• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Setting Up

Arc and company rise early. They meet in the Cafeteria for breakfast. Ember yawns.

“Did we have to get up THIS early?”

Arc chuckles. “You didn’t, no.”

Frank turns to her. “My apologies for waking you upon my return last night, Ember.”

“Yeah, well… night time is for sleeping. Not skulking around the ship.”

Arc frowns. “Come now, Ember. There isn’t much trouble he could get into around here.”

Derpy and Dinky step out of the Kitchen with several platters of pancakes, eggs, and toast. They set them in the center of the table.

“Here we go, everypony.”

“Eat up before it gets cold!”

Arc grins. “Great! I’m starving!”

Twilight sips a cup of coffee. “It smells wonderful, you two. Thanks for doing all this.”

Derpy giggles. “It’s my job at the orphanage. Truthfully, I feel a little strange if I don’t cook in the morning now.”

“Yeah, mom. That and it’s just so much fun!”

Auriel turns to her friend. “We should endeavor to eat our fill and get to work quickly, Twilight.”

“Right. There’s a lot to do before dark.”

Dinky frowns. “Dark?”

Auriel nods. “We need to assemble the machine and charge it up before dark tonight.”

Twilight shrugs. “That’s just as well. The artificial sun would be too bright to look at with the real sun overhead.”

Auriel looks to Arc. “That and if the final phase completes after dark we’ll get better visual data as well.”

Arc chuckles as he puts several pancakes on Dinky’s plate. “Are you sure you two don’t just want to stare at your creation?”

Twilight nods. “Partially, yes. But we want to make sure the essence properly disperses over the entire sphere.”

Auriel giggles. “It wouldn’t do to have one side brighter than the other, after all.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Couldn’t you just… I don’t know… turn it if that happens?”

“We could. But that would also be a sign that it was potentially unstable.”

Auriel nods. “Agreed. Symmetry is key for this plan to work.”

Arc turns to the pair. “Anything we can do to help?”

Derpy smiles. “We’ll lend a hoof too.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Other than helping us move the crates outside, not much.”

Auriel looks around. “That reminds me. Where’s the essence?”

Arc points down. “Right here.”

Ember looks under the table. “You’re sitting on it?!”

“At least I’m keeping it close.”

Frank frowns. “And the Bridge is okay with that?”

Arc shrugs. “Well, there’s not much they can do, other than monitor it.”

Dinky grins proudly. “Right! My dad’s in charge here!”

“Yes, well… I contacted them at first light to inquire about the status of my cargo.”

Ember frowns. “And…?”

“They report that there’s been no spikes since I started babysitting it.”

Twilight looks to Arc sheepishly. “We’re sorry for all the trouble.”

“It wasn’t too bad. After all, it just meant I had to keep it close. Not something I’d call more than a minor nuisance.”

Auriel smiles at him. “In any case, we thank you for your help.”

The group finishes their meal. Derpy and Dinky gather up the dirty dishes as Ember walks toward the door with the cart.

“I’ll be back to help you with the dishes after I deliver breakfast to the crew, Derpy.”

“Thank you, Ember.”

Dinky giggles. “We’ll be waiting!”

Ember leaves as Arc turns to Twilight and Auriel.

“Can I help you unload those crates?”

“It would probably be best if you just stayed with the essence for now, Arc.”

Auriel nods. “Agreed. We can’t have it becoming unstable again.”

Frank turns to Twilight. “I’m curious. Assuming this plan works, and you do create this artificial sun, what’s to stop it from becoming unstable when Arc leaves?”

“Because it’ll be completely self-sustaining at that point.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Right. The process we’re planning to put it through will chemically change the essence into something else entirely. It’s final form will be completely inert.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, that’s a relief. I was afraid I’d have to become the new sun’s guardian.”

Twilight frowns. “Not happening. You’re needed back in Ponyville.”

Arc bends down and picks up the keg.

“Agreed. Now why don’t we find a suitable place for you to set up your equipment outside, Twilight?”

“Sure. Let’s go.”

Arc leaves the Cafeteria with the others. Dinky peeks out the Kitchen door and frowns.

“I have a bad feeling about this.”

Derpy looks over from the sink.

“What was that, sweetie?”

Dinky closes the door and walks over to her mother. “This whole thing has me worried, mom.”


“Yeah. I mean… nopony’s ever tried anything like this before. It’s dangerous!”

“I’m sure Twilight and Auriel have done their very best to make this as safe as possible.”

Dinky sighs. “Yes, well… their best may not be enough.”

Meanwhile, Arc and the others step outside and walk down the gangplank. They look around a few moments. Twilight points a hoof to a small canyon nearby.

“How about over there?”

Arc turns to look. “Near that hole?”

“I was actually thinking inside it.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “An artificial sun… underground?”

Twilight shrugs. “Well, if something were to go wrong…”

Arc interrupts her. “Woah there! What could go wrong?!”

“Any number of things really. That’s why we wanted an out of the way testing site.”

Auriel nods. “Should something unexpected happen Twilight and I would be the only casualties. Any explosion would be directed upward.”

Arc frowns. “Well, I like the idea of being able to make a quick retreat. Down there you two would be trapped.”

He looks around until he spots a nearby plateau.

“What about that?”

Frank shakes his head. “Would that not also limit the chances of escape? Being so high up, that is.”

“I see it more like a limitless number of escape options, Frank. Should something happen all you have to do is run to the edge and slide down.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “That and any blast would be directed over our heads.”

Auriel nods. “It’s a sound plan.”

Arc gestures to the ship. “That and The Equinox would be far enough away to stay safe while still being close enough to render aid if needed.”

Frank turns to Arc. “The only problem would be getting the equipment up there. Unless we can fly overhead and lower it down.”

“We could, yes. But I’d rather just Blink it all up there.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here.”

“We’ve decided on a site for the experiment. That plateau nearby will be ground zero for the artificial sun.”

Tight Ship calls out. “Can we be of assistance, sir?”

“Just keep monitoring the essence in my possession for now. My friends and I will get to work soon moving the equipment over there.”

Soarin clears his throat. “Shall we send over Chief Engineer Stellar Flare to assist Miss Twilight and Miss Auriel in the setup?”

Arc looks to Twilight.

“No thank you. Auriel and I would like to do this ourselves.”

Arc shakes his head. “That won’t be necessary, commander. But we’ll call her when the test is about to commence later today.”

Auriel appears confused. “Arc?”

“I want her on hand just in case.”

Soarin nods. “Very well, sir. We’ll be here to lend aid should you need it.”

“Thanks. Arc out.”

He touches the earring and severs the connection before looking to the keg at his feet.

“You hear that? In no time at all you’ll be a shining light of hope. At least if this works you will be.”

Twilight smiles. “It will. Of that I’m certain.”

Auriel nods nervously. “I sure hope so.”

Twilight and Auriel get to work. With Ember’s help they remove the crates from the Cargo Hold. Arc holds out a hand and carefully levitates the crates one by one up to Twilight on the plateau. She takes them with her magic as they approach.

“Got it!”

Auriel looks over. “That was the last one.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Now then, let’s get to work.”

“What about the essence?”

Twilight shrugs. “We won’t actually need it for quite some time.”

“No, no. I mean how will we get it up here?”

“Oh! Um… I’m not fully sure.”

She looks over the edge and shouts down at the others below.

“We’ve got everything we need! But we’re not sure how we can get the essence up here!”

Arc calls out to them. “I’ll figure that part out by lunch time! You two just work on getting your machine assembled and ready!”

“Okay! It’s going to take a few hours though!”

Arc nods as Twilight turns and walks toward the crates. Auriel follows her.

“Let’s get to it.”

“Do you really think this will work, Twilight?”

“Of course. Arc hasn’t let anypony down yet.”

“I mean the artificial sun.”

“Oh. Well, it works on paper. But I suppose nothing quite takes the place of a good old-fashioned field test.”

Auriel looks around. “Especially when it’s done in a literal field.”

Twilight giggles. “That too!”

Meanwhile, Ember turns to Arc. A skeptical look on her face.

“So how were you planning to get that thing up there? Climb?”

“As a last resort, yes. But I think something will come to me by the time it’s needed.”

Ember sighs. “I suppose that’s true. But what should we do in the meantime?”


Dinky runs out the Main Hatch and down the gangplank. She hurries over to her father levitating a ball.

“Wanna play, dad?!”

“Sure. Twilight’s not going to need our help for quite some time, after all. We just have to stay near this thing.”

Ember turns to Frank as Arc and Dinky bounce the ball off the keg to each other.

“I guess you and I should work on your magic.”

“Might as well.”

The pair return to their room and sit down. Frank reaches for the book on his end table and opens it.

“Hm… it would appear magic is simpler than I originally thought.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “The first steps of anything are simple. Trust me, the later lessons will be MUCH harder.”

“Oh? Like what?”

Ember counts on her claws as she speaks. “Energy shields, fireballs, advanced telekinesis, strength enhancement… that sort of thing.”

“Then I guess I’d better get started.”

He begins to read.

“Chapter one… welcome to the wonderful world of magic. You may have noticed certain strange feelings inside you. Some of them have felt good. While others may have frightened you.”

He looks up skeptically.

“Are you sure this is a book about magic? It reads more like a lesson in the birds and the bees.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Trust me. This is where Arc started his own magical journey. Just keep reading.”

“Each unicorn has a distinct aura that they can call forth to cast spells. Doing so allows them to tap into their mana pool.”

Ember nods. “Think of a mana pool like your energy. Don’t use it all up unless you want someone to have to drag you to bed.”

“The size of a unicorn’s magic pool is determined by many factors. General intelligence, their family line, and how often the use their magic.”

“To cast more complex spells you’ll need to increase your mana pool, as they’re much more taxing physically and mentally.”

Frank looks over to her. “So to become a better caster I need to do what?”

“Practice your spells. Think of it like exercising your body. Use your muscles and they’ll grow stronger. It’s the same for magic.”

“And that’s how Arc became so powerful?”

Ember nods. “Yes. As he mastered spells he learned new ones to practice. Before long he had quite the repertoire of magic at his disposal.”

“And he did all that in a year?!”

Ember sighs. “Admittedly, it doesn’t usually come to someone that fast. Remember his friend Twilight? She’s been actively studying magic pretty much her whole life. About six months ago he surpassed her abilities.”


“Don’t get the wrong idea now. Arc’s exceptionally gifted in the speed by which he can master spells.”

“It looks like the first one listed is something called a Light Spell.”

Ember nods. “A useful spell for those whom can’t see in the dark. Just follow the directions in the book and…”

A small flicker of light dances in Frank’s palm.

“Like this?”

“Um… yeah. Try putting a bit more mana into it to it increase the intensity to something brighter than a candle.”

Frank does so and the light dances cheerfully in his palm.

“Should I make the spell bigger?”

Ember shakes her head. “More compact actually works better. In terms of magic, bigger generally equals unstable.”

“Like carrying something heavy and bulky?”

Ember nods. “Right. If you can’t get your aura all the way around something, the spell becomes unstable and collapses.”

“Is that… dangerous?”

“Not usually, no. At least not for most utility spells like that. Let me show you something.”

Ember casts a fireball in her palm.

“I can easily control this spell. Now watch as it gets bigger.”

Slowly but surely the fireball grows in size and intensity as Ember continues talking.

“This spell has a lot more mana in it now than it did when first cast. But as you can see, I’m having trouble holding it together.”

“Those ripples near the top?”

“Right. Any bigger and this spell would collapse, spilling magical fire everywhere.”

“I shall endeavor not to start a fire aboard Arc’s ship.”

Ember nods as she extinguishes the fireball. “Good idea.”

“What happened to the mana in that spell?”

“You mean since I didn’t throw the fireball?”


“Canceling a spell can be done by reabsorbing the mana back into your body. Think of it like casting in reverse. The catch is I don’t get all the mana back. Some of it was consumed to keep the fireball active in my palm.”

“Makes sense. Now I’m almost afraid to ask this, but… what happens if you use too much magic?”

“Your mana pool falls to dangerously low levels and you’ll feel faint. If you continue casting you’ll pass out.”

“I’ll try not to do that then.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Yeah, well… that never stopped Arc.”


“I’ve had to drag him to bed several times in the past. Definitely not his finest moments.”

Frank turns back to the table of contents. “Ah yes. There’s a chapter on magical overexertion. It says the best treatment for such a thing is a good night’s sleep.”

Ember nods. “Arc was always fine the next morning, yes.”

“I’ll be sure to watch my mana levels.”

“Good idea. If you start feeling weak, stop practicing.”

“Sound advice. Let’s see here… the next spell is telekinesis. I already know that one.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “That may be. But have you mastered it?”

Frank shrugs. “What’s there to master? You pick something up, move it, and set them down. Simple.”

“Show me.”

Frank turns to Ember’s pillow sitting on the bed next to her. He casts the spell and picks it up. It rolls a few times before landing neatly back in its place.

“Very good. Now let me show you how it’s really done.”

Looking to Frank’s bed she reaches out a claw and concentrates. Frank along with his entire bed lifts off the floor about a foot and hovers there. Ember holds it there for a few seconds before lowering the bed and releasing it with a bit of a grunt.

“That’s… how it’s done.”

“Are you alright?”

“Dragon Magic… isn’t very good for spells like that. But I’ll be fine.”

Frank sighs. “All of this is still very new to me. Tell me something. Is this how you felt when you came to my world?”

“Kinda. But remember, I didn’t come alone.”

“Arc’s followers?”

“His squad actually. They’re known as Lunar Protectors. His personal honor guards. That and there was Sereb, his mount. But it was Arc’s presence that really assured me that everything would be fine. That I wasn’t alone there. Even if I was the only dragon on Earth.”

Frank chuckles. “I wouldn’t have thought a strong young dragon would have needed emotional support.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Say that again!”

“Back to reading.”

“Hey! I’m not done…!”

Frank interrupts her. “Did you know magic can be used to make plants grow faster?”

“I…! What?”

Frank chuckles as he buries his nose in the book yet again.

“All too easy.”

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