• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 16 - The Parade

The Lunar Destiny flies through the night. Early the next morning there is a knock at Arc’s door. He sits up.

“Come in.”

Flash Sentry enters and salutes.

“We’re approaching our destination, sir.”

Arc stands up. “Good. Uh… are we ahead of schedule?”

“No sir.”

“Then why’s it still dark out?”

“Because Princess Luna has not yet raised the sun.”

“Why not?”

“No one has awakened her. When I attempted to do so, the guards outside her room informed me that she was not to be disturbed on your orders.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah, that was my fault. Go wake up Rose and Natalya. I’ll see to the princess.”

“Yes sir.”

They leave the room. Arc heads to Princess Luna’s room. The guards part to allow him to enter. Opening the door, he sees Luna still asleep. Taking a deep breath Arc cautiously walks over to the bed.

“Here goes nothing.”

Arc leans over and gently pats Luna’s cheek.

“Luna? It’s time to get up.”

She slowly opens her eyes and looks up to him.

“Arc? What is it?”

“Just a wakeup call. Sorry, but I told the guards not to disturb you. I guess they took that to mean not to let anyone wake you up this morning.”

He looks at his pocket watch.

“The sun should have been up by now.”

Luna sighs and sits up. “I’ll see to it.”

She walks over to the window and looks at the moon. Her horn glowing, it slowly sinks beneath the horizon. A moment later the sun peeks out.

“There we go.”

Arc walks over to her. “Yes well, in any case… um… are you okay?”

Luna has bags under her eyes and is moving sluggishly.

“I did not sleep well last night.”

“Was it because of your… condition?”


“How about we get you some breakfast and a coffee? Busy day ahead.”

Luna puts a hoof to her forehead. “I… would actually like to rest a bit longer. You go and eat.”

“Okay. You look like you need the rest anyways.”

Arc helps her back to bed.

“I’ll come get you before we land.”

Luna nods as she lies back down. “Please do.”

Arc heads for the door and is gone. Luna rolls over and closes her eyes as she mutters to herself.

“Responsibility is… tiresome. Sister, how did you do this all these years alone?!”

Meanwhile, Arc heads to the Cafeteria. The others are happily munching away. Flash Sentry stands and salutes.

“Sir! Glad to see you in one piece!”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Princess Luna is known to be… cross in the morning. Where is she anyway?”

“She was still rather tired and headed back to bed. I’ll wake her up later.”

Natalya looks relieved. “I for one wouldn’t want to face her wrath. Morning or otherwise.”

She looks suddenly embarrassed.

“Please don’t let her know I said that.”

Arc grins. “I won’t say anything.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Nor will I.”

Rose looks to him as Arc sits down next to her. “Sleep well, Arc?”

“Okay, I guess.”


“I… just had a lot on my mind.”

Natalya nods. “This whole affair is rather stressful for everyone. Most of all her and our King I would imagine..”

Arc nods. “Is the plan still the same, Natalya?”

“Yes. I’ve already received the final confirmation from Griffonstone. We’ll land at the Skyport this time. General Blackbeak will meet us with at least one member of the Council of Lords.”

Flash Sentry looks over. “Lord Gestal?”

Natalya nods. “Most likely, yes. After all, this is quite the affair!”

“You don’t get many visitors to your country, do you?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not really, Lord Arc. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of anyone other than you coming, sir.”

Flash Sentry looks to Natalya. “Is it a welcome change?”

“Very much so! It will be nice to have one less country to go to war with.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “War, huh? Tell me, what do you think of war, Natalya?”

“I don’t really care for the idea.”

Flash Sentry nods soberly. “Do all griffons think that way?”

“Not many, no.”

Rose appears confused. “Why don’t you agree with them?”

“Because I’ve read the history books of our land. They’re filled with stories of death and bloodshed. Things I wish to spare my family.”


“Yes. And my younger sister…”

Sometime later a Royal Guard enters the Cafeteria. He hurries over to Arc and salutes.

“Sir! Captain Tight Ship says the Griffon Kingdom is in sight. We will arrive precisely on schedule.”

Arc stands. “Thank you, guard. You are dismissed.”

He turns to the others as the guard salutes and hurries away.

“I need to get a shower and put on something a bit more regal. We’ll meet at the Main Hatch before the ship lands.”

Flash Sentry nods. “We’ll be ready, sir!”

Rose smiles at him. “Me too!”

Arc leaves the Cafeteria, returns to his room, showers, and puts on his formal attire before heading back to wake Luna. Again the guards salute and part to allow him access. He pauses to look at them.

“You are dismissed.”


“I will take over guarding Princess Luna.”

They salute and leave as Arc enters the room. Closing the door behind him he sees Luna fast asleep as the rising sun beautifully illuminates the room. He walks over to the bed and gently shakes her.

“Luna? We’ll be landing soon. You need to get up.”

She groggily opens her eyes.

“Arc? Why are you back so soon?”

“It’s been well over an hour.”

Luna sits up quickly. “WHAT?!”

“We’ll probably be landing in about fifteen minutes.”

Luna jumps out of bed. “But I have to get ready!”

“It shouldn’t take long to put on your crown, raiments and hoof protectors.”

She trots in place frantically. “Yes, but I still have to do my mane!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “It looks about the same as every other day to me.”

Luna runs over to the vanity and grabs a brush with her magic. “Where are my Hoof Maidens?!”

“I wasn’t aware there were any.”

Luna drops the brush and gasps. “I FORGOT TO TELL THEM TO COME!!!”

She whirls around to face Arc.

“Arc! You have to help me!”

“Help you what?”

Luna feebly attempts to do her mane by herself. “LOOK BEAUTIFUL!!!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh for crying out loud…”

He stoops down and picks up the brush.

“I’ll help.”

Arc gets to work brushing her flowing mane as Luna continues panicking.

“We’ll never have enough time! My best aides couldn’t pull this off!”

“I have an idea.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Bridge.”

“This is Lemon Hearts. Go ahead, sir.”

“Can the ship fly slower?”

Soarin walks over from his place beside the captain’s chair. “Um… what?”

Thunderlane cocks his head and calls out. “Yes sir. But then we’d be late.”

“Exactly. Buy us some time.”

Tight Ship turns to Thunderlane. “You heard the Hero of Light. Bring us to half speed.”

“Aye sir.”

“Thanks. Arc out.”

He touches his earring again and turns back to Luna.

“Does that buy us enough time?”

“Y-yes. It should.”

Arc holds up the brush. “Still want my help?”

Luna nods, clearly relieved. “Yes, please!”

Arc continues to brush her mane.

“How does your hair DO that?!”

“I am uncertain. It was somehow part of the alicorn transformation.”

“Does your sister’s mane do the same?”

Luna sighs. “Yes. But hers look more… regal, I suppose.”

Arc frowns as he continues his work. “Luna, I read a history book Twilight gave me. It said you were jealous of you sister getting all the attention back then.”

“That is true.”

“And you’ve been comparing yourself to her ever since, haven’t you?”

“WHAT?! NO!”

“Really? Then why so insistent on looking perfect?”

“Because this meeting is of the utmost importance! My sister would have…!”

Arc stops brushing and puts a hand on her shoulder.


Luna hangs her head. “I… I wanted to be number one back then. If even for just a little while! To be loved… respected…”


“That’s sadly how it ended.”

“Yes, well… now that you’re the top princess, how do you feel?”

Luna sighs. “Like I want Celestia back.”

“I know what you mean.”

Luna nods as Arc continues his task. “Arc, if I may… how did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Resist the call of power.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You were Lord of Equestria back then. No one to challenge you. No one to overshadow you. How… why did you not take the throne permanently?”

“It wasn’t my place.”

Luna chuckles. “And you think it’s mine?”

“You’re much more qualified to lead than I am.”

“Why? Because I’m a princess?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Because you were trained and raised for the job. You and the other princesses embody all three pony races. I… I never had that.”

“You had respect…”

Arc interrupts her. “I had NOTHING!”

They are silent for a time.

“Sorry. It’s just… there aren’t many happy memories from that time. I missed my family, my home and… and…”

Luna nods soberly. “And… your fiancé?”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

“Arc? Can I confess something to you?”


“Yes. I… I’ve been thinking lately. The longer my sister is gone, the less likely she is to return.”


“This power arrangement may be permanent!”

“Let’s hope not.”

The frantic tone returns to Luna’s voice. “But what if it is! I saw how much it hurt you to lose your fiancé! What if… if my sister is gone for good?!”

Arc puts her raiments and hoof protectors on the vanity in front of her. “Don’t give up hope, Luna. After all, it’s all we have left at this point.”

He looks her mane over.

“You look as you always do now. I’ll let you finish the rest yourself.”

“Thank you, Arc. And I’m sorry. I honestly wasn’t trying to make that conversation about me.”

“I know. It’s hard not having someone to talk to. Hopefully I fit that bill in your mind. If even just a little. I’ll wait in the corridor for you. Then we can walk to the hatch together.”

Arc leaves the room. Luna smiles to herself.

“You do, Arc. Very nicely.”

A few minutes later Luna emerges from the room in her royal raiments.

“Sorry for making you wait.

Arc looks out the window. “Not a moment too soon. We’re landing.”

“We should hurry!”

The pair rush down the corridor toward the hatch where the others are waiting for them. Flash Sentry is wearing his Honor Guard armor while Rose is clad in her new mithril armor.

“You made it, sir!”

Rose looks out a porthole. “There’s a lot of griffons out there!”

Natalya nods. “As I said earlier, this is big news! A visiting princess from across the ocean tends to bring out the crowds!”

Arc turns to Rose as the ship touches down. “This makes me a bit nervous.”

“How so?”

Flash Sentry frowns. “It makes guarding Princess Luna that much more difficult.”

“Right. Okay, here’s the plan. Rose, you and I will walk out first. You on the left, me on the right. Then Flash Sentry and Natalya will come out and stand about ten feet in front of us.”

Luna sighs. “Then I come out?”

“Yes. But only after I give you the signal. We need to make sure things are safe first.”

Natalya nods. “Understood.”

Flash Sentry salutes. We’ll keep an eye open for trouble.

Arc looks out the window. “The chariot is waiting at the base of the gangplank. We’ll get in and take our places at the head of the procession with the griffon dignitaries. Maintain a perimeter around Princess Luna. We need to be ready to protect her should the need arise.”

Flash Sentry nods soberly. “And if something should happen, sir?”

“Defense first and foremost. After that, wait for my orders on what to do next.”

Luna looks back toward her room. “Oh no! I forgot my luggage!”

Natalya turns to Luna. “We can arrange to have it sent to the Aviary later, your highness.”

“…very well.”

Natalya walks over to Arc.

“In the event of an emergency, the troops pulling the chariot are instructed to rush us to safety.”

Flash Sentry raises an eyebrow. “Are you expecting trouble?”

“It’s a possibility. Princess Luna is certainly a high-value target.”

Rose frowns. “I’ll watch your back, Arc!”

“Never mind me. It’s her they’ll be going for.”

“But, your safety is…”

“Rose, remind me again what your Prime Directive is.”

“To see to your happiness above all else.”

“Right! Understand that if anything were to happen to Princess Luna, it would make me most unhappy.”

Rose frowns. “I… I understand. Her safety will be my primary concern then.”

Arc turns to take a final look out the porthole as they land. “Good. Everyone in position now.”

They hurry to comply. Arc looks over at Rose.

“Where’s your weapon?!”

Rose looks confused as she holds up her hands. “I have them right here.”

Natalya looks confused. “Are they invisible?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “You probably shouldn’t use those here, Rose. It could cause a bit of a panic.”

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out the Spear of Righteousness. He tosses it to Rose.

“Use this instead.”

Luna frowns. “But what will you use, Arc?”

“It wouldn’t look right for me to be armed right now.”

Natalya nods. “This is a formal occasion, after all. Just keep your eyes open, sir.”

“I’ll do that.”

Arc looks to Luna. She nods. He raises a hand and uses his magic to activate the door controls. As the door swings open, Arc and Rose step out onto the deck as planned and look around. Flash Sentry and Nataly walk out next and take their places as the crowd cheers on.

Flash Sentry visually sweeps the crowd. “All clear, sir.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Agreed.”


“I don’t think my scanners are going to be of much use. Too many lifeforms, Arc.

“We’ll do it the old fashioned way then. Eyes and ears.”

He turns to look back into the ship at Luna.


Luna gulps nervously. “Yes. Okay… here I come.”

She slowly steps forward. As Luna comes into view the crowds burst into ear-splitting cheers. She looks around for a moment before waving a hoof sheepishly. Arc turns to her.

“You okay?”

Luna appears ready to faint. “I… I’ve never done anything like this before!”

Arc extends an arm. “How about I escort you then?”

Luna gives him a relieved glance. “Thank you!”

She puts her right hoof in the cruck of Arc’s arm. He nods to Flash Sentry and Natalya who begin slowly walking toward the gangplank. Rose looks over the crowd with Arc. Flash Sentry mutters under his breath as they approach the chariot.

“Great… him again…”

Lord Goldstone smiles at them as he sits next to Lord Gestal. Flash Sentry and Natalya take their places at the head of the chariot with the two lord’s Honor Guards. Arc turns to Luna.

“The stoic looking griffon is Lord Gestal, head of the Council of Lords. Lord Goldstone I believe you’ve met.”

Luna grimaces slightly as she continues to smile and wave. “Sadly, yes.”

They step onto the chariot together. Arc nods to the pair.

“Lord Gestal… Lord Goldstone…”

Gestal nods. “Welcome back to our land, Hero of Light.”

Goldstone grimaces slightly. “Yes… hello again… sir.”

Gestal gestures to the front of the chariot. “Please sit up front, Princess Luna. This parade is for you after all.”

“Thank you.”

She proceeds to sit down in front of the lords as Arc and Rose stand by her side. Lord Gestal looks to the guards pulling the chariot and nods. The parade begins as Luna continues to smile and wave. Lord Goldstone leans forward.

“We are most happy to have you here, Princess Luna.”

“Thank you for having us, Lord Goldstone.”

Gestal clears his throat. “The parade will follow its route through the city before ending at the Aviary for lunch.”

Goldstone smiles insincerely. “Yes. There we can become… better acquainted.”

Luna nods nervously. “I… look forward to it, Lord Goldstone.”

Goldstone sits back and chuckles as the chariot continues at the head of the parade. Arc looks behind them before turning to Lord Gestal.

“Quite the parade you have here.”

“Yes. It is not every day we have reason to celebrate. The citizens seen to be enjoying the excitement.”

Goldstone scowls. “Yes, well… we shouldn’t make a habit of this! Such things are very costly!”

Gestal sighs. “Some things are worth the money, Lord Goldstone.”

“Yes sir. Of course. However, was it really necessary to call out so many troops?”

“Princess Luna deserves such a display, as well as proper escort.”

Arc looks ahead of them at the large number of musicians. “Quite the brass band you have there as well.”

Gestal nods. “To say nothing for the floats behind us.”

Goldstone mutters to himself. “This is costing a fortune. Luckily it will all be over very soon.”

The parade continues on its way through the many streets of the city. Eventually the gates of the Aviary loom before them. Luna lets out a sigh of relief as she whispers to Arc.

“I’m certainly glad we’re almost there.”

“Hoof getting tired?”

“Both of them actually. To say nothing for my face.”

“Your… face?”

Luna looks at him sheepishly. “I’m… not used to smiling for so long. That and I am quite hungry.”

“Well, you did miss breakfast. Not to worry, I’m sure…”

There is a sudden disturbance from the crowd. Natalya puts a hand on her weapon.

“What’s going on?!”

Flash Sentry draws his blades and looks around. “Stay sharp!”

Arc frowns. “It’s probably nothing, but…”

He looks up just in time to see a robed figure standing on the wall over the drawbridge holding a crossbow. Before anyone can stop them, the figure takes aim at Luna and fires.


Arc quickly sidesteps in front of her. A split second later he is hit squarely in the chest by the bolt. Whirling around from the force of the shot Arc falls to his knees to block any further shots at Luna with his body. His assailant drops the crossbow and retreats out of sight. Rose hurries over with Natalya, clearly horrified.


Arc clutches the bolt in his chest with one hand as he pushes Luna’s head down with the other. “P-protect… Luna… Rose…”

Flash Sentry and Natalya leap toward their ward and surround her as the two Lord’s Honor Guards do the same. Gestal looks to the lead griffons.

“Into the Aviary, guards! Hurry!”

The chariot makes its way quickly into the relative safety of the Aviary.

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