• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Battle for the Last Badge part 1

Luna just laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling. After breakfast Luna told the others that she want to be alone for a while, so she went back to the room she shared with Lumi to think. For the first time in a long time she is now doubting if ever leaving was a wise choice, she decided to look at the bad and good part after coming back from her prison.

The good, she was finally free, and she could finally see her sister again, Celestia spending time with her, for a while, that’s about it. Luna couldn’t find any more positive things.

The bad, Celestia wasn’t the one who freed her, it was six ponies she had never seen before. Sure, she was grateful for what they did, but she had hope that her sister would at least try. Celestia started to ignore her after a month, one month. Then Discord escape from his stone prison, Luna wanted to go after him but Celestia told her Twilight and her friends to handle it. The Crystal empire, Luna wanted to help but no, her sister send Twilight and her friends with the help of Spike, Cadence and Shining Armor. Then Celestia decided to make Twilight an alicorn without asking Luna if it was ok, it was not. They were supposed to make these decisions together but that never happened, it was always Celestia who made decisions and Luna was left on the side line. Luna let out a heavy sighed, leaving Equestria might be the best decision she had ever done.

Luna was brought out of her thoughts when someone tried to open the door. “Come Luna, I understand that you want to be alone, but I really have to pee, can you open the door?” Said a desperate Lumi.

Luna had forgotten that she lock the door to have some privacy, she got up and walk to the door to unlock it. “Sorry Lumi, I…”

It look like Lumi was dancing. “Pee now, talk later.” Lumi ran past Luna and headed to the bathroom, once the door was closed Luna could hear a relieved sigh. “Damn, I needed that.” Luna couldn’t help but giggle of what she heard, she sat back down on her bed.

It didn’t take long before Lumi open the door and entered the room. “That was good.” She saw Luna sitting on her bed with a goofy smile. “Oh, ha ha. Just laugh it up.”

“I wasn’t laughing.”

“No, but you were think about it.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, I was.”

Lumi just rolled her eyes. “So, what were you think about before I arrived?” She asked Luna while walking to her own bed to start packing.

Luna hesitated a little before answering. “I was think about what we talk about yesterday.”

This time it was Lumi’s turn to hesitated. “You don’t say.” She stop what she was doing, which was outing her clothes in her bag, to turn around to face Luna. “Look, I have also been think about our talk yesterday and I think I don’t have anything to say in that subject. In the end it was your choice to leave and as long you are happy with that decision, then there’s nothing I or others can say, that’s what I think. Did it fell right for you to leave your home?”

Luna thought for a moment. “Not at first, but as time went on, yes. My sister ignored me for almost three years, there was no way I was going to stay there any longer.”

Lumi nodded in agreement. “Alright then if you are happy with your decision then I won’t argue with you. But, I will still punch your sister in the face when I see here.”

“Go ahead, just don’t punch the ‘Celestia’s from New Bark town, they look alike but there are not the same age. My sister is older.”

“Celestia.” Lumi said the name a few times. “I think I heard that name before…” She then just shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well, it dosen’t matter now.” She went back to what she was doing, backing her clothes. “On other things, who should have the first battle with Joan when we arrive in Sootopolis?”

Luna just shook her head. “Not me, I’m not in the mood for a Pokémon battle at the moment.”

That made Lumi groan. “Great, that means I have to argue with the boys, that’s just great.”

Once Lumi and Luna had finished packing, both girls headed outside. When they arrived outside they saw that boys was standing not far from where the passenger could disembark from, arguing. Well, Ace and Shadow was arguing, James was standing a short distance from them leaning on the railing with his arms crossed.

The girls walk over to James. “What’s going on with Ace and Shadow?” Luna asked her boyfriend.

“They have been arguing over who is going to challenged Joan for…” He took out his dex to have a look at the clock. “…ten minutes.”

Both girls was shock when they heard that. “Ten minutes? That just stupid.” James nodded in agreement of what Luna said.

“Don’t worry, I know how to handle this.” Said Lumi as she walk over to the two arguing boys.

Ace. “Why should you battle him first? I have as much right as you do.”

Shadow. “Because, I got my seven bags before you.”

Ace threw his arms up in frustration. “Oh, come on, that doesn’t count. I’m a better trainer then you.”

Before Shadow could say anything. “Hey,” Both boys look at Lumi. “this is going to happened, I’m going to battle Joan first then Luna.” Before they could protest. “If you two don’t let me and Luna battle first I will kick you both in the private part so hard that you will be out for two months and you will miss the champions, got it?” Both boys colour was drained from their faces when they heard her threat, they both nodded in agreement which made Lumi smile. “Great.” She walk back to Luna James.

The couple couldn’t help but stare at Lumi. “That’s one way to stop an argument.”

“It work didn’t it?” James and Luna couldn’t argue with that.

Then a voice came in the intercom. “Attention passengers, we will soon be arriving in Sootopolis city, please have you luggage ready.”

James look at Luna when he heard that. “Did you bring everything?”

Luna just gave him an annoying look. “What am I, five?”

James just chuckled. “Just asking."

Before she could answer, Lumi spoke up. “Look, you can see the city.” She was also pointing at something.

They all look at the city and Luna was stun of what she saw, the whole island was rock and there was buildings on top of the rock. Then the boat past under a tunnel which was carved so it could pass under the bedrock. Then they arrived at the other end Luna was baffled of what she saw, there was buildings on the inside which was built on the rock. She was astounded that they had managed to build this town, it was her favourite city so far.

When the ship stop at the pier, they all left the ship. “Alright, time to get my eight badges.” Said Lumi when she step on land.

They all started to walk towards the city to find the Pokémon center, everyone was amazed over the city except James, he had been her before, so this wasn’t anything new for him. When they got their rooms at the center they headed towards the gym so Lumi could challenge Joan.

When they arrived at the gym, all of them, except James, was amazed by the building. “Wow, that is something.” Said Luna with awe in her voice, the other nodded in agreement.

Lumi was about to open the door to the gym when someone came out of the gym, it was Sunset. “Well, well. What do we have here? Luna and her gang of losers.” She then gave her a creepy smile. “If you are here to have a gym battle then you are a little late, I just got my last badge and it was easy.” She started to walk past them. “I would say see you all at the champions, but I doubt anyone of you will make it.” She then started to laugh as she walk away.

None of them could believe how Sunset behaviour, they couldn’t believe that trainer like that behave like that. She didn’t threat trainer like they were real trainer at all, she probably threat Pokémon like they were tools and nothing more.

Then Lumi eye started to twitch. “I really don’t like her.” The others agreed with her.

Then the doors to the gym opened again and an an elderly man step out, he notice the gang right away. “Oh my, this is a colourful gang.” He then saw a familiar face. “Well, is it not James Shaw.” He walk over to the former champion to shake his hand, James did that. “Don’t tell me you are here to challenge me, if I remember correctly you already have your badge.” He said with some tease in his voice.

“No, I’m not here to challenge you, I’m just helping Luna here on her journey.” He nodded his head in her direction.

The gym leader look at Luna. “Nice to meet you miss, my name is Juan and I’m the leader of Sootopolis city are going to challenge me next?”

Before Luna could answer. “No sir, that would be me.” Juan turned around to face Lumi. “My name is Lumi Koude and I was going to challenge you first.”

That made Juan smile. “Nice to meet you Lumi, unfortunately you have to wait until tomorrow, I just had a battle and let me tell that was one intense battle.”

Then James spoke. “Out of curiosity, how your battle with Sunset go?”

“For Sunset, good. For me, bad. I only managed to beat two of her Pokémon, she just crushed me.”

Everyone there was shocked to hear that. “She only lost two Pokémon? Holly crap.” Lumi whispered to herself.

“I’m afraid that was happened, if you all will excuse me I have to go to the center to heal my Pokémon.” He then walk off leaving them all with what they just heard.

After the gang went back to the center themselves, Luna decided to see how strong her Sandshrew was and she asked James if he could help out, he haply agreed. They were now standing at the battle field behind the center, ready to battle.

James was up first, he threw a Pokéball in the air. “Let’s do this Totodile.” Out came a blue Pokémon that look like a tiny crocodile.

Luna took out her dex to see the data.

Totodile the big jaw Pokémon. Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile’s jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury.

She put it away. ‘It’s a water type, at least he dosen’t use a fire type.’ She took out Sandshrew ball and threw it and out came the mouse Pokémon which immediately became a little nervous when he saw James in front of him, he relax a little when he saw Luna was behind him.

“Ladies first.”

Luna just rolled her eyes of what James said. “Use powder snow.” Sandshrew let out snow from its mouth which headed towards Totodile.

“Counter it with water gun.” Water came out of Totodile which collide with Sandshrew’s attack and it froze that water, that made James panic. “Crap, I forgot about that.” Then the ice started to move towards Totodile. “Move it Totodile.” The big jaw Pokémon stop attacking and jump back before he was turned into ice. ‘I can’t believe I did such a rookie move, maybe I’m getting old.’ He then slap a hand on his face. “Alright, let use bite.” Totodile started to run towards Sanshrew while his teeth started to glow.

“Use swift.” Sandshrew send out stars from its mouth which took Totodile by surprise as he was hit right in the face. “Now, let’s use slash.” Sandshrew’s claw started to glow as he started to run Totodile on all four and Totodile who was dazzled, had no time to move out of the way as he was hit by an uppercut by the attack. Totodile soared through the sky and landed right on front of James unconscious and both trainers was amazed by what just happened.

“Damn, your Sandshrew is strong. He knock out Totodile with two attacks.”

After battle they both went inside, there they saw Lumi and the boys, with Shadow’s Charmeleon, sitting by a table eating. James decided to heal his Totodile and Luna went over to Lumi and the other. They didn’t do much for the rest of the day, they just talk about what they would after they got their last badge. Luna and James decided to head out after she got her badge, Lumi wanted to see Luna’s battle before she left, the boys just wanted to get their badge and then head for Ever Grande City where the championship would be held.

The very next day the gang was once at Sootopolis gym. “So, James. Do have any last advice?” Lumi asked him.

“Yes, if you can’t handle the way he battle then you can forget your change in the championship.”

Everyone just gave him a blank look. “That’s not any advice, I don’t even know what it was.”

“Look, if I gave of you any advice that would mean you all had an advantage over every other trainer out there and I’m not that give you that advantage, the only thing I can say that he is different from the other gym leaders.”

They didn’t have any time to think about what he said when the doors to the gym open and elderly man step out and he was a butler? “Greetings, my name is Sebastian and I welcome you all to the Sootopolis gym.” He then bowed. “Which one you is Lumi Koude?”

Lumi step forward. “That would be me.”

That made Sebastian smile. “Splendid, if you all will follow me.” He walk back into the gym and they followed him.

Once they arrived inside, they could see a battle field that was made of water with some platforms in the water. Juan was already ready, he was standing nearest them on the battle field.

“Wow, look at it all, it looks like a swimming pole.” Said Luna in amaze.

Then Sebastian decided to speak. “If you will follow me Lumi, I will show you to your spot. The rest of you can watch from the stand.” Lumi followed Sebastian while the other walk to the stand.

When Lumi had taken her position, Sebastian took the place as the judge.

“This gym battle between the gym leader and the challenger Lumi Koude will now begging, each trainer will use five Pokémon each, for the first round will they chose two of their five Pokémon in a double battle.” When Luna and the others heard that they were surprised. “The first round will be over when either the gym leader or the challenger Pokémon are no longer able to battle and for the second round then they will use their remaining Pokémon. Your second round will a one on one battle and will be over when either trainer Pokémon are unable to battle, during the match only the challenger are allowed to switch his Pokémon.”

“Wow, that was some rulers.” Said Ace.

“Like I told you all, if you can’t handle his rules then you have nothing to do in the championship. This will test you skill and see if you can adapt any situation, let’s see if Lumi can do that.” James told him.

Juan, who had is eyes closed, opened them. “Are you ready for this Lumi?” He asked her.

“You bet, I’m going to beat you and get my eight badge.”

Juan just smile. “That’s what I like to hear.” He then took out a Pokéball. “Here’s my first Pokémon, go Sealeo.” He then threw it and out came a blue Pokémon that look like a seal. Luna took out her dex to see the data.

Sealeo the ball roll Pokémon. Sealeo has the habit of always juggling on the tip of its nose anything it sees for the first time. This Pokémon occasionally entertains itself by balancing and rolling Spheal on its nose.

“Here’s my second.” He threw another one and out came a red one with black spot on it.

Seaking the goldfish Pokémon. In the autumn, Seaking males can be seen performing courtship dances in riverbeds to woo females. During this season, this Pokémon’s body coloration is at its most beautiful.

“They look tough.” She said while looking back at the arena.

Then it was Lumi turn. “Here’s my two Pokémon.” She threw two balls. “Come out Froslass and Roserade.”

Out came one Pokémon that Luna hadn’t seen before, it had roses as hands. She checked the data.

Roserade the bouquet Pokémon. With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with whips that are densely lined with poison thorns.

“I didn’t know Lumi had a Roserade.” Said Luna when he saw the bouquet Pokémon.

“She had an Electabuzz so it was possible that she had another Pokémon that wasn’t an ice type.” James told her, Luna couldn’t help but agree with that one, so did the Shadow and Ace.

“You have the first move Lumi.” Juan told his opponent.

“Fine by me, Rosreade use razor leaf on Seaking, Froslass use shadow ball on Sealeo.” Both of her Pokémon attack their opponent.

“Both of you, hide in the water.” Both of Juan’s Pokémon did that and the attack missed.

Lumi couldn’t help but curse when she saw that. “Damn it, that’s going to be a problem.” She then smiled. “But I know what to do.”

Juan was a little confused why his opponent was smiling, he could worried about that later. “Sealeo, use aurora beam on Rosread and Seaking use water pulse on Froslass.” Both of his Pokémon came out from the water and attacked their targets.

“Dodge the attacks.” Both of her Pokémon managed to avoid the attacks. “Now, you are probably wondering why I smiled just now?” Lumi told the gym leader.

“Yes, I admit I was curious.” Juan answered in a calm voice.

“I know how to stop your Pokémon to hide in the water.”

Juan couldn’t question what she said, he then look at her two Pokémon and when he saw Froslass it dawn on him. “Oh no.” He had to stop it.

It was too late. “Quickly Froslass, use ice beam on the water and freeze it.” The snow land Pokémon shot out an ice beam from its ‘hands’ and started to cover up the water with ice.

Juan started to panic a little when he saw that. “Sealeo, use ice ball on Froslass.” Sealeo send out a small ice ball towards Froslass.

“Oh no you don’t, use razor leaf to intercept the attack Roserade.” The thorn Pokémon send away leaf’s from its roses on its hand and it destroyed the attack.

Juan clench his fist, there was little he could do as the water froze. He couldn’t attack with Seaking considering the goldfish Pokémon need water to attack and if he attack with Sealeo, Roserade would just stop it. he could just watch as Froslass froze the water and when the Pokémon was done, the water was now ice and his Pokémon had nowhere to hide, Seaking had no water to swim inand defenceless.

Lumi couldn’t help but smile when the water was frozen. “Here’s the problem with water Pokémon, about fifty percent of them need water to move in, when you take away the water they are pretty much useless.

The other on the stand couldn’t help but be impressed of Lumi strategy. “Not bad, by freezing the water she managed to make it difficult for Joan.” Said Shadow while leaning back and crossing his arms.

Luna couldn’t help but smile with what Lumi, she then saw that James was making a face, he look upset. “What’s wrong with you? Don’t tell me your mad at her for doing that?”

“No, I’m not mad at her, I’m mad at myself. Mad that I didn’t think of that when I battle him.” He said with a pout.

Luna just rolled her eyes and shook her head. ‘Boys.’ She look back at the match and saw that Lumi weas about to attack.

“Alright, Froslass use shadow ball on Sealeo and Roserade use razor leaf on Seaking.” Both Pokémon attack.

There was nothing Juan could do or Seaking but if he were going to lose he was going to take down Froslass. “Sealeo, use ice ball.” Sealeo send away an ice ball that was much bigger then the last one.

The shadow ball and ice ball collide with each other and cancelled each other out, while Seaking was hit by a very powerful razor leaf which knock the Pokémon out.

“Seaking is unable to battle.” Sebastian announced.

Juan called back his Pokémon. “Good work, take a rest.” He put away the Pokéball. “Use another ice ball Sealeo.” An ice ball started to form its mouth.

“Why use that move? Each time you sue ice ball it takes long before Sealeo can attack.” Said Ace.

Luna look over to the boys. “Really?” She didn’t know.

James nodded. “ice ball is one the few moves that takes time to use.” When he said that Sealeo send away another ice ball faster than usual.” But not for Joan’s Sealeo.”

The attack took Ace and Shadow of guard, especially Lumi who was really taken of guard that her Froslass was hit by the attack and so fast. “How? Ice ball should take time.” She ask Juan.

“When you are a gym leader you must train your Pokémon and I did that, I made sure that Sealeo could attack fast with ice ball.” He said with a smile. “Now, use headbutt.” Sealeo then rocket towards Froslass who was still dazed by the last attack was tackle by Sealeo and both pokemon flew past Lumi, then they both crashed into the wall behind her.

Lumi could only turned around and watch as Froslass fell on the floor unconscious. “Froslass is unable to battle.” Sebastian announced.

Lumi could only call back Froslass. “Nice work, take a good rest.” She had to wait until Sealeo was back with its trainer. “Let’s do this Electabuzz.” She threw a new Pokéball land out came the electric Pokémon ready for battle. “Use thunderbolt.” Electabuzz send away towards Sealeo.

Juan knew that he was going to lose here but he wasn’t about to give up without a fight. “Use aurora beam Sealeo.” Sealeo open its mouth and send away a rainbow beam towards Electabuzz attack, both attack collide and created an explosion.

“I’m not done yet, use energy ball Roserade.” The bouquet Pokémon send a green ball towards Sealeo who had no time avoid the attack, the ball roll Pokémon was hit hard. “Let’s finish this Electabuzz, use thunder punch.” Electricity started to form around Electabuzz hand as he started to run towards Sealeo, he then punched his opponent as hard as he could, Joan could only watch as his Sealeo got electricity into its body.

Sealeo fell on the ice unconscious. “Sealeo is unable to battle, the first match goes to the challenger Lumi.” Sebastian announced.

Back on the stand, Luna was amazed that Lumi managed to win that easy. “Well, that was battle was over fast.” Said Ace with disappointing in his voice.

“I have to agree with Ace on this one, that battle was over way to quick.” Said Shadow.

“That may be true but remember, she isn’t done yet.” James was right, Lumi’s battle wasn’t over yet.

“Good work Lumi, by freezing the water you made it difficult for me.” Juan praised her.

Lumi couldn’t help but rub her neck. “Thanks, it was something I came up with last night.” That made Joan smile.

Then Sebastian spoke. “Will the trainers please change sides.” Lumi called back her Pokémon and so did Joan, they then switch sides. “As we move on the second round, the trainers will switch boxes as we change up the battle field.”

Luna couldn’t help but marvel of what happened with the battle field, they lover the first one and a new one took it place. The new field had some green on it and it was a small pond for Juan’s Pokémon to move around in, there was some other stuff there to.

Both trainers was ready, Lumi was first up. “Time to shock you again, I chose Electabuzz.” Lumi threw the Pokéball and out came the electric Pokémon ready for another round.

Luna and the others couldn’t help but groan when she said, ‘time to shock you again’. “That was just bad.” Said Shadow while shaking his head.

Lumi heard him. “Oh, shut up.”

Then it was Juan’s turn. “Here’s my choice, come out Luvdisc.” Joan threw the ball and out came a Pokémon that look like a heart which landed in the water.

Luna took out her dex to see the data.

Luvdisc the rendezvous Pokémon. Luvdisc live in shallow seas in the tropics. This heart shaped Pokémon earned its name by swimming after loving couples it spotted in the ocean’s waves.

She was not impressed by the data. “Luvdisc doesn’t sound that tough.” She said with some disappointment.

“Trust me, what Luvdisc lack in power it more than make up in speed.” James told her.

Back to the battle, Lumi was ready to attack. “Electabuzz, use thunderbolt.” Electabuzz send away electricity towards it’s opponent.

“Dodge it.” Luvdisc managed to avoid the attack with incredible speed. “Use water pulse.” Luvdisc send away a ball of water towards Electabuzz.

Lumi just smiled. “Use protect.” Electabuzz held up its arm and a green barrier appeared, the attack was cancelled. “Use thunder punch.” Electabuzz started to run towards Luvdisc while his right arm was covert in electricity.

This time Juan smiled. “Use attract.” Luvdisc send away what look like a heart towards Electabuzz.

Lumi eyes widen when she saw that. “Move it Electabuzz.” It was too late, the electric Pokémon was hit and now in love with Luvdisc. Lumi started to panic. “This is not good, use thunderbolt.” Nothing happened, Electabuzz was totally in love.

Luna on the other hand, had no idea what was going on. “Why didn’t Electabuzz listen to Lumi.” She asked James.

“It’s attract, it’s an attack makes the opponent fall in love if it’s the opposite sex. In this case, Luvdisc begging female and Electabuzz begging male.” James explained.

Back to the battle, Juan was about to attack. “Use water pulse again.” Luvdisc send another ball of water towards it’s opponent and this time Electabuzz couldn’t do anything, he was hit.

Lumi couldn’t help but grit her teeth, she had to the switch Electabuzz. She held out a Pokéball. “Electabuzz, return.” The electric Pokémon returned to its Pokéball, she then took out a new one and threw it. “You’re up Roserade.” Out came the bouquet Pokémon ready for another round.

Juan decided to try again. “Use attract again.” Luvdisc send away another heart.

Lumi couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw the attack. “That won’t work this time.” Joan was a little lost when he heard that but the n he understood why she said it but when the attack did nothing, he understood. “My Roserade is a girl so attract won’t work.” Lumi said with a smile on her face. “My turn, use razor leaf.” Roserade send away many leaf’s towards it opponent.

“Doge the attack.” Luvdisc manged to avoid the attack thanks to it speed which started to piss Lumi off. “Use water pulse.” Luvdisc attack with another ball of water.

“Counter it energy ball.” Roserade send away a green ball that collide with water pulse and the two attack just cancelled each other out. “Use razor leaf again.” Roserade attack again and Luvdisc just dodge the attack, again. “Damn it.” Lumi was getting frustrated.

“Water pulse.” Luvdisc attack again and this time the attack hit, the side effect also kick in making Roserade confused. “Use another water pulse before it can recover.” Luvdisc attack a second time and when the attack hit Roserade was send flying backwards, she landed on the ground unconscious.

“Roserade is unable to battle, Luvdisc is the winner..” Sebastian announced.

Lumi was in utter shock, she didn’t expect that Roserade would lose so easy. She called back her Pokémon back to its Pokéball. Luna and the others was also in shock of what happened. She got ready new Pokéball. “It’s your turn Abomasnow.” Out came a giant Pokémon that was most white while it’s hands and feet was green.

Luna decided to see the data.

Abomasnow the frosted tree Pokémon and the evolved form of Snover. It lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping up blizzards.

“Wait a minute, Snover evolves into that?” She with horror in her voice, she saw the data but didn’t want to believe it. The boys couldn’t help but smile of her reaction.

Back to the battle, Lumi was about to attack. “Use razor leaf.” Abomasnow shout out leaf’s from it arm towards Luvdisc.

“Dodge the attack.” Thanks to the water, Luvdisc managed to avoid the attack.

“I’m getting sick of that, use wood hammer in the water.” Abomasnow’s arm started to glow as he ran towards the water, the frosted tree Pokémon hit the water so hard he could that it created a giant splash which caused Luvdisc come to the surface. “Use another wood hammer on Luvdisc.” Abomasnow hit Luvdisc so hard that flew towards where Juan was standing, the rendezvous Pokémon landed on the ground with stars in its eyes.

“Luvdisc is unable to battle, Abomasnow is the winner.” Sebastian announced.

Juan called back Luvdisc. “I have to say Lumi, you have an interesting battle style.”

“Actually, that frustration. I was getting sick of Luvdisc hiding underwater all the time.”

Juan just smiled. “Then you’re not going to like my next Pokémon, come out Whiscash.” Out came the whisker Pokémon that landed in the water.

Out came a Pokémon Luna knew all too well, her whole body started to tremble with anger and the boys saw that.

“What’s wrong with Luna?” Ace asked James.

“She just had a bad encounter with a Whiscash about a month ago.”

Then Shadow spoke. “You don’t mean Nero don’t you?” James just nodded. “I can understand her frustration.” Ace didn’t understand what they were talking about, he didn’t know who Nero was. Was it a Pokémon? He could ask about that later right now he wanted to watch the battle.

Lumi. “Alright, let’s see if you handle this, use ice punch to freeze the water.” Abomasnow fist started glow white and then he started to run towards the water.

“Stop him Whiscash by using mud bomb.” Whiscash shout a giant clay ball from its mouth which headed towards it opponent.

Abomasnow took the attack head on but it didn’t stop the giant Pokémon, he eventually managed to put his fist in the water and then water started to freeze, and then entire water was covered with ice. Lumi just smiled of the results and she felt pretty stupid at the same time, that she didn’t came up with freezing the water before. Whiscash had nowhere to run.

“Use razor leaf.” Abomasnow send away leaf’s

“Use hyper beam.”

A yellow beam came out from Whiscash mouth and the attach collide with Abomasnow’s attack which create an explosion, both Pokémon was effect by the explosion, and they went flying backwards. Both of them landed on the ground unconscious.

“Both Pokémon is unable to battle, this is a draw.” Sebastian announced.

The gang on the stand was shocked that it ended in a draw, they thought that Lumi was the winner of that battle.

“Wow, what a battle. Juan has one Pokémon and Lumi has two left, it’s in her favour.” Said Ace.

“That may be true, but Juan has his best Pokémon left and let me tell, Milotic is no pushover.” James told him.

Back with Juan. “I have to say Lumi, I am enjoying this battle way better than the last one I had. But don’t think you have won yet.” He took out his last Pokéball and threw it and out came a yellow like snake Pokémon, it’s tail had three different colours, red, blue and black with four finds. It eyebrows look like hair.

Luna couldn’t help but admire it’s beauty, she took out her dex to see the data.

Milotic the tender Pokémon. Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding.

Luna couldn’t help but agree with that data, it was the most beautiful Pokémon she had seen yet.

Then Lumi took new Pokéball and threw it. “Your turn Grotle.” Out came the grove Pokémon ready for battle. “Use razor leaf.” Grotle attack with leaf’s.

“Dodge it and use dragon tail.” Milotic managed to avoid the attack with ease, then it’s tail started to glow as the Pokémon head towards Grotle.

“Brace yourself Grotle.” All Grotle could do was to take the hit, Grotle isn’t built for speed so all it could was to be attack. “Use energy ball.” Grotle managed to resist the attack and then as green ball form at in its mouth, the Pokémon then shot it towards Milotic

“Move it Milotic.” The tender Pokémon managed to get away as the attack past her head. “Use ice beam.” A blue beam left Milotic mouth and headed towards Grotle who had nowhere to go, he took the ice beam head on at close range. The impact create a small explosion and when the smoke cleared, Grolte was lying on the ground unconscious.

“Grotle is unable to battle, Milotic is the winner.” Sebastian announced.

Lumi called back Grotle. “Well, that didn’t work.” She put away the Pokéball and took out a new one. “Everything depends on you.” She took a deep breath and threw it. “Let’s do this Electabuzz.” Out came the electric Pokémon ready for another round and also, he wasn’t in love this time. “Let’s use thunderbolt.” Electabuzz send out electricity towards his opponent.

“Dodge it.” Milotic managed to avoid the attack easy. ”Use water pulse.” Milotic send away a ball of water towards Electabuzz.

“Protect.” Electabuzz crossed it’s arms and then a green barrier appeared around stopping the attack. “Let’s use cross chop.” Electabuzz arms was still crossed as he rocket towards Milotic who this time had no time to avoid the attack, the tender Pokémon was hit. Lumi was happy when that happened. “Yes.” Her joy didn’t last long when she saw that Joan was as clam as ever.

“Use recover.” Milotic started to glow and then all the damage it took was gone, Lumi couldn’t help but curse. “Use dragon tail.” Milotic tail started to glow green again, the Pokémon swung it tail at Electabuzz who had no time to dodge the attach, he was hit hard as he flew backwards and landed in front of his trainer.

Right now, Lumi wasn’t sure what to do. If one of Electabuzz attack managed to hit Milotic could use recover to heal itself, she had an idea, but it was risky. ‘He who does not dare does not win.’ She had to do it. Lumi watch as Electabuzz got and he was tired, he was breathing heavily. She wasn’t sure if he could do it, but she believe in her Pokémon. “Electabuzz, tun towards Milotic. The electric Pokémon look back his trainer in confusion, he didn’t understand why she gave that order. Then she smiled. “Trust me.” When Electabuzz saw her smile, he couldn’t help but smile back, he charge towards Milotic.

Up on the stand, Ace couldn’t hep but question her decision. “Has she lost it? She just ordered Electabuzz to head straight towards Milotic. She can’t…”

James cut him off. “Would you shut up and just watch.” Ace look over to the former champion who just look at the battlefield, Ace wanted to say something but eventually just look back at the battle.

Electabuzz ran as fast as he could towards Milotic, which was a little difficult considering he was tired. Juan on the other hand knew why and he had to stop it. “Use water pulse.” Milotic send away a ball of water towards the running Electabuzz.

Lumi had to react. “Dodge it.” Electabuzz managed to side step so the attack missed but just barely.

“Keep using water pulse.”

Milotic keep attacking while Electabuzz keep on avoiding it, then he was just in front of the tender Pokémon. “Grabbed Milotic and hold on.” Electabuzz did that. “Now, use thunderbolt.”

Electricity started to charge through its body. “ELECTABUZZZZZZ.” He released the electricity with all his might, the attack somehow created an explosion, and everyone had to cover their eyes thanks to the smoke and wind. When the smoke cleared they all saw Milotic lying on the ground unconscious while Electabuzz was still standing, a little worn out but still standing.

“Milotic is unable to battle Electabuzz wins, that means winner is Lumi.” Sebastian announced.

It took a few seconds before Lumi realised that she had won, eventually she couldn’t help but smile. “Alright.” She jump down from where she was standing and ran over to Electabuzz to give him a hug. “We did Electabuzz.” The electric Pokémon just smiled.

Then Juan walk over to her. “Congratulate Lumi, that was an exciting match and I am happy to give to the Rain badge.” Joan opened his hand there was her badge.

“Thank you Joan.” Lumi happily took the badge and held it up with pride.

Later that night, Luna and Lumi was sitting on their bed in their room. Luna was reading the book she used to escape Equestria while Lumi was looking at her eight badges.

Luna look up from her book. “Those aren’t going anywhere.” She told Lumi.

Lumi just rolled her eyes. “I know that, I can’t help but admire them.” She put them away. “Your up next, are you ready to get yours?”

Luna went back to her book. “I’m as ready as I can be.”

Lumi was about to head to the bathroom when someone knock on the door, she got up and walk to the door to open it, on the other side was Ace.

“Hey Ace, can I help you with something.”

“Yes, is Luna here? I need to talk to here.”

Lumi step aside so he could enter their room. “Come in, she is sitting on her bed. I’m going to give you two some privacy.” She then headed to the bathroom.

Luna put away the book when she heard that Ace wanted to talk to her. “What’s up Ace? She ask him.

“I have something for you.” He went into one of his pocket and took out a white stone. “I found this where you found your Sandshrew.” He gave the stone to her and she happily took it. “It’s an ice stone and I think it’s used to evolve your Sandshrew.”

Luna studied it. “You think so?”

Ace shrugged his shoulders. “Why not? Your Sandshrew is different from a normal one so why wouldn’t it evolution be different. You have to use it on Eevee if you want it to evolve it to Glaceon.” He then placed his hands in his pockets. “Anyway, I just wanted to give it to you, I don’t need it.” He then walk to the door. “See you tomorrow.” He open the door, walk out and closed it.

Once he was gone. Lumi came out from the bathroom in her sleeping dress. “What did Ace want?” she asked Luna.

“He just want to give me an ice stone, apparently I can use it to evolve my Sandshrew.”

Lumi nodded. “That makes sense, a different Sandshrew must mean different evolution.”

That made Luna giggle. “Ace said the same thing.”

“Alright then.” Lumi then let out a yawn. “I’m going to bed, the battle took a lot out of me, night.” Lumi went to bed.

“Night.” Luna then look out the window, all she could do now was to wait.

Author's Note:

Holly carp this was a long chapter and I hope you all like it.

I wish you all could stop complaining about my writing, I don't have anyone to help me and I am doing my best. I'm just so tired of it all, I know my writing is bad.

Shadow belongs to Vakama95096
Arctic Ace belongs to MLPFan 1

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