• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Day Before the School part 1

After the incident at the weather institute. Luna and the boys had finally reached the summer school where they are going to spend the next week, where they would learn about new Pokémon and meet new people.

“Man, I can’t wait it to begin.” Said Ace with enthusiasm in his voice

“Someone is excited.” Said Luna while giggling a little.

“Can you blame, I have been waiting for this moment ever since professor Juniper told about it two weeks ago.”

That made the rest laugh, they were excited to but unlike Ace, they had more self control. They eventually arrived at their destination when they saw a stone fence with an entrance.

“Isn’t the fence a little overkill?” Luna asked as they entered the school area.

“Not really, they have them at other school in Hoenn.” James told her, then he decided to ask her. “Don’t they have this where you’re from?”

“Not that I know of, they didn’t have them when I went to school.” James decided to not ask any more about that.

When they entered the area, they saw a bunch off houses enough to house many people but there’s one thing that was missing, people. There wasn’t a single human around.

Ace scratched his head. “That’s weird, professor Juniper told me that would be more people here.”

“That’s because you are early.” Said a new voice.

Walking towards them was man James and Luna knew while Ace and Shadow had no idea who was, he had green hair and glasses, he wore a yellow sweater with a white lab coat.

“Hello Joshua, I am guessing you are here to help Birch.”

Joshua gave James a smile. “That is correct.” He looked at Luna. “Hello Luna.” She said hello back, he then looked at the two others. “I am guessing that you two are Artic Ace and Shadow Moonrise.” Both said hello to him. “As James told you, my name is Joshua and I am here to help professor Birch the coming week. The school doesn’t start until tomorrow but you more than welcome sleep in the dorms tonight.”

They were happy when they heard that, especially Luna. “Finally, I get to sleep in a bed, not on the ground.” That made the Ace and Shadow laugh, they knew that felling all too well.

Joshua couldn’t help but laugh himself. “Let me show you where you can sleep.” They walked towards the school.

They were about to walk in when a they heard a new voice it was raspy, and you could hear that the person had an ego. “Well, well, isn’t it the former champion James Shaw.”

Luna, Ace and Shadow looked where the voice where coming from and not far from them stood a boy two of fthem had never seen before, Shadow knew who he was. He was wearing purple pants with a black t-shirt, he had spike brown hair.

James couldn’t help but groan when he heard and saw who it was. “What the hell are you doing here Gary?” James asked him with irritation in his voice.

“I am here to attend to the school, and I am glad I came, considering professor Birch invited you. Now this school can shine.”

Luna had no idea who this Gary was, but one thing was for sure, she didn’t like him at all. He reminded her about Rainbow Dash, always talking high about herself. She wonder something how egoistic pony like her could get the element of loyalty.

“You haven’t chance one bit Gary, I can see that you still drag around with that big ego of yours.”

“I don’t drag around an ego, it’s perfection.” He then let pout a yawn. “This conversation bores me I’m going to take a nap, smell ya later.” He then walked towards a tree to take a nap.

“James, who was that?” Luna had to know.

“That was Gary Oak, he the grandson to professor Oak and thanks to that he think he’s the perfect trainer, he hasn’t chance at all.” James then look at Joshua. “Why the hell did you invited him?” He asked with frustration in his voice.

Joshua but up his hands in defence. “It wasn’t me you have to talk to professor Birch about that.”

“Oh, I will.”

Luna could see that James was frustrated that this Gary was here and that means something had happened between them in the past, she could ask him later. They walked inside.

Little did they know, that a red haired girl had seen the whole thing. She had a devilish smile on her face. “This should be some interesting days.” She then walked inside.

“Here we are.” They arrived at a hallway. “Here are the students going to stay for entire week.” Joshua walked to a door and opened it, in the room was three beds, one bunk bed and a single bed.

“You boys have to share this room for now, I don’t know what the teams will be so I am not sure if you can use it later. I hope it’s ok.”

James and Shadow didn’t mind and Ace, he just ran into the room. “Dips on the top bed.” He ran over to the bunk bed and climb on top of it.

Then Shadow and his Charmeleon walked into the room. “I don’t mind, I never like sleeping on top anyway.” He walked to the single bed and placed his bag beside it.

Joshua turned to Luna. “You have to share a room with another girl, I hope that’s ok with you.”

“I don’t mind, it’s be nice to be with a girl that’s not Sunset, no offence boys.” They just waved it off.

“Let me show you to the room and then I will take James to the professor, something tell me he want to talk to him.” Said Joshua.

“You know I want to talk to him.”

Joshua led Luna further down the hall to another door. “Here we are, her name is Lumi Koude and she is from Snowpoint city in Sinnoh and she really don’t like the heat.”

Luna tilted her head to the side. “Why don’t she like the heat.”

Joshua slap a hand on his face when she said that. “That’s right, you aren’t from here. You see, Snowpoint is a town far up north in Sinnoh and there is winter all year long.”

Luna was a little surprised when she heard that. “Wow, winter all year long?” Joshua nodded. “We have that in Equestria too.”

“You do?” This time Luna nodded. “Fascinating. Anyway, there’s only two beds in this rom so there a change that you and Lumi will be sharing the room the hole week.”

Luna just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t mind.”

Joshua smiled. “Good. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to escorted James to the professor. Try and get along with her.” With that said, he left Luna alone.

Luna took a deep breath before opening the door. Once inside she saw two single beds on each side of the room, one the left bed was girl and she was lying on her stomach, she was reading something. She had she had long blond hair, she was light blue dress, even her shoes was blue. ‘She must really like the color blue.’ Then Luna saw a Pokémon she had never seen before lying next to the bed, sleeping.

The Pokémon looked like a giant turtle, except it had two bushes on its back. Luna decided to check the data.

Grotle the grove Pokémon. It lives along water in forests. In the daytimes, it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell.

The voice of the dex made the girl look up from what she was reading and looked over her shoulder, she smile when she Luna. “Hey.” She got up. “You must be Luna.” She walked over to her and held out a hand. “My name is Lumi Koude, nice to meet you.”

Luna shocked her hand. “Luna Moon.” That made Lumi giggle. “Is there something funny be my name?” Luna asked the girl.

“Sorry, is your last name is Moon?” Luna nodded. “As in the moon in the sky that appeared at night?”

“Yes, that was the name my parents gave me, I don’t understand what so funny about it.” Luna walked into the room and to the free bed, felling offended of what Lumi said.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you in any way I just thought I was a little funny.”

Luna placed her bag on her bed. “Whatever.”

Lumi felt like an idiot. ‘Nice work you dork, you roommate hates you already.’ She let out a sad sighed. “Look Luna, I am sorry for what I said, sometimes I say things without thinking. It’s a habit I have, I am sorry.”

Luna turned around to face. “I can hear that you are sorry, but I take pride in my name and if you want to stay on my good side you will not laugh at me, my name or my past.” This time it was Luna who held out a hand to Lumi. “Deal?”

Lumi happily shocked it. “Deal.” She said with a smile on her face. “Let me introduce you to me partner, Grotle.” They both looked at the grove Pokémon. “Who is sleeping.” Lumi couldn’t help but groan. “Wake up Grotle.” She walked over to the sleeping Pokémon and tap him on his head. “Would you wake up and say hello to Luna.” Grotle managed somehow to open its eyes. “Sorry about that, he like to sleep, a lot.”

This time Luna giggle. “Don’t worry, I have a Gible who loves to eat.”

Grotle managed to wake up, he stood up and stretch his legs one by one, he then looked around the room and then he saw a new face. He walked over to Luna to have a closer looked at her, he looked her over and eventually he smiled. “Grotle.” He said.

“I think likes you.”

“Nice to meet you Grotle, why don’t you say hello to my partner.” Luna took out Pokéball. “Come out Grovyle.” Out came the wood gecko Pokémon and he was a little confused of where he was, he knew that they was going to a school, but he was not prepare to see other humans and Pokémon there, he didn’t mind though.

“Wow, you have a Grovyle.” Lumi said with awe in her voice, she took out her own Pokédex to see that data. “Cool, you don’t see a Grovyle in Sinnoh.”

While Lumi was cheeking the data, Grotle had walked over to Grovyle and they had staring talking.

Luna sat down on the bed. “I think they are getting along.” Lumi just nodded in agreement while sitting down on her own bed. “So, Lumi. Why did you come to Hoenn? Why not take on the Sinnoh league?"

Lumi shrugged her shoulders. “No reason, I just didn’t want to compete there. But, if you really want to know, the real reason why I am her it’s because of the gym leader of Snowpoint city.”

Luna raised a brown. “I don’t understand.”

“My town has its own gym and the gym leader name Candice.” She crossed her arms and snorted. “I can’t stand her.”

“Is there something wrong with her?” Luna sked her.

Lumi threw arms up in frustration. “That’s the problem, she think she is perfect and the way she talks about chi. It drove me crazy, chi has nothing to do with battling, when I battle I do it with my heart.” Shel leaned back and crossed her arms, she then looked out the window and huffed. “Chi, utter ridiculous.” She then looked at Luna. “What’s your excuse?”

“My excuse?”

“Yeah, excuse for being her.”

Luna wonder if she should tell her the reason for begging in the human world, if she just chance it a lot, then she could tell it. “You can say I am here to escape my sister.”

“Ah, sister problems?”

“You can say that, ever since I was little my parents has always favourite my sister over and after ten years I had enough, I pack up my thing and just left.” It was partly truth, she couldn’t say that she was a pony princess from another world, that would just confused her and Lumi would probably think that she was crazy. And besides, she didn’t want her to know.

Lumi was about to say something when they both heard footsteps coming towards them, then Ace stood in the door opening. “Luna, you won’t believe what just happened.” He was about to say it but then he notice a Pokémon he hadn’t seen before. “Hey a Grotle, cool.” He then decided to take out his Pokédex.

Lumi wasn’t entry sure what was going on, while Luna just gave him a deadpan look. “Ace, would you put away your Pokédex and tell us what you were going to say.”

He blinked a couple of time. “Oh right, Shadow just challenges Sunset to a Pokémon battle.”

That was strange. “Why did he do that?” Luna asked him.

“Well, Sunset came by our room and started to talk down me and how my Pokémon was weak, I felt my anger rise when she said that and was about to challenge her myself when Shadow beat it me to it. They are on their way to the yard now.”

“But they aren’t allowed to use their own Pokémon to battle in the school area.” Said Lumi.

“I said the same thing but then Shadow said that the school doesn’t official started until tomorrow, that means they can battle and use their own Pokémon.”

Lumi nodded. “Huh, that makes sense.”

“Yes, it does.” Ace then took a closer look at Lumi. “How are you and what are you doing here?”

“My name is Lumi Koude and I am from Sinnoh, I and I was invited by professor Birch.” Lumi said a little offended.

“That makes sense.” Said Ace.

Luna couldn’t help slap a hand on her face of what Ace just said. “Seriously Ace, why ells would she be here?”

“How should I now that? I only knew of five until just know.”

Luna tried to come up with something to say but nothing came to mind. “You have a pointed there.”

Then Lumi stood up. “As much fun this has been, I am going outside to check out the Pokémon battle that are about to start. Come one Grovyle.” She ran out the door and past Ace, Grovyle was surprising fast running after his trainer.

Luna just watch as her roommate left, eventually she just got up and followed her, Grovyle right behind her. leaving Ace alone. “Hey, wait for me.” He ran after the two girls.

James had just arrived at Birch’s office, thanks to Joshua, he knock on the door. He then heard. “Come in.” James opened the door and walked in.

Sitting behind a desk was Birch, he had his nose in some paper. He looked up from them when he heard the door opened, he smiled when he saw who it was. “James, I am glad to see that you made it. Are Luna and the others with you?”

“Yes, they are setting in.”

“That’s wonderful.” He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. “So, what can I do for you?”

James placed both of his hands on the desk. “You can first tell me what the hell Gary is doing here.” He said with some anger in his voice.

“I take it you two have meet already.”

“That we have, what is he doing here? You know that we have a history.”

“I know that you two have a history James and when it comes to why he is here, he kind of invited himself.”

James wasn’t surprised by that Gary used his position as professor Oak’s grandson to ‘invite himself’ to certain events. “Did you invited him?” James asked the professor, Birch just shook his head. “Then kick him out.”

“I can’t just kick him out, what do you think my co-workers would think if I did that? They would probably think less of me, if I denied Gary to learn here.” James wasn’t happy about it, so he had to just accept it. “I know you don’t like so I have something that might lighten your mood.” He started to search in the pile of papers. “Now, where did I put the file?” He search some more. “There we go.” He found the file he was looking for and gave it to James. “This is the data about that Pokémon you encounter, I had to contact a professor in Alola to get the information.”

James took the file with interest, her really wanted to know what the hell he saw, he opened and started to read. “Let’s see here, Nihilego, also known as UB-01 symbiont.” James couldn’t help but question the name. “They gave it a number. Why?” Birch just shrugged his shoulders. James shocked his head and continued to read. “One of the ultra beast. It’s unclear whether or not this Pokémon, but sometimes it can be observed behaving like a young girl.” He looked up from the file. “Ultra beast? What’s that?”

Birch leaned back in his chair again. “What they said, ultra beast is Pokémon from ultra space, they are extradimensional Pokémon.”

“So, a Pokémon from another dimension?” James asked the professor.

“Pretty much.”

James let out a sigh. “Great, as Pokémon wasn’t mysterious enough from before, now we have Pokémon from another dimension. That’s just great.” He closed the file. “Can I keep this?”

Birch nodded. “Sure, I have another copy of it.” He looked over his desk. “Somewhere.” He gave up and stood up. “Forget this, I need some air.” Birch started to walk towards the door, James followed him.

While they were walking down the hall, James happened to look out of one of the windows and he surprised off what he saw. “Professor, are we allowed to have Pokémon battles in the school area?”

Birch didn’t understand why he asked. “No, why do you ask?” James just ponied at what he saw outside, Sunset and Shadow was about to have a Pokémon battle. “What are those two doing? I said no battles when the school started.” Said Birch while looking outside.

“Technical, the school doesn’t start until tomorrow, so they aren’t breaking any rules.”

Birch tried to say something, but James was right, the school didn’t start until tomorrow and therefore they didn’t break any rules. He then saw James walking towards the exit. “Where are you going?” He asked the trainer.

James stopped and looked back. “I am going to watch the battle.” He started to walk again.

Author's Note:

Let's just get this out of the was. Yes, Gary Oka is also at the school. I wanted to have him the story for a while now and I thought that this was good way to do it.

Now, to the important stuff, this is chapter number fifty, that's right five zero. I have reached chapter 50, something I never though I would do but I did.

I have also written over one hundred and fifty words, holy crap that's a lot of words.

I hope that you guys will keep on reading and that others will join to read Luna's journey to the Pokemon league and beyond.

Artic Ace belongs to MLPFan1
Shadow Moonrise belongs to Vakama95096
Lumi Koude is an OC created by me and FrostTheWolf

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