• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Successful Tests

A week later Arc and Twilight stand in the Audience Chamber together. Twilight paces nervously as Arc watches her while leaning against a nearby pillar. Shaking his head he chuckles.

“If you keep that up, Twilight, you’ll wear a rut in the marble.”

Twilight does not look up. “I can’t help it! That test will determine EVERYTHING!”

“Yes, well… worrying won’t make it go any better.”

“All I can think about is…!”


Twilight stops and turns to him. “Yes?”

“Calm down.”

“Easy for you to say!”

“Auriel, Sunburst, and Stellar Flare will come see us the moment testing concludes.”

Twilight trots in place nervously. “Well, I wish they’d…!”

The doors to the audience chamber swing open and the a fore mentioned ponies and one demon rush inside. Arc reaches out with his magic to close the doors behind them as they approach. Auriel is the first to speak.

“It’s a go!”

Twilight smiles widely. “Really?!”

Sunburst nods. “Everything worked perfectly, your highness.”

Stellar Flare grins. “The Equinox’s systems are fully attuned to the new Magic Dispersion Unit, your majesty.”

Auriel points toward a window. “I used the Bloodstone to partially charge it several times in rapid succession. We fired several shots to the west toward uninhabited terrain. Everything went according to plan.”

Arc nods. “Good. And the crew’s training?”

Sunburst turns to him. “They’re ready as well.”

Stellar Flare shrugs. “Although there isn’t really much for them to do in this regard.”

Auriel chimes in. “Most of the systems will be monitored and controlled down in Engineering. I’ll be on the Bridge to power the system too.”

Twilight looks to Sunburst. “Is there anything else left to do?”

“No, your highness. We can launch the attack at any time.”

Auriel grimaces. “Preferably sooner rather than later.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Agreed.”

Twilight bows her head. “Yes, we must strike as soon as possible. Sunburst, inform Colonel Flash Sentry to begin gathering our forces to move out.”

“Very well, Princess Twilight.”

“Stellar Flare, see to it you have everything necessary to make the technical aspect of this mission work.”

“Yes, your highness.”


The mare and stallion hurry out the door as Auriel turns to Twilight.

“And what about me?”

“Are there any preparations that you need to do first?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. Everything is done on my end.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Very good, Auriel. Now then, I have need of you for a very… special task.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“I’m sorry Arc, but this is a personal request.”

“Alright. Anything you need me to do?”

“Not right this moment, no. However I would like to invite you to a very special dinner tonight.”


Twilight looks away nervously. “I’ve organized a bit of… relaxation for you before the mission tomorrow.”

Auriel smiles. “That was a good idea, Twilight. Arc doesn’t rest enough as it is.”

“Yes, well… can I count on you to come, Arc?”

“Sure. It’ll be a nice diversion before we move out.”

“Please come to my room at seven then.”

“Okay. I’ll be there.”

Auriel looks to Arc. “How about you get some rest in the meantime?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, you have been going at it pretty hard this past week, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “There’s been a lot to do.”

Twilight sighs. “Well, at the moment there isn’t. So please take this opportunity to relax. I’ll see to it Kibitz wakes you up in plenty of time to get ready.”

“Are we going casual or formal?”

“Full formal. After all, you look great in that black suit. I’ll have some of the Hoof Maidens pick it up later to make sure it’s presentable.”

“Uh… okay.”

“Now if you’ll excuse us, I have to talk over a few things with Auriel.”

“Sure. See you later, Twilight.”

He turns to Auriel and chuckles.

“Good luck with whatever she needs too.”

Auriel giggles. “Thanks. Have a nice nap.”

Arc turns and leaves the room as Auriel looks to Twilight.

“Now then, what did you need?”

Twilight motions for Auriel to approach her. “This is going to be a bit… complicated. You see…”

Meanwhile, Arc walks down the corridor toward his room. Entering, he heads for the wardrobe and opens it. Picking up the suit on the hanger he walks it over to the door and puts it on the handle outside. Returning to his bed, he kicks off his boots and lays down. Looking at the clock Arc picks up the phone. A few moments later the castle switchboard operator answers.

“What can I do for you today, sir?”

“I’d like to talk to Coco Pommel at the temporary orphanage in New Ponyville.”

“Yes sir. One moment.”

The line goes dead for a few moments before they are connected. After it rings a few times Coco Pommel’s voice comes over the line.

“Hello, this is Matron Coco Pommel.”

“It’s Arc.”

“Arc! How’s everything back home?!”

“Okay, I guess. Tell me, are Derpy and Dinky around?”

“They just started making supper, but I’ll go get them.”


The sound of the receiver being set down and hooves hurrying away rings out as Arc waits. A few minutes later numerous hooffalls approach the phone as a click rings out along with slight speaker feedback.

“You’re on speakerphone now, Arc.”

“Hi dad!”

“Hey Dinky.”

Cherry giggles. “Good to hear from you again, Arc!”

“Hi, Cherry.”

“We miss you, dad!”

“And I miss you as well, sweetheart. Is your mother there too?”

Derpy nods happily. “I am, Arc.”

“Is everything okay, dad?!”

“Kinda. We’re planning to attack Light’s Hope tomorrow.”

Coco Pommel gasps. “Oh my!”

Cherry calls out. “Is that wise?!”

“Either way it has to be done.”

Derpy sounds hopeful. “So everything will end then?”


Coco Pommel grimaces. “And Princess Celestia?”

“We’re getting her out of there one way or another.”

Dinky smacks her small hoof on the desk. “Kick her flank, dad!”

Derpy gasps. “Dinky!”

“She deserves it!”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof on Dinky’s shoulder. “That may be, dear. But she’s still a princess of Equestria.”

Cherry sighs. “Strange as it may seem right now, yes.”

Derpy lowers her voice. “Are you planning on… you know…?”

“I want her alive, of course. But if that isn’t an option… yes.”

Coco Pommel bows her head. “We all understand, Arc. You’ll do what’s necessary for the nation as a whole, I’m sure.”

“That I will. But how is everyone else doing over there?”

“The orphans miss the old orphanage and Ponyville, dad.”

Derpy looks out the window. “Yes, well… things were a bit… greener there.”

Cherry shrugs. “I think we’re all a bit homesick right now, Arc.”

“Even if things end here tomorrow everyone still couldn’t come home right away. After all, the town is still a charred ruin.”

Derpy calls out. “We can rebuild better than before though.”

“Yeah dad!”

Coco Pommel smiles. “I’m still amazed no innocent lives were lost.”

“Me too. But in any case, I just wanted to call and say that I love you all and that I’m going to make this right come tomorrow.”

“Stay safe, dad!”

“I will.”

Derpy grins. “We’ll be waiting for good news then, Arc.”

Coco Pommel leans in close to the speaker. “Get a good night’s sleep too.”

Cherry clenches a gauntlet. “Right. You’ll need every advantage to win this fight, Arc.”

“No worries there. I’m about to take a nap at the moment too.”

Derpy giggles. “We won’t keep you then.”

“Sweet dreams, dad!”

Arc chuckles. “Goodbye.”

Hanging up the receiver, Arc closes his eyes and mused to himself.

“I’m going to fix this. For Derpy and Dinky. For Coco Pommel and my friends. And for all the citizens of Ponyville whom lost their homes.”

Drifting off to sleep, he is awakened sometime later by a light nudge on his shoulder as the familiar voice of Kibitz rings out.

“Time to rise, sir.”

Opening his eyes Arc looks around slightly confused.

“But I just lay down.”

“That was a few hours ago, sir.”

Arc chuckles as he sits up. “The wonders of a comfortable bed.”

“Indeed, sir. Now then, I’ve been tasked with getting you ready for your evening as well as making sure you arrive on time.”

“I think I can get dressed by myself.”

“Certainly, sir. The Hoof Maiden whom prepared you suit should be arriving any moment now. Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll bring it in to you when she arrives?”

“Sure. That sounds good.”

Walking into the bathroom Arc disrobes. Turning on the water he steps into the shower and grabs the soap. Lathering up he smiles contentedly. A few minutes later there is a small knock at the door.

“Come in!”

Kibitz enters levitating the freshly pressed suit. Hanging it up he turns to the shower.

“Everything appears in order as far as your apparel goes, sir.”

“Good. I want to look my best for tonight.”

“I took the liberty of setting out fresh socks and undergarments as well, sir.”

“Thanks. I’ll be done in here shortly.”

Kibitz turns and heads for the door. “Then I shall wait for you outside.”

Stepping out of the shower as the stallion leaves Arc quickly dresses and walks out into the bedroom.

“How’s this?”

Kibitz gasps. “Sir! I certainly hope you’re not planning to go out looking like THAT!”

Arc looks himself over. “What’s wrong with how I look?”

“You mane, sir!”


Motioning for him to look in the mirror Kibitz steps aside to allow Arc full view of himself.

“Oh… forgot to comb my hair.”

Kibitz gestures to the vanity nearby. “Have a seat and I’ll make you look presentable, sir.”


Doing as suggested, Arc sits down as Kibitz levitates a comb and brush with his magic. Working swiftly he makes short work of the tangles in Arc’s hair. Arc sits there motionless as he speaks.

“I get the feeling you’ve done this before.”

Kibitz nods with evident pride. “Yes sir. Some days Princess Celestia didn’t want to be surrounded by Hoof Maidens, so she would call for me alone to prepare her for the day ahead.”

“Why didn’t she just do it herself?”

“For the same reason I’m doing it for you now, sir. A second set of eyes to see what one cannot.”

“I guess it wouldn’t do much for her reputation to be walking around the castle with bedhead, huh?”

“It’s so much more than that, sir.”


“Princess Celestia was always very fond of her subjects. She never wanted to do anything that might make them suffer in any way.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “Lack of grooming would make them suffer?”

“As the ruler of a nation, her own reputation and that of the country was intertwined. For her to make a misstep of any kind would reflect negatively on the land as a whole.”

“Tell me something, Kibitz.”


“What do you think of Celestia?”

“A more noble ruler has never been seen before. She carries herself with elegance and grace. Her rulings are both wise and fair for all concerned.”

“Then what do you have to say about her antics since returning to Equestria?”

Kibitz frowns. “That she is either playing up to something bigger than we know or still out of sorts from her time in captivity.”

“Anything else?”

“No sir.”


Kibitz sighs as he puts down the comb and brush. Standing next to Arc, he bows his head before continuing.

“If I may speak frankly, sir… I do believe she has implemented her final failsafe.”


“Her student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“A replacement?”

“Yes sir. I know Princess Celestia wouldn’t want the land to languish without proper leadership.”

“And you believe she appointed Twilight just in case she… didn’t make it?”

Kibitz nods. “My years of serving her have taught me much about her thought processes, sir.”

“Kibitz… you do realize that I’m probably the only one capable of ending her life, correct?”

“I am, sir.”

“Then why are you not more concerned that I may do just that tomorrow?”

“Because she knew what might happen one day when the term ‘Hero of Light’ was coined. Even today the princess is fully ready for the final page of her reign to be written in the history books.”

“You’re not making this any easier you know.”

“If you recall, you asked a question and I answered it, sir.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“At the same time I’m acutely aware of all you’ve done since ascending to your position, sir. If I may be so bold, I do believe that had things been different, perhaps you and Princess Celestia might have been the very best of friends.”

“But I’ve always heard that she hated humans.”

Kibitz nods. “That is true. However I do believe that you could have been the one to end that mentality in her.”

He looks Arc over one last time before stepping back.

“You are now ready for your time with Princess Twilight, sir.”


“Before you go, might you entertain the wishes of a foolish old stallion?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“Princess Celestia is a very dear friend of mine even now and has been for years. I only ask that whatever you need to do tomorrow is done quickly, painlessly, and with the dignity that she deserves.”

Arc nods soberly. “You have my word that I’ll do what needs to be done quickly, Kibitz.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ve been told what Princess Celestia did to you, of course. However I don’t believe even she deserves to suffer needlessly.”

“I don’t enjoy being anyone’s executioner, Kibitz. Not even if they deserve it. But if I was going to kill someone I’d rather not sit there torturing them before doing the deed. To me, a blow to either the head or heart to end their lives quickly is the way to go.”

“That is most encouraging, sir.”

Kibitz looks over at the clock before speaking again.

“It would appear that you have a bit of time before the appointed hour, sir.”

Arc motions toward the door. “I could head over there now.”

“Begging your pardon, sir, but that would not be advisable.”

“Oh? Why not?”

“At this time the Hoof Maidens are still getting her royal highness ready for tonight. To arrive early would cause then stress.”

“You mean they would rush things?”

“Exactly, sir.”

“Fine then. I’ll just stay here for a bit.”

Arc stands and walks over to the balcony doors. The sun has begun to set sending red and orange hues across the horizon. Kibitz moves to join him in looking out over the kingdom. For a time neither of them speaks. Eventually the elder pony breaks the silence.


“Yes, Kibitz?”

“Might I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“It’s about my granddaughter.”


“Yes sir. She’s been rather… different since being stationed at your base some time ago.”

“Define ‘different’.”

“It’s… difficult to put into words really. I was an integral part of her life up until that point.”

“I see.”

“Did… something happen back then, sir?”

Arc sighs and continues to look at the sunset. “I’d rather not say.”

“Please, sir! If there’s something wrong perhaps I can help her!”

“It’s deeply personal and not something you should hear from anyone other than her.”

Kibitz frowns. “Does it have anything to do with that… that stallion she insists on seeing?!”

“Which one would that be?”

“Flash Sentry. He was recently promoted to colonel by her royal highness.”

“He was my sergeant when we met. I promoted him to lieutenant.”

“While I understand that such is your right, might I ask what his qualifications were for such a promotion, sir?”

“You want to know my reasoning?”

Kibitz nods. “Yes sir. I’ve gone over his record and can’t really find any reason why he should be a lieutenant, much less a colonel.”

“I promoted him because of the way he handled himself during a certain matter. However the details of such a thing are classified.”

“But I have clearance to see and hear about all levels of secret information.”

“Well, this was so secret that it was never properly recorded in any file or report.”

“That is against regulations though, sir. All events while on duty must be reported and filed for future reference. Didn’t his commanding officer at the time know that?”

“I was the one he answered to. And I told him to not report it.”

Kibitz sighs. “While I don’t understand your reasoning behind such a thing I also admit that I can do nothing to gain the information I need without your aid, sir.”

“Believe me when I say that Flash Sentry is right where he should be… location and rank. Now then, while I can’t really tell you any more on this matter, please trust me when I say that everything will be alright.”

“Raven said about the same. However I can’t help but worry about her. She’s my only granddaughter, after all.”

“I understand that. Remember I have a daughter too.”

“How can I help her though?!”

“By trusting that Raven will talk when she’s ready.”

Kibitz groans. “I’m not sure that’s going to work though. She’s been different for over a year now.”

“You can’t force her though. Trying to do so would only serve to make her uncomfortable.”

“Yes sir. I’ll try not to push the topic.”

Arc nods as he look to the sunset again. “Good. I’m sure Raven would appreciate that too.”

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