• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Earthbound Again

Arc and company emerge from the portal together. He gestures toward the house as he pulls his keys from the ring.

“Let’s get everyone inside.”

Dinky shivers as she hurries up the back steps to the deck. “Kinda chilly here today.”

Apple Bloom does a small twirl. “Feels like fall to me.”

Sweetie Belle’s teeth chatter. “That it does.”

Derpy looks up into the trees. “The leaves are changing colors too.”

Arc nods as he unlocks the door. “I suppose this marks the official end of summer and the beginning of autumn.”

Opening the door Arc allows the others to enter first. They hurry upstairs to put on clothes as Arc gets the furnace going. Derpy leads them into the guest bedroom and opens the closet.

“Let’s see here…”

“What should we wear, mom?”

“How about a t-shirt and jeans, sweetie?”


Apple Bloom grins as she looks over her friend’s shoulder. “That looks good for me too.”

Dinky turns to her friend with the clothes. “You can have this one then.”

“What about you though?”

“I can wear something else.”

Derpy continues rummaging. “I think there’s another outfit like that in here somewhere.”

Searching for a few moments Derpy pulls out a similar outfit and hands it to Dinky.

“Thanks, mom.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie.”

Turning back to the closet she looks again.

“Now we just need something for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle points. “How about that skirt?”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t it a bit cold for that though?”

Dinky grins. “I can fix that.”

Running over to a dresser she pulls open a drawer. Pulling out something she tosses them to Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom looks over, confused.

“What… are those?”


Sweetie Belle looks them over. “So they’re like socks?”

Derpy looks over her shoulder and nods. “Yes, dear. They’ll keep your legs warm. Unless you’d rather I find you something else, that is.”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head. “No, thank you. This is good.”

Derpy turns to Scootaloo. “Now then, what would you like to wear?”

“I… think I might just stick with my robe here.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “But it’s not exactly…”

Scootaloo interrupts her. “It’s fine.”

Derpy sighs. “That may be, dear. But I know Arc wants us all to be properly dressed before going downstairs.”

“Yeah. My dad’s big into covering up.”

Apple Bloom groans. “You go down there like that and he’s just going to send you right back up here.”

Sweetie Belle gestures to the closet. “I’m sure we could find something to fit you.”

Scootaloo rolls her eyes. “Fine.”

She walks over to the closet and pulls out a t-shirt and shorts. Dinky frowns.

“That doesn’t look very warm.”

“But it covers me up, right?”

Apple Bloom shrugs. “I… guess it does.”

Derpy appears concerned. “Are you sure you don’t want something a bit warmer, dear?”

“I’ll wear my robe over this. That’ll keep me warm.”

Sometime later they head downstairs together. Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle all run over to Arc, whom is sitting on the couch, and line up.

“How’s this, dad?”

“You all look very nice. But where’s Scootaloo?”

Apple Bloom sighs. “She’s still standing at the foot of the stairs for some reason.”

Derpy motions for her to come forward but the little girl does not move. Sweetie Belle groans.

“Come on, Scootaloo.”

Derpy smiles at her. “Yes, show Arc how you look.”

“I’m okay over here.”

Arc calls out to her. “Something wrong?”

“No, Big Brother.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m just feeling… a bit under the weather.”

“Then I’d better take a look at you.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’m not…”

“Come here, Scootaloo.”

Sighing, the little girl walks over to Arc. He motions for her to stand before him. Looking her up and down, as the cloak only covers the upper half of her, he spies her bare legs.


Derpy bows her head. “I’m sorry, Arc. But that’s what she wanted to wear.”

Dinky shrugs. “We tried to warn her.”

“I’m okay.”

Arc pulls back Scootaloo’s hood to expose her face. Putting a hand to her forehead he holds it there for a moment.

“You don’t feel feverish. Can you describe what’s wrong?”

Scootaloo looks away. “I just… don’t really feel like I should be here.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “But Arc’s your… what do you call him again?”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “Big Brother.”

Dinky nods. “Right. Where else would you be but by his side with us?”

“I really should be back in the castle taking care of my duties.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, I think you need a break from that.”

“Big Brother?”

Derpy steps forward. “I think Arc means that you should be playing with other foals.”

“Something like that.”

Scootaloo groans. “I’ll try.”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s all I can ask. Now then, I want you to go back upstairs and put on something a bit warmer.”

“Yes sir.”

Scootaloo heads back upstairs. Apple Bloom frowns.

“What’s her problem?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “It’s like she refuses to listen to anypony other than Arc.”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah. And humans don’t say ‘anypony’, Sweetie Belle.”

Derpy nods. “Right. It’s ‘everyone’.”

Arc stands. “Scootaloo had a really rough upbringing, so she’s a bit… different from other fillies you know.”

Apple Bloom scoffs. “By ‘different’ you mean ‘cold’, right?”

“Why’d you invite her, dad?”

“I didn’t invite Scootaloo. In reality I ordered her to come.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“She needs… something.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “But what?”

“I’m not fully sure. But I didn’t want to leave her behind again. In the past I did that far too much.”

Sweetie Belle looks to the stairs. “Has she always been like that though?”

“No. But that matter is… complicated.”

A few minutes later Scootaloo returns to the Living Room. She is wearing a pair of long pants with a t-shirt.

“How’s this, Big Brother?”

“A bit better, yes. But wouldn’t you be more comfortable in a long sleeve shirt?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “I think I’ll be okay.”


“So what do you want to do, dad?”

“Well, we haven’t had breakfast yet. How about we head down to Shelly’s Kitchen?”

Derpy appears suddenly nervous. “Y-yes. That sounds like a… nice idea.”

“Do we need coats, dad?”

Arc tousles her hair. “Maybe a sweatshirt, sweetheart.”

Apple Bloom puts her arms around herself. “Being a human is cold business!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “Yeah. I kinda miss my fur coat now.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, by the time we get back here the furnace should have warmed up the house.”

“How about we walk then, dad?”

Sweetie Belle groans. “But I’m already cold!”

Derpy giggles. “The walk will warm us up though.”

Apple Bloom grins. “We do that at home too. Starting out working in the early morning were cold, yeah. But after a few minutes we warm right up.”

Arc nods. “Right. Dinky, would you run upstairs and get you and the others some sweatshirts?”

“Okay, dad.”

Doing as she it told, Dinky returns with four small sweatshirts. Passing them out they pull them over their heads. Scootaloo gets stuck part way through. Derpy approaches her.

“Let me help you.”

“I got it.”

She continues to struggle for a few more moments before Arc walks over and pulls on her sleeve.

“Looks like that last sleeve was inside out.”

“Thanks, Big Brother.”

Dinky sighs. “We ready to go?”

Apple Bloom raises a hand. “I am!”

Sweetie Belle grins. “Me too!”

Derpy turns to the little girl. “Scootaloo?”


Arc head for the door. “Follow me everyone.”

Opening the front door, Arc leads the group down the sidewalk. As they walk he turns to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Alright, time for some rules.”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean, Arc?”

“Everyone here needs to use an Earth name.”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “I don’t understand.”

Derpy smiles at her. “Our names, while fine in Equestria, don’t really work here.”

“Right. I’m ‘Daisy’ and my mom’s name is ‘Dawn’.”

“Big Brother named me ‘Scarlet’.”

Apple Bloom turns to Arc. “What should Sweetie Belle and I be called then?”

“I told my friends at the restaurant that Rarity had a daughter named ‘Belle’.”

“Okay, I can live with that.”

Apple Bloom grins. “And me?”

Derpy looks to Arc. “How about just ‘Bloom’?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah, that doesn’t sound right.”

Dinky sighs. “I’m guessing ‘Apple’ is out too?”

“Right. She’ll need something a bit more…”

Scootaloo interrupts. “How about ‘April’?”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “April?”

Arc looks to her. “Where’d you hear that name, Scootaloo?”

“On the television.”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “It sounds… okay, I guess.”

“What do you think, dad?”

“It’s a lesser known human name, yes. But it does work. Apple Bloom?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Derpy giggles. “I guess the settles it… April.”

Apple Bloom giggles as they continue on. A few minutes later they arrive at the restaurant. It appears filled to capacity as they enter. Dinky looks around.


Apple Bloom gasps. “This place is really jumping!”

Sweetie Belle looks up at Arc. “I’ll say. Is it always like this?”

Arc shakes his head as they step aside to let a patron leave. “Nah. But it is good nonetheless.”

Derpy gazes around the room. “I don’t see Shelly or Lily anywhere though.”

“And I don’t see any empty tables.”

“So what should we do, Big Brother?”

“I’ll check in the Kitchen. Be right back.”

Heading for the swinging double doors Arc proceeds to open them but spies someone hurrying toward it. Stepping back just in time to avoid Snake and Wolf rushing out he calls out after them.

“Busy day?”

The pair turn around and call out.

“You could say that!”

“The boss is in the back! Go see him right away!”

“I’ll do that.”

Entering the Kitchen, he spies Jackal at the stove making pancakes and omelets. Walking over to the large man Arc taps him on the shoulder.


Jackal turns around and grins before wrapping his arms around Arc and picking him up happily.

“You came, you came!”

Arc grimaces at the force of the bear hug. “Y-yeah. Um… can you put me down now?”

“Oh! Sorry!”

Jackal lets go of him and allows Arc to stand up again. Arc brushes himself off and looks around.

“I was told Frank was back here. Is he?”

Jackal nods as he points a spatula toward the pantry door. “He in there right now! You go see him quick!”

“Sure. Uh… thanks.”

Heading for the pantry, Arc enters to see Frank looking over a shelf with innumerable packages and cans floating all around him. Arc chuckles as he calls out.

“Looks like you’ve been practicing.”

Turning, Frank grins as he lays eyes on his old friend.


He moves to approach, but loses his concentration causing the goods to fall. Quickly reaching out his hands Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell to grab everything before anything hits the ground. Frank chuckles.

“You’re still better at magic than I am, old friend.”

Arc shrugs as he levitates the items out the door and onto the large prep table in the kitchen. “Just been doing it a bit longer, that’s all.”

“How have you been?”

“Pretty good. But it looks like things are going well over here.”

“Another full house.”

“That’s good for Shelly and Lily’s bottom line.”

Frank nods. “Yes, it is.”

“So how is Shelly these days?”

Frank appears confused. “You mean you don’t know?”

“Know what?”

“I… I’m sorry, my friend. But I just assumed that you’d already seen Lily.”

Arc warily. “Maybe you’d better tell me then.”

Frank sighs. “A few days ago Shelly was admitted to the hospital.”

“For the same reasons as before?”

“Yes. This time it’s more serious though.”

“Is she okay?”

“Lily should be the one to ask about that.”

“Fine. Where is she?”

“Upstairs packing a few personal items for Shelly.”

“So she’s going to be in the hospital for a while this time?”

Frank bows his head. “I’ve already said too much, old friend. Go see Lily to hear the rest.”


“Wait. Did you come here with anyone else?”

“Derpy and four fillies. Well, little girls now.”

“I’ll have Jackal make up a stack of pancakes and send them upstairs then along with Lily’s toast and jam.”

“Sounds like she’s in a hurry though.”

“Not really. Apparently Shelly made her promise to eat a real meal before returning to the hospital.”

He looks to Arc nervously before continuing.

“I was kinda hoping you could see to it she did.”

“Sure. I’ll head up then.”

“Don’t be a stranger, Arc.”

Leaving the kitchen, Arc returns to the others. Dinky is the first to speak.

“Everything go okay, dad?”

“Kinda. I need to go see Lily upstairs right now.”

Apple Bloom appears hopeful. “Can we come?”

“In a bit maybe. Right now I have to see what’s going on.”

Derpy nods soberly. “I’ll watch the little ones, Arc.”

“Thanks Der… Dawn.”

She winks at him and giggles. Heading for the stairs Arc rushes up them to find the door slightly ajar. Opening it he calls out.


A voice rings out from Shelly’s room.

“I’m in here, Frank!”

Heading to the room, he peeks inside to see Lily pulling clothes out of a dresser and putting them in a duffle bag. Clearing his throat to get her attention, she does not look away from her task.

“Just put the plate on the table please. I’ll get to it when I’m done here.”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry. Forgot it downstairs.”

Gasping, she whirls around. Spying Arc, Lily’s face bursts into a large smile as she hurries toward him and wraps her arms around his neck.


Arc returns the hug. “It’s good to see you again, Lily.”

“And I’m glad to see you too!”

Breaking off the embrace Arc looks to Lily.

“Frank says Shelly’s in the hospital again.”

Lily nods sadly. “Yes, she is.”

“Everything okay?”

“She was just supposed to be there overnight. But the doctors say she isn’t getting any better.”

She points to the duffel bag before continuing.

“I was just getting her a few things that she’ll need.”

“So it’s going to be an extended stay then, huh?”

Lily nods sadly. “It appears so.”

"How… how bad is it?"

“She’s conscious and talking. But at the same time Shelly needs a bunch of machines hooked up to her to maintain her condition.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.

“Would you like to come with me to visit her?”

“I would, yes. But not until you’ve had something to eat.”

Lily groans. “Yes, yes. I know I need to eat. However it’s hard to do that with Shelly in such a state.”

“She wouldn’t want you skipping meals though. Especially not on her account.”

She looks past him before speaking.

“Are you here alone this time?”

Arc shakes his head. “Oh no. Dawn and Daisy are downstairs along with Scarlet and two of their friends.”

“Why didn’t you invite them upstairs?”

“I… didn’t really know if you were up to having company at the time.”

“Shelly’s stable, yes. But I’m still quite worried about her. Now then, why don’t we bring everyone upstairs? I know it’s pretty busy down there right now.”

“That it is.”

“I’ll call Frank and tell him to have something made up for everyone too.”

“He already said he’d have Jackal cook some pancakes for everyone. They’re probably about done by now too.”

“Then why don’t you head down there and pick them up. I’ll finish packing for Shelly and we can meet up here at the kitchen table.”

Arc nods. “Sounds like a plan.”

The pair part ways. Lily turns back to her task with renewed vigor as she ‘speaks’ to Shelly.

“I’ll make sure to bring you everything you asked for, my friend.”

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