• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Biology and Botany

Arc and company lie on their backs looking up at the sky as the sun begins to set. Arc sighs contentedly.

“I gotta say, it’s really peaceful out here.”

“Yeah, dad. Like that time we went camping at the Winsome Falls.”

Derpy giggles. “We’ll have to do that again.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Ember frowns. “Fine. But I’m coming along next time.”

Frank looks over to her and chuckles. “Afraid you’ll miss all the fun?”

“No. But the last time Arc went off on a trip, he ended up running into Tempest!”

Twilight shudders. “That mare freaks me out!”

Frank rolls his eyes. “Come on, now. She can’t be all that bad.”

Auriel grimaces. “I’m with Twilight on this one. After all, she can’t be killed.”

Frank chuckles. “Are you saying your illustrious Hero of Light can’t put a spear through a single mare?”

“Oh, I have.”

Frank looks to Arc. “Then what’s the problem?”

“She just regenerates and comes at me again.”

“I don’t understand. Is it some kind of magical spell she uses?”

Auriel sighs. “Something similar to that. She and her ilk use Dark Magic.”

Arc nods. “It’s about as bad as it sounds.”

Frank thinks for a moment. “Can anyone…?”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Don’t even go there, Frank!”

Auriel shudders. “Yes. Remember, I’m a demon and even I don’t want anything to do with that stuff.”

Frank shakes his head. “But by your own admission with that kind of power, one could easily be unstoppable!”

Dinky frowns. “Yeah? But don’t forget the tradeoff.”


Arc nods soberly. “You’d have to make some kind of deal with The Dark One to gain the kind of power Tempest wields.”

“What kind of deal?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just put your soul up for collateral and he’ll go for it.”

Frank chuckles as Arc remains sober.

“You’re serious?”

Arc nods. “Very.”

Derpy winces. “Yes. She attacked Arc at his party a while back.”

Dinky frowns. “Her and that scary looking friend of hers!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “The next time her and I meet…!”

Arc grits his teeth. “Stay away from her, Ember. What goes on is between her and me.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Arc’s knee. “Please don’t try to take her on alone. As it stands, you’re no match for her. Not without a solid plan and a way to stop her permanently.”

Auriel nods as she looks over at the control panel. “Agreed. But it looks like we’re almost ready to begin phase two, Twilight.”

Derpy turns to Twilight. “Phase… two?”

Twilight nods as she walks over to Auriel. “Right. The essence has gone through the process of being energized by our equipment and is now ready to be ignited.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Like a candle?”

Auriel smiles at the filly. “Very close, dear. Hitting the essence with our magic should be enough to start a chain reaction that will allow the artificial sun to start ‘burning’. Figuratively, of couse. It won’t put off heat.”

Twilight sighs. “It’ll take several hours before it’s at primary operating phase though.”

Arc looks to Auriel. “Several hours, huh? Why so long?”

“Think of it like setting up a campfire. First there’s the kindling. Dry twigs and leaves mostly. Then you have larger branches stacked against them. Finally, surrounding the branches you have your logs.”

Twilight nods. “Exactly. The logs won’t ignite initially. But lighting the kindling will start the process on its path.”

Frank nods, clearly fascinated. “This sounds very interesting. When will you begin?”

Auriel turns to her friend. “As soon as Twilight presses the button.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, Auriel. This was your idea along with your invention. You should have that honor.”

Auriel smiles and nods. “Thank you, Twilight. To tell you the truth, this is the first time I’m actually looking forward to one of my inventions working.”

She turns to Arc.

“May we begin?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Go ahead.”

Opening a covered panel, a single red button stand behind it. Taking a deep breath and grinning Auriel presses it. The machine begins to hum as she looks over the gauges and starts pressing buttons.

“Okay. Opening the shielding array.”

Ember frowns. “The what?”

Twilight points with a hoof. “That spherical barrier. We didn’t want the essence to be exposed to dirt and grime while it was forming.”

The cover slides off the essence, which has hardened into a large round solid mass. Several emitters activate and begin shooting lasers at the bottom of the sphere. It begins to glow warmly in the stillness of the evening. Derpy turns to Auriel.

“Uh… is it safe to be this close?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. The chemical reaction is quite slow. We’re in no danger.”

Several minutes pass. Ember taps her foot impatiently.

“Um… should something be happening?”

Twilight frowns. “Energy dispersion should be cascading all across the surface. Auriel?”

“Our emitters must not be strong enough. They were meant to be the spark that starts the reaction.”

Frank nods. “So you need a bigger spark?”

Dinky grins. “What if my dad were to blast it with his magic?”

“I can if you want me to.”

Twilight shakes her head. “That wouldn’t work, Arc. As capable a magic user as you are, even you don’t have enough power to accomplish this.”

Auriel sighs. “It’s also worth pointing out that this will require very focused magical energy.

Ember frowns. “Which we’re lacking?”

Twilight nods. “Right. Maybe Chief Engineer Stellar Flare has something we can use to draw power from the ship.”

“I would imagine so, yes.”

Auriel looks over. “Our emitters are already at 100% capacity. Adding more energy would only destroy them.”

“What should we do, dad?”

Arc thinks for a moment before turning to Auriel.

“What if instead of those smaller emitters, we used a single larger one?”

“That would probably work, yes.”

Twilight sighs. “But we didn’t bring anything like that with us.”

“The Equinox has the ORB system. Wrangler could probably tune the beam to be very precise.”

Derpy winces. “Would that be safe?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not really. If we put too much into the blast our artificial sun won’t be able to take the strain and would burst!”

Twilight gasps. “All the work that went into growing the plants, harvesting the essence, and purifying it would be lost!”

Arc frowns. “Is there a way to make sure that doesn’t happen?”

Auriel nods. “I could stay here and try to compensate with our own emitters to counter The Equinox’s blast should it be too much. It’s a job for two though”

Twilight trots over. “I’ll help.”

Derpy shakes her head. “But aren’t your lives worth more than an experiment?!”

Dinky nods. “Yeah, Miss Twilight! You and Miss Auriel can’t take that risk!”

Twilight turns to Arc. “I’m willing to try this. After all, if things work out, the demons of Tartarus will finally be able to grow something.”

Arc frowns. “I’m not going to put you two in harm’s way over this. There has to be another, safer way to accomplish this.”

Derpy looks to Auriel. “Yes. I’m sure the demon king wouldn’t want either of you to die for this.”

Frank walks over.

“Very impressive.”

Auriel looks confused at the compliment. “Huh?”

“Both of you are willing to risk everything to accomplish your goal. I’m humbled by your dedication.”

He turns to Arc.

“You should let them continue the experiment as they see fit. After all, they’re both very dedicated to see it through.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not happening.”

Derpy shrugs. “Well, how about trying something different then?”

Twilight sighs. “I don’t see what else could accomplish this. Our emitters are too small. Yet The Equinox’s cannons are far too big and powerful.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “How about a compromise?”

Auriel looks confused. “Huh?”

“Think about it. All of us here, with the exception of Derpy, can use magic in one form or another. With mine and Ember’s Dragon Magic, Dinky and Twilight’s Unicorn Magic, and Auriel’s Demon Magic we should be able to channel enough magical energy into this thing to start the reaction.”

He turns to Twilight and Auriel.

“How safe would that be?”

Twilight nods. “Very. At least with someone watching the control panel, that is.”

Arc looks to his friend. “What about Derpy?”

“What? Me?! But I don’t know how this thing works!”

Auriel turns to her. “All you have to do is watch the internal pressure. I can show you where the cutoff point is.”

Twilight nods. “That and we could do it from a safe distance too. Assuming we all focus our efforts on the same spot, that is.”

Frank puts a hand to his chin. “Focused magical energy from numerous sources, eh? Sounds similar to daisy-chaining batteries.”

Auriel grins. “It just might work.”

Dinky turns to Twilight, nervously. “And if it’s not enough?”

“Then nothing will happen.”

Arc frowns. “You’re sure?”


“Well… I guess we’ve got nothing to lose by trying, right?”

Auriel nods. “Right. And everything to gain if it works.”

Arc sighs. “Alright. Twilight, show Derpy what she needs to look out for. Ember you’re with me. Twilight, you join Dinky. Auriel…

Frank interrupts him. “…will be with me, right?”

“Uh… I was trying to group magic users with the same type of powers. Apples to apples. Not really sure if there’s such a thing as magical incompatibility.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Then why are you and Ember together?”

“Because my power is Dragon Magic, not Unicorn Magic.”

Frank looks confused. “Which is mine then?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Um… that’s actually a good question.”

Arc sighs. “Yes. One that we’ll have to save for another day.”

He turns to Auriel.

“Can you lend your Dark Magic to this?”

“I can try, yes. But I was never very good at it.”

Derpy smiles nervously. “Every little bit helps right now.”

Twilight nods. “Agreed.”

Arc looks to his friend, concerned. “Auriel? Is something wrong?”

“Kinda. I… think I’d rather just watch the monitor with Derpy.”

“If that’s what you want we won’t try to force you.”

Auriel smiles. “Thank you.”

She makes her way to Derpy’s side and looks over the panel.

“Everything is ready when you are, Twilight.”

Twilight nods and takes a deep breath. “Okay, everypony. Focus your magic on this spot.”

A stream of magical energy flows from Twilight’s horn. It lands near the base of the sphere. Dinky begins casting as Arc turns to Ember.

“You and me next.”

“Let’s do it!”

Arc and Ember focus their energies on the spot with the unicorns. Arc turns to Auriel.

“How’s it looking?”

“It’s working. The external temperature at the focal point is rising steadily.”

Dinky giggles. “So keep at it then?”

Twilight smiles. “Right!”

A few minutes later Auriel frowns.

“The temperature appears to have leveled off. Increase output everyone.”

The four slowly do so. Ember grunts.

“This… is almost my limit!”

Dinky squeaks. “Mine too!”

Arc turns to Twilight. “How are you doing?”

“I can go further. Auriel?”

“Do so very slowly.”

Twilight does so. Auriel shakes her head as Twilight begins to strain.

“No increase.”

Arc calls out. “I can put more into my spell.”

Derpy turns to him. “What about your crystals, Arc?”

“I could do that. Twilight?”

Twilight strains. “Don’t! That would make our efforts lopsided! It’s just too powerful!”

Auriel sighs. “Nothing good comes from unbalanced magical output, Arc. Don’t do any more than you currently are.”

“Okay. But what now?”

Frank puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder.

“I believe your friends need you right now.”

“I… but what if I can’t do it? In truth, my powers are quite weak compared to the others.”

“Everyone needs to pull their weight right now. Even if it’s only a fraction of a percent increase, every little bit helps.”

Twilight grins. “You can do it, Auriel! We only need a bit more!”

Derpy looks up at Auriel. “We all believe in you. But you need to believe in yourself too. Arc taught me that.”

Auriel sighs and looks toward the others.

“But… I…”

Arc calls out to her. “You can do it, Auriel. I know you can.”

She takes a deep breath and steps forward. Channeling her own magic Auriel slowly increases the intensity. Twilight calls out to Derpy.

“How’s that?!”

Derpy shakes her head. “Need just a wee bit more!”

Dinky grunts. “Come on, everypony! We can do it!”

Arc nods. “Right! Give it everything you have!”

Ember’s claw shakes as she casts. “We’re so close!”

Auriel frowns. “But we don’t have anything more to give!”

She suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder. Auriel turns to see Frank standing behind her.

“Let’s finish this.”

He raises a hand toward the target. As Frank lends his own power to the experiment, Derpy looks over to the others.

“It’s rising! In a few more seconds it’ll be done!”

Derpy watches the display intently. The bottom of the sphere begins to flare lightly as Twilight grins.

“I think we’ve got it! Derpy?”

“There we go! It’s enough!”

Auriel gasps. “Everyone stop channeling and get back!”

They do so. The sphere flickers as a soft glow begins to branch out from the bottom upward. Auriel turns to Frank, beaming.

“Thank you, sir!”

“Whatever for?”

“For giving me the confidence to do that.”

Frank chuckles. “I didn’t do a thing. The courage to try was inside you the entire time. You just had to step forward.”

Twilight nods. “He’s right. You were able to conquer your fear of failing, after all.”

Arc kneels down and puts a hand on Dinky’s shoulder. “I knew we could do it.”

“Right! Cooperation gets the job done every time!”

Derpy giggles as she walks over to the pair. “I wish I could’ve helped out.”

Ember joins them. “You did. Someone had to watch the monitors.”

Auriel turns to the sphere. She suddenly frowns.

“Something… something isn’t right here.”

Arc turns to her. “Auriel?”

“Twilight, what do you think?”

“It physically looks all right. What seems off?”

“I don’t know. Think of it like scientific intuition.”

Twilight heads for the controls.

“Well, let’s see what the instruments say.”

Together they look over the readings carefully. Eventually Twilight looks up.

“Everything looks good on this end.”

Auriel sighs. “Maybe I was just…”

Dinky pricks up her ears. “Hey! Does anypony else hear that?”

Derpy walks over to her daughter. “Hear what, sweetie?”

“Um… voices of some kind.”

Arc frowns. “Voices?!”

He quickly calls forth Eidolon’s Ward as he turns to the others.

“Everyone get behind me!”

They do so as Ember rushes to Arc’s side. Her own armor materializes as she does so.

“What is it?!”

Arc grimaces. “I can hear those voices too!”

“Are you sure?”

Frank frowns. “Yes, Arc. I hear nothing of the sort.”

Twilight shrugs. “Neither do I.”

Derpy looks down at her daughter. “Dinky? What do you hear?”

“Whispers. Kinda like when Miss Cheerilee leaves the classroom for a few minutes. Dad?”

“I heard something similar last night in my Sanctuary. But the voices were MUCH louder back then.”

Auriel looks all around. “Where could they be coming from?”

“No clue. But Wiseman warned me about… something.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Wiseman?”

“He said ‘The blind cannot see that which is right in front of them. The deaf cannot hear even though others speak. However, the wise will find a way to see and hear that which they must comprehend’. No idea what it means though”

Twilight frowns. “So… is everypony other than you and Dinky supposed to be the deaf ones?”

Arc shrugs. “I guess.”

Derpy looks toward the sphere. “What about the Blind part?”

“No clue on that.”

Twilight tilts her head to one side. “Perhaps he meant seeing something that normal eyes can’t.”

Ember looks the sphere up and down. “Well, my helmet’s True-Sight Enchantment isn’t picking up anything.”

“Mine either. I wonder…”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here, sir.”

“Dinky and I are hearing what sound like voices over here. Are you picking up any transmissions?”

“No sir.”

Arc frowns. “I want Moon Dancer to run some scans of our artificial sun then. Full spectrum.”

Moon Dancer calls out from her station. “Yes sir.”

“Thunderlane, warm up the engines in case we need to make a quick exit.”

“Aye, sir.”

“Wrangler, keep the weapons primed.”

Wrangler grins. “I’ll be ready for anything, sir!”

Tight Ship frowns. “Any idea what exactly we should be prepared for though?”

Arc frowns. “No. That’s what has me on edge. If any of you sees or detects anything of note let me know immediately.”

Soarin sighs. “Sir, in the name of caution, you and your group might want to return to the ship.”

Wrangler nods. “That may be prudent, sir. At least until we know what’s going on.”

Auriel shakes her head. “We can’t leave just yet! The experiment is ongoing!”

Twilight nods. “Right! Somepony has to watch the monitors for…!”


“What is it, Dinky?”

She points a hoof toward the ground near the sphere. A small vine is slowly snaking its way up as Dinky backs away from it.

“Wha-what IS that?!”

“No idea. Twilight?”

She walks toward the vine slowly.

“Interesting. I’ve never seen anything like it. We should very carefully take a sample of it to study aboard the…”

Twilight is cut off as Ember’s spear whizzes by her and slices cleanly through the vine.

“There you are, Twilight. One sample.”

Arc sighs. “I think Twilight wanted to take a leaf or maybe a cutting. Not the whole thing.”

Twilight nods. “Right. But what’s done is done. Let’s…”

Moon Dancer’s frantic voice suddenly comes over Arc’s earring.

“Sir! You and your party need to get out of there!”


“You’re all in grave danger!”

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