• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A High Flying Battle

It’s been three days since James had taken Luna to see a Pokémon contest, they were still on they way to the Pokémon summer school and now they were on there way to another town called Crossgate, which was known for their strong wind.

“Are you telling me the there are three legendry birds?” Luna had decided to ask James about Moltres and she got a bit of a shock when she heard that it was two more. She also felt a little stupid that she waited three days to ask James about Moltres.

“That right, we have Motlres the bird of fire, Articuno the bird of ice and Zapdosthe bird of thunder.”

“Are they difficult to catch?”

James had to think about that. “I don’t know if anyone have catch them, I know one that is friends with Articuno but that’s it.”

Luna have heard a loot of things that Pokémon can do and she is still amazed by them. She then saw a town in the distance. “Look, it’s Crossgate Town.” She started to run towards, when she came to edge of the road, she couldn’t help but amazed by the town. “It looks so peaceful.”

“Well, Crossgate is know as the crossroad of the winds.”

Luna was about to ask why is was call that, then the wind started to pick up. “Wow, this a strong wind.” She said while holding her hair.

Then they saw a bird flying on the wind, like is was training. Then all off sudden it lost control and head straight towards them.

“What’s a Pidgey doing…” That’s was all he could say before the birds smack right into his face, he would have doge it but it happened to fast. He landed on his back with thumb. “Why me?” He mumble with the bird on his face.

While James was lying on the ground, Luna took out her Pokédex to check the data.

Pidgey the tiny bird Pokémon. Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest, however for it may removed from its familiar surroundings.

“I am glad that you are learning about new Pokémon but maybe you could help me first?”

“Oh right.” She walked over to them and picked Pidgey up from James face. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about.” He told her while getting up and rubbing his face. “I wonder why a Pidgey is doing out here.” The both looked at bird and saw that he was out, then a ring feel out from it’s mouth. “What was that?” James picked it up, the ring war purple with small green rings on it. “Wait a minute, is it that time again?”

Luna had know idea what James was talking about and before she could ask, they heard a voice. “Pidgey, are you ok?” Running towards them was none other than Ace. He was very worried about his Pokémon but was relieved when he saw that his Pidgey was in Luna’s arms and was ok. “Hey guys, I see that you have meet my Pidgey.” He said while walking up to them, Luna handed him the unconscious bird. Ace took it in his arms.

“Yeah, I meet him alright. Your Pidgey crash straight into my face.”

Ace blushed a little when he heard that. “Sorry, we were training to the competition and Pidgey lost control thanks to the wind.”

James crossed his arms. “So, it’s time for Pokéring competition again?”

Ace smiled. “That’s right and I am competing with my Pidgey.” Then they heard that tiny bird Pokémon woke up. “Pidgey, are ok?” The bird nodded. “That’s good to know.”

Luna, who was completely clueless of what the two boys was talking about, have had enough. “What the heck are you two talking about? What is this Pokéring competition?”

“It’s better that we show you, follow me.” James gave the ring back to Ace, he then started to walk while Ace and Luna followed him. Ace placed Pidgey on his head.

It didn’t take long before the arrived at their destination. The first thing Luna saw many flying Pokémon and their trainers, who was in an bask that was attached to hot air balloons. She saw the Pokémon fly towards a ring that was been holding up with a small balloon, then the Pokémon took the ring with their peaks and flew down towards the ground where a metal construction.

“The hole pointed with this completion is to get the ring, which is suspended by a balloon, and get it to the goal at ground.” James told Luna.

“And the winner becomes an honorary citizenship of Crossgate town.” Ace said with enthusiasm in his voice.

Luna was amazed by the price. “An honorary citizen? That’s some price.”

“You bet and I am going to win it with my Pidgey.” The tiny bird puffed out it’s chest.

“That’s a bold stamen, how long have you had Pidgey?” James asked Ace.

“I caught him right after my battle with Wattson and that’s not the only Pokémon I have caught.” Before James and Luna could say anything, Ace had taken out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air. “Come out Larvitar.”

Out came a Pokémon that was very small, as small as her Gible. it was light green with a red square on it’s stomach, some black under it’s eyes and stomach. The Pokémon has spike in it’s head. “Larvitar.” Said the Pokémon.

James was impressed. “Wow, you catch a Larvitar. Not bad.”

Luna decided to check the data.

Larvitar the rock skin Pokémon. Larvitar is born deep under ground. To come up to the surface, this Pokémon must eat its way through the soil above. Until it does so, Larvitar cannot see its parents

“Wow, sounds like though Pokémon.” Luna said while looking at the data.

“That’s a an understatment. Where did you find one? Larvitar usually hangs out in Caves and under ground.” James asked Ace

“I caught Larvitar after my fourth badges, after winning I decided to head to cave outside the town to try and catch some more Pokémon and eat some food. After making some food, I decided to gather some wood and when I came back, I saw Larvitar eating all my food.” Ace told them while looking at Larivtar annoyance, the rock skin Pokémon tried to look as innocent as he could, it didn’t work. “I guess I became a little angry so I decided to catch him.”

After Ace told how he catch Larvitar, they decided to head to town to register for the competition. Luna wanted to try and compete, James would also compete. Both Ac and Luna became a little nervous when they heard that, they were even more nervous when James told them that he was a former winner but he told them that anything could happened in this competition. It didn’t help me calm them down.

After walking out of the Pokémon center, they walk into a familiar face. “Well, well. Isn’t it the loser patrol.” Sunset Shimmer. “Don’t tell me that you are competing tomorrow?”

“And if we are.” Luna said to Sunset with some annoyance in her voice.

Sunset looked at Luna and then she started to laugh. “Only real trainers can win Pokéring competition is me, not second hand trainer like you and that kid over there.” She look at Ace while saying that last part.

Larvitar was about to attack Sunset, he wasn’t going to let some human insult his trainer, Ace stopped him by telling him that she wasn’t worth it. Luna on other hand want to just punch the red haired girl in the face.

Then James stepped forward. “Tell you what Sunset, if you can see a REAL trainer so let me know. For right here and now, I can only see two real trainer and you aren’t one of them.”

Sunset wasn’t happy to hear that, that was for sure. She went walked to him so the were face to face “What the hell do you know? You can’t even beat Tobias and his Darkrai so why should I listen to a former champion who gave it all up?”

James didn’t even flinch. “Because I have eight years of training experience while you have doing this for two months and yes, I gave it all up and I regret it every day, you can say whatever you want but I am still a better trainer than you will be and so are they.” He said that last part while pointing towards Ace and Luna.

Sunset tried to come up with something to say, she didn’t came up anything. “Whatever, I’ll see you loser tomorrow at the completion and me was the winner.” And with that said, she left.

Luna and Ace exchanged looks, not knowing how James really felt after what happened with him and Tobias. Luna had some idea but she didn’t know the hole story. She was about to say something, but… “Not a word, let’s just train already.” James walked over to where the air balloons were. Luna and Ace hesitated a little but they eventually followed him.

The training was difficult to say the least and it was mostly thanks to the town strong wind, one minute it was completely silence and the next the wind would blow so hard that their Pokémon had trouble staying right in the air. Ace and his Pidgey had a little easier thanks that the bird was small. Luna and Braviary had trouble, considering they never had done any thing like this before but they managed to get the ring to the goal one time. James on the other hand made it look easy, he and his Swellow managed to get ring to the goal multiples time.

After the raining they went to bed. The next morning, it was time to compete.

“WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE ANNUAL POKERING COMPETITION, THIS YEAR SHOULD BE A GREAT ONE.” Said the announcer while fireworks explode in the sky. “SO, LET’S GET STARTED.” Luna and the other was sitting in booths not far from the stage, it reminded her of the tag battle in Slateport.

She then saw bunch of different people on a big screen and they where with their Pokémon. “James, who are those people?”

“Those are the trainers who won before.”

Luna nodded in understanding. She looked back the screen and then she saw James and his Swellow, she also saw another boy with his Swellow. ‘Could that be Ash?’ Luna thought for herself.

Then it was time for the completion to start. All trainers stood in the center of the arena while computer randomly chose who which trainer would go up against each other, there was four blocks and Luna was hoping she didn’t have to compete against James in the first round.

In block A was James and a former champion. “Oh great, not this guy again.” James said with frustration.


Luna looked over to this Volt, who wasn’t standing not that far from her. He was big and bulky. He was wearing brown pants, he had a west and a cowboy hat on his head. He also had smug face, which reminded her of Sunset.

When it came to Luna, she was block B while Ace was in C. And last but not least, Sunset in D.

Then it was time to get serious. The first four trainer went to their baskets. “See you guys later.” James told Ace and Luna while walking towards his balloon.

James was about to climb into the basket. “James, wait.” He stopped and turned around to see Luna running towards him, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “For good luck.”

He gave her smile in return. “Thanks, I’ll need it.” Luna also smile and ran back to where the other participants were.

Sunset, who saw it all. Almost threw up. “Give me a break.”

Luna and Ace watch on the side line as balloon with the ring flew up. Then it was the trainers turn and Luna saw that the balloons they were using was shape like Pokémon, James looked like a Mudkip. They had to wait until they were high enough to started, then it was time.

“Let’s do this Swellow.” James threw his Pokéball and out came the swallow Pokémon.

Luna watch as Volt threw his Pokéball and out came a Pokémon that looked like a bug. She took out her Pokédex to check the data.

Volbeat the firefly Pokémon. With the arrival of night, Volbeat emits light from its tail. It communicates with others by adjusting the intensity and flashing of its light. This Pokémon is attracted by the sweet aroma of Illumise.

Luna wasn’t sure what Volt was think, using a bug type in a competition with flying Pokémon.

Up in the sky, Volt was making his move. “This too easy, use thunderbolt.” Electricity came out from Volbeat and was heading straight towards James Swellow and the other trainers Pokémon.

James just rolled his eyes. “I knew it, doge the attack and head straight for the ring Swellow.” Swellow managed to doge the attack but the other Pokémon wasn’t that lucky, they were hit and was out of the completion. “Grab that ring and head towards the goal.” Swellow flew towards the balloon with the ring a took it with his beak, he then flew towards goal.

Volbeat followed. “Not this time kid, use thunderbolt again Volbeat.” Electricity came out of Volbeat body, again. And was head towards Swellow.

“Hey Volt, try something different for a chance. Double team.” Swellow started to make copy of himself and then it was many, the attack hit one of the fake one. “Use quick attack and get that ring to the goal.” All the Swellow’s flew as fast as they could towards goal and the real Swellow managed to get ring on the goal post, making him the winner.


All the balloon descended to the grounds, James was happy that he won while Volt looked defeated. “I guess that kiss work.” James told himself.

Then it was Luna’s turned and she was shaking as her balloon went up. She was not afraid of begging up in the air, it was the competition. She felt confident at first but now, she was shaking like a leaf. “Calm down Luna, if you are nervous then your Pokémon will notice.” She took a couple of deep breath to calm herself. Then it was time.

“Let’s do this Braviary.” Out came the Valiant Pokémon.

One ground, Sunset was surprised that Luna had a Braviary. She took out her Pokédex to check the data. Sunset wasn’t that impressed, she thought that Braviary could do it better with her.

“Head for the ring.” Braviary flew faster then the other Pokémon and was almost at the ring, then Luna felt the wind. “Fly up Braviary.” He did as Luna said. The crowed didn’t understand why she did that but then wind came knocked the other Pokémon out of course. “Grab that ring and head towards the goal as fast as you can.” Braviary took the ring with his beak and flew towards the goal and managed to get the ring there before the other Pokémon managed to recover.

James was impressed that Luna managed to ‘read’ the wind like that. Sunset wasn’t impressed, she thought that Luna got lucky.

Then it was Ace and he managed to win his group. Then it was Sunset turned, Luna got a shock when she saw which Pokémon she was using, it was the same one that had kidnap her a while back. She took out her Pokédex.

Fearow the beak Pokémon. Fearow is recognized by its long neck and elongated beak. They are conveniently shaped for catching prey in soil water. It deftly moves its long and skinny beak to pluck prey.

Luna just looked at the data. ‘I wonder if it the same Fearow that kidnap me.’ She thought for herself. James was also shocked when he saw Sunset new Pokémon.

Sunset managed to win D blockeasily.


Ace mouth literally fell down on the ground. “You got to be kidding me, I’m up against Sunset?”

James was about to tell me not to worry to much but then he heard an evil laughter. “This is to rich, I never though this completion would be this easy to win. She you later loser.” She said while walking towards her balloon basket, while waving her hand.

“There’s no way I can beat her and her Fearow, maybe I should give up” Ace hung his head in defeat.

Luna wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what. She then saw Larvitar walked up to his trainer. “Lar lar larvitar.”

“What is it Larvitar?” Ace asked his Pokémon.

Larvitar started to wave his arms and keep saying the same thing. They didn’t understand what he was saying but James had some clue. “I think Larvitar is saying not to give and that he believe in you.”

“Is that right Larvitar?” Larvitar nodded. That made Ace smile. “If Larvitar believe in me then I will do my best.” He said with confidence in his voice. He then ran to his balloon to get ready.

Luna walked over to James and sat down beside him. “Do you think Ace will win?”

“”Well, his Pidgey is smaller than Sunset Fearow so he have an advance there but, Sunset’s Fearow is faster. Anyone of those two can win.” He then looked at her with a goofy grin. “You know that we are going up against each other next, right?” Luna eyes widen when she heard that. “Crap.”

Ace and Sunset’s balloons flew up to the right high with the ring balloon and then it was time.

“Let’s do this Pidgey.” Ace threw is Pokéball and out came the tiny bird Pokémon, ready to win.

Sunset just smiled. “This is going to be easy, let’s crush them Fearow.” Sunset threw her Pokéball and out came the beak Pokémon, Fearow let out a terrified cry as it came out. “Let’s go on the offensive here, use aerial ace.” Fearow took a fast loop and then head towards Ace’s Pidgey with blistering speed.

“Get out of the way Pidegy.” But it was too late, Fearow was too fast and Pidegy was hit hard. “PIDEGY.” Tiny bird Pokémon started to fall towards the ground.

Sunset smiled of her handwork. “This WAS to easy, let’s get that ring and win this.” Fearow flew up towards the balloon ring.

Down on the ground. Luna was in shock off what Sunset did. “That was not very nice, her Fearow IS way bigger.” She said with anger in her voice.

“Right or not, it is legal. But you are right, it was not nice.” Said James.

In the sky, Pidgey was still falling and Fearow had already taken the ring. “Don’t give up Pidgey, you can do this, you are stronger then Sunset’s Fearow.”

Sunset couldn’t help but laugh when she heard that. “Oh man, you have high hopes for that thing you call a Pokémon.”

“Hey, don’t you dare call me Pidgey a thing. Don’t you have any respect for others Pokémon?” Ace shouted at her.

“Respect?” Sunset just snorted. “Respect doesn’t mean a thing in a battle only power and you are weak.”

Ace had enough. “I’ll show you.” He leaned out of his basket. “Come on Pidegy, let’s show her who’s weak.”

Pidegy managed to straighten himself up and then he started to glow. Pidgey started to get big, his wings, claws and hair started to grow.

And then a new Pokémon appeared, screaming out. “PIDGEOTTO.” It looked like bigger version of Pidgey.

Ace couldn’t help but smile. “Awesome, you evolved into Pidgeotto.”

Back on the ground. Luna took out her Pokédex to see the data.

Pidgeotto the bird Pokémon and the evolved form of Pidgey. Pidgeotto claims a large area as its own territory. This Pokémon flies around, patrolling its living space. If its territory is violated, it shows no mercy in thoroughly punishing the foe with its sharp claws.

Back in the air, Sunset was not impressed. “Big deal, you are still going to lose. Get that ring to the goal post.” Fearow started to fly towards the ground.

“Let’s get that ring Pidgeotto, chase after Fearow with quick attack.” Pidgeotto started fly towards Fearow with blistering speed and before Fearow or Sunset could blink, Pidgeotto had snatched the ring from Fearow and was heading towards goal.

Sunset was not happy when she saw that. “Nobody is going to take my victory from me, use mirror move.” All of sudden, Fearow also started to fly fast.

Pidgeotto was heading towards the goal and was almost there but Fearow was closing inn. Then Ace got an idea. “Hit the brakes Pidgeotto.” Pidgeotto managed to stop just a few feet from the goal post but Fearow wasn’t that lucky, the beak Pokémon flew past Pidgeotto and didn’t managed to stop, he crashed into the goal post with his head first. The audience winched when that happened, Fearow just fell to the ground with a big lump on its head.

When Ace saw that, he had trouble holding in his laughter. “Get that ring on the goal post.” He told Pidgeotto between giggles. Pidgeotto did that and Ace won the first round.

When Ace’s balloon was on the ground, he could hold in his laughter anymore. He started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” Said a voice that scared Ace.

Standing not far from him was James, he had his arms crossed and didn’t look happy. “Sorry, I just thought it was funny when Sunset’s Fearow crashed into the goal post.”

“So, you think it’s funny when other’s Pokémon get hurt?”

“No, but in this case, yes.”

James wasn’t angry anymore, he was disappointed. “Maybe it was funny but that doesn’t give you the right to laugh at Fearow’s pain.”

“Doesn’t give me the right? Ever since I first battle Sunset, she have made fun of me and she talks about how week I am. And now I managed to beat her, I am not allowed to laugh at her? She laughs at me all the time, how’s that fair?”

“It’s not fair but don’t be like her.” James walked past him. “I may not know you that well, but I believe that you respect a trainer, so don’t be like her.” James walked over to balloon basket to get ready.

Ace just thought about what James just said. “Whatever, it felt good to beat her.” He walked towards the audience.

Then it was James and Luna’s turn and Luna was nervous, again. “Why did have to be James? The boy I’m dating?” She sighed. “I just have to give it my all.” Then it was time. “Time to do this Braviary.”

James was up next. “You’re up Swellow.”

Both Pokémon came out of their Pokéball’s, then they just started at each other. Trying to intimidate each other, did didn’t work, none of them flinched.

Then Luna made her move. “Go Braviary.” The Valiant Pokémon flew towards the ring, while James didn’t move. That confused Luna. Then a strong gust came out of nowhere and knock Braviary out of course. “Oh no.” Luna started to panic.

“Ride that wind and get that ring.” Swellow did that and managed to ride the wind towards the ring, he pick it up and started to head towards the goal post.

While he did that, Braviary had managed to get his bearings right. “Go after him Braviary.” Braviary didn’t have to be asked twice, he flew after Swellow who was almost at goal. “This is no good, I am going to lose if I don’t do anything. I have to attack, use air slash.” Braviary used his wings to send way blades of air towards Swellow. The attack so fast that James hadn’t time to react, Swellow was hit in the back and he lost the ring. “Now, get that ring and let’s win this.” Braviary managed to grab the ring with his beak while it was in the air, he got to the goal post and Luna was the winner.


Luna was jumping up and down in her basket. “We did it Braviary.” Braviary as flying in front of her, just smiling.

James couldn’t help but smile, he wasn’t sad or angry that he lost, he was happy for Luna. Meanwhile on the ground. Sunset couldn’t believe that Luna won. “How the hell did that loser won against a former champion?” She started to walk away from the hole thing. “I had enough of this, I am heading to the school.” She said to herself.

James was walking back to the stands, he was smile the hole way. Once back, Luna approached him. “Sorry that I beat you.” She told him while rubbing her arm.

James just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it, you won fair and square.” Luna was relieved that James wasn’t mad at her.

Then it was time for the finales, the balloons were ready, Luna and Ace were on their way up to right altitude with balloon ring. Luna wanted to talk to Ace before the finales and wish him good luck but that didn’t happened, he just walked straight past her and didn’t even bother talking to her.

She was brought out of her thought by the speaker. “…THE FINAL ROUND OF COMPETISON IS UNDER WAY.” Then sound came and Luna and Ace realised their Pokémon.

James looked at hole thing “Let’s see who is going to win, but what I am wondering.” He looked over to Ace’s balloon. “Are you going to act like Sunset or yourself.”

Back in the air. “You’re up Pidgeotto.”

“Let’s go Braviary.” Both Pokémon was ready. “Head straight for that ring Braviary.” He did just that.

“I don’t think so. Pidgeotto, use whirlwind Braviary.” Pidgeotto started to flap it’s wings as hard as he could, creating a wind so hard that Braviary had trouble moving forward.

“Don’t give up Braviary.” Braviary started to flap it’s wings harder and managed to move forward.

“I am not going to lose, give it all you have Pidgeotto.” Pidgeotto started to flap it’s wings so hard that in the end Braviary was pushed backwards.

Braviary flew straight into Luna’s basket with it’s back first. “You ok Braviary.” The bird managed to keep himself up in air. James who saw it all was shocked.

Ace couldn’t help but smile. “Now that’s Braviary is out of the way, head to the ring.” Pidgeotto hesitated a little but eventually he flew towards the ring.

Then all of sudden the wind started to pick up and then all of sudden a giant twister appeared, James eyes widen when he saw it. “Oh no, a flash tornado.” The tornado had swallowed the balloon ring.

Luna wasn’t sure what she saw, it was a twister made out of sand. She had never see anything like this before. ‘If Braviary goes after the ring now, he would get seriously hurt.’ She looked at her Pokémon. “Let’s wait until it disappeared.” Braviary agreed with that.

Ace on the other hand, he wanted to win. “I am not going to let some tornado stand in my way, go and get that ring Pidgeotto.” The bird Pokémon wasn’t sure if he heard right, his trainer wanted him to go through the tornado. He didn’t want to. “I gave you an order, go and get that ring.” Pidgeotto didn’t want to listen. “What are you doing? I am your trainer and I order you to get that ring, I… I…” Ace suddenly realized something, he was becoming Sunset. He look down at his hands and they were shaking. “What am I doing? This isn’t me.” He took out a Pokéball. “Pidgeotto, return.” Pidgeotto returned with a smile on his face. “I forfeit.”

Everyone that was watching wasn’t sure what just happened, even Luna was surprised why he did it. “WHAT GOING ON? ACE HAS JUST FORFEIT, WHICH MEANS THAT THIS YEARS WINNER IS LUNA.” The audience was surprised at first but eventually the cheered for this year’s winner, Luna.

When Ace basket landed, he just stood in it and looked at the ground. “You did the right thing.” The voice scared Ace, he looked up and saw James standing not far from him.

Ace had to blink a few times. “What?”

“You did the right to forfeit.”

Ace was shocked. “How did you know?”

“I could see it in your eyes, they somehow chance after your battle with Sunset.”

Ace let out a sighed. “Yeah.” He jump out of the basket. “I let Sunset get to me. is just, she thinks I am a loser and weak, when beat her. It just felt so good.”

James walked over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. “To win a battle against someone who goes on your nerves does feel good, just don’t let it go to your head. Don’t become like her, be the trainer that you want to be.”

That made Ace smile, a little. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“Your welcome. Want to watch ceremony?”

Ace shocked his head. “No, I’m going back to the Pokémon center. I need to apologize to my Pidgeotto and then I am going to lay down and think of what I did today.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” With that said, Ace went to the Pokémon center and James went to find Luna.

After the ceremony, which Luna was made an honorary citizenship of Crossgate town. Both of them was walking back to the Pokémon center, James told Luna the reason why Ace forfeit the competition.

“Wow, I didn’t think that Sunset would affect him that bad.”

“Yeah, it can happened to the best, I am just glad that he realised it before his Pidgeotto got hurt.”

Luna couldn’t agree more, she wouldn’t never sink to Sunset level of training.

Author's Note:

There you all have it, a new chapter, I am more happy with this than the last one. I am not sure if I got the air battle right, it was the first time I have writen it. Sorry for the crappy ending, I just wanted to be finished with the chapter.

Also, I think I will write two more chapters and then the summer Pokémon school.

Ace belongs to MLPFan1.

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