two countries. Lord Gestal will hear of it personally in the report that’s being written by Lady Ashe. And believe me when I say he WILL be reading this one carefully. Dismissed.”

The crew salutes and takes flight. Most of them disperse toward Ponyville as Ashe turns to Arc.

“They looked happy.”

“Well, you did just send them on vacation.”

“Is that what ‘liberty’ is, dad?”

“In this case, yes.”

Ashe scoffs. “Indeed. I was just getting rid of them though. Can’t do this surrounded by guards, after all.”

She turns to Gaston.

“That includes you too, admiral.”


Arc sighs. “I think she wants you to join the crew in checking out the town.”

“But I still need to guard you, Lady Ashe.”

“I’ll be fine with Lord Arc. Now go and have a good time.”

Sighing, the admiral spreads his wings and takes flight. Ashe turns back to Arc.

“Now then, shall we be off?”

“I suppose so. Where would you like to go?”

“To your… what was the facility where you keep our younglings called?”

Dinky pipes up. “The Little Hooves Orphanage.”

“Yes. That is where I would like to start.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Start?”

“As I told you before, I wish to see your country for myself. It can’t be as good as you’ve led me to believe.”

“Very well. I’ll show you and allow you to make your own conclusion. After lunch, that is.”

Arc motions for Ashe to follow them toward the building. Reaching the doors he finds them locked.

“Oh, right. I forgot I transferred all my staff to Canterlot.”

Dinky looks to her father. “So there’s no one here?”

“Shouldn’t be. One sec…”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls out a key and unlocks the door. The pair walk into the Main Hall and look around. Ashe frowns.

“Very… quiet in here.”

Arc nods as he puts the key back in the ring. “You’ll have that when others aren’t around. As a member of the aristocracy I assume you’re not alone very often. But we can talk about that as we eat.”

The pair head for the kitchen. Entering, Arc walks over to the refrigerator as Ashe heads to the table and sits down.

“So what are we having?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Nothing if you don’t help.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

Dinky giggles. “Meals don’t typically make themselves.”

“Very true. But that’s what servants are for.”

Arc makes a sweeping motion with his hand. “Do you see any?”

“But you said you’d pick them up later!”

“And I did. They’ll be cooking the food aboard the Lunar Destiny for your crew.”

Ashe gasps. “And what about us?!”

Arc turns to face her. “Look, Ashe. You said you wanted to know what it was like to be a commoner. I’m trying to show you how it works. Now are you going to help me, or am I going to have to dump another plate of pancakes on you?”

“Very well. But I don’t know a thing about meal preparation.”

Arc tosses her a pot. “You can start by filling this up with water and putting it on the stove.”

“I suppose I can do that.”

Walking over to the sink, Ashe sets the pot down and looks at it for a long moment. Dinky walks over to her.

“Is everything okay, miss?”

Ashe shrugs. “I think the sink is broken.”

Arc calls out from a cupboard. “Oh, what makes you say that?”

“No water’s coming out.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Um… you have to turn it on first.”


“Like this.”

Jumping up onto the counter she reaches out with a hoof and turns the handle. Water flows forth into the pot as Ashe smiles smugly.

“I knew I could do it.”

As the pot is filled Ashe reaches forward and turns off the water. Lifting the pot, she looks around.

“Um… what now?”

“Put it on the stove. I need it to boil.”


Dinky points a small hoof. “That over there.”

Ashe sets the pot on the stovetop and steps back. Dinky rolls her eyes and uses her magic to turn on the gas. She taps her talon on the floor impatiently.

“Perhaps this is broken?”

Arc chuckles. “A watched pot never boils.”


“It’s an expression, Miss Ashe.”

Arc nods. “Right. If you stand around waiting for something to happen, it feels like it takes forever. But in any case, let’s work on something else while we wait.”

Ashe gasps. “You mean there’s MORE?!”

Dinky giggles. “Lots actually.”

“Never cooked before?”

“Certainly not! As I said, that’s what servants are for!”

“Well, in lieu of them, how about you chop up these carrots and celery?”

“Very well.”

Arc hands her a knife. Ashe looks at it before picking up a carrot, tossing it in the air, and slashing at it. Pieces fly everywhere as Dinky dives under the table. Arc grabs her talon.

“Woah! What are you DOING?!”

“Chopping the vegetables. Why?”

“You’re supposed to do it like this.”

Taking another knife Arc shows Ashe how to properly slice the vegetables. She watches him work for a time before following his lead. Dinky looks over at the stove.

“The water’s boiling, dad. Should I add the veggies now?”

“Yes sweetheart. Ashe, bring them over to her.”

Ashe does so. Dinky takes them with her magic and carefully puts them in the water as she looks to Ashe.

“You have to do it slowly or else the boiling water will burn you.”

“Makes sense.”

Arc walks over with a package of egg noodles.

“Here’s the rest, Dinky.”

“Thanks, dad.”

Arc beckons Ashe to follow him as Dinky puts the noodles in the pot and begins stirring. They enter the pantry together and look around. Ashe turns to Arc.

“What are we doing in here?”

“I need some spices.”

Ashe makes a face. “I don’t like spicy food!”

“We’ll keep it to a minimum then.”

“Can’t you just leave them out?”

“I could. But them food would be very bland.”

Ashe turns up her beak. “My own chefs seem to manage.”

“Then they’re adding spices and seasonings. You see, a lot of cooking is knowing what to put in the pot and how much. You might like the flavor of a certain spice. But add too much of it and you’ll certainly not enjoy the dish.”

They gather up the needed ingredients before returning to the kitchen. Arc sets the tray of seasonings down next to his daughter on the counter.

“Here you go, Dinky. Do you know what to do from here?”

“Yup. Just watch.”

Arc and Ashe stand there as Dinky carefully adds a dash of each seasoning before tasting the food and adding a bit more. Ashe opens her mouth to say something, but Arc puts his thumb and index finger on her beak, effectively holding it shut. A short time later Dinky nods and turns to her father.

“It’s done.”

He nods and picks up the pot with his magic. Levitating it over to the center of the table it carefully comes to rest as Dinky pulls bowls and spoons out of the cupboards and drawers. Arc motions to a chair.

“Have a seat, Ashe, and we’ll get to the tasting phase.”

Dinky carefully ladles out three bowlfuls and sets them out. Ashe eyes the food suspiciously as she turns to Arc.

“What… is it?”



Dinky appears confused. “Something wrong with it?”

Ashe pushes the bowl away. “Yes! It’s SOUP!”

“You see, sweetheart, in the Griffon Kingdom only the lowest of the low eat soup.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

Ashe gags. “Because it tastes TERRIBLE!”

Arc grimaces. “That it does.”

Ashe turns to him. “You’ve tasted it?!”

“Yes, I have.”

“And you were… okay?”

“Well… I did have to lie down for a while after that.”

“Your recipe tastes really good though, dad.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. Let’s eat.”

Arc and Dinky pick up their spoons and begin carefully eating. Ashe watches them for a time before picking up a small spoonful of the soup and begrudgingly tasting it. Her eyes light up happily.

“This really is quite good! Nothing like the soup back home!”

“Glad you like it.”

“Dad? Why is the soup so bad over there?”

“Well… for starters the base ingredients are rotten.”


Arc nods. “I’m guessing it’s cheaper that way. Secondly, they don’t use any seasonings. Probably again to keep costs down.”

“So it doesn’t have any flavor?”

“Oh, it does. But only from the mold I’m guessing.”

Ashe grimaces. “Truthfully I’m not even sure that stuff’s fit to eat.”

“Well, they also cook it for a LONG time.”

Dinky frowns. “How long?”

“Long enough that it’s the consistency of paste.”

Ashe scoffs. “That never made any sense to me.”

“They probably have to do that to kill the mold in the rotten vegetables.”

Dinky gasps. “That sounds terrible!”

“It was the worst food I’d ever tasted.”

Ashe shudders. “The servants make it for themselves once a week in the Gardens. Even with the windows closed I can sometimes smell it if the wind is just right.”

Dinky turns to her. “Is that why you came here, Miss Ashe?”

“No. I wanted to learn more about your country. And see how the griffon orphans are getting along over here.”

“So we’re going to the orphanage?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Dinky. Right after we finish the lunch dishes.”

Ashe looks confused. “Do… dishes?”

“Wash and dry them.”

“How ghastly!”

Dinky giggles. “I’ll teach you!”

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