• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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James just sat om his bed and stared at the door, waited to see if Luna showed up. Ever since he snapped at her she has not spoken to him and he has felt like a jerk since then. ‘I hope she forgive me.’ He thought, he was pulled out of his thoughts when the door open.

In came Luna and when she saw James then it became quite uncomfortable, silence filled the room until James spoke.

James: “Hey.”

Luna: “Hey.”

He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She stepped into the room and closed the door. “I’m sorry that I snapped at you, I guess what Sunset said affected more than thought.” He fell backwards on the bed. “Maybe I’m a coward.”

“I don’t think so.” He lifted his head so he could see her. “You helped a Riolu when Zack tried to catch him and you are helping a pony from another world with her Pokémon journey.” Then she heard how silly that sound. “Ok, that last part sounded better in my head.” He could not help to laugh a little of that part. “My point is that you are not a coward.”

“Maybe, but that’s not what Sunset meant.”

Luna tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

James sat up on the bed. “She meant that I don’t do Pokémon battles anymore.”

She sat down beside him. “What happened to you six months ago?”

He rubbed his face with both hands. “What did my mother tell you?”

“She said about the same thing you said.”

“I thought that not to talk about it then it would be easier over time, I was wrong. A Pokémon championship are held every six months and when it was ready for a new one, I had to defend my title. When I first a looked at the trainers who would participate, I noticed him.”

“Tobias?” He just nodded.

“Yeah, when I first saw him I was wondering what he was doing there then I remembered that all can join. I saw all of his matches and he used only Darkai, I knew that Darkai was weak against fighting, bugs and fairy attacks. So I put together a team that was a mixed of all three plus Swampert, I was ready as I could be. Then came the tag battle.”

Now Luna became curios. “What’s tag battle?”

“Sorry, I forgot that you have not experienced it yet. In tag battle you use two Pokémon not one and they must work in sync.”

“Oh, continue.”

“Thank you, when the tag battle started then I saw Latios.”

“Wait a minute, Latios? You said that he beat you using only Darkai. You did not mention Latios, you lied to me.”

“No, I did not lie to you. He beat me whit Darkai, I just did not mention Latios can you just let me finish the story.”

“Fine.” One thing was certain she was not happy now.

“When I saw Latios then I was very worried, if he had two legendary Pokémon what else did he had. Then it was the elite four turn.”

“Elite four?” Again curios.

“Did you not read about Pokémon and the league in the book I saw you read when I was you the first time?”

“That was about Pokémon not how the Pokémon league works.”

“Right, sorry. The elite four is a group of trainers that you need to defeat to get a chance to battle the champion, they are almost like a gym leader but stronger.” He then took a deep breath. “Then it was my turn, I was determined to defend my tittle so I started with Gallade.” He actually started to cry. “He defeated Gallade as if he was a beginner Pokémon, I could not even manage to get inn a hit, he defeated them all without breaking a sweat.”

Luna started to rude his back to try and comfort him. “What about Swampert? You used him last?”

“Yeah, he lasted a little longer and the others but he was defeat in the end. After that I stood baffled how easy he beat me, a 10 year old dream crushed in minutes.” He wiped some water from his eyes. “Thanks you for listening.”

“Anytime, do you feel better?” She asked him.

“A little.”

They looked into each other’s eyes.

James: ‘She is very pretty.’

Luna: ‘He is very handsome.’

They began to approach each other, they were so close that they felt their noses touch. They were about to kiss but James pulled away before anything happened.

“It’s late and I’m tired so I’m going to bed, the bathroom is all yours.”

James got up and went over to his backpack he started to fumble in it, he tried to find something that could hide his red cheeks.

Luna just sat there and watched him fumble in his backpack, she also had was red in her cheeks but she was a bit disappointed that he did not kiss her. “Very well, I you need me I’ll be in the bathroom.” She went to the bathroom.

James looked over his shoulder as Luna closed the door, he dropped down on the floor and looked straight up at the celling. “What am I doing?” He asked himself, he then decided that was ready to get to bed.

After 30 minutes Luna came out of the bathroom wearing a nightgown, she looked down at it. ‘I still don’t understand how human girls manage to wear this, I like to go naked but professor Brown told me that people in this world don’t walk around naked.’ She looked at James bed, he lay with his back to her. ‘I guess he was tired.’ Suddenly she yawned. ‘I guess I’m sleepy to.’ She walked to the bed, got under the covers, got comfortable and fell asleep right away.

Next morning.

It was a new day in Hoenn the sun was shining beautifully especially on one person, Luna was lying in her bed trying to get more sleep but it was difficult when the sun was shining in her face. “Stop shining the sun in my face Tia, it’s not funny.” But it did not help the sun was just as strong, she decided to get up from bed. “I said stop Tia.” She looked around the room and discovered where she was. “Oh, right.” There was sadness in her voice.

She went to the bathroom to get ready for the day, after a shower and new clothes she look at her reflection. ‘Do I really miss Equestria that much?’ She shook her head. ‘What is there to miss? A sister who ignores me and ponies who are afraid of me.’ She walked out of the bathroom and noticed that James was not in his bed. ‘I guess he got up before me.’ She walked out of their room, she remembered to look the door and she walked down to the storage room to get some breakfast.

When she arrived at the Pokémon center she saw James sit at a table she went over to him, he was just sitting staring nowhere. His Pokémon was eating Pokémon food beside him, she recognized four of them but not the fifth. It was a bird, she took out her Pokédex.

Swellow the Swallow Pokémon. Swellow flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs in the sky. This Pokémon dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by Swellow’s clawed feet, preventing escape.

“Enjoying the information on you Pokédex?” She jumped a little and she almost lost the Pokédex on the floor. “Sorry, I did not mean to scare you.”

“Don’t worry.” She released her Pokémon out of their Poké ball’s so they could eat, she sat down on a chair beside him at the table. “Have you eaten yet?” He just shook his head.

“I been waiting for you.”

They ordered breakfast and ate in silence, none of them wanted to talk about what happened last night. After they had finished eating Luna decided to tell him the reason why she left Equestria, she looked around the room to make sure that nobody was around. Nurse Joy was busy with paperwork and the other trainers was busy with battling.

“James.” He looked at him. “I want to tell you the reason I left Equestria.”

“You don’t have to that.”

“You told me your story last night and I want to tell you mine.”

He just shrugged. “If you want to then I’m not stopping you.

She took a deep breath. “For many years me and my sister ruled Equestria together, for a while everything went well until I let my jealousy take over.”

“Your jealousy?” James asked.

“She was the one the ruled the day while I ruled the night but I became jealous because everyone played by day but slept at night.”

“That’s normal.”

“I know but I was too stubborn to listen to reason and before I knew it a being named Nightmare Moon took over my body and wanted eternal night. Instead trying to talk to me my sister banish me to a prison for a long time while I was there, she wrote stories about me that I wanted to take over Equestrian and wanted eternal night. When I finally return and the nightmare was destroyed I thought that ponies was not afraid of me, I was wrong.”

This time it was James turn to comfort, he rude her back.

“So basically you left your world because your people is afraid of you?”

“That and my sister will still not listen to me, ‘will you accept my friendship’ was something of what she said to me. Some sister I have.” She laid her head in her arms on the table.

“Look, I don’t have any sister or brother but it sounds like you two just needed to talk to each other.”

“Maybe but it’s too late now, I can’t go back.” She lifted her head from the table. “Is it possible to leave now? I would like to join the tournament in Slateport, perhaps that can get my mind on other thoughts.”

“Sure, the storm disappeared over night so it safe to travel, I’ve already packed so go and get ready the we can meet outside, is that okay with you?”

Luna just nodded her head. James called back his Pokémon back to their Poké ball’s Luna did the same, she then went back to their room collected her things in her bag and went to the exit. When she came outside she saw James feeding his Lapras.

“Ready to go?” He asked her, she just nodded. Both got on Lapras and with that they were on their way to Slateport. When they arrived Luna was astound by the size of the stadium.

“It’s huge.”

“They finished it about 5 years ago, they had the tournament at the beach before but more and more people joined the tournament so the mayor decided to build a stadium.”

The closer they got the Luan got more nervous.

“I’m not sure if this is a good idea James.”

Both jumped off Lapras and James called her back to her Poké ball. “Look, I understand that you are nervous, hell I was that my first time but it good experience for you. At the Pokémon league you’re going to meet similar conditions.”

“If you say so.”

They started to walk to the stadium and the closer they got the more nervous Luna became, they had built the stadium in the middle of town.

“Hey James, where is the Pokémon center?”

“They moved center into the stadium, it was easier that way.”

James and Luna walked through the huge doors to the stadium when Luna saw all the people that was there for the tournament she froze, there were hundreds of people and she panicked. She began to sweat and breath heavy, she did not react that James waving a hand in front of her face.

“Luna? Are you ok?” No response, he stood in front of her and what he saw was fear in her eyes. “Luna you have to take a deep breath.” Still no response, he took out his water bottle and splash some water on her face and it helped because she got angry.

“Why did you do that?”

“Because you did not answer me, what’s wrong?”

“Look around you.” He did that. “Look at the people that are joining this tournament and it scares me.”

“Not all will participate in the tournament.”

“I know.” She hung her head. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”

She turned around and began to walk towards the exit, James was about to say something but he never got the chance.

“If you always run away from everything then you just can forget joining the Pokémon league.”

They both turned toward the new voice and there stood Sunset Shimmer, when Luna saw her she forgot that she was scared.

“What do you want?”

“Take it easy, I’m not here for a fight I’m here to participate in the tournament. I was hoping for a challenge but when you are not participating this will be easy, later loser.”

She pushed Luna away and walked out of the stadium, Luna was furious and sick of her attitude. “I’ll show her.” And with that she went to participate.

James just stood there scratching his head. “Not exactly the method I would have used but I can’t argue with the result.”

“Here are your participation number.”

Luna took the card with the number 7 from nurse Joy. “Why do need this? I thought this was a normal tournament.” She asked with a curious look.

“This year is tag battle, don’t’ worry the rules will be explained later this evening at the opening ceremony.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed at James who was leaning against the desk, he put up his arms inn defense when saw Luna’s stare.

“Don’t look at me I did not know that was a tag battle.”

Later that night.

“WELCOME TO SLATPORT BEACH TOURNAMENT THIS YEAR IS TAG BATTLE.” Announced a man, he had a blur top hat he also wore a blue jacket, a white t-shirt whit a red bow. He was standing under a huge Screen. “MY NAME IS ENTA AND I’M THE MAYOR OF SLATPORT.” The audience went wild. “I WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME THE 32 TRAINERS THAT WILL BE PARTICIPANT THIS YEAR.”

Luna was standing with the other trainers in the middle of the stadium, she was nervous before and now she was terrified. ’Just came down Luna, try to think about something else.’ It was very difficult when there was hundreds of people in the stands.

‘I hope she’s not freaking out down there.’ James tough to himself, he was sitting up in the stands.


“ALRIGHT, LET SEE THE TEAMS.” He pressed a red button in front of him, on the screen the numbers began to move until they stopped and Luna’s number stopped in H block with the number 14. 14? How ironic.’ “NOW USING THE NUMBER AS A GUIDE TO FIND YOUR TAG TEAM PARTNER.”

Luna stared walking around to find the person with number 14.

“Excuse me are you number 7?” It was a female voice that asked her.

Luna turned to where the voice came from. “That’s me.” Luna’s eyes widen and her heart almost stopped when she saw who her partner was.

“Hi, my name is Celestia. What’s yours?”

Then she passed out.

Author's Note:

Hope you alle liked the new chapter, next time tag battle.

Ok, would you like to have your's OC in the story in the next chapter? Then send me a PM with how your OC looks like and where he's from, remember he must come from a town in the Pokémon univers and which Pokémon he will use. Suggest a normal Pokémon not a legend like Kyogre and Groudon, choose a normal one.

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