• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,611 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Portal

It was a gorgeous day in Equestria and all ponies was out and enjoy the sun but not everypony was out in the sun and enjoying it but not all, Princess Luna was not in a good mood today. In the three years, she has been back ponies still treat her as Nightmare Moon, nothing she has done has fixed this and her sister has done nothing.

Right now, she was trying to find her sister in the castle. 'Three years have passed I still be seen as Nightmare Moon. Why Celestia wrote all the bad things about me for 1000 years I don't understand'.

"You there." The guard stop immediately. "Where is my sister?" She asked the guard, he said nothing. "ANSWER ME." He began to sweat.

"I'm sorry princess Luna but your sister said she would not be disturbed by anypony, even you."

She could not believe what she was hearing, her own sister would not see her, she looked straight into the eyes of the guard.

"Now you listen very carefully I am the princess of the night so unless you want to have nightmares for the rest of your life you will tell me where she is."

He started to shiver he knew she could do it and he would like to sleep at night.

"She is in the library."

Satisfied with the answer she set course towards the library while the guard proceeded with his round his legs felt like jelly and where he stood was a small pond.

After 5 minutes she had arrived at the doors of the library. 'Why Celestia made this castle so huge I don't understand.' She tried and open them with his magic but it did not work. 'She put a spell on the doors so no one can open them with magic but raw power is another matter.' She turned around lifted her hind legs and then kicked the doors so hard that they dropped on the floor. In the library stood Celestia and she was reading a book, she was certain busy because she did not hear the noise.

"Sister, I want to talk with you." Celestia said nothing she did not even look at her. "Look at me when I’m talking to you."

Celestia looked up from her book. "I don’t have time and listen to you complain all day."

"What is it that is so important that you’re ignoring your sister?" Luna asked her.

"I’m trying to make a spell that let me see into other dimensions, the one that Twilight went to." Celestia answer her.

Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her sister cared more about a spell than her own sister, it felt like the time she was ignored over 1000 years ago again. Suddenly Celestia placed the book down on the table and walked toward the door.

"And where are you going? We're not done here." She stopped and turned her head towards Luna.

"I'm hungry so I'll find me some food, will you join me?" Luna became even more angrier after hearing that.

"I don’t want food, I want to talk."

"Too bad for you, more for me." She walked out of the library.

"Don’t you not turn your back on me." But it was no use, Celestia did not listen to her.

So was Luna alone. 'I can’t believe that she cares more about a spell than me.' She lifted the book with her magic. 'Dimension spell by Star Swirl the bearded, she is trying to watch the human world that Twilight Sparkle visited.' She put the book back and walked to her room.

Later that night.

Ever since she conversation with her sisters Luna has trudged around in her room, she almost forgot to raise the moon. 'We were meant to rule together, that was what she said to me when I came back and said she missed me, was it just a lie?' She lay down on her bed. 'If she had only listened to me 1000 years ago so maybe this had not happened I have myself and blame too, if I just have not been so jealous of her. Maybe I should just go somewhere and never come back?' She just lay there and thought. 'No one will miss me, ponies see me as Nightmare Moon and Celestia will not talk to me. But where can I go? Wait a moment.' She got out of the bed. 'The book, I’ll make a portal so I can go to human world.' She was happy with that. 'I must remember to write a letter to her.'

She walked over to her desk and took out a pen and paper with her magic and began to write. She looked at what she had written, she was pleased with it. She went to her wardrobe to fetch her bag. She then put the letter in bag.

She teleported herself to the kitchen to bring food on the trip. 'It is wise to be prepare, I need sandwich and water I must not forget cookies. I really should stop eating them.' Satisfied with what she has packed teleported herself to the library. 'Now let's see if I can do this.' She lifted the book up with her magic and began to read.

After a couple minutes, she had managed to create a spell that can open a portal to another world. 'This was easy, Celestia was never any good at this. I don't understand why did not she asked me for help?' She put the book in her bag. 'It doesn’t matter right now, it's now or never. I must remember the letter.' She took the letter out of the bag and placed it on the table.

Her horn began to glow and right in front of her a portal began to emerge before her, it was ready. She looked round the room one last time. 'Farewell sister, you managed to rule for 1000 years without me so you can manage some more years without me.' She went through the portal.

Celestia's room.

Celestia stood on the balcony and looked at the moon, she regretted how she behaved around Luna earlier today. 'I got my sister back and still I would not listen to her, some sister I am. I can’t lose her again, I visit her at once and apologize and this time I'll listen.' She teleports right in front of the door to her room.

The first Celestia noticed that there were no guards there. 'Strange, no guards.' She went to the door and lifted the right hoof and knocked. No one answered.

"Luna? Are you there? It's me Celestia. Listen I 'm sorry how I behaved earlier today, I have no good explanation why I was like that but I'll listen to you now." There was still no reply.

"Luna are you there?"

Celestia used her magic to open the door to see if her sister was in her room.


She walked into the room and looked around. 'Strange she should be here, maybe she's in the bathroom.' But alas she was not there. 'This is weird, where can she be? Wait a minute.' Suddenly it dawned on her. She teleported herself immediately to the library.

"Luna, are you here?"

Celestia looked around the room but she was not there, she saw that the book she had read earlier was gone. 'Luna, you did not.' Then, she saw the letter. She opened it and began reading.

“My dear sister. I've been home for three years and still ponies in Equestria sees me as Nightmare Moon. Well almost all, I have tried to say it to you but you just ignore me so I've had enough. I'm leaving Equestria for good, do not try to find me because I'm bring the book with me. Luna.”

"Oh no I've lost her again."

She just lay down on the floor and began to cry.

Author's Note:

Here you have some music so you know where Luna will beginnig her adventure.

If I have written something wrong so give me a comment.
I'm not trying to get Celestia to look like a bad pony. I'm am writing a story that Celestia is the protagonist, It should be better than the first one I wrote.

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