• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Trouble With Steel Pokémon

After Luna had earned her fourth bags, she and James was on their way one their way to Petalburg so she could earn her fifth bags. They were now walking through a valley with lot of steel Pokémon that was a short cut to Mauville City but their journey hasn’t been very ‘fun,’ ever since James told Luna that the fifth gym was in Petalburg she has been in a bad move.

“I can’t believe that we have to walk back all the way back to Petalburg, why don’t they have the gym in the town after each other?”

James who had listing to her complain for three day had enough of it. “Alright already, you have complained for three days now. Complaining wont chance that the fifty gym is in Petalburg.” He told her.

“I know that but complain is the only thing I can do right now.”

James put a hand over her mouth. “I understand that you are angry that the next gym is in Petalburg but right now I need you keep your voice down, we are walking through the valley of steel. some very powerful steel Pokémon lives here and they are very territorial.”

Luna swapped away his hand. “If that’s true why did we take this way?”

“Because, when we cross this valley we are in Mauville.”

“So, it’s a short cut then. Alright, I’ll be quiet.”

They were about to continue when all of sudden three Magnemite appeared, before James and Luna could react the Magnemite attach them with thunder shock. They manged to doge the attack.

“Why are they attacking us?” Luna asked James.

“I said that steel Pokémon in this valley is territorial and these Magnemite want to protect their territory.”

The Magnemite was about to attack again. “Charmeleon, use flamethrower.” Then flames came and interrupted the Magnemite, James and Luna looked where the flames where coming. There stood an Charmeleon and its trainer was Shadow. “What are you two waiting for, an invitation? Come one.” Shadow waved his hand.

They didn’t have to be asked again, they ran towards Shadow and Charmeleon. When they ‘safe,’ Shadow looked at the Magnemite who had recover after the attack. “Use flamethrower again.” Flames came out of Charmeleon’s mouth again and attack the Magnemite, thanks to that hey could not attack again. “Let’s go Charmeleon.” He and Shadow ran after James and Luna.

They manged to find a cave to hide in, all of them was trying to catch their breath after the running. James decide to ask Shadow something.

“Thanks for the rescued but what are you doing here Shadow?”

“I heard about this place in Mauville so I decide to come to try and catch some Pokémon, but I guess I miss the part that they are hostile.” He looked at the cave entrance that his Charmeleon was guarding. “If had known that I would never had come here.” He looked at James and Luna. “Why are you two here?” He asked them.

“We were heading to Petalburg and decide to take a short cut through valley of steel, I was hoping to get through it without drawing too much attention.” Then he looked at Luna and she knew why he did that.

“Sure, blame me.” She crossed her arms and looked away.

Shadow and Charmeleon looked at each other, trying to figure out what’s happening. “Mind telling me why this is Luna’s fault?” Shadow asked them.

“She is a little upset because the fifth gym is in Petalburg and we have to walk all the way back.”

Shadow scratched his head. “I understand that it can be troublesome to walk all the way back but you are cutting that walk in half by taking this way.”

James was about to answer when they heard something scream outside, they all looked outside and they saw a bird the was covert in metal. “It’s a Skarmory.” James whispered.

Luna took out her Pokédex and pointed at the metal bird.

Skarmory the armour bird Pokémon. Skarmory is entirely encased in hard, protective armor. This Pokémon flies at close at 190 mph. it slashes foes with its wings that possess sword like cutting edges.

“What’s is it doing?” She asked James.

“Probably looking for us.” He answered her. “It won’t be easy getting out of this valley while Skarmory and Magnemite looking for us, that’s for sure.”

“So, what are we going to do?” Luna asked with worry voice.

“We could try and sneak out of the valley.” Shadow suggested.

James shook his head. “That won’t work, not as long as those Magnemite and the Skarmory are looking for us. We need to deal with problem.”

“Hold on, are you suggest that we defeat them?” Shadow asked James.

“Not them, the Pokémon that’s in charge, a Steelix.”

“How can you be sure that is a Steelix that’s in charge?” Shadow question James answer.

“Last time I was here a Steelix was in charge and I bet that it this time to.”

Shadow crossed his arms. “I don’t know, sounds kind of risky if you ask me.”

“Look, I know it’s not the best idea but if don’t deal with the real problem then we are going to be hunted by those Pokémon.”

“He’s right.” Both of the boys looked at Luna with surprise look. “If what James is saying is true then we need to deal with the real problem, we need to take out the leader.”

Shadow put a hand on his face. “You have a pointed.” He sighed. “Fine, let’s do this. Since they are steel Pokémon my Charmeleon has an advantage.”

“And I have my Arcanine.” James looked at Luna. “Do you have your Zangoose with you?” He asked her.

She shook her head. “No, I have my Litleo with me.”

“That will do.” James took out Arcanine’s Pokéball while Luna took out Litleo’s. “Alright let’s get out there and find that Steelix.” James told them. ‘Let’s just hope I’m right about this.’ He looked outside to see if the Magnemite and Skarmory was still around, he saw nothing. “The coast is clear.” They headed out.

After a while of walking they had seen no sighing of Steelix or the other steel Pokémon, they looked in all direction so they wouldn’t get ambushed. James was walking first while Luna and Shadow with his Charmeleon was walking back him.

“Where is this Steelix James?” Shadow ask him.

“To be perfectly honest, I have no idea.”

That got Luna and Shadow to react, Shadow stepped in front of him. “What do you mean you have no idea? I thought you been here before.”

“I have been here before but that was at last two years ago.”

Shadow threw his arms up in the air in frustration. “This is great, we are being hunted by steel Pokémon and our ‘leader’ don’t know where he’s going. What more could go wrong.” As soon he said that the same Magnemite appeared. “Me and my big mouth.” Then they attack with electric attack, Shadow and the others managed to doge the attack. “That was not very nice, use flamethrower Charmeleon.” Flames came out from his mouth and manged to hit one of the Magnemite.

“Come out Arcanine and use flamethrower on the last two Magnemite.” Arcanine came out and used the attack and manged to hit the last two, they ran away. “After them, something tells me that they will lead us the Steelix.” They ran after them.

After a while of running they had lost sighed of them, they stopped to catch their breath. Shadow looked at James with frustration.

“Now what?” He asked.

James looked at Arcanine. “Can you hear them?” Arcanine shook his head.

Shadow was about to say something but then the ground stared to shake and a giant snake that looked like it was made out of iron came out from the ground in front of them, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Steelix the iron snake Pokémon and the evolved form of Onix. Steelix lives even further underground than Onix. This Pokémon is known to dig toward the earth’s core. There are records of this Pokémon reaching a depth of over six tenths of a mile underground.

“That’s a Steelix?” She asked with panic in her voice, she then saw another Pokémon came out from the hole that Steelix came out from.

“That’s not good, that’s a Metang.” Said James.

Metang the iron claw Pokémon and evolved form of Beldum. When two Beldum fuse together, Metang is formed. The brains of the Beldum are joined by a magnet nervous system. By linking its brains magnetically, this Pokémon generates strong psychokinetic power.

Then Skarmory showed up and they were surrounded, both James and Shadow keep their calm while Luna was terrified. Right now, she wishes that she never found out of this world. She was about to collapse out of pure fear, then she felt someone grabbed her hand. It was James.

“Don’t worry, we will get out of here.” James told her with a calm voice.

Luna heard that confident in his voice and that was what she needed to hear, she was not afraid anymore.

“Shadow, do you think you can deal with the Steelix while I take care of Metang?” Shadow gave him the thumb up, James then looked at Luna. “Take care of Skarmory, trust in Litleo and yourself. Alright?” She nodded. “Good, let go Arcanine.” He and his Pokémon went into action.

Luna turned her attention towards, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Alright, let’s do this.” She opened them and looked at Skarmory. “It’s just you and me now.” Before she could take out Litleo Pokéball, Skarmory open its mouth and stars came out from it and headed towards Luna, she manged to doge them. “How dear you attack a girl, let’s go Litleo.” Litleo came out. “Use ember.” Litleo shot a fireball towards the bird but he doge them easily.

Then Skarmory stared to flap its wings and then it launched razor blade that was made of winds. “Doge them Litleo.” Litleo manged to doge the first of them but it was to many of them so, eventually the pup Pokémon was hit. “Don’t give up, use Dig.” Litleo managed to get up and dig a hole.

Luna knew that ground moves has no effect on flying Pokémon, so she hopes that’s her plan works. Skarmory meanwhile, was looking for Litleo. “Do it Litleo.” Right behind Skarmory the ground stared to move and Litleo came out, the pup Pokémon flew high above ground. “Use ember.” Litleo fire away a fireball and hit Skarmory in the back.

It didn’t look like it did much damage, Skarmory turned around and his wings stared to glow. “Get away Litleo.” There was nothing Litleo could do, Skarmory came closer and closer. In the end Litleo was hit, Litleo feel to the ground, hard. The impact created a little dust cloud, Luna became very worried for Litleo.

When the dust cloud cleared, she could see that Litleo was hurt, Litleo had trouble standing. Then Luna saw that Skarmory was coming towards Litleo in high speed. “Get out of the way Litleo or you will get hurt again.” Litleo looked up and the steel Pokémon was getting closer and closer.

Litleo tried to move but the damage was too much, so the pup Pokémon decide to stand tall. Litleo was facing the attack head on. “What are you doing Litleo? Get out of the away.” Litleo wanted to listen to its trainer but the pup Pokémon didn’t want to back down. “Alright then use ember.” Litleo tried but instead of a fireball, flames came out of its mouth.

Both Luna and Litleo was surprised of what happened but one that was most surprised was Skarmory, who was heading right towards the flames and had no time to get out of the way. Skarmory was hit hard by Litleo’s flamethrower and lost control, he headed straight towards Litleo who ha to duck to not be hit by a toast Skarmory.

Skarmory landed behind Litleo in a small crater and with stars in its eyes and smoke coming out of its mouth, Luna and Litleo just stared at the unconscious Skarmory. Then Luna decide to it was a good idea to catch Skarmory so no more humans won’t be attack again. She took out an empty Pokéball and manged to catch Skarmory with ease.

She was about to pick up the Pokéball but it disappeared before she could, instead she went over to pick up Litleo to give the pup Pokémon a hug. “I’m proud of you Litleo.” Litleo lick her face.

They were both interrupted by something that shook the ground they were standing on, they both saw that Shadow’s Charmeleon had defeated Steelix and that James had manged chase way the Metang. Then she saw Shadow throw a Pokéball at Steelix, he manged to catch Steelix with ease.

While that Shadow did, that James and Arcanine went over to Luna and Litleo. “Did everything go okay?” He asked Luna.

She nodded. “Yes, I defeat Skarmory and catch it.”

James smiled of that. “That’s good.” He looked over to Shadow and Charmeleon who was walking towards them. “Are you finished Shadow? I would like to get out of here.”

“Just caught a Steelix, I’m good.” Shadow answered.

“Good, let’s get out of here.”

With the problem with the steel Pokémon solved, Luna and Shadow manged to catch new Pokémon. They are now heading for Mauville City. What will happen next?

Author's Note:

New chapter, leave a comment, don't leave a comment. I don't care anymore.

Next chapter; a gym Battle.

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