• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,613 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Good Intentions

The ponies wait nervously for Arc and Dinky to return. Cadance turns to Sunburst as she shifts on her feet.

“Is everything proceeding as planned, Sunburst?”

Sunburst nods as he looks over his instruments. “Yes, your highness!”

Twilight suddenly looks over! “Did you re-calibrate the sigils?!”

“I did. Have no fear! Your friend will not come through as a pony!”

Rainbow Dash snickers! “That would be hilarious!"

Rarity frowns! “Rainbow Dash! This is a very serious matter! Do try to control yourself!”

Applejack nods! “That’s right!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “He’ll make it back alright! I just know it!”

Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin. “What kind of pony do you think Arc would be?!”

Ember shrugs. “I dunno. Probably a big one though!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

Twilight looks confused. “What? Why…?”

Pinkie bounces around the room! “He’s stronger than an earth pony! But has powerful magic like a unicorn! Not to mention he did FLY that one time!”

Ember puts claw to her chin. “Twice, actually.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “So… would that make him… an alicorn?!”

Everyone looks to Luna for guidance.

“That would be most unlikely. One does not simply…”

Suddenly, Arc and Dinky rocket forth from the open portal headfirst! Arc skids on his back across the floor clutching tightly to Dinky! Luckily for Arc’s head, Sereb lunges forward to stop the pair before they crash into the wall! Derpy runs toward them!


Arc slowly raises his head as Dinky cautiously opens her eyes.


Derpy runs over to the pair on the floor and throws her hooves around both of them! Dinky wraps her hooves around her mother.

“I’m sorry for making you worry, mom!”

With tear filled eyes, Derpy smiles with relief! “Oh, my little Dinky! You are so grounded young filly!”

“I know, mom.”

Arc looks up. “We both missed you, Derpy.”

Derpy wordlessly nods as they continue their embrace.

Ember cautiously steps forward. “Arc? Are you okay?”

He sits up slowly with Derpy and Dinky in his arms. “I think I’m okay, Ember. This pillow took most of the blow.”

Sereb stands up. “I am happy to be of service.”

Arc turns around, surprised! “Sereb?! Are you okay?!”

Sereb steps back to allow Ember to leap into Arc’s arms. “I am unharmed.”

Ember nods as she joins in the hug! “We were so worried!”

Twilight nods. “Are you sure you’re okay?! How about a checkup?! We could call Doctor Whooves…”

Arc interrupts, chuckling. “Thanks mom, but I think I’m good!”

Applejack laughs! “Welcome back, sugarcube!”

Rainbow Dash looks over at Rarity! “I knew he’d be fine!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Yay!”

Rarity nods! “It’s good to see you looking so well!”

Pinkie pulls out her Party Cannon! “Time for a PARTY!!!”

Arc puts a hand on the cannon. “Maybe another time, Pinkie. There’s so much that needs doing before my return trip.”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “Awww…”

The blood drains from Twilight’s face. “Return… trip?!”

Ember frowns! “WHAT?! But you JUST got back!”

Cadance nods. “Ember’s right Arc! You should rest and give Sunburst time to analyze the data he’s collected! What could be so important?!”

“There’re problems in my hometown that need addressing.”

Sereb smiles. “Oh? Does Earth require a hero now?”

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not planning on cracking any skulls. Just doing a bit of detective work. There’re some people back there causing a bit of trouble.”

Twilight turns to her friend! “Cadance! Can’t you stop Arc?!”

Cadance shakes her head. “I cannot. The Hero of Light is, for the most part, beyond our authority to control.”

Luna sighs. “While I do not like the idea of you rushing headlong into yet another adventure, I must admit there is little we can do to stop you.”

“Um… thanks. I think.”

Arc looks over to Derpy and Dinky.

“I should probably be getting you two home. Does anyone else want to come?”

Ember frowns. “You’re not leaving me here!”

Sereb nods. “I will come as well.”

Derpy does her best to control herself. “Yes. Dinky should be in school, and I need to get to back to the orphanage.”

Applejack nods. “I need to be getting back to Sweet Apple Acres.”

Rarity smiles. “Indeed! I have to return to my shop as well.”

Fluttershy looks over shyly. “And I need to get home to all my animals.”

Arc nods and turns to Rarity. “I need to come see you in a day or so, Rarity. There’re a few things I need made up.”

Pinkie hops toward him. “Cupcakes don’t make themselves! Let’s go!”

Twilight nods, sadly. “I guess we’re all coming!”

Arc opens a portal to Light’s Hope.

“Everyone in!”

They do so as Arc turns to looks back at the princesses.

“Thanks for all your help. I’ll be by tomorrow to tell you all about the past week. How long until we can open a portal to Earth, Sunburst?”

“Five days, sir. I’ll have everything fully calibrated and ready by then.”

Luna nods. “Until tomorrow then, Arc.”

Cadance waves a hoof! “Bye!

Arc steps through the portal last, as it closes behind him. Sunburst turns to the princesses.

“I’ll need some time to make use of the data we collected on the return trip.”

Luna nods as she and Cadance turn to leave. “See to it, Sunburst.”

As the pair proceed down the hallway Cadance turns to Luna.

“Do you suppose Sunburst will be able to perfect this wormhole technology?”

“I certainly hope so. Arc and Celestia’s lives will depend on it!”

Meanwhile, Arc and the others return to Light’s Hope. He waves to everyone as they leave.

“Thanks for coming everyone! I’ll see you all before I leave again!”

Twilight looks to him nervously. “Um, Arc? Do you think you would have time to stop by the library for a cup of tea? It’s been so long!”

Arc nods! “Sounds good! I have some errands to run, but I’ll stop by there in a little while.”

Twilight nods! “I’ll be waiting!”

She makes her way quickly home as she mutters to herself.

“I have to get everything ready quickly! Don’t worry Arc! If everything goes as planned, you will be a happy human once again!”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember and Sereb make their way to the vault.

“So what needs doing now, Arc?”

Arc looks over to her as he opens the vault’s door. “I just need some bits to get this ball rolling.”

Sereb looks confused. “Ball?”

Arc picks up a couple bags and puts them into his ring. “Figure of speech.”

Ember crosses her arms over her chest and frowns! “Arc, this isn’t another one of your half-baked plans, is it?!”

“Nope. I’ve been thinking this one over for the past week now.”

Sereb turns to Ember. “You should have more faith in Arc.”

Ember shakes her head as the vault door closes. “I do! I have faith that he sometimes gets us into trouble!”

“But we do have fun!”

She rolls her eyes. “Sometimes.”

The trio leaves the base and walks toward Ponyville at a brisk pace. The mid-morning sunlight shines weakly through the clouds. The air is cold as the sun does little to warm it. Ember rubs her claws together.

“I’ll be glad to leave this cold weather behind!”

Arc shakes his head. “My hometown isn’t much warmer, Ember.”


“Still wanna come?”

Ember grins! “Yes! After all, someone has to warm your bed!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yeah, about that. When we get there, you’ll be a human. I don’t want to find you in my bed while we’re on Earth, Ember.”

Ember raises and eyebrow. “Uh… why not? I would have thought having a human girl lying next to you would be a… pleasant experience!”

“I’m not interested in doing things like that with you!”

A sly smile creeps across her face. “Like what?”

“You know what I mean!”

Ember sighs. “Look Arc. Just because I want to doesn’t mean I’m GOING to! Don’t you trust me?!”

“I do, Ember.”

“Then what’s the problem?!”

Arc sighs and looks down at the ground as he walks. “I don’t fully trust… me. Our relationship as it stands is very important to me.”

Ember is a bit taken aback! “W-what are you talking about?! You’re the best friend I’ve ever had!”

Sereb mutters to himself. “The only friend you’ve ever had.”

“That too! Hey!”

“That’s exactly it, Ember! I value your friendship and don’t want to risk doing something in a moment of weakness to jeopardize it!”

She looks away angrily! “Hmph! Dragon’s don’t feel things like regret, Arc!”

“Well humans do! Look! All I ask is that as long as we’re on Earth you sleep in your own bed! Do you feel such a request is unreasonable?!”

Sereb smiles. “Perhaps Ember is… unable to sleep alone.”

Ember stops and looks at him angrily! “What was that, Sereb?!”

Arc whispers under his breath, not turning back. “You’re sticking your nose in a hornet’s nest my friend!”

Sereb continues evenly. “I am merely suggesting that perhaps you are not as emotionally strong as you would like us to believe.”

She is suddenly furious! “I am the future Dragon Lord, Sereb! And I’ll have you know that I am FULLY capable of doing what needs to be done! My own feelings notwithstanding!!!”

“You speak of feelings. Yet you do not seem to see that which is right in front of you.”

Ember rolls her eyes! “Must you always talk in riddles?!”

“Arc does not wish for you to sleep with him on Earth as you do here in Equestria. Not because he’s trying to push you away, but because he cares enough for you to treat you as the precious jewel you are.”

“Wait, what?”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Look Ember, I know dragons do some things differently than humans. Remember, I can’t be your mate! I don’t want to be your lover! But what I can be… is your friend! One who sticks with you as you search for a dragon that sets your heart ablaze!”

Ember looks him in the eye sadly. “Like you do?”

Arc turns to walk down the path once more. “No. More than I ever could.”

The trio makes their way to town and heads for the Hammer’s shop. Arc enters with Ember and Sereb behind him. Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer are sitting behind the counter together.

“Good morning you two!”

Steel Hammer looks up and smiles! “Arc! Back from Earth so soon?!“

Arc looks to them surprised! “Yes. But how did you know about that?”

Silver Hammer smiles! “Princess Luna told us about your sojourn. She also said you might be coming to us when you got back for armaments. Do you need new weapons?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think I’m good in the offense department. But I had an idea for a couple upgrades to my armor.”

Steel Hammer nods. “What did you have in mind?”

Arc pulls his helmet out of the magic ring and sets it down on the counter. “You see, on Earth things like swords and spears aren’t weapons of choice for guards and the military.”

Ember looks confused. “What else is there?”

Silver Hammer looks to Arc. “Do they use projectile weapons perhaps?”

Arc nods. “Exactly! As you know, the enchantment on my helmet obscures my face and protects the top, back and sides of my head.”

Steel Hammer nods, understanding. “However, that leaves you vulnerable to attack from the front!”

“Precisely! Could you alter my helmet to be more like the previous Heroes of Light? In addition to the extra protection, I also want to be sure no one is able to see my face!”

Silver Hammer giggles! “Trying to keep your identity a secret over there?”

“That I am. Is there any way you could modify it to prevent my helmet from being knocked off? It’s happened a couple of times here in Equestria. While things ended well, that happening over there would be catastrophic!”

Steel Hammer looks over the helmet. “Hmmm… if you weren’t also asking for a full-face plate, I would just install a chin strap.”

Ember frowns. “But…”

Silver Hammer points a hoof to the front of the helmet. “With the face completely covered, you would have no easy way of attaching the strap.”

Sereb puts his front paws on the counter. “What about attaching the helmet to the chest plate somehow?”

Steel Hammer sets the helmet down and shakes his head. “That would severely hamper his ability to move his head. As you know, being able to see in battle is crucial!”

Ember frowns. “This might be a bad idea, but what about a mask of some kind? Like what we wore under our helmets during our mission to infiltrate the Storm King’s base!”

“A mask?”

Sereb nods. “Not a bad idea. If the helmet were to be removed, your identity would still be a secret.”

Silver Hammer sighs. “That may have to do. We can make a more comfortable mask that breathes better than the last one.”

Steel Hammer looks to Arc. “But you’ll have to choose which is more important to you. The full-face plate or a chin strap. I don’t see how we can do both.”

“I’ll take the face plate and a mask then. But I’ll need them by week’s end!”

Silver Hammer sighs. “That might not be possible. The Hydra Scales that make up your armor are very hard to work with. As it stands, we’re looking at a turnaround time of at least two months!”

“No blacksmith alive has experience working with this material! I don’t even know if the metal would join with the scales properly!”

Ember frowns. “Well… there is one blacksmith.”

Silver Hammer looks up, confused. “Who?!”

Arc nods. “The one who forged my armor in the first place. Mythic Honor.”

Steel Hammer looks up, hopeful! “Any chance we could enlist his aid?!”

“Most likely.”

Ember sighs. “That may be a bit of a problem. You see, he was able to forge this armor with the aid of his magically enhanced forge.”

Silver Hammer looks to Ember. “I wasn’t aware the ability to build such a forge still lived on in this day and age!”

“It may not. His predecessors built the forge, which is still in Tartarus!”

Arc sighs. “Great. Do we have to start by building him a new forge?!”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Either that or we could go to Tartarus to do the work.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “I don’t like that plan!”

Steel Hammer frowns. “Neither do we! But, if that’s the only way…”

Arc interrupts. “We’ll have a talk with Mythic Honor and see if it’s possible for us to build a magic forge here in Equestria. I am NOT taking everyone into that hellish place again!”

Silver Hammer nods. “I’ll see Rarity about choosing a material to make a quality mask out of. One that won’t chafe against your helmet.”

“And I’ll get to work on taking measurements for the faceplate. I can forge it in a day. But I’ll need help attaching it to your helmet.”

Sereb frowns. “However, only this Mythic Honor knows how long that will take.”

Arc nods. “We’ll visit him later this evening or early tomorrow. Depends how much time we have after our other errands at Rarity’s shop.”

Ember sighs. “It will be nice to see him again… I guess. Hopefully he hasn’t been making any more statues though.”

Arc shudders. “I second that!”

Sereb looks confused. “Statues?”

Ember nods. “You’ll see for yourself when we get there.”

“That you will, Sereb.”

He pulls a bag of bits out of his ring and sets it on the counter.

“Well, thanks for the consultation you two. Here’s some money to get the R&D going on that faceplate and mask. We won’t take up any more of your time!”

“It’s our pleasure, Arc!”

“That it is! You be careful over there, you hear!”

Arc heads over to the door. “I will. One more thing to keep in mind! My squad and Ember will be joining me on Earth next trip. They’ll need some armor made up.”

“I’m confused. Don’t they already have armor?”

“What were you looking for?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Something a bit more… human.”

Silver Hammer looks confused. “Human?”

Ember nods. “Part of the process of traveling to Earth. We found a way to turn us into humans so we don’t stick out.”

“Makes sense.”

Silver Hammer turns to Arc. “Take some measurements and get back with us. We’ll make something that will keep them safe!”

A mail pony enters the shop carrying a multitude of packages. He sets them down on the counter as Silver Hammer signs for them.

“Looks like you two are busy these days!”

Steel Hammer shakes his head. “No more than usual. These are supplies for Platinum Valve’s prototype.”

Arc looks at the boxes. “Does this have anything to do with what we discussed at the Cherry Festival?”

Silver Hammer nods! “It does indeed! She’s been hard at work since then brainstorming and drawing plans!”

Ember frowns. “That’s a lot of materials for her to play with, don’t you think?”

Steel Hammer shakes his head. “I’ve looked over her drawings and they are sound in their design! At first, I thought her ideas were little more than pipe dreams. However, she’s shown us how capable she really is several times over!”

Silver Hammer smiles! “Our little filly has so many interesting ideas! Some of them may be a bit… far-fetched, but let’s just say I wish we could do more to support her projects!”

“This is the first idea of hers we’ve been willing to actually put real money into.”

Sereb nods. “You have great faith in your daughter.”

“That we do!”

“Well, I’ll get you those measurements as soon as I can. We can talk more about the details of their construction then. That should help you pays the bills.”

Steel Hammer smiles. “We’ll give it our best shot! I’ve never made a suit of armor for non-ponies before. First time for everything I suppose.”

Arc looks at his pocket watch and opens the door. “Thanks. I’ll leave you to it then. Maybe next time I can talk to Platinum Valve about her invention. The idea for mechanical limbs she though up back then sounds fascinating!”

“I’m sure she would love to show you her design personally!”

“Looking forward to it! See you later!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the shop as Steel Hammer turns to his wife.

“He certainly puts so much faith in us.”

“What do you mean?”

“It probably would have been easier for him to go directly to the smith who originally forged his armor. “

Silver Hammer nods. “I suppose so. Why do you think he keeps coming here?”

“One of two reasons. First, he trusts our craftsmanship and our skills with his life!”


Steel Hammer walks to the back room with Silver Hammer. “Or second, that Mythic Honor is nuts! In any case, let’s get our tools and get to measuring.”

Silver Hammer nods as they make their way over to their workbenches. “Yes. Best not to keep the Hero of Light waiting now!”

As the pair leave the front of the shop, neither of them notices the helmet on the counter shaking ever so slightly for a brief moment. Steel Hammer returns to the front of the shop with tools and a pencil.

“Let’s get to it!”

Meanwhile, Arc, Sereb and Ember make their way to Carousel Boutique. They enter the shop to find Rarity and Sassy Saddles hard at work. Rarity looks up from her sewing machine and walking over as they enter.

“Good morning you three! “

Ember looks over to Arc fondly. “And a good morning it is.”

Sereb nods at the proprietor. “Please forgive Ember. She is merely happy to have Arc back.”

Sassy Saddles joins the group. “Back? Were you off on some mission overseas, Arc?”

“Kinda. Let’s just say I was temporarily out of the country and leave it at that.”

Rarity does her best to change the subject. “So what brings you here today, Arc? A new outfit perhaps?”

Sassy Saddles nods! “Just name the occasion and we’ll get right on it!”

“I need some things made up for me rather discretely. Can I count on the two of you to keep this between us?”

Rarity nods, a bit confused. “I… suppose. “

Sassy Saddles appears equally befuddled as she pulls a notepad and pencil from a nearby table. “No problem. What do you want made?”

“I need some simple robes sewn up. They don’t have to be pretty. Just functional.”

“For… you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, but they do need to be human-sized. Make them roughly my size, as I’m not really sure how big they’re going to need to be!”

Sassy Saddles lowers her voice. “Arc? Are other humans coming here?!”

“No, but… I can’t really say the reason why. Please just trust me on this.”

Ember shrugs her shoulders. “It’s a magic thing. I don’t get it either.”

Arc turns to Rarity. “This is for my… next mission. You understand, right?

“I do! Shall I make something for you as well?

“Thanks, but where I’m going. I need to wear clothes from there. I’m probably being paranoid, but I worry that walking around in Equestrian made clothes would warrant a lot of extra questions.”

Ember laughs! “Yeah! Like where they can pick up some of those fine garments!”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

“I’ll also need a special mask made up. Silver Hammer will come by later to give you the details on what exactly it needs. “

Rarity nods. “I’m sure we can come up with something to fill your needs. Um… you ARE planning on coming back, right?”

“I am. Believe me, this is temporary at best! There are a few things I need to do while I gather information and search for… my intended target.”

Rarity looks at Arc knowingly. “I understand! Believe me when I say that Carousel Boutique will do its part to help you… carry out your mission!”

Arc pulls some bits out of his magic ring and gives them to her. “Thanks! I’m going to need all the help I can get on this one! Well, I won’t take up any more of your time, Rarity.“

Rarity nods as she walks them to the door. “Thank you for coming. We’ll have what you need made before week’s end.”

“Perfect! Take care you two!“

Ember looks over at Sassy Saddles. “Don’t work too hard now!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the shop.

“Rarity! What exactly is going on?! It’s all so mysterious!”

Rarity returns to her sewing machine. “I’m sorry dear, but like Arc said, this matter must be kept quiet.”

Sassy Saddles returns to her work. “I don’t understand, but I do trust Arc. If he says to keep quiet, I’ll do so.”

“Very good dear! All will be revealed in due time!”

Meanwhile, Arc and company walk through town.

“Anything else need doing, Arc?”

“Not right now, Ember. We’ve got the ball rolling on the most pressing matters. How about you two head back to Light’s Hope and have some lunch?”

Sereb looks confused. “What about you?”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “I told Twilight I would meet her for tea this morning, and I’m almost out of morning!”

Ember frowns. “You better hurry over there if you don’t want to make her any angrier than she must already be!”

Sereb nods. “There is no greater fury than a mare scorned.”

Arc nods and heads toward the Golden Oaks Library. “You’re right! I’ll catch up with you two later! Wish me luck!”

Ember turns to Sereb as Arc hurries away! “You don’t really think Twilight will be mad at him, do you?”

“Unlikely. She is a very… understanding mare.”

Ember nods as they make their way home. “I hope so… for his sake!”

Arc hurries over to the library and knocks. Auriel answers. She opens the door wide to let him enter.

“Good morning Arc! How was Earth?”

“About as I remembered it. I’m heading back in about a week.”

Auriel nods! “Do make an effort to stop by when you’re in Ponyville! Twilight was very worried while you were gone!”

“I’ll try! She’s a good friend!”

Auriel turns to leave the library. “That she is! Well I hate to chat and run, but I’m actually heading out the door to visit Pinkie Pie.”


“She’s going to teach me more about the science of cooking! Twilight’s in the kitchen trying to bake something to have with the tea! I hope you two have a nice visit!”

He waves after her. “We will! Bye Auriel!”

He closes the door behind her and heads for the kitchen, muttering to himself.

“I think she may be studying Pinkie Pie as much as cooking!”

Arc enters the kitchen. He finds Twilight trying very hard to ice some cupcakes. She does not hear him enter. He makes an effort not to startle her.


Twilight jumps back, nearly knocking the tray of sweets off the counter!


“Sorry. “

Twilight walks over to him as he kneels down to hug her. “It’s okay!”

“Sorry for taking so long. I got caught up in town with preparations. Anything I can do to help?”

Twilight gestures to the next room as she levitates the pan of cupcakes. They proceed back to the table in the center of the library.

“It’s no trouble! I figured you had a lot to do today, so I used the time to bake something for the occasion! Everything’s ready! Have a seat!”

Arc sits down across from Twilight. “Thanks! They… uh… smell tasty enough!”

Twilight sheepishly smiles. “Sorry if they don’t look as good as Pinkie’s. How she manages that with just her hooves is beyond me! In any case, please help yourself!”

Arc picks up one of the cupcakes, cautiously. “I… uh… guess I’ll try this one.”

Twilight grins as he takes a bite! “I know how you like your sweets, so I make them extra sugary!”

He tastes Twilight’s confectionary concoction and makes a face! Twilight smiles at him expectantly!

“So, what do you think?!”

Arc puts the cupcake down and coughs! “Um… truth be told, I didn’t think it was possible for something to be TOO sweet until just this moment!”

Twilight picks up one of the pastries with her magic. “Oh, it can’t be THAT bad!”

She takes a bite. In but a moment her face contorts in disgust as every hair on her body suddenly stands straight up! Twilight levitates the plate from the table and dumps them into the wastebasket.

“Okay, maybe they’re not the best thing I’ve ever eaten! Sorry!”

“Not to worry. You tried your best.”

As they both compose themselves Twilight pours each of them a cup of tea.

“I know you’ll like this!”

Arc accepts the tea and takes a sip. “That hits the spot! You always make the best tea, Twilight!”

She blushes slightly. “Thank you! I… um… don’t know what to say!”

The pair drink their tea as Arc tells Twilight about his trip back to Earth. Twilight listens, fascinated!

“I’ll have to come with you one of these times! It would be great to be able to learn about your species from more first-hoof experience!”

Arc finishes his tea. “Yes, I’d like that too Twilight. The idea of sharing my world and its wonders with you and your friends just feels right! After all, you were the one to take me in when I first arrived!”

Twilight smiles. “It… it was nothing! Really! Anypony would have done the same!”

“I have to disagree with that. Remember when I first came through your portal? Everyone would run and hide whenever I walked down the street! Its been quite some time since I had time to consider it, but I think if you hadn’t been there for me, I might have been forced to become a hermit and live in the forest, or something! That one act of kindness changed my life!”

“I guess I never really thought about it that way before. Not only that, but Equestria wouldn’t have a Hero of Light, nor would anypony have been able to stop Captain Decimus from taking the throne when the princesses lay in comas!”

Arc shudders as he takes a cookie from a tray. “That’s a sobering thought!”

Twilight moves to pour Arc another cup of tea but finds the pot empty. She stands up a bit nervously.

“I have another pot in the kitchen. Please excuse me.”

Arc smiles. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere!”

Twilight enters the kitchen and takes the pot of tea off the stove. She looks at it a few moments as if weighing her options. Sighting quietly to herself, she pulls out a blunt syringe from a nearby drawer and puts a dozen or so drops of the pink liquid into the teapot.

“Don’t you worry about a thing, Arc. I’ll… I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy!”

She gives the contents of the pot a quick stir and takes a sip from the spoon.

“That does taste good!”

Twilight returns the top to its place as she hides the blunt syringe on the serving tray under a napkin before trotting back to where Arc is waiting patiently. She sets the tray down and pours each of them a cup from the fresh pot.

“Sorry for taking so long! I’m trying out a new tea recipe, and wanted to be sure it was… uh… just right before you drank it!”

Arc eyes the teacup suspiciously. “Did you make this extra sweet as well?”

“Um… I did! But I already tried a little bit to make sure it was… um… edible!”

“Well, okay.”

Twilight brings her cup to her lips as Arc does the same. Arc puts the teacup down without taking a drink.

“That reminds me, Twilight. Did I ever thank you for all your hard work in curing the princesses?”

Twilight puts her own cup down and rubs her chin with a hoof. “I… I don’t think so. But I know you appreciated my actions! That was quite a busy time for all of us, after all!”

“Well I’m sorry for that! You and Auriel did such a fine job researching that cure along with Doctor Whooves! The three of you should be very proud!”

Twilight blushes slightly at the praise. “I… thank you.”

Arc picks up his teacup again. “Princess Cadance spoke quite highly of your abilities when she and Princess Luna were trapped in the Lunar Realm. While I knew you were quite capable, what you did was truly remarkable!”

He raises his teacup to her out of respect.

“I know that you’ll never give up on a friend. No matter how hopeless or dire the situation may be!”

As he takes a drink from his teacup, Twilight does the same. Arc looks down at the cup.

“Wow! That really is something special!”

Twilight nods excitedly. “Do you like it?!”

“I do! It’s amazing!”

Twilight blushes. “Do you… really like it? Be Honest with me! What’s it like?!”

Arc thinks to himself. “It tastes somehow familiar. What’s in this anyways?”

“Sorry, but that’s a trade secret!”

Arc laughs as he takes another much larger sip of tea. “Alright! You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to!”

Twilight drinks again from her own cup before setting it back down. “Arc? Do you notice anything… different about me today?”

Arc thinks for a moment as he looks Twilight up and down. “Did you… do something different with your mane?”

Twilight sighs. “No. Care for some more tea?”

Arc sets his teacup down. “Yes please! You should really package this for sale! I know the rest of Equestria would love it as much I am!

Twilight tops off Arc’s cup. “Maybe. But I’d rather keep this for those I truly care about!”

Arc picks up his refilled cup. “You mean like friends and family?”

Twilight sets down the teapot. “Something like that.”

Before Arc can take a drink, Twilight uses her magic to gently knock a few books off of their shelves behind him. They clatter noisily to the floor! Arc sets his cup down and looks behind him at the mess on the floor.

“Huh? How did that happen?”

Twilight shrugs. “I’m… not fully certain.”

Arc stands up. “Let me put those back for you. I know how much you hate things being out of place, my friend.”

“Thank you Arc.”

As he busies himself in putting the books back in their proper places, Twilight removes the blunt syringe from under the napkin and puts several more drops in Arc’s teacup before concealing the syringe again. Twilight smiles at him as he returns to the table.

“Thanks for taking care of that, Arc!”

He picks up his cup and takes another sip. “It’s no trouble. Say, I think this tea actually gets better as it sits! This cup is especially tasty!”

“I’m glad you like it!”

Arc puts his teacup down and looks over to his hostess. “Twilight? There’s… something different about you today.”

She bats her eyelashes. “Oh? What’s that?”

He looks at Twilight for a few moments. “Um… different shampoo perhaps? I swear your mane looks different today!”

Twilight sighs. “No. That’s not it.”

Arc shrugs and drinks the rest of his tea. “Oh well. It will come to me! Say, have you and Spike been talking lately?”

“Yes. We’ve been talking on the phone almost every evening since the princesses were cured!”

“I know you two have made peace, but it just seems rather empty around here without him.”

Twilight sighs. “I know what you mean. I miss him!”

“Does he know that?”

“He does. However, he insists on staying in Canterlot to help Sunburst!”

Arc nods. “I’ve spoken to Sunburst about his performance. Apparently, he’s become somewhat invaluable to him!”

Twilight sighs. “He’s done wonders to keep me organized over the years! If it helps find Princess Celestia faster, then I’m all for it!”

“Do you miss him?”

“Of course! But… this is more important than my feelings! He’s helping Sunburst find my teacher and maybe even save Equestria in the process! What could be more noble?!”

“How about what he wants?”

“I don’t think I understand what you’re getting at.”

“He does care about your feelings, Twilight. But he knows finding Princess Celestia would make you very happy! Now I could be wrong, but I get the feeling all he really wants is to make you smile!”

“Do you really think so?!”

“I’m almost positive! Spike is a really caring young dragon thanks to you. I’ve found that when you care for someone deeply, you would go to any length to make them happy.”

“Yes, that much I can relate to!”

Arc nods. “Me too! Um… do you mind if I use your bathroom?”

Twilight gestures with a hoof toward the stairs. “Sure! You know where it is!”

He stands up. “Excuse me. I won’t be long.”

Twilight waits until she hears the bathroom door close before lifting the lid of the teapot and pulling out the blunt syringe again.

“What’s wrong with this stuff?! The science is sound! Maybe it doesn’t work on humans?!”

She pours herself another cupful and adds a dozen more drops to the teapot. As she is about to close the lid she pauses for a moment before emptying the contents of the entire syringe into the pot! She stirs the contents before closing the lid, looking quite pleased with herself!

“There! If that doesn’t do it, nothing will!”

A few minutes later Arc descends the stairs and sits back down across from Twilight.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Twilight smiles as she tops off his cup again. “It’s no trouble! I put a little more of my secret ingredient in the pot while you were gone. Although I may have gone a little overboard with it! If you don’t like it, you don’t have to finish it.”

Arc takes a sip before downing the entire cup! “This is the best yet! Still can’t put my finger on where I’ve tasted your secret ingredient before though.”

Twilight looks at him wide-eyed! “I’m… glad you like it. If you’d like, we can have tea again later this week when I get back.”

Arc sets down his cup. “Get back?”

Twilight nods. I’m helping Cheerilee chaperone the school foals on a field trip. We’re leaving early tomorrow morning, and will get back to Ponyville around sunset.”

“Where to?”

“Canterlot. They’ve just finished their studies on government. We’re going to take them to our country’s seat of power and show them how Equestria’s leaders rule this land. Would you care to come with me? I would love to have a friend along!”

“It sounds like fun Twilight! But I have a million things to do before weeks end.”

Twilight nods sadly. “I understand. This really is a bad time.”

“Sorry. Maybe next time.”

He looks at his pocket watch and moves to stand.

“Well, I should be getting back now. Derpy and Dinky will be getting home soon and I was planning on having supper ready for them.”

Twilight sighs as she stands and walks around the table. “Okay. Thanks for coming by! It’s been too long since we had a good chat.”

Arc kneels down to give her a goodbye hug. “Sorry. Next time I’ll have you over to my place for tea.”

“Sounds good. I haven’t been to Light’s Hope in quite some time now!”

Arc nods as he sits back and looks her in the eye. “No Twilight. Next time I’ll treat you to tea at my house on Earth.”

Twilight smiles! “I’ll hold you to that!”

Arc stands and heads for the door with Twilight at his heels. “Take care of Equestria while I’m gone.”

Twilight opens the door for him. “I will! Stay safe out there!”

“See you!”

She closes the door behind him, and shakes her head as she returns to the table and pours herself another cup of tea. Tasting it for herself carefully.

“I don’t understand! This stuff is powerful enough to make a pony fall in love with a frog!”

Twilight sighs and picks up the tray. She makes her way to the kitchen and sets it down by the sink. Picking up the empty syringe, she looks at it with a frown as she tosses it into the garbage and heads to the basement lab.

“Oh well. Back to the drawing board.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way back toward Derpy’s house. He puts a hand to his forehead as he walks.

“That tea was good and all, but I think I may have had a bit too much. Hope I can sleep tonight!”

He makes his way home and gets to work preparing supper for his family.

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