• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Field Experiments

Reaching for his ring, Arc removes the crystal from earlier and tosses it toward the corner of the room. Turning back to Ember, he kneels down to her.

“Hey… you okay?”

Ember puts a claw to her head and nods. “What happened?”

Arc frowns as he looks her over. “I have a theory. But tell me, how did you feel a few minutes ago?”

“Well… it’s all so hazy. All I remember is feeling really… strange.”

“Can you describe it to me?”

“It was like… as if I was in physical pain when I believed that I had let you down. My body actually hurt and I can’t remember exactly what I said.”

“You said that you’d do whatever it took to make me proud of you.”

“I did?”

Arc nods. “Yes. That and you were almost frantic about it.”

He turns and points to the gem in the corner before continuing.

“And I’m guessing that did it.”

“But how? It was in your ring at the time.”

“True. But that’s the only thing that makes sense about this.”

“I guess. But we should be certain before doing anything.”

“Are you suggesting a test?”

“Yup. It’s really important, after all.”

“But whom would we test it on?”

Ember shrugs. “I dunno. Um… but shouldn’t we get some rest now though? I mean, it’ll be dawn by the time we get back to Canterlot.”

“Yeah, I suppose that’s true.”

They walk over to the bed and flop down together. Arc stares up at the ceiling as Ember lies down by his side and turns to face him.



“Arc? Are you… proud of me?”




“I couldn’t even hold my own against that crystal thingamabob. You must think I’m really weak minded after that.”

“Not at all. Remember, it supposedly enslaved an entire city once upon a time. What hope does a single individual have against it?”

“Not much, I guess.”

“Then don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“But I need to be… um…”

“Be what?”


“More than what though?”

Ember groans. “I don’t know! Just more!”

“To be a good Dragon Lord?”

“The entire dragon race needs someone to look up to. That’s supposed to be me before long.”

“After your father… you know?”

“Yeah. But I’m nowhere near that point!”

“And what can you do about that?”

“That’s the thing! I have no idea!”

“I have a suggestion.”

“What is it?”


Ember raises an eyebrow. “Practice?”


“That doesn’t make any…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Remember how I gained experience leading Equestria? Giving audiences, seeing to the public’s needs, and taking down threats to the land.”


“I ‘practiced’ by doing the job.”

“What else though?”

“That’s it.”

Ember moans. “Great.”

Arc puts a hand under her chin and raises it to look her in the eye before speaking.

“Hey. I think you’re going to be a great Dragon Lord someday.”

Ember blushes slightly. “Do you… do you really mean that?”

“Of course.”

“How can you be so sure of that?”

“Because I know you always do your best even when things aren’t the greatest. That and you don’t give up and always strive to do the right thing.”

“But there’s so much more to leading than that!”

“True. However that’s the foundation of a good leader. So believe in yourself and just do the best you can.”

Pulling her close, Arc kisses Ember’s forehead gently. Blushing, she recovers her faculties and leans in to plant a kiss of her own on Arc’s lips. Stroking her cheek, Arc makes no attempt to break the kiss for some time. Eventually Ember leans back and grins as she looks him in the eye.

“That… was amazing!”

“Feel better now?”

Ember nods fervently. “Like I could take my dad’s place right now!”

“That’s good.”

“Um… but I did notice that you didn’t pull back. Does that mean that you finally have… feelings for me?”

“I’ve always cared about you, Ember.”

“But more so now?”

“Yeah. That kiss… it just felt right.”

Ember smiles slyly as a claw runs down Arc’s cheek. “Want to do more to me?”

Arc shakes his head. “Let’s not. After all, there’s a lot to do tomorrow.”

Ember groans. “And here I thought we’d finally get down to it.”

“Down to what?”

“You know.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yes, I do.”

“Look… I love you and you just admitted that you love me. What’s stopping us from expanding on that?”

“At the moment, my energy levels.”

Ember frowns. “Fine. But I’m going to do some serious snuggling tonight.”

Arc chuckles as Ember hops on top of him and lays down on his chest.

“Alright. Goodnight, Ember.”


The pair sleep through the remainder of the night. As the first rays of dawn stream through the window the ship reaches Canterlot airspace. Touching down with a light bump, they awaken and sit up. Ember looks around groggily.

“Morning already?”

“Yup. You can keep sleeping if you’d like though.”

Ember shakes her head as she stands. “No thanks. I’d rather join you.”

Arc chuckles as he starts the sun on its daily journey. “Suit yourself. But I don’t think my day’s going to be all that interesting.”

Ember points a claw at the crystal in the corner. “Shouldn’t we start with testing that… thing out though?”

“Yes, I suppose so. However I can’t really think of anyone we could…”

His earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. We were given a message by the control tower when we landed.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“The Griffon Kingdom’s ambassador has asked to see you immediately upon your return.”

“Lady Ashe? What about?”

“Unknown, sir. That was all. Shall I relay anything back?”

“Send a messenger to inform her that I’ll come see her directly.”

“Yes sir.”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

Severing the connection, he turns to Ember.

“Wonder what she wants.”

Ember chuckles. “If you recall, she was the one whom got the drop on Decimus in the Audience Chamber.”

“What about it?”

“Well, she can’t be all bad then.”

Arc frowns. “Knowing Ashe, she has some kind of ulterior motive.”

“Like what?”

“I wish I knew.”

“So… do we just head over to her room, or what?”

“Probably should get this out of the way. The only problem is that I don’t actually know where her room is.”

“We could get directions from a guard.”

“I guess. You ready?”


“Then let’s go.”

Leaving his quarters, the pair head to the Main Hatch. Ember turns to Arc.

“What about the others?”

“I’m going to let them sleep. They all need it.”

Heading out onto the deck, Arc spots a Royal Guard patrol and waves them down. They hurry over and salute.


“I need to see Ambassador Ashe. Can you show me to her room?”

“Yes sir. However at this hour she’s usually flying around the castle.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Exercise, she says. However she will be returning to her quarters after that.”

Arc nods. “Lead the way.”

Following the patrol they eventually come to a large door. The guard motions to it.

“This is Ambassador Ashe’s room, sir. Shall we announce you?”

Arc shakes his head. “That will not be necessary. Return to your duties.”

Saluting, the guards leave as Arc turns to the door. Ember looks to him.

“Should we knock?”


Entering, Arc looks around a few moments before stepping inside and motioning for Ember to do the same. They see a lavish room complete with all the comforts one could imagine. Ember frowns.

“Why the heck does she get a nicer room than you?!”

“Ashe is used to elaborate and decadent surroundings. It’s a noble thing.”

“And you?”

“Utilitarian more or less.”

He walks over to a couch and puts a hand on it before turning back to Ember.

“That and if things are this nice, you’ll always be too afraid of them getting damaged to actually enjoy them.”

Ember frowns. “So… what do we do?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “We wait.”

“How about we sit on the…?”

Arc grins. Sure. Let’s get Ashe’s couch ‘dirty’.

They sit down and rest. A short time later the sound of flapping wings reaches them as Ashe lands nimbly on the stone balcony guardrail. Hopping down, she makes her way inside and gasps at the sight before her.

“What are you two DOING?!”

Arc shrugs. “Sitting.”

“Do you have ANY idea just how much that couch COSTS?! You have to use the cushion protectors!”

Arc turns to Ember as they stand. “See?”

“Now I understand.”

Arc turns to Ashe and sighs.

“I’m told you wanted to see me about something.”

“Yes, I did.”

“This isn’t going to be like our previous conversation, is it?”

Ashe thinks as she speaks. “I don’t… no, no it won’t be.”


“In all honesty, I… was kinda hoping you would do… something for me.”


Ashe nods as she gestures out the window with a talon. “Yes. As you know, I was appointed to my current position by Princess Celestia herself. However with her and Decimus being ousted, I’m not really sure if I’m even still supposed to be here.”

Ember frowns. “And you want him to do what exactly?”

“Today I’m planning to plead my case before Princess Twilight. It would be helpful to have you… vouch for me.”

“In what way?”

“I’d like to remain the ambassador to your country.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Might I ask why?”

“Right. You’re not exactly the type to do something without wanting the favor returned.

“As you no doubt saw, I just returned from a flight around the city. Or more accurately… over it.”

Ember scoffs. “But isn’t that normal for a griffon?”

Ashe shakes her head. “It really isn’t. You see, back home in the Griffon Kingdom, I’m seldom alone. That and there’s no way I would ever be able to just fly around the city unguarded as I do here.”

Arc nods soberly. “You’re a prisoner there.”

“So I’m beginning to see, yes.”

Ember turns to Arc. “She did help us overthrow Decimus in the Audience Chamber.”

“That’s another thing I’ve been meaning to ask you, Ashe. Why did you do that?”

“Because I love this land, and want to see it remain free. Many of the policies enacted by Princess Celestia and Hero of Light Decimus were frighteningly similar to those in place back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ember nods soberly. “And you didn’t want to see that happen here?”

“No, I don’t. That’s why I’d like to stay here where everyone is free and relatively safe from the talons of the governing bodies.”

Arc thinks for a moment before speaking. “Tell you what, Ashe. If you’ll agree to a little experiment with the Ember and myself, I’ll consider putting in a good word for you.”

“What about…?”

“You and I both know who you really are. What reason do I have to trust you at this point?”

Ashe sighs and nods. “Understood. Will the experiment be painful?”

“No. I only wish to test a magical item’s properties.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad. Very well, I accept.”

“Fine. This way please.”

Calling forth his gauntlet Arc opens a portal. Leading Ashe and Ember through it, they reappear back in his quarters aboard The Equinox. Gesturing to the couch Arc walks over to the crystal in the corner.

“Have a seat and we’ll get started.”

Doing so, he puts the gem back in his ring and walks over to stand in front of Ashe with Ember.

“Now then… um… do you like living in the castle here in Canterlot?”

“Very much so, yes.”

“Do you have any problems with anyone here?”

Ashe appears confused. “Problems?”

“I mean, does anyone get on your nerves?”

Ashe turns away nervously. “Well… I… shouldn’t really say.”

She puts a talon to her forehead as Arc lays his ring hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay. You can tell me.”

“I… feel a bit… funny.”

“That’s normal. Now then… about my question.”


Ember appears surprised. “The princess?”

Ashe nods. “Yes. She was wearing quite the façade.”

Arc frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Everything about her screams cold and calculating. Like the nobles back in the Griffon Kingdom.”


“Yes. She and Decimus really are similar in that regard. Frankly, your country is better off without him or her leading them.”

“And Celestia?”

“You would do well to find and kill her.”

“Would I?”

Ashe nods. “Yes. Then you could take the land and rule it unopposed, sir.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “An interesting idea. Tell me, would you be willing to help me achieve that goal?”

“I would, sir. You would do well upon the throne, I’m sure.”

“What about after I took over? Would you like to serve me?”

“Yes, sir. Any task given to me would be carried out with all due haste.”

“Very good. What position should I give you in my administration?”

“I would like to serve as ambassador, as I do now.”

“And if I want you to serve in another capacity, would you also do that?”

“Without question, sir.”

“How about a maid?”

Ashe appears confused. “Sir?”

“I’d like to see you cleaning the castle every day. Would that be acceptable to you?”

“Yes sir. I will serve you in whatever position you desire.”

“Very good. Why don’t you show me just how dedicated you are?”

“What would you like to see me do?”

Arc points to the bathroom. “Clean my toilet.”

Ashe nods and stands. “Yes sir.”

Arc and Ember follow Ashe to the bathroom. Opening a cabinet she removes the proper cleaners and gets to work. Nodding, Arc smiles at her.

“Be sure to get every little spot clean. Even in back.”

Ashe nods as she works. “Yes… I shall not fail you, master.”

The pair watch as the griffon carefully cleans the toilet. As she finishes the task Ashe turns to him nervously.

“Your toilet is now clean, master.”

“Oh? I think you missed a spot in back.”

Ashe looks under the toilet and rubs it vigorously with a cleaning rag. “Forgive me, sir!”

Arc chuckles. “Still there.”

“I’m sorry, sir! This is the best I can do!”

“Should you still be kept in your position if you can’t do something as simple as clean?”

Ashe gasps and bows with her face to the floor. “No, master! But I will serve you for the rest of my life! Or if you wish, please take my life now!”

“Return to the couch now and sit.”

Ashe hurries past him to comply. Sitting down, she turns back to him.

“What would you have your servant do now, master?”

“You will close your eyes and sleep. However when you awaken you will remember nothing of our conversation here.”

Closing her eyes, Ashe does as she it told. Her breathing slows and becomes rhythmic. Ember turns to Arc.

“That was amazing!”

Arc looks down at his ring and frowns. “Yeah. That spoiled brat would’ve done whatever I told her to.”

“Are you certain she wasn’t faking?”

“Positive. Ashe would NEVER have agreed to do such a dirty job as cleaning a toilet. At least not without gagging and great amounts of protesting.”

“That crystal really works!”

“So it would seem.”

“You should report this right away!”


Ember points a claw at Ashe. “Uh… what do we do with her?”

“I have an idea.”

Removing the crystal, he places it back in the corner before walking over to Ashe and gently shaking her.

“Ashe? Wake up.”

Slowly opening her eyes, she looks around.

“What… happened?”

“We were looking at a magical item and you got a bit bored, I guess.”

Ashe sighs. “I must’ve nodded off.”

Putting a talon to her head she sighs.

“Don’t… remember anything.”

“Well, you held up your end of the bargain. I’ll tell Princess Twilight that she should consider your case.”


“Yes. But the rest is up to you.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc. When will you speak to the princess?”

“Right now.”

“I appreciate you being so prompt.”

“Yes well… you helped me, and now I shall help you.”

Standing, she slowly walks toward the door and out it. As Ashe leaves the room Ember grins at Arc.

“That went well.”

“Yup. Now then, let’s go see Twilight.”

Grabbing the crystal, he shoves it into his ring again before turning and opening a portal. The pair step through and find themselves in his room in Canterlot Castle. Ember looks down at the portal.

“Good thing you put this back, huh?”

“Yup. Saves a lot of walking.”

Leaving the room, the pair head down the corridor. Entering the Audience Chamber he sees Twilight and her friends just sitting down. They smile as he approaches them. Rarity is the first to speak.

“Arc! You’re back!”

Pinkie looks him up and down happily. “Safely too by the looks of it!”

Applejack chuckles. “I knew Decimus would be no match for you, sugarcube.”

Fluttershy looks around nervously. “Yes, well… he IS dead, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not likely. He’ll be back soon enough.”

Rainbow Dash takes up a fighting stance. “Can I take him on next time?!”

Ember frowns. “I don’t think you’d be able to keep him in the ground any better than Arc here.”

“What if you and I teamed up then! We’d be unstoppable!”

“Uh… maybe another time.”

Arc clears his throat loudly as he turns to Twilight. “Yes, well… there’s been a complication.”

“Oh? What is it?”


Removing the crystal from his ring, he sets it down on the floor before them. Twilight frowns.

“It looks just like the one in my history books.”

Rarity pokes at it cautiously with a hoof. “So this can really… make slaves of ponies?”

Arc nods. “Yes, it can.”

Applejack gasps. “How can a rock do that though?!”

Ember shrugs. “No idea. But we’ve already tested it twice now.”

Fluttershy frowns. “Tested?”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “I… accidently took control of Ember here.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Accidently?”

Fluttershy takes a step back. “But I thought she was your friend!”

Ember nods. “I am. However when Arc accidently used the crystal on me, well… things got kinda hazy after that.”

“She was completely under my power, yes. However as soon as I stopped ‘using’ the crystal she returned to normal.”

Twilight grimaces as she looks at the crystal. “Perhaps you should keep that in your ring then, Arc.”

“I tried that.”

Ember sighs. “Yeah. That’s when I became mesmerized.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh my. This is quite the problem. Can you control it, Arc?”

“To a degree, yes. Just to be sure this really was the case, I tested it on Lady Ashe a short time ago.”

Applejack gasps. “How?!”

“My communications officer received a message that she wanted to see me upon my return. I agreed to ask Twilight to see her in exchange for her helping me test the crystal’s capabilities.”

Twilight nods. “How did it go?”

“First she started calling me ‘sir’. Then started telling me how she really felt on certain… sensitive issues.”

Rarity’s eyes light up. “Such as…?”

“How she really feels about Princess Celestia.”

Pinkie grits her teeth. “She’s a meanie!”

Applejack sighs. “That may be true. But she’s still Twilight’s friend and teacher.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, indeed. Uh… how does Lady Ashe feel about her?”

“She believes that Celestia was putting up a false front when they met.”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “Probably was.”

Ember taps the crystal with a claw. “In any case, we can’t leave this gem in Arc’s ring. He’ll just keep mentally dominating others.”


Fluttershy gasps. “But where could we store it?”

Applejack groans. “The Royal Armory can’t be opened with just one princess.”

Pinkie raises a hoof happily. “Couldn’t Princess Cadance come here and help Twilight open it?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “I don’t know the spell required and Cadance doesn’t have time to teach me.”

Rarity sighs. “Then what can we do?”

Ember turns to Arc. “Is there a secure location in the Crystal Empire?”

“There has to be something over there.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Cadance does indeed have a safe, yes. Shall I call and ask her if we can use it to temporarily store this crystal, Arc?”

“Yes please. The sooner the better.”

Nodding, Twilight’s horn glows as she pulls the emergency transmitter out from behind a nearby curtain. Pressing a few buttons, Cadance and Shining Armor’s visage appears shortly thereafter.

“Good morning, Twilight.”

“Is everything alright over there?”

Twilight waves nervously. “Hi, you two. Um… kinda not, no.”

Pinkie nods frantically. “We need help securing something dangerous!”

Arc holds up the crystal. “I took a relic from Decimus that can be used to enslave others.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “And you want to secure it now, right?”

Applejack appears hopeful. “Do you think you could help us out, Princess Cadance?”

“Of course. Why don’t I pop over there and teach you the spell to open the vault, Twilight?”


“Yes. After all, that item does sound very dangerous.”

Rarity turns to her friend. “It’s probably for the best that you learn how to do this, Twilight.”

“But… but what would Princess Celestia say?!”

Cadance sighs. “Twilight, you’re forgetting that you’re a princess now too. Aunt Celestia would want you to have the skills necessary to fulfil your duties.”

Shining Armor smiles with evident pride. “She’s right, Twilight. You’re in charge over there now as well.”

“Well… I suppose that’s true.”

“Shining Armor and I can take a portal directly to the Audience Chamber if you’d like.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You can?”

Cadance nods. “Yes. It’s part of our Alicorn Magic.”

Twilight giggles. “Sounds like I have a lot to learn then.”

“Someday when there’s time, yes.”

Shining Armor looks to his sister. “Shall we pop over there now, Twily?”

“Yes, please.”

Cadance stands. “Okay. We’ll let the guards know we’re leaving and be right over.”

Shining Armor waves. “See you soon.”

The visage vanishes as Pinkie pushes the set back where it came from. A few minutes later a portal opens in the middle of the room. Cadance and Shining Armor step out and turn toward the throne. Twilight stands and runs over to them happily.

“Cadance! Shining Armor!”

Embracing in a three way hug, they share a moment as Arc and the others watch and nod to one another. Eventually Cadance turns to her friend.

“That throne suits you, Twilight.”

Shining Armor nods. “It really does.”

“I’m sure Aunt Celestia would agree if she were here.”

“How are you acclimating to your new position?”

Twilight sighs. “It’s all so… overwhelming at times. I’m lucky to have Arc here to advise me on what to do.”

Cadance looks out the window. “All of us will have to get together over tea sometime to talk about it. But right now we all have a very busy schedule.”

Twilight nods. “You’re right. Let’s get moving.”

Arc and Shining Armor lead the procession. Cadance and Twilight are quickly surrounded by the other mares with Ember bringing up the rear. As they leave the Audience Chamber the ponies waiting outside quickly step aside and bow respectfully. A number of Royal Guards moves to surround the mares and turns to Cadance.

“Where shall we escort you and your entourage, your highness.”

Shining Armor frowns. “That question should be addressed to Princess Twilight. She’s the monarch in charge here.”

“My apologies.”

He turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Where shall we escort you, your highness?”

“To the vault, please.”

Nodding, the stallion motions to his troops to follow them. Twilight looks at the crystal in Arc’s hands.

“I still don’t understand how Arc was able to use this crystal while it was in his ring.”

Ember frowns. “Right. I mean, it didn’t have any power going to it at the time.”

Cadance looks to the gem. “It’s possible that it did.”

Arc appears confused. “Oh?”

“As you know, your ring is the gateway to a private pocked dimension, Arc. A doorway, if you will.”

Rarity appears confused. “What does that have to do with it, Princess Cadance?”

“Doors open both ways, do they not?”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Are you saying that he was the power source?!”

“Or the dimensional power of his ring, yes.”

Twilight giggles. “An interesting theory, Cadance. One that I’d like to investigate further when there’s time.”

Shining Armor frowns. “Trust me, Twilight. This is one mystery that we shouldn’t try to uncover.”

Arc nods. “Right. I don’t want this thing to see the light of day until we’re ready to properly destroy it.”

Arriving at the large metal door the guards, and Arc’s friends, respectfully step back and form a perimeter around it. Cadance motions for Twilight to approach with her.

“This door is actually very simple to open with the right spell, Twilight.”

“Can you teach it to me?”

Cadance giggles. “You already know it.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I do?”

“Yes. As a princess, you now have Alicorn Magic.”

“How do I use it?”

“A more in depth explanation will have to wait for another day I’m afraid. Right now let’s just teach you the basics. First, clear your mind.”


“Let it go blank.”


“Now then, focus your energies into a beam. While you cast it at the receptacle concentrate on your duty to Equestria.”

“Um… how will that…?”

Shining Armor interrupts her. “Just listen to Cadance, Twilight.”

Twilight sighs. “Alright. Here goes.”

Twilight does as Cadance suggested as the elder alicorn casts her own spell. A few moments later the door swings open slowly. Gasping, Twilight grins as her friends surround her. Pinkie jumps up and down happily.

“I knew you could do it!”

Applejack nods with pride. “Darn right!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Twilight can do ANYTHING!”

Fluttershy looks to the gem nervously. “Yes, indeed. Now then, let’s get this thing put away.”

Rarity shudders. “Agreed. That thing is creepy.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Yeah.”

Shining Armor turns to join the guards. “I’ll remain out here with the others.”

Cadance smiles. “Thank you. We won’t be long.”

Arc enters the vault with Cadance and Twilight. Pointing a hoof at a nearby shelf, Cadance speaks.

“This would be a good spot.”


Setting the large crystal on the shelf, he turns back to the others.

“Mission accomplished.”

Cadance shakes her head. “Not quite.”

Twilight appears confused. “Cadance?”

“There is something we need from here first.”

Walking over to a cabinet, Cadance sighs as she turns back to the pair.

“Do either of you know what is in here?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. Princess Celestia didn’t let me in here very often.”

Arc shrugs. “And I’ve only been in here with you and Luna.”

Cadance puts a hoof on the cabinet. “I myself have only ever seen what’s in here once. But I know that Arc should have it.”


Cadance nods. “Yes, Arc. It should prove invaluable to you in the future.”

Stepping forward, Arc puts a hand on the ornately carved wood. Looking to Cadance, she nods. Opening the door with a slight creak, they all peer inside. On a large silk pillow lies an ornate shield. Twilight gasps.

“What… is it?”

Cadance sighs. “Something Aunt Celestia commissioned long ago. What for I don’t know.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Is it… magical?”

Cadance giggles. “Quite the opposite actually. This shield absorbs it.”

Twilight gasps. “But that isn’t possible.”

“Are you so sure, Twilight? Try pulling it to yourself with a Telekinesis Spell.”

Nodding, Twilight turns her horn toward the shield. She attempts to pick it up, but fails.


Arc touches the shield’s face. “It appears exquisitely made certainly. But at the same time doesn’t appear to have ever been used.”

Cadance smiles. “Well, I think you should change that, Arc.”


Cadance nods soberly. “Yes. You’ll need something to even the odds against Aunt Celestia when next you two meet. This shield is fully capable of absorbing any spell levied against it. Including Alicorn Magic.”

Twilight grimaces. “Cadance?!”

“He needs to be prepared.”


Cadance interrupts her. “It’s what Aunt Celestia would want, Twilight."

“I… suppose so.”

Arc nods as he picks up the shield and turns to Cadance.

“Thank you. I’ll use it well.”

Cadance smiles weakly as she gestures to the door. “Yes, Arc. I’m sure you will.”

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