• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Double Battle Luna vs Opal

The day for Luna’s first double battle in the Hoenn champion against a girl named Opal Akaru, Luna was currently standing outside stadium A with Celestia, James and the others had already entered the stadium for somewhere to sit so they could watch the match.

Luna was holding herself with arms, she was shaking a little. “Are you nervous Luna?” Here sister asked her.

Luna nodded. “A little, I was more nervous yesterday.” Celestia remember that and it made her giggle a little. “Haha, laugh it up.”

“I’m sorry Luna, it was little funny the way you were acting.” Luna did not think it was funny.

Then a new voice spoke up. “Hey Luna.” Both sisters look in the direction of the voice and they saw Lumi walking towards them. “I see you are ready for your match.”

Luna nodded. “As ready as I can be. What about you? Are you heading to your match?”

Lumi just smiled. “That’s right, my battle is in stadium B.” Lumi then notice Celestia. “Who are you?”

“This is my big sister, Celestia. Celestia, this Lumi Koude, she is from Snowpoint city in Sinnoh.”

Celestia bowed a little. “Nice to meet you too.”

Lumi was a little confused right now. “Yeah, nice to meet you.” She then look at Luna. “So, this is the sister you wanted to escape from, you did a crappy job of that part.”

Celestia look at her sister with annoyance. “You wanted to escape from me?”

“Can you blame me after what you did?” Celestia had to admit it but she had a point. “And besides, I’m not mad at her anymore, we managed to talk, and we forgave each other.”

“That’s good to hear. Now, if you two will excuse me I have a match to win.” Lumi then walk away.

After she was gone, Celestia spoke up. “So, you told her about us.”

“Not everything, I don’t think she would believe me if I told her that we are ponies with wings and horn, and that we have lived over three thousand years.”

Celestia couldn’t help but smirk. “No, she would probably not.” She then look at the stadium. “I better find somewhere to sit, it’s almost time for your match.” She gave her sister a kiss on the forehead. “I will be rooting for you.” She then walk to the stadium leaving Luna alone.

Luna took a deep breath. “Alright, time to battle.” She walk towards the stadium.

Once Celestia was inside she could see many humans sitting around wanting to watch the match, she started to look around to see if she could spot James and the girls, it didn’t take long considering she could see Pinkie waving at her, they had managed to find a spot pretty close to the arena. Celestia walk down the stairs to join them.

Once Celestia arrived she could see all of them sitting there. “You made it Celestia.” Said Pinkie with the biggest smile she had ever seen.

“Of course I did, there’s no way I’m going to miss my sister battle.” She said while sitting beside Rarity.

“Is she nervous?” James asked Celestia.

“She is but not like yesterday, were you nervous your first time battling here?” Celestia asked him.

James just chuckle. “That I was, I was probably more nervous than Luna.” Celestia believe him, she couldn’t imagine how much pressure there are on trainers in these tournaments.

Then they heard a voice over the speakers. “WELCOME LAIDES AND GENTLEMEN TO THE FIRST MATCH IN THE QUALIFYING. NOW, LET’S MEET OUR COMBATANTS. FIRST UP WE HAVE OPAL AKARU FROM ECRUTRACK CITY.” A girl with long black hair walk into the stadium, she was wearing a black dress with flowers which Rarity thought was gorgeous, the crowd cheered at her. “AND CHALLENGING HER IS LUNA MOON FROM LITTLEROOT TOWN.” The crowd cheered for her when she walk in, she did Celestia and the girls.

Not Twilight, she couldn’t help but question what the man said. “Wait, Luna isn’t from Littleroot, she from Canterlot, why lie?”

James who sat at her left answered her. “We had to say she was from Litteroot town, we couldn’t say that she was from pony land, people would think she is crazy or something like that.” Twilight didn’t like but she understood.


Opal was up first, she took out two Pokéball’s and threw them. “Come out Ampharos and Linoone.” Out came two Pokémon Luna hadn’t seen before. One was yellow with some white and black, it had a red ball on its tail and on its forehead, the Pokémon was standing on it hind legs. The other on was on all four, it was brown with some white, it had claws on its feet.

Luna had to see the data, she quickly took out her dex and pointe at the yellow one.

Ampharos the light Pokémon. Ampharos gives off so much light that it can be seen even from space. People in the old days used the light of this Pokémon to send signals to send back and forth with others far away.

Then the other one.

Linoone the rush Pokémon. Linoone always runs at full speed and only in straight lines. If facing and obstacle, it makes a right angle turn to evade it. This Pokémon is very challenged by gently curving roads.

She saw that they were electric and normal types, she was glad for her choice.

Back with the other. “Well, this should be interesting.” Said James as he leaned back and crossed his arms.

Applejack, who was sitting by his left was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Ampharos and Linoone is very different when it comes to strength and weakness, Ampharos is strong but not very fast, Linoone is fast but not very strong, she had a very good balance team I just hope she managed to control Linoone.” Now every one of them was confused. “Linoone isn’t very good at turning when its running, they can hit things while they are running.”

That made Pinkie giggle. “That sounds like Dash, she has a tendency to fly into thing when she is flying.” The others couldn’t help but also laugh of what Pinkie said.

Dash was just upset. “Hey, I don’t fly into thing when I’m flying.” She said in a frustrated tone.

Pinkie nodded. “Right, I meant the ground.” Then she continued to laugh, Dash just crossed her arms and started to pout.

James look at Applejack. “Are they always like this?” He asked her.

Applejack just gave her answer in one word. “Eeyup.” James decided not to say anything more, they went back to the match.

Then it was Luna’s turn. “Come out Marowak and Sandslash.” Out came the two Alola Pokémon and entire stadium was in shock when they saw them, they had never seen a Marowak and Sandslash like that, even Luna’s opponent was in shock.

“I DON’T BELIEVE IT FOLKS, LUNA HAS A MAROWAK AND SANDSLASH IN THEIR ALOLA FORM, I DIDN’T THINK THEY LIVED IN HOENN.” The crowed got over the shock pretty fast, then they cheered again. It was a little confusing.

Then the judge step in. “Let the battle begin.”

Opal was up first. “Alright Ampharos, use thunderbolt on both of them.” The light Pokémon send away electricity towards Luna’s Pokémon.

Luna was prepared. “Marowak, use your bone to stop it.” Marowak step in front of Sandslash and started to spin his bone, he managed to cancel the attack with ease.


Then it was Luna turn. “Sandslash, use ice punch on Linoone. Marowak, use flame wheel on Ampharos.” Sandslash hand started to glow with ice, and he started to run towards Linoone. Marowak started to run and then he started to spin, he then was surrounded by flames as he headed towards Ampharos.

Opal was ready. “Linoone, use slash on Sandslash. Ampharos, use protect.”

Linoone right claw started to glow as the rush Pokémon started to tun towards Sandslash, both poke mon meet, and their attacks collided. At first it look like both Pokémon was equally strong but then Sandslash managed to push away Linoone sending it flying backwards. Then a green barrier appeared in front of Ampharos that Marowak collide with, he was sent flying backwards.


Opal wasn’t done. “Quickly Ampharos, use thunderbolt while Marowak is in the air.”

The light managed to send away electricity towards Marowak who was still in the air, he was hit hard by the attack, he also took damaged as he landed on the ground.

“You okay Marowak? Luna asked with concern in her voice, the bone Pokémon managed to get up, but he was hurt. Luna look over to Luna who had a smug look on her face, time to counter. “Sandslash, use ice beam on the ground, cover it with ice.” The mouse Pokémon fire a beam of ice from its mouth and managed to cover the entire battlefield with ice.


Opal just watch as both of her Pokémon had trouble standing on the ice while Luna’s Pokémon had no trouble with it.

“What’s going on? Why are you Pokémon standing up?” Opal yelled at Luna.

“Training.” Was the answer Luna gave her.

Opal was now frustrated, there was no way she was going to lose like this. She then got an idea. “Ampharos, use your tail to stabilize yourself. Linoone, use your claws.” Both her Pokémon did as she said, and they now didn’t have trouble standing but they were still wobbling.

Luna’s Pokémon didn’t have the same trouble, both of them was skating around the track. Which annoyed Opal.

Luna decided to attack. “Marowak, use shadow ball on Ampharos. Sandslash, use metal claw at Linoone.” Marowak send away a black ball towards Ampharos, which just collied with protect, Luna couldn’t help but curse of the, she hated that. Sandslash was skating towards Linoone

Opal didn’t expect that Sandslash could use metal claw, she had to worried about that later, she need to counter. “Use slash again Linoone.” The rush Pokémon tried to use the attack, but it was difficult considering the ice under its feet, Linoone didn’t managed to attack and was hit hard, he then was sent flying backwards and landed on the ground unconscious.

“Linoone is unbale to battle.” The judge announced.

Opal was frustrated that she lost a Pokémon before Luna, she called back Linoone and then she had to something with all that ice, she then got an idea. “Ampharos, use thunder punch on the ice.” Electricity appeared around its fist and the light Pokémon punch the ice so hard that he managed shatter it, then bunch of ice shards flew across the arena hitting Luna’s Pokémon. Sandslash was that affect but it was another story for Marowak, he was hit by many that he was knock out. The ice around Ampharos was al gone.

“Marowak is unbale to battle.” The judge announced.


Luna called back Marowak, she then look back at her opponent who had smug smile on her face, Luna didn’t like it. Luna should have the advantage, but she had to break that barrier that was protecting Ampharos first, time to get to work.

“Use ice punch on Ampharos.” Ice started to appear around its fist as the mouse Pokémon started to run towards his opponent, he tried to hit Ampharos, but the barrier just stop the attack. “Damn it, I need to break that barrier, keep up the attack Sandslash.” The mouse Pokémon keep on attacking with both hands.

While Sandslash was attacking, Opal decided to attack herself. “Let’s use thunder punch on Sandslash.” Electricity appeared around Ampharos fist and she then hit Sandslash right in the face which send him back a little. “Follow it up with thunderbolt.” Ampharos send away electricity toward it opponent.

“Block the attack.” Sandslash crossed his arms and took the attack head on, the attack push him back a little while Luna was just glad that the attacks side effect didn’t kick in. “Use ice beam.” Sandslash send away a beam of ice and this time the barrier was destroyed and Ampharos was hit, then ice beam side effect kick in, Ampharos was frozen in ice.


Opal had no idea what to do eight now while Luna decided to attack. “Let’s use ice punch once more.” Ice formed around Sandslash hand and then he started to run towards Ampharos who was still frozen, he then hit the ice shattering it in the process, he then hit Ampharos in the stomach knocking the light Pokémon out.

“Ampharos in unable to battle, Sandslash is the winner, the victory goes to Luna.” The judge announced.

The crowed when wild when they heard that, even Celestia and the rest joined the cheering for both trainers.

It took a few seconds before Luna realised what just happened, she then couldn’t help but give a big smile that could rival Pinkie. “We did Sandslash.” She said as the mouse Pokémon walk over to her, she then decided to give him a hug, she didn’t care that he was cold. The mouse Pokémon also smiled of joy.


After the battle Luna walk out of the stadium with her two Pokémon, she was happy that she managed to win the battle but then she notice that Marowak was walking with his head hung low, he was disappointed in himself because he was knock out so easily.

“Luna.” Walking towards her was James, her sister and the girls. “Congratulations on your victory,” Celestia gave her a hug. “I think you did great out there.”

Luna returned the hug. “Thanks Tia, it means a lot.”

Celestia let go of the hug. “You’re welcome.” She then notice Marowak. “What’s wrong with your Marowak?”

Luna was now confused. “What do you mean?” Luna turned around and saw that Marowak was hanging his head. “Marowak, what’s wrong?” She asked the bone Pokémon as she walk over to him.

“I’m guessing he’s sad because he got knock out so easily.” Said James.

“Is that true Marowak?” The bone Pokémon just nodded his head. “You have nothing to feel bad about Marowak, I’m the one to blame, I gave you some stupide orders. if anyone is to blame then it’s me, when I get to top 32, we are going to better, agree?” The bone Pokémon couldn’t help but smile of what she said.

Then all off sudden. CLICK CLICK Two humans and seven ponies that was turn into humans look in the direction of the noise ad standing not far from them was a girl with a camera, she had blond hair, she was wearing a white and yellow cap, a jacket which was yellow and orange, a pair of short pant and some white and red shoes. She was also wearing a backpack.

“Excuse me, did you just take pictures of my Pokémon?” Luna asked the girl.

“Only your Marowak, I haven’t seen a Marowak from Alola before, so I just had to take a picture.” Luna look at this girl with narrow eyes, she didn’t like this girl. “I’m sorry, my name is Sara Jones and I’m from the Lental region, I’m a Pokémon photographer and I travel the world to take photos of Pokémon in the wild or sometimes in the city or tournaments.” She said with an innocent smile on her face.

Luna frowned and crossed her arms. “And you happened to wait outside the stadium I was battling?”

Sara scratch her head. “Well, I did hear a rumour of a trainer that had two Pokémon that was from Alola and look different from the used to, so I had to see, I have already pictures of a Alola Sandslash but not Marowak.” She then bowed. “I’m so sorry that took a picture with your consent but I prefer to take pictures without Pokémon knowing it.”

Luna might have reacted a little a little wrong, there’s nothing wrong with someone taking a picture of her Pokémon, at least she isn’t trying to catch them.

“Tell you what Sara if you show me your pictures of the Pokémon you have catch on camera, I will let this go.”

“Sure, that’s fine with me. in fact…” She took of her backpack and took out a photo album. “I have the pictures right her.” She said while showing them the album.

They decided to head to café Salt and Pepper.

Once they had order Sara showed them the pictures, she had taken of Pokémon in Lental region.

“I have to say Sara, these are some lovely pictures.” Said Rarity as she look through them.

That made Sara smile. “Thank you, I’m proud of my work.”

Rarity, Fluttershy and Sara was sitting by a table looking through the album, James was standing behind them looking at the pictures. He didn’t hate people taking photos Pokémon, he just prefer battling over what Sara was doing. He was amazed when he saw a Meganium that was twice the size, Sara called it an Illumina Pokémon, James had never heard that before.

Then he notice something, so he took the book from Rarity. “Hey, I was look at that.” He just ignored her.

He look at the pictures, but he didn’t believe it. “Sara, is this Sawsbuck and Deerling?” He asked while showing Sara the picture of two Pokémon that look like a dear, one was bigger than the other.

“Yes, that’s Deerling and Sawsbuck, why do you ask?”

James look at her with annoyance. “Really?” The others didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Can you explain what’s going on?” Dash asked him.

“What’s going on? I want to know how Sara managed to take pictures of Deerling and Sawsbuck in all their season form, which I think you did on the same day.”

Sara shook her head. “Not, the same day but I managed to take a picture of all their form.”

The rest was simply confused. “James, what’s so important about that those two Pokémon?” Luna asked him.

“Will tell you, Deerling and Sawsbuck are known as the season Pokémon, they change their appearances accordingly to the season we are in. we are in the summer so a Deerling should be green and Sawsbuck should have green leaf’s on its horns, somehow Sara has managed to take a pictures of all of them, that’s not possible.”

The girls didn’t quit understand what the big fuss was about, considering they didn’t know as much about Pokémon like James.

Then Sara spoke up. “I did take those pictures in a place called Elsewhere forest and that place is mystical, one can say it’s unique.”

James handed the book back. “I think my brain just shut down.” He mumbled to himself as he walk away.

Author's Note:

Apparently there's a a new Pokémon snap game out so I decided to write my main character into the story.

Sorry for the crappy battle, it's not easy to write a double battle. Sorry for the bad ending.

Opal Akaru belongs to FrostTheWolf

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