• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A Day Of

The entire center heard Ace yell out in frustration and some trainers didn’t understand why he did that, to them this Sunset was just another trainer, they didn’t know how sunset act around other. Little did they know that Sunset might be one of the strongest trainer in the tournament and she look down on the trainers she didn’t think was worthy.

Ace just look at the screen in disbelief, Sunset wasn’t the trainer he wanted to face first in the six on six battle. He was hoping for Luna, Shadow or Lumi or any other trainer but not her.

Then a voice spoke up, it was Sunset. “Oh man, this to good to be true. I’m going up against one of the weakest trainers in the entire tournament, this is going to be easy. See you later loser.” She then walk out of the building.

Ace wanted to say something, but his brain had shut down and his mouth wasn’t moving. He knew that sunset was a strong trainer, and he wasn’t the strongest, now he had to face her? It wasn’t fair, at least that what he thought. He eventually managed to move his body and he walk towards the exit, he just wanted to be alone.

Luna, Shadow, Lumi and the others watch as Ace walk out of the center, they couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

“Poor guy, it can’t be easy going up against Sunset in his first match in the victory tournament.” Said Lumi, they others agreed with her.

“That may be but you, Luna and Shadow should worry about their own match, not his.” James told her.

“I know you’re right, but it doesn’t make it any better.”

Celestia and the girls didn’t know what Ace was feeling considering they weren’t trainers, the only one who truly knew what Ace felt was James. He had been a trainer far longer then the other and he has faced many trainers in h is life, even in the first round in some tournaments. Then there is Tobias, the one trainer he wanted to beat and humiliate. ‘I think I will have a talk with tomorrow.’ James thought to himself.

Then Luna decided to find her opponent, she managed to find herself fast. “It looks like my opponent is someone called Audaz.” They all look at the screen and saw a man with black hair and he had red bandana around his head, he was wearing something that look like a red west.

Then Sara spoke up. “I heard about him when I arrived, he is a trainer who managed to be the gym leaders by using only fighting Pokémon.”

“Is that even possible?” Asked Celestia.

“I would say yes, considering many fighting Pokémon two types, like Luna’s Lucario.” Answered James.

Then they decided to see who Shadow was battling, it was a boy by the name of Tombias, he had silver hair with some red in it. Lumi was up against a girl named Starlight Glimmer. Luna wanted to train but then James told her that tomorrow was a day of and that gave Luna an idea, she ran over to nurse Joy for some help, the other had no idea what she was planning. The rest of the day they just relax.

The next day Luna was up early so she could get an elarly start, she had booked an appointment at the local spa with her sister. After taking a shower she got dressed and headed to the hotel where her sister was staying.

Once there she went to Celestia’s room and knock on the door, Celestia was the one who open. “Luna, what are you doing here so early?” She asked Luna.

“Can I come in?” Celestia hesitated a little before stepping aside. “Thanks.” Once inside she noticed that the farm girl wasn’t there. “Where’s Applejack?” Luna asked her sister.

“She is with her friends in the other room.” Celestia answered her.

Luna nodded. “Good.” She then turned around, so she was face to face with Celestia. “I hope you haven’t made any plans today because I have booked us an appointment at the local spa today.” She said with a smile on her face.

Celestia was surprised to hear that. “Really?” Luna nodded while still smiling. “How did you do that?”

“Nurse Joy help me yesterday.”

“That’s why ran over to her yesterday.”

Luna keep on smiling. “That’s right. So, do you want to go?”

A spa, Celestia couldn’t remember the last time she had been to one. It had to be before Luna went to the moon, a day at the spa sounded very nice.

“Yes Luna, I want to go with you to a spa, a day at the spa sounds very nice.”

Luna was now very happy.” Great, let’s go.” Luna walk out and Celestia followed her.

While Luna and Celestia was on their way to the spa, James was on his way to Ace’s room to having a talk with him. After Ace saw that Sunset was his opponent in the next round, he had lost his spirit. James was going to find Ace’s spark.

Once he was there, he knock on the door and Shadow open the door, they were sharing a room. “Hey James, I’m guessing your look for Ace.” James nodded. “You just missed him, he went out like five minutes ago, he said he was going to the beach.”

“Thanks Shadow.” The said goodbye to each other and James headed to find Ace.

James walk on the beach looking for Ace and he was pretty easy to spot, thanks to his purple hair. “Can I sit here?” James asked Ace, Ace didn’t answer he just look at the ocean with no emotion in his eyes. James just sat down beside him.

They just sat there in silence until James spoke again. “So, your just going to give up before you have battle Sunset?” Ace didn’t answer him. “That’s just pathetic.”

Then Ace spoke. “What do you expect me to do?”

“Oh I don’t know, what about fight? Don’t give up? Just pick one.”

Ace look at James with anger in his eyes. “Do you think I want to give up?”

“It look like that yesterday, it looks like it now.” James said in a calm voice.

“I don’t want to give up but I’m up against Sunset.”

James was calm. “So what?”

Ace had enough. “So what? She way stronger than me and I have no chance in beating her.” Ace yelled at James who didn’t flinch at all.

“Again, so what? Yes, it’s true that Sunset is a skilled and a powerful trainer with strong Pokémon.”

Ace look back at the ocean. “If you are trying to cheer me up, then your doing a crappy job.”

“That’s because I wasn’t finished. It’s true that Sunset is all that I said but so are you.” Ace look at James again. “You are not the trainer mw and Luna meet two months ago, you have earned your place in the top 32 and I believe you can beat Sunset tomorrow, but you can’t just give up like that.” He said while snapping his fingers. Ace wasn’t convinced. “Look Ace, I have been in your situation many times and I have also thought about just giving up before the battle started, but I didn’t and I’m glad I didn’t. Sure, I lost many of them, but I was glad I didn’t give up before the battle started. If I did, I might not have forgiven myself and I would have disappointed my Pokémon. if I did that, then I had no right in calling myself a Pokémon trainer.”

James was right, Ace had acted like a little child. He had let Sunset words affect him yesterday. “You right James, I’m not going to give up, tomorrow I’m going to give Sunset a battle she won’t forget.” He then got up and started to walk back to the hotel.

“Where are you going?” James asked him.

“I’m going back to my room and plan my strategy, I’m not going to let Sunset win tomorrow.”

Back with the two sister who had finally arrived at the spa in Ever Grande city, the Harmony Well Wellness spa. Once inside they saw a girl with blue hair sitting behind a desk reading a magazine, she look up from it when she heard the door open and close.

She gave Luna and Celestia a smile as she got up. “Welcome to Harmony Well Wellness spa, my name is Aloe, what can I help you with something?” She asked the sisters.

Luna walk over to the desk. “Yes, my name is Luna Moon and I have an appointment for two today.”

“Right, let my just check.” Aloe went over to the computer and started to type. “Here you are, and I can see that your are a trainer who is competing in the tournament, which is good, considering you get 50% discount.” Both sister didn’t expect that.

“That’s very generous of you.” Said Celestia.

“We do this every time there’s a tournament, Lotus.” Another girl entered the room, she look like Aloe, but she had pink hair. “Lotus, this is Luna and Celestia, they have an appointment. Celestia, you can follow her while Luna can follow me.” Both sister did as they were told.

After stripping down to the underwear, the sister was lead to where they was going to get their massage and it was heaven for them. They can not remember the last time they had such a good massage, they were in heaven. Once they were done and Luna had paid, they walk home and it felt a new woman, they were walking on clothes.

Now Luna had just to find out which Pokémon she had to use against Audaz.

Author's Note:

It's not a good chapter.

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