• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Luna vs Wattson part 1

Author's Note:

What's this, part 1? Hmmm.

Read this; I f... up on the last chapter, there was a some sentences that was not suppose to be in that chapter but in this chapter. I hope you all can see where.

It was past midnight in the Pokémon center and Luna just lay there in her bed staring at the celling, ever since she watched the battle between Sunset and wattson she as wondered if she is good enough to beat him.

“Can’t sleep?” That was James and it made her almost jump out of the bed, he was lying on his side so that his back was facing her.

“How did you know?”

“I could see it in your eyes after the battle, you are worried that you are not good enough to beat him. That’s way you can’t sleep.”

“I guess you have all the answered.” She said with annoying in her voice.

“I don’t have all the answered but I have felt the way you do many time, my advice is just battle like you always do and give it your best.”

“Joshua told me that I should not underestimate Wattson, was he right?”

“He’s right, of all the gym leaders in all the regions I have travel to he is the most experience.”

“Then why did Sunset won so easy?”

“Because she had Pokémon that had a cleared ad avenge over Wattson’s Pokémon, looked don’t worry to and just give it your best. Try to get some sleep, you can’t challenge Wattson when you are tired.”

It took a while but Luna eventually fell asleep. When she woke up the next morning she looked over to James bed and saw that it was empty.

‘I guess he’s up already.’ She then looked at the clock and it read 10:23 am, when she saw that her eyes widened. She got out the bed, did her business in bathroom, got dress pick up her egg and walked out of the room.

When she walked out in to main room in Pokémon center she many people walking around, talking to each other but she did not see James anywhere. She walked over to the front desk where nurse Joy was, when Joy saw Luna she gave her a smile.

“Hello Luna, how are you this morning?”

“A little tired, have you seen James?”

“He said that he would go to Wattson and tell him that you would come later in the day, he said that you need your sleep.”

“That’s good, Nurse Joy do you think that you could help me with something?”

“Sure, I’m not busy right now. What can I help you with?”

“I know that you can only have six Pokémon, how do I switch them with them that are at professor Birch lad. Can you help me with that?”

“Sure, I can help you with that just one moment. Blissey, can you come out here for a moment.”

As son Nurse Joy said that a Pokémon came out from the back that Luna had not seen before, it looked like a Chansey. She took out her Pokédex.

Blissey the Happiness Pokémon and the evolved form of Chansey. Blissey sense sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. If it does so, this Pokémon will rush over to a sad person, no matter how far away, to share a Lucky Egg that brings a smile to any face.

“Blissey, I’m going to help Luna with something can you watch the front desk while I do that.”

Blissey just smiled. “Blissey.”

“That’s good, follow me Luna.” Luna followed Joy over to the phones. “The first you have to do is call the lab and make sure everything is ready there.”

Luna did as she said and dialed the number to Birch lad, the one that answered was Joshua.

“Hello Luna and Nurse Joy, what can I help you two with?”

“Hello Joshua, Luna her need to switch one of here Pokémon with one of her Pokémon in lab.”

Joshua just looked confused. “But Luna, the only Pokémon you have in the lab is Scyther, are you sure you want to use him in a battle against Wattson?”

Even Nurse Joy was concerned. “I’m with Joshua on this one, Scyther is bug/flying type and is not a good choice to use.”

“I am fully aware of that but it’s my decision and I want to use Scyther.”

Joshua just sighted. “Were well Luna, I will send you Scyther just give me a moment.” He disappeared from the screen, then Nurse Joy decide to speak up.

“Are you sure that you want to use Scyther?” Luna nodded. “Alright then, while Joshua is getting your Scyther you can but the Pokémon you want to send him in the slot under screen.” She pointed at a round hole the was big enough to put a Poké ball, Luna took out a ball and place it in the hole.

Then Joshua retuned. “I have your Scyther’s Poké ball just let me get ready on my side, are you ready on side?” Luna nodded. “Great, now let’s see here, it’s been while since I use this. You place the Poké ball here and then… by the way which Pokémon are you sending her?”

“My Marill.”

“A Marill? Alright then, I almost ready.”

Suddenly Marill’s Poké ball was hit by beam of electricity and when Luna saw that she stared to panicked. “What happened to Marill?”

Nurse Joy put a hand on her shoulder to try to cam her down. “Don’t worry your Marill is fine.”

“How can she be fine? She just…” She never got to completed that sentence because a Poké ball appeared where Marill’s Poké ball just where. Luna just stared at the ball wonder just happened.

“What was that?” She asked Nurse Joy.

“That’s how we let trainers switch Pokémon.” Nurse Joy pointed at Poké ball. “That’s Scyther ball, the way acted is like you have not seen how we transport Pokémon.”

“Where I from Pokémon do not exist.”

That surprised Nurse Joy. “Then all this must be new for you.”

“You can say that again.”

“If there are nothing else Luna I need to get back to work, good luck with your gym battle.”

“Thanks Joshua.”

Once they were finished Nurse Joy went back to work while Luna went to eat breakfast, while she was eating James arrived at Pokémon center. He sat down in chair at the table Luna was eating.

“Ready for your battle with Wattson?”

“Right after I’ve eaten breakfast.”

Right after she was done eating her breakfast they were on their way to the gym so Luna could earn her third badge. When they arrived they could not see Wattson anywhere, all they could see was Sunset sitting on the stands.

“You took your sweat time.”

“What are you doing here?” Luna asked Sunset.

“I am here to see you lose, your ‘boyfriend’ over there keeps talking that you have to believe in your Pokémon too win a battle so I wanted too se it myself.”

James was about to say something but he was interrupted by Wattson and Wade waking in.

“There you are Luna, are you ready for our battle?” Wattson asked her.

“I am.”

“Good, because I hope you are ready.”

Wattson and Luna took position on the battle field while Wade stood in the middle, James took a seat on the stand with Sunset.

“This gym battle between the gym leader Wattson and the challenger Luna will now begin, each trainer will use three Pokémon but only the challenger can switch Pokémon. The battle is over when all three Pokémon is unable to battle, if you both are ready.” Both nodded. “Then begin.

Wattson was up first. “You’re up first Voltorb.”

That surprised Luna. ‘Why did chose Voltorb? Why not Electrike? I can worry about that later.’ She took out a Poké ball. “Come out Scyther.”

When they all saw that they began to wonder what she was thinking.

“What are you boing Luna.” James asked her.

“I’m doing it my like you told me to do, can we get on with the battle?”

Wade nodded. “The challenger has the first move.”

“Use quick attack Scyther.” But Scyher had a different thought in mind, his arms stared to glow and he stared to run towards Voltorb. “What are you doing Scyther?”

“Use rollout Voltorb.” Voltorb stared to roll towards Scyther.

“Dodge it by using double team.”

Scyther did not listen to her he continued to run towards Voltorb, Scyther tried to hit Voltorb but before he got the change he was hit hard in the stomach.

“Why did you not listened to my Scyther? I told you to use double team to avoid the attack.” Scyther looked at her and he was not happy. “Scyther?”

Scyther raised his arms. “SCYTHER.” His arms stared to glow again and he ran towards Voltorb again.

“Use electro ball.” A ball of electricity stared to form in front of Voltorb and the he sent it towards Scyther who was hit hard, he pasted out.

“Scyther is unable to battle Voltorb is the winner.” Wade announced.

Luna called back Scyther to his Poké ball, she just stared at it. ‘I thought that you trusted me.’

When Sunset saw what happened she stared to laugh. “Oh man what an idiot, first she uses a Pokémon that are weak against electricity and then she finds out that Scyther is not listening to her. That’s just hilarious, oh good.”

James could not believe what he saw, it was almost the battle against Brawly in replay but this time she did not make rookie mistake. This time she had trust issues with Scyther.

“She is not going to win now, that’s for sure.” Said Sunset.

“Don’t count her out just yet Sunset, the battle is not over yet.” James told her.

“Oh please, Voltorb has not received any damage yet and Wattson has two Pokémon. She has lost.”

James did not answer her because he had faith in Luna, sure she made some mistake on the way but in his mind she is naturel at being a Pokémon trainer.

Back on the battle field Luna was ready with her next Pokémon.

“You are up Eevee.” Out came a happy Pokémon. “Use quick attack.” Eevee ran as fast she could towards Voltorb and before he could react he was hit by Eevee’s quick attack.

“Counter it with electro ball.” A ball of electricity formed in front of Voltorb and he send it towards Eevee.

“Quickly Eevee use dig to doge it.” Eevee dug a hole in the ground just in time to evade Voltorb’s electro ball.

“Begin to roll around Voltrob so Eevee can’t hit you.” Voltrob stared to roll around the battle field, Eevee came out of the ground hitting Voltrob a little.

“Now use tackle.” Eevee tackle Voltrob.

“Counter it with another electro ball.”

“Doge it Eevee.” But it was too late Eevee was hit by Voltorb’s electro ball.

“Now use gyro ball Voltorb.” Voltorb stared to spin very fast.

“Get out of the way Eevee.” But it was too late Voltorb hit Eevee hard and Eevee passed out.

“Eevee is unable to battle Voltorb is the winner.” Wade announced.

Back on the stands Sunset just smiled. “Well, this is over it is impossible for her to win now.”

Luna said nothing she called back Eevee. “You did a good job now take a good rest, I’m counting on you Poochyena.” Out came Poochyena ready for battle. “Use tackle.” Poochyena tackle Voltorb. “Use tackle again.” Voltorb was hit again he passed out.

“Voltorb is unable to battle Poochyena is the winner.” Wade announce.

Wattson called back Voltorb. “You did a good job now take a good rest.” He took out a new Poké ball. “You’re up Electrike.” Out cam Electrike.

“Use tackle Poochyena.”

“Take the attack Electrike.”

‘Why.’ Luna thought.

When Poochyena attack hit Electrike slide backward then Poochyena stared to stared to winch in pain.

“What’s wrong Poochyena?” Luna asked, then all of sudden electricity stared to form around Poochyena. “What’s happing?”

“That’s static Luna it’s Electrike ability, Poochyena is paralyzed.” James said from the stands.

When Sunset saw that she got up from her set. “Well it was fun as long as it lasted but she is done for and I’m bored.” With that she walked towards the exit and was gone.

“Use quick attack Electrike.” Electrike ran as fast he could towards Poochyena who could not move, he was hit. “Now use spark.” Electrike sent electricity at Poochyena and he was hit, he passed out.

“Poochyena is unable to battle Electrike is the winner.” Wade announce.

Luna called back Poochyena back to his Poké ball, she ran out of the gym crying.

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