• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Impromptu Interrogations

Aloe looks to Arc.

“So shall we talk to Buffalo Bull now, sir?”

Vera sighs. “That may be counterproductive. After all, it’s almost breakfast time.”

Arc chuckles. “Good. We’ll see him there.”

“Forgive me, sir. But what exactly do you hope to gain from this?”

“Yes, if not escape, then what?”

Arc looks straight ahead as they walk. “Answers. Nothing more. Nothing less.”

A short time later they head to the courtyard with the rest of the prisoners. Looking around, Arc quickly spots Buffalo Bull along with his lieutenants. Walking over to them, he is immediately blocked by the stallions whom protect him. Arc narrows his eyes as he motions for Aloe and Vera to stay back.

“You guys really want to do this?”

Buffalo Bull nods. “Yes, we do!”

“Even though you lost to me the other day?”

Aloe grins wickedly. “And this morning, sir.”

Buffalo Bull narrows his eyes. “I’d love a rematch!”

Arc chuckles. “Nice to see you care so much about your hired help.”


“Yeah. You’re going to fight me yourself rather than let them get pounded, right?”

“Not a chance! GET HIM!”

The lieutenants turn to their boss nervously.

“Well?! What are you waiting for?!”

Arc looks to Aloe and Vera. “Get ready, you two.”

Arc and the two mares take up a battle ready stance as those around them hurriedly step back. Spitfire turns to Virtuous Lance.

“Looks like there’s going to be another incident, sir. Shall we go into lockdown?”

Virtuous Lance shakes his head. “No. Let this play out.”

“But sir…!”

“Have more faith in the former Lord Regent, Lieutenant. I’m sure this isn’t over the pecking order.”

Arc motions for the stallions to come at them.

“Let’s go! Come on! I’ll even let you attack first!”

The stallions back up nervously before running to hide in the throng of other prisoners. Buffalo Bull sighs and shakes his head.

“Good help is so hard to find.”

He look over to Aloe and Vera before continuing.

“…and keep.”

Arc shrugs. “Doesn’t seem to be a lot of loyalty around here.”

Buffalo Bull frowns. “Skills are for sale. Loyalty is not.”

“Glad we finally agree on something.”

“Then how about a bit of a business proposition?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“I’m looking to hire on some… servants.”

“Not interested.”

Buffalo Bull leers at the mares behind Arc. “I wasn’t talking about you, fool.”

“I know.”

“What would you want in exchange for those two?”


The stallion raises an eyebrow. “You’re giving them away?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I mean they’re not for sale.”

“Everything has a price.”

“Find someone else.”

Buffalo Bull grins slyly. “So I can only assume you’ve since sampled their… special skills.”

“I have not, no.”

“A shame really. Aloe’s tongue is just perfectly trained to…”


Everyone takes a step back at Arc’s outburst. Arc composes himself before continuing.

“Aloe and Vera are currently under my protection. And that is not going to change anytime soon.”

“Fine. Keep them for yourself. But they’ll be mine again one day.”

Arc looks up at the warden and nods. Turning to Spitfire, Virtuous Lance speaks.

“Begin the feeding process.”

Spitfire presses a button to fill the trough. As it finishes she blows a whistle. No one moves as they look to Arc for guidance.

“I’d like a word with you, Buffalo Bull. Privately. Everyone else can go eat now.”

The other prisoners walk quickly toward the troughs. Arc turns to the stallions accompanying the former king.

“That means you as well. My two friends here will join you. Just keep your hooves to yourselves.”

Nodding, the stallions walk toward the trough with Aloe and Vera behind them. Arc turns back to Buffalo Bull.

“Back inside.”

Nodding angrily, the stallion does as he is told. Spitfire turns to the warden.

“Sir, they’re leaving!”

“Let them.”


“There’s no rule against prisoners talking, nor is there one that says they have to eat.”

“But they could be up to something!”

“Most likely, yes. But they can’t get into much trouble in The Pit, for obvious reasons.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Buffalo Bull walk down the hallway about halfway.

“That’s far enough.”

The stallion looks around before speaking. “So… where are they?”

“Where’s who?”

“Your help.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Eating with your lieutenants, remember?”

“A blind pony could tell you’re setting me up!”

“Am I?”

“Yes! Getting me alone and out of sight from the guards while everypony else is at mealtime!”

“I’m not here for a fight.”

“Then what…?”

“I know you’re up to something.”

“And what if I am?”

“You’re planning an escape, aren’t you?”

“How did you…?!”

“I have my sources.”

Buffalo grits his teeth. “Yeah, I’m sure you do. Fortunate Ire must’ve squealed. When I get my hooves on him, I’ll…!”

“…do nothing.”

“What are you…?”

“I’m the one in charge down here at the moment, remember. He, like Aloe and Vera, are under my protection. You go after any of them and I’ll come for you… personally.”

“And do what?!”

Arc gestures to the stallion’s legs. “I won’t stop at just breaking your bones next time.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Fine then. Try it. See what happens.”

There is a tense silence at they stare each other down. Eventually Buffalo Bull breaks it.

“That maggot isn’t worth my time anyways.”

“So tell me… how were you planning on getting out of here?”

“I never said I was.”

“Then why did you look so guilty when I accused you of it?”

Buffalo Bulls sighs and shakes his head.

“Fine, you got me. But you completely misunderstand my motives.”


“Why would I want to leave this place?”

“Oh, I don’t know… freedom? Go back to your criminal ways? Am I close?”

“Not even.”

“Then enlighten me.”

Buffalo Bull gestures with a hoof toward the courtyard. “You see all those stallions and mares out there?”

“What about them?”

“Don’t you think they’d love to see the outside world again?”

“Of course. Who wouldn’t?”

“I’m planning something a bit… extreme.”

“A mass escape?”


“Dare I ask why? Assuming you’re being honest about not wanting to leave, that is.”

“As a favor to the other prisoners.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Really?”

“Yes, I’ve a warm place in my heart for them.”

“You don’t have a warm place in your whole body.”

“Fine then. The real reason for this is the new warden and his drop-dead gorgeous lieutenant.”


“We had it good down here until they showed up!”

“I’m not seeing how that much could have changed. I mean, this is the lowest one can go in the system I’m assuming.”

“The former warden was… how shall I say this… less than vigilant.”

“How so?”

“Frankly, he and his sergeant were idiots.”


“Names were Colonel Klink and Sergeant Shultz. The colonel always full of himself… a real blowhard.”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds like Virtuous Lance was a step up then.”

“Are you nuts? Klink may have been a moron, but he knew to just let us do our thing without interference.”

“What are you talking about? I haven’t seen a single guard anywhere near this place since I got here.”

“We could smuggle pretty much anything in here back then, no problem. That and Sergeant Shultz could be convinced to look the other way with a few words and the occasional candy bar.”

“So you were paying them off?”

“With care packages of sweets, yes.”

“Sounds like a lot of risk for little return for those two. Why would they jeopardize their careers for candy?”

“We had an agreement. The prisoners here in The Pitt would be kept in line by me. In return he would pass every inspection tour with flying colors. No prison riots, no dead bodies, and no escapes.”

“Made him look like an efficiency expert.”

“Right. When I got here he was on thin ice with his superiors in Canterlot. I immediately saw the opportunity in those two and struck a bargain.”

“Amazing operation.”

Buffalo Bull grits his teeth. “Which the general and his lieutenant ruined!”

“He didn’t want to play ball with you?”

“Nah. I tried to offer him the same deal, but it seems he’s a big name back in the capital. Doesn’t need the help.”

“So he clamped down on smuggling and security?”

“You got that right. Compared to Klink and Shultz, Virtuous Lance and Spitfire are geniuses. We’ve had quite a few close calls when trying to get stuff in here. Luckily they’ve never actually caught us doing anything, or we’d be in more trouble.”

“What happened to Klink and Shultz?”

“They retired. Got themselves set up with nice benefit packages too.”

“And that leaves you out of a good thing, eh?”

“You got it.”

“So you cook up this plan to cause a mass escape, the general and his lieutenant get blamed, they’re fired, and someone else has to take their spots.”

“You’re not as stupid as you look.”

Arc grins. “I’ll take that as a compliment. But how do you know the ones who replace them won’t be just as bad?”

“Trust me, nopony could be as bad as those two.”

“If you say so.”

“I just have one thing to ask of you.”

“Don’t get in your way?”


“We’ll see.”

Buffalo Bull raises an eyebrow. “We’ll see?!


“Does this have anything to do with the whole Hero of Light schtick you had going there?”


“The whole ‘righteous warrior’ bit, eh?”

“Still am.”

“Well, look around and see what that got you!”

“A mistake on Celestia’s part.”

“Why not just escape with the others then? Take her down or whatever.”

“And help ensure that your plan to discredit the warden works? No thanks.”

“Come on! Even you can’t be THIS dense!”

Arc frowns. “Lay it out for me then.”

“You were ABANDONED here! Left to rot while Celestia and her cronies do their own thing. Can’t say as I blame them though. After all, whom would like having an assassin running around the country with their address?”

“I’ll… think about it.”

“You do that. But for now we should get back over there before all the gruel’s gone.”

“Go ahead. I’ll wait here.”

Buffalo Bull shrugs and walks away. “Do whatever you want, weirdo.”

Arc watches as the stallion heads toward the courtyard. Shaking his head, he reaches out with his powers.


“I’m here, Big Brother.”

“Anything going on in the castle?”

“I just walked out of Decimus’ office actually. He’s sending me to the Luna Bay Prison with a detail of guards.”

“What for?”

“Something about being worried about an escape. Probably thinks you’re planning a breakout.”

“I’m not. But another guy here is.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Awfully convenient that he chose now to send troops over there. Think he knows about the upcoming escape?”

“He must. Really clever plan Decimus has this time too.”

“Big Brother?”

“The guy organizing it must’ve somehow tipped off Decimus.”

“To foil his own escape?”

“Right. After all, what’s the point of being in charge of an empty prison ward?”

“Not much I’d guess.”

“Right. He starts the thing and lets everyone else get caught. But looks like a hero for trying in the process.”

“What’s that have to do with you though, Big Brother?”

“Think about it this way. I try to escape with the other prisoners and they just so happen to kill me in the process of trying to recapture all the escapees.”

“That’s terrible! He’s setting you up!”

“Well, I’m not taking the bait.”

“Big Brother?”

“Contrary to what he believes, I don’t have any reason to leave here. At least not yet.”

“So the escape happens, the prisoners are rounded up, and you’re sitting in your cell like a model prisoner?”


“What do you want me to do?”

“Prevent the others trying to escape. I’d do it myself, but the captain would probably just come after me thinking I was being part of it.”

“Probably. He’s not coming with me though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So who’s leading the operation?”

“I am.”

Arc chuckles. “Scootaloo in command. I like it.”

“He’s been training me how to lead pretty much since I got here.”


“Yeah. Decimus says he’s grooming me to be his second in command.”

“Sounds like you already are. Congratulations though.”

Scootaloo groans. “Big Brother, please!”

“Alright, alright. You just make sure no one gets out of here whenever the escape takes place.”


“I’m sorry, what?”

“Decimus told me the escape is taking place tonight.”

“How’s he know?!”

“No idea. It’s like he has a crystal ball, or something.”

“More along the lines of he has a mole in here that’s feeding him information.”

“The one planning the escape like you suggested?”

“Yeah. But I can’t exactly ask around though or it might get back to him.”

“Why not?”

“Because then they’ll ask how I know when the escape is, in addition to how I found out that there’re soldiers out there waiting.”

“That would be kinda awkward, yes. So… what are you going to do then, Big Brother?”

Arc sighs as the other prisoners walk toward him and the elevator. “The only thing I can do. Wait for the escape to happen… and stay here.”

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