• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 22 - Holiday Preparations (Part 1)

Arc steps through the portal and reappears on the Observation Deck. Ember and Sereb grin as he does so.

“Well, that went well.”


Arc nods. “That it did.”

He turns to Sereb before continuing.

“Tell me, did you turn the crew back into their pony forms yet?”

“I did, yes.”

Ember shrugs. “We figured there wasn’t much point in them staying humans, what with our guests having left already.”

Arc sits down on the hospital bed. “Yeah.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”


“You are unwell?”

“I’m just... a bit depressed, that’s all.”

Ember nods soberly. “About Shelly’s condition?”


She sits down next to Arc as Sereb sits and his feet. Putting a hand on the pillow, Arc continues.

“This... was probably the last outing she’ll ever take. And it’s over now.”

Ember shakes her head. “You don’t know that, Arc.”

“Doctor Knowles hasn’t made any headway on the formula that I’ve heard.”

“Maybe she has.”

Sereb nods. “When was the last time you spoke to her about it?”


Ember grins. “Then there’s a chance she and Auriel may have...”

Arc interrupts her. “They would have notified me via my earring them.”

Sereb turns to him. “Perhaps we could help them...”

“I already asked if there was anything that I could do to help. They said all that’s needed is time and their workshop.”

Ember puts a claw on Arc’s shoulder. “Then we’ve done all we can.”

Arc groans. “But it still doesn’t feel like enough.”

Sereb frowns. “I do not believe for a moment that Shelly would agree with that statement.”

“That’s what’s bothering me the most!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

Arc clenches a fist. “If Shelly would be mad about it I’d actually feel better! But she’s not!”

Sereb groans. “I do not understand that, Arc.

“Look! Color this any way you want! But I failed Shelly! I deserve her anger and disappointment! However she’s so positive about it! And that’s just like throwing ice water on me!”

Ember frowns. “So what are you going to do?”


Sighing, Arc looks down at his feet for a time. Eventually he turns to Ember.


“It’s okay, Arc.”

Sereb sighs. “You are tired, my friend. Go home and see your family.”

Arc nods sadly as he stands. “See my family. This seems like a poor time to be doing that.”

Ember shrugs. “What else can you do though?”


Opening a portal, Arc steps through. Reappearing in the corner of Derpy’s Living Room, he groans and recalls his armor. Walking slowly toward Derpy’s room, Arc enters and looks to the bed. Spotting Derpy curled up and facing the wall he forces a smile. Getting in with her, Arc presses his body against hers as her strokes the mare’s mane gently. She stirs slightly as he whispers.

“It’s just me, Derpy. Go back to sleep.”

Nodding, Derpy nods back off. However, Arc lies there stroking her as he muses to himself.

“I’m happy and home in bed with someone I love. And Shelly’s... she’s in agony at the hospital in a strange bed.”

Groaning, he shakes his head.

“It just doesn’t seem right to me.”

Burying his face in Derpy’s mane, he closes his eyes but is unable to fall asleep. Sometime later, as the sun peeks over the horizon, Derpy opens her eyes. Feeling Arc’s body pressed against hers she smiles and pats his arm with a hoof.

“Good morning, Arc.”

Not hearing any response she turns to face him. Tapping his head as it rests on her chest, Derpy frowns.

“Arc? Are you okay?”

Groaning, Arc shakes his head. Derpy smiles sleepily.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really, no.”

“It’s Shelly, isn’t it?”

Arc nods sadly. “Yeah.”

“Is she not doing well?”

“She was okay last night when I took her and Lily aboard The Equinox. But... but I know that was mostly forced.”

“You’re scared of losing your friend.”

“Of course. I’ve known her and Lily since we were kids.”

“Can I tell you something, Arc?”


“I... was actually scared for a long time knowing that my father was going to die.”

“But how did you know...?”

Derpy shakes her head. “I didn’t. It was supposed to be a lot time in the future. But I always dreaded getting that message.”

“Even after all he did to you though?”

Derpy nods. “Yes, Arc. And when it did happen I did hurt. But at the same time there was a feeling of relief.”


“I was happy that his pain had finally ended. Both physical and emotional. He and my mother are together again now... forever.”

“Do you... miss him?”

“Sometimes. But we’ll be together again someday. My mother, father, Dinky, and I along with you and the others.”

“Derpy, I... I don’t really know what to say?”

Derpy turns to him and smiles. “Then don’t say anything, Arc. Just listen to me. Death of a loved one hurts. It hurts a lot. But its only temporary, as we’ll join them in death one day. While I know that sounds rather dark, I’m kinda looking forward to it. Um... hopefully at the end of a long and happy life with you, I mean. However that doesn’t mean I’m not going to cherish the time we spend together here. After all, the here and now can bring great happiness too. So just focus on making a few last happy memories with Shelly and Lily... and don’t worry so much about what is an unavoidable future.”

Arc slowly raises his head. “I... I’ve always known that, Derpy. Heck, I’ve even said it in the past that I look forward to being reunited with my family someday. But... but for some reason... I never really considered that Shelly and Lily would be there.”

Derpy puts a hoof on his cheek and smiles. “They are your family too, Arc. And I’m looking forward to that time with you.”

“Derpy... thanks.”

Derpy giggles. “I think this is supposed to be one of the duties of a wife. Not really sure, though it does feel right.”

Arc smiles as he kisses her forehead. “Thank you.”

The sound of small hoofsteps entering the room ring out as Dinky hops up onto the bed. Looking to her father she smiles.

“Good morning, dad!”

“Hey there, sweetheart.”

“Did you have a nice time with Shelly and Lily last night?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Dinky. Yes, I did.”

Derpy turns to him. “Are you going to spend the day with them too, Arc?”

“I’d like to. However I get the feeling both of them will be rather sleepy for the lion’s share of it.”

Derpy motions with a hoof. “Well, why don’t you spend the day with Dinky then?”

“What? But it’s a school day.”

Dinky giggles as she shakes her head. “No it’s not, dad.”

“It most certainly is! It’s Monday!”

Derpy smiles. ”True. But school is out for Hearth’s Warming, Arc.”

Dinky nods. “Right!”

“Ah! Um... what exactly are we supposed to do?”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “For the holiday?”


“I don’t really know, Arc. Remember, we’ve been on Earth the past two years for Christmas.”

Dinky giggles. “And it was fun! But we learned all about this holiday in school last week, dad.”

Arc smiles at his daughter. “Oh good. Can you explain it to us?”

“It’s about the story of the land’s unification. The three nation’s representatives had continued to fight as the snowstorm got worse. However it wasn’t stopped until they had frozen solid, which allowed their aides to talk.”

Derpy gasps. “About what?”

Dinky shrugs. “I dunno. Friendship stuff, I guess.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “So it’s a holiday about coexistence and getting along with others?”

“Right, dad.”

“I can get onboard with that. Anything we should be doing?”

“Well... other than the story differences, the custom is really similar to Christmas. Families get together, have a big meal, and make merry.”

Derpy smiles at Arc. “I suppose your father will have fun planning out a nice time with the rest of the herd.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Rest of?”

“Remember, I still need to cook for the orphans. They’re off of school like Dinky is, but don’t take a break from eating.”

“So you won’t be there at the celebration, mom?!”

“I will be later, sweetie. But first I have to cook meals for the little ones.”

Dinky turns to her father. “Couldn’t you order some of your guards to cook that day, dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “I actually gave them all time off to head home to their families.”

“Even your squad?”

“They’re still back on Earth. They’ll come back here tomorrow though.”

Dinky gasps. “What about having them...!”

Derpy interrupts her. “Now Dinky... we can’t be asking somepony else to work on a holiday as important as this so that I can have a day off.”

Arc nods. “The guys work hard enough as it is.”

He turns to Derpy before continuing.

“What about making as much food up ahead of time as possible? Then you could just pop it into the oven and...”

Derpy interrupts him. “It would still need to be watched. After all, a Miss Pommel and I are going to be cooking a very special meal for the orphans to enjoy.”

“Why don’t we help mom then, dad?”

“Sure. We could all...”

Derpy shakes her head. “No, no. This is my job after all. You and your father should take this opportunity to bond with the others.”

“But what about you, mom?!”

“Like I said, I’ll be there later, Dinky.”

“We’ll probably be all done eating though!”

Derpy pats the filly’s head lovingly. “Then I suppose you’ll have to save me a plate then, sweetie.”

Arc grins. “I’ll make sure it stays warm for you, Derpy.”

Derpy smiles as she hops out of the bed. “Thank you, Arc. But I need to get moving. Breakfast doesn’t cook itself, you know.”

Walking over to the bathroom, she shuts the door as Dinky and Arc leave the bedroom. Dinky looks to her father pleadingly.

“Hearth’s Warming won’t be the same without mom, dad!”

“I know, Dinky. But I think I may just have a plan to make this work out.”

Dinky grins. “What is it?”

Arc kneels down to her level. “Well, you see...”

Whispering in the filly’s ear, she grins ear to ear and nods happily.

“That’s a great idea, dad!”

“Thanks. But remember, not a word to your mother about it.”


A few minutes later Derpy steps out of the bathroom. Trotting over to the hooks next to the door she puts on her hat and scarf before turning.

“Have fun you two!”

Dinky waves a small hoof. “We will mom!”

“Have a nice day at work, Derpy.”

As she leaves the house, Dinky looks to her father and grins.

“Can we get started now, dad?!”

“We might want to wait for the sun to rise first.”

“Do we have to, dad?”

“Probably should. After all, as early as it is the shops are still closed and most everyone is probably still in bed.”

Dinky giggles. “I know someone who isn’t.”

“Really? Who?”

Dinky whispers in her father’s ear. Grinning, Arc nods.

“I think you’re right, sweetie.”

“So can we go now?!”

“After we’ve both brushed our teeth and hair, yes.”


Running into the bathroom the filly quickly gets to work. Arc follows her inside as she picks up the brush with her hoof. Grabbing his toothbrush, Arc begins his own morning routine. A short time later they head for the front door. Dinky gets there first and grabs a hat off the hook with her magic.

“This is going to be SO much fun, dad!”

Arc nods as he grabs his insulated boots. “Agreed.”

“Where’d Rarity get those boots for you, dad?”

“Sassy Saddles made them. Apparently she’s better at working with leather than Rarity is.”

Grabbing his coat, hat, and gloves Arc opens the front door and looks outside. Dinky gasps.

“There’s so much snow!”

“It’s only about eight inches, sweetie.”

Dinky looks to her hooves. “But I’m a lot closer to the ground than you are, dad.”

“Good point. Want a piggy back ride?”

Dinky grins. “Yeah!”

Kneeling down, Arc picks Dinky up and carefully puts her on his shoulders. Grabbing onto her rear hooves, Dinky puts her front ones on her father’s head as they head out into the snow. Closing the door behind them they start down the path toward town. Looking around, Dinky gasps.

“It’s so quiet.”

Arc nods. “Well, most everyone is still asleep.”

“Ponyville. Where they roll up the sidewalks at night.”

“Where’d you hear that?”

Dinky shrugs. “On television. I think the show was called ‘The Andy Griffith Show’.”

Arc chuckles. “I remember that one. Used to watch it as a kid sometimes.”

“That Barney was really funny!”

“Always by the book, that one.”

“You’re not like him though, dad.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Honestly, you remind me more of the sheriff.”


Dinky nods. “Yeah. He knew what the law said, of course. But at the same time he put the needs of the people ahead of everything.”

“A good way to enforce the laws, yes.”

“But I don’t get one thing, dad.”

“What’s that?”

“How did he always seem to know what to do?”

“Well, for starters, it was a television show. Not real life.”

“So they’re just acting?”

Arc nods. “Right. But if you take it at face value, the reason Andy always seemed to know what to do was because he grew up in the town of Mayberry and knew the people. So he was aware of the exemptions that needed to be made to keep the peace.”

“Like what, dad?”

“Well... there was an episode where Barney arrested a truck driver for speeding on the highway. That means going faster than what’s allowed. Now then, the letter of the law said that the speed limit was such and such. However Andy, being the practical fellow he was, reminded Barney that there was a big hill a little ways down the road from the sign.”

Dinky appears confused. “A hill?”

“Right. And that the truck drivers needed to go a few miles over the speed limit to get over it.”

“What if they didn’t?”

“It was kind of implied that they would either get stuck part way up, or hold up traffic when the hill slowed them down.”

“So the law was wrong?”

“Not ‘wrong’, Dinky. Just not right for everyone. A car could theoretically get up the hill easily. But it wasn’t carrying a lot of extra cargo weight either.”

“So it’s like what you do sometimes, dad. Give exemptions from the law in certain cases.”


“How do you know when to give an exemption?”

“When the law would cause someone a problem, or make a bad situation worse.”

“Like the herd?”

“Something like that, sweetie.”

“But why not just get rid of that law then?”

“Because I can’t do that. Only the princesses can.”

“Maybe they should.”

“If the herd idea works out maybe Twilight can convince the others to do so, yes.”

“Any other examples of times you gave exemptions, dad?”

“Well... there was the time I sent food to Abyssinia when they were starving.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow, clearly confused. “You mean, it was illegal for you to help feed them?”

“Kinda. You see, large purchases of anything are supposed to go through an approval process. There’s a number of forms that I was supposed to fill out before buying a bunch of apples from Sweet Apple Acres as well as the cherries from Cherry Hill Ranch. However at that time the citizens of Abyssinia were literally starving.”

Dinky gasps. “Some of them might have died waiting!”

“Right. Kibitz and some of the other officials were very unhappy with what I did.”

“Did you get in trouble, dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, sweetie. But I did ask the king and queen to send those officials some pictures of their emaciated citizens to make that point.”

Dinky grins slyly. “That’ll show them!”

“Remember, those officials were just doing their job though. They just forgot that there are living, breathing creatures on the other side of the paperwork. Those pictures helped to remind them.”

As they continue on, Arc and Dinky head outside of town. Spotting the lights on in the Apple farmhouse they walk up to it. Knocking, Arc steps back. Applejack answers and grins as she lays eyes on Arc.

“Come in, you two! My it’s a cold on this morning!”

Arc chuckles as he takes off his hat and stomps the snow off of his boots. “That it is.”

“So what brings you two here at such an early hour?”

“Well, you see...”

Arc is cut off as a growl from Dinky’s stomach rings out. Applejack looks down at her.

“Haven’t you eaten yet, sugarcube?”

Dinky smiles nervously. “We... kinda forgot.”

Arc chuckles. “Guess we did.”

Applejack motions for them to follow her. “Well, I can take care of that.”

Leading the group into the Kitchen she walks over to the cupboard and pulls down two more plates. Setting them down Applejack looks toward the stairs.

“Just make yourselves at home and I’ll call the rest of the family down.”

Arc and Dinky sit down as instructed. A few moments later Apple Bloom and Babs Seed run down the stairs and over to Dinky.

“Hey, Dinky!”

“Nice to see ya!”

Dinky grins. “Good morning!”

Apple Bloom looks to the stove. “You and Arc came for some of Applejack’s famous Apple Pancakes?!”

“Not really. But she offered and my dad accepted.”

Big Macintosh enters the room with Applejack and Granny Smith. The elderly mare smiles at Arc as she sits down.

“Good morning, young’uns. I hope you’re hungry.”

Dinky raises a hoof. “I am!”

Apple Bloom giggles. “Me too!”

Babs puts up both of her front hooves. “Me three!”

Arc chuckles as he looks around the table. “This takes me back.”

Applejack looks over from the stove. “Oh?”

“Eating breakfast here when I worked for you, Applejack.”

“Well, you’ve certainly come a long way since then, sugarcube.”

Arc sighs. “I suppose so.”

Granny Smith raises an eyebrow. “You don’t sound too sure of yourself.”

“Well... I’m certainly higher up the proverbial food chain than when I started. And I’ve been able to earn a comfortable salary. Still I can’t help but imagine that I’m not exactly working toward anything meaningful.”

Apple Bloom appears confused. “What would you like then, Arc?”

“A normal life ultimately. Family and a home I can come home to every night. No more of this running all over the world. Here and on Earth.”

Babs shrugs. “You could have that anytime though.”

Granny Smith nods soberly. “But it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it?”

“Yes ma’am. At the moment I’m needed in my role as the Hero of Light.”

Applejack groans. “Twilight and the other princesses do still need you in Canterlot sometimes, sugarcube.”

“But you don’t want that, do you?”

“I’m trying to wean them off of me, ma’am. To be able to handle things on their own like before I came.”

The elderly mare looks to her granddaughter. “So you can marry Applejack?”

Arc nods. “That too, yes.”

Apple Bloom giggles as she hugs Dinky. “And we can be sisters!”

Babs joins them in the hug. “Me too!”

Applejack grins from the stove. “Well, at some point, yes.”

Granny Smith turns to Arc and smiles. “Applejack’s told us all about how you proposed to her in front of her friends.”

Applejack nods. “They’re very happy for us too.”

“And I do want you to know that I approve of your upcoming wedding. Uh... when is it again?”

Arc sighs. “We haven’t actually set a date yet.”

Applejack grimaces. “Right. Still a lot for Arc to do before he can settle down with me.”

Granny Smith nods approvingly. “I’m glad that you feel that way, Arc. After all, your wife needs to come before your job.”

“Yes, that’s why we’re not getting married yet.”

Big Mac frowns. “So when DO you think that might happen?”

“No idea.”

“You two really need to start making some plans on this.”

Applejack frowns. “Leave that to us, Big Mac!”

“He is right, Applejack. After all, you two aren’t going to be young forever.”

“I... suppose not.”

Big Mac gestures to his grandmother. “And I’m sure Granny would like to hold her great grandfoals sooner rather than later.”

Applejack blushes heavily. “I... don’t think that’s going to happen!”

Arc nods. “Species difference and all that.”

“Auriel’s working on it, of course. But nothing yet.”

Granny Smith smiles. “That’s okay, Applejack. After all, I just want you two to be happy together.”

She looks to Big Mackintosh before continuing.

“That and there’s always you.”


“A big strapping young stallion like you would make any mare swoon.”

“But I... I ain’t never even...!”

“Keep your eyes open then. You never know just when some pretty young thing will come by.”

Applejack walks over and sets a plate of pancakes on the table. “Granny’s right, Big Mac. I wasn’t even looking for love when it found me.”

Arc shrugs. “Me either.”

Applejack grins as she puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “”It just kinda happens, I guess.”

Granny shakes her head as if to clear it. “Well, enough talk about... whatever it was we were jawing about. Let’s get to eatin’.”

Arc serves everyone and the group begins to eat. Applejack turns to Arc as they do so.

“So what brings you out here this early?”

“I actually came to ask if I could have Apple Bloom and Babs Seed help Dinky and I with some Hearth’s Warming preparations.”

Granny gasps. “Oh? Isn’t it going to be here?”

Applejack shakes her head. “No, granny. Remember, Arc said it was going to be...”

Arc interrupts. “Actually, there’s been a bit of an amendment to that.”

Dinky grins as she puts her small hooves on the table and looks around. “Right. Here’s what my dad and I came up with.”

Talking their idea over the others nod in approval. Applejack turns to her brother.

“It’s not all that different than the original plan.”


Granny raises an eyebrow. “Original plan?”

Applejack turns to her. “Don’t you worry about it, granny. We’ll take care of everything.”

Big Mac stands up. “Let’s get you upstairs for your morning bath.”

“Sounds good.”

Big Mac heads upstairs with Granny as Applejack turns to the fillies.

“Why don’t you three go play upstairs for a bit while Arc and I do the dishes?”

Apple Bloom grins. “Okay! Follow me you two!”

They run upstairs as Arc begins clearing the table. Applejack turns on the faucet and begins filling the sink with hot, soapy water. She turns to Arc and lowers her voice.

“Um... Arc?”


“Can we talk?”

“Sure. Is something wrong?”

“Kinda. I, uh... just wanted to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“Well... do you remember us talking about Granny Smith on our... extended date?”

Arc nods. “Yes. What about it?”

“I just wanted to ask... if you were serious about what you said.”

“Regarding me paying for your grandmother to be housed at the hospital here in Ponyville?”

Applejack nods and looks away. “Y-yeah.”

“I was very serious, yes. Why?”

Applejack sighs. “It’s about time for her to be moving in there.”


“She’s been having trouble with her heart since we got back to Ponyville. Well, more trouble, I mean. A couple times we’ve had to take her to the hospital when the pain got to be too bad. That and her mind is often times further away than it normally is as of late.”

“And what did Doctor Horse say?.

“That he recommends additional monitoring and care that we can’t provide here at the house. Especially after what happened last week.”

“Uh oh? Trouble?”

“We found her wandering around in the orchards one night.”

“What was she doing?”

Applejack bows her head. “She said... she was looking for a pot that was left out from the harvest last week.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You were harvesting apples then?”

“No. But that wasn’t the worst part of it. When we tried to take her back to the house she became very upset about the pot.”

Applejack looks around and leans in closer to Arc as she continues.

“She said that her mother would be angry at her if it wasn’t found since she wasn’t supposed to take it out of the kitchen.”

Arc nods soberly. “So that’s it then, huh?”

“I really don’t want to do this. But considering her physical and mental condition... I just don’t see any other option. So... um... are you still willing to... help us with this matter?”

“Yes, Applejack. In fact I talked to Doctor Horse about having a room put on standby already.”

“You did?”

“That I did. And I also paid the hospital for the next five years of care for her as well.”

Applejack appears relieved. “Oh, thank you, Arc! You have no idea just how much this means to me!”

Arc leans forward and kisses her forehead. “I think I do. But rest assured that Granny Smith will be cared for properly and with dignity for the rest of her life.”

Applejack leans into Arc as he takes her in his arms. Picking her up, she locks lips with him as Arc leans into the wall holding his fiancée. Applejack pulls back and tosses her hat to one side. Motioning to the table with her head, Arc carries her over to it and lays the mare down on her back. Wrapping all four hooves around him, the pair continue making out for several minutes. Eventually Arc pulls back and grins.

“A bit pent up, Applejack?”

Applejack giggles. “Without you around I am! But would you do something for me, Arc?”

“What is it?”

“Rub my belly.”


“You heard me.”

“Um... okay.”

Straightening up a bit, Arc puts a hand on Applejack’s stomach and moves in a circular motion. Grinning she blushes.

“Oh, that feels good!”

“Can I try something?”

Applejack grins wickedly. “Do whatever you want to, sugarcube.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc puts his fingers on the mare’s chest where her front legs connect. Touching her with only the tips of his fingers, Arc moves slowly from there to her belly button. However as he does so Applejack lets out a low moan. Her eyes wide and blushing furiously, she quickly covers her mouth with her hooves. Arc stops and looks at down at Applejack sheepishly.


“For... for what?”

“Going a bit too far, I guess.”

Applejack grins seductively. “Arc... that was the sexiest thing you’ve ever done to me. And I liked it.”

“Yes, well... this probably isn’t the place for it.”

Applejack sits up and sighs. “I suppose you’re right about that.”

Hopping down, she motions for Arc to come closer. Doing so, she whispers in his ear.

“So next time... let’s do it in the loft where nopony can hear us.”

Arc chuckles as he picks up the fallen hat and puts it on her head. “Yes ma’am.”

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